• last year


00:00Going for a swim.
00:34Doesn't look like it's going to be a very nice day today, JJ.
00:37Doesn't it?
00:39No, looks like it's going to pour with rain.
00:41There's some really dark clouds blowing up.
00:44Let's see what the weather forecast says.
00:46Where is it?
00:50Very heavy showers for the rest of the day.
00:53Oh, dear.
00:54I was going to go for a walk round the park,
00:56but I suppose we'll have to stay in now.
00:58If so, only an idiot would go to the park on a day like today.
01:01Who wants a game of cricket in the park?
01:03Talking of idiots...
01:05Jiffy, have you looked outside yet?
01:07Oh, why? What's out there?
01:09Squiffy, Jiffy, brain of Britain.
01:11Nothing's out there, Jiffy. Not yet, anyway.
01:13Why did you tell me to look out, then?
01:15It's going to pour with rain any minute.
01:17Ha! How do you know?
01:19Them whacking great black clouds haven't popped round for a cup of tea,
01:22you big girl's blouse.
01:24You'd better put those cricket things away, Jiffy.
01:27Stuff and nonsense, Bonzo.
01:29Mr Smiley's sun is going to shine down any second, you'll see.
01:33You'll get soaking wet.
01:35Best stay in, Jiffy, really.
01:37Look, I'm going to play cricket and it's not going to rain.
01:40So there.
01:41At least take an umbrella, then.
01:43Oh, right.
01:44I suppose I can use it as a sunshade when it gets too hot.
01:51Oh, do have a lovely, boring time indoors, you three.
01:58Hey, Bronco, he's as daft as a brush, him.
02:01You tell him me, Box, but he'll be sorry.
02:04Well, what are we going to do today?
02:07What is there to do on a rainy day?
02:09Well, there's, um...
02:15I can't think.
02:17Me neither.
02:21I'm bored.
02:24Honestly, humans.
02:26A drop of rain and they turn into brainless potatoes.
02:29I mean, me.
02:30I sit on a shelf for hours at a time, doing nothing much,
02:33watching the world go by,
02:35wondering if me flaps are stuck down properly.
02:38And do I get bored?
02:40Too right, I do.
02:42Hey, missus, let's play a game.
02:45A game? Yeah, Box, what a good idea.
02:47What sort of game?
02:48Oh, how about a boxing match?
02:50Hey, get out of here. I've got a headache.
02:52Hey, Bonzo, give me a hand.
02:54I haven't read that.
02:55Never mind, we can iron it later,
02:57but this game will be much more fun than reading the newspaper.
03:00OK, then.
03:03What are they up to?
03:05Oi, you two, what are you doing?
03:08Nearly ready, Bonzo.
03:09Yes, ready. Nearly.
03:11Let me in on the secret.
03:12Right, now, then.
03:14Hey, what's happening?
03:16Now, you be careful, missus.
03:20Oh, a thunderstorm.
03:22The weather forecast was right.
03:24Shippy's going to get soaking wet.
03:26Yeah, it'll be an even bigger drip than usual.
03:30Oi! Oi, what are you doing?
03:33Oh, in. Your turn now, Bonzo.
03:35Right, right, right.
03:37Oh, not bad, eh?
03:38Excuse me.
03:39Do you mind not doing that?
03:41But this is the game box, you see.
03:43We've got to throw these paper balls into you.
03:45Oh, missed.
03:47Go on, then, Bonzo.
03:48Missed again.
03:50Oh, nearly.
03:51Right, I'll try an overarm one.
03:52Right, go on.
03:54Oh, so near.
03:57I'm going to get better.
03:58Oh, rain stops play.
04:01Why did it have to go and rain?
04:03I never got to bowl a single ball.
04:06And why didn't the others warn me it was going to rain?
04:14Sounds like I'm missing out on something in there.
04:17Oh, right, still three all.
04:19Now it's my turn, right?
04:20Yes, I'll get you for this, Bimbo.
04:22And you too, Mrs Mock.
04:25Oh, oh.
04:26Hello, Jiffy.
04:28Did it rain by any chance?
04:30Yes, it did.
04:31Why didn't you warn me?
04:33But we did, Jiffy.
04:34I got soaking wet.
04:35Wetter than a haddock.
04:37You don't look very wet.
04:38Well, I would have done if I hadn't thought of taking this umbrella.
04:41Luckily, I'm always prepared.
04:43Didn't you get to play any cricket, then, Jiffy?
