Chris Cuomo Says Justin Timberlake DWI Shows Media's Negativity Obsession

  • 3 months ago
Chris Cuomo's calling out the media for obsessing over Justin Timberlake's DWI arrest ... saying it's part of our love of negativity ... in this case, taking a big star down.


00:00I know you live in the area where Justin got arrested.
00:06So make the case that the media should not be covering this.
00:11Look, you can't tell them not to cover it,
00:13but I think it's the degree, the duration, the depth.
00:16And to be very clear, I live outside Sag Harbor
00:20in New York where this is, good police force.
00:24They do the job well, we love them here.
00:27Justin Timberlake is not the first person
00:30to get pulled over for this and we don't cover DUIs.
00:33So why with Justin Timberlake?
00:35Because he's a celebrity.
00:36Okay, I get it.
00:37But why was my town flooded with media?
00:41Did he hit somebody?
00:43Did he almost hit somebody?
00:44No, no.
00:45Do we even know that he did it?
00:47Is it weird that he didn't take the breathalyzer?
00:51He is getting a lot of attention
00:54and I believe there's bad reason for it.
00:56I believe that it's evidence of our addiction to grievance
01:02and our addiction to negativity.
01:04And we don't really care about DUI.
01:07Of course it matters.
01:08Of course you sit and drink and drive.
01:09Everybody knows that.
01:10You don't need Justin Timberlake to admit it.
01:12But I just felt it was a reflection of that.
01:15And then I saw it in the echo of Travis Scott's coverage,
01:17which is nothing like Timberlake's.
01:19And Travis Scott is a big deal.
01:21You could argue he's an even bigger deal.
01:23If I understand what you're saying
01:25is that we focused way more attention
01:28on Justin than Travis.
01:31They did very different things
01:32because I think getting behind the wheel
01:34is fundamentally different.
01:36100%, but my pushback would be,
01:39I don't think that the difference is because
01:42DUI is taken so seriously by the media.
01:46I don't believe that.
01:48I don't think we see any proof of that.
01:49I don't think, I think it's just the gotcha.
01:52And I think Justin Timberlake is somebody
01:55where there's more, if not appetite,
01:59there's more upside to taking him down.
02:02What I don't think this is, is a race play.
02:04That's not what I'm saying.
02:06I'm saying that Travis Scott,
02:07it's not new to see him in controversy.
02:11We have to start policing our inclinations better.
02:14I think when you look around at what's going on right now,
02:17it's all related.
02:19This addiction to grievance, how divided we are,
02:22our battle to the bottom in politics,
02:25everything about who is worse.
02:27And I just think you got to check yourself everywhere.
02:29You know, it's kind of like
02:31when you're trying to lose weight,
02:33you have to kind of look at your habits everywhere
02:37to see where you're off track.
02:39And I believe that how we cover celebrities
02:42is part of basically just a culture
02:46of attacking each other.
