Are the Red Sox a playoff team | ITM Podcast
00:00:00Welcome to the ITM podcast.
00:00:19This is episode 217 of the ITM podcast, the official Boston Red Sox podcast of the CLNS
00:00:24Media Network brought to you by PrizePix, the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the
00:00:28CLNS Media Network, and by GameTime, the best place to buy tickets online to sports, concerts,
00:00:33all your favorite events.
00:00:34And the Boston Red Sox can't stop winning games.
00:00:36They sweep the Toronto Blue Jays.
00:00:38And Scott Neville is as red as the socks on the socks.
00:00:45My name's Joey Capone.
00:00:46That's Scott Neville.
00:00:47How you doing, dude?
00:00:49Yeah, red.
00:00:50Definitely red.
00:00:51A little burnt.
00:00:52You know, a little, you know, SPF 30 wasn't enough for this sun.
00:00:56Are you French?
00:00:57Are you Irish?
00:00:58What are you?
00:00:59What are you?
00:01:01You're a white guy.
00:01:03Are you a what?
00:01:04Have you done like a 23 in me?
00:01:05I haven't.
00:01:06I believe I'm both mostly Irish, a little bit French.
00:01:09So I think you kind of nailed that.
00:01:12But yeah.
00:01:13But I just say I'm generic white.
00:01:15I don't know.
00:01:16I think I'm stunningly good at that.
00:01:18I think I can look at somebody like before I know their last name and be like, you're
00:01:23mostly German.
00:01:24You got a little bit of French in you.
00:01:25I think I'm damn good at that.
00:01:26Well, here's what I would say.
00:01:27Do you want to guess what I am?
00:01:28Have we talked about this?
00:01:30I don't.
00:01:31But I will say that French was crazy, but I don't have many people guess that one.
00:01:37I think Irish or Italian is like the two whites that you guess.
00:01:42And for me, I look more Irish.
00:01:44And so people just say, oh, you Irish?
00:01:45And I'm like, yeah.
00:01:46Yeah, sure.
00:01:48You've got you've got like an Irish fighter thing.
00:01:51Maybe it's because you have no sleeves on the shirt that you're wearing right now, but
00:01:53like you definitely have like a put them up, put them up outside of a pub vibe.
00:01:57I think Italian is totally off.
00:01:59I think people just see a white guy with like some gel in his hair and they're like, oh,
00:02:02that guy's Italian.
00:02:03I watch.
00:02:04No gel.
00:02:05I know it's unbelievable, but you'll never see me with gel.
00:02:07This is all natural.
00:02:09Your hair just does that?
00:02:11Dude, it's it.
00:02:12I have insane volume in my hair.
00:02:13So if I just put it like that, it's just it's stuck.
00:02:17Wendy, don't matter.
00:02:19God bless you.
00:02:20Look, I got a I got a situation going on over here.
00:02:22Can we talk about this?
00:02:24This is why I've been wearing a hat.
00:02:25This is why I've been wearing a hat.
00:02:26Visual media.
00:02:27We haven't we keep telling people to go to YouTube and then the episodes are not on YouTube.
00:02:30So maybe this will be a go check happening.
00:02:34That's happening.
00:02:35So our producers dropping the ball, getting these things.
00:02:38So whoever that is, get it together.
00:02:40But this is a situation, dude.
00:02:41I didn't think about this when I shaved my head, that it was going to turn into just
00:02:45a grown out, shaved head.
00:02:47And it's just all the same length.
00:02:48And it's nothing.
00:02:49My haircut is not.
00:02:50This is this is what we call an awkward face.
00:02:53And they grow a process.
00:02:55May I suggest that I don't know if this is a good idea, because if you just wear a hat,
00:02:59maybe this is just a maybe this is a bad idea.
00:03:01I'll take any suggestions.
00:03:04If you match the length on the sides of your beard to the to the sideburns, it might flow
00:03:10better because right now you get a very boxy look up top.
00:03:14And then you still got a little bit of wild man winter and you're not to the same degree.
00:03:19But if you just line that up, it might you may have a shot.
00:03:22You know what I mean?
00:03:23I'm not going to say it's going to look better, but you have a shot.
00:03:26I look Amish, man.
00:03:28Oh, that was my guess.
00:03:32There it is.
00:03:33There's my ethnicity.
00:03:35One hundred percent.
00:03:37I don't know.
00:03:38Maybe I'll do that.
00:03:39Here's what I was thinking.
00:03:41I was thinking about going to like a Dominican barber because there's a bunch here in Manchester.
00:03:46I think I'm going to a Dominican barber and being like, do your thing, line me up, give
00:03:51me a fade.
00:03:52Get like a.
00:03:54Get a haircut that does not suit me.
00:03:57Here's the thing about that is, is I, I have done that one time and I did not work out
00:04:03well for me.
00:04:06I would love, I would love to find this picture.
00:04:09Maybe this will be another YouTube exclusive.
00:04:11I can see it.
00:04:12We'll tweet it.
00:04:13If we, if you find it up, we're tweeting it.
00:04:14If it's good enough.
00:04:15Oh, oh, it is.
00:04:17But now I really don't want to find it, you know?
00:04:19Oh no, I won't.
00:04:20I won't tweet it.
00:04:21Text it to me.
00:04:22Oh man.
00:04:24But I'm still like, how many opportunities do you get?
00:04:26You know what I mean?
00:04:27Like, I'm going to cut this off anyway.
00:04:30I used to be a fade, I used to be a fade guy until every girl I've ever met was like, stop
00:04:35getting fades.
00:04:36Like they're always, the thing was like, I feel like you look better if you just like
00:04:40grew out your sides and I'd be like, but fades are so cool, but I'm not a guy I wish I wanted
00:04:46to be.
00:04:47I was for a couple of years.
00:04:48It's just not.
00:04:49It wasn't.
00:04:50And unfortunately they didn't, the fade didn't like me back, you know?
00:04:55Isn't it crazy how much men's fashion is completely dictated by what like one lady says?
00:05:03Like if one woman is like, stop wearing jean shorts, they look ugly.
00:05:07We're all like, you got it.
00:05:08They're gone.
00:05:09Or like one girl make a Tik Tok, like why are guys wearing cargo shorts more like not
00:05:15They're gone.
00:05:16I never see one again.
00:05:19I don't know.
00:05:21I, I think I've, I've taken that advice many times.
00:05:24Like I said, that's one where if I think three girls have said that, uh, and, and it's enough
00:05:30for me to be like, okay, I've learned my lesson because they're probably right.
00:05:34And, and, uh, I kind of, now I agree with them now that I've, I've tried both and, uh,
00:05:41I do
00:05:42With the volumes, with that volume, dude, you're, you're doing yourself a disservice.
00:05:47It's just, I have two square of a head to, if you like, I'm doing the reverse, the mirror
00:05:54thing kills me.
00:05:55But like, if you cut, if you make it more boxy than it already is, it just looks so
00:05:59odd, but you gotta, you gotta go around a greaser marine thing going on already.
00:06:07And this admittedly, it's just the heat that's making it so like puffy.
00:06:11Like it would be like, this is a lot, this, it'd be more like that I feel like normally.
00:06:16But it's really, that's what we were all thinking.
00:06:18So it's a little inflated right now.
00:06:20Uh, I cannot, I'm trying to find this picture and it's driving me nuts.
00:06:26Sox won the series.
00:06:27They swept, they won all three games.
00:06:28Oh, did they?
00:06:29Well, while you're looking for that.
00:06:30Yeah, they did.
00:06:31Won all three games in Toronto on the road.
00:06:33Uh, so make that five wins in a row, three series wins in a row against the Phillies,
00:06:39the Yankees and the blue Jays who much like the rays were conditioned to believe are a
00:06:46good team, even though they are not, they are not.
00:06:50And it sucks.
00:06:51It sucks.
00:06:52Cause some of those guys like I, you know, you secretly root for like, I want Vladdy
00:06:56to be a household name, which he is, but I want him to be more than that.
00:07:01I want him to be like actually good, which he's kind of not.
00:07:05I want Boba Shett to be like almost great.
00:07:09I would love if Justin Turner went there and had, you know, a similar year to what he had
00:07:13last year.
00:07:14That would have been cool.
00:07:15None of those things, uh, are happening.
00:07:17So, uh, basically aside from Manoa, I don't think there's anybody on the Jays that I actively
00:07:28So it's weird.
00:07:29It's I don't, I agree.
00:07:32I I'm fine with them not working out.
00:07:33I would, I was much more scared of, of, uh, I agree with it.
00:07:36I mean, yeah, you for baseball, good, whatever, but like, keep it out of the division, you
00:07:40know, and, and Guerrero, honestly, he was, she was so hyped up, not as a prospect that
00:07:47never bothers me, but when they start playing people pretending that Devers was not as good
00:07:52as Guerrero, I'm loving that.
00:07:54This is just like, he's, he's, he's actually, I think he's flipped to the point where people
00:07:59way overdid it.
00:08:01And now I actually think he's being kind of not given enough credit because he's just,
00:08:07he's, he's an above average player.
00:08:10He's not a perennial all-star and people are now treating him like he sucks when he's really
00:08:15just like a, he's a good player and everyone thought he was going to be an MVP candidate.
00:08:20And now they're acting like he's a, you know, Andrew Benintendi with the white socks.
