Ben Affleck Angrily Chews Out Paparazzi As They Flash Him Leaving J Lo House | TMZ Live

  • 3 months ago
The actor was spotted leaving his and Jennifer Lopez's marital home in Bev Hills Sunday night -- where a group of photographers were waiting at the bottom of a hill for him as he was exiting solo ... and once they saw his car coming down the path, they snapped away.


00:00Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez continue living completely separate lives.
00:05Whatever is going on in their marriage, or as we suspect that it is pretty much wrapping it up,
00:12she is over in Europe, but he is still here in LA and she is at Paris Fashion Week
00:18getting the type of attention you'd expect Jennifer Lopez to get at Paris Fashion Week.
00:21Looks happy, glowing.
00:23But smiling, happy, stopping to take photos with fans.
00:27Yeah, she looked good.
00:28Ben is back here in Los Angeles and had a very angry incident last night
00:36outside their home in Beverly Hills.
00:38Now, we haven't seen Ben at the marital home in Beverly Hills,
00:42the $60 million place that they are now trying to sell.
00:45We haven't seen him there in several weeks.
00:48You know, as we told you, he's been living in a rental home in Brentwood,
00:52but he was there at the Beverly Hills home last night.
00:55Interesting, when she's not there, then he's there.
00:57Right. Very interesting.
00:59It makes me think, is he there moving stuff out?
01:02Avoiding each other?
01:03But on his way out, there were paparazzi waiting at the end of the street,
01:08and he stopped when, as he was driving by, he made a point of stopping
01:12and yelling at them for what he says creating a very unsafe situation.
01:32Listen, I'm going to get you in an accident.
01:36Don't flash your light with someone driving down in the driveway.
01:39I don't have a light.
01:40Listen, you do have a light.
01:41I can't go.
01:42Don't do that. That's dangerous.
01:44You don't even know if that's me, your cousin, or your ex-husband.
01:47I have no idea. You know that.
01:49But you're right.
01:50Stop, man.
01:51It's dangerous what you guys are doing, do you understand?
01:53I can't see.
01:54You're going to get somebody hurt doing this.
02:00My daughter's coming down here.
02:01If you flash the lights on her, you're putting her in danger.
02:04Do you understand that?
02:06I understand that.
02:08I got to say, when he was coming down, first of all, he seemed like he was going pretty fast.
02:12And it did seem, as he was going around the corners, like, is he going to hit that container that's there?
02:16Well, you can imagine it.
02:17It's dark out, and then all of a sudden, you've got these super bright lights in your eyes.
02:20I thought he was going to hit the container.
02:21I did, too.
02:22And it looked like he was deciding if he was going to stop or not, and then you could tell how upset he was.
02:27I don't disagree with what he said.
02:28I'll be honest with you, Charles.
02:30I'm sure those guys are not thinking that at all, what all of their flashes are doing.
02:35Especially, right, like he says, my daughter's about to come down the street.
02:38You notice that, that he grabbed the guy's phone in his left hand?
02:41Oh, I didn't know that.
02:42He actually grabbed the guy's phone.
02:43He handed it back.
02:44He handed it back to him.
02:45A couple points about this.
02:46One, Ben Affleck is a big dude and an intimidating dude.
02:49He's a six-footer.
02:51He's kind of like stocky and Ben Affleck.
02:54And not only that, but he's like an A-list star.
02:56So all those elements combined, if I was the Photog, I would be like frozen just like that guy was.
03:01And I would also get my phone snatched, too.
03:03But to Mike's point, I think Charles' point as well, he's in the right here.
03:06He really is.
03:07I mean, he's coming down the hill.
03:08They're flashing his lights.
03:09It is, in fact, dangerous.
03:10And especially if he's got his daughter behind him, that's extra peril for her, too.
03:14The other point about the fact that he's at the house while J-Lo is away, very interesting.
03:19It seems like they might have coordinated that.
03:20And that little container that you think he was almost going to hit, I wonder if that's his container to get his crap out of there perhaps, maybe.
03:27That's what I'm thinking.
03:28I mean, when you need a shipping container to move your stuff, you know.
03:32They've barely been there.
03:33You're talking A-list.
03:35It is interesting that he's there.
03:37Look, as far as we know, there is no reconciliation going on here.
03:42As we showed you, she's been over in Europe.
03:44Aside from Paris, she was in Italy on vacation with some friends, having a good time.
03:49The only thing I do think it's weird that he's there, but probably just a coincidence because they've been together.
03:54So it's not like they hate each other's guts, Charles.
03:56We know the marriage isn't working, right?
03:58They've been in the same places.
04:00But they're not exactly warm and fuzzy.
04:02No, not warm and fuzzy.
04:03But is it that bad that he would have to get his stuff when she wasn't there?
04:05Like she couldn't even be in the same city?
04:07As Harvey likes to say, the writing is on the wall.
04:09And right now there's an essay being written.
04:11It's almost turning into a novel at this point.
04:13So I think this is bad for their marriage.
04:15That's my take.
04:16Hi, this is Phillip from Westchester.
04:18And I think J.Lo and Ben are living separate lives because she likes the jet-setting lifestyle in Paris, Italy for dinners, Paris Fashion Week.
04:27He likes to be normal at home, driving around with his kids.
04:30I don't know if they are together or not.
04:33And I don't think we will know until they come out and tell us.
04:35Maybe the pressures of Bennifer 2.0 got to them.
