Pr. Richard Gates
Holy Spirit - Three Gods, or one? / Epiritu Santo - ¿Tres Dioses, o uno?
Sermón bilingue ( english / spanish)
Sábado Especial 22 Junio 2024
Red ADvenir Television Internacional
Holy Spirit - Three Gods, or one? / Epiritu Santo - ¿Tres Dioses, o uno?
Sermón bilingue ( english / spanish)
Sábado Especial 22 Junio 2024
Red ADvenir Television Internacional
00:00:00The world perishes as a youth absorbed and distracted by the addictions of alcohol, drugs, gambling, games, entertainment and spiritism, ending their lives.
00:00:26God calls young people to announce the last message to this world with the power and spirit of Elijah.
00:00:36With such an army of workers as our well-prepared young people could provide, how soon would the message of a crucified, resurrected and coming Savior be proclaimed to the whole world?
00:00:58Battles of faith, young people facing the final battle, in the spirit of Elijah, with the speakers Pastor Herbert Orellana, Gabriel Estebao and Michael Cheney.
00:01:22From the 28th of June to the 6th of July at 7pm Bolivian time.
00:01:32Battles of faith
00:01:51You expect me to say something special this morning?
00:02:20Happy Sabbath to everyone.
00:02:25Seventh-day Adventists ought to always have a happy Sabbath.
00:02:36God has promised us a special blessing on this seventh day of the week.
00:02:50And so I invite you to bow your heads with me as we thank God for that special promise.
00:03:06Shall we pray?
00:03:11Heavenly Father, how thankful we are for your wonderful promises.
00:03:23We pray this morning that we might receive the special blessing from heaven on our worship.
00:03:42And we pray this morning that you will be with us and help us to understand what you have sent us as inspired messages.
00:04:00We thank you for your blessings in Jesus' name.
00:04:16Our message this morning is a special message.
00:04:25It's titled, The Holy Spirit, Three Gods or One.
00:04:41Now I ask you to be patient with me this morning.
00:04:51I'm not going to change the subject,
00:04:56but I have noticed a distinct difference in the age-old conflict between creationism and evolution.
00:05:19And it deals with the origin of life on this planet.
00:05:29Now when I was a young man, creationists suffered a great deal because they hadn't done their research in the field.
00:05:51They offered very little scientific evidence for their point of view.
00:06:07But that situation has dramatically changed in the last few years.
00:06:17On the internet one can find abundant evidence for creation.
00:06:30Experiments that scientifically substantiate the story of creation.
00:06:37And it is obvious that it requires far less faith to believe in creation.
00:06:42In contrast with the mindless evolutionary theory that guides toward life without any aim at all.
00:07:11Now, as a result of this change of tactics, Satan has decided to attack God's final church in a different area.
00:07:34And apparently he's having great success.
00:07:54Now, there is a biblical doctrine that we must first look at and understand as we progress in our study this morning.
00:08:13As I progress, you will understand why I am dealing with this subject.
00:08:28Now at this point, I forewarn you, I am going to take substantial time to establish a certain doctrine.
00:08:44And I want you to notice that the Scriptures substantiate the authority of the spirit of prophecy.
00:09:04If one does not understand and accept the authority of Ellen White as the spirit of prophecy, you have a very serious problem.
00:09:26Along with the Scriptures, God's word, we have the additional light of the spirit of prophecy.
00:09:40And as a result, I now direct your attention to Revelation 12, 17.
00:09:51It says the following.
00:09:54And the dragon, now that is Satan, was wroth with the woman, that's the church, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus.
00:10:20Satan is making war. He doesn't just harass. He just doesn't bother. He makes war against a special church.
00:10:45Now, we turn again to God's word to find out what James tells us regarding this issue.
00:11:09He says, for whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point is guilty of all.
00:11:29So we have to conclude that the church against which Satan makes direct war, remember, not just problems, but makes war against, keeps the fourth commandment.
00:12:00And of necessity, that church has to be a Sabbath-keeping church.
00:12:15They keep the seventh day of the week holy.
00:12:25Now let's read Revelation 12, 17.
