Neighbours 25th June 2024 (9066)

  • 3 months ago
00:00Previously on Neighbors.
00:02Do you have a crush on Nell?
00:04I like you too.
00:05We're best mates.
00:06I just don't want to ruin that.
00:08Something else gone missing.
00:09You're my Cuba.
00:10Bunch of kids came through.
00:11They knocked me over.
00:12I shouldn't have come in.
00:13I'm not ready.
00:14Logan, today you are my lifesaver.
00:18And if you're looking for somewhere to settle,
00:20Aranspru is a pretty wonderful part of the world.
00:23How do you feel about taking on a partner?
00:25Yeah, I want to set the kids up for life.
00:26It's a good option.
00:27This could change everything.
00:30Neighbors, everybody needs good neighbors.
00:37With a little understanding, you can find the perfect blend.
00:48Neighbors should be there for one another.
00:56That's when good neighbors become good friends.
01:08To family businesses.
01:12Isn't it bad luck to celebrate before the deal is done?
01:16Says who?
01:17I don't know.
01:18Murphy of Murphy's Law fame.
01:21You worry too much.
01:24Ah, I see you've started without me.
01:27Yeah, we'll grab a glass.
01:29Should you be drinking, Dad?
01:32It's a bit late for a health kick.
01:33You've been coughing and sniffling for the last few days,
01:36so I've convinced Remy to come and give you a once over.
01:39But I wouldn't want to interrupt anything,
01:41so I have time at the hospital this afternoon if you like.
01:45It'll be quick and painless, I promise.
01:47As opposed to my constant nagging if you don't.
01:50Fine, I'll stop by on my way to the vineyard.
01:53Oh, just ask me at reception.
01:55Oh, enjoy your yummy smelling lunch.
01:57Thanks, Remy.
02:00Dad, you sure you don't want us to come with you to the vineyard?
02:03I know what I'm doing.
02:04It's a shame you can't see it with an event on.
02:06Oh, it really shines as a function venue.
02:09Yeah, so we get married there.
02:10You should get married there.
02:12That would be our big first event as co-owners.
02:15Um, well, maybe.
02:23I'm feeling much better.
02:25I'll be back on deck tomorrow.
02:27Well, if you'd like some more time.
02:29No, Carl said the same thing.
02:31Honestly, I'll be OK.
02:32You sure?
02:34I think when I fell, I just got such a fright
02:37and I lost my confidence.
02:39But I have been reminded that there's life in Hell, girl, yeah?
02:43I don't see anyone old around here.
02:46Can I get three lattes?
02:47The third one's free.
02:48Well, I'm certainly feeling my age.
02:50Yes, how's Angie after the hip replacement?
02:52Well, she's struggling.
02:53Getting on Kev's nerves.
02:55Shame he didn't have the time
02:56for Tony to show you the sights of Colac.
02:59Well, I wanted to get back
03:00and make sure things were running smoothly.
03:02So I'm guessing that the missing items haven't turned up.
03:05No, not yet.
03:06There's a possible silver lining, though.
03:08Shirley's decided this is the perfect time
03:10to visit her holiday home in Vanuatu.
03:14Well, as long as she doesn't blame us for it,
03:16we'll be OK.
03:19Well, as long as she doesn't blame us for her trouble plans.
03:21No, no, no.
03:22I checked.
03:23It's an annual event.
03:24The return date is fluid.
03:26Well, I hope we can put our troubles behind us
03:29because we certainly need a win.
03:30Mm, we do.
03:31Excuse me.
03:32There has been an incident.
03:41Are you numb?
03:48The usual?
03:52So, no developments?
03:56And you haven't said anything to Dex?
04:00Looks like no one's happy.
04:02Hey, man, I know it's awkward,
04:04but someone has to take the first step.
04:08Like now?
04:10I'm gonna get your juice started.
04:17Hey, Nell.
04:18How was Colac?
04:19You grabbing hats again?
