Mʏ ᴛᴡᴏ Fɪᴀɴᴄᴇs ⁽5⁾

  • 3 months ago
Mʏ ᴛᴡᴏ Fɪᴀɴᴄᴇs ⁽5⁾


00:00He went to visit Daniel.
00:04Yeah, in the least likely of places to. I mean, wasn't he there to visit you that day?
00:08At least now I know who he was visiting.
00:12I've got to go to the clinic.
00:16Well, wait.
00:20Wear this. Don't let anybody see you. I can't trust anyone.
00:24Call me.
00:28Call me.
00:36At the time, the kidnappers demanded a two million dollar ransom.
00:40They called the wrong person.
00:44They reached my stepmother, Caroline. She refused to pay.
00:48You must have felt desperate in that moment.
00:52And they didn't hold back.
00:56It was like something I could only see in a dream.
01:00A chaos zone.
01:04What's he like? He's got a temper.
01:08Calls me a coward.
01:12Then everything goes black and the next thing I know I'm waking up and there's blood everywhere.
01:16Was it your blood? The kidnappers.
01:20He took care of them. Is he protecting you?
01:24What about your family? How did they react?
01:28My father found me later. I tried.
01:32I tried to tell him about Caroline, but he wouldn't listen to me.
01:36She played the concerned stepmother. She got me started on therapy.
01:40Which psychiatrist?
01:44Dr. Randall. I've been seeing him ever since.
01:54I know Dr. Randall.
01:58I saw him this morning. It seems that Rick
02:02sought treatment from you because he no longer trusted him.
02:06Also because of you. Because of me?
02:10I cautioned Rick that changing psychiatrists suddenly could trigger a relapse
02:14or worsen the condition. At the time, he had just proposed to you.
02:18He was determined to break free from family control entirely. According to Rick,
02:22Dr. Randall was an extremely skilled psychiatrist. He mentioned that
02:26taking a special pill could suppress the emergence of the other half entirely.
02:30Wait, are you talking about the pills that I had you get tested?
02:34The red and blue pills were prescribed by Dr. Randall? Rick promised me he wouldn't
02:38take any pills without consulting me first.
02:42It must be his family bending his will again. I found the red pills
02:46in our apartment and it seems that the other Rick is taking the blue ones.
02:50Wait, let me show you the test results. I haven't had a chance to look at them yet.
02:54How is this possible?
02:58What's wrong?
03:02The medications, they're identical.
03:10The same?
03:14These pills are just vitamins.
03:18It's a placebo effect.
03:22This Dr. Randall is quite impressive.
03:26I did see Rick switch to his other personality coming out of his office today.
03:30So you can tell the difference between the two? Yes, of course I can.
03:34I've been with Rick for seven years. I've seen the secondary Rick only twice during therapy.
03:38He's cunning and adept at disguising himself.
03:42That's true, but whenever I call him Rick, he doesn't seem to like it.
03:46He's always like, I'm not him, I'm not him.
03:50It seems like the other Rick is no longer trying to protect him,
03:54but aims to completely replace him.
03:58I don't think the placebo effect will be that hard to get rid of.
04:02I'll just tell Rick that they're vitamins and maybe he can regain control back in his body.
04:06Iris, let's think this through, okay?
04:10What if, deep down, Rick needed this other self to stay?
04:14If he's denying it by taking these pills, breaking that illusion could destroy his mind.
04:18He wouldn't be able to accept that this other self is a part of him.
04:22It would be tough to rebuild his mind.
04:26That's true.
04:30And he could lose his mind forever.
04:44I want to hear you say that you love me first.
04:50I love you.
04:54I'm gonna go take a shower.
05:08Yesterday, upon the stair, I met a man who wasn't there.
05:12He wasn't there again today.
05:16Of how I wish he'd go away.
05:20You're the one who should disappear.
05:24No, I'm the real Rick.
05:32Open the door!
05:42What happened, Iris? Iris, what happened?
05:46Iris, no!
06:00Bob, where's Iris right now?
06:04I already told her to find a place to hide.
06:08Send me the address.
06:24Hi. I'm afraid I'm going to be bothering you for a couple more days.
06:28No worries. I'll just charge you extra for running.
06:32Do you sell the tail?
06:36No, impossible. I've been very careful.
06:46Someone's here for you.
06:50So do you want me to wait outside?
07:02How did you find me?
07:06Bob told me.
07:10Why bother?
07:14Because I'm worried about you.
07:18I know that I'm not dead yet.
07:22Look, enough!
07:26Daniel told me what's going on with you.
