How to become ALLAH'S friend

  • 3 months ago
00:00It is a very special status, you can see Ibrahim A.S, how he was a friend of Allah and Allah
00:09gave him so many stages. A person gets surprised and thinks that was it really necessary to
00:14go through so many tough times and so many tests. So Allah gives people a test and a
00:22whole cycle and then a person becomes a Khalil of Allah to prove.
00:31People have made a mistake that if they believe in Allah, will we not test their love?
00:40That are you truthful or not? No, we have tested the people before them.
00:50So Allah knows who is truthful and who is not.
00:57So Allah tests and after testing there is a stage of being a Khalil of Allah.
01:02And being a friend of Allah is a very special thing.
01:07If I would have made someone a friend, a Khalil, I would have made Abu Bakr A.S.
01:14But Allah has chosen me as his Khalil.
01:22Although he was very good with people and loving, he used to love Aisha, Abu Bakr, Ali
01:28bin Abi Talib, Hassan bin Hussain, Fatima and Uthman bin Affan a lot.
01:33But not to the extent that he used to fall in love with Allah.
01:38When Usama bin Zaid, the beloved companion of the Prophet said, O Messenger of Allah,
01:43there has been a theft from a woman.
01:46He has put Allah aside.
01:47His love for Allah was pure.
01:49This is the reason why Hazrat Aisha says that when every beloved used to go to Aisha,
01:53the Prophet of Allah used to go to his beloved.
01:57And this is the reason why when Allah called the Prophet of Allah to himself,
02:04and it was the last day of the Prophet of Allah, he decided that he was going to meet
02:09his Lord.
02:10He said, O Allah, I want your companionship.
02:22I want the companionship of the Most High.
02:25So, keep every love for Allah aside.
02:28And then there is a higher rank from Khalil, which is the rank of Wali.
02:33And when we hear the name of Wali, our common people think that he is a bearded man,
02:40he is wearing a green dress, he is wearing an orange dress, he is not wearing anything.
02:46Baba Nange Shah, Baba Falaan Shah, Mangali Baba and Kede Baba.
02:52No, no, no.
02:55Wali is not someone who is wearing a jubba or people are kissing his hands.
03:02Not at all.
03:04Most of them, 99% of the Auliya are not famous at all.
03:09They are scattered amongst people.
03:11They are common people.
03:13Sometimes, even they don't know that they are the Wali of Allah.
03:19And this is very scary.
03:22Because you don't know who is the Wali of Allah in this world.
03:25There is no common person who is the Wali of Allah.
03:27And you are messing with him.
03:29Or you are bothering him.
03:31That is why it is said in Hadith-e-Qudsi,
03:33Whoever bothers my friend, who harms my friend, my Wali,
03:40then I have a war with Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
03:43He is destroyed.
03:45Qayyum al-Jawzir says, How many nations were destroyed?
03:48Because there was a Wali who was against them.
03:53And how many nations were saved because there was a Wali who was with them.
03:57Allahu Akbar.
04:18Translated by Zainab salman
