Discovering Love 2024 - Great Hallmark Romance

  • 4 months ago
00:00:00Good morning, Rosemary.
00:00:01Good morning, Jonathan.
00:00:03What do you got for me?
00:00:04Well, Keller called, also Bell's attorney.
00:00:07Uh, Mr. Schuster wants to set a lunch this week.
00:00:10I set it for Thursday.
00:00:12And, uh, your chiropractor called back.
00:00:14You have an appointment tomorrow.
00:00:16What would I do without you?
00:00:17Probably wouldn't have made partner.
00:00:19Schuster, Barron, and Clyde.
00:00:35Oh, I love you.
00:00:36I'm swamped today.
00:00:37I already have four appointments.
00:00:39I still have to do payroll and come up with next week's schedule.
00:00:41Oh, that's what best friends are for.
00:00:43You just remember that when you fill out those checks.
00:00:46You know, Lib, if you finally finish those classes,
00:00:48I could actually pay you as a massage therapist
00:00:50and not just a receptionist.
00:00:52Come on.
00:00:53You were so good at that four years ago.
00:00:55I've got my hands full.
00:00:56I mean, after this, I'm DJing at Sunset,
00:00:59then I have a catering gig.
00:01:00God, I don't know how you do it.
00:01:02You have a different schedule every week, every day.
00:01:05Life is a journey, Tessa.
00:01:07I like to just enjoy the ride.
00:01:12Ah, look at this.
00:01:13College roommate's nuptials.
00:01:15Three weeks away.
00:01:17You know, actually, Rosemary, I can't make it to that.
00:01:19Oh, really?
00:01:20Well, I figured.
00:01:21So I sent you regrets and a blender.
00:01:23Very fancy, all chrome.
00:01:25Jonathan, if you never see anything outside of the four walls of this office,
00:01:29how are you ever going to fall in love?
00:01:31Give me this.
00:01:33Rosemary, true love, whatever that is,
00:01:35is for fairy tales and animated movies.
00:01:38Oh, that is so not true.
00:01:39But you will be happy to know I actually do have a blind date.
00:01:43Who are you allowing to play matchmaker other than me?
00:01:47Oh, Nick.
00:01:48Of all people, you think Nick knows what you need in a relationship?
00:01:51He's with me here all day at the office.
00:01:53He knows how I tick.
00:01:54He's pretty much my best friend.
00:01:55Yes, Rosie, I am indeed his best friend,
00:01:58and I do know what an up-and-coming attorney at law needs in a female companion.
00:02:05Well, who is this woman?
00:02:06Cynthia DuPont.
00:02:07She's a PR exec.
00:02:09Cynthia DuPont is a 31-year-old executive VP, okay?
00:02:13She's gorgeous.
00:02:14She has her MBA.
00:02:17She's perfect.
00:02:18How romantic.
00:02:19Come on, Rosie.
00:02:20I mean, Jonathan's about to be made partner.
00:02:23In just a few hours, he will be heralded by the powers that be
00:02:27of Schuster, Barron, and Clyde,
00:02:29ushered into the inner circle of couples' dinners,
00:02:32country club memberships, and full-time nannies.
00:02:35I mean, if he's going to play the part,
00:02:37he's got to have the right girl by his side.
00:02:39And you're the man to help him find her?
00:02:42I rest my case.
00:02:44Thank you, Rosemary.
00:02:48All right, everybody up.
00:02:50Let's see some dancing.
00:02:58Good, good, good.
00:03:01Ooh, Donald.
00:03:03I think Lenore made it perfectly clear last week
00:03:05that she doesn't like it when you put your hand on her backside.
00:03:08I'm reconsidering.
00:03:09I consider this place for Slim.
00:03:11Harry, Harry, may I have this dance?
00:03:14Oh, you're such an angel, baby.
00:03:16I think you're cute.
00:03:28Hey, Tom, how are you this evening?
00:03:30Well, thanks.
00:03:32Thank you.
00:03:33Thank you.
00:03:34All right, see you later.
00:03:47Good evening, Mr. McIntyre.
00:03:48Doug, how are you?
00:03:49Just fine.
00:03:50Congratulations on your promotion.
00:03:51Thank you very much.
00:03:52You're welcome.
00:03:53Have a good evening.
00:03:54You, too.
00:03:55Take care.
00:03:56Good evening, sir.
00:03:57Welcome to the Beverly Good Hotel.
00:04:02Good evening.
00:04:03Good evening, ma'am.
00:04:05Oh, good evening, sir.
00:04:06Good evening.
00:04:07Good evening.
00:04:08Good evening, ma'am.
00:04:09Good evening.
00:04:10Good evening.
00:04:28Oh, hold the elevator, please.
00:04:30Please, hold the...
00:04:31Thank you.
00:04:34Thank you so much.
00:04:37No problem.
00:04:38Are we?
00:04:42The lobby power is out.
00:04:54Yeah, it looks like the whole grid's down on the looser card, or it looks like we're
00:05:06gonna have to show some patience and wait it out.
00:05:12Uh, I don't have any service here.
00:05:16Do you?
00:05:17Oh, I don't have a cell phone.
00:05:20People survive for centuries without them.
00:05:27Oh, great. Yeah, no dial tone. Nothing.
00:05:38Wow, it's a little claustrophobic in here.
00:05:41Yeah, it is a little stuffy in here.
00:05:45Well, it seems like we're gonna be here for a minute, so maybe we should introduce ourselves.
00:05:50Yeah, sorry. I'm Jonathan McIntyre.
00:05:53Hi, Jonathan. I'm Liberty Taylor. Most people just call me Liberty. Or Libby, I mean. Sorry.
00:05:59Liberty. That's a unique name.
00:06:02Yeah, my mom thought it would be a good way to remind me throughout my life that I could be and do whatever I want.
00:06:07Anything's possible. You know, that kind of thing.
00:06:10That's a good message from a mom.
00:06:12Yeah, I think so.
00:06:14Well, I mean, you'd make a great defense attorney. Your name alone would inspire a lot of hope in your clients.
00:06:18Oh, is that what you do?
00:06:20Uh, yeah. Attorney, yes. But defense, no.
00:06:26I mainly do corporate law, mergers and acquisitions.
00:06:32Basically, if somebody wants to buy something or sell something or merge a company,
00:06:37I'm the guy who makes sure they're doing everything by the books.
00:06:40Oh. Oh, that sounds really interesting.
00:06:44Does it?
00:06:45Does it?
00:06:49You don't really think so. It's okay.
00:06:51I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude. I just...
00:06:53No, no. Don't apologize. It's fine. It's refreshing, actually.
00:06:57I'm used to people telling me what I want to hear. Or what they think I want to hear, anyway.
00:07:01Your honesty is a nice change of pace.
00:07:04Well, okay. In that case, then your job pretty much sounds like a cure for insomnia.
00:07:09Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you'll be patient just a little bit longer.
00:07:13We are so sorry for the inconvenience.
00:07:16Our valets are happy to carry luggage.
00:07:19If anyone would care to take the stairs up to your rooms?
00:07:30So, did you always want to be a lawyer?
00:07:33No, actually.
00:07:34Growing up, I wanted to be a race car driver.
00:07:37But, of course, that wasn't a very practical goal for the man of the house, so I reconsidered.
00:07:42Oh, you're married?
00:07:44Me? No. Oh, no.
00:07:46No, when I said man of the house, I meant when I was a kid.
00:07:51Oh, right.
00:07:53My father passed away when I was young, and my mother raised me by herself, so...
00:07:56I'm sorry.
00:07:58Wow, that is...
00:07:59That's a lot of responsibility for a little kid.
00:08:02I, uh...
00:08:04School was always really easy for me.
00:08:06And when I realized, not only could I get the jobs and scholarships I wanted,
00:08:13but that I had to, you know, to help out my mother.
00:08:16And I'm sorry.
00:08:19I never talk about myself like this. I'm rambling.
00:08:24No, you're sharing about your life, and...
00:08:26It's interesting.
00:08:28So, uh, what about you?
00:08:30I was raised by a single mom, too.
00:08:32Um, my parents split up when I was little.
00:08:34I wasn't that into school, though.
00:08:36Not like you. I was, uh, more into the extracurriculars.
00:08:39Oh, such as?
00:08:41Well, I, um...
00:08:43I took all kinds of dance.
00:08:45I did a semester of ultimate frisbee.
00:08:47I had a failed attempt on the soccer team, and...
00:08:50I finally realized I really wasn't that athletic, so I moved on to music,
00:08:53where I played the flute, I played the sax.
00:08:56I took all kinds of art classes.
00:08:58Wow, you must be really creative.
00:09:01I don't know. I mean, I like to think so, yeah.
00:09:04But I'm sure you are, too.
00:09:06I mean, your job just takes a different kind of creativity.
00:09:09I'm sure there's an artist in there somewhere, just dying to come out.
