El Amor no Tiene Receta Cap 88 Completo

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El Amor no Tiene Receta Cap 88 Completo


00:19Yeah, huh
00:27It's got resisted people, but it's worth it
00:36Yeah, I can use it
00:40No, no, it's momentum, but I said bro, Matthew
00:45No, it's wrong
00:53Yes, my question is
00:57This is a key point to family
01:01Yes, that was you know, there was a soldier
01:08Yeah, I don't make it
01:17Sta bien, si si le deja de estar recuperando se
01:22fuiste un héroe
01:23la protegiste primo
01:26Tu cuerpo disminuyó la velocidad de la bala estamos esperando que mejore
01:32No solamente fuiste un héroe
01:35Miriam, yo también lo ha sido conmigo
01:39Me ayudaste a sacar el campo adelante los animales
02:15Hermano hermano no no hables tanto necesitas necesitas recuperar el aliento tranquilo tu ritmo cardíaco está débil
02:26Me siento vivo
02:29Tiento que pude amar
02:35unirse de nuevo
02:37A salir de prisión a mí y a mi familia
02:40Nos echaste la mano con todo lo de maría con lo de monito
02:44Nos ayudaste a descubrir la verdad humberto gracias
02:51Solo hice lo que debía
02:56Justo que pudiste rehacer tu vida con mi primo
03:01Es una gran mujer
03:03Tu pereces ser feliz
03:06Gracias gracias por los consejos en verdad fuiste el papá que que pensé que nunca iba a necesitar
03:15Quisiste bien y bonito a mi jefa
03:18Y la neta si te la rifaste, te portaste como un héroe Humberto
03:24Me alentaste a que encontrara el amor de nuevo con tu papá
03:30Te volviste mi hijo también
03:32Humberto te necesitamos con nosotros
03:36Eres un guerrero de dios
03:39El te puso entre nosotros para ayudarnos
03:44Eres un ángel en todo el sentido de la palabra
03:50De veras yo cambié sus vidas
03:56Yo le doy gracias a dios porque me puso en su camino
04:00Para que tuviera una nueva oportunidad
04:04Pero tu tambien mereces una oportunidad hijo
04:07Tu tienes una vida por delante
04:10Por favor no te vayas
04:13Recupérate por favor te exijo que te recuperes
04:16Te lo ordena tu padre
04:18Recupérate por favor
04:24Me costaría tanto poder cumplirte la vieja
04:30Por favor jurame algo
04:35Te lo juro
04:37Jurame que vas a ser muy feliz
04:39Te lo juro
04:41Hasta que te repongas te lo voy a jurar
04:43¿Lo viste?
04:45Jurame que vas a ser hijo tuyo
04:47Que vas a seguir tu vida
04:51Júrame lo dijo
04:58Te lo juro
05:00Te lo juro hijo
05:03Esteban quiero escucharte
05:07Hay una promesa así que
05:09No dejes que esto se envalo
05:13Que nuestra familia va a alcanzar la felicidad
05:17Tienes mi palabra Humberto
05:19Vamos a ser felices
05:23Tu nos estas dando tu vida y la vamos a vivir en tu honor
05:27Pero te necesitamos aquí
05:29Si tenemos muchos pendientes todavía
05:31Sin paz Roble
05:35Eres una mujer maravillosa
05:37Y vas a formar una gran familia
05:39Yo lo se
05:41Tu no te rindas
05:45En Esteban y en los nuestros
05:49No recuperé a mi primo para volver a perderlo
05:53No limamos las perezas para esto primo
05:55Esto no puede terminar aquí
05:57Este no es el final
06:00No soy tu primo
06:02Soy tu hermano
06:04Tienes razón hermano
06:12Necesito un abrazo tuyo
06:14Por favor Esteban
06:24Tal vez esto no sea un final
06:26Yo no se que haya mas allá
06:32Pero yo les juro que
06:34Cuando vengan a verme
06:36Van muchos años
06:38Muchos años
06:40Ahí voy a estar
06:46Vamos a poder caballar
06:48Hasta el amanecer
06:50Con el cielo