00:08:25And we just need to find a middle ground.
00:08:27We need to find a middle ground there.
00:08:29People are legitimately talking or were talking about trading him like Blue Jays fans were.
00:08:37I'm, I think the Blue Jays themselves had to address it.
00:08:41Didn't they come out and say like, or they were asked by their media and had to address
00:08:45the rumors and be like, we are not shopping Vlad jr.
00:08:49What are you guys talking about?
00:08:51So first of all, the camera's in different spots than normally is for me.
00:08:54So I'm going to keep looking like in the wrong direction.
00:08:56It's probably gonna be very frustrating.
00:08:57Oh, it's pissing me off.
00:09:01Is this straight?
00:09:02Am I even looking at it right now?
00:09:03I don't know.
00:09:04I don't look at you.
00:09:05I look at myself.
00:09:07All right.
00:09:08Uh, yeah.
00:09:09So, uh, it was basically, you know, the Blue Jays are in a spot where they need to figure
00:09:13out what both Bichette and Vladdy very soon.
00:09:18Do we stick with this core and keep trying with, with what should have been a more successful
00:09:23era, or do we trade these guys off for prospects, rebuild, try again with a new core.
00:09:30And I think they've, they're leaning.
00:09:32It seems like they're leaning towards keep the current core, but which, cause I mean,
00:09:37the grass is not always greener and you could really blow it up and then not get anything
00:09:43But at the same time, it's not, they're going to, if they're going to add, they're going
00:09:45to have to treat them like closer to ancillary pieces than they are treating them and not
00:09:52act like they have five superstars and they just got to add a couple of utility guys.
00:09:56So that's why, yeah, they're in a, they're in a pickle and nobody can hit on runs, which
00:10:01is very confusing.
00:10:03That's very weird.
00:10:04Cause that's not the problem you expected to that for them to run into.
00:10:06I will say this about kind of what you were talking about, like how hyped they were when
00:10:11they, when they all came up, like at the same time when the 2018 Fisher cats became the
00:10:17Blue Jays.
00:10:18Cause I worked for the Fisher cats in 2018.
00:10:20I don't know if I mentioned that I was around all these guys in double a.
00:10:24So I was very emotionally invested in their come up.
00:10:29And I was like, here's the thing.
00:10:31I understand why Vladdy was talked about the way he was because like, dude, I'm telling
00:10:37you like three quarters of the way through that season, he was hitting like four 70.
00:10:44It was like, what is he doing here?
00:10:47Like every night it was like two doubles in a bomb.
00:10:51He had a ball like out of the stadium off a tee or something like that.
00:10:56There were, there were some stories that were like, this guy's not human.
00:11:00And then you obviously, I mean, that's not even getting to that.
00:11:03We just talked about his things he's done.
00:11:05That's completely not factoring in the hall of fame dad.
00:11:08So like, of course he was going to get blown up.
00:11:12That was never my concern.
00:11:13It was like gripe.
00:11:16It's more just the fact that now we have years of him in the big leagues and like he was
00:11:21the cover of MLB, the show and like giving like MVP treatment when he's just not yet.
00:11:31So so let me flip it here then because when all those guys came up, yeah, the talk was
00:11:39the blue Jays are going to be a problem for a while.
00:11:43They're young, star studded.
00:11:45They just keep pulling up these prospects, look out AL East.
00:11:49And now a couple of years later, like do they trade them away?
00:11:53Do they blow it up?
00:11:54Nothing to show for it, right?
00:11:57Not even a playoff win to show for it, right?
00:12:00I did not, they definitely haven't won a series.
00:12:02I don't know if they've won a game.
00:12:03Yeah, so no, no playoff series wins at the very least.
00:12:07Does it make you feel any different about the Baltimore Orioles?
00:12:13Because to me, it gets in my head.
00:12:15Are they the exact same situation?
00:12:17No, not the same players, deeper, whatever.
00:12:20But it does, at least it worms into my brain a little bit.
00:12:24That's like, wait, these are projections.
00:12:27And there are realities where like multiple of these guys don't work.
00:12:31So the thing about the O's is that they're deeper, as you mentioned.
00:12:36There's more guys, there's less that could go wrong.
00:12:42My thing about the O's is I don't think they are similar to the Blue Jays project.
00:12:48I think they're closer to the Braves, young core, because there was a lot of them.
00:12:54So as much as I would love to buy into it,
00:12:59as much as I would love to buy into that, I can't imagine a world where Gunnar Henderson
00:13:07levels out into a slightly 110 OPS guy and some of the guys.
00:13:17Because the thing is, they haven't even gotten all their guys up yet.
00:13:21And they're already on like a 100 win pace, or close to it, 90 to 100 win pace.
00:13:27And this is like, we're still in the pre-stage, as much as people don't like to admit that.
00:13:32Last year, they got 90 wins in the way pre-stage.
00:13:36So no, I'm terrified, is to answer your question.
00:13:39Yeah, I was just trying to find.
00:13:43No, there was a second where I was like, oh, wait a second.
00:13:46And then I was like, no.
00:13:48Because Adley's already doing it.
00:13:50Adley's already like one of the best catchers in the game.
00:13:54Like he's already there.
00:13:56Gunnar Henderson, it would take a big fall off.
00:13:58It's like basically you're relying on Jackson Holiday to just like not be a fighter.
00:14:03But like if they lock up Burns, they've got their own good pitch.
00:14:08Gunnar might be third in MVP rating right now.
00:14:13Like it's Judge Soto, and then it might be Gunnar third.
00:14:17But like, I just remembered Alec Munoz.
00:14:22I remembered that that's possible.
00:14:24True, true.
00:14:25He set like a new record for how hard you can fall off.
00:14:30I didn't even know that shit was possible.
00:14:32Here's my Cy Young pick that year on Nessun.
00:14:35Dude, and now he's just, he's no one.
00:14:39Good riddance.
00:14:40Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
00:14:41Am I right, Scott?
00:14:45Oh, we like to have fun here.
00:14:47We do have fun here.
00:14:51You're crazy, dude.
00:14:52We're going to talk about this series in a second.
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00:16:05Socks win this series not before Justin Turner adds to the ongoing trend, Scott, of former
00:16:14Red Sox.
00:16:15You play against the Red Sox.
00:16:20Your first game, you get one homer.
00:16:22It's what happens.
00:16:23Kyle Schwarber.
00:16:24Here you go.
00:16:26Christian Vasquez last year.
00:16:28Here you go.
00:16:29Alex Verdugo.
00:16:30Here's one for you.
00:16:31Justin Turner.
00:16:32Shabbat shalom.
00:16:33Thank you so much for coming.
00:16:37I kind of I kind of love it.
00:16:38I kind of want to see it continue.
00:16:40Unfortunately, the next slated Red Sox return would be against San Diego and he's not going
00:16:52to be there.
00:16:58So I was going to see if you want to go through the schedule and see who the next returning
00:17:04guy would be.
00:17:05Okay, yeah, that should be good content.
00:17:08Yeah, all right, let's have the Reds while we while we read the Marlins, no A's, Royals
00:17:22count again.
00:17:23So here's the thing.
00:17:25July 20th, a month from now, could be an early Mookie return.
00:17:31Obviously not his first A B against the Sox, though.
00:17:34I think it's ineligible because of that.
00:17:36I think it's ineligible because of that reason.
00:17:41Yeah, it doesn't count.
00:17:43I don't think they have anybody.
00:17:48Blue Jays.
00:17:50Oh, Arizona.
00:17:51Katori Lovello.
00:17:57J.D. for the Mets, sure.
00:17:58That makes more sense than Katori Lovello.
00:18:00That's since September, so we might have a wild await here.
00:18:04Well, no, again, Arizona, E-Rod, we know he'd like to hit.
00:18:09He's supposed to be, he'll be back by then.
00:18:12It's totally possible.
00:18:14So we've got to wait until September unless Zandard decides to admit that he's faking it.
00:18:23Does it have to be, oh, September, we might have a back-to-back with J.D. and Andrew Benintendi.
00:18:31That's right.
00:18:32Why wasn't he playing?
00:18:38Because he just played the White Sox.
00:18:41He stinks, maybe?
00:18:42Maybe it's because he stinks.
00:18:44Is that why?
00:18:46I don't.
00:18:47You know what's so crazy that I was thinking about today is the fact that that's the biggest
00:18:51White Sox, well, he stinks, but that that's the biggest White Sox.
00:18:59It was his Achilles, by the way.
00:19:00That that was the biggest White Sox free agent contract ever, $75 million.
00:19:07That's less than David Posternak got.
00:19:11Well, they're giving out NHL money over there on the south side.
00:19:14Well, Posternak's better.
00:19:17At baseball, you think?
00:19:20This year, maybe.
00:19:23It's tough.
00:19:24I don't understand how it's possible, bro.
00:19:26I don't understand.
00:19:27The amount of injuries that are happening across the game, obviously, everybody's talking about
00:19:31the pitching, but the fact that Stars, if you want to lump Andrew Benintendi in there,
00:19:36I guess you can, but Zander, Mookie, I don't know.
00:19:40He's still the face of a team, more or less, like him and Robert.
00:19:43I don't think so.
00:19:45If you type in Andrew Benintendi, the top thing that comes up is Andrew Benintendi in
00:19:50the pursuit of the lowest war season ever.
00:19:53That's ESPN.
