Selo gori, a baba se ceslja S1E59

  • 3 months ago
Selo gori, a baba se ceslja S1E59
01:30No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
02:00Hello, good morning, I'm calling about your announcement.
02:05Yes, are you a seller or an agency?
02:09And how much does a pair cost?
02:12How much?
02:18Yes, I'm interested in the whole package.
02:26Where are you?
02:28In the bathroom?
02:30When can we meet?
02:35Yes, okay.
02:37Okay, thank you, thank you, have a nice day.
02:40And so, when a man turns 50 years old, he asks himself a hundred times what he has done in his life.
03:05And so am I. I've had a house, but God knows what I haven't renovated.
03:12Little can be done with the land.
03:16I went to school in Radoslava, and I gave a mill to a dactylographer.
03:22I knew how to plow, but I'm not a speculator or a carpenter.
03:28My grandfather Mirko made the house where we live.
03:31It used to be the best building in Petlovac.
03:36On the basement, walled and pathos.
03:40He pulled the stone for the foundation of the fence from Majdan with a bloody bandage.
03:46He broke it by hand and knocked it down.
03:49He made squares and squares.
03:52A man who has not made a single house in his life, as if he didn't even live.
04:00I made one, but I didn't finish it.
04:05Ten years ago, I demolished it and hit the mill.
04:11Only on the outside, so that it looks like it sees the people.
04:16And I stood there.
04:19Now I order to maintain it a little,
04:23so that it looks like something from the road, when I look at it.
04:37Radašin, you are very smart that you come here and dig that stone.
04:43Do you really have to do that to us?
04:45When do I work?
04:47Do I have to let this fall, to break some legs that go by?
04:52You know that you have sprained your ribs.
04:55The doctors said you can't drink.
04:58It will grow better if it's a little dirty.
05:01Do you want coffee?
05:04Why don't you drink alone?
05:06I left the bowl to fill up.
05:08I have to wash the bed, and the water, a little, a little, and it disappears.
05:11I don't care.
05:13Either the hose is broken, the pump is broken,
05:16or the pipe is broken somewhere.
05:18Now my Bata Milašin will take action.
05:22Now she is the price as a water inspector.
05:25A man likes that the whole Petovac kisses his mother because of the water.
05:29I mean, he enjoys it.
05:31And who is the president?
05:34No one.
05:35I don't know.
05:42Radoslav is not here.
05:44He's not here.
05:46I looked in the room.
05:48The bed is not even prepared.
05:50That's right.
05:52So he didn't come all night.
05:55He didn't.
05:59He threw himself on your kind, you know.
06:02He's not sure about me. I mean, we're not like that.
06:05No, you're not.
06:07Tell that to someone else.
06:13What is this?
06:15A scissor.
06:17I bought you a new one.
06:19You didn't have to.
06:21I think it will be better if it goes a little naked.
06:25You're pretty quiet.
06:35A few days later.
06:52Is this it?
06:59Come here, please.
07:01Come here.
07:02I can explain it to you now.
07:04We're going this way.
07:06We're going that way.
07:22Come on, battery up!
07:26Let's have a coffee!
07:27Let's have a coffee!
07:31I'm not done yet!
07:34The ground is already wet!
07:39Congratulations, Miljana.
07:41You're carrying coffee from home and not a single one has sprouted.
07:43I have to let you work in a hotel.
07:49I would sprout half of it.
07:52You or Libor would sprout all of it.
07:54Because your hands are so dirty from drinking.
07:57Do you think I'm crazy?
07:59I'm a witch!
08:01I saw you, Libor.
08:03No, Miljana.
08:05You're making a big deal out of this.
08:07I'm here talking to people.
08:09Yes, you are.
08:11Maybe you saw when my hand went up,
08:13and you thought I wanted to drink.
08:15I just wanted to brush my teeth.
08:18What's going on?
08:20I order...
08:22What do you want?
08:24Who's taking a break?
08:27Aco, turn it off!
08:34A short break to have a coffee!
08:38Here you are.
08:40Here you are.
08:45Here you are.