06:53Sobre nosotros
07:05Humberto no
07:07Humberto no
07:09Humberto no
07:11Humberto no
07:13Humberto no
07:15No supe cuáles eran tus ultimas palabras
07:17No supe cuáles eran tus ultimas palabras
07:19Tuviste miedo
07:22No lo desistes
07:24No lo desistes
07:26No lo desistes
07:28Hijo por favor
07:30Te fuiste demasiado pronto
07:34Te arrebataron de nuestro lado
07:42Vas a dejar un gran vacío entre nosotros
07:44Voy a extrañar tus bromas
07:46Tus risas
07:48Nuestra hermandad
07:52Yo se que algún día vamos a cabalgar hacia el sol juntos
07:54Lo se
07:56Te fuiste a guardar mi lugar en el cielo
08:00Y te juro te prometo que le vamos a hacer honor a tu vida
08:04Por favor
08:06No te vayas
08:08Hijo no me dejes
08:16Por favor
08:18Sabes como esta Mireya
08:20Le perforé un órgano
08:24Yo creo que se debe seguir desangrando
08:28Y definitivamente esta sufriendo
08:32Te puedes ahorrar tu crueldad
08:36Y tu te puedes ahorrar el estarle lloriqueando a esa mujer
08:40Tu entiendes por que lo hice verdad
08:44Ella te quería separar de mi lado
08:47Estuviste llorando
08:49Por que el cuarto huele a sal
08:57Deja las rabietas
08:59Es nuestro socio
09:01Fuiste tu no
09:03Tu le dijiste a mi hermana
09:05Donde encontrarme
09:15Son una inversión hermanos Nicoliti
09:19No me sirve venderle a mi empleador una dupla
09:21Que estaba a punto de traicionarse
09:23A ver
09:25Si el anciano ese quiere venir aqui
09:27A mangonearnos dile que venga el mismo
09:29A hacerlo
09:31No sabes lo que dices
09:33Si lo conoces tus ojos se van a quemar
09:35No te das cuenta
09:37Que este imbecil nos esta usando
09:39Quiere que te maten
09:41Que nos maten
09:44Bueno ya no
09:46Ya te desquitaste
09:56Se nota que eres un racon
09:58De biblioteca
10:00Ni las manos metiste
10:02Mi valor radica en mi cerebro
10:04No en mis musculos
10:06Ah pues dale buen uso
10:08Por que necesitamos
10:10Ya pasar a la siguiente fase
10:12Hay muchas tumbas vacias en mi cementerio
10:14Y hay muchas personitas
10:16Que ya quieren pasar al otro mundo
10:36Por favor hijo
10:38Yo siempre te he querido
10:41Te he respetado
10:43Te he admirado
10:45Te necesito
10:47Necesito que me digas
10:49Que no tome tanto café
10:53Que me ayudes
10:55Por favor hijo
10:57Por favor hijo
11:01Papá ya se fue
11:03Ya no te escucha
11:05Tranquilo viejo
11:11Ya mi amor
11:15Aquí estoy
11:17Estaré contigo
11:25Y alguna vez pensaste
11:27Que podrías volver a ser feliz en el campo
11:29Siempre que lo recordaba
11:31Lo hacía con amor
11:33Pero tenía miedo que la felicidad
11:35Se hubiera ido
11:37Sabes que cuando extrañamos
11:39Es por los recuerdos que tenemos
11:41Yo te recuerdo
11:43Corriendo con la pizca
11:45Cantando y saltando como Chapulín
11:47Ey ey ey
11:49Eran saltos de conejo
11:51Más respeto
11:53Está bien de conejo fue
11:57Yo te veo
11:59En el buen sentido
12:01Por que yo puedo percibir esa nobleza
12:03Y transparencia en tu alma
12:05Y eres un tipo intuitivo
12:08Y inteligente también
12:10Vaya debería casarme más seguido
12:12Para que me digas este tipo de cosas
12:18Yo nunca quise ocupar
12:20Tu lugar con mi tío Porfirio
12:22Al contrario
12:24Siempre quise que se unieran
12:26Él te ama y te necesita más que a mí
12:28Me parece que nos necesita a los dos
12:30Hay vacíos
12:32Que yo nunca podré llenar hermano
12:37Pues vas a ver que cuando
12:39El río come su camce
12:41El dolor va a desaparecer
12:43Y solo va a quedar como un recuerdo
