billionaire true Love chapter 126

  • 3 months ago
00:00I slowly closed my eyes, my head ached and I felt dizzy for a moment while I was thinking about what happened last night.
00:09My eyes suddenly opened when I remembered what happened.
00:14Someone came to me in the parking area and smelled me to put me to sleep.
00:19I immediately felt myself.
00:22I didn't feel any strange body pain other than a headache.
00:27Maybe I overslept because when I looked out of the window, the sun was already high.
00:34I immediately woke up when I noticed that I was in an unfamiliar room.
00:39I fainted a few times because the fear of my heart suddenly raged.
00:45My head ached, I looked for the door of the room and I took a deep breath when it wasn't locked.
00:52I slowly looked outside and I was very thankful because no one was outside.
00:59If so, where am I?
01:01Who came to me last night?
01:04I slowly walked out of the room.
01:07I looked around at everything I was passing by.
01:11I was so quiet and I felt like I had no one else in this house.
01:16I forced myself to be calm and slowly go down the stairs.
01:20I almost didn't breathe because I was afraid to hear any noise.
01:25I saw a big window again and I immediately walked to it and looked.
01:31My mouth was pitiful when I saw how beautiful the view was outside.
01:37I felt like I was in a high part of the house and from here I saw the blue sea.
01:44I closed my eyes a few times because I couldn't believe it.
01:49Am I going to die?
01:51Am I already here in heaven and I can't avoid myself?
01:56I immediately moved and felt myself.
01:59Nothing has changed except that the clothes I am wearing now are different.
02:04My eyes grew big again when I thought of who dressed me.
02:09Oh, you're awake, ma'am.
02:11I was surprised to hear someone talking behind me.
02:15I saw a woman standing and looking at me.
02:19She was holding a spoon so I immediately approached her.
02:22Ma'am, where am I?
02:24Eh, what is this place?
02:26I immediately asked here.
02:28Suddenly she blinked.
02:30She looked at me and forced a smile.
02:32Are you hungry?
02:34Just a moment, ma'am, and your food will be ready.
02:37She answered differently to my question and hurriedly walked away from me.
02:43I immediately followed her to see if I could get a clear answer here.
02:49Ma'am, please tell me what I am doing in this place.
02:53Who brought me here, I asked again when I reached the kitchen.
02:58I saw that someone was mixing it in a pot and I didn't notice the question.
03:04I held my breath and looked around.
03:08In my opinion, this house is not that big.
03:12But I was surprised to see that the whole room was messy.
03:16Everything I saw was clear so I was sure that it wasn't just anyone who owns this house.
03:24But who came to me last night?
03:27I didn't see much because I immediately lost consciousness when I smelled something.
03:34I stumbled down to the table while waiting for a woman to face me.
03:40It was still busy and I didn't want to disturb it and it might get mad at me and hurt me.
03:45I was afraid to go out of this house because what might be waiting for me?
03:51I didn't know what the person who came to me needed.
03:55Maybe they're just outside the house and I'll be in danger.
03:59I saw that the woman was already putting food on the plate.
04:03I just watched what she was doing.
04:06It didn't get quiet so I just watched it quietly.
04:10Ma'am, please eat first.
04:12I'm sorry if it's been a while.
04:15It's my turn and I put the food in front of me one by one.
04:20I immediately smelled the delicious aroma of chicken stew.
04:25Ma'am, where am I?
04:28Who brought me here? I asked the woman again.
04:32She avoided looking at me again.
04:34It's obvious that she didn't plan to answer my question so I put the food in front of me one by one.
04:41She can't not answer my question.
04:44Maybe I'll just die here when I'm not even aware of it.
04:49I saw the memory in her eyes when she saw what I did.
04:54I'm sorry, ma'am.
04:56We can't talk about this.
05:00I'm just here in this house to serve you, that's all.
05:04I'm wondering what's going on here.
05:07If so, who brought me to this place?
05:11Why did she do this?
05:13Is she going to kill me?
05:15Is this a kidnap for ransom? That's my next question.
05:19She immediately asked after sitting in front of me.
05:23Ma'am, don't worry.
05:26You're safe in this place.
05:29No one can harm you because you're loyal to the boss.
05:34What do you mean?
05:36Who's the boss?
05:38Did she bring me here? I asked again.
05:41I ran out of patience.
05:44I asked her several times but she still didn't give me a direct answer.
05:49Yes, it's the boss.