08:47Here you are.
08:49Thank you.
08:53Miljana, what's wrong?
08:56There's no coffee for Libor's judges.
08:58He's drunk.
09:00He's been drinking coffee and rakija since this morning.
09:08I say,
09:10one more spoon and he's done.
09:18you didn't put enough sugar in it.
09:24if you don't like it, change the coffee.
09:37what are the pipes from our water supply?
09:43What do you mean, what are the pipes?
09:45The pipes.
09:46The pipes.
09:48I know they're pipes.
09:50I'm not stupid.
09:52What are they made of?
09:54They're made of...
09:58I'm stuttering.
10:02Of asbestos.
10:04Of that.
10:06I can't remember.
10:08My brain stopped working.
10:10That's not good for the liver.
10:12I saw on TV
10:14that when the pipes are made of that,
10:16there's always bad luck.
10:18And that's not good for anything.
10:20That's right.
10:22That's why I drink very little water.
10:47One month later
11:11What are you doing here?
11:13So you can see Valya.
11:14Are you in the hospital?
11:16Did they tell you to rest?
11:19Who would do this to me? My late father.
11:23Wait a minute.
11:37Do you have something to tell me?
11:40What to tell you?
11:41Why did you let Ingrid take little Tom to Sweden?
11:45What was I supposed to do?
11:47To tie him to a tree?
11:49To shoot him in the eye?
11:51Radoslav, I'm asking you seriously. I don't give a fuck.
11:56Why did we hide him?
11:58Why did we fight? Why?
12:01For nothing?
12:02We wanted to fight.
12:04To get our eyes out.
12:07I wanted...
12:08I wanted my grandson to be ours.
12:11Not hers.
12:13To be Serbian.
12:15Not a Swede.
12:18And what did we do?
12:20We played, huh?
12:22Where were we? Nowhere. What did we do? Nothing.
12:29I don't know, brother.
12:30It's not that simple.
12:32Besides, she's his mother.
12:34And she promised she'd bring him back.
12:37What did she promise you?
12:38That she'd bring him back.
12:41What a fool.
12:43When will she bring him back?
12:44When he's dead, huh?
12:46And now, when they're taking him away, when they're reworking him,
12:48when they're reshaping him?
12:50He has a child to run under the bed when he's mentioned.
12:52Talk about Serbia, but where...
13:00Oh, my son.
13:02A young tree bends easily.
13:07It wouldn't be like that,
13:09if I were at home.
13:11They wouldn't take him away just like that.
13:14We'd go even further.
13:17Like this.
13:19You're good, you're honest.
13:21Come on, press on.
13:23One woman's at home, the other's out there working.
13:28And she's pretty, strong, nice,
13:30a little bit of everything,
13:32a little bit of everything.
13:33She's used up her chance, and she's gone.
13:36She's gone.
13:44Give me a cigarette, you have one.
13:46I don't have any more.
14:03I don't know.
14:09How's the child that was born?
14:14I don't know.
14:17You don't know?
14:19Where have you been all this time?
14:23Listen to me.
14:25Let's talk some other time.
14:29Stop eavesdropping on me, I'm begging you.
14:33I'm going to get some rest.
14:42I'm not going to leave you behind.
15:03I'm not going to leave you behind.
15:11He just came back from Canada.
15:13He's not calming down.
15:15I'm going to take him to a doctor.
15:18When someone throws a stone at him,
15:20he does it.
15:21I gave birth to him and Milona,
15:23but Milona's different.
15:25She's five or six years older than you,
15:27but you're still not used to it.
15:30And he...
15:32He's so alive.
15:34He picks and puts it in his heart.
15:37He's a man.
15:39Just like he was born.
15:42Isn't that right?
15:45What do you say?
15:48Are you acting?
15:50Or do you have a tongue?
15:52Why aren't you saying anything?
15:53Say something.
15:56He's grown up, son.
15:57That's you.
15:59I love that old man.
16:02He's so smart.
16:04He gets wise sometimes,
16:06and gives you advice.
16:12What are you going to do, son?
