The Lok Sabha Speaker election will proceed after failed negotiations between the ruling BJP-led NDA and the opposition. The NDA has nominated BJP MP Om Birla, while the opposition has chosen Congress leader K Suresh. Despite initial consensus, talks broke down when the government wouldn't commit to giving the Deputy Speaker post to the opposition. The election is set for Wednesday at 11 am. With its majority, the NDA is likely to secure Om Birla's election as Speaker.
#LokSabhaElections #LokSabhaSessionLive #OmBirla #NDA #KSuresh #Congress #RajnathSingh #BJP #Politics #NDA #LokSabhaSpeaker #Indianews #Oneindia #Oneindianews
#LokSabhaElections #LokSabhaSessionLive #OmBirla #NDA #KSuresh #Congress #RajnathSingh #BJP #Politics #NDA #LokSabhaSpeaker #Indianews #Oneindia #Oneindianews
00:00We will protect the constitution!
00:04Rajnath Singh called Khargeji
00:09Rajnath Singh told Khargeji to support our speaker
00:15On the basis of such conditions
00:17that only a particular person or a particular party
00:22is the representative of the Lok Sabha
00:24that is not in the tradition of the Lok Sabha
00:26I, Om Birla, am the member of the Lok Sabha
00:57The NDA has nominated BJP MP Om Birla once again
01:02for the position while the opposition this time
01:04has chosen veteran Congress leader K Suresh
01:07who was being anticipated to be the next pro-term speaker
01:10but he was not
01:12Initially both sides seemed to have reached a consensus
01:15but talks fell apart when the government
01:18failed to commit to giving the deputy Lok Sabha speaker post
01:22to the opposition
01:23Modi ji is saying for constructive cooperation
01:26and then our leader is being inserted
01:29So the intention is not clear
01:33Narendra Modi ji does not want any constructive cooperation
01:37because it is a convention
01:39that the deputy speaker should be of the opposition
01:42and we have said, the entire opposition has said
01:44that if the convention is followed
01:48then we will give full support to the speaker in the election
01:52Opposition parties right now are pitching that BJP
01:55has no majority on its own this time
01:57and so a deputy speaker post should be given to the opposition
02:01This is like their right
02:03The NDA holds the majority in the Lok Sabha
02:06with 293 members compared to the opposition in the block
02:10with 233 seats
02:12Om Birla needs 271 votes to win
02:15which shouldn't be a difficult task
02:17given the NDA's majority at least in the Lok Sabha for now
02:21The government had sent Defence Minister Rajnath Singh
02:24and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kiran Rijuju
02:27to build a consensus
02:36However, during the discussion
02:37Congress's KC Vinod Gopal demanded
02:39immediate assurance of the deputy speaker post
02:41for the opposition in exchange for supporting Birla's re-election
02:45Of course, we are ready to support the speaker
02:50We are ready to support the speaker suggested by the BJP
02:54or the government side
02:56provided they should also honour the opposition status
03:02because what we are witnessing
03:05what we were witnessing for the last so many years
03:08the convention is very clear
03:10Government side, speaker, opposition
03:13will have a say on deputy speaker position
03:16The NDA rejected this conditional support
03:19leading to the collapse of the talks
03:21Who will be the deputy speaker of the Lok Sabha
03:24that should be decided first
03:26then we will get support for the speaker
03:28We condemn this kind of politics
03:32and I think that
03:34a good tradition is that
03:36Lok Sabha
03:37without any opposition
03:39elects a speaker with full consent
03:42then the dignity of the Lok Sabha is good
03:45All parties have a right to it
03:47The opposition, particularly the Congress party
03:50argues that as per the convention
03:52the deputy speaker post should go to them
03:54Rahul Gandhi also mentioned that
03:56BJP's Rajnath Singh called opposition leader
03:59Mallika Arjun Khadge for the support
04:01but it didn't follow up on the deputy speaker issue
04:04Opposition, the entire opposition has said
04:07we have spoken to everyone
04:09the entire opposition has said
04:11that we will support the speaker
04:14but the convention is
04:16that the deputy speaker should go to the opposition
04:19Rajnath Singh ji said yesterday evening
04:22that he will call back Khadge ji
04:26Till now Rajnath Singh ji
04:29has not called back Khadge ji
04:31This disagreement follows a contentious start
04:34of the 18th Lok Sabha session too
04:36The opposition had earlier protested
04:38the appointment of Bhartruhari Mahatab
04:41as the podium speaker
04:42arguing that the most senior member
04:45should have been K Suresh
04:47as per the tradition
04:48and so the first day of the Lok Sabha
04:50was marked by a heated exchange
04:53between Prime Minister Narendra Modi
04:54and opposition leader Mallika Arjun Khadge
04:56over historical events like the 1975 emergency
04:59Despite the political maneuvering
05:01it's important to note right now
05:03that the speaker's role is meant to be impartial
05:05As BJP MP Piyush Goyal pointed out
05:08the speaker does not belong to any party
05:10or opposition he belongs to the entire house
05:14The speaker does not belong to any party or opposition
05:17he belongs to the entire house
05:19Similarly, the speaker does not belong to any party or opposition
05:23he belongs to the entire house
05:25and so he should agree to the house
05:28on the basis of such conditions
05:30that only a particular person
05:33or a particular party
05:35should be the speaker
05:37he should not sit in any tradition of the Lok Sabha
05:43This speaker election will eventually also show
05:45the real strength of the government
05:47and the opposition
05:49Interestingly, Renamool Congress TMC
05:51is also unhappy with the India Alliance
05:53about not being consulted
05:55before fielding K Suresh
05:57and is awaiting direction from the party leader
05:59Mamata Banerjee
06:00All in all, this situation highlights
06:02the ongoing tensions between the ruling alliance
06:04and the opposition in Indian politics
06:07While NDA is likely going to secure
06:09the speaker's position due to the majority
06:11the controversy surrounding
06:13the deputy speaker's post
06:15and the breakdown in negotiation
06:17demonstrate the challenges in maintaining
06:19the political consensus which India
06:21is also going to face in the future
06:23for the next five years in Indian Parliament