00:09:13That's a good philosophy.
00:09:15All right, what about you, though?
00:09:17Are you, um...
00:09:19What's your next creative outlet?
00:09:20Well, honestly, I'm eight credits away from finishing culinary school.
00:09:24And if I would just go and finish, I...
00:09:27I don't know. I feel like I never have time.
00:09:29Well, that's great, though.
00:09:31I mean, I can't cook a thing.
00:09:33I mean, when I'm working, I eat out, and...
00:09:35when I'm home, I microwave all my food, so...
00:09:38Oh, that's terrible. Cooking is fun.
00:09:40I don't know. I don't know.
00:09:42I mean, I can mess up toast.
00:09:51I'm sorry.
00:09:55It shouldn't be too much longer, right? I mean...
00:09:57Oh, your tie is a mess.
00:10:00Oh, sorry.
00:10:02Do you want me to fix it?
00:10:04Yes, yeah. Thank you.
00:10:17You're perfect.
00:10:20Well, I don't know if I'd say perfect.
00:10:23I mean, I still can't cook, right?
00:10:27You know, of course, if I'm...
00:10:29if I'm gonna learn how to cook, I'd...
00:10:32I mean, I'd probably need someone to teach me.
00:10:34Do you know anyone that could do that, or...
00:10:37Hmm. Maybe.
00:10:41I'll have to think about that.
00:10:48I'm sorry.
00:10:50I'm sorry.
00:11:04So this was, uh...
00:11:06This was fun, actually.
00:11:08Being trapped in an elevator with you.
00:11:10Yeah, it was.
00:11:12We should do it again. One time.
00:11:14I mean, without the elevator, of course.
00:11:16Right. Of course.
00:11:18Maybe a cooking lesson.
00:11:21All right, well, um...
00:11:23I'll see you around.
00:11:25Okay. Bye.
00:11:36Made it.
00:11:37How are you?
00:11:38Let's get you a drink.
00:11:39Yeah. Everything going okay?
00:11:40Yeah, fine, thank you.
00:11:43We're here tonight to talk about a young man
00:11:45who I am very excited about
00:11:47and feel just privileged to have
00:11:48in the four walls of our organization.
00:11:50This young man has made his ascent in this firm
00:11:53seem practically effortless,
00:11:55with the exception of tonight
00:11:57when he was harshly overruled
00:11:59by a powerless elevator
00:12:01as he was trying to come up for the dinner.
00:12:04So I welcome him as a new partner.
00:12:06I thank all of you for coming tonight.
00:12:08I hope you will enjoy yourselves.
00:12:10And without me standing here
00:12:12and pumping your head any bigger
00:12:14than it already is
00:12:16so that you'll ask for more money,
00:12:18this is Jonathan McIntyre.
00:12:25Thank you. Thank you, Alan.
00:12:30Before we start to eat,
00:12:32I'd like to say a few things.
00:12:34I'd like to thank the founding partners
00:12:36for welcoming me as an equal
00:12:38to the firm that they helped build from the ground up.
00:12:41Now, all your names are at the top of the letterhead.
00:12:43I know that.
00:12:45I won't forget that anytime soon.
00:12:47But I will now, as a partner,
00:12:49continue to represent
00:12:51Schuster, Baron, and Clyde,
00:12:53the individuals and the firm
00:12:55to the best of my abilities.
00:12:57Alan, Richard, Grace,
00:12:59thank you so much for this amazing opportunity,
00:13:01this wonderful dinner.
00:13:03Thank you all for being here
00:13:05and sharing this with me.
00:13:07It means a lot to me.
00:13:09I look forward to working many years
00:13:11with all of you here.
00:13:13Thank you.
00:13:22For someone so young.
00:13:24Well, no one or kind,
00:13:26but just a workaholic.
00:13:28Yeah, well, I know what that's like.
00:13:30That's right.
00:13:32Nick said you were an executive VP at your firm.
00:13:34Yeah, started out as account supervisor,
00:13:36and I worked my way up.
00:13:38Are you like me?
00:13:40All work, not enough play.
00:13:42Yes, I know exactly what you mean.
00:13:46You know, people like us,
00:13:48we're achievers.
00:13:50I mean, Princeton, Cornell,
00:13:52summa cum laude above.
00:13:56Yale, Stanford.
00:13:58Just Yale and Stanford?
00:14:00I bet you were at the top of your class, right?
00:14:02Breaking in the scholarships?
00:14:04Law review.
00:14:06I knew it.
00:14:08And now that we've both achieved so much,
00:14:10it's like we're supposed to go out
00:14:12and get the rest of it.
00:14:14I don't know who has the time for it.
00:14:16Oh, well, I certainly don't.
00:14:18I mean, the only woman I talk to on a daily basis
00:14:20is my secretary,
00:14:22and she's old enough to be my mom.
00:14:24Well, I'm probably a traitor to my gender,
00:14:26but I've never really believed
00:14:28in all the fairy tale romance stuff
00:14:30they fed us as kids.
00:14:32That's funny.
00:14:34I was just talking about that the other day.
00:14:36Yeah, right?
00:14:38I mean, we both worked hard
00:14:40to get into the right schools,
00:14:42to get the right degree, the right job,
00:14:44and it's okay.
00:14:46You meet the right person,
00:14:48and you work at it.
00:14:50Yeah, a relationship is a partnership as well.
00:14:52And really, when was the last time
00:14:54you met someone and felt
00:14:56some immediate lightning bolt connection?
00:15:00What's up?
00:15:02I met a guy.
00:15:06We got stuck in the elevator
00:15:08on the way to the catering event.
00:15:10The power went out.
00:15:12Okay, tell, tell.
00:15:14He was at the dinner.
00:15:16It was really rude.
00:15:18Okay, wait, wait.
00:15:20So he was at the dinner
00:15:22where you were serving?
00:15:24Yeah, he was the guest of honor.
00:15:26He just made partner in his law firm.
00:15:28Libby, that's it.
00:15:30He's got a snooty job.
00:15:32They don't talk to the help, you know?
00:15:34At least not in front of their snooty friends.
00:15:36I don't know.
00:15:38I mean, yes, he was definitely
00:15:40a buttoned-up kind of guy,
00:15:42but there was something about him.
00:15:44There is a reason.
00:15:46And what reason is that?
00:15:48I don't know.
00:15:50That's so helpful. Thank you.
00:15:52Okay, all right.
00:15:54Maybe you were put on that elevator
00:15:56with that guy that night
00:15:58to learn a little something
00:16:00about yourself.
00:16:02Or maybe the lesson
00:16:04wasn't yours to learn.
00:16:06What do you mean?
00:16:08Who knows?
00:16:10Maybe grumpy McGrumperton
00:16:12went home that night
00:16:14and didn't tell you.
00:16:23How was your date?
00:16:25Cynthia, she's nice. I like her.
00:16:27She's attractive.
00:16:29And you were right.
00:16:31We had a lot in common.
00:16:33So you weren't blown away.
00:16:35All right, but take her out
00:16:37on a second date, like a real date.
00:16:39You know, you go to dinner,
00:16:41take her to the movies.
00:16:43Is there someone else
00:16:45you're interested in?
00:16:47Dude, do not hold out on me.
00:16:49I might have met someone
00:16:51at the partnership dinner.
00:16:53Her name's Libby.
00:16:55There were no single chicks
00:16:57at your partnership dinner.
00:16:59No, actually, we got stuck
00:17:01in the elevator together
00:17:03on the way up.
00:17:05So did you ask her out?
00:17:07No, not exactly.
00:17:09She's a culinary student,
00:17:10and when we got off,
00:17:12it turns out she was a...
00:17:14a waitress for the dinner.
00:17:17Jonathan, buddy.
00:17:20Come on, forget about
00:17:22elevator girl, okay?
00:17:24Because you just became
00:17:26partner at one of the
00:17:28largest law firms
00:17:30on the West Coast.
00:17:32You're not dating a waitress.
00:17:34Your bosses are your peers
00:17:36now, man.
00:17:38I mean, you got to be
00:17:39smart and with the right
00:17:41kind of girl on your arm.
00:17:43You know what you should do?
00:17:45You should host
00:17:47your own dinner party.
00:17:49I mean, you're one of them now,
00:17:51man. Huh?
00:17:53Yeah, I guess.
00:17:55Rosie, Jonathan's gonna
00:17:57host a little dinner thing
00:17:59at his place.
00:18:01You know what?
00:18:03You should invite Cynthia.
00:18:05Make it a second date.
00:18:07I'll bring Catherine.
00:18:09Thank you.
00:18:16I assume
00:18:18you'll lead a caterer.
00:18:22Jonathan, I couldn't help
00:18:23it over here.
00:18:25Are you sure you want to
00:18:27ask this Cynthia woman?
00:18:29I mean, it sounds to me
00:18:31like you hit it off
00:18:32with someone else.