12:45El dolor también forma parte
12:47De quienes somos humanos
12:49Hazle sentir
12:51Siempre al viejo
12:53Que estas presente en su vida
12:55Hazle sentir cuanto lo amas
13:05Papá yo también tengo el corazón roto
13:07Pero cuando el río vuelva a su camce
13:09El dolor poco a poco
13:11Se va a volver un recuerdo
13:13El dolor
13:15También forma parte de quienes somos
13:17Y todo este sufrimiento
13:19Te juro, te lo prometo
13:21Que no va a ser en vano
13:25Aunque ande en valle
13:27De sombra de muerte
13:29No temere
13:31Mal alguno
13:35Porque tú estarás conmigo
13:37Tu vara
13:39Y tu callado
13:41Me enfrente
13:47Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo
13:49Santificado sea tu nombre
13:51Venga a nosotros
13:53Venga a nosotros
13:55Venga a nosotros
13:57Venga a nosotros
13:59Venga a nosotros
14:01Venga a nosotros
14:03Venga a nosotros
14:05Venga a nosotras
14:07Venga a nosotros
14:16No puedo creerlo, nuestro tío se murió
14:18Fu Gina Ebra, tuvo que haber sido ella
14:20Pero no me gusta esto de manos
14:22Porque la policía jamás la va a detener
14:24Siento como si mi cerebro
14:26Fuera a explotar
14:28Oscar, ven voltea
14:30No lo aprofundo Recuerda lo que te he dicho
14:32I need you by my side because we haven't gotten out of this one yet.
14:39Our family needs us.
14:57The cameras never record anything, never!
14:59I know how it sounds, but it's a super-Andy mode.
15:01Oh, you say it so easily?
15:03When are you going to find the infiltrator, Castro?
15:06You know what? I'm completely sure that the infiltrator is you!
15:09No, my love, please stop.
15:11I'm like this too, but we don't fix anything with screams.
15:14It doesn't make sense to think that Castro is the infiltrator.
15:17My love, Geneva has always blocked cameras, it has unlimited resources.
15:22Castro has done what he can, but we already know that they always go one step ahead.
15:26Mr. Villa de Cortés, the arrests continue, my people were barely enough, I've already told you.
15:31Yes, you're going to tell me the usual, that Geneva has very powerful allies, right?
15:36Castro, in addition to the suspicions, is there anything that can link Geneva to this attack?
15:41The doctors gave us a bullet, but we haven't been able to find a shell in the area.
15:45Forensic Ballistics is analyzing it.
15:47Geneva has a revolver, and when the shell is fired, it stays in the drum.
15:51Yes, but it's not registered, sir.
15:53No, well, if you want, I'll put the evidence on a silver platter.
15:56Do you want me to analyze it myself?
15:58My love, are you sure Geneva has a gun like that?
16:01No, of course, my love, I saw it in his hands in the mansion, and we know where Geneva is staying.
16:05Yes, sir, although I understand that there are reasons, I would need something else to issue an arrest warrant.
16:09Also, consider that both of them...
16:11Look, I'm going to look for the evidence myself, and I hope this time it doesn't escape you.
16:15Let's go.
16:24That's it.
16:26Feel every fiber.
16:28Even if everything seems lost, there is always a way to solve it.
16:31Let's not jump to desperate conclusions.
16:34Well, that's it, take more drastic measures, right?
16:38Let's see, no, no, no, evil only attracts evil, Elvira.
16:43You should let them know that they are going to take out their Persian carpet.
16:47Were you hugging each other?
16:49Come here, kids.