16:14If you're hungry, let your mother make you lunch.
16:16I have pilav, it's very good.
16:19I'm not hungry, mother.
16:20I drink milk.
16:21I don't feel like eating when I'm on a diet.
16:24Come on, son.
16:27Your mother put you in school.
16:30If you were younger, you'd be here now.
16:33So that's why I got a beard when I was a kid, huh?
16:38I beat you so much that you're still small.
16:43You couldn't grow up because of my beard.
16:47Mother, maybe you shouldn't beat me anymore.
16:51Maybe my life would be better.
16:54Don't talk like that, son.
16:55What do you lack?
16:56God gave you everything.
16:58You're smart, you're good.
16:59God gave you something beautiful,
17:01which many others don't have.
17:03He gave you a healthy and beautiful family.
17:05What more do you want?
17:07Thank God, everyone is healthy.
17:08Everyone eats and drinks.
17:10You and Milona gave birth to a mother.
17:13I have four grandchildren.
17:17That's five grandchildren.
17:19Isn't that right, son?
17:21That's right, mother.
17:23My heart is full.
17:25I just want you to be good to me.
17:27When I was in Kragujevac to see Radašin,
17:30I talked to Dr. Miloš.
17:32He said you missed the last check-up.
17:34That shouldn't happen.
17:35You have to go to every check-up.
17:37I have to.
17:39What's wrong with me?
17:41I just lose myself and them.
17:43It's a problem for me, son.
17:46Now, mother, I have to look at you.
17:52Radoslav, son.
17:55You have to bring Dr. Miloš and the little one
17:58that was born there in Pišulja.
18:00You have to bring them home, son.
18:02They have a place in this house.
18:04It's a shame for them to sleep in someone else's room.
18:07Will you listen to me?
18:10Radoslav, look at me when I'm talking to you.
18:13Don't turn your back on me.
18:15You can't think of anything else.
18:17You are the father of that child.
18:18You are the father of that child.
18:20You can tell him whatever you want.
18:22Thank God, we didn't steal anything from anyone.
18:24We are not indebted to anyone.
18:26We don't have any rights.
18:29Children and money are never enough.
18:35when are you going to bring them home?
18:39Mother, I have to go to bed.
18:41I haven't slept all night.
18:43We'll talk about it later.
18:46It will be as it should be.
18:48Good night.
18:52Listen, you have to wake me up at two.
18:54I have to go to the bar to finish something.
18:56Will you come?
18:58I will.
19:00Radoslav, son, wait.
19:03This was left to me.
19:05I'll give it to you.
19:07Who left it to you? Ingrid?
19:10She told me.
19:12I knew it was something important.
19:18Did she ask for a divorce?
19:24No, she didn't.
19:28She bought a flat in Vrnička Banja.
19:31This is proof that the flat is paid for.
19:33A copy of the account from the bank.
19:37The only thing I didn't know was that she was living in a small apartment.
19:42Wait, son.
19:44If she bought a flat,
19:45that means she will come back.
19:50What do you say, Radoslav, son?
20:20Wait a minute.
20:23Wait a minute.
20:28You'll get your fingers stuck in everything.
20:31Mine are always great.
20:33Heavy and strong.
20:39A man sold it to me.
20:41He's from Tula.
20:43You know, he's from Switzerland.
20:45They buy new stuff.
20:47They throw old stuff in the trash.
20:49He buys it and brings it to Serbia.
20:51Come on, let's go.
20:54Come on.
20:57He gave it to me.
21:01Just so I can take it to him from Avlija.
21:08What will you do with it?
21:10I mean, if it's just a finger nail.
21:12Don't be mad, Radoslav.
21:13That's what I'm saying.
21:15Milošin sold it to me.
21:17He said, Dragojlo,
21:19when you become the head of the water department,
21:21you'll be in charge.
21:23He said, go to my father Radašin.
21:25He has a hydraulic engine.
21:27He screwed it up.
21:29Go and take it.
21:31So my father Milošin is in charge there?
21:33He's in charge.
21:38And where's the finger nail?