00:18:33Well, I mean, I should
00:18:35see Cynthia again.
00:18:37You know, and besides,
00:18:39you know, I...
00:18:41I just felt weird
00:18:42talking to her.
00:18:44I was kind of rude.
00:18:46Anyways, it wasn't meant
00:18:47to be, right?
00:18:49Well, I don't know.
00:18:50I think if it's meant to be,
00:18:52you might see her again.
00:18:56Don't you worry about a thing.
00:18:58I'll take care of everything.
00:19:00Thank you.
00:19:05You are never
00:19:06gonna believe this.
00:19:07Guess what?
00:19:08I got a catering gig
00:19:09as the cook.
00:19:11I didn't know you were gonna
00:19:12start a catering company.
00:19:13I wasn't,
00:19:14but this woman called
00:19:15and she said she got my name
00:19:16from the hotel.
00:19:17Oh, well, in that case,
00:19:18you know,
00:19:19that isn't creepy at all.
00:19:21Who is this woman?
00:19:22You gonna end up tied up
00:19:23in her basement somewhere?
00:19:24I hope not,
00:19:25but that's why
00:19:26maybe you should go with me
00:19:27and be my sous chef.
00:19:30Please, please, please?
00:19:32I microwave exclusively.
00:19:33I just need you to help me
00:19:34prep and serve.
00:19:35It's really not a big deal
00:19:36and I will pay you.
00:19:37You don't have to pay me.
00:19:38Okay, then fine.
00:19:39We'll barter.
00:19:40Okay, you help me do this
00:19:41and I will, uh,
00:19:42watch Paige
00:19:43so you and Marty
00:19:44can go out on a date night.
00:19:45Date night.
00:19:48I think it's too warm
00:19:49to do a soup.
00:19:52you've got to get going.
00:19:53You're having people
00:19:54to your place this evening.
00:19:55Oh, right.
00:19:57thank you again, Rosemary,
00:19:58for all your help.
00:19:59I really appreciate it.
00:20:00My pleasure.
00:20:01All you have to do
00:20:02is go home,
00:20:03meet the caterer,
00:20:04and she will take care
00:20:06of everything after that.
00:20:07All right, great.
00:20:09you know,
00:20:11what was the name
00:20:12of this caterer again?
00:20:13Oh, I tried to get
00:20:14Mr. Schuster's caterer,
00:20:15but they were busy.
00:20:16But I think I found
00:20:17somewhere much better.
00:20:18Thank you again.
00:20:20All right, see you Monday.
00:20:21Oh, have a wonderful time.
00:20:27Well, yeah,
00:20:28I'm aware of that,
00:20:29but Mr. Schuster
00:20:30handed this deal over to me
00:20:31when I made partner.
00:20:33if we're going to get this
00:20:34done in time,
00:20:35you got to help me out here.
00:20:37Yeah, okay,
00:20:38can you get it on my desk
00:20:39by Monday, then?
00:20:53Game, hang on a minute.
00:20:56Are you, um...
00:20:57I was hired to cater a party,
00:20:59but, uh,
00:21:00maybe I have
00:21:01the wrong address.
00:21:03I was hired by a woman
00:21:04named Rosemary Cole.
00:21:05Yeah, yeah,
00:21:06Rosemary's my secretary.
00:21:07Oh, okay.
00:21:09come on in,
00:21:10come on in, please.
00:21:11I just,
00:21:12I got to finish
00:21:13this phone call.
00:21:14The kitchen's that way.
00:21:16Oh, great, thank you.
00:21:18What was that all about?
00:21:19That is the lawyer
00:21:20from the elevator.
00:21:21No way.
00:21:27He is so cute,
00:21:28and he loves you.
00:21:30Oh, please.
00:21:34this is no coincidence, okay?
00:21:35He orchestrated this whole thing
00:21:36so he could see you again.
00:21:38Probably to apologize.
00:21:42All right,
00:21:43so you know they're off.
00:21:44Okay, okay.
00:21:45Well, um,
00:21:47let's talk about this on Monday,
00:21:48all right?
00:21:51let's say before noon.
00:21:52Thank you.
00:22:10I just wanted to say sorry
00:22:11about the confusion.
00:22:13Oh, it's...
00:22:15it's nice to see you again.
00:22:16It's nice to see you, too.
00:22:18I wanted to introduce you
00:22:19to my best friend
00:22:20and sous chef for the evening,
00:22:24You okay?
00:22:26I was, uh,
00:22:27I was looking for, like,
00:22:28like a vase or a platter.
00:22:30Mm, no.
00:22:31No, you're not gonna find
00:22:32anything like that
00:22:33here in this house.
00:22:36Yeah, I mean, no offense,
00:22:37but your place has kinda...
00:22:38could use a few warmer touches,
00:22:39maybe like a platter or...
00:22:42Yeah, flowers or candles.
00:22:44Would it be okay if we...
00:22:45No, no, of course.
00:22:46Just add it to the bill.
00:22:47Whatever you guys need.
00:22:48Oh, okay, great.
00:22:49Um, Tessa,
00:22:50you wanna run out
00:22:51and get some more flowers?
00:22:54Thank you.
00:22:55Do you need a hand?
00:22:56No, thanks.
00:22:57I'm good.
00:23:04Nice meeting you.
00:23:05Yes, you too.
00:23:12Look, Libby,
00:23:14I just wanna say
00:23:15I'm sorry
00:23:16about the other night.
00:23:18You know,
00:23:19I didn't wanna be rude
00:23:20or anything,
00:23:21but I just didn't know
00:23:22how to handle it
00:23:23or what to say,
00:23:24and I wish
00:23:25I hadn't ignored you.
00:23:26I just...
00:23:27I wanted to apologize.
00:23:28Thank you.
00:23:31Do you really wanna
00:23:32make it up to me?
00:23:33Yeah, of course.
00:23:35All right.
00:23:36Well, um...
00:23:39You said you always
00:23:40wanted to learn
00:23:41how to cook.
00:23:43Well, I don't wanna
00:23:44mess up my own party, so...
00:23:45I'll be right here.
00:23:48And I could really
00:23:52Okay, so you, uh,
00:23:53squish the garlic up in there.
00:23:55Oh, perfect.
00:23:57Oh, wow.
00:24:00Now, if you wanna add
00:24:01these garbanzo beans in there
00:24:02to the food processor.
00:24:04This food processor?
00:24:05Yes, that bowl
00:24:06right in front of you
00:24:07would be the food processor.
00:24:09I'll add a little salt.
00:24:10Uh, if you would
00:24:11squeeze the juice
00:24:12of this lemon.
00:24:13Thank you.
00:24:14Just make sure you don't
00:24:15have any, uh, paper cuts
00:24:16or anything.
00:24:17I learned that the hard way.
00:24:18What exactly are we
00:24:19making again?
00:24:20Um, I'll give you one guess.
00:24:32Okay, so we have
00:24:33garbanzo beans,
00:24:34lemon, tahini paste,
00:24:35salt, pepper, garlic.
00:24:37Any idea?
00:24:39Maybe you should
00:24:40just taste it.
00:24:43I'm a little nervous
00:24:44because I was involved
00:24:45in making this.
00:24:54You know what?
00:24:55This is actually
00:24:56a very big deal.
00:24:57We should celebrate.
00:24:58We should celebrate
00:24:59this moment.
00:25:01We can open this
00:25:02before everybody gets here, right?
00:25:03Oh, then it's your party.
00:25:05Um, glasses are behind you.
00:25:06Oh, okay.
00:25:14Of course, yeah.
00:25:18I can't believe
00:25:19we made hummus.
00:25:20He's very proud of you.
00:25:26To a successful dinner.
00:25:41What's up?
00:25:42How are you, sir?
00:25:43How are you?
00:25:47Cynthia, how are you?
00:25:48I'm well.
00:25:49I'm not used to Nick
00:25:50bringing my dates to my doorstep.
00:25:51Well, you know.
00:25:52So, go ahead.
00:25:53Come on in.
00:25:54What do you think?
00:26:00We have some hummus
00:26:01prepared by your host.
00:26:03Oh, and he cooks, too.
00:26:05You're a chef.
00:26:06Uh, well,
00:26:07Livia's a great teacher.
00:26:08She actually walked me through it.
00:26:10So don't worry.
00:26:11You won't be poisoned.
00:26:14Thank you.
00:26:15You're welcome.
00:26:17It's good.
00:26:18It is good, yes.
00:26:19Very surprising.
00:26:22Hey, go ahead.
00:26:27Who's the big blonde?
00:26:28A date.
00:26:30But, I mean,
00:26:31he did apologize
00:26:32for the other night.
00:26:33Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:26:34A date?
00:26:35Yeah, I know, right?
00:26:38It's delicious.
00:26:39You know something?