16:51Yes, we were hugging each other.
16:53But there's nothing wrong with that, right?
16:55I don't think so, because I hug my little sister Maria, and I'm not embarrassed, or I should be.
17:00No, no, not at all.
17:02Although, with us, it's a little embarrassing.
17:04I don't think so, because I hug my little sister Maria, and I'm not embarrassed, or I should be.
17:07No, no, not at all.
17:09Although, with us, it's a little embarrassing.
17:13We're a couple.
17:18Well, I like Yaya.
17:21Yes, Yaya.
17:22They were already in love.
17:24How do you say, love?
17:26We knew they already liked each other.
17:29They looked very funny.
17:30Yes, how do you think?
17:32They are in love.
17:36Let's see, let's see, let's see.
17:37Do you have a problem with this?
17:38We just want them to be happy.
17:40And it's so cool that Fuego is very strong.
17:43So he can take care of you and make us all wise.
17:46No, no, no, no.
17:47Well, I like it when you're with him, Yaya, because you smile.
17:53That's what I want.
17:54I want to keep smiling.
17:57Are they thinking the same as I do?
18:01Tickle attack!
18:04Yaya, Yaya, Yaya, Yaya!
18:09How do I keep this pain from consuming me?
18:15Porfirio, the love you feel for Humberto is like coffee coming with us every morning.
18:26Sometimes it's bitter, like the absence,
18:30but it also warms the soul with good memories.
18:36Just as coffee is transformed with each sip,
18:40so our pain will be transformed into memories to caress,
18:45you'll see, just like the aroma of coffee.
18:51Oh, my love, I'm here consoling myself
18:55You should be with your son.
18:59No, right now Miri is in intensive care.
19:01She can't come in.
19:04I'll be here by your side, like your partner.
19:06Thank you.
19:08You are a great woman, Lupita.
19:11May God bless you,
19:12may he console us in all tribulation,
19:16so that we can console other afflicted people.
19:22Oh, Mom.
19:26They're going to change my sister to intermediate therapy.
19:29She's still serious, but we'll be able to see her in a few hours.
19:41the police are going to do a guy's autopsy.
19:44I don't think we can cremate him.
19:48Forgive me, son, for losing control a while ago.
19:52I didn't want to get so stupid.
19:54Don't worry.
19:55A cloud doesn't make a storm.
19:58And now we have an angel watching over us from heaven.
20:03Don't worry, old man.
20:05I swear I'll do justice.
20:08I swear.
20:10Thank you, son.
20:17So, are they going to change their clothes?
20:20Yes, Daya.
20:21Salo and Dad are suffering too.
20:23May God be with them.
20:25Yes, Daya.
20:26Have you thought about telling my brothers about Uncle Humberto?
20:30They've suffered a lot, but we can't touch the sun with a finger.
20:34They'll find out sooner or later.
20:36Do you need us to help you?
20:38No, no, my loves.
20:40Salo and Pedro Pablo need you. Take them to them.
20:44Salo and Pedro Pablo need you. Take them to them.
20:47I know you'll give them all the love in the world.
20:49Just like you did with what happened to Mom.
20:52Let's go.
20:53Well, go now, my loves.
20:55May God be with you.
20:58And with Juanjo.
21:08It took so long.
21:14You killed my cousin.
21:16And you shot Mireya.
21:19Let go of me. Let's talk.
21:21What do you have to say?
21:24Where are your manners?
21:26I forgot you were from the countryside.
21:28Stop saying nonsense.
21:30The bullet that went through both of them was your revolver.
21:33I have one.
21:35I didn't remember.
21:36Don't play dumb.
21:38I have one.
21:40I have one.
21:42I didn't remember.
21:43Don't play dumb.
21:44It was the same one you used at your house.
21:46I didn't even know something had happened to Humberto and Mireya.
21:49How terrible.
21:50They suffered a lot.
21:52You want to see the suffering?
21:54Very good, very good.
21:56Prove me.
22:01I wanted to prove you, but there was no chance.
22:06I want to rip your heart out.
