• last year
"Chote Nawab" (2024) is a coming-of-age drama directed by Kumud Chaudhary. The film centers on Junaid, a teenager from London, who visits his ancestral haveli in Lucknow for the first time during a family reunion for a wedding. Raised in the UK, Junaid's trip to India exposes him to cultural nuances, classism, and the harsh realities of patriarchy.

The movie explores Junaid's journey as he navigates family traditions and personal growth, including his first experiences with smoking and love. The narrative delves into his internal conflict between conforming to traditional expectations and forging his own path (Bollywood Hungama) (Deccan Chronicle).
Starring Akshay Oberoi, Plabita Borthakur, and Shataf Figar, "Chote Nawab" is praised for its powerful performances and poignant social commentary, making it a must-watch for fans of meaningful cinema (Bollywood Hungama) (Deccan Chronicle).