00:26:40Maybe he is
00:26:41like a Dr. Jekyll
00:26:42and Mr. Hyde,
00:26:43like you said.
00:26:44You know?
00:26:45He gets to you on the elevator,
00:26:46then rude to you later,
00:26:47asks you to cater a dinner,
00:26:48and then brings someone?
00:26:50Thank you.
00:26:51What else do you make?
00:26:53Um, I make...
00:26:54It doesn't matter.
00:26:55I mean, it's fine.
00:26:56Okay, you know what?
00:26:59This is a great opportunity
00:27:00for you as a cook,
00:27:01and that's what it's gonna be.
00:27:04You're right.
00:27:05You're right.
00:27:07I know I'm right.
00:27:08I'm always right.
00:27:09Go out there.
00:27:10Of course.
00:27:14How about a toast
00:27:15for our hosts
00:27:16and having us over?
00:27:18Very lovely of you
00:27:19to have us.
00:27:20Thank you.
00:27:21Nice to meet you all.
00:27:22Sometimes Chris
00:27:23is a bad place to sit.
00:27:25Nice to meet you.
00:27:26Nice to meet you.
00:27:27Care for some more wine?
00:27:32There you go.
00:27:33There you go.
00:27:34Thank you.
00:27:35Thank you.
00:27:36Thank you.
00:27:37Thank you.
00:27:38Thank you.
00:27:39Thank you.
00:27:40Thank you.
00:27:41Thank you.
00:27:42Thank you.
00:27:43Thank you.
00:27:44Thank you.
00:27:45Thank you.
00:27:46Thank you.
00:27:47Thank you.
00:27:48Thank you.
00:27:49Thank you.
00:27:50Thank you.
00:27:51Thank you.
00:27:52Thank you.
00:27:53Thank you.
00:27:54Thank you.
00:27:55Thank you.
00:27:56Thank you.
00:27:57Thank you.
00:27:58Thank you.
00:27:59Thank you.
00:28:00Thank you.
00:28:01Thank you.
00:28:02Thank you.
00:28:03Thank you.
00:28:04Thank you.
00:28:05Thank you.
00:28:06Thank you.
00:28:07Thank you.
00:28:08Thank you.
00:28:09Thank you.
00:28:10Thank you.
00:28:11Thank you.
00:28:12Thank you.
00:28:13Thank you.
00:28:14Thank you.
00:28:15Thank you.
00:28:16Thank you.
00:28:17Thank you.
00:28:18Thank you.
00:28:19Thank you.
00:28:20Thank you.
00:28:21Thank you.
00:28:22Thank you.
00:28:23Thank you.
00:28:24Thank you.
00:28:25Thank you.
00:28:26Thank you.
00:28:27Thank you.
00:28:28Thank you.
00:28:29Thank you.
00:28:30Thank you.
00:28:31Thank you.
00:28:32Thank you.
00:28:33Thank you.
00:28:34Thank you.
00:28:35Thank you.
00:28:36Thank you.
00:28:37Thank you.
00:28:38Thank you.
00:28:39Thank you.
00:28:40Thank you.
00:28:41Thank you.
00:28:42Thank you.
00:28:43Thank you.
00:28:44Thank you.
00:28:45Thank you.
00:28:46Thank you.
00:28:47Thank you.
00:28:48Thank you.
00:28:49Thank you.
00:28:50Thank you.
00:28:51Thank you.
00:28:52Thank you.
00:28:53Thank you.
00:28:54Thank you.
00:28:55Thank you.
00:28:56Thank you.
00:28:57Thank you.
00:28:58Thank you.
00:28:59Thank you.
00:29:00Thank you.
00:29:01Thank you.
00:29:02Thank you.
00:29:03Thank you.
00:29:04Thank you.
00:29:05Thank you.
00:29:06Thank you.
00:29:07Thank you.
00:29:08Thank you.
00:29:09Thank you.
00:29:10Thank you, sir.
00:29:12Thank you.
00:29:13Thank you.
00:29:16Thank you.
00:29:17I'll walk you out.
00:29:18It's been a lovely evening, but Monday morning, we're back at it.
00:29:22Yes, sir.
00:29:23Thank you.
00:29:24Oh, Libby, thank you again.
00:29:31Everything was delicious.
00:29:32Oh, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
00:29:34Do you guys need help with anything or...
00:29:36Oh, no, we've got it.
00:29:37I'm almost finished here.
00:29:40You know, Tessa, why don't you go home?
00:29:44You've done so much.
00:29:46I think that is a great idea.
00:29:48Jonathan, it's nice to meet you.
00:29:51Pleasure meeting you, Tessa.
00:29:52Thank you again.
00:29:53Thank you so much.
00:29:54You're so sweet.
00:29:55So good.
00:29:56Thank you.
00:29:57I'll talk to you tomorrow.
00:29:58You're welcome.
00:29:59I'll just...
00:30:00I'll work myself out.
00:30:02Excuse me.
00:30:04Oh, right.
00:30:05So, who do I make this out to?
00:30:08Oh, uh, Liberty Taylor.
00:30:09It's L-I-B-E-R-T-Y.
00:30:11Yeah, I got it.
00:30:18There you go.
00:30:19Thank you.
00:30:23So, uh, Libby, listen.
00:30:27Now that you've worked for me, um...
00:30:29I was just...
00:30:30I was wondering if it would be uncomfortable if I, you know,
00:30:33asked you out?
00:30:35Is that okay?
00:30:38Yeah, I would like that.
00:30:39Well, uh, why don't we start right now?
00:30:41Let's go grab a glass of wine
00:30:43and celebrate this amazing dinner you put on.
00:31:08Good morning, Rosemary.
00:31:09Good morning, Jonathan.
00:31:13Well, um, I don't know how you did it,
00:31:16but you got me a second shot with Libby.
00:31:18Turns out she was the caterer.
00:31:20Oh, really?
00:31:23Isn't that wonderful?
00:31:25Well, it's a small world, isn't it?
00:31:28Yeah, it is a small world, isn't it?
00:31:31We actually got together for a dinner
00:31:34It's a small world, isn't it?
00:31:37We actually have a date Friday.
00:31:39Do you really?
00:31:40Well, that is wonderful.
00:31:42I am so happy to hear that.
00:31:44Where are you two going for your date?
00:31:46Uh, well, she loves to cook,
00:31:47so I was thinking maybe, you know, a nice restaurant.
00:31:50Oh, nice restaurants.
00:31:53I know.
00:31:54You should go to the Beverly Glen Hotel restaurant.
00:31:59That's a good idea.
00:32:00That's where we met.
00:32:02It's beautiful.
00:32:09Hey, I like that.
00:32:10What about you?
00:32:11Who do you get?
00:32:14Oh, Cynthia.
00:32:15Catherine, how are you?
00:32:16Good, thanks.
00:32:17Lovely dinner the other night.
00:32:18Oh, thank you.
00:32:20Your caterer was terrific.
00:32:22Yes, she was.
00:32:25Maybe we should have a drink tonight.
00:32:29Cynthia, I...
00:32:35No, I get it.
00:32:37It's okay.
00:32:38Um, I'm actually late for a meeting.
00:32:41I better get up there.
00:32:42But I'll see you around, okay?
00:32:48Public blow-off?
00:32:52You will never believe what just happened.
00:32:54Jonathan blew off Cynthia in the lobby.
00:32:59Catherine said you blew off Cynthia.
00:33:01What's that about?
00:33:03First of all, I did not blow her off, okay?
00:33:05She understood.
00:33:06You're the one that's upset.
00:33:07Secondly, Nick, what is there to break up?
00:33:09We went on one date.
00:33:10Technically, it was two.
00:33:12Point taken.
00:33:14You are being a sore loser.
00:33:16I guess someone else was a better matchmaker than you.
00:33:21Jonathan chose for himself.
00:33:24Who'd you choose?
00:33:25I am going on a date with Libby.
00:33:30The elevator girl?
00:33:31You chose the elevator girl over Cynthia DuPont.
00:33:44Oh, yeah.
00:33:47Oh, yeah.
00:33:48Very nice, Rosemary.
00:33:51Ooh, I like this one.
00:33:53What do you think?
00:33:54Oh, very sharp.
00:33:55You could wear one of these on your date with Libby.
00:33:58Well, I hope she turns out to be everything you want
00:34:01because you deserve that.
00:34:02You deserve something good in your life.
00:34:05Rosemary, I have a lot of good things in my life.
00:34:08Pay you included.
00:34:09But everything good in your life you've had to work for.
00:34:12Be nice if somebody was just there for you.
00:34:15And besides me, of course.
00:34:18I would like that.
00:34:20But I like to work.
00:34:21I always have.
00:34:24I don't know, sometimes I just think
00:34:25that's what my life is about.
00:34:27Jonathan, I know it feels that way now,
00:34:30but you are going to see there are so many things in life
00:34:34besides work.
00:34:43Wow, this is beautiful.