04:21Yeah, I guess.
04:22Yeah, that's cool.
04:23That's, uh...
04:26You look amazing, Jack.
04:28Can't you lie?
04:29I love.
04:30It's Cory and Son, right?
04:32But they're present for my sister.
04:34That is so unfair.
04:36JJ, my friend, you are good to go.
04:38Thank you.
04:42Hey, better luck next time.
04:48Uh, bye, Nell.
04:58Well, I have your blood sent off,
05:00and the results should be back from pathology in a couple of days.
05:03So, am I dismissed?
05:05How long did you say you've had the cold symptoms?
05:07A couple of days.
05:09No big deal.
05:10Yeah, for someone with a strong immune system, maybe.
05:13But the medication you're on
05:16limits your defense.
05:18So, no more all-night rages.
05:20Got it.
05:22I know you've got places to be,
05:23but I'd like you to make one more stop at radiology.
05:26I already know I have cancer.
05:28It's just the progress of a disease we'd like to check.
05:32I'm extremely grateful for whatever stuff they put me on
05:35has bought me extra time with my kids.
05:37But it kind of defeats the purpose of me analyzing it with you
05:40instead of enjoying it with them.
05:42This will just give you an idea of what the extra time looks like.
05:45I thought a smart man like you
05:48likes to be three jumps ahead.
05:52Fifteen minutes.
05:54Let's see if we can't do it in ten.
06:00This one,
06:03all unauthorized purchases.
06:06Cyber criminals are getting very good at extracting information.
06:09It's as simple as clicking a link.
06:11It could happen to anyone.
06:12I don't click links.
06:14This is theft.
06:15And that teenage gang is to blame.
06:17I don't know that they're a gang.
06:19I don't think you should be jumping to conclusions.
06:21But who except a bunch of teenagers would spend hundreds of dollars
06:25at E-Quest Games,
06:29at Corrie and Son,
06:31and Paisley's Pizza Palace?
06:34I am supposed to be working on my campaign for residential rent,
06:38but instead I'll be spending the afternoon on the phone to the bank.
06:42We are very, very sorry about this.
06:44Don't apologize.
06:46Just fix it.
06:47Oh, and if I don't get my money refunded,
06:51I am holding you liable.
06:58There is only one thing we need after a drive like that.
07:03And lucky us, this place serves the absolute best.
07:10You're back!
07:11You're back!
07:13Oh, it's good to see you.
07:15I heard you were out of hospital, but you look fantastic!
07:19Do all cappuccinos here come with a side of hugs?
07:21Oh, Mel gets special friend privileges.
07:24Logan, this is Haz, coffee king of Ehrensbrach.
07:28Haz, this is Logan.
07:29He was so good behind a blender
07:31that I decided to kidnap him and bring him back here.
07:34I've heard so much about you and Byron and Mackenzie and Trevor and...
07:38It was a long drive.
07:40Yeah, right.
07:41Look, the welcome home coffees are on me.
07:43Is it rude if I get mine to go?
07:45I've still got to book a spot at the caravan park.
07:47Not at all. I'll start it for you now.
07:49So after you've booked your spot, let's grab some dinner.
07:53I cannot wait to introduce you to more of my friends.
07:55I can't wait.
07:56Neither can I.
08:08Nick just sent me the most beautiful photo of you.
08:12You were at the bridal salon.
08:13You were looking a million barks.
08:15Thank you.
08:16You know, you've got a pretty big job there,
08:18giving your dad away.
08:19Means you'll probably get to do the father-daughter dance.
08:22Dad can't dance.
08:24Of course he can dance.
08:26You know there's a saying,
08:27if you can walk, then you can dance.
08:29It's true.
08:30Look, have you heard of the merengue?
08:34This is a dance that I showed David before our wedding.
08:36I'm going to show you.
08:38All right, hold my hands.
08:41So just start marching in place.
08:42That's it.