00:19:54That's not some whatever network.
00:19:59What's his B War right now?
00:20:02It's not crazy.
00:20:03It is.
00:20:03Negative 1.7.
00:20:04Oh, negative 1.7.
00:20:06And that's not good.
00:20:10And that's in 56 games.
00:20:16I'm trying to see what-
00:20:16So yeah, it's like a negative six war season.
00:20:24He's on pace for a negative 4.02 war for the season,
00:20:29which is uncomfortably close to the worst ever bad.
00:20:33In fact, it would be-
00:20:37All right.
00:20:37Jerry Royster had a negative 4.05 war in 1977.
00:20:45That's the worst?
00:20:47Among modern era position players.
00:20:52That's crazy.
00:20:53I feel like there should be worse players.
00:20:55Like, no A's player.
00:20:58No, like, I don't know.
00:20:59There's no everyday A's.
00:21:02His thing, in my head, it's like, all right, if you can get a 10 war season, you should
00:21:05really get a negative 10 war season.
00:21:06But to get more negative war, you need playing time.
00:21:09And it's going to be very hard for somebody that's the least valuable player to get 600,
00:21:15700 of bats needed to be the worst player of all time.
00:21:19I think that's the problem we're having.
00:21:21You need the perfect storm where the team sucks.
00:21:24Season doesn't matter.
00:21:26And you're keeping that guy out there because you gave him a bunch of money recently.
00:21:31Or they're supposed to be a top prospect and you're just hoping they're just working through
00:21:36So you just give them a rookie year 500 of bats and just grind through it.
00:21:41Because, again, the other two factors of the team, absolutely stinking or whatever.
00:21:45They're either going to be highly paid and you're embarrassed or somebody you're just
00:21:48hoping figures it out.
00:21:51Jackson Holiday came up, but he was the only guy there.
00:21:53They were the O's of.
00:21:55So I was going to say the Rockies call up a top prospect right now.
00:21:59That guy's getting 500 of bats.
00:22:02If the White Sox called up a top prospect right now, give them 500 of babies.
00:22:07You know what's absolutely insane?
00:22:09Another White Sox stat for you.
00:22:10I don't know why we're talking White Sox so much here, but these are the things that I
00:22:14come across.
00:22:15So I bring them up on the show.
00:22:17The White Sox since 1917.
00:22:23All of the playoff series that they have won since then were in 2005.
00:22:33Isn't that good?
00:22:34That's a good run they had there.
00:22:35It's the only run they've had there.
00:22:38It's insane.
00:22:39I think I also heard they go to the playoffs in like 8% of their seasons.
00:22:44Yes, I did see that.
00:22:46I saw that as well.
00:22:47And I think it's one of those things where people talk about the White Sox as being one
00:22:51of the worst franchises of all time.
00:22:53And it's because nobody cares about the White Sox.
00:22:55Nobody cares.
00:22:57It sucks.
00:22:58It's got to be brutal to be a White Sox fan.
00:23:01But we're not.
00:23:02Here's the thing about being a Red Sox fan right now.
00:23:04This should be a higher tone on this show.
00:23:08The Sox are fucking good.
00:23:10The Sox are goddamn good.
00:23:13They've won five in a row.
00:23:14They're goddamn good.
00:23:14That's right.
00:23:15They've won three series in a row.
00:23:16They beat the Phils.
00:23:17They beat the Yanks.
00:23:19Two best teams in baseball.
00:23:20And then they swept the Blue Jays, which is what you would hope that they would do.
00:23:24And they did it.
00:23:24I wasn't even banking on it.
00:23:25After they won the first two, I was like, that's all right.
00:23:28Fall back down.
00:23:29I remember you saying like if they sweep this series, they'll be five games over 500, which
00:23:35they are right now, which they did, which is dangerously close, Scott.
00:23:40Dangerously close to my number of eight games over 500.
00:23:46They have three games against the Cincinnati Reds, who are 35 and 39.
00:23:58They have their four and six in their last 10, they lost the last game, whatever.
00:24:01I thought that might be a little more encouraging.
00:24:05They could very well, by our next show, be eight games over 500.
00:24:11I'll give you something more encouraging.
00:24:16I mean, that's your date that you set, but I think more importantly, they could have
00:24:22a wild card spot next time we talk.
00:24:26I mean, yes.
00:24:27You want to talk about something more encouraging?
00:24:30The Kansas City Royals are three and seven in their last 10.
00:24:34They are slipping.
00:24:36They won.
00:24:37They must have won today, tonight, but they were, I mean, two and eight in the last 10
00:24:42before their last win.
00:24:44Now they're three and seven.
00:24:45They're slipping a little bit.
00:24:48And I got to say, that's encouraging.
00:24:53The twins also have lost their last two.
00:24:55They're seven and three in the last 10.
00:24:57But they've got a plus 15 run differential.
00:25:00We have a plus 47.
00:25:01It feels like eventually that usually run differential tends to correct itself.
00:25:08Hilarious that Baltimore is in this conversation with a plus 125 run differential.
00:25:13But yeah, they win two out of three against the Reds, which they should do.
00:25:20You could easily be either tied or in that third wild card spot, which is kind of crazy.
00:25:24And now, like I've said before, you put us in an even race with the Royals, the Twins,
00:25:31and the Red Sox.
00:25:32I feel very, very good about that.
00:25:33Because you don't have to beat both of them.
00:25:35You just got to beat one of them.
00:25:37And that's, I mean, they're basically there right now.
00:25:40They are one game behind the Twins, a game and a half behind the Royals.
00:25:44Essentially an even race with 90 games to go.
00:25:50I don't know if the team is creeping behind, but you were just about to say you love something.
00:25:56I love that.
00:25:57I love 90 game even race with the Twins and the Royals.
00:26:00Because here's the thing.
00:26:03Isn't that crazy?
00:26:04No, here's the thing.
00:26:05The Rays four games behind you.
00:26:08Blue Jays four and a half.
00:26:10And everybody else is kind of like falling off behind them.
00:26:13It's really right now.
00:26:15Obviously, it's early.
00:26:15There's time to make up that ground.
00:26:17But you are really the only team that's like right on the precipice of a wild card spot.
00:26:22You're kind of sitting there alone over the last 10.
00:26:25They are the hottest team in the AL.
00:26:28The only other team eight and two over the last 10 is the New York Grimace Mets, who
00:26:33finally just lost.
00:26:35So shout out to them for doing that.
00:26:40So you could argue hottest team in baseball.
00:26:45Yeah, I think they are.
00:26:49And the good news is, too, if you want to go with this momentum direction, you get
00:26:56Williard back before the next game.
00:26:58So hopefully.
00:26:58I mean, hopefully he doesn't screw around with that.
00:27:00He's clearly fine.
00:27:01He had two home runs his first rehab start.
00:27:03He just got Chris Martin back.
00:27:05Joseph Casas is itching to get back.
00:27:07He's close.
00:27:07We're very close to rehab games and such.
00:27:12And now we can really talk about it.
00:27:15I mean, this team is going to get reinforcements to make the push for the deadline, which is
00:27:22Because what I would say, like I wrote an article about like, you know, I get to write
00:27:26a lot of articles every day.
00:27:27So not everyone is going to be like that.
00:27:30Everyone's a banger.
00:27:32And so I will say I did have a banger.
00:27:34I got 275,000 views, but that's not what I'm about to talk about.
00:27:37That was sick.
00:27:38No, that was the record for me.
00:27:40Anyway, I wrote about J.D. Davis got DFA'd.
00:27:46And I was like, well, it could be an interesting like bat off the bench.
00:27:50You know, we don't have a first baseman.
00:27:52Now Dom Smith is good.
00:27:53So that's cool.
00:27:56But at the time I was like, you know, we could maybe use a first baseman.
00:28:02He can play first and third.
00:28:03We also could just use some power off the bench.
00:28:05Get rid of Bobby D. Whatever.
00:28:08Didn't mean to do that.
00:28:09And so I wrote, you know, I wrote about an interesting angle.
00:28:12And I was talking about in that scenario or scenario, if you're an asshole, is we're now
00:28:19on a point where we need to make a push so that the front office actually makes a push.
00:28:26It's so important this next month.
00:28:29We'll determine which direction the season goes because they're either going, they're
00:28:32not going to do this middling stuff where buy, sell, or pro.
00:28:36If they do, they're morons for trying it three years in a row.
00:28:39But you expect a hard direction one way or another.
00:28:42They're either going to go for it or completely punt.
00:28:45Get rid of O'Neal.
00:28:45Get rid of Kenley.
00:28:46Get rid of Chris Martin.
00:28:47Get maybe Pavetta.
00:28:49And so this point now, maybe you do get a J.D. Davis, but at least you get the injuries
00:28:55back, the injured guys back.
00:28:57And you already have like a decent core playing well now.
00:29:01And you're going to make a push to get, I don't know, probably in the race.
00:29:06Grab a wild card spot.
00:29:08Maybe like you said, like eight games over 500, they go for it.
00:29:12Your number, which again, they can do it forever.
00:29:14Another thing while we're on the topic, got to get way off the topic for a second.
00:29:18It just reminded me though, do you remember how we were saying the potential Rafaela versus
00:29:24We have like two different types of stat patterns.
00:29:27I remember in that show, you posed the question of what's the most realistic situation here?