22:08Come here.
22:09You're a bitch.
22:11You messed with my kids, with my family.
22:13And I'll never forgive you for that.
22:16Drop that glass if you don't want to run away from your cousin.
22:21You're going to have to kill us both.
22:23Drop the gun.
22:24Or I swear I'll kill her.
22:26Drop it!
22:30I'm going to kill her.
22:33That's enough, Mr. Sangre.
22:34But we still need more.
22:36No, my brother and I are going right now.
22:38We just want to see my mom.
22:40Hey, do you think she can dream?
22:43I'm sure she can.
22:45She must be in a safe place, remembering how we used to laugh.
22:48When you were born, your mom was the happiest.
22:52You gave me the strength I never thought I would have.
22:56Because of you, your mom became more responsible.
22:59It was then that she stopped giving me green cards.
23:02No, she has to get over it.
23:05She dedicated her life to us.
23:07And now she has to live her own life.
23:10Sister, I know you can hear us.
23:14Please listen to us.
23:16Your whole family is here.
23:18Come back with us.
23:20Please, please.
23:27I told you to drop it or I swear I'll kill her.
23:29Drop it!
23:31Don't do anything crazy, Esteban.
23:33You crossed the line.
23:35Shoot, Mauro. Kill him.
23:37I can't. I could hurt you, sister.
23:39Don't tell me you have a soul now because you lost it a while ago.
23:42The woman you supposedly love is fighting between life and death because of you.
23:47Drop the gun or I swear I'll kill her.
23:49I know.
23:50Drop it!
23:51I know!
23:52I die every time I think about it.
23:54Shoot, Mauro.
23:57I'm going to kill her.
23:58Yes, it was my fault. You know what?
24:00Yes, it was my fault.
24:02Your cousin died because of me.
24:04Do you want to kill me?
24:06Do it!
24:07But with a clean hand.
24:09You don't have them.
24:11Let's go.
24:13You don't have the balls to do it.
24:19I don't want to.
24:21But if I have to, I'm going to kill you.
24:25You can kill one of us,
24:27but not both of us.
24:29Let her go.
24:33Kill him.
24:37You made a big mistake.
24:39Gidebra is free,
24:41but you're a fugitive.
24:53One more disappointment, Mauro.
24:55Are you serious?
24:57You're not going to thank me.
24:59For what?
25:01I just saved you.
25:03You made a big mistake.
25:23Sometimes, like in the stories,
25:25there are people who have to go on a trip
25:27to a very faraway place
25:29where everything is love,
25:32where everything is peace.
25:34Like the story
25:36of the fleeting star?
25:38Did that happen to Humberto?
25:40Exactly, Maria.
25:44Today, Uncle Humberto
25:46started a trip like that, my love.
25:48He went to a very faraway place,
25:50very special,
25:52where we can't go yet.
25:54Like what happened to my mom?
25:56Yes, my love.
25:58Like what happened to your mom.
26:02Well, I wanted to tell you about this
26:04because we need your support,
26:06your strength, because these days
26:08are going to be very difficult for Porfirio,
26:10for the whole family.
26:12Thank you very much for not treating us like fools.
26:16Sometimes you have to say goodbye,
26:18but that doesn't mean
26:20you stop loving
26:22or remembering the person who left, right?
26:24I don't want to forget him.
26:28Well, now the two families
26:30are suffering, right?
26:32And well, I imagine
26:34you must be having a hard time
26:36because of Humberto's loss.
26:38You must be suffering too.
26:40I remember it was horrible
26:42when he passed away when we were little,
26:44so let's not lose faith
26:46that he will get better.
26:48My mom can't die.
26:50My mom has to keep seeing us fulfill many dreams,
26:52love, university.
26:54And have you thought about
26:56the proposal we made for you?
26:58I don't think it's a good idea
27:00to talk about it here,
27:02and besides, we're still feeling bad.
27:04Let's see, if no one wants to stop Ginebra,
27:06we're going to do it.
27:08And if they don't support us,
27:10we're going to do it alone.