08:43Transfer your weight.
08:44There we go.
08:45Now we throw some arms in.
08:46And your hips.
08:48There you go.
08:49You've got it.
08:50Now you can teach your dad to dance.
08:52And back out like that.
08:55Two, one.
08:59And your arms.
09:00That's it.
09:01And you come in closer.
09:02Now we throw an arm back.
09:03You ready?
09:05There you go.
09:07And we come in close.
09:09And we go back.
09:11Now you get to throw me.
09:12Now hands in the air.
09:14And twirl.
09:21The place is gorgeous.
09:22The question is,
09:23does your business prowess match your good taste?
09:29I'll get us some waters.
09:30And I did want to put a spotlight on the figures
09:32before the whole poisoning incident,
09:34but I wanted you to see the full spectrum.
09:36Now honesty is one of the most important things to me in a partnership.
09:42Well, the hits you've taken were initially worrying,
09:44but it's clear none of it's due to mismanagement,
09:46just run of bad luck.
09:50No, I leveraged the place pretty highly
09:51when I launched the first vintage.
09:52Well, you're backing yourself to win.
09:54I would have done the same.
09:56The money from selling the house kept us afloat,
09:58but I don't know the right partnership.
10:00If we had the right partnership,
10:01it would really help us rebuild.
10:05There is one thing holding me back.
10:09The idea that I'd buy into a venue without sampling its wares first.
10:13Yeah, I think we can rectify that.
10:23Sorry, I thought I got everything out of the car when I got back.
10:25It's okay, it's no trouble.
10:27Oh, I need to go and deal with this.
10:29See you at home.
10:32I'm going to need a podium.
10:33Excuse me?
10:34Until my new cards arrive.
10:36I've had to cancel the old ones,
10:38but I'll just need cash to tighten me over for coffees and such.
10:43Well, of course.
10:44Why don't you come to my office and we'll get it to you straight away.
10:46Thank you.
10:52Oh, hey.
10:53I was just going to call you.
10:54This weird thing happened before, right?
10:56So, one of the residents had all these random charges
10:58sent up on their credit card,
10:59including stuff from Corrie and Son.
11:02It's the same label Jasmine's wearing today.
11:05Pretty weird, right?
11:06No, it's a super popular brand.
11:09Yeah, no one can afford.
11:11Her sister saved up and Jasmine wouldn't steal from here.
11:13She knows it's Therese's business.
11:16Maybe can you just ask her?
11:17See how she reacts to it?
11:19No, she's my friend.
11:22So am I.
11:23That's not the same.
11:27Oh, welcome back.
11:30Welcome back.
11:31Yes, at perfect time.
11:33I'm just about to make some dinner.
11:34Yeah, yeah.
11:35Oh, no, no, no.
11:36I've already, um,
11:38I've already booked a table at the Waterhole for four.
11:40Uh, yeah, Holly's working tonight.
11:43Well, I wanted you to meet my new partner in crime, Logan.
11:48Oh, partnerising romance.
11:50No, no, all business.
11:52I needed an extra pair of hands.
11:54All business.
11:55I needed an extra pair of hands in the van.
11:57Logan appeared and the rest is history.
12:00Oh, is it just me or did you have a new spring in your step?
12:03Oh, it was so good to get away.
12:07And I did a lot of thinking.
12:09And I decided that my life is pretty fabulous.
12:12Good for you.
12:13Yeah, well, it is when I focus on the good things,
12:15like having great friends and a business that is booming.
12:18Uh-huh, and did you know this Logan already or?
12:21No, no, we're new friends.
12:23But don't worry, he's one of the good ones.
12:27I did a complete check on his socials.
12:29No red flags.
12:31You'll see.
12:32He's great.
12:50It's a cool jacket.
12:54You know, it's pretty amazing
12:56that your sister can afford to buy that designer jacket
12:59on a part-time grease monkey's wage.