00:12:36And let's see what it says.
00:12:39The brethren, thy brethren, that have the testimony of Jesus, for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
00:13:00Remember, this special church has two characteristics, not just one, but two.
00:13:09It's a Sabbath-keeping church, and it has the testimony of Jesus.
00:13:23Now what is the testimony of Jesus? What is it?
00:13:30I won't give you the idea. I won't call on a church father to tell us what it means.
00:13:38I won't give you the idea, and I won't call on a brother of the church to tell us what it means.
00:13:54The Bible itself tells us, and an angel tells Peter what it is.
00:14:08The prophets spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
00:14:23Now here is a very interesting fact.
00:14:26In the widespread Christian church around the world, there is only one church that has both of those characteristics.
00:14:47Now among all of the Christian bodies, Satan hates them all.
00:14:56But against one of them, he makes war.
00:15:05Now our friends of the Mormons claim to have the spirit of prophecy.
00:15:16They say that their founder, Joseph Smith, re-translated, re-translated the Bible.
00:15:25He re-translated the King James Version, and translated other books as well.
00:15:44However, they do not respect the fourth commandment.
00:15:55They say that the day of rest has been changed from Saturday to Sunday.
00:15:59Therefore, they do not qualify to be the church against which Satan makes war.
00:16:06There is only one church in all of Christendom.
00:16:10I repeat this.
00:16:11There is only one church in all of Christendom around the world that has both of those characteristics,
00:16:19and you are worshipping with that body.
00:16:22You are worshipping with that body.
00:16:25You are worshipping with that body.
00:16:28You are worshipping with that body.
00:16:31Those characteristics, and you are worshipping with that body this morning here in God's house.
00:16:38Today I tell you that there is only one church that keeps or has those two characteristics around the world,
00:16:45and I tell you that today you are worshipping in this place and in this church that keeps those two characteristics.
00:16:56For 70 years we have observed and tested the writings and the messages of Ellen White,
00:17:14and we have decided that she fulfills the promise made to the Christian church in the book of Ephesians.
00:17:26She joins a long list of men and women certified by the scriptures to have received inspired messages from heaven.
00:17:35She joins a long list of men and women certified by the scriptures to have received inspired messages from heaven.
00:17:49But I would point out, none of them have been incorporated into the sacred scriptures,
00:17:58and this is true of the messages that Ellen White sent us.
00:18:12Now, when later this morning I cite some statements by Ellen White,
00:18:17I want you to understand that she had the gift of the spirit of prophecy according to Ephesians,
00:18:24I want you to understand that she had the gift of the spirit of prophecy according to Ephesians,
00:18:45I ask you to please keep that in mind.
00:18:49I recently listened to an Adventist pastor on the internet.
00:19:01He was talking about the triune God and leading us down a road that was foreign to me.
00:19:07He was talking about the triune God and leading us down a road that was foreign to me.
00:19:19And he was implying that the Son of God had a beginning and was not eternal with the Father.
00:19:38And he quoted scripture to support his opinion.
00:19:51But he did not quote the spirit of prophecy.
00:19:58And that would have avoided confusion and supported
00:20:08his point.
00:20:14I emphasize this morning that the gift of prophecy is biblical.
00:20:25One cannot approach such topics as the Godhead without incorporating the messages from the spirit of prophecy.
00:20:37One cannot approach such topics as the Godhead without incorporating the messages from the spirit of prophecy.
00:20:44Now there are different words that mean different things to different people.
00:20:57For example, the word saints.
00:21:02What does that mean? Are they dead people to whom we should pray or are they living members of God's church?
00:21:20We reject the Catholic interpretation of that word.
00:21:32And then there's another word.
00:21:36And that's Trinity.
00:21:40Should that be rejected simply because it has an origin with Catholicism?
00:21:52Or are we to understand it in the sense of the biblical definition of Trinity?
00:22:02For example, Matthew 28, 19, and 20 says,
00:22:07baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
00:22:21So just because the word Trinity has an origin with Catholicism,
00:22:27there's no need to just reject it out of hand.
00:22:41The word cannot be found in the Bible.
