11 Everyday Products that are derived from Microbes. | Science Samhita

  • 3 months ago
Microbes are integral to eco-friendly biofuels, particularly ethanol production, leading to fewer emissions and less air pollution. Learn about their role in providing an environmentally friendly fuel source.

Discover how single-cell proteins from microbes can combat hunger and malnutrition, offering rich sources of protein, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins.

Explore how microbes produce steroids used as anti-inflammatory drugs and hormones, which are vital for maintaining good health.

Learn how microbes are crucial in vaccine production and the development of new vaccines using recombinant DNA technology.

Finally, delve into the world of pharmaceuticals, where microbes function as tiny pharmacists, producing essential drugs such as Cyclosporin A and Statins.

Join us in recognizing these tiny superheroes and their remarkable contributions to our daily lives. From beverages to life-saving antibiotics, microbes truly make a difference.

1. Prescott, L.M., Harley, J.P.,&Klein, D.A.(2002).Microbiology.WCB/McGraw­Hill.
2. Madigan,M.T.,Martinko,J.M.,&Parker,J. (2017).BrockBiologyofMicroorganisms.Pearson.
3. Lee,Y.Y.,&Blaschek,H.P.(1982).EthanolproductionbyZymomonasmobilis.FEMSMicrobiology Letters,13(3),173­-177.

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