05:51She wants you to be her husband so we have to be careful.
05:56I was shocked.
05:59I felt like my soul was being separated from my body.
06:06Is your boss immortal?
06:08Just because she's a woman,
06:10and as a wife,
06:11I'm asking a man,
06:13my heart is beating fast because of the information.
06:17I think I have a plan to become a sex slave of the person who betrayed me.
06:22The boss is a good person, ma'am.
06:25Don't worry.
06:27He won't hurt you.
06:29For now, you need to eat.
06:32After that, you're free to go around.
06:36Just don't run away.
06:39You'll be fine here.
06:42Boss told us that if we catch you running away,
06:46we'll lock you up in your cell.
06:48This is a serious answer.
06:50Suddenly, I got goosebumps all over my body.
06:54What kind of trick is this?
06:56Who's behind me?
06:59I'm going to be a wife.
07:01Is she crazy?
07:03Maybe this person looks so ugly
07:06and because she's so desperate,
07:08she's getting into everything.
07:11If that's the case,
07:13where's your boss?
07:15What's his name?
07:17Can I talk to him now?
07:19This is a serious question.
07:21She asked again.
07:23Boss is not here right now, ma'am.
07:25He's being investigated,
07:27but he said you'll go here
07:29when all of that is over.
07:31For now, you need to eat
07:33because this afternoon,
07:35you're free to go around.
07:37Don't worry.
07:39Just don't do anything
07:41that Boss won't like
07:43because he'll lock you up in your cell.
07:45This is his answer.
07:47I sat down again
07:49and looked at the food
07:51in front of me.
07:53I didn't hesitate anymore.
07:55The food in front of me was delicious
07:57so there was no reason for me to resist.
07:59I also needed energy
08:01to escape from this place.
08:03I can't wait here
08:05in this place
08:07when I don't know
08:09what my fate will be.
08:11Maybe later,
08:13that person will make me a ghost
08:15and make me a ghost.
08:17So I shouldn't be afraid.
08:19That's right.
08:21Mommy is looking for me.
08:23What's your name, ma'am?
08:25Have you been working for your boss
08:27for a long time?
08:29I'm asking this
08:31so we can talk.
08:33I have a plan to get him.
08:35It's good that you have a friend
08:37in this place.
08:39We just started working
08:41for him, ma'am.
08:43This house was just built
08:45and we were hired as caretakers.
08:47Our boss is a good person.
08:49Actually, he has helped a lot
08:51in this place.
08:53A lot of people were able to work
08:55because of him.
08:57This answer made me smile.
08:59But I was stopped.
09:01He's a good person.
09:03What's wrong with that?
09:05Because of his boss's miserable life,
09:07he learned how to be a maid
09:09to become a wife.
09:11Oh, I just thought of becoming
09:13a ghost's wife.
09:15But who is he?
09:17Why does he need a maid
09:19to become a wife?
09:21I answered this through trial.
09:23It didn't answer right away
09:25when I just looked at him.
09:27Maybe it's because you're beautiful,
09:31Maybe he's ashamed to tell you.
09:33I was stopped and
09:35thought again.
09:37My God!
09:39Maybe I've been a stalker for a long time
09:41and I didn't notice
09:43But who is he?
09:45He's shameless.
09:47I can't accept this and I don't want to
09:49be a wife of a man I don't know.
09:51Why is he stupid?
09:53He's crazy.
09:55He won't succeed
09:57in his plan, Manang.
09:59I'm definitely looking for a family
10:01if that's why he's beautiful.
10:03He mistook a woman
10:05I answered.
10:07Manang was stopped.
10:09Whoever the man
10:11was, he mistook
10:13a woman.
10:15Our family will definitely punish him
10:17because of his stupidity.
10:19After I ate,
10:21Manang Goring
10:23accompanied me outside.
10:25Goring was his name
10:27when I asked him earlier.
10:29This becomes a case to me
10:31and it almost always accompanies
10:33all my needs.
10:35I was surprised
10:37when I saw the whole area.
10:39I was right about what I saw earlier.
10:41I can see the whole
10:43sea from where I'm standing.
10:45The whole area is
10:47empty and I didn't see any other house.
10:51the owner of this house is an introvert
10:53because he wants to live alone
10:55in the desert rather than
10:57live in a place with a lot of houses.
10:59He owns the whole land
11:01that you can see.
11:03He has a lot of people
11:05that he pays to
11:07wait for cleaning.
