
  • 3 months ago
00:00I'll be fine. I have a lot of infections as well, mom.
00:06Okay, Veer. You take rest, dear.
00:08If you need anything, just call me, okay?
00:11Okay, mom.
00:14I don't know who cast an evil eye on my daughter.
00:16I'll go to the temple and pray to the Goddess.
00:19Yes, exactly. Obviously.
00:20You should also go to the temple.
00:22Do one thing. Go to the temple and pray for Veer.
00:25I'm here. I'll take care of him.
00:26Will you do it, dear?
00:28Yes, of course.
00:29Don't stress yourself. Please go.
00:31Okay, fine. Do one thing.
00:33Give Veer turmeric milk.
00:35It will help him recover soon.
00:38Veer, I'll be back from the temple soon.
00:40Take care, okay?
00:43Yes, mom.
00:45He's not well.
00:47Oh, God!
00:53Sorry, Baalveer.
00:59Look, we're safe for now.
01:01But how long will this go on?
01:03We'll have to get the power bank to Benam soon.
01:05Don't worry.
01:07Mr. Benam has planned to destroy the Himalayas
01:09along with the Goddess Muttan.
01:11And that too, with the help of the air missiles.
01:12They'll get the power bank very soon.
01:15Now, you go. I've to repair the machine.
01:17Listen, you were supposed to get milk, right?
01:20Go and get it soon. I want to drink it.
01:23I mean, I'll make Baalveer drink it.
01:25Go ahead.
01:36This mountain is the border of the Himalayas.
01:40Behind this is the army base of Agil.
01:42There can't be a better place to launch the missiles.
01:46Then we shouldn't delay.
01:48The enemy shouldn't get a chance to escape.
01:51Now, it'll be fun.
01:53One of my enemies will destroy my other enemy.
02:04Launch the missiles, Benam.
02:49Did you attack?
02:50That means, Agil knew that we were going to attack.
02:57But who gave him this information?
03:00There's someone who's helping our enemy.
03:08If I didn't tell him, how did Agil get to know about the attack?
03:21So, you've come, Uttahan.
03:25It's good that Shashmag gave you the news of his arrival.
03:29Shashmag didn't give me the news.
03:31Someone else did.
03:38Don't worry.
03:39Benam has made a plan to destroy Himachal with Mother Goddess Uttahan.
03:43And that too, with the help of air missiles.
03:45Air missiles?
03:47Agil will have to know about it.
03:49Otherwise, his niece will be in trouble.
03:51But Shashmag didn't give you this news.
03:56Is he betraying you?
03:59Do you trust him?
04:02I don't trust anyone.
04:08And we'll deal with Shashmag later.
04:11First, we have to teach this Uttahan and Benam a lesson.
04:18Now, this battle is for friendship, Benam.
04:25This missile is more powerful than that.
04:28Launch it, Benam.
04:39I've saved the people of Himachal as a messiah.
04:43I'm so great.
04:44Sometimes, I feel like I'm a God.
04:48Now, if I kill Baalveer
04:51then Bansi will wash my feet and drink water.
04:58This is Tilasmi Chakra.
05:01Touch it on Baalveer's body.
05:05Then that half-dead Baalveer will die right there.
05:12Baalveer, you're done for.
05:19Baalveer, I'm here.
05:22Now, you're gone.
05:24I'm here. Now, you're gone.