00:34:44Well, wait till you see what we got planned.
00:34:48Thank you.
00:34:50Appreciate it.
00:34:57Mmm, this food is delicious.
00:35:00Well, I thought you'd like it.
00:35:04So have you always lived here?
00:35:06No, I grew up on the East Coast, actually.
00:35:09I studied law, went to a very preppy school there.
00:35:14Yeah, my mom thought it would be a good opportunity for me.
00:35:18Of course, she didn't have to wear the blazer
00:35:20and tie to school every day.
00:35:21But, you know, she was right.
00:35:23In the end, it served me well.
00:35:25What about you?
00:35:26Did you grow up here or go to college here?
00:35:28No, didn't do the college thing.
00:35:30I kind of took more of the life experience route.
00:35:34I traveled a lot.
00:35:35I went to Europe.
00:35:36I took a sculpting class in Italy.
00:35:38I worked at a pizzeria there and I learned how to toss the dough.
00:35:43Um, I worked at a farm in the south of France.
00:35:47I learned how to make goat cheese.
00:35:48Goat cheese, I love goat cheese.
00:35:50Yeah, me too.
00:35:51I sketched the rooftops in Santorini.
00:35:53I lived on the beach in Australia.
00:35:55Waited tables there at the beach and learned how to surf.
00:35:58Then I kind of finished it all up with an actual vacation in Hawaii.
00:36:02And then I came home.
00:36:04That's amazing.
00:36:06What do you do after a world tour like that?
00:36:08I went to massage school.
00:36:09That makes sense.
00:36:10Cheese, surfing, painting, massage school.
00:36:13Um, and now you're back to Finnish culinary school.
00:36:20Hopefully I will graduate and get a job.
00:36:21And, I mean, if I can figure out what they put in the sauce, um,
00:36:25I'm pretty sure it'll all be worth it.
00:36:27Well, to new adventures then.
00:36:38So, uh, you know, being a race car driver wasn't looked on by my mother as being very practical.
00:36:43I just wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer.
00:36:46And I chose the latter.
00:36:48And, you know, fortunately, I, uh, I passed the bar before she died.
00:36:54I'm sure she was very proud.
00:36:58So what about you?
00:37:00Well, I moved around a lot when I was a kid, so that meant a new school every year or two.
00:37:05I became very good at making friends.
00:37:07I mean, I could talk to anybody.
00:37:09Yeah, that's obvious.
00:37:10You're very good at it.
00:37:12Are you saying I'm talking your ear off?
00:37:14No, no, no.
00:37:15I'm just saying.
00:37:17I'm a lawyer.
00:37:18I'm used to listening.
00:37:19And, uh, you make this easy.
00:37:25I'm very happy to hear that.
00:37:29Um, so with all the moving around and starting over,
00:37:32you're probably pretty close to your parents, huh?
00:37:34With my mom, yeah.
00:37:36Yeah, my dad split when I was three.
00:37:39He traveled a ton.
00:37:41He was a trucker.
00:37:42He worked in an oil rig off the Gulf of Mexico.
00:37:44He led hiking expeditions in Alaska and the Grand Canyon.
00:37:49I mean, that must have been hard, though, you know, not having him around.
00:37:52No, no.
00:37:53I mean, he always wrote me postcards from his travels.
00:37:56He was an adventurer.
00:37:58He's one of my big inspirations.
00:38:03Well, I hope the restaurant wasn't too stuffy for you.
00:38:06Oh, no.
00:38:07It was perfect.
00:38:08I loved it.
00:38:09Well, good.
00:38:10Um, so does that mean you'd consider going out with me again?
00:38:17It definitely means that.
00:38:20I like that.
00:38:22Well, how about this?
00:38:23Why don't you pick where we go on our second date?
00:38:25Oh, I can do that.
00:38:28Well, thank you again.
00:38:31Um, good night.
00:38:32Good night.
00:38:40Good night.
00:38:41Good night.
00:38:42See ya.
00:38:59He took you there?
00:39:02Liv, the rooms at that place are over $500 a night.
00:39:06Oh, come on.
00:39:07What would that meal have cost?
00:39:08I know, but that's not the point.
00:39:09He took me there because he thought I would like it, and I loved it.
00:39:12Okay, it's just that usually you hate those kinds of places.
00:39:16You're always saying that you pay more for the ambiance than you do for the food.
00:39:19Oh, the food was delicious.
00:39:21I had the best time.
00:39:26Look, I know this isn't normally the kind of guy that I would be interested in, but
00:39:30there's just something about him.
00:39:32I really wish you could just be happy for me.
00:39:35I am happy for you.
00:39:39I will be.
00:39:43Now fix your sheets.
00:39:45We need to get the details for the bell offer done by no later than tomorrow, and I'm slammed.
00:39:49Can you finish it?
00:39:50Yeah, yeah, sure.
00:39:52So, your little date.
00:39:54You took her to Beverly Glen?
00:39:55Yeah, seemed perfect.
00:39:58And was it?
00:40:00Yeah, we had a nice dinner.
00:40:01Walked her on the grounds a little bit.
00:40:02She's easy to talk to.
00:40:05I just hope no one saw you with her.
00:40:07Nick, I like this girl, okay?
00:40:09Get the bell stuff done.
00:40:26Hi, um, are you Rosemary Cole?
00:40:29Yes, I am.
00:40:30Hi, I'm Libby Taylor.
00:40:32You are Libby Taylor, huh?
00:40:36Very nice to meet you.
00:40:37Nice to meet you as well.
00:40:38Oh, you just missed Jonathan.
00:40:40He just ran out.
00:40:41Oh, no, actually I was counting on that.
00:40:44I didn't want to freak him out by showing up at his office, you know, after our first date.
00:40:47But I did want to tell you thank you.
00:40:49Thank you so much for giving me my first catering gig, and I don't know if you realized it, but it also gave me a second chance with Jonathan.
00:40:57So, um, I brought you lunch.
00:40:58Oh, my goodness.
00:41:00You have to be the sweetest person on the earth.
00:41:03Oh, it's nothing.
00:41:06Oh, wow.
00:41:07Okay, I haven't ridden a bike since junior high.
00:41:10You are kidding me.
00:41:11That's terrible.
00:41:12It's so fun.
00:41:13You're going to love it.
00:41:14And it's great exercise.
00:41:15I mean, what could be better?
00:41:16You sure?
00:41:21We'll take two, please.
00:41:37I knew there was an artist in you.
00:41:39Well, I don't know if I'd call it art, but it is one of my favorite things to do.
00:41:43I love how much you love this.
00:41:45Are you sure you don't want to be a professional model car painter instead of a lawyer?
00:41:49Uh, well, I don't think that that job exists.
00:41:53But, um, yeah, I'll admit, you know, things are a lot more stressful now that I made partner.
00:41:59You know, not to mention the fact that I can't mess up.
00:42:02Do you ever want to just leave?
00:42:04You know, try something new, start fresh?
00:42:07Well, no.
00:42:09No, I mean, I love my job.
00:42:11I actually think starting over would freak me out more than making partner.
00:42:16You got to remember, not everybody's cut out for a life of adventure like you and your father.
00:42:20What'd you say he did again?
00:42:22He dug for oil and herded cattle and drove trucks and a hiking instructor or something?
00:42:36What's wrong? Was there something I said?
00:42:39No, no.
00:42:42Just, yeah, about my dad.
00:42:45What about him?
00:42:47He left.
00:42:50My dad, he...
00:42:53He left.
00:42:55My grandma said he was this great adventurer and that, you know, I admired him, but...
00:43:02it doesn't change the fact that he chose that life over...
00:43:07over me.
00:43:09I mean, a lot of people say that raising a kid is the greatest adventure a dad can have.
00:43:15I guess he wasn't brave enough for that one.
00:43:19Libby, look.
00:43:21Everybody that meets you can't imagine not having you in their life.
00:43:26Okay? Trust me. I speak from experience.
00:43:36Wow, this place again. You must really love it.
00:43:39I mean, not that I'm complaining.
00:43:41Well, I want to show you something. I have a little surprise.
00:43:44Surprise? I love surprises.
00:43:47Sweetie, I need this in ten minutes. Thank you. Appreciate it.
00:43:57Jonathan, you made it!
00:43:59How are you? Good to see you.
00:44:01And this is?
00:44:02This is Libby. Libby, this is...
00:44:04Rebecca Banks. I mean, Chef Banks.
00:44:06Wow, it is an honor to meet you.
00:44:08Rebecca is a client at our firm.
00:44:10Jonathan thought that you might like to do a little cooking with me today.
00:44:12Wait a second. Are you serious?
00:44:14I would love that.
00:44:16Well then, let's...
00:44:18So, good surprise?
00:44:19Good surprise. That was amazing.
00:44:22That was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Thank you.
00:44:25Well, I'm glad you liked it.