04:47No, after it rained, the cricket pitch looked like a pond.
04:51Oh, were you out for a duck, then?
04:54That was very funny.
04:56Never mind, Jiffy, you can join in our game.
04:58Oh, no, he can't.
04:59I'm not having Graham Gooch there trying to knock off me bails.
05:02Hey, hey, hey, is this a sort of a throwing balls into box sort of game?
05:06Yeah, it is. Here.
05:07No, he can't play. It's our game.
05:09He wants to go off and play underwater cricket.
05:12Well, I'm back now, aren't I, Clever Clog?
05:14All right, all right, but there's a new rule.
05:16If you want to play this game, you have to think of a rhyme about rain.
05:20Oh, for goodness sake.
05:22A rhyme about rain.
05:23Everyone knows seven zillion rhymes about rain, Boz.
05:26It's stupid.
05:27Go on, then.
05:29Say a rhyme about the rain.
05:30It's kids' stuff.
05:32Tell us one, then.
05:34Don't you know any, Jiffy?
05:36About rain?
05:38Yeah, yeah.
05:39Where's the one about Humpty...
05:42Grand old Duke of York...
05:46You can keep your game.
05:48I'm going to get changed.
05:50See, I think we've upset him now.
05:53He's just cross because we were right about the rain and he wasn't.
05:56Come on, let's get on with the game.
05:57With a rhyme rain, a rain rhyme, rather, before each go.
06:02They don't know any, either.
06:03Oh, I know one. Right.
06:05The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain.
06:10Good one.
06:11It doesn't rain in aeroplanes.
06:12Now my go.
06:13Um, wait a minute.
06:14Yeah, that's right.
06:15Doctor Foster went to Gloucester in a shower of rain.
06:18He stepped in a puddle right up to his middle and never went there again.
06:23Right, back.
06:25It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring.
06:28He went to bed and he bumped his head and he couldn't get up in the morning.
06:34Right, Mina.
06:35Oh, crumbs, it's getting tricky now.
06:38Run out of your sausage brain.
06:39Oh, I know.
06:40How about Incy Wincy Spider?
06:41Good idea.
06:43Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the spout.
06:47Down came the rain and washed poor Incy out.
06:50Out came the sun and dried up all the rain.
06:53So, Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the spout again.
06:59Oh, yay.
07:00Oi, one at a time.
07:01One at a time, please.
07:02Now what?
07:04Hey, if I had any legs, I'd kick you both for a date at Christmas.
07:07Pack it in, peanut heads.
07:09Right, I'm off.
07:10I'm going.
07:11I'm out of here.
07:12Bye, bye.
07:13For good.
07:14Hm, hm, hm.
07:17At least a rainy day gives you a good chance for a clear out.
07:20Yes, we certainly cleared Box out all right, didn't we?
07:23Well, shall we keep these old things?
07:25No, no, they can go.
07:27And these.
07:28Oh, look at these.
07:29Whatever's happened to them?
07:31Oh, well, er, Jiffy used them when he was unblocking the plug hole in the bath.
07:35Yeah, but they're covered in dry glue.
07:37You don't need glue to unblock a plug hole.
07:39No, Jiffy used the glue to mend the bath after he'd split it unblocking the plug hole.
07:43We should never have bought him that do-it-yourself book.
07:46No, it's not.
07:47Right, do we want these old jam jars?
07:50Rain, rain, go away, come back another day.
07:53If you say so, Jiffy.
07:55No, no, it's a rain rhyme, you see.
07:57Rain, rain, go away, come back another day.
07:59Right, my go, where are the balls?
08:01We finished playing the game ages ago, Jiffy.
08:03You've missed it.
08:05Missed it?
08:06Do you realise it took me about 12 hours to remember that rain rhyme?
08:09Oh, Jiffy, I've told you a million times.
08:11Don't exaggerate.
08:13Well, we're having a clear-out now.
08:15We've got to chuck that jar away, though.
08:18I can use this.
08:19What for?
08:20To make a rain gauge.
08:21Then we can measure how much rain falls.
08:22Shall I show you?
08:23Yes, go on, then.
08:24I know I need some bits and pieces.
08:25Let's put this down right away.
08:28A ruler.
08:29Oh, and a lolly stick.
08:30We've got a lolly stick.
08:31I used up my lolly stick from yesterday.
08:32Oh, that is so good.
08:33This is the thing.
08:34There's a ruler.
08:35There's a ruler.
08:36And a lolly stick.
08:37And some plasticine.
08:39That'll be all right.
