Afrikan and Allen 2 | movie | 2024 | Official Trailer

  • 3 months ago
Months after their last adventure, Afrikan and Allen's friendship is tested once again when they find themselves strande | dG1fMDhyRzZJTzNrWW8
00:00Yo, what's up guys? Look, let me just get the elephant out of the room, bro.
00:04All sides of jokes. The video was supposed to come out today. It ain't come out today. I'm gonna be that ass.
00:10Truthfully speaking...
00:13Yeah, I got no excuses for this one. I'm a lazy bum, bro. I'm washed. That's what you want to hear, bro? I'm washed.
00:17All right, no. Truthfully speaking, the video was supposed to come out today. It's not ready, though. That being said, give me one more week.
00:24I promise you it's gonna be out, all right?
00:26So this is me officially saying June 21st, video coming out. Best Fortnite movie you've ever seen in your life.
00:32All right, we got cameos, we got butt stuff, we got boost melons, all right?
00:35Let me tell you, if I'm lying about this release date, if it don't drop on June 21st,
00:39may God murder my children. May God strike me down with lightning right now. Kill him today.
00:43Right now, today. But look, enough of that. Anyways, after months and months of delays and ditty parties, yo, it's coming out,
00:50all right? And I'm about to show you the first ever trailer for it right now. Let's go. I'm gonna shut the fuck up now.
00:55I'm gonna see you June 21st. If you're not there, your ass is grass, buddy. You be there or be square.
01:19You mess this up, I'm eating all those damn nuggets you got in the fridge, all right?
01:23It is so over for us, bro. Type shit. Stop saying that.
01:33All right, you just stick with me and we should be fine.
01:39You sure? You ready? How bad can it be?
01:47Yo, is that not the greatest trailer ever seen in your life, bro? Let's hop into random duos.
01:50Let's go see what people thought of it. Let's go. Yo, you there? Can I ask you a question, bro?
01:58You seen that new African and Alan 2 trailer, bro?