13:02It's also pretty weird that the exact same brands
13:05that you're wearing also just turned up
13:07on a credit card statement
13:08for one of your Rennie Rising residents.
13:11No, I don't think it is.
13:12I think that you have something to do with it,
13:14which is off considering that Rennie Rising
13:15is run by your best mate's stepmum.
13:17Or have you forgot that?
13:19Maybe rich old Mora had too many gins
13:21and went on an online shopping spree.
13:23Sorry, who said anything about rich old Mora?
13:25I have no idea what you're talking about.
13:27No, I think you do.
13:28Nell wouldn't like it if you accused her friend
13:30of doing something without better proof.
13:32And from what I've heard, you've already hurt her enough.
13:35You wouldn't want to make things worse, would you?
13:38Didn't think so.
13:40I'll see you around.
13:44Are you dancing?
13:45For the wedding.
13:48Aaron showed us some moves.
13:49It was the merengue, right, Sam?
13:51Are you going to teach Mike?
13:52Well, you have to teach me first.
13:54Next up, we have to hassle Mum into choosing a date
13:57so we know how long we have to practice.
13:59We can't do that until we know when Mike's job is finishing.
14:03Well, just tell him to come home.
14:05Can you imagine how pretty it'll be?
14:07You know, it is all hypothetical
14:10until your father puts in an offer.
14:12Oh, you should have it there.
14:13Even if we don't buy in, that's exactly what Leo needs.
14:16Like a big wedding booking, right?
14:18Who said it was going to be big?
14:20Well, whatever the size, we need a date
14:22so that we can start the countdown, right, Sam?
14:25How about we all just focus on getting dinner on the table, hmm?
14:29Hear, hear.
14:30Enough wedding talk, I'm starving.
14:32Come on, let's go get Isla.
14:45Can't wait for you to meet Carl and Susan.
14:47I almost feel like I know them already thanks to all your stories.
14:50Well, the people around here are sort of like my chosen family.
14:53Speaking of which...
14:55We're back!
14:56Welcome back.
14:58Aaron, this is Logan.
14:59Logan, this is Aaron.
15:00Aaron was married to David.
15:02Melanie has told me all about him.
15:04He sounded like a great guy.
15:07Yeah, he was.
15:08Was that you dancing earlier in the complex with the young woman?
15:11It was Sam.
15:12I was just showing her a few moves.
15:14Oh, you're a great teacher.
15:16Why don't you guys grab a seat and I'll bring over some special snacks from the house.
15:20Oh, you are the best.
15:21Stop it.
15:27So, Aaron was married to David and his brother was Eden.
15:32No, no, Leo.
15:34Eden was the bad egg, shall we say?
15:38Krista's ex.
15:39Right, sorry, got my stories mixed up.
15:41That's all right, they were rather a lot.
15:43Maybe we should do a quick recap.
15:51You're still hiding out here.
15:54I got a text from Therese.
15:56There's been another incident at Irene Rising.
16:00Another thing to worry about.
16:03You know, you could make that list of worries one item shorter.
16:07Call Mike, tell him your concerns.
16:11What concerns?
16:14Okay, I get it.
16:16You don't want to talk about this with me, but...
16:19I also know you.
16:22You put yourself second to keep the peace.
16:25You do it with me often enough.
16:27You're doing it with Mike.
16:31Look, when I confided in you, I...
16:34I was just having a bad day, that's all.
16:38Mike and I have since spoken and everything's fine.
16:44Okay, I just don't want you having regrets.
16:48Well noted.
16:54Is that the only reason that you came in here, to say that?
16:57No, I also had a work email to send.
17:00Oh, well, you'd best get on with it then.
17:14I think my favourite place was Batemans Bay.
17:20My nana was born there.
17:23Oh, is that right?
17:26Where do you hail from, Logan?
17:28Oh, yes, whereabouts?
17:29Paramount. I was born there.
17:31Oh, were you? What, Glendale Hospital?
