00:43Trifuton, joignez le fun
00:45Venez avec nous, maintenant tout le monde
00:47Nouveau futon, chaudes chaussures, sauvetage
00:49Entrez Trifu, yeah !
00:55Standing over catch, it's very important that you don't let go
00:57Hi you two
00:59Come and see, we're building a...
01:04Hum, what is it you're building ?
01:06It's a tent, well it's going to be
01:09Obviously it still needs work, but when it's done, I'll get my ranger's tent builder badge
01:15And Grandad Rickety made me a ranger for the day so I can help
01:19We rangers love helping
01:22Hum, I don't suppose you feel like helping too Tom ?
01:25Of course, but first we need to do the moves that turn our magic powers on
01:29Come on, join in, time for...
01:31TRIFU !
01:38We need to turn the magic on, we need to save the day, come on
01:41Just follow me and you will see, the magic comes from you and me
01:48To make Trifu's spells do what you see
01:51Slide to the side, and jump right back
01:55Hold your hands up high, spin around, reach up for the sky
02:01Touch your nose, now make a pose
02:05Clap your hands, touch your knees, and run with me
02:12When you move, you make the magic
02:15Do what I do to make the magic
02:18Turn that, turn that, turn that, turn that Trifu magic on
02:23Look, the sapstone in my belt is glowing
02:26Moving turned our magic on, thanks for your help
02:37We'll get our badges in no time
02:39Hello there rangers
02:40Hi Rickety
02:41Look how well we're doing
02:42Check this out Grandad
02:46If you really want those badges
02:48Yeah we do
02:49We really really really do
02:50Then all you have to do is keep at it
02:53Rangers never give up
02:55And they always help each other right Grandad
02:58We rangers pledge to do good deeds and always help out those in need
03:06That's Puffy and Sting
03:08And it sounds like they're in trouble
03:12Rangers to the rescue
03:15You'll keep an eye on Ranger Rickette for me won't you
03:18She doesn't know all the ways of the Fungus Forest yet
03:21Of course we will
03:22Come on Twigs
03:23Rangers to the rescue
03:42Puffy, Sting, are you okay?
03:44What's going on?
03:45That's what we'd like to know
03:47There we were having a great time in that patch of tickled toadstools
03:51When you and Little Miss Lotta Legs swoop in and spoil our fun
03:56Oh we thought you needed rescuing
03:58We heard you shouting
04:00Yeah why would you shout help help make it stop if you were having such a good time
04:04Allow us to demonstrate
04:08Stop it
04:11Oh point taken
04:13We're sorry we interrupted your fun
04:15Come on rangers let's get back to our tent building
04:18Yeah gotta get that badge
04:22I will never understand those do-goody-tree-foo rangers
04:26They always come running whenever you shout for help
04:30Yeah even if you don't really need help
04:34Puffy I may just have had my most marvelously mischievous idea ever
04:40A few hours later
05:11But but
05:13Sorry toad
05:14But I'll be back
05:17The shouts are coming from up ahead
05:25Puffy what's going on?
05:27You've got to help us
05:29There's a great big fungus chomping creature on the loose
05:34Ah we're doomed
05:35Fungus chomping?
05:38It's huge with a curly shell and ginormously big eyes
05:41It gobbles up all the fungus it finds
05:43And the more it eats the more enormous it gets
05:47What's this huge scary creature called?
05:49It's called um
05:51Oh let me think
05:52A chomp crunch
05:53A funger gobbler
05:54With a jelly jaw
05:55A jaw jaw jaw
05:57Jaw jaw jaw?
06:00Suddenly it sounds less scary
06:02It's not just George
06:04It's um
06:05Ginormous George
06:07Ginormous George the gigantically giant fungus gobbler
06:10And it's gobbling its way right through the forest
06:15Come on stink
06:20Oh oh
06:21Go away you nasty thing
06:23Stop eating our home
06:25Ginormous George
06:29Oh my poor brave brother
06:32If only someone would help him
06:35Creatures to rescue
06:41It's working
06:47No go away
06:48Leave our lovely forest alone
06:52Stink are you alright?
06:55Oh thank goodness you came to help
06:58George sounds really scary
07:00And hungry
07:01Who's George?
07:02Ginormous George the giant gobbler thingy
07:04That's his name right?
07:05Is it?