21:40At the crossroads at my Avlija.
21:41The water comes out when it's spring.
21:43And Radašin, I mean, don't be mad.
21:45I want the land to be snowed.
21:47How do you know it's snowing?
21:49Well, I watch.
21:51My house gives and releases.
21:53Every day, it seems to me,
21:55it's snowing.
21:57And over there, at the corner,
21:59towards Šljivak,
22:01you can see Šak from the outside to the inside.
22:03What are you saying?
22:05So much snow.
22:07I want snow.
22:08He says it's a sluice.
22:10He understands it.
22:12And Laca agrees with him.
22:14He says that's why they drill wells.
22:21And who's in charge of the water in Petlovac?
22:23I mean, if my father Milošin is in charge.
22:28I think you know.
22:30You don't need to tell me.
22:32I don't know, Slavim.
22:34You know I don't go
22:35to those meetings.
22:37I don't like it.
22:39It's no one.
22:41What do you mean, no one?
22:43It's so nice.
22:45We always had a meeting for the water supply.
22:47Petlovac could never agree.
22:49There's always a fight.
22:51You know that.
22:53And we could never choose a president.
22:55So we don't have one now,
22:57and that's why Milošin is in charge.
22:59Oh, God.
23:01If he wants to.
23:03Come on.
23:05I almost forgot.
23:07We were talking about water
23:09and Milošin,
23:11and I lost my mind.
23:15What's wrong with you?
23:17Don't you get it?
23:19This is your money.
23:23What money?
23:25Where did you get it from?
23:27I was in a coma,
23:29but I didn't get it back.
23:31You don't owe me anything.
23:35tell me the truth.
23:37These are a couple of your friends from Sweden.
23:40When the helicopter came for Ingrid and Milošin,
23:43I mean,
23:45I helped them get into the van.
23:47Aren't you there
23:49to help me find myself?
23:51I mean...
24:02so you helped them take my grandson, right?
24:06Radašin, don't talk to me like that.
24:09How am I supposed to talk to you?
24:11When little Toma
24:13got in the helicopter,
24:15he took out the money
24:17and gave it to Radojka.
24:19She didn't want to take it.
24:21Radašin, don't get mad.
24:23I didn't want it,
24:25he just wanted it.
24:27He just wanted it?
24:29So he came to Tos,
24:31which is why he came to Petlovac,
24:33took out the money and paid.
24:35He took out the money, right?
24:40I don't give a shit about his money.
24:45What do they think?
24:47What do they think?
24:49That they can buy everything from anyone?
24:51That they can just take their dirty money
24:53and pay whatever they want?
24:55Take it, carry it, right?
25:05this money is a treasure,
25:08but it's worthless to me.
25:10Is that clear?
25:19You can't do this.
25:21What am I supposed to do now?
25:25Take this diesel out of there,
25:27finish the job and give it back to me.
25:29And take care of it,
25:31don't let Batamila steal it.
25:33I don't give a shit.
25:35What do you mean?
25:38What am I supposed to do with the money?
25:43Do whatever you want, Dragojlo.
25:49I don't accept mercy.
26:03Maybe I should.
26:17come on, let's play.
26:19Your father loves you,
26:21you'll have time to practice.
26:30let's get some fresh air,
26:31so we can move it.
26:33It's heavy,
26:35we need someone to help us.
26:37There will be people, don't worry.
26:39There will be people, thank God.
26:54God help us!
26:57God help us!
27:00Can you help us carry the piano?
27:02If you can.
27:04Don't be angry.
27:06They say
27:08the church is a pipe for water,
27:10and I can see it in Shatsovo
27:12that it's a dictum
27:14and I'm carrying the diesel.
27:16Ok, I can do it.
27:25Thank you.
27:28This is not a piano,
27:30it's much bigger.
27:32This is a small piano.
27:34It's good for my sons,
27:36but they always argue who will play first.
27:38And you, Vera?
27:41Don't be angry,
27:43but do you want me to lower this piano?
27:45Let's go, let's go.
27:50Easy, easy.