00:44:27But, you know, it doesn't have to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
00:44:31What do you mean?
00:44:32I mean, Rebecca liked you.
00:44:34You know, and she seemed very impressed by your cooking skills.
00:44:38Yeah, Libby. I bet if you finished culinary school,
00:44:40she'd be more than happy to give you a spot in one of her kitchens.
00:44:43And I happen to know that she's opening a new restaurant.
00:44:46We just closed the deal.
00:44:49Yeah, think about it.
00:44:51I mean, you'd make an excellent chef, Libby.
00:44:54Plus, you know, just my personal opinion,
00:44:57I think you'd look pretty cute in one of those hats.
00:45:01Yeah, especially the big poofy one.
00:45:06Those were awesome.
00:45:08Hey, thank you so much for doing this tonight.
00:45:10Marty and I really needed a night out.
00:45:12Yeah, of course.
00:45:14You've just been so busy with the lawyer guy.
00:45:18Yeah, if you actually met him, you'd probably remember his name.
00:45:21I have met him.
00:45:22No, I know, but I mean, really meet him.
00:45:25I'd love for you to spend time with him.
00:45:26All right, all right, all right.
00:45:27You ready to go, squirt?
00:45:29Let's go.
00:45:31You got your stuff?
00:45:34Bye, Libby.
00:45:35Bye. See you later, girls.
00:45:36Thank you.
00:45:39You have all my attention now.
00:45:40I do?
00:45:42Here's your drink.
00:45:47Good catch.
00:45:48Whoa, stay spinning.
00:45:49You get to stay spinning.
00:45:51Hey, Libby.
00:45:52Hi, happy birthday.
00:45:55Oh, this is for the birthday girl.
00:45:57But wait, I do just have a question.
00:45:59How does it feel to be so old?
00:46:01I can't even remember being five anymore.
00:46:04Because it was so long ago, yesterday.
00:46:07Hey, want to say thanks?
00:46:09Thank you.
00:46:10You're welcome now.
00:46:11Go put those on the table with your other gifts, okay?
00:46:15So, where's Jonathan?
00:46:16He's here.
00:46:17He's hanging out with Marty.
00:46:18Oh, you left him alone with Marty?
00:46:20Well, we got to fix that.
00:46:23So, Libby tells me that you're a lawyer?
00:46:27I'm mainly an M.A.
00:46:28At Shishabarian Clyde.
00:46:32What about you?
00:46:33What do you do?
00:46:34I'm a plumber.
00:46:36Sullivan Pipe Preservers.
00:46:38That's cool.
00:46:39Thanks for having us.
00:46:45Did you see the Dodger game last night?
00:46:47Manny cracked it out.
00:46:48Well, I work so much, I don't really have time to follow baseball.
00:46:52But it's a great sport.
00:46:53Oh, no, it's awesome.
00:46:56Hey, girls.
00:46:59You done playing already?
00:47:00Oh, this thing was thirsty.
00:47:02Hey, birthday girl, I want you to meet my friend Jonathan.
00:47:05It's nice to meet you, Paige.
00:47:07Nice to meet you, too.
00:47:09Now, Paige, forgive me, I don't know you very well.
00:47:12So I was just wondering, are you a princess every day or just today on your special sixth birthday?
00:47:19I'm a princess every day.
00:47:21But I don't show it off all the time.
00:47:23Only on special days.
00:47:25Well, I think that's a good idea, Princess Paige.
00:47:28Because it's your birthday.
00:47:29It's awesome.
00:47:30I've got this old 57 I'm fixing up.
00:47:32It is gorgeous.
00:47:33Hey, Jonathan loves cars.
00:47:35Oh, no.
00:47:36Well, not exactly.
00:47:38I paint model cars.
00:47:40You mean like kid cars that you fix up and you can ride?
00:47:43No, models.
00:47:45Like, you know, toy cars.
00:47:48Classics, mainly.
00:47:49I mean, they're not for playing with, of course, but they're for display.
00:47:52Oh, babe, tell him about the one that I painted.
00:47:54It started with a V.
00:47:58Oh, man, a Viper.
00:47:59Well, you guys remember Mr. Chavez from the old neighborhood?
00:48:01He had that Camaro that he said had a Viper engine in it.
00:48:03He said he found it at the dump.
00:48:04The old man couldn't get that thing to go above 40.
00:48:06It was awesome.
00:48:09I wonder where he is.
00:48:12What do you think?
00:48:14So is this the best birthday party you guys have ever been to or what?
00:48:17Pretty much, yeah.
00:48:18I think so.
00:48:20Did you try a cupcake yet?
00:48:26Dude, this has nothing to do.
00:48:27I can't even tell you.
00:48:31Here you go, sweetie.
00:48:32Did everybody get a piece of cake?
00:48:33You got some cake?
00:48:34We need a paper towel.
00:48:36Everybody needs a paper towel.
00:48:37Here we go.
00:48:41Excuse me.
00:48:42Oh, sorry.
00:48:43No, you're good.
00:48:46Oh, do you want a cupcake?
00:48:47Here we go.
00:48:48Here we go.
00:48:49There, enjoy.
00:48:50It's calories for you, I swear.
00:48:53Of course.
00:48:54Yeah, it's awesome.
00:48:55Right now.
00:48:57Hey, Liv.
00:49:10I don't mean to sound harsh, but I don't think that your Jonathan is having a very good time.
00:49:17What are you talking about?
00:49:18He's having a great time.
00:49:20This is a really fun party.
00:49:29Let me call you back, all right?
00:49:45Hey, Jonathan.
00:49:47Nick, I'm not in the mood to hear your comments about Libby, all right?
00:49:51Dude, we have bigger issues.
00:49:53You inverted the stock price on the Keller agreement.
00:49:56Instead of $51 a share, this says that the Bell Corporation is buying out 60% of Keller stock at $15 a share.
00:50:06You think Keller was skittish before?
00:50:08With these prices, he can't even afford our fees.
00:50:10Did the partners see this?
00:50:12I caught it first.
00:50:14Listen, Jon, I get what you see in Libby.
00:50:16I do.
00:50:17Trust me, I have dated my fair share of party girls.
00:50:20Libby is not a party girl.
00:50:21But you're a partner now.
00:50:25Now is not the time for you to be getting distracted or making mistakes.
00:50:29And I know you're going to think I'm a jerk and a snob for saying this, but come on.
00:50:33Libby is never going to fit in your life.
00:50:39I mean, wouldn't the nice thing be just to end it now before it gets too complicated?
00:51:12You all right?
00:51:15I don't know.
00:51:21I mean, remember when you told me that you have to pay attention to certain people who enter your life?
00:51:25Sure I do.
00:51:26I mean, how do you know if that person is the right person?
00:51:29You know, what if the best thing to do is let them go?
00:51:32And how can you tell the difference?
00:51:34Those are all good questions.
00:51:37Is everything okay with you and Libby?
00:51:40I don't know. I just, I lead a very structured life.
00:51:44And Libby is the exact opposite.
00:51:46Yeah, I'm not used to that.
00:51:48That can be a good thing.
00:51:50You can learn from each other.
00:51:53And Jonathan, you know the answer to a good relationship is compromise.
00:52:00It's just, it's confusing, you know?
00:52:02You are the one that solves problems for a living.
00:52:08Well, a million dollar mergers seems like child's play compared to this.
00:52:21Oh, I better get going. I have an early meeting in the morning.
00:52:25All right.
00:52:30Oh hey, I keep forgetting to ask you.
00:52:32Marty and Tessa have two extra tickets to the Dodger game tomorrow night.
00:52:36Do you want to go?
00:52:37I can't. I have dinner with clients tomorrow.
00:52:41What about the next night?
00:52:42Um, no, I got a catering gig. How about the next night?
00:52:46Uh, let me see. Let me see.
00:52:49Um, uh, no. Actually, I'm out with Nick that evening.
00:52:54What about this weekend?
00:52:55Well, Friday night I'm DJing a Sweet Sixteen.
00:52:58And then Saturday I'm caterweightering at a wedding.
00:53:00And then Sunday is the spa.
00:53:03I mean, Liv, don't you ever want to pick one job and stick with it?
00:53:07I don't know. I mean, why should we have to pick one thing?
00:53:11One thing can be so boring.
00:53:12I know. I just, I worry about you. You know?
00:53:16It's like if life was an ocean.
00:53:19I mean, most of us are constantly swimming towards something.
00:53:22You know, some goal or a plan.
00:53:24And, I don't know, you just kind of let the current drag you around.
00:53:27Just because I don't have everything planned out like you do,
00:53:31I mean, that doesn't mean I'm being just dragged around.
00:53:39Look, everyone is afraid to fail.
00:53:42Okay, but you're never going to succeed unless you fully commit to something.
00:53:46I mean, I know you feel like you're probably protecting yourself,
00:53:49but you're really just missing out.