00:22:47And neither is the phrase, the investigative judgment.
00:22:52And neither is the phrase, the investigative judgment.
00:23:02Seventh-day Adventists originated that expression.
00:23:15And many Christians reject it because of its association with Adventism.
00:23:22And many Christians reject it because of its association with Adventism.
00:23:29What we're interested in is the proper usage and the proper biblical understanding.
00:23:43Now Satan knows how close we really are to the end of time.
00:23:52He's determined to confuse God's people right here at the end and cause division in the church.
00:24:04And so as we look at this issue, I encourage you to remember that Satan is involved.
00:24:22Now recently two books were placed in my hands.
00:24:33And they were both advertised to defend the remnant church against the anti-Trinitarian doctrines.
00:24:48The anti-Trinitarian doctrines.
00:24:51The anti-Trinitarian doctrines.
00:24:56Now, there's a great division in God's church this morning.
00:25:08If you didn't realize it, you're being advised of it this morning. It's huge.
00:25:12If you didn't realize it, you're being advised of it this morning. It's huge.
00:25:20The very elect will be deceived if possible.
00:25:30This is a topic that has fatal, eternal consequences.
00:25:43I want to be ready. I personally want to be ready to meet my Savior in peace.
00:25:48I cannot afford to be on the wrong side.
00:25:52Yo personalmente quiero estar listo y estar en paz al encontrarme con mi Salvador
00:25:58y tampoco quiero ir por el mal camino porque sabemos que tendremos consecuencias eternas.
00:26:14Y me retrato a sufrir esas consecuencias, hermanos.
00:26:21This is a topic that we're studying that all of our Seventh-day Adventist brethren need to understand.
00:26:33We need to know what the Bible says and what the Spirit of Prophecy says on this subject.
00:26:46Now, let's return to those two books that I mentioned.
00:26:52Both of them were written by Seventh-day Adventist pastors.
00:27:02They had decades of experience as faithful pastors.
00:27:13But unfortunately,
00:27:16both of them were terminated from being pastors.
00:27:25They were simply fired for questioning our second statement of Christian faith.
00:27:33Now, they didn't deny that fundamental belief.
00:27:42They simply re-objected to the technical term used in that statement.
00:27:53They simply re-objected to the technical term used in that statement.
00:28:03They simply re-objected to the technical term used in that statement.
00:28:12And they pointed out that the wording had been changed in 1980.
00:28:16And they pointed out that the wording had been changed in 1980.
00:28:24It had been voted by over 2,000 representatives of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist church in 1980.
00:28:33It had been voted by over 2,000 representatives of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist church in 1980.
00:28:44And these pastors argued that it was a Catholic concept that was being stated in the second fundamental belief.
00:29:03And as a result, that wording was imposed on them, and they were terminated as if it had been a creed of Seventh-day Adventists.
00:29:09And as a result, that wording was imposed on them, and they were terminated as if it had been a creed of Seventh-day Adventists.
00:29:19And for that reason, they were terminated as a creed against Seventh-day Adventists.
00:29:37And one of the credentials of the pastors was taken away from one of the pastors of the General Conference.
00:29:44It was very sad, but that's what happened.
00:29:50Now, this morning, I want to define some terms.
00:29:58Anti-Trinitarians are defined in this message today as those who typically believe that Christ came into existence at some point in the past.
00:30:14Anti-Trinitarians are defined as those who typically believe that Christ came into existence at some point in the past.
00:30:25And that the Spirit of prophecy, the Spirit of God, rather, is not a person, but rather an influence.
00:30:34Dice que el Espiritu Santo no es una persona, sino una influencia.
00:30:45Now, they both held to the triune God as is supported by the Spirit of prophecy.
00:30:57Triune God.
00:31:05Tres personas.
00:31:09As supported by the Spirit of prophecy.
00:31:16Now, there are three words that we want to talk about this morning.
00:31:24One is the word God.
00:31:32And the Trinity.
00:31:35And they all have different meanings.
00:31:40They are not synonymous.
00:31:44Scripture tells us that there is one God.