17:34I've got a colleague who works there, Dr Wallace.
17:36Oh, I was just a baby at the time, so...
17:39So what do you do for work,
17:41apart from being Mel's new favourite employee?
17:44A bit of everything, really. Jack up all trades.
17:48I was doing a very high-pressure job and got burnt out,
17:52so I took some time off to travel, see the country,
17:55just picking up work wherever, and it has changed my life.
17:59I'd love to do that.
18:01Oh, careful, you've got him started now.
18:07Well, is everything all right?
18:08Oh, it's just work.
18:09Everybody rising. We're in crisis mode.
18:12Yes, we don't have to leave, unfortunately.
18:14It was so good to meet you both.
18:15Yes, you too.
18:16Yes, you too. Yeah, I'll give this.
18:17You sure?
18:19Oh, my gosh, make the most of that.
18:22See, I told you, dust like family.
18:24They're giving you the once-over.
18:25Yeah, well, they're protective of you. It's really nice.
18:29Well, you have passed because Carl never,
18:33never offers to pay for anything.
18:36Well, that calls for a celebration.
18:39Absolutely. I don't mind if I do.
18:41Night, guys. Hey, Logan, it was really lovely to meet you.
18:43Stay. Have a drink with us.
18:45Oh, please do.
18:48You know what? As long as I don't have to make the drinks.
18:57The lengths you go to to get out of doing the dishes.
18:59I had a valid excuse. We're talking business here, kid.
19:02Oh, hey.
19:04Look who it is.
19:08I didn't realise you were coming over tonight.
19:09Well, I thought it might be better to discuss this in person.
19:12Oh, what did you want to discuss?
19:14Your dad's partnership offer.
19:16Oh, you made Leo an offer?
19:18Earlier tonight he did.
19:19Why didn't you involve us?
19:21Don't be offended. It's how I do business.
19:23Is ripping people off how you do business as well?
19:25He's lowballing me for a 50% stake.
19:28Would you rather lose it altogether?
19:30Well, I talked you through how we were going and you used it against me.
19:32Look, I'm sure we can find something that's a bit more suitable for everyone here.
19:35Yeah, we're not going to take advantage of you, Leo.
19:37Hey, you promised you'd stay out of this.
19:40This isn't a negotiation.
19:42Given where you're at, what I'm offering is more than fair.
19:45And it's final.
19:46I'll give you two days. Get the office off the table.
19:54There's been another report of suspicious credit card activity.
19:58Eleanor Santora. It took a while to work out what was going on.
20:02Yeah, English is not a first language.
20:04So I took a look at her statement and unfortunately it's very similar to what was happening with Maura's.
20:09I can understand the kids wanting to play pranks, but this is criminal activity.
20:14And that's why I've called you all here.
20:15I've updated the police, but we need to draw up a statement to reassure the residents.
20:20Do you think we can reassure them?
20:21Well, we need to try.
20:23I mean, they're already talking about leaving.
20:26Our whole venture is at serious risk here.
20:31Another one?
20:32No, thank you. I'm going for a run in the morning.
20:34You're good.
20:36No, I'm done. I think these peepers are ready for sleep.
20:39Yeah, after that epic drive, fair enough.
20:41Let me take you back to the caravan park.
20:44Thanks, but it's a nice night. I think I'm going to walk. You've inspired me.
20:48No, no, let me get this. It's the least I could do after such a warm welcome to the neighbourhood.
20:52Thank you.
20:53Yeah, thank you.
20:54We are pleased that you are here.
20:56I am too.
20:57See you around.
20:58Yep, see you.
20:59And I'll see you tomorrow.
21:12I love you.
21:30Coming up on Neighbours.
21:31There's a chance that I could help you.
21:34There might be more to this than we realise.
21:36Oh, Andrew. I have some news.
21:39I heard you picked up a stray man on the road.
21:42I can't even imagine what you've been through after you lost your partner.