00:53:50That's just your opinion.
00:53:52I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.
00:53:54I mean, you spend all this time planning everything.
00:53:57You don't even end up living anything.
00:54:00Alright, I don't want to argue.
00:54:01No, we're not arguing.
00:54:03I don't want to argue.
00:54:04I just, I want you to be happy. That's all.
00:54:06I am happy. I mean, aren't you happy?
00:54:08Of course. Yes.
00:54:09Okay, so then let's just be happy.
00:54:16Oh, and make sure we have lunch together.
00:54:20I'll see you.
00:54:35Is Jonathan ready for lunch?
00:54:36Oh, he's not back yet, Libby.
00:54:39Okay, get this to Richard upstairs ASAP, alright?
00:54:42Can you get O'Donnell on the line, please?
00:54:51Are we still going to lunch?
00:54:53Libby, I can't.
00:54:54Alright, something came up.
00:54:55I'm sorry.
00:54:56Weren't you just saying there's more to life than work?
00:54:58I mean, there's nothing so important.
00:55:00You can't wait an hour so you can get something to eat.
00:55:02Actually, that's not true, alright?
00:55:04This entire deal could fall through within the hour it takes me to go to lunch with you.
00:55:07My job is very important to me, Libby.
00:55:09Please try to understand that.
00:55:10Rosemary, do you have him?
00:55:11Line two.
00:55:12Thank you.
00:55:14Yes, Mr. O'Donnell.
00:55:15Yes, yes.
00:55:16I got the contract right in front of me, sir.
00:55:17I know these aren't the numbers we agreed on.
00:55:19I know.
00:55:20I'm not happy about it either.
00:55:21But I talked to his assistant and I don't know what happened.
00:55:25But I'm going to fix it for you, sir.
00:55:26I'm on it.
00:55:27Don't worry.
00:55:28You have nothing to worry about.
00:55:29Thank you, sir.
00:55:46Did Libby call?
00:56:12I'm sorry.
00:56:14What are you doing right now?
00:56:20Spending time with you.
00:56:30Where are we going?
00:56:31You'll see.
00:56:32It's a surprise.
00:56:35Oh, there's Jake's.
00:56:36They have the best burger in town.
00:56:38Want to go?
00:56:48We didn't know it when we left on our adventure today,
00:56:50but apparently we were on the hunt to find the world's greatest hamburger.
00:56:54Have some fries?
00:56:55Whoa, whoa.
00:56:56What are you doing?
00:56:57That's my fry, actually.
00:56:58Just one.
00:57:00Thank you.
00:57:01I can share.
00:57:13Like a stream, we're rolling right along
00:57:16Like the wind, we blow right by where we're going
00:57:24Like a storm comes crashing in the night
00:57:27We're opening our window to the light
00:57:35I'll be fine as long as you are in my sight
00:57:45It's okay.
00:57:47Jonathan, where are you?
00:57:48You missed the conference call.
00:57:50I had to tell Mr. Schuster that you got food poisoning.
00:57:51Oh, I can't believe I did that.
00:57:52I lost track of time.
00:57:53I went on a drive with Libby.
00:57:54We went to this town and...
00:57:55What did I say?
00:57:56She is a distraction.
00:57:57Nick, stop.
00:57:58All right?
00:58:00And don't let anyone at work see you eating seafood for a while.
00:58:02I'm sorry.
00:58:03I'm sorry.
00:58:04I'm sorry.
00:58:05I'm sorry.
00:58:06I'm sorry.
00:58:07I'm sorry.
00:58:08I'm sorry.
00:58:09I'm sorry.
00:58:10I'm sorry.
00:58:11I'm sorry.
00:58:13What happened?
00:58:14I missed my five o'clock conference call.
00:58:15You mean a conference call for today?
00:58:18I had to.
00:58:19It's for a client overseas.
00:58:20Come on.
00:58:21We gotta go.
00:58:37Look, I'm sorry I yelled.
00:58:38All right?
00:58:39It's not your job to consider my work schedule.
00:58:41Well, I mean, no, it's not.
00:58:45When I'm with you, I lose track of time.
00:58:47I can't focus.
00:58:48Is that such a bad thing?
00:58:49Well, it's not a good thing, Libby.
00:58:51Being with you, it's like...
00:58:52It's like you take me out of my world, okay?
00:58:54And in some ways, that's great.
00:58:56But in others, it's not.
00:58:58I just made partner at my firm,
00:59:00which means I gotta pay more attention to my work.
00:59:02I mean, I made a huge mistake on another deal and now this.
00:59:06Well, maybe today is a sign that, uh...
00:59:10We should take a break.
00:59:12Libby, that's not what I'm saying.
00:59:13I just, I don't want to fight.
00:59:14I mean, it's just too hard.
00:59:15What's too hard?
00:59:16Libby, it's our first fight.
00:59:18You know what, though?
00:59:19No, this makes perfect sense, okay?
00:59:21Something gets challenging or difficult and you want to quit.
00:59:24That's a big surprise.
00:59:25Hey, that's not fair.
00:59:26It's completely fair.
00:59:27Libby, you quit everything you start.
00:59:28I do not.
00:59:29Look, I get that not everybody wants to be a corporate attorney.
00:59:32All right?
00:59:33I get that you're creative.
00:59:34But then finish something.
00:59:36One thing, all right?
00:59:37Massage school, culinary school.
00:59:38Plan little kids' birthdays for a living.
00:59:40I don't care.
00:59:41Just pick one thing.
00:59:42You know, because you can't.
00:59:44Because everybody in your life is okay with you being this free spirit.
00:59:47You know, floating from one thing to the next.
00:59:49And that's great.
00:59:50That's great, Libby.
00:59:51But I thought you could be more than that.
00:59:52You know what?
00:59:53I was wrong.
00:59:54I was wrong.
00:59:55You're childish.
00:59:56All you want to do is have fun and you never think about the future.
00:59:59The future.
01:00:00The future.
01:00:02You know what, Jonathan?
01:00:03All you do is think about the future.
01:00:05You are so concerned with what is coming next that you don't even live your life.
01:00:10Life isn't about your perfectly tailored suits and your perfectly organized desk and your promotions.
01:00:15That's not life.
01:00:16Life is a mess.
01:00:17And that's how it should be.
01:00:20You know what thinking about the future has gotten you?
01:00:22It's gotten you this sad, sterile condo.
01:00:25Uptight and all alone.
01:01:06Is there any messages, Rosemary?
01:01:08Oh, yes.
01:01:09Um, I noticed Libby didn't call.
01:01:11Is everything okay?
01:01:13No, actually.
01:01:14We broke up.
01:01:15Oh, Jonathan.
01:01:17Just send her flowers.
01:01:18You know what?
01:01:19I know she likes Gerber daisies.
01:01:22Let her go.
01:01:23All right?
01:01:24I did.
01:01:27I love you.
01:01:28I love you.
01:01:29I love you.
01:01:30I love you.
01:01:31I love you.
01:01:32I love you.
01:01:33I love you.
01:01:35I love you.
01:01:44I said just take it easy and you'll work it out, all right?
01:01:50I told them twice.
01:01:52I said twice.
01:01:53Just forget about it, we can take care of it.
01:01:54Let me call you back.
01:01:55I'm at the office.
01:01:56Hey, Jonathan.
01:01:57Allen, I want to let you know I'm looking to take on some more responsibility here at work.
01:02:01I mean, whatever you got, throw it at me.
01:02:03Well, I don't know if you've heard any of the rumblings,
01:02:05but we are expanding our international business.
01:02:08Was it going out the London office?
01:02:10And I'm thinking about sending you.
01:02:13So give it some thought.
01:02:15But say yes, it's a great opportunity for you.
01:02:19Thank you, sir.
01:02:42OK, great, we'll see you then.
01:02:44I just made a 3 o'clock massage appointment for you.
01:02:46Is that OK?
01:02:47Yeah, Marty can pick up Paige from school today.
01:02:49All right.
01:02:54This is Rosemary, Jonathan's assistant.
01:02:56This is my best friend and boss, Tessa.
01:02:58She's the one I told you about.
01:02:59Oh, yes.
01:03:01She tells me that you are the best at what you do.
01:03:03Thank you.
01:03:05Are you here for a massage?
01:03:06Oh, no, dear.
01:03:08I, uh, I'm actually here to see you.
01:03:16Well, Jonathan is just miserable.
01:03:20And he is being stubborn, and he won't call you.
01:03:23And, well, I was hoping you would call him.
01:03:27I mean, I know you girls do that sort of thing now, right?
01:03:30Yeah, we do.
01:03:32Look, under other circumstances, normally I would,
01:03:36I'd have no problem calling him, but Jonathan and I were really
01:03:40just not right for each other.
01:03:41Oh, no, Libby.
01:03:43You don't really think that, do you?
01:03:46Yeah, I do.
01:03:49But I will definitely see you again.