07:06I mean yes it is
07:08Oh you've got to make it go away
07:10Before it eats all our favourite fungi
07:13He really must be huge
07:15Look at the big slime trail he's left
07:20That'll make it easier to find
07:22Come on
07:23Rangers to the rescue
07:31We can't stop
07:42Oh no they're stuck in the bouncing fungus
07:45Hey rickets use a web
07:48Great idea fun twigs
07:51I'll save you stink
07:59Look at the way it wasn't a completely genius idea
08:02They're in real trouble now twigs
08:12Oh no
08:15We're going to need big world magic to rescue ricket and stink
08:18We have to stop that fungus
08:20So I need your help
08:21It's time to do the super freeze spell
08:24Are you ready?
08:253, 2, go
08:31Right copy me into your spell pose
08:34This is a really fast spell
08:36Look out for the freezes
08:38With your hands push across to the side
08:41Keep going fast
08:433, 2, 1, freeze
08:47Well done
08:49Swing your arms forward like you're swimming
08:53Keep going fast
08:553, 2, 1, freeze
09:00That's really great
09:02Same moves again
09:04Hands across
09:073, 2, 1, freeze
09:13Swing your arms forwards
09:173, 2, 1, freeze
09:21Now clap and say super freeze to send the magic to me
09:27Super freeze
09:39It worked
09:40Thanks for your help
09:41Let's get them out of there twigs
09:47Thanks Tom, that was brilliant
09:50Just as well someone knows how to do a proper rescue
09:56Did you see ginormous George?
09:59No, but the slime trail leads right here
10:02So where is he?
10:03Who can say?
10:05But he really was here
10:07Monsieur Promise
10:11Well one thing's for sure
10:13There's no giant creature here now
10:15So as you two don't need our help anymore
10:17We can carry on with our tent
10:19It's strange that none of us saw this ginormous George
10:22Especially as he's so, well, ginormous
10:28You don't think
10:29That the mushers made it all up
10:31I think they did
10:33So do I
10:34Those tricky tricksters tricked us with a trick
10:38We don't know that for sure
10:40They did sound like they really needed help
10:44That's true
10:45Still, if it was a trick
10:47I'm not falling for another one
10:49Me neither
10:50Come on, let's go
10:54That was great
10:55Making the rangers come running just by yelling
10:59Let's do it again
11:00But how do we stop them working out it's another big trick?
11:03Well, they thought it was strange that they didn't see ginormous George
11:08So next time
11:10We have to make sure they do see him
11:14And how do we do that?
11:16We just...
11:18All we do is...
11:21I don't know
11:22Fungle, fungle
11:24I've got it
11:30The transformo move
11:32I know what it is
11:34But how's it going to help us trick the rangers?
11:36Like this
11:38We just loop you into the booth
11:40And turn you into ginormous George
11:43The big fungus gobbling thingy
11:45I've got a much more brilliant idea
11:48Oh yeah? What?
11:50I turn you into the big fungus gobbling thingy
11:59Ginormous George, it worked
12:02Now, we just have to plan the best way to...
12:06Yes, very good
12:08Stop eating for a moment so we can...
12:12Hey, don't ignore me
12:16I'm putting you back in that booth
12:19I don't think this plan is working
12:25Come here
12:30Wow, you really do grow fast when you eat
12:33Stop chomping and listen
12:48Easy, easy
12:51You've got to help me
12:53Did you hear that?
12:54What's that?
12:56I need help right now
13:00Let me guess, ginormous George?
13:02Yes, no worse
13:04I accidentally turned stinking to ginormous George
13:07Please help me change him back
13:10Well, we could do that
13:11Or we could not fall for another musha trick
13:14And stay here and finish this tent
13:16But you're treefoo rangers
13:18You always help when there's trouble
13:20Real trouble, yes
13:22Sorry Puffy, you're not fooling us again
13:25We've got a tent to build
13:33Un peu plus tard
13:38Stink, you're ginormous
13:41Stop eating, please
13:46Oh no, you won't even fit in the Transformo booth now
13:51Maybe you can squeeze your tail
13:54Come on, be a good George
14:03Oh no! Now there's no way of changing Stink back
14:08If Tom and the rangers had come to help
14:10We could have stopped this happening
14:13I don't know what to do
14:15And I want my brother back
14:19Well done Twigs, it's perfect
14:22Thanks Tom
14:23I'll mention how much you both helped me
14:25In my grand badge acceptance speech
14:28Qu'est-ce que c'était?
