Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30 - German B voice lines

  • 3 months ago
00:00Amis! The Americans! There are the Amis!
00:03Shit! Amis! The Amis!
00:06Watch out! MG! Oh shit! MG! MG!
00:10A Pak! Pak! Tank! That's none of ours!
00:13Watch out! Tank! Damn! Tank!
00:17Watch out! Tank!
00:19Mortars! Enemy mortars! Bazooka!
00:22I don't see any Americans anymore. I think we got them all.
00:25Was that the last of them? I think that was the last Ami.
00:28I think there are no more Americans here.
00:30I got one! He's done!
00:32One less American! He's not standing up anymore!
00:35Next one, please!
00:36One less! He's dead!
00:38The tank is burning! The tank is destroyed!
00:41The Ami tank is done!
00:43He's dead! The MG gunner is dead!
00:45The MG gunner is done!
00:47He's dead!
00:47I can't shoot there, Feldwebel!
00:49I won't hit him, Mr. Feldwebel!
00:51That won't work, Mr. Feldwebel!
00:52Watch out! It got him!
00:54Feldwebel! In cover!
00:56Get down, Feldwebel!
00:57They hit him! He's hit!
00:59They're killing us! We're all going to die!
01:02I'm hit!
01:05Shit! I'm hit!
01:07It got me!
01:09Shit! It got me!
01:11Damn it!
01:12That's just a stray shot.
01:17Watch out! Grenade!
01:19Watch out! Grenade!
01:21Get down! Grenade!
01:22In cover! Grenade!
01:24Throwing a grenade!
01:25Watch out! I'm throwing a grenade!
01:28Watch out! I'm throwing a grenade!
01:30Watch out! In cover! Grenade!
01:32Yes! Right away!
01:34Already on it!
01:36Now! Get up and shoot!
01:38Fire protection!
01:39Watch out! Fire protection!
01:41The Amis are falling into our flank!
01:43They're coming from the other side!
01:44Watch out for the flank!
01:48I'm trying to get a better angle.
01:51Feldwebel! We're being shot!
01:52Stop! Enemy artillery!
01:55Impossible, Mr. Feldwebel!
01:56That's impossible!
01:57I'm sorry!
01:58It's not possible, Mr. Feldwebel!
01:59That wouldn't even give a scratch!
02:00I can't go there!
02:02I can't go there!
02:03I can't go there, Mr. Feldwebel!
02:04I'm here, Mr. Feldwebel!
02:06The Amis are attacking!
02:07They're making a counterattack!
02:09Should I come with you?
02:10Are we retreating soon?
02:11See you later, Mr. Feldwebel!
02:12I'll wait here!
02:13I'm in position!
02:14The Amis are falling back!
02:16The enemy is retreating!
02:17They're running away!
02:18We nailed the enemy down!
02:20We nailed them down!
02:22They went into cover!
02:23Let's attack!
02:24They're stuck!
02:25The Amis went into cover, Mr. Feldwebel!
02:27They're returning fire!
02:29Keep shooting!
02:30We're under fire!
02:32I'm under fire!
02:33We have to get to them from the flanks!
02:35Attack from the flanks!
02:36Fall back on the enemy!
02:38Attack the Amis from the flanks!
02:40One group should attack from the flanks!
02:42Hello, Mr. Feldwebel!
02:43Good day, Mr. Feldwebel!
02:44What's up?
02:46A nice day to die, right?
02:47Everything alright, Mr. Feldwebel?
02:49Is there a problem, Mr. Feldwebel?
02:50Did you hear that too, Mr. Feldwebel?
02:52What was that?
02:53Watch out!
02:53Strong enemy fire!
02:54They're shooting from everywhere!
02:57Get us out of here!
02:58Good heavens!
02:59Let's get out of here!
03:00Out of the way!
03:01Get out of my line of fire!
03:03Out of the way!
03:04He'll survive!
03:05He's badly wounded, Feldwebel!
03:07He's wounded!
03:08But he'll survive!
03:09I've got him, Feldwebel!
03:10He's dead, Feldwebel!
03:12Mr. Feldwebel!
03:12I've got him!
03:13Don't worry, we'll get you later!
03:15You'll survive!
03:16Wait for us here!
03:17You won't die!
03:18Do you hear me?
03:19Now you'll get...
03:20...what you...
03:23We're on the move!
03:24Now, Mr. Feldwebel!
03:25At your command!
03:26Mr. Feldwebel!
03:26Out of the way!
03:27Watch out, Feldwebel!
03:28That's it for you, my friend!
03:31I'm reloading!
03:32Give me cover!
03:33My magazine is empty!
03:34I'm reloading!
03:35Give me fire protection!
03:37My magazine is empty!
03:39My magazine is empty!
03:41We have to retreat!
03:42There are too many!
03:44We have to get out of here!
03:45Enemy planes!
03:46Yeah, boss!
03:48Our tanks are coming!
03:49There are our tanks!
03:51Our tank has been hit!
03:54That was close!
03:55Watch out!
03:56Hopefully they're aiming precisely!
03:58There they are!
03:59More Americans!
04:01Oh crap!
04:01There are more!
04:02There are more Americans!
04:04There are more over there!
04:05The Americans are changing positions!
04:07The enemy is changing positions!
04:09The Americans are coming over the flank!
04:10Watch out!
04:11Enemy movement!
04:12Reload fire!
04:14Get them!
04:17Watch out, Feldwebel!
04:19They got him!
04:25Set the Americans on fire!
04:27Fire with everything you have!
04:28We have to keep shooting!
04:30Shoot at everything that moves!
04:32Keep shooting!
04:33Keep enemies under fire!
04:34That was the last American!
04:36What are you doing, Mr. Feldwebel?
04:37Impossible, Mr. Feldwebel!
04:39Not now, Mr. Feldwebel!
04:40We will have to fight again soon!
04:42Do you have a cigarette for me, Mr. Feldwebel?
04:44After you!