00:31:51And our church has defined that expression in the following words.
00:31:59They say there is one God.
00:32:05And that this one God is three persons.
00:32:13In other words, God is made up of three beings.
00:32:15Now, that's a theological hair-splitting expression.
00:32:23What do they mean?
00:32:28It's not really what is written.
00:32:33It's not really what is written.
00:32:38It's not really what is written.
00:32:41It's not really what is written.
00:32:44It's not really what is written.
00:32:48And this was at the bottom of the firing of those two pastors.
00:33:00Now, the Catholic teaching on this point is illuminating.
00:33:09They use the word Trinity.
00:33:14Now, our spiritual forefathers rejected the Catholic idea.
00:33:26But yet, our forefathers, our spiritual forefathers are quoted as being more correct than our theological leaders today.
00:33:45And that's a sad development.
00:33:56Ellen White simply wrote what God had shown her, and she put it down in writing for us.
00:34:08And what happened is, all of our spiritual forefathers abandoned their faith.
00:34:15They abandoned anti-Trinitarianism and followed the light from heaven.
00:34:35But in the arguments presented, they don't mention that.
00:34:45They usually omit that detail.
00:34:50Now, when one understands the gradual development of doctrinal understanding in the Adventist church,
00:35:07God did not dump all understanding in our laps in one moment.
00:35:15But He took into account our humanity and our slowness to understand.
00:35:34For example,
00:35:38Seventh-day Adventists kept the Sabbath from 6 p.m. to 6 p.m.
00:35:45Now, they did this for a few years.
00:35:47This was not just a short time.
00:35:49For a number of years, that was what they did.
00:35:57The person responsible for this was Joseph Bates, one of our pioneers.
00:36:06So, the person responsible for this was Joseph Bates, one of our pioneers.
00:36:15He had been a sea captain for years, for most of his adult life.
00:36:27And he studied the stars.
00:36:32And he convinced early Adventists that the time to start the Sabbath was at the hour of 6 p.m. near the equator.
00:36:45But our leaders were not comfortable with that.
00:37:04And so they charged J.N. Andrews, one of our finest scholars, to investigate and report back.
00:37:15And so they charged J.N. Andrews, one of our finest scholars, to investigate and report back.
00:37:27And he did that, and he reported that the Biblical standard was from sundown Friday till sundown Saturday.
00:37:35And he did that, and he reported that the Biblical standard was from sundown Friday till sundown Saturday.
00:37:45And that's what we still do today.
00:37:53Now, tithing was another issue.
00:38:01In the beginning, Seventh-day Adventists tithed their entire assets.
00:38:15A farmer did not calculate his increase, but he paid little by little on his entire holdings.
00:38:27A farmer.
00:38:35He did not pay tithing on his increase, but on everything that he owned.
00:38:45But by searching God's Word, they discovered that God requires His children to pay tithing on their increase.
00:39:07And that's what we do today.
00:39:14Now, there's another issue.
00:39:18Dietary principles.
00:39:22They were later modified.
00:39:27Once God showed us His plan for His children.
00:39:35For example,
00:39:38a sister wrote Ellen White and asked about the propriety of eating pork.
00:39:45She said, she responded,
00:39:49as far as I know, it's all right, and God will reveal His will on the subject.
00:40:12Her husband, James White,
00:40:15before mailing her letter,
00:40:23took Ellen White's letter and turned it over
00:40:25and wrote on the back of it.
00:40:33And do you know what he said?
00:40:37So that you will understand the subject,
00:40:41we have just slaughtered a pig.
00:40:45A huge hog.
00:40:58And he signed it.
00:41:02We have that letter today.
00:41:07He did not pretend to be substituting for his wife.
00:41:11He wrote on the back of the letter.
00:41:15Now, it wasn't long before German scientists
00:41:19discovered something interesting about pork.
00:41:28They discovered that pork meat
00:41:31carries the trachina worm.
00:41:37And that the trachina worm
00:41:41carries the trachina worm.
00:41:45And when Ellen White discovered that,
00:41:47she changed her counsel immediately.