00:29:33Do you think it's possible for Rafaela to hit 250?
00:29:37Is that even possible this year?
00:29:40And I said, I don't know if he can climb that high.
00:29:42And he did it in like two days.
00:29:44He jumped his batting average like 30.
00:29:46Now the underlying numbers still looked on shit worse than, I mean, they're so bad.
00:29:50But he's maybe, I don't know, maybe he's in 250.
00:29:55If he can hit 250, I mean, that's a legit player with his defense and speed and such.
00:30:01The boys are running.
00:30:03Yeah, anyway, that was off topic, but we got a team here that's about to make a run here.
00:30:07That's all we need.
00:30:10If you're eight games over 500, I think it's impossible to not buy.
00:30:15If you were like...
00:30:16In this American League, definitely.
00:30:18If you're right there and who knows how many teams are really going to be in the hunt.
00:30:25If you've kind of secured it and you're basically bolstering for the playoffs.
00:30:30I just said playoffs after last week when I was like, I don't say that.
00:30:33Yeah, don't do that.
00:30:35If you're basically bolstering for the postseason, so sorry me,
00:30:40then I think it's impossible to not.
00:30:44Granted, there have been years where I'm like,
00:30:46oh, it would be impossible for them to not do it.
00:30:47They've got to do it.
00:30:48And then they didn't do it.
00:30:49But this one, I feel more strongly about.
00:30:51Scott, you had your hand up?
00:30:53Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:30:54So I just, while we're talking about the playoffs and while we're talking about this race and...
00:30:57Postseason, yeah.
00:30:57It comes down to...
00:31:00Right, I'm upset, Joey.
00:31:03I call it the playoffs because that's what it is.
00:31:04But you've got to obviously, it's just a matter of who's...
00:31:09Your record is one thing, but you got to beat the other teams.
00:31:11So we talked about a little bit, but are you...
00:31:14Rays are four games back behind us.
00:31:16Are you scared of the Rays?
00:31:19Okay, interesting.
00:31:19I'm always a little scared of the Rays just because they wear that uniform.
00:31:23And it seems to not matter that they don't have as many good players.
00:31:28I think it's finally caught up with them this year.
00:31:30Because every year they start hot and then they chill a little bit.
00:31:34They start slow this year.
00:31:35I think they only chill a little bit.
00:31:37It's hot down there, dude.
00:31:39It's hot down there.
00:31:40That humidity gets to you by the end of the summer, man.
00:31:42It's long.
00:31:42I know.
00:31:43But a four-game winning streak and they're a 500 team and then you're...
00:31:47Toronto, scared or not scared?
00:31:49We just swept them, Doug.
00:31:51Yeah, well, that's reasons.
00:31:54Yeah, I'll tell you what.
00:31:55We definitely pushed them further.
00:31:57We already beat the Blue Jays, man.
00:32:01Let me tell you something.
00:32:02Let me tell you a story, Scott, real quick.
00:32:04While we're on the Blue Jays, I would know that there's more teams that you want to ask about.
00:32:09In 1968, the Doors played the Ed Sullivan Show, right?
00:32:14And they were told, because they were playing Light My Fire, they were told,
00:32:18if you can't say, girl, we can't get much higher, you gotta change the line.
00:32:23And Jim Morrison was like, right on.
00:32:25For sure.
00:32:26Will do.
00:32:27And then they went out there and he was like, girl, we couldn't get much higher.
00:32:32And said it right into the microphone, right into the camera, right?
00:32:34I was like, fuck you.
00:32:35I'm saying it, right?
00:32:38Song ends.
00:32:39They get taken off stage.
00:32:40They're getting screamed at backstage.
00:32:42And the talent book or manager or whatever is like, you guys are never playing the Ed
00:32:48Sullivan Show again.
00:32:50And Jim Morrison said, man, we already played the Ed Sullivan Show.
00:32:55First of all, cool as fuck.
00:32:58I don't need to be afraid of the Blue Jays.
00:33:00Oh, you got to play the Blue Jays.
00:33:02Oh, can you keep up with the Blue Jays?
00:33:03Man, we already beat the Blue Jays.
00:33:05We already did that.
00:33:06So no, I'm not afraid of the Blue Jays.
00:33:08Who else?
00:33:10Houston, which is, now I will preface this by they are Houston.
00:33:15They are five and a half games behind us, three and seven in the last 10.
00:33:20They do have two players in the rotation out and they've just called up a guy.
00:33:25It was like a third round draft pick from last year that's never pitched above double
00:33:29A and was drafted 13 months ago, as I just said.
00:33:35But Houston, it's Houston.
00:33:39I don't believe that Houston can pull it together.
00:33:43I said that from the beginning.
00:33:44From the beginning of the year, I was like, I don't think Houston is going to be Houston
00:33:46this year.
00:33:48And I'm sticking to that.
00:33:49I will say the one thing that scares me is that even after losing two guys at Tommy John
00:33:55immediately, there was reports that they will go for it.
00:33:59And I feel like the Rays are starting to go for it every year.
00:34:02And I could see the Blue Jays desperately going for it.
00:34:05That's what I don't like.
00:34:05I don't like that the teams under us right now seem a little desperate.
00:34:10I'd rather them just be like the Red Sox of years past and just say,
00:34:15if we have an excuse to sell, we're selling.
00:34:18These teams seem to want to win, which it could be a huge difference between the Red
00:34:22Sox and these teams.
00:34:23That's going to be a big problem for the Red Sox if these other teams want to win, too.
00:34:27Well, no, that's the difference is that you said you threw on the two.
00:34:30I wouldn't do that.
00:34:31I think they are going to be forced to buy this deadline.
00:34:35But still, you know, Breslow, I am so scared of his offseason slogan of you don't give
00:34:41up future wins for current wins.
00:34:43Because if that's the slogan he takes under the deadline, we're not doing anything.
00:34:53That's kind of why it sucked even more to see, you know, a pair of Tommy John's
00:34:57happening in the minors right now.
00:34:59Not that I think like Perales is the guy that you trade away, but.
00:35:02A pair?
00:35:03Who's the other one?
00:35:09Yeah, is that him?
00:35:10He's the only Angel that I know of in our system.
00:35:15Other than, you know, Marcelo Meyer, of course.
00:35:17Come on, stop it.
00:35:19He is handsome.
00:35:21Can't deny that.
00:35:22He is the future.
00:35:25Yeah, I don't know.
00:35:27I have no idea what a Breslow deadline is going to look like.
00:35:29But by golly, if you're eight games over 500 and you fucking sell, we got a problem.
00:35:34I don't know if he sells, but what if he takes the measured
00:35:41We don't want to, you know, we can't lose a trade.
00:35:46We got to be conservative.
00:35:47We got to think about, you know, are we really ready?
00:35:51I mean, that was the whole thing, allegedly, right?
00:35:54There's the whole thing, allegedly, that got Haim out the door.
00:35:56You can't imagine that a guy comes in and repeats the same mistakes.
00:35:59I mean, we bought last year.
00:36:01We just, we bought Euryce, Euryze, Eurythra.
00:36:09Eurythra, Roman.
00:36:11And oh, no, not even Roman.
00:36:17Luis Eurythra.
00:36:19I don't even remember which one it was, which brother it was.
00:36:21That's what we bought last year.
00:36:23That was a buy, technically.
00:36:24I mean, we traded.
00:36:25It was the single acquisition.
00:36:27And it didn't come in, like, at the deadline?
00:36:30I think it was announced after it came in, like, minutes before.
00:36:34But I think the day before, didn't we get Joe Lavera?
00:36:39Joe Lavera?
00:36:42Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:36:43Yeah, Joe?
00:36:44Big Joe?
00:36:47Oh, you're Italian.
00:36:53It's not stunning.
00:36:55Joseph Caponi?
00:36:57No, no Italian blood.
00:36:59No Italian blood?
00:37:04I'm, like, 70, 80% from, like, two places.
00:37:08That's stolen valor, for sure.
00:37:10I know, dude.
00:37:12I know.
00:37:12I wasn't even born Joey Caponi.
00:37:13We've talked about this.
00:37:14It's not even my fucking name.
00:37:18You can't do that.
00:37:20I know.
00:37:21I know.
00:37:22And I used to, like...
00:37:23I used to rep it so hard.
00:37:25I used to wear, like, the Italian soccer jerseys.
00:37:27I speak a little Italian.
00:37:29What a hack.
00:37:38But I'm not fucking Italian.
00:37:40What a hack.
00:37:41I don't even want to know what you are.
00:37:42I know, dude.
00:37:46I don't want to know what you are.
00:37:47I don't want to know what you are, for real.
00:37:49I'm English, dude.
00:37:50No way that's even worse.
00:37:52Isn't that fucking so boring, dude?
00:37:53I'm English and Irish.
00:37:55Are you serious?
00:37:55I was pissed off, too.
00:37:56Yeah, well, I got a 23 in me
00:37:58because I was like, I want to figure it out.
00:38:00And it came back.
00:38:01I was like, that can't be right.
00:38:02So I did an ancestry.
00:38:03And it was like, you're English and Irish.
00:38:05And I was like, fuck me.
00:38:12If Joey Caponi isn't Italian, I don't know a damn thing about this.
00:38:20No, no, no.
00:38:22Not a drop, brother.
00:38:24I'm more African than Italian.
00:38:26Two percent.