14:30Sauvez la tente!
14:32Sauvez la tente!
14:37Wow, qu'est-ce que c'est?
14:39C'est un truc, c'est un truc, c'est pas vrai, c'est pas vrai
14:44C'est réel
14:47Bien sûr que c'est réel, c'est Stink
14:49Je t'avais dit que tu ne me croirais pas
14:50Et maintenant il est énorme et impenetrable
14:52Impenetrable? Je n'aime pas le son de ça
14:54Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire Tom?
14:56Je ne sais pas
14:57Stink! Reviens!
15:07Stink! De cette façon!
15:10Non! Arrête!
15:14On ne peut pas l'arrêter
15:16Puppy! Tu ne sais pas comment l'arrêter?
15:18Ma tente est...
15:20C'est certainement pas un problème adulte
15:23Problème? C'est un désastre
15:25Un désastre de tente impenetrable
15:28Maintenant il se dirige vers le clubhouse
15:30Non! Arrête Stink!
15:37Oh non!
15:38On doit utiliser la magie du monde grand
15:40Pour faire retourner Stink à lui-même
15:42Et sauver le clubhouse
15:43Donc je dois arrêter Stink
15:45Je dois arrêter Stink
15:47Et sauver le clubhouse
15:49Donc j'ai besoin de votre aide
15:50C'est le moment de faire la magie retourner
15:53Êtes-vous prêts?
15:54Trifou! Go!
15:58C'est bon! Répétez-moi!
16:00Dans votre pose de spell
16:02Commencez avec vos doigts ensemble
16:04Les doigts croisés
16:06Baissez une jambe en arrière
16:08Baissez l'autre jambe en arrière
16:10Baissez bas sur l'un côté
16:12Baissez bas sur l'autre côté
16:14Baissez haut sur l'un côté
16:16Baissez haut sur l'autre côté
16:18Pliez vos mains au centre
16:20Et enlevez-les
16:23Les mêmes mouvements de nouveau
16:25Les doigts ensemble
16:26Les doigts croisés
16:28Baissez une jambe en arrière
16:29Baissez l'autre jambe en arrière
16:31Baissez bas
16:32Baissez bas
16:33Baissez haut
16:34Baissez haut
16:36Au centre
16:37Et enlevez-les
16:39Maintenant applaudissez et dites
16:40La magie retourne
16:42Pour me envoyer la magie
16:44Magie, retournez!
17:00On l'a fait!
17:01Merci pour votre aide
17:04Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?
17:06Et pourquoi est-ce que mon ventre est si plein?
17:11Merci de m'aider, je suppose
17:13Mais vous avez certainement pris votre temps
17:15C'est parce qu'on ne vous a pas croyé
17:17Si vous n'aviez pas tenté d'être en trouble avant
17:20Nous aurions aidé plus tôt
17:22Nous comprenons
17:24Et nous avons appris notre leçon, n'avons-nous pas Puffy?
17:27Nous en avons certainement
17:29Ce que vous dites, c'est
17:30La prochaine fois que nous faisons quelque chose
17:33Nous devons le faire encore plus croyable
17:36Oui, c'est ça!
17:40Je n'ai jamais pensé que je dirais ça
17:43Mais je suis contente que vous soyez vous contre eux
17:46Oh, mon ventre me fait mal
17:50Ils n'ont rien appris
17:52Notre tente a été détruite pour rien
17:54Maintenant, je n'aurai jamais mon badge
17:56Non, les Rangers n'abandonnent jamais
18:01Il vaut mieux faire ce qu'elle dit, Twigs
18:06C'est parfait!
18:07Excellente travail, les Rangers
18:09Maintenant que vous avez construit cette tente
18:11Encore et encore
18:13Le badge de la tente-builder est tout autour
18:15C'est incroyable!
18:17Merci, grand-père!
18:24C'était le badge le plus fatiguant que j'ai jamais reçu
18:27Allons trouver de plus bonnes choses à faire, Twigs
18:35On dirait qu'on va devoir attendre les bonnes choses
18:37C'est temps pour moi de rentrer à la maison
18:39Au revoir!
18:40Au revoir, Tom!
18:41Au revoir, les gars!
18:48Merci d'avoir aidé moi et Treetopolis
18:51A bientôt pour une autre aventure
18:53Au revoir!
19:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
19:30Abonne-toi pour d'autres vidéos!