07:30If there's any chance, I'd like to treat you.
07:34You're also hoping that I vanish so that that coward can take over my body?
07:38I'm sorry I can't just let go of the Rick that I love.
07:42I'm sorry that I can't give up my life for your little dream.
07:46Forget about Rick.
07:50Start your new life.
07:54I'll never forget about Rick. Never!
08:10He's quite the character.
08:14I mean, I just couldn't figure out what I wanted to listen to.
08:18Sorry, I'm just not in the mood for jokes right now.
08:22Seriously, though.
08:26Despite his arrogance, I kind of feel bad for him.
08:30I have to do this. If I don't do this, then the real Rick might never show up again.
08:34Yeah, well, do you have a plan?
08:38I think his engagement ceremony is my last chance.
08:42Okay, okay. What do you want to do?
08:46Can you hack into the TV at the ceremony?
08:50Piece of cake.
09:02Alright, Rick. I won't make it that easy for you.
09:12Have you found Iris yet?
09:14I'm just about to give you an update.
09:16Good. She's my only hope.
09:18Caroline's people have surrounded Iris' apartment.
09:20She's ready to make a move.
09:22Careful, don't let her get killed.
09:24Iris hasn't shown up at the apartment.
09:26We've lost track of her, but our guys caught sight of Rick heading to another location.
09:30Chances are, Iris is held up there.
09:34Just as I suspected.
09:36Rick, I'll let that woman go. Keep me updated.
09:54Rick, one should not mess with the dosage on their own.
09:58He's becoming outborn.
10:02It's getting harder to keep him back.
10:04I need you to trust the process.
10:06We are going to get him under control.
10:08Except it doesn't feel under control at all.
10:10When do you find he takes over?
10:12Every time I see that woman, my emotions become unstable.
10:16That's when he begins to take control.
10:18You need to believe that you are the master of your own body.
10:22No one can take possession without your permission.
10:26I had a nightmare.
10:28About Iris?
10:32In this dream, what happened?
10:34She died.
10:36It hit me hard.
10:38It hit me hard.
10:40No! No! Iris, no!
10:42Waking up, I...
10:44Something felt wrong.
10:46Like something was off.
10:50In the dream.
10:52I was beyond happy with her.
10:56Losing her tore me apart.
10:58I feel like I love her.
11:03During the time that Rick and Iris were in love,
11:07the other Rick, that is,
11:10did he share any of those memories with you?
11:13We were close.
11:15I knew everything about them.
11:18About Iris.
11:20That is called cold consciousness.
11:24It's very rare for both personalities to be in love with the same woman.
11:28Especially when you've not met Iris yourself.
11:32Cold Consciousness
11:36Cold Consciousness.
11:38So, the most plausible explanation
11:41is that you are experiencing the emotions of the other personality towards Iris.
11:46So these feelings...
11:48They're not really mine.
11:53Why surrender to Caroline so easily?
11:56Let me fight her, and we'll take everything from her.
11:59Sir, are you okay?
12:01I'm fine.
12:16Do you really think these pills can keep me trapped forever?
12:19Do you really think these pills can keep me trapped forever?
12:24Shut up.
12:26Shut up!
12:39Sir, wake up, wake up!
12:40Are you okay?
12:42Wake up!
12:43Please wake up.
12:45Oh, wake up.
12:47Can you...
12:48Not only have I seen Iris,
12:50but I've known her even before Ricky.
12:55What's your name?
12:58What's your name?
12:59I'm Rick.
13:01Rick Patterson.
13:11Now, I want you to remember to start the engagement video
13:14the moment that Claire puts on the tiara.
13:17Yes, I've checked it.
13:18Everything's good to go, madam.
13:22I want all the media to know that my son Rick
13:25is about to take over the Bass Group,
13:27should anything go south.
13:32You'll be in big trouble.
13:34Yes, madam.
13:48Master Rick,
13:50a madam asked me to bring the rings for you.
13:52Just leave it there.
13:58Where is it?
14:00Where is it?
14:09John, get ready for Rick's new, very exciting engagement.
14:14Get ready for Rick's new, very exciting engagement video.
14:18You are a life saver.
14:20Okay, I'm gonna go.
14:24Are you sure about this?
14:25Like, what if Rick can't change back?
14:27It'll just look like a joke in front of everybody.
14:29I have to try.
14:36Now we're engaged.
14:40Excuse me, everyone.
14:41I have an announcement I'd like to make.
14:44Today marks the engagement of my son Rick Bass
14:47to America Line.
14:49Thank you all so much for coming.
14:58Don't make a big show.