27:18Oh my God,
27:20I feel like I'm going to break the wall.
27:22I should be with my husband and my daughter
27:24right now.
27:26I don't think Mario or Maria can understand.
27:28You can't leave Mire alone.
27:30Well, at least we got the special permission
27:32to stay here together.
27:34I swear I feel like
27:36the worst of the sisters.
27:38I should have noticed
27:40that something strange was happening.
27:42Mire already had her reasons.
27:44You couldn't read her mind.
27:46Yes, but I felt it here.
27:48I should have felt it here,
27:50in my heart, what was happening.
27:52I don't know what my instinct was.
27:54What could have happened?
27:56To think that Mire was having an affair
27:58with Humberto.
28:00It seems that life is punishing her.
28:02But why?
28:08I have no words, my friend.
28:10Being here makes me feel good.
28:12I talked to Castro.
28:14They're looking for the hotel
28:16where Ginebra is, but there's no evidence
28:18that Mauro was there.
28:20He said that
28:22he was going to file a complaint against you
28:24because you attacked her.
28:26She's a bitch.
28:28Calm down, calm down.
28:30Now is when we should calm down, my friend, please.
28:32It's always the same.
28:34Ginebra finds a way to look like a ghost.
28:36She knows how to cover her tracks well.
28:40this complaint will not proceed, Esteban.
28:42Look, maybe I can go see her with Castro.
28:44No, no, no, I don't want you to expose yourself.
28:46Let's see, Esteban, I know
28:48head-to-head the statements that Felipe has given.
28:50If I'm lucky, I can set him up
28:52and find out who freed him.
28:54Do you swear you'll be careful?
28:56Yes, yes, I'm going to go with Castro, don't worry.
28:58Well, Fabo found something
29:00that may be of interest to you.
29:02It's Abdul.
29:04The security guard, Ginebra.
29:06Some police friends gave me a photo.
29:08It seems he lives around here.
29:10There are more images, right?
29:14And how does this help us?
29:16Well, although the cameras where the incident happened
29:18I asked them to expand the perimeter
29:20to see if they could find his route.
29:22Of course.
29:24One of the cameras monitors is nearby.
29:26I recognize the street.
29:28So Abdul knows how to cut the cameras.
29:30He can be the key to everything.
29:46Slowly, slowly.
29:48Slowly, sister.
29:50Calm down.
29:52I knew God would listen to us.
29:54We've been fine here, brother.
29:56Yes, Mom.
29:58We haven't moved from here.
30:00We love you so much, Mom.
30:02No, no, no.
30:04Don't take it off, dear.
30:06No, dear, don't take it off.
30:10How can you say something like that?
30:12You're going to get better every day.
30:14In less than what Rooster sang
30:16you're going to be standing and crying, sister.
30:18It's true.
30:20Be careful.
30:22Mom, calm down.
30:28And Humberto?
30:30How is Humberto?
30:32Mom, Humberto...
30:38Sometimes life gives you opportunities
30:40and it also takes them away from you.
30:43No, no.
30:47I don't want to see him.
30:49Mom, calm down.
30:51I don't want to see him.
30:53I don't want to see him.
30:55Please, dear.
30:57I don't want to see him.
30:59Take me with him, Mom.
31:01Take me with him.
31:03Mom, please.
31:05You have to be strong.
31:07Take me with him, please.
31:23The visitors are here.
31:29Do you control steroids?
31:31I can read them.
31:35I don't think you're here to criticize me.
31:37What instructions do you have for me?
31:39We've got the car ready.
31:41The computer is hacked
31:43and the surprise is ready, too.
31:45That's the least of it.
31:47We had already thrown dirt on the gas.
31:49It's not about stopping the car.
31:51It's about getting them to go
31:53where no one can save us.
32:11Send that to your friends.
32:13It's evidence.
32:15They'll find us on their own.
32:32I had my brother's eyes.
32:38And I had your temper.
32:40You're a great man.
32:46Some people want to say hello.
32:48Run, run, run.