00:38:30And I didn't even get a Juneteenth text from you.
00:38:32So I'm a little pissed about it.
00:38:34No, I didn't.
00:38:35I had a good Juneteenth, though.
00:38:38I had a great one.
00:38:38You had a good one?
00:38:39Is that why you're so sunburned?
00:38:43Yeah, we had a good day.
00:38:44We had a good day.
00:38:45You're a huge Juneteenth guy.
00:38:46I knew that you had big plans.
00:38:48Yeah, I've made plans two years in a row on Juneteenth.
00:38:50Which is funny that it's...
00:38:52I mean, yeah.
00:38:54It's kind of like a new holiday, I feel like.
00:38:57I think it became a national holiday three years ago.
00:39:00People are starting to get it off the work.
00:39:01That's how you, I feel like, figure out...
00:39:05Announcing a holiday is crazy exciting.
00:39:07And to have one in June?
00:39:09It might be the best.
00:39:11It might be better than Fourth of July.
00:39:13It's nice.
00:39:15Would it stand for it?
00:39:16Great, too.
00:39:17But June 19th?
00:39:19To have that off every year?
00:39:22Are you kidding me?
00:39:23And it's so close to the Fourth of July.
00:39:28Basically, exactly two weeks.
00:39:30You just get a day there.
00:39:32That's great.
00:39:33It's going...
00:39:35This is a crazy thing that I'm thinking of right now.
00:39:37I think Juneteenth, to the next wave of people,
00:39:41like the kids that are just being born now,
00:39:46they're going to think of it like the way we think of Fourth of July.
00:39:50Yeah, yeah.
00:39:50Except they're going to get out of school for it.
00:39:53Some of these kids are still in school.
00:39:56I don't know how that's possible.
00:39:57So late in the year, because we had no snow.
00:39:59But I don't...
00:40:00I feel like that was never the case.
00:40:01I've never been out.
00:40:02I don't think I've ever made it to June 19th in school.
00:40:06No, I don't think...
00:40:08Yeah, I mean, I feel like most schools are out like the first week of June.
00:40:12Well, I'll tell you what.
00:40:12My birthday is June 12th.
00:40:14I don't think I got a text from you.
00:40:16But I...
00:40:18We celebrated out on the town together.
00:40:22That was actually for...
00:40:24That was for D-Ball's med school, going to med school.
00:40:28The day before was my birthday.
00:40:29Well, no, it was for your birthday.
00:40:31No, it was for...
00:40:32Remember there was signs?
00:40:33There was signs being like,
00:40:34med school, we'll get the bottles and the signs.
00:40:36If you remember, the day before was my birthday,
00:40:38and you didn't go to that either.
00:40:39But that's neither here nor there.
00:40:41That doesn't matter.
00:40:42What I was trying to say is that I ended school...
00:40:46I had last day of school on my birthday, June 12th, a couple times.
00:40:51And if it wasn't that, it was usually around that.
00:40:52So that's usually...
00:40:54For me, I know you...
00:40:55I don't think I've ever made it to 19.
00:40:56But these kids now, like Massachusetts, they...
00:40:59I mean, last day was today, I think,
00:41:01for a lot of kids in middle school and high school.
00:41:02So anyway, what I'm trying to say is it's going to...
00:41:05They're going to think of it like 4th of July.
00:41:07It's going to become a hot dog burger holiday
00:41:10and pool and stuff like that.
00:41:13Especially college kids, you go home and you get a summer job,
00:41:19but you get Juneteenth off.
00:41:20And if it falls on a Friday,
00:41:23yeah, they're going to make Juneteenth weekend plans.
00:41:27Yeah, and we did anyway.
00:41:29It's crazy.
00:41:30God bless America, Mary.
00:41:36God bless...
00:41:37So sweep.
00:41:38God bless America.
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00:42:43Scott, do you have anything else on this series?
00:42:45I got very limited notes on this series.
00:42:47I'll throw this at you.
00:42:49Cooper Criswell, option to Worcester.
00:42:55That was unexpected.
00:42:56That's weird.
00:42:57He does have to stay there for, I believe it's 10 days, maybe 15.
00:43:02He has to stay there for a little bit before we get him back.
00:43:05So Josh Murkowski might be slated to make a start,
00:43:08not to give too much away here,
00:43:09but the third game of this series is a TBD start as of right now.
00:43:15Do you have insight here?
00:43:18I feel like you're the news guy.
00:43:20Yeah, a couple of things.
00:43:21I mean, they do say you gotta be down for 10, 15, whatever the day thing is.
00:43:26But any injury makes, overrides that rule,
00:43:31and you're gonna have to,
00:43:32that's pretty much how most transactions happen anyway.
00:43:35So if they do need to put a guy on,
00:43:39if they need to make Chase Anderson have a 10-day elbow issue,
00:43:44they can do that.
00:43:46That's not really something I would worry too much about.
00:43:49The biggest thing is that they have a cluster of off days here,
00:43:56and they feel like they can get through it with the four starters
00:44:01and have an extra reliever.
00:44:03Obviously, they re-added Chris Martin to get rid of, to send down Criswell.
00:44:08So I think they're gonna go with the four-man rotation
00:44:10for the bulk of this little,
00:44:12I think it's like a 12-day run
00:44:13where they have some off days mixed in.
00:44:15And then they're keeping Winkowski bulked up as a depth option.
00:44:21It's still gonna be Criswell as like the next man up,
00:44:23and then Winkowski is the guy after that.
00:44:25So, but they also, now that they have,
00:44:28and get ready for this dynamic duo of Brad Keller and Chase Anderson,
00:44:33they feel like they have the innings and the bullpen
00:44:36to do the four-man rotation for a couple weeks,
00:44:39keep everybody on schedule with the off days
00:44:42so they're still pitching every fifth day.
00:44:44And they're basically just grabbing an extra reliever,
00:44:48stealing one in a way.
00:44:52Okay, that all makes sense.
00:44:53That all makes sense.
00:44:55That slew of off days you're talking about
00:44:57goes right up to the all-star break.
00:44:58So over the next four weeks, they have eight off days,
00:45:02if you include the all-star break.
00:45:04So today when we're recording this,
00:45:08you guys will, this will be yesterday to you at the earliest,
00:45:12Thursday the 20th, Thursday the 27th,
00:45:16Monday the 1st, Monday the 8th,
00:45:19and then the 15th through 18th, all off.
00:45:23And leading up to the all-star break, by the way,
00:45:27just a little look ahead here,
00:45:30in chase of our magic eight games over 500 here,
00:45:35they can do it with a sweep of the reds.
00:45:37But let's say they take two out of three from those reds.
00:45:41The Blue Jays, who they just swept, Scott.
00:45:43They just swept on the road.
00:45:44They played them at Fenway.
00:45:47Right after this red series.
00:45:50No, when did they sweep?
00:45:52Oh, just now.
00:45:55Like just like the last games they played,
00:45:57they just swept the Blue Jays.
00:45:58They didn't have a game today.
00:46:01No, so yesterday, and then Tuesday the 18th,
00:46:05Monday the 17th, they won all three of those.
00:46:09In a row?
00:46:09Blue Jays scored three runs in all three of those games.
00:46:12Yeah, they won them all.
00:46:14Yeah, 7-3, 4-3, 7-3.
00:46:16What time did these games start?
00:46:19They were like 7, 7-10.
00:46:20At night?
00:46:21I think there was a 7-30 in there.
00:46:22Yeah, p.m., yeah.
00:46:23Well, not a.m., dude.
00:46:24What the fuck?
00:46:257 o'clock at night they start these things?
00:46:28Yeah, so it's like you get like this beautiful sunset.
00:46:31Yeah, no, they took a thing to call baseball guys.
00:46:34No, it's perfect, dude, because like-
00:46:357 o'clock at night?
00:46:37It's still kind of light out when they start,
00:46:39and then like the sun goes down around like the 4th or 5th,
00:46:42then they have the lights on.
00:46:42So like when the game gets big, in the big moments,
00:46:46it's under the spotlights and it's dark out.
00:46:48It's actually really great timing.
00:46:50It's kind of nice how baseball works like that.
00:46:53It seems late to me.
00:46:54Well, if it makes you feel any better,
00:46:56these Reds games coming up, Friday is at 7 p.m.,
00:47:00but then Saturday-
00:47:01At night?
00:47:02Yes, yes, but wait, Saturday is 4-10 p.m.,
00:47:06so it's like afternoon.
00:47:07Okay, okay.
00:47:08And then Sunday, 1-40 p.m., which is like-
00:47:12Perfect, right with dinner.
00:47:13That's basically the middle of the day.
00:47:15Well, not if you get up at a proper time, but okay.
00:47:23What time do you wake up normally?
00:47:25Oh, I get up at 4, and then get a good breakfast in.
00:47:31You have like a Mark Wahlberg thing?
00:47:32Like you wake up and you work out,
00:47:34and then you have breakfast, and then you work out,
00:47:35and then you work for a half an hour,
00:47:36and then you work out?
00:47:38No, I'm more like a 75-year-old man who just progressively,
00:47:42they just start waking up earlier and earlier for some reason.
00:47:47No, that's bad.
00:47:48Because they start going to bed earlier.
00:47:49Why do they all do that?
00:47:51I don't know.
00:47:51My uncle does it, and I don't understand it.