08:41Now, there we go.
08:42First of all, I have to mark up this lolly stick with centimetres.
08:45So I can use the ruler to do that.
08:49Now, I'll do right at the edge.
08:51Right at the edge, yeah.
08:58Hang on.
08:59Where was that?
09:03I wonder how many I'll get on.
09:10Now, I don't need the ruler anymore.
09:11Put the numbers on.
09:23Now what do we do?
09:25Now, this is a plaster thing.
09:26There you go.
09:27There we go.
09:29And this is a bit like glue.
09:30So I push it on the back of the lolly stick, like there.
09:32And there.
09:34And all I have to do is stick it onto the jar, making sure the bottom of the lolly stick's
09:35at the bottom of the jar.
09:36I press it on.
09:37That should stick on there.
09:39There you go.
09:40That's all there is to it.
09:41And now, when it rains, rain goes in the top of the jar and starts filling up here.
09:42And then...
09:55Oh, and then we can read off the level to see how many centimetres of rain will fall
09:56on that day.
09:58It's easy, isn't it?
10:00Really good.
10:02Is it still raining?
10:03Well, it sounds like it.
10:04It does, doesn't it?
10:05Okay, let's go and put this outside the front door, and then we'll know how many centimetres
10:06of rain fall for the rest of the day.
10:09Come on.
10:10Come on then.
10:13Right, look, we'll leave the rain gauge just there and come back a bit later and see if
10:15it's filled up.
10:16Oh, it's still belting down.
10:17Yes, I reckon the rain gauge will fill up really quickly.
10:18It won't.
10:19Well, Bonsai, I know about these things.
10:21Oh, yes. We're in for a massive deluge.
10:25Yes, just like Noah and the Ark.
10:30Hope you can swim, Bonsai.
10:35I can't swim all that well.
10:40Clive, listen. It's raining cats and dogs.
10:45Woof, woof.
10:46Meow, meow.
10:48Woof, woof.
10:49Meow, meow.
10:50The clouds above are thick and grey.
10:53There's not a patch of blue.
10:55It's another rainy day today.
10:59Whatever shall we do?
11:01It's much too wet to go outside.
11:04We just get soaked right through.
11:07I guess we'll have to stay and hide.
11:10What else is there to do?
11:12It's raining cats and dogs.
11:15It's raining cats and dogs.
11:18It ain't just a person's shower.
11:20No, it's raining, raining, raining, raining, raining cats and dogs.
11:24Woof, woof.
11:25Meow, meow.
11:26Woof, woof.
11:27Meow, meow.
11:29It means that I can't play no cricket.
11:32I'm afraid that rain's stopped playing.
11:34There's an inch of rain lying on the wick
11:37and it's another rainy day.
11:40We'll stay inside because it's drying here.
11:43Oh, no, we've got a leak.
11:46Hello, Mr. Plumber, can you hear?
11:49He can't come till next week.
11:51It's raining cats and dogs.
11:54It's raining cats and dogs.
11:57It ain't just a person's shower.
11:59No, it's raining, raining, raining, raining, raining cats and dogs.
12:05The clouds above are thick and grey.
12:08There's not a patch of blue.
12:10It's another rainy day today.
12:13Whatever shall we do?
12:15But it's much too wet to go outside.
12:18We'll just get soaked right through.
12:21I guess we'll have to stay and hide.
12:24What else is there to do?
12:26It's raining cats and dogs.
12:29It's raining cats and dogs.
12:32It ain't just a person's shower.
12:34No, it's raining, raining, raining, raining, raining cats and dogs.
12:37Woof, woof.
12:39Woof, woof.
12:41Woof, woof.
12:43It's raining cats and dogs.
12:45It's raining cats and dogs.
12:48It ain't just a person's shower.
12:50No, it's raining, raining, raining, raining, raining cats and dogs.
12:57Cramps, look at the rain gauge.
12:59It's really filling up fast.
13:01And I can't swim.
13:03Oh, Bondo, don't worry, you twit.
13:09I'm flattening out the newspaper for you, Bondo, so you can read it.
13:23Don't bother the newspaper.
13:25It's pouring with rain still.
13:26We're going to be flooded out.
13:28I'm going to go and check the rain gauge.
13:34JJ, it's nearly full.
13:40Woof, woof.
13:57Now it's completely full, you see.
13:59It hasn't rained that much, Bondo.
14:01Someone's been playing a trick on you.
14:04Who would do a thing like that?
14:09Woof, woof.