Tilawat Surah Al Qariya

  • 3 months ago
Tilawat Surah Al Qariya
Surah Al-Qariyah (سورة القارعة) is the 101st chapter of the Quran. Here's a brief overview:

- Name: Al-Qariyah means "The Striking Calamity" or "The Great Disaster"
- Revelation: Makki (revealed in Mecca)
- Ayahs: 11 verses
- Theme: The surah describes the Day of Judgment and the fate of those who reject the truth.

Some notable verses include:

- Verse 1: "The Striking Calamity, what is the Striking Calamity?"
- Verse 2: "And what will make you know what the Striking Calamity is?"
- Verse 3: "It is a Day whereon mankind will be like moths scattered about"
- Verse 4: "And the mountains will be like carded wool"
- Verse 5: "Then, he whose deeds weigh heavy in the balance"
- Verse 6: "Will be in a pleasing life"
- Verse 7: "But he whose deeds weigh light in the balance"
- Verse 8: "Will be in a lowly life"

Surah Al-Qariyah is a powerful reminder of the Day of Judgment and the importance of living a righteous life. It is a warning to those who reject the truth and a promise of salvation for those who believe and do good deeds.