00:41:55And the trachina worm enters the body
00:41:57and settles in the joints
00:41:59of the articulations,
00:42:01the arms and the knees.
00:42:04And the trachina worm
00:42:06enters the body
00:42:08and settles in the joints
00:42:10of the articulations,
00:42:12the arms and the knees.
00:42:15And the trachina worm
00:42:17enters the body
00:42:19and settles in the joints
00:42:21of the articulations,
00:42:23the arms and the knees.
00:42:25And God later informed
00:42:27Ellen White through visions
00:42:29that it was not His will
00:42:31that His people eat pork.
00:42:33And God later informed
00:42:35Ellen White through visions
00:42:37that it was not His will
00:42:39that His people eat pork.
00:42:41And God later informed
00:42:42Ellen White through visions
00:42:44that it was not His will
00:42:46that His people eat pork.
00:42:48And God later informed
00:42:50Ellen White through visions
00:42:52that it was not His will
00:42:54that His people eat pork.
00:42:56And God later informed
00:42:58Ellen White through visions
00:43:00that it was not His will
00:43:02that His people eat pork.
00:43:04And God later informed
00:43:06Ellen White through visions
00:43:08that it was not His will
00:43:10that His people eat pork.
00:43:12And God later informed
00:43:14Ellen White through visions
00:43:16that it was not His will
00:43:18that His people eat pork.
00:43:20And God later informed
00:43:22Ellen White through visions
00:43:24that it was not His will
00:43:26that His people eat pork.
00:43:28And God later informed
00:43:30Ellen White through visions
00:43:32that it was not His will
00:43:34that His people eat pork.
00:43:36And God later informed
00:43:38Ellen White through visions
00:43:40that it was not His will
00:43:42that His people eat pork.
00:43:44And God later informed
00:43:46Ellen White through visions
00:43:48that it was not His will
00:43:50that His people eat pork.
00:43:52And God later informed
00:43:54Ellen White through visions
00:43:56that it was not His will
00:43:58that His people eat pork.
00:44:00And God later informed
00:44:02Ellen White through visions
00:44:04that it was not His will
00:44:06that His people eat pork.
00:44:08And God later informed
00:44:10Ellen White through visions
00:44:12that it was not His will
00:44:14that His people eat pork.
00:44:16And God later informed
00:44:18Ellen White through visions
00:44:20that it was not His will
00:44:22that His people eat pork.
00:44:24And God later informed
00:44:26Ellen White through visions
00:44:28that it was not His will
00:44:30that His people eat pork.
00:44:32And God later informed
00:44:34Ellen White through visions
00:44:36that it was not His will
00:44:38that His people eat pork.
00:44:40And God later informed
00:44:42Ellen White through visions
00:44:44that it was not His will
00:44:46that His people eat pork.
00:44:48And God later informed
00:44:50Ellen White through visions
00:44:52that it was not His will
00:44:54that His people eat pork.
00:44:56And God later informed
00:44:58Ellen White through visions
00:45:00that it was not His will
00:45:02that His people eat pork.
00:45:04And God later informed
00:45:06Ellen White through visions
00:45:08that it was not His will
00:45:10that His people eat pork.
00:45:12And God later informed
00:45:14Ellen White through visions
00:45:16that it was not His will
00:45:18that His people eat pork.
00:45:20And God later informed
00:45:22Ellen White through visions
00:45:24that it was not His will
00:45:26that His people eat pork.
00:45:28And God later informed
00:45:30Ellen White through visions
00:45:32that it was not His will
00:45:34that His people eat pork.
00:45:36And God later informed
00:45:38Ellen White through visions
00:45:40that it was not His will
00:45:42that His people eat pork.
00:45:44And God later informed
00:45:46Ellen White through visions
00:45:48that it was not His will
00:45:50that His people eat pork.
00:45:52And God later informed
00:45:54Ellen White through visions
00:45:56that it was not His will
00:45:58that His people eat pork.
00:46:00And God later informed
00:46:02Ellen White through visions
00:46:04that it was not His will
00:46:06that His people eat pork.
00:46:08And God later informed
00:46:10Ellen White through visions
00:46:12that it was not His will
00:46:14that His people eat pork.