01:03:51That's a promise.
01:03:53I hope so.
01:03:55OK, well, bye, sweetie.
01:04:05You OK?
01:04:06I guess.
01:04:07You did the right thing.
01:04:09It's time to just forget all that, really.
01:04:11Do you mean quit?
01:04:13Well, OK, so your constant need to flee
01:04:15actually comes in handy for once.
01:04:18That Rosemary seems like a really nice lady.
01:04:20She does.
01:04:21It's just that she can't see Jonathan for what he truly is,
01:04:23you know, a total corporate stooge.
01:04:26You could do so much better.
01:04:28He's not a corporate stooge, OK?
01:04:30He's not a rich jerk.
01:04:31He's not some snob.
01:04:34You don't have any idea who Jonathan is,
01:04:35because you never actually spent the time to get to know him.
01:04:38You know what, you think it's so great that I'm a quitter?
01:04:39Well, you will just love this.
01:04:43I quit.
01:04:51Hey, John.
01:04:53We're all going out for a drink.
01:04:54Come on.
01:04:55Nick, I can't.
01:04:56I still got a lot of work to do.
01:04:58How about no, OK?
01:05:00Stop moping around.
01:05:02You, me, drink now.
01:05:04I'm buying.
01:05:28It's all right.
01:05:34Crawling out of my skin into the doubt.
01:05:46Silently, I scream and shout.
01:05:50I'm off to war, this soldier's town.
01:06:01You have my back against the law.
01:06:09Oh, tell me how to end it all.
01:06:20And I'll be the first to fall, the first to fall.
01:06:30It's my crime.
01:06:35The prisoner of war I hide.
01:06:42I have learned to buy my time.
01:06:48Oh, my dear.
01:06:53You have my back against the law.
01:06:59Oh, tell me how to end it all.
01:07:03Jonathan McIntyre's office.
01:07:06Hi, Cynthia DuPont.
01:07:08Oh, yes, dear.
01:07:09Hold on.
01:07:11Jonathan, it's Cynthia, and she's
01:07:17Cynthia, Jonathan is actually in a meeting with the partners.
01:07:20Sure, sure.
01:07:23You're welcome.
01:07:25Goodbye, dear.
01:07:27All the noise, all the noise, all the noise I hear.
01:07:32God never even makes it clear.
01:07:37It keeps me hanging on again.
01:07:41Hey, am I too old for this?
01:07:45Paige is too old for that.
01:07:48OK, that's done.
01:07:49What do we got over here?
01:07:50Junk mail, junk mail, junk mail.
01:07:52A work schedule from six months ago.
01:07:56And, um, seriously, Libby, this doesn't even have a picture in it.
01:08:00No, no, this one, this one's important.
01:08:07Junk catalogs, junk, junk, junk, junk.
01:08:10Tessa, I gotta tell you something.
01:08:13I've been really mad at you.
01:08:15Oh, Libby, hey, if this is about the whole quitting thing.
01:08:18No, it's not about the quitting thing.
01:08:20I still quit, by the way, just for the record.
01:08:23But, uh, I just felt like no matter what, you just didn't want Jonathan and I to be together.
01:08:29And as sad as I am that we haven't been able to work it out,
01:08:33I just realized that we're never going to unless I make some changes in my life.
01:08:37I know that's all you were trying to get me to see, so.
01:08:40I just want to say thanks.
01:08:50Hey, by the way, guess what?
01:08:52The Keller-Bell merger?
01:08:55Jonathan, congratulations.
01:08:57Thank you very much.
01:08:58And I want to host a party.
01:08:59Take care of it?
01:09:00I'm going to meet Nick for drinks.
01:09:03I will take care of everything.
01:09:08All right.
01:09:09That sounds fun.
01:09:10Pretty great.
01:09:12Rosemary, we have to talk.
01:09:22Here we go.
01:09:23Here we go.
01:09:25How do I look?
01:09:26Oh, you look so handsome.
01:09:29I'm very proud of you.
01:09:34Thank you again, Rosemary, for everything.
01:09:37You better go.
01:09:51All right.
01:09:53Hey, how are you?
01:09:54Hey, Ryan, good to see you again.
01:09:56Yep, all right.
01:09:58Thank you.
01:09:59Here are the directions.
01:10:00And you should just find it about five miles.
01:10:27Come with me.
01:10:31Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Burden.
01:10:32Good to see you.
01:10:35Jonathan, how are you, buddy?
01:10:36How are you, sir?
01:10:39Hello, Jerry.
01:10:40I'm going to grab a drink, okay?
01:10:41I'll be right back.
01:10:42Come back and see us.
01:10:43Good to see you guys.
01:10:44I'll do a Jack and Coke, please.
01:10:58How are you?
01:10:59I'm great, thank you.
01:11:00What are you doing here?
01:11:02Well, it turns out with all of my past jobs,
01:11:04I had a lot of contacts with florists
01:11:06and caterers and photographers,
01:11:08so I started my own event planning company.
01:11:12That's great.
01:11:14I love it.
01:11:15It makes me really happy to be with people
01:11:17when they're celebrating something special.
01:11:19If you'll excuse me.
01:11:20Nice to see you.
01:11:21Yeah, nice to see you.
01:11:28Jonathan, how are you doing?
01:11:32It's good.
01:11:34Marilyn, I know this isn't the best time to say this,
01:11:37but I'm going to have to turn down your Tokyo offer.
01:11:41I'm surprised.
01:11:42I thought you'd jump at the opportunity
01:11:44of heading up your own operation.
01:11:46Oh, sir, this...
01:11:47This means so much to me,
01:11:49and I thank you so much for even giving me this opportunity.
01:11:52But, um...
01:11:53I'm sorry.
01:11:54I'm sorry.
01:11:55I'm sorry.
01:11:56I'm sorry.
01:11:57I just...
01:11:58I have some business I need to take care of here first,
01:12:01if that's okay.
01:12:02Of course.
01:12:03You know, you're invaluable to us.
01:12:07you have to go after the things you want in life.
01:12:11I know that now.
01:12:13I'm back.
01:12:14Shall we eat?
01:12:15I'm starved.
01:12:16I thought you'd never get back.
01:12:18Why don't you pour me some more wine?
01:12:20By the way, you're paying for this, you know.
01:12:22I always miss something.
01:12:24Jonathan, maybe Jonathan.
01:12:28Excuse me.
01:12:32Um, James,
01:12:33will you get Mr. Sweeney another drink?
01:12:35It's a scotch, right?
01:12:36Uh, yeah.
01:12:40Great party.
01:12:41Thank you.
01:12:42Oh, and congratulations on the merger.
01:12:48And you know the whole you and Jonathan thing?
01:12:51You guys should be together.
01:12:53I'm sorry it didn't work out.
01:12:56Especially because I kind of had something to do with it.
01:12:59I kind of thought you were a flake.
01:13:01I told him to stop seeing you.
01:13:05I was wrong.
01:13:07Thank you, Nick.
01:13:15Uh, Libby.
01:13:17I just...
01:13:18I wanted to say that this is amazing.
01:13:20All of this is amazing.
01:13:26Listen, I'm...
01:13:27I'm sorry I ambushed you.
01:13:29I mean, I knew you would be here.
01:13:31It's kind of the reason I took the job.
01:13:34I just really wanted you to see that I could be something.
01:13:37Libby, you've always been something.
01:13:39I know.
01:13:55Hey, guys.
01:13:56Good to see you.
01:13:57Thanks again for coming.
01:13:58Jim, see you Monday?
01:13:59I'll have Rosemary call you about that.
01:14:07Thank you for coming.
01:14:08Thank you for having me.
01:14:12It's pretty obvious that there's still something between you two.
01:14:18I shouldn't let her get away.
01:14:21Well, thank you.
01:14:26I'll see you later.
01:14:27All right.
01:14:30All right.
01:14:31All right.
01:14:32There you go.
01:14:34Thank you.
01:14:36Okay, I just want to say good night, Nick.
01:14:38You're leaving?
01:14:39Yeah, yeah.
01:14:40I don't want to overstay my welcome.
01:14:43The knight is still young.
01:14:47Let's get out of here.
01:14:48I'll buy you a drink.
01:14:50You already have a drink.
01:14:54Shall we?
01:14:57Yeah, yeah, okay.
01:15:00Welcome to the Beverly Glynn Hotel.
01:15:06Excuse me.
01:15:08Are you Doug?
01:15:09Yes, I am.
01:15:10How can I help you?
01:15:11Hello, Doug.
01:15:12I am Rosemary.
01:15:13I was hoping that you could help me with something.
01:15:36Thank you.
01:16:20So, um, do you have a card or something I could take?
01:16:27Here you go.
01:16:28So, um, do you have a card or something I could take?
01:16:35Why, are you planning a party?
01:16:44I'm planning a life.
01:17:11Go, Doug!