27:59Let's go, let's go.
28:03It's not a piano, it's a pipe.
28:08Let's go, let's go.
28:12Let's go.
28:18Easy, easy.
28:21Let's go.
28:22Easy, easy.
28:24Let's go.
28:26Easy, easy.
28:28Let's go, let's go.
28:52Easy, easy.
29:22Let's go, let's go.
29:39And so,
29:41we have little,
29:43we are modest and humble,
29:46but we don't need anyone else.
29:49From those who have everything,
29:50who are dressed up and thin,
29:53dressed in the most beautiful and most expensive clothes,
29:57whose watch is worth more than all our tapas,
30:02from them we have something more,
30:06more respect
30:08and more honor.
30:21Where have you been, Dragojlo?
30:23Don't be angry.
30:25We've been waiting for you all day.
30:27Arrest me, Radašin.
30:29What do you have to arrest me for?
30:31Be careful, be careful.
30:33Have you seen Radojko and Radašin?
30:35I haven't seen them since Snajka left with her grandson.
30:39They were beaten up and wounded.
30:41They barely see Pavlija.
30:45if you hadn't arrested yourself,
30:47to drink honor,
30:48I would have given it to you.
30:50Are you kidding me?
30:52It's not like that.
30:54We talked a little, I think.
30:58What are you going to do about Zalica?
31:02I'll tell him if he needs it.
31:04Actually, I wanted to see
31:06if Radašin would give it to me.
31:08You know he's stingy.
31:10He doesn't give his things and tools
31:12when he's assigned a job.
31:14But you see, he gave it to me.
31:16So, he's not stingy anymore.
31:18But he's stingy.
31:20Do you want us to finish this?
31:22Yes, yes.
31:24Let's go to the bar.
31:26Wait, wait, wait, don't go in.
31:28The break is over.
31:30Who drank the coffee, drank it.
31:32I didn't.
31:34Smiljana, get Zalica.
31:36Give it to me.
31:38Listen to me.
31:40The situation is like this.
31:42I'm going downstairs
31:47Why are you pushing me?
31:49Hold this.
31:51Like this.
31:53I'm going to check
31:55where the ring is.
31:57Because you might
31:59break it with this spoon.
32:03Put it in this jar.
32:05Put it in the jar.
32:07Don't burn it yet.
32:11I'm in charge now.
32:13Is it ok?
32:15It's ok.
32:17Answer me!
32:24Where are you, Milos?
32:29Why are you yelling?
32:31Milos, where are you?
32:36What are you doing in that hole?
32:38Why are you yelling?
32:40The cows are hungry.
32:42Milos, they brought this.
32:43They brought this.
32:45This, Milos.
32:47What did they bring?
32:49What did they bring?
32:51Aren't they thieves?
32:53Didn't they confiscate the property?
32:57They brought it from the military checkpoint.
32:59We have to celebrate, Milos.
33:03Milos, don't be mad.
33:05What does it say?
33:07Give me the glasses.
33:08Give me the glasses.
33:12Oh, Dragojlo!
33:14Velibor, give him the glasses.
33:25Dragan's son.
33:29Dragan's son
33:31got it.
33:33What did he get?
33:35He didn't get a reward.
33:36He got a call for the army.
33:40Dragan's son.
33:42Bravo, Dragan's son.
33:44Bravo, Dragan's son.
34:00Let me go!
34:02Let me go!
34:03Let me go!
34:33Come on, Zorica, let's eat.
34:43Come on, eat.
34:46I can't, Grandma.
34:47You don't like carob or white?
34:49I can't eat anything, Grandma.
34:51Young man can always eat.
34:58It's time, Zorica, to leave you and aunt Murekovac.
35:02Murekovac is small.
35:04There, when you leave, you finish the job in an hour.
35:08He wants to buy her boots.
35:10And to take her to the doctor, to examine her.
35:13For feminine things.
35:16Well, Mom took her to the same doctor in Carchi.
35:20I mean, for that.
35:23But there was a crowd.
35:26Well, I told her to take her to Kruševac, to buy whatever she wants.