00:46:16And God later informed
00:46:18Ellen White through visions
00:46:20that it was not His will
00:46:22that His people eat pork.
00:46:24And God later informed
00:46:26Ellen White through visions
00:46:28that it was not His will
00:46:30that His people eat pork.
00:46:32And God later informed
00:46:34Ellen White through visions
00:46:36that it was not His will
00:46:38that His people eat pork.
00:46:40And God later informed
00:46:42Ellen White through visions
00:46:44that it was not His will
00:46:46that His people eat pork.
00:46:48And God later informed
00:46:50Ellen White through visions
00:46:52that it was not His will
00:46:54that Your people eat pork.
00:46:56And God later informed
00:46:58Ellen White through visions
00:47:00that it was not His will
00:47:02that by mistake
00:47:04because of a neurologic
00:47:06and it was to stop
00:47:07a religious movement
00:47:09that people would eat pork
00:47:10There are other inspired statements by Ellen White.
00:47:20Also there would be the eternal heavenly dignitaries, God and Christ and the Holy Spirit.
00:47:37Now, I accept these statements as inspired from God and you should too.
00:47:58Now there's an interesting confession that was printed in the church paper, The Review,
00:48:04in 1981, just exactly one year after the doctrine was restated.
00:48:26Just one year after they changed the wording.
00:48:33This is what they said.
00:48:36While no single scriptural passage states formally the doctrine of the Trinity, it is
00:48:44assumed as a fact by Bible writers.
00:48:48Only by faith can we accept the existence of the Trinity.
00:48:54Of course the idea is Biblical and we should understand that.
00:49:20This is not to accept the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity.
00:49:31We have to carefully define our position as we talk to each other as Seventh-day Adventists.
00:49:47Now here's another statement from the Spirit of Prophecy.
00:49:58This comes from the Catholic encyclopedia.
00:50:07Scholars generally agree that there is no doctrine of the Trinity as such, neither the
00:50:12Old Testament nor the New Testament.
00:50:29The Catholic idea is not what Adventists believe.
00:50:39And Ellen White said the following.
00:50:43Let the people see that on every point a plane, thus saith the Lord, is given for the faith
00:50:52and the doctrines which we advocate.
00:51:10Now I'm going to cite to you many statements by Ellen White.
00:51:21That which I have written is what the Lord has bidden me to write.
00:51:26I have not been instructed to change that which I have sent out.
00:51:30I stand firm in the Adventist faith, for I have been warned in regard to the seducing
00:51:36sophistries that will seek for entrance among us as a people.
00:52:06Now this was written just a few years before she died.
00:52:14She wrote, I present before our people the danger of being led astray as were the angels
00:52:20in the heavenly courts.
00:52:22Sinless angels were deceived.
00:52:27The straight line of truth presented to me when I was but a girl is just as clearly presented
00:52:32to me now.
00:52:59The common people in our churches find it very difficult to follow the reasoning of
00:53:19They prefer plainly stated truth straight from the Word of God and from the Spirit
00:53:31of Prophecy.
00:53:35So here's a word of caution to all of those listening to me this morning.
00:53:45Do not leave the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:53:51This is God's remnant people, and we are to support it.
00:54:02This is what the Spirit of Prophecy says.
00:54:07Let not the professed people of God think it a privilege to separate from conference
00:54:13organization that they may show their supposed efficiency.
00:54:17This is entirely opposed to God's order.
00:54:37Now anti-Trinitarians typically believe that Jesus came on to the scene at a point in time
00:54:54if he's the Son of God, and they too have inspired statements that could be viewed as
00:55:03supporting this contention.
00:55:13But again, there is no clear statement from the Spirit of Prophecy or the Scriptures supporting
00:55:18that idea.
00:55:30That the Son of God is not eternal.
00:55:37Trinitarians typically believe that one God is three persons, but they have no explicit
00:55:49statement in the Scriptures or the Spirit of Prophecy saying so.
00:56:04Yet the inspired writer does use the following expressions regarding the eternal existence
00:56:10of the divinity of Christ.