11:09He also has people in the area
11:11that he pays to
11:13plant products
11:15and take care of animals.
11:17That's why his houses are a bit far from here
11:19because the owner wants
11:21a quiet place.
11:23Manang told me
11:25that my eyebrows are too high.
11:27Maybe the owner is so ugly
11:29that he wants to live
11:31in a place like this.
11:33I couldn't find my own answer.
11:35The owner is handsome
11:37and a lot of people
11:39like him here,
11:41he said.
11:43My eyebrows are too high
11:45and I couldn't find an answer.
11:47Maybe the place is really beautiful.
11:49Even me, I want to live
11:51in a quiet place like this.
11:53Far from everything
11:55and far from people's judgment.
11:59he did the right thing to me.
12:01But even so,
12:03I can't stay here any longer.
12:05I'm about to go back to America
12:07and I don't want to be his wife.
12:09What luck does he have?
12:11As long as I'm beautiful,
12:13he just has to take care of me
12:15and do what he wants with my body.
12:17No way!
12:19No matter what, I'm free to go around
12:21the whole area,
12:23so I don't have to do anything.
12:25I just have to follow
12:27Manang Gorey's conditions.
12:29I shouldn't show misbehavior
12:31and I shouldn't run away.
12:33His boss told all the people here
12:35and no one will
12:37help me
12:39at all.
12:41I'm facing a big challenge
12:43right now.
12:45Yes, I don't have a guardian
12:47because I look kind.
12:49But don't judge me
12:51because their boss' eyes
12:53follow my every move.
12:55At first,
12:57I didn't understand what Manang Gorey
12:59was saying when I noticed
13:01the big camera of Sistig.
13:03The whole area was shocked
13:05because I thought I was in a very serious situation.
13:07I don't know
13:09how many eyes are watching
13:11my every move.
13:13No matter where I go,
13:15Sistig keeps following me.
13:17Except for my room and bathroom.
13:19Arabella is missing.
13:21Christian told me
13:23as soon as he entered my office.
13:25I know
13:27that the Villarama family is still confused
13:29because Arabella is not home yet
13:31but I have no plans to talk to them.
13:33For now,
13:35I will let them look for a member
13:37of their family.
13:39I won't talk until I'm sure
13:41that I'm succeeding in my plan.
13:43I don't want to be
13:45a reason for them to stop me
13:47from doing everything I want.
13:49How did that happen?
13:51Wasn't he with you yesterday in Binan?
13:53If I'm not mistaken,
13:55I asked Christian.
13:57He stared at me and asked,
13:59Do you have nothing to do with his disappearance?
14:01This is a serious question.
14:03I immediately asked
14:05and avoided looking.
14:07What do you think about me?
14:11Let me help you find him.
14:13I said yes.
14:15After that, I got up
14:17and changed my watch.
14:19It's understandable that
14:21Christian got up and left.
14:23I was left smiling.
14:25I immediately
14:27pushed the computer in front of me.
14:29From the CCTV footage,
14:31I can clearly see
14:33what Arabella is doing.
14:35He is obviously aware
14:37that there are a lot of cameras around.
14:39Because he was staring at
14:41a CCTV camera.
14:43Maybe he thought
14:45how to escape
14:47but didn't know how to start.
14:49I hope he believes
14:51that if he escapes,
14:53he will be locked
14:55in his cell.
14:57If not, I will be forced to
14:59limit his every move.
15:01For now, it's still okay.
15:03I haven't seen
15:05him escape yet
15:07so I'll let him enjoy
15:09the surroundings first.
15:11I really want to go to that island
15:13if possible.
15:15But I don't want to be haunted
15:17by Villarama.
15:19Never mind.
15:21I will accept their anger
15:23if I have to.
15:25I just don't want to let them know
15:27how many times I've made a mistake
15:29because they might be a hindrance
15:31to my plan.
15:33Just forgive us for now.
15:35What's important is that
15:37Arabella is in my hands
15:39and I have no plan to let it know
15:41even to my own parents.
15:43I'll just see if he can escape
15:45from me.
15:47And this is the
15:49pity that I can't leave.
15:51It's so painful that he gave
15:53to my heart and not to me.
15:55I don't know if I can be quiet
15:59this is the best way
16:01to get him.
16:03He will be mine if he wants.
16:05Just one week.
16:07Wait for me, my love.
16:09I'll just cool the situation down.
16:11I'll be with you
16:15while looking at
16:17Arabella's beautiful face.