Chhaaya 2022 short film

  • 3 months ago
Chhaaya is a short film about burning social issue. must watch this award winning film. what happen when the life became abandon
00:19Give me tea
00:44(sad music playing)
01:40That's it?
01:42-That's it
01:58Don't have onions?
02:00- Giving, Giving
02:01water too give
02:10(sad music playing)
02:39(children are playing)
03:02bloody basted
03:05thinking father's place to sleep here?
03:07- so Is it your father's?
03:09Bloody, trying to act innocent?
03:12get lost, pimp
03:16Where did you come from , limping swine,
03:20I'll slap you
03:43Sir ..something to spare?
03:45Spare me something
03:47You give her, I don't have change
03:55Thank you
04:18What are you doing?
04:20How you beg in this area?
04:23This area is mine. You can't beg here
04:27from where have you come ?
04:28Who's area is this ?
04:31Brother, yours .Your area brother. This is your area
04:34From today, she will beg right here. Now get lost
05:14I thought you are a bad person
05:18Anybody will think so, because of my behavior
05:23You know,
05:25I've been seeing you here since many days
05:27Sometimes picking garbage, some times begging
05:32What's your name?
05:35Jagat...and yours?
05:39My mother used to call me Chhaaya
05:52 don't know about my father
05:54and my mother...
05:58died an alcoholic
06:06I grew up wandering the streets
06:19What about you?
06:22same like you
06:25You know,
06:29I like you very much
06:51Where do you live?
06:53You want to see? Come
07:51You live here?
07:53Yes. How is it?
08:02You like it?
08:04A lot
08:09I want to tell you something
08:11- Tell me
08:13The thing is that..
08:14Remember I told you that
08:18I like you
08:22Shut up
08:23So tell me
08:26Will you marry me?
09:13I am so happy today
09:18We'll have our own family now
10:40Tell me
10:42- I don't want anything
10:44I have a lot of things
10:53Hey sir
10:54Hey sir
10:57Hey sir
11:01Hey sir
11:04Spare me something,
11:06give something. hey sir. something...give
11:11What are you wearing for the birthday party today?
11:13- Hey sir
11:14Hmm.. shorts
11:20My outfit will be...
11:22-Then others will hit on you and I'll feel jealous. Don't wear shorts.
11:26Hey sir..hey sir
11:28Spare something
11:30I'm very hungry sir
11:32Sorry my mother, sorry
11:34Spare something
11:37Go go go away go
11:39Sir sir sir please sir
11:42Please sir...sir
11:49Bloody bastard
11:51Got money for their debauchery,
11:55And not even a penny for people like us
12:07Business was good today
12:10See, I made such good food for you
12:12 You know what
12:13I also earned a lot today
12:16- Really?
12:17Look what I brought for you
12:25A rich lady was giving them away at the signal
12:27and I took it for you
12:29Alright now wear it and show me
12:36How to wear this?
12:48How do I look?
12:50Just like Aishwarya Rai
12:56It must be very expensive
12:58What do we have to do with the cost?
13:00What the rich share, the lucky wear
13:04Now, sit down and eat
13:24You have magic hands
13:26(neighbor's child crying)
13:45Where are you lost?
13:48What happened?
14:17We will have a child, won't we?
14:22I will also become a mother one day right?
14:27We will have a family someday right?
14:34Tell me
14:35Is it necessary to repeat the same mistakes that our parents made?
14:39But this mistake even animals make
14:42I don't want to be an animal
14:43Being human is enough
14:45Now eat quietly
14:47Fucking my brain
15:11(baby making noises)
15:38Some swine threw their baby in the waste
15:42If you can't raise them then why give birth to them
15:46Why don't they understand
15:49What you throw in the trash is not always garbage
15:57Oh God
16:02You have made me rich today, God
16:06You've given me a treasure
16:10a daughter, you've given me a daughter
16:26Why did you bring her here?
16:28What will people think?
16:30We've stolen a child
16:36They are the ones who tossed her out like garbage
16:41I found a diamond in the waste
16:46I will take care of her
16:50I will raise her
16:54I won't let her become like us
16:56What will you do?
16:58What will you make her?
17:00How will you raise her?
17:02I am a rag picker and you're a beggar
17:06Our life is useless
17:09What can we make her
17:35From today, I will stop picking garbage
17:38And you won't beg
17:41We will pick up respectable jobs for her
17:47We will go somewhere, where nobody will recognize us
17:52I will be a house maid
17:55You start laboring
17:58Tell me, are you with me?
18:37I am
18:40I will do as you say
18:45Did you see?
18:47A rag picker also knows that everything thrown in the waste is not garbage.
18:51And we should know this too.
18:53After finding the girl, they were never seen begging or rag picking again
18:59and that girl is probably among one of them