00:56:20In Christ is life original, unborrowed, underrived.
00:56:35Now the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity teaches the following.
00:56:44That Christ proceeds from the Father, and the Father and the Son produce the Holy Spirit.
00:57:03Adventists reject this idea.
00:57:09The problem is how Christ proceeds from the Father.
00:57:18This is a difficult concept for theologians to express in a way that is clear to our brethren
00:57:26and biblical.
00:57:35And for this reason, silence is golden.
00:57:44We have been warned against sinning against the Holy Spirit.
00:57:53It is apparently a very serious idea.
00:57:59The work of the Holy Spirit, among other things, is to convict us of sin.
00:58:16And if we refuse the Holy Spirit, God cannot reach us.
00:58:25And that is a sin that cannot be forgiven.
00:58:32This is a sin against the Holy Spirit and a fatal step to take.
00:58:44And now, to conclude, I want to cite some more Ellen White statements.
00:58:57The Holy Spirit is a person.
00:59:05It's not an influence.
00:59:06He is a person.
00:59:11We need to realize that the Holy Spirit, who is as much a person as God is a person,
00:59:17is walking through these grounds.
00:59:30The Holy Spirit has a personality, else He could not bear witness to our spirits and
00:59:39with our spirits that we are the children of God.
00:59:42He must also be a divine person.
00:59:58The Holy Spirit is the comforter in Christ's name.
01:00:03He personifies Christ, yet is a distinct personality.
01:00:21It is all essential for the Christian to understand the meaning of the promise of the Holy Spirit
01:00:28just prior to the coming of our Lord Jesus the second time.
01:00:33Talk of it, pray for it, and preach concerning it.
01:00:38That's what I'm doing this morning, preaching concerning this.
01:01:02Ellen White further states the following.
01:01:08It is not essential for us to be able to define just what the Holy Spirit is.
01:01:25The nature of the Holy Spirit is a mystery.
01:01:29Men cannot explain it because the Lord has not revealed it to them.
01:01:34Regarding such mysteries which are too deep for human understanding, silence is golden.
01:01:59Cumbered with humanity, Christ could not be in every place personally, therefore it
01:02:15was altogether for their advantage that He should leave them, go to His Father, and send
01:02:20The Holy Spirit Himself, divested of the personality of humanity, and independent thereof, is the
01:02:50He would represent Himself as present in all places by His Holy Spirit, as the omnipresent.
01:03:13In Christ was the embodiment of God Himself.
01:03:25Jesus in calling God His own Father had declared Himself equal with God.
01:03:42And this is what the Scripture says, speaking of Jesus, whose goings forth have been from
01:03:49old, from everlasting, 1 Timothy 1.17, Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible,
01:04:10the only wise God, be honor and glory for ever and ever, Amen.
01:04:32First Corinthians 8.6, But unto us there is but one God, the Father of whom all are
01:04:39all things.
01:04:54So what have we learned this morning?
01:05:00There is only one God, the Father.
01:05:06Number two, there is only one begotten, the Son of God, equal with the Father and existent
01:05:14from all eternity.
01:05:26And three, there is only one Holy Spirit, a distinct personality, one of the three great
01:05:33powers in heaven.
01:05:44Number four, there are not three different gods.
01:05:53The Holy Spirit is not a mere influence emanating from the Father and from the Son.
01:06:07And number six, we have been warned to avoid the unpardonable sin against the Holy Spirit,
01:06:14who among other responsibilities convicts us of sin.
01:06:32May every one of us listening to this message this morning understand and accept the statements
01:06:39of inspiration on this subject.
01:06:41May God bless us, illuminate us, and help us to stand on the right side of the issue.
01:06:49It's with me as we thank the Lord for this message this morning.
01:07:15Holy Father, thank you for showing us through the Spirit of Prophecy and Scripture what
01:07:21your will is.
01:07:33May we not sin against the Holy Spirit.
01:07:41Help us to recognize that Satan is involved in any effort to diminish the influence and
01:07:48eternity of the Son of God.
01:08:03We thank you, Lord, for these things, and we pray in Jesus' name.