00:47:54And I mean, as much as my schedule in real life,
00:47:59not doing a bit, I was joking over that.
00:48:01I was joshing.
00:48:02I was one of those, kind of like Savannah Bananas,
00:48:04kept pulling those hijinks.
00:48:06Like I was one of those.
00:48:07Did you just dog me?
00:48:09Yeah, I got your bed.
00:48:10Oh, shit.
00:48:12Just me and my tomfoolery.
00:48:14And yeah, I wake up between like 10 and 11 a.m.
00:48:18It's bad.
00:48:19And I go to bed.
00:48:20I mean, I usually shower at either two or three,
00:48:24and then bed from there.
00:48:25It's bad.
00:48:26Not quite the Steve Peralta schedule, though.
00:48:28He was even later than that.
00:48:32Steve, if you asked him to do something at noon,
00:48:36he was like, no, I will not be ready.
00:48:40Yeah, I don't know.
00:48:40I can't speak for the morning, but I can speak to the times
00:48:43that he would write an article and text me at like 4 a.m.
00:48:48and be like, hey, I just wrote one.
00:48:53And it wasn't because he woke up early.
00:48:55I will say, though, during that time,
00:48:58there were too many times that I was still up.
00:49:03And I'm not quite that bad right now,
00:49:06but I'm not on a normal schedule.
00:49:08Tomorrow, I have to wake up for the parade, the Celtics parade.
00:49:12And people are throwing around about like 9 a.m.
00:49:15get there times.
00:49:16And I'm like, I don't know about that.
00:49:18And here's what I don't really like about that.
00:49:20It's one thing to get there at nine,
00:49:22but these people are going to start drinking at nine.
00:49:24I'm going to start drinking at nine.
00:49:26And drinking before you normally wake up.
00:49:29That's crazy, bro.
00:49:32I'm not excited.
00:49:33Yeah, we got a lot.
00:49:34I mean, there's a whole lot of young,
00:49:36you know, 20s nonsense going on in my life this summer.
00:49:41A lot of it involves drinking.
00:49:43And it's me too.
00:49:44It's catching up to me.
00:49:45No, not you.
00:49:46I love being in my young 20s
00:49:48because I get to live my life like that.
00:49:51I go crazy.
00:49:52Me and my boys, I got nicknames from my boys.
00:49:55And we like, we fucking, God, we fuck off so hard.
00:50:00Oh, no.
00:50:02I think you're talking about my group.
00:50:08No, we're talking about Mackie.
00:50:11Yeah, those are my guys.
00:50:12No, those are my boys, bro.
00:50:14No, no, no, no.
00:50:16Well, you guys, you went out and you experienced it once.
00:50:18It really is Ducci, the whole group.
00:50:21I mean, if you think about it,
00:50:22it's Mackie, Stro, Lordy, Cruz, Motz.
00:50:27I mean.
00:50:28It sounds made up.
00:50:30It does.
00:50:30It does.
00:50:31It does.
00:50:32Sandy, Peyton, and Cat.
00:50:34Those aren't crazy.
00:50:37Remy, we got.
00:50:39And then, yeah, I think the only ones.
00:50:41Do you think I can get one of those nicknames?
00:50:43Do you got any extra of those nicknames in there?
00:50:45You think I can get one of those?
00:50:47I think.
00:50:50I mean, there's so many options.
00:50:52Caponi might just be it, though.
00:50:54That's the thing is a lot of people just call me my last name.
00:50:57I'll hand up real quick.
00:51:00Not a big fan of that.
00:51:02How about LA?
00:51:05That's a.
00:51:05That when I wanted to be a wrestler.
00:51:08That was what I was going to go with.
00:51:10Well, it gives you a middle name.
00:51:12I'm saying.
00:51:12They are my middle initials.
00:51:14Like LA.
00:51:15In when I played sports.
00:51:19It was copper.
00:51:21Oh, that's trash.
00:51:22I like it.
00:51:24Nobody liked it, though.
00:51:25I liked it.
00:51:25I was like, yeah, this and they were like, oh, you said.
00:51:28I think it's kind of cool.
00:51:29I like it.
00:51:30Did you say nobody else started?
00:51:32Well, that doesn't matter.
00:51:34It's what matters is that it was the nickname.
00:51:37The back of the card.
00:51:38It says you just name a copper.
00:51:40But you said nobody did it.
00:51:41So it wasn't your nickname.
00:51:43You try to start a nickname and you couldn't.
00:51:46No, everyone called me that the people call me that on Twitter.
00:51:49Now all the time.
00:51:50No, no, no.
00:51:52My replies.
00:51:53People are like copper.
00:51:54I'm so furious because I know there's going to be two people that comment something.
00:52:01Where they there's going to be a lot more than two people who are like great up top.
00:52:06And then they're going to tag me and I'm going to be like, oh, you damn it.
00:52:10And I know I know that there's going to be at least two people to do that.
00:52:15I get DMs all the time that say.
00:52:18Copper great up.
00:52:20Just wanted to say how much your music or your podcast saves saved my life.
00:52:25I like how much you change.
00:52:27Well, first of all, I would say that that I'm telling you that Mackie, Stroh, Lordi,
00:52:31Cruz, Mott's.
00:52:34They're not going to call you copper.
00:52:35You're not going to be copper.
00:52:36You can be in our group.
00:52:37I've told you this.
00:52:38I'm told you could be in our group.
00:52:39I'm in the water.
00:52:41Are you ready though?
00:52:42Because I mean, just to give you a breakdown last Friday.
00:52:47Yeah, we go watch this game.
00:52:49We lose.
00:52:49We go to Bellingham till 2 a.m.
00:52:51We wake up early Saturday.
00:52:53We go to tall ship from that one actually had a late start.
00:52:58That was more like a three 30 start.
00:52:59And then we were there to like eight.
00:53:01And then we went to Bellingham from like then till actually not close on that one.
00:53:07That's because I left there.
00:53:08We were very taken to the easy.
00:53:10I feel.
00:53:10Yeah, we probably left it like one on that one.
00:53:13And then and then Tuesday, we went to the Cape, drank till like two and then woke up at nine.
00:53:21And then just drank on the boat from then till till probably five.
00:53:26And then now that's that's Tuesday, Wednesday.
00:53:29Today, we took off tomorrow's parade.
00:53:31I told you people are going to start drinking at nine.
00:53:34And then and then Saturday, we go to Connecticut.
00:53:38And that's going to be an all day drinking thing.
00:53:40And then and then Sunday, we drive back.
00:53:42It's probably going to be a beer or two.
00:53:44At some point, I probably won't partake in that one.
00:53:46Are you ready for that?
00:53:47Oh, yeah.
00:53:51I do that too.
00:53:53Just alone.
00:53:54So oh, which no, not no, not not in a sad way.
00:54:00Like in a like I'm still partying way like I can keep up.
00:54:03So you're partying alone.
00:54:05It's like, you know, like I work remote, so like I kind of sort of like in party remote,
00:54:11you know, I'm saying, dude, I party remote.
00:54:15So I hop on a Zoom, you know, maybe FaceTime a friend from high school.
00:54:21And when they don't answer, I'll FaceTime someone else.
00:54:24And yeah, dude, it's just it's my lifestyle.
00:54:28So I'm happy with it.
00:54:30Life of a single dad, dude, it's fucking hardcore over here.
00:54:33It's it is hardcore.
00:54:35Yeah, it's very hard.
00:54:38If you just court, that's different.
00:54:40Um, yeah, if you yeah, well, I'll let you know now let you know if you're in.
00:54:45I know earlier I kind of jumped the gun a little bit.
00:54:48But I'll let you know if you want to come hang out with us, just text me and I'll see
00:54:51it for free.
00:54:52We probably won't be going out that day anyway.
00:54:54So it's like we could we could do that.
00:54:57I heard him in I heard him in I'll just text months.
00:55:00Okay, you can yeah, I gotta get months back on this show.
00:55:04Yeah, I'd love to.
00:55:06But also maybe Yeah, now they're good.
00:55:08If they're actually good.
00:55:09I don't know how much he's gonna be on.
00:55:10But like if we're bored and need a spark, maybe.
00:55:15Speaking of a spark series MVP, we got to do a series MVP for the third series.
00:55:20And this one's an easy one.
00:55:23Have a great have a series Tyler O'Neill four for 12, one double three homers.
00:55:30You want to guess how many RBI three three in perfect Tyler O'Neill fashion.
00:55:39That's 14 total bases for those keeping track at home a 333 average of 429 on base 1167
00:55:47slug good for a 1595 OPS.
00:55:54That is silly.
00:55:57So Don Raffaella actually had a higher OPS only played in two of these games.
00:56:02Only had seven ABS but went five for seven.
00:56:06So honorable mention going five for seven 714 average at 2036 OPS.
00:56:15Not bad.
00:56:15So worth mentioning Valdez had a good series.
00:56:21Don Smith had a good series.
00:56:25It's kind of it.
00:56:28Tyler O'Neill unanimous quick pick series MVP.
00:56:35All right, and that'll do it, everybody.
00:56:37Thank you so much for listening.
00:56:38You can follow us at ITM underscore pod.
00:56:41You can follow me.
00:56:42Out of nowhere, I didn't even say anything.
00:56:46Some girls gave me a number.
00:56:49Whoa, I love when that happens to me, too.
00:56:53Yeah, we should hang out.
