• last year
The Canberra Times asks what people on the street think about nuclear energy.
00:00So Chris, so you hear about Peter Dunn's nuclear proposal, and so yeah, what are your basic
00:05thoughts on it?
00:06I like it.
00:07I'm for it.
00:08I think Australia's behind in terms of where we are in energy generation, so yeah.
00:14Do you think his targets, announced at 2035, 37, for the first one, will be achievable?
00:21I think so.
00:22If it's not delivered by government, we'll thank the private industry for building it.
00:27I think that nuclear energy has a lot of potential to be a good option for us in our current,
00:37the way society is now.
00:39However, as long as the waste is addressed safely and properly, communities are addressed
00:45and consulted, and that the planning and thought goes into it appropriately, and it's not just
00:53a, I'm going to do this for political gain, it's a, this is a way forward, and more than
00:57a political cycle thought process, a long-term future strategy.
01:06Nuclear energy in Australia is a bit pointless because of the lack of water, when you do
01:11have droughts and stuff like that, so it would be very difficult to do that, and there was
01:15not a lot of consultation by that government, by that party, with the people in general.
01:24Initially, I heard that he was going to, thinking of putting up one nuclear power station, and
01:29now he's got one in every state, or two or three in states, so that was all, quite a
01:35lot to take in, and think, where is he going to get the money for that, you know, nuclear
01:38power is so expensive, so yeah.
01:43Do you think a better alternative is to stick with renewable energy, or not?
01:48Stick with the renewable energy, you know, wind and sun is great, we've got the best
01:53country for solar and stuff, and we've got plenty of wind, you know, we've got, and yeah,
02:00so I think keep doing what you're doing now.
02:04I think it's a huge mistake, it's a program that sounds like it's a key for a next election,
02:14and he wants to fight about something that is an impossible fight, I mean the public
02:20are not going to put up with it, I mean the country party, or the national party, what
02:25they want to call themselves today, their constituents are going to go ballistic when
02:29they find out where they want to stick these things, they want to put one in Lithgow in
02:33the mountains, I mean the mountains is a green, it's a national park, a world heritage park,
02:40and he wants to stick a nuclear plant in the middle of it, I mean the guy just doesn't
02:44have enough brains to actually put a program forward that's going to be successful.
02:50I mean we've got new things that are coming online all around the world that are green,
02:55that are sustainable, and what do we want to do? We want to turn back 100 years,
03:03back to nuclear, why? Because he said other countries have it, they wish they didn't have
03:08it, why should we join the fools in the world that are saying we shouldn't have done this?