35:29She didn't have to go to Rejkovac.
35:33My Zorica is very good.
35:35But she needs a man's hand.
35:40Her mother is not from Aibia.
35:43She wants to take her to Paris.
35:45To live there.
35:46When does she take her to Paris?
35:48She sent her sister Rozalija to talk to her.
35:56So, that's it.
35:59That's it.
36:01And who in the world was lucky?
36:05Her mother didn't even come when we injured my only son.
36:10Zorica's father.
36:13And now she remembered to come when Zorica arrived for the wedding.
36:17When I raised one hand.
36:20Now she remembered to come.
36:23To talk to her.
36:25To promise her.
36:26He's crazy.
36:28He's crazy.
36:32What kind of shoes do they buy?
36:35I mean, they must be special.
36:38I mean, what's in there?
36:40You come in, choose, buy and that's it.
36:45I think there's a motor in there.
36:48It's not a motor.
36:49Those are wheels.
36:50But it's not them.
36:52Rozalija always comes in with a wheel in her lap.
36:59I wanted to tell you something.
37:02I was planning...
37:04...that the first week after St. John's...
37:07...when you don't eat black grapes... have a wedding.
37:17Grandma, can you hear me?
37:21Well, I want...
37:23...that the first week...
37:25...after St. John's...
37:27...when you don't eat black grapes... have a wedding.
37:32What does Zorica say?
37:36What does she say?
37:39What does she say...
37:41...about the wedding?
37:45Grandma, look at the shoes she bought me!
37:48You're so sweet!
37:51Well, it's good...
37:52...but there has to be a broken pipe on the tap.
37:55And he's the vice-president of the factory.
37:57Grandma, we bought you something, too.
38:00What are you talking about?
38:03Grandma, what are you saying?
38:05That you'll get married when you go to the cemetery... it won't be winter for you.
38:08Why to the cemetery, Zorica?
38:10I think there's going to be a wedding... I can sit under the tent... I don't shit myself.
38:16We'll see about that.
38:18Let's go, Zorica, let's go!
38:20Where are you going?
38:22I met an old friend today...
38:24...he's taking us to the bathtub tonight.
38:26What friend?
38:27Zika Zeneva.
38:28Honey, I don't know what he's up to...
38:30...all I know is that he lives in Zeneva...
38:32...and in the bathtub.
38:35Grandma, watch out for me!
38:43What are you waiting for, dear?
38:44Come on, let's go.
38:45I thought there was no place.
38:47Don't worry, you'll get used to it.
38:49You'll get used to it, too, Zorica.
38:54You'll be fine.
38:55Don't worry.
38:56I love you.
39:02Oh, kids, kids...
40:33So one double, cheese and bread...
40:35... and four ice cream scoops.
40:39What about you?
40:41La Bama.
40:42La Bama.
40:43With rum, okay?
40:45I'll have...
40:46You'll have apple juice.
40:49Some juice. Thick.
40:51Pears, strawberries, apples, pineapples.
40:54No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
40:56She'll have Baby La Bama.
40:58Baby La Bama.
40:59Baby La Bama, okay.
41:01And sir?
41:03What sir?
41:04You, sir.
41:06What would you like to drink?
41:09I'll have...
41:10I'll have...
41:11The same thing we drink in Muskard.
41:13That's Regal.
41:16Same, double.
41:17All the same.
41:33Come in, come in.
41:34Make yourself at home.
41:36Don't eat, aunt Zica.
41:40How old is the baby?
41:42Why are you asking me? Ask her.
41:44I'm turning 18 in a month.
41:47That's great.
41:48With a face like that, I could make a miracle out of her.
41:53And as soon as she turns 18,
41:55I'll have to take her biometric test.
41:59What do you say?
42:01No problem.
42:03And then?
42:05I'm taking her to Lugano, to my friends,
42:07for a course.
42:08Two or three months at most.
42:10I guarantee,
42:11as soon as she's on the track,
42:13and she'll be out,
42:14I won't take her off.
42:17She's fashionable.