00:56:57Just drop your number.
00:56:59Do we have hinge match fun facts?
00:57:01I got to ask her.
00:57:03That's ask her right now.
00:57:04Ask her right now.
00:57:05Be like before I text you on your real number.
00:57:11I already got while a while you're doing that, though,
00:57:15I'll just give people the social so that way.
00:57:18Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
00:57:20shelley what.
00:57:25Oh, my God, you keep forgetting the pension preview, Joey.
00:57:31Oh, gave her a number.
00:57:33Let's get a pitching preview, Joey.
00:57:36Oh, okay, folks.
00:57:38It is three games at the great American,
00:57:40American great, great red ballpark.
00:57:44Game one is gonna be Andrew Abbott versus Cutter Crawford.
00:57:49Andrew Abbott has a five and six record and a 342 ERA.
00:57:52He doesn't get hit too hard,
00:57:54but he is allergic to strikeouts and to whiffs.
00:57:56His best pitch is his change up, I guess.
00:57:59He has a four seamer and a sweeper and a curve as well.
00:58:02And they are all fine.
00:58:04Cutter Crawford, over his three starts in June,
00:58:07he's got a 450 ERA and a 498 FIP.
00:58:1122 strikeouts, though, over 18 innings.
00:58:14A vast improvement from his May performance
00:58:16with an ERA of 514 and 32 Ks in 35 innings.
00:58:21Game two is gonna be Frankie Montas versus Nick Pavetta.
00:58:26Frankie Montas is on the reds now.
00:58:29You probably forgot that.
00:58:30He sucks now.
00:58:31462 ERA in 60 and a third innings.
00:58:35He's not really good at anything.
00:58:36All his pitches suck, his cutter especially.
00:58:39Nick Pavetta is Canadian.
00:58:42His start in Canada on Monday
00:58:43was his second seven inning outing this June.
00:58:4682nd percentile in strikeout percentage.
00:58:49Over his last four starts, he's good for a 347 ERA,
00:58:5226 Ks in 23 and a third innings.
00:58:55And game three is gonna be TBD versus TBD.
00:59:02You guessed it, folks.
00:59:04It is a TBD all day designated pitcher.
00:59:09Dad playing wiffle ball in the backyard game.
00:59:12TBD has signed the first ever
00:59:15dual team single game contract
00:59:17in Major League Baseball history.
00:59:19Tune in only on Nested for some history.
00:59:24And that is gonna do it for your pitching preview.
00:59:26Scott, did we get a hinge match?
00:59:28Fun fact.
00:59:29We're still working on it.
00:59:30We're still working on it.
00:59:31I gave her time, bro.
00:59:33I mean, sure, surely you did.
00:59:36But a fun fact on the spot is a tough proposition.
00:59:40I think she knows that this is a time sensitive issue
00:59:45and I'm hoping that she delivers.
00:59:48We'll either get a fun fact
00:59:50or we have once again ruined my love life.
00:59:54That's all I ask is for one of those things to happen.
00:59:57I don't really care which one.
01:00:00It's gonna be one or the other
01:00:01because that's a crazy way to lose.
01:00:03I mean, I already got the number, so I already stole it.
01:00:06So I guess I can be an idiot now.
01:00:07No taking that back.
01:00:09Yeah, time to find out the real me.
01:00:11It was a matter of time before I asked you for a fun fact
01:00:13that I need in 15 minutes or less.
01:00:17I was hoping like three minutes tops.
01:00:20I know, but I'm thinking we gotta do a whole preview now.
01:00:23You don't have just like a fun fact?
01:00:26Like at the ready?
01:00:27Like if someone's like give me a fun fact,
01:00:29you don't have one?
01:00:30I have like a icebreaker fun fact about myself,
01:00:34but I don't have just a...
01:00:35Oh, no, I don't care about it.
01:00:37Wait, hold on, hold on.
01:00:38She said send fun fact here.
01:00:41Cause she gave me a number.
01:00:43Yeah, I'm not buying time.
01:00:46Yeah, she understands the premise.
01:00:48We should get this.
01:00:51I'll be rip shit if not.
01:00:53What's her name?
01:00:59Perhaps, maybe?
01:01:02I don't know, I'm just trying it out.
01:01:03Antonia, that makes more sense.
01:01:05She's from, let's see, not here, I'll tell you that.
01:01:12Ooh, Chile, Antonia.
01:01:15Antonia is the Chile.
01:01:19How many languages can I speak on this show, huh?
01:01:22Probably three.
01:01:23It never stops.
01:01:24Three, we're at three right now.
01:01:28Oh, so how do we feel?
01:01:30How do we feel?
01:01:31Give me a prediction.
01:01:33I think, well, the TBD game is obviously hard to...
01:01:41Predict, cause I mean, who knows
01:01:43what TBD's gonna be doing,
01:01:44if he's gonna be favoring one side versus the other.
01:01:47It's tough, you know?
01:01:49Especially once you start to get to pitch number 250,
01:01:52you start to feel it in your shoulder a little bit.
01:01:56So which team is he gonna be pitching for at that point?
01:02:01Game three, I'm gonna give to the Sunday Sox.
01:02:05Oh, good point.
01:02:06Yeah, what are we even talking about?
01:02:08That's a win.
01:02:09Yeah, they've lost exactly one game on Sunday.
01:02:11They're what, 10-1, 11-1 on Sundays?
01:02:14I think it's even more than that.
01:02:17But yeah, something like that.
01:02:18It's somewhere around there.
01:02:20They've only lost one game on Sunday, so they win that one.
01:02:23Montas versus Nick Pavetta is weird.
01:02:33I think, it's a weird one.
01:02:35Yeah, I mean, I think-
01:02:36I think the other game's way harder.
01:02:40I think they take that one.
01:02:41I think Cutter's on the upswing.
01:02:42I mean, I know Pavetta is too, but-
01:02:45Well, I'm saying-
01:02:46And more so, but-
01:02:48Pavetta versus Montas numbers say Pavetta,
01:02:53by comfortably.
01:02:56Crawford and Abbott's numbers are very much even.
01:03:013-5-4 to Ravers is 3-4-2,
01:03:04and then in Pavetta, it's 3-8-8 versus 4-6-2.
01:03:08The thing about the Montas game
01:03:11is anybody who has been in the AL East
01:03:14facing the Boston Red Sox means something to me.
01:03:21Like, they know this team.
01:03:23Granted, there's like two guys on this team
01:03:24who've been around for a year or two.
01:03:26But did he really pitch for the Yankees?
01:03:32Did he definitively play the Red Sox against us?
01:03:37I mean, he plays.
01:03:38Frankie Montas.
01:03:39I mean, his time with the Yankees was brief.
01:03:47Montas was 0-2 with an ERA of 2-19
01:03:51in six games against the Red Sox in his career.
01:03:54Only one of those was with the Yankees.
01:03:56Yeah, I was gonna say,
01:03:57because he was on the Yankees for two years.
01:03:59He made nine starts.
01:04:00No, I'm sorry.
01:04:01He made eight starts in one one-and-a-half inning
01:04:05rehab, or relief appearance.
01:04:07Oh my God.
01:04:08He pitched 41 innings for them.
01:04:12Wow, that is way less than I remembered, okay.
01:04:15Well, five of those innings came against the Boston Red Sox,
01:04:18two earned on five hits.
01:04:19Yeah, that's why I don't really think of him.
01:04:21I mean, he played us for sure against the A's,
01:04:23as you just said, but I don't give him an AL East factor.
01:04:27He's not, you know, Stroman,
01:04:28who's also now still in the AL East,
01:04:30but like, you know, someone like, you know,
01:04:32Chris Archer on the Pirates where you're like,
01:04:34oh, we faced this guy 50 times.
01:04:37He has hit Jaren Duran with a pitch that's worth noting.
01:04:41Something to look at, potential brawl there.
01:04:42That's something to really think about.
01:04:44I'll tell you what,
01:04:45you don't want to get in a brawl with that man.
01:04:49He's strong.
01:04:50Bigger, faster, stronger. I've always said that.
01:04:52Jaren Duran.
01:04:53I've literally always said that.
01:04:57Yankees ended up winning that game.
01:05:01Yeah, I got the Sox.
01:05:03Going two out of three?
01:05:06If they lose one, it's the first one.
01:05:08If they win the first one, they sweep.
01:05:11Okay, I am going to go...
01:05:14I think it's two out of three,
01:05:16but I think the middle game is the one I worry about.
01:05:19So I still think two out of three.
01:05:20I'm most concerned with game two.
01:05:25I'm not worried about him.
01:05:27That's game two.
01:05:31Oh, good point.
01:05:32That's the middle game.
01:05:33Oh, wait, yeah.
01:05:34Okay, I'm with you 100%.
01:05:35I was just being stupid.
01:05:37So that first game, the Abbott-
01:05:39The Abbott-Crawford game.
01:05:41That's the one you're worried about?
01:05:42Me too.
01:05:44But then after that?
01:05:47You don't lose on Sundays.
01:05:49Yeah, they don't lose on Sundays,
01:05:50and Montes versus Pavetta, I got Nicky.
01:05:54I just think like...
01:05:57I just think a sweep is unlikely
01:05:58just because of like a winning streak thing.
01:06:00Like now you're talking about an eight game winning streak.
01:06:02That's just statistically unlikely.