32:52I miss you so much.
32:54Don't cry.
32:56Don't cry. You're so cute.
32:58I won't.
33:00Thank you.
33:04They'll be here soon.
33:06Are you ready?
33:08Yes, Sabon.
33:10Our new home is ready.
34:02What a surprise.
34:04I thought you'd taken all my dignity
34:06with the kidnapping.
34:08I followed protocol, ma'am.
34:10Esteban Villadecortes told me...
34:12Yes, yes, yes.
34:14Mauro was here.
34:16He was armed, but as you can see,
34:18he's not like that.
34:20Typical of you, always re-victimizing women.
34:22What are you doing here?
34:24Are you a cop too?
34:28No, I'm not a cop.
34:30I want to know your relationship with Filippa.
34:32I know she was laundering money for you.
34:34Is he here? Is he handsome?
34:36If he doesn't confess,
34:38at least a couple of sighs.
34:40Take a seat, ma'am.
34:42You can collaborate with us
34:44or request a lawyer
34:46and do it officially in my office.
34:48With great pleasure, cop.
34:52I'm just another victim.
34:54And I want to prove it.
35:04Come here!
35:06Come here!
35:08I'm going to kill you!
35:10Are you going to confess how you killed my cousin Humberto?
35:34This shouldn't have happened, my child.
35:40Why did you betray me?
35:50Do you know how they did it to me?
35:54Do you know how they did it to me?
35:58Do you know how they did it to me?
36:00Do you know how they did it to me?
36:06Talk, damn it! Talk!
36:08Or I swear I'll kill you! Talk!
36:12Talk, damn it!
36:14I swear I'll kill you!
36:18Thank you, doctor.
36:22Sister, I'm back. How are you?
36:30A single noise
36:32and this ends here.
36:40I'm sorry to have bothered you, sir.
36:46Sooner or later you're going to fall, Giniebra, I assure you.
36:48And if I fall,
36:50will you get me up?
36:54Castro, what's wrong?
36:56Castro, tell me something. What's wrong?
36:58Castro, Castro, what's wrong?
37:00Castro, listen to me. Calm down.
37:02Calm down.
37:04Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
37:06Breathe, please. Calm down.
37:10Castro, calm down, please. Castro!
37:12Castro, calm down. Breathe. Breathe.
37:14Breathe. Breathe.
37:22What the hell happened to you?
37:24Castro! Castro!
37:32What happened?
37:34Castro! Castro! Castro!
37:44Giniebra, what did you do to him?
37:48You're going to pay.
37:52If I were you, Quenzo, I wouldn't do that.
37:56you don't have much time to live
37:58since you've run away.
38:00Listen to me, Quenzo.
38:02What have you done, Giniebra?
38:04If you want to live,
38:06you're going to do whatever I tell you to do.
38:08Giniebra, for God's sake.
38:10What did you do to him?
38:12What did you do to him?
38:22How can you have the face
38:24to keep bothering my sister?
38:26You're a damn bastard just like Giniebra.
38:28You agreed to help us
38:30and because of you they killed Humberto.
38:32Police! Police!
38:34Mauro, let my sister go.
38:36Let her go!
38:38Shut up. Shut up, both of you.
38:41If not, I'm going to have to kill Paz.
38:45You're a disgusting person.
38:47The worst man I've ever met.
38:49Did you hear me?
38:55Thanks to me, Samara is alive.
38:59And Paz
39:01fulfilled her dream of seeing her.
39:03I love you.
39:09You're running out of time, Quenzo.
39:11Do you want to die like Castro?
39:13Giniebra, enough.
39:17The kitchen is in your room.
39:19Stop hurting people.
39:21Stop it, for God's sake.
39:23Look what you've done.
39:25No, not for now.
39:27I'm having a lot of fun
39:29watching people fall one by one.
39:33You didn't get the toxin directly
39:35so you have
39:37a little more time.
39:39But your life will be extinguished, Quenzo.
39:43Either you become my slave
39:45or you die.
39:47What can be the next step?