42:20Of course,
42:21if she doesn't have two left legs,
42:23we couldn't do anything about it.
42:25But it's easy to check.
42:27Great, beautiful.
42:32Her hair is beautiful.
42:33Lift her up a bit, please.
42:37Bravo, bravo, bravo.
42:40And now, the profile.
42:42Turn around.
42:48We'll force this one.
42:49The left profile.
42:50Angelina Jolie.
42:52She's only drawing her left profile.
42:54Never the right one.
42:55That's because the agent doesn't allow it.
42:57That's the contract.
42:59We'll do the same with your heart.
43:04I'm thinking,
43:05I could...
43:08I could make a movie with her.
43:10You know?
43:14I can already see
43:15the title in her eye.
43:19What's her name?
43:21Her name is Zorica.
43:23And she's my girl.
43:25She's my faithful one.
43:27And she'll give herself up for me.
43:29Who says so?
43:33You're so irrational.
43:38if you need water,
43:39you'll come to him
43:40like some collateral damage.
43:42What do you do?
43:43What do you know how to do?
43:46What do you mean,
43:47what do I know how to do?
43:50you know how to drive a car,
43:51you know how to make some money,
43:54Of course I know how to drive.
43:56I mean,
43:57I don't have a job,
43:58but I know how to do everything.
44:00I know about cattle,
44:01I know about agriculture,
44:02I know everything.
44:03About cattle?
44:04I know about farms with chickens.
44:09Go on.
44:30I know.
44:46if you didn't know,
44:48Switzerland is an agricultural,
44:50but also a farming country.
44:52But it wasn't always like that.
44:55it was just a quarry.
44:57No farms,
44:58no animals,
45:00Just Swedes.
45:02You know,
45:03the Swedes
45:04send someone to pray to God
45:06to help them.
45:08And he starts to pray,
45:09pray, pray,
45:10God, please come,
45:11make us rivers,
45:14make us pastures,
45:17springs of drinking water.
45:19And God,
45:20how good it is.
45:21I like it.
45:22Let's add a little of this,
45:23which is constantly boiling.
45:27make us a hand movement,
45:28one hand movement,
45:29one single hand movement.
45:36burning on all sides.
45:37And God's mercy.
45:39After a while,
45:40the Swede starts to cook again,
45:42to pray,
45:43to cry,
45:47help us,
45:48we'll starve.
45:49Give us, he says,
45:50a herd,
45:56Come, God.
45:57I thought I satisfied you,
45:59but here,
46:00you're asking again.
46:01Come on,
46:02make a hand movement.
46:05full pastures,
46:11on all sides.
46:14well, blessings.
46:18After a while,
46:19God got a little sick,
46:21got some flu,
46:22got a little cold,
46:24your throat got a temperature,
46:26now you're a Swede.
46:28Take a cup,
46:29sit down,
46:30and say,
46:32I'm a little thirsty,
46:33he says,
46:34drink something.
46:35A cup of warm milk,
46:36can you give me?
46:37He says,
46:38how not.
46:39He takes a cup,
46:40pours milk,
46:41with one hand,
46:42he gives God,
46:43and with the other hand,
46:44he offers,
46:45that's five francs,
46:51aunt's knife,
46:52is an irreparable charm.
46:55What charm?
46:56What did I want to say?
46:58That's the West,
46:59there's interest in everything,
47:01who doesn't understand that,
47:04The story is beautiful,
47:06What I think,
47:08I've never heard a stupid story in my life,
47:13but Pope Stanislav told me,
47:15no one has ever seen God in their life.
47:18Without exaggeration,
47:20what is it?
47:21Well, I'm not exaggerating,
47:23I'm just asking,
47:24who is stupider,
47:25you who listen,
47:27or the one who speaks?
47:32Come on,
47:33who is this genius?
47:36And you,
47:37aunt Geneva,
47:38do you think if you smoke that drug,
47:40and if you wear that jacket,
47:42and that tie,
47:43that you are very smart?
47:50Hey, your regal,
47:53What are you doing,
47:54what are you shooting at me?