01:06:07Dude, I am burnt.
01:06:10Yeah, you look bad.
01:06:12Well, hey.
01:06:14Oh no, you look great.
01:06:18Is that convincing?
01:06:22I think I look summery.
01:06:23Because it's a lie.
01:06:26I was thinking of going to the parade, dude,
01:06:27but I'm not.
01:06:29Oh, okay.
01:06:30Yeah, I have work.
01:06:33So I work.
01:06:36Sorry this episode's late, you guys.
01:06:38We've been a little glimpse behind the scenes here.
01:06:41I don't know how much people know about my day job
01:06:44that I'm...
01:06:46It's also my night job.
01:06:48It's my all the time job.
01:06:49It is.
01:06:50I'm a producer for CLNS.
01:06:53So on top of doing this show,
01:06:56I produce a whole bunch of shows.
01:06:58So when the Celtics won the title,
01:07:02the World Championship, they call it,
01:07:05I'm learning,
01:07:08CLNS, very Celtics forward company.
01:07:11So been kind of a crazy week here.
01:07:14So apologies for being late,
01:07:18but also it's an off day.
01:07:19So we can do that.
01:07:20Yeah, so suck it up.
01:07:22Yeah, you guys are fine.
01:07:24Deal with it.
01:07:24Thank you for listening, though.
01:07:26You can sub on YouTube.
01:07:28You can find YouTube in our link tree
01:07:29and you can find our link tree and our bios
01:07:31and you can find our socials
01:07:33to find those bios at itm underscore pod.
01:07:37You can follow me at Joey Capone.
01:07:38You can follow him at scottneville46 like Brad Keller.
01:07:40Did you have a closing thought or anything
01:07:42before I started closing out the show?
01:07:43Yeah, I didn't.
01:07:44That was kind of crazy.
01:07:47First of all, we did...
01:07:49I know you don't want to do this.
01:07:50We did promise to do DMs on the show.
01:07:54Oh, I didn't ask for them online.
01:07:56Let me see if we got any.
01:07:58Okay, that's right.
01:07:59You didn't, because you...
01:08:00Yeah, you're right.
01:08:01You do stink at your job.
01:08:03Yeah, no, the thing is I'm doing my job too hard, dude.
01:08:06No, you're not focusing on the priorities,
01:08:08which should be me.
01:08:13Oh, here's one.
01:08:14This one comes from David.
01:08:16Hi, David.
01:08:18Since Steve now wears banana suits,
01:08:21how do you guys feel about wearing Coke bottle costumes
01:08:23to campaign for the return of the Coke bottles
01:08:25on the Monster?
01:08:28If Coke wants to sponsor the show,
01:08:33we'd love that.
01:08:34I think that's also a Steve P thing.
01:08:40Like, doesn't that feel like Peralta campaign?
01:08:43I'd probably say that's not the best case.
01:08:44He would be upset if we did that.
01:08:46Like, it just feels like that would be too close to like...
01:08:51That's just too close to what he does,
01:08:54to be like taking the same concept
01:08:56and doing it with something he's passionate about.
01:09:01So that would be, yeah.
01:09:03Hate to shut that down.
01:09:04I mean, if we want to get Steve Matson here,
01:09:07he wore a hot dog costume in public before.
01:09:10Right, so we're kind of the costume guys now, right?
01:09:14If we put him on the show more, yeah.
01:09:18I don't know if that's worth it.
01:09:20I don't, I don't know.
01:09:23So this one comes in from Pauly.
01:09:26Hi, Pauly.
01:09:27Pauly says, slide in the DMs.
01:09:29How much better would the Sox record have to be
01:09:31from the previous year to consider it an actual improvement?
01:09:34I feel like it's eight-ish games for me.
01:09:35My logic is that about five or six series losses,
01:09:38flip to series wins with a sweep two in there.
01:09:43That's interesting that the way he went about it
01:09:45was by series.
01:09:48I would say 85 wins
01:09:51because that feels like you go from a sub-500 team
01:09:56to you're like one piece away.
01:09:58That's, so that's seven wins better than last year.
01:10:02Yeah, he said eight.
01:10:03Yeah, I think you're right.
01:10:05I think you're right.
01:10:05A couple games over 500.
01:10:0785, 86 games feels right.
01:10:14Do we got another one?
01:10:16I almost clicked a bad one.
01:10:21This comes in from Trevor.
01:10:23Hey, Trevor, story?
01:10:27Let me check.
01:10:33Genuine question.
01:10:34Why isn't Bobby Dahlbeck tried out as a pitcher?
01:10:36Electric pitcher in college,
01:10:37and he clearly knows a lot about balls missing bats.
01:10:39Trevor, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
01:10:41I'm sorry.
01:10:42I'm sorry.
01:10:43I'm sorry.
01:10:43Balls missing bats.
01:10:44Oh, Trevor, not answering that.
01:10:47Sorry, Trevor.
01:10:47Thought you had a good question.
01:10:49Oh man, that's funny though.
01:10:51That's funny.
01:10:52You can be, you can be unbiased for a second
01:10:54and acknowledge it's a pretty funny.
01:10:56That's funny.
01:10:57He made it funny.
01:10:59Yeah, I mean, honestly,
01:11:00like I think it would have gone through my head
01:11:03if I was him.
01:11:05I do think it's so crazy to make that switch
01:11:08because like,
01:11:10God, you have to make up so much ground
01:11:14to get back to be as,
01:11:15like think about how hard it would be
01:11:17for him to be as good at pitching as he is at hitting.
01:11:20Now that's easier for him than most people
01:11:21because he's soft at hitting,
01:11:23but still he's a big leaguer
01:11:25that can technically get a hit sometimes.
01:11:27And so,
01:11:30I don't know.
01:11:33What is Bob doing that's so bad
01:11:36that's making everybody come at him?
01:11:38Massive error, like two days ago.
01:11:42Okay, we're talking about his bat right now.
01:11:44Well, no, we're saying he should quit.
01:11:45And do you want to guess what he's hitting in June?
01:11:47You asshole.
01:11:53Jerk, 148.
01:11:58It's a 517 OPS.
01:12:00Yeah, those are big, big numbers.
01:12:07If you cut off a couple of games on the edges there,
01:12:10edges there, it, oh, nevermind.
01:12:12Nevermind, forget I said anything.
01:12:17I don't know, I tell you what,
01:12:19wouldn't that be an electric storyline?
01:12:21Imagine the Bobby Dolbeck comeback train as a pitcher,
01:12:24like the shirts we could make,
01:12:26I mean, we couldn't make shirts
01:12:27because we'd have to go through the whole thing,
01:12:28but maybe he's in the minors, it'd be easier.
01:12:31I don't know.
01:12:32But that would be electric to follow.
01:12:34I'd tell you what, I bet he's thought about it.
01:12:37Oh, this chick sucks.
01:12:41Did we get, did we not get a fun fact?
01:12:46First she said, KK, I'm thinking,
01:12:47then she said, wait, is the fact about me
01:12:49or the world in general?
01:12:54Nah, I'm not waiting.
01:12:55No, we got it.
01:12:57Sorry, Antonia.
01:12:58Maybe you got time in Chile.
01:13:01We're fucking moving here.
01:13:04Got a show to do.
01:13:06Make me free content.
01:13:11Show's brought to you by PrizePix,
01:13:12the exclusive daily fantasy partner
01:13:14of the CLNS Media Network.
01:13:15At my game time, the best place to buy tickets online
01:13:17to sports concerts, you could just code CLNS.
01:13:20For both of those places.
01:13:21I know you're gonna just do like this quick,
01:13:23like run through my Instagram,
01:13:24and you're gonna be like,
01:13:25oh, you're like Chico Villalobre,
01:13:26but I actually posted on Instagram today.
01:13:29So I need everybody to like that comment.
01:13:31Oh, yeah, go follow Scott on Instagram, I guess.
01:13:33I have an Instagram too, it's also at Joey Cabrini.
01:13:36Yeah, but I actually post on,
01:13:37I never do that if I should post it on it.
01:13:38And you have to, I would need thousands of likes,
01:13:42maybe millions.
01:13:43So I need you to actually not just hear Joey
01:13:46do his little rundown,
01:13:47when you go, okay, time to move on.
01:13:49He's doing his little closeout thing.
01:13:50No, people listen.
01:13:51People go and follow, dude.
01:13:53I need you to actually go and follow.
01:13:55No, I don't even care if you follow.
01:13:56I just need you to like this one post.
01:13:58I'll tell you what, use it as a test run.
01:14:00If you don't like it, I don't like you either.
01:14:05Keep listening and use the promos and stuff.
01:14:12That's my closing thought.
01:14:13Getting some player likes over on the ITM page.
01:14:16Follow the ITM Instagram.
01:14:18To player likes?
01:14:19We're gonna be posting, yeah,
01:14:20we're gonna be posting some more stuff on there.
01:14:23So as the summer is going here
01:14:25and all the other sports have stopped,
01:14:26that means I can go back to being
01:14:28a diligent producer of the show
01:14:30and actually put out content.
01:14:32It'd be a nice change of pace.
01:14:34On the show.
01:14:35That'd be cool.
01:14:36So we appreciate all you guys, gals, folks.
01:14:42And we will see you after this Reds series.
01:14:47For Scott Neville, I'm Joey Caponico, Sox kid.