• 4 months ago


00:00I'm going over someone's life with that sort of money.
00:02What's the problem with that bitch?
00:04You're the bitch.
00:06If by chance I find you,
00:08I'll kill you.
00:10I'll kill you.
00:12I'll kill you.
00:14I'll kill you.
00:16I'll kill you.
00:18I'll kill you.
00:20I'll kill you.
00:22I'll kill you.
00:24I'll kill you.
00:26I'll kill you.
00:28If by chance I find you
00:30near Maya, her aunt,
00:32or anyone that she cares about, I will come back
00:34to this place. You understand?
00:36Oh my god, where were you? I've been waiting for you the whole day.
00:38I had to deal with something.
00:40I see myself in you. Thank you, chef.
00:42You follow every instruction
00:44brilliantly. That's why I've decided
00:46to give you the promotion.
00:48Thank you.
00:54We found their lives. We found our crooks.
00:58My grandma used to tell me that
01:00in life, and in the kitchen,
01:02everything is a matter of timing.
01:04That if she met my father
01:06at a different time,
01:08everything would be different.
01:10Is it all in the timing?
01:12Is that the secret
01:16I keep asking myself,
01:18what's the secret sauce?
01:20The hidden element that makes something click?
01:22I keep asking myself,
01:24what's the secret sauce?
01:26The hidden element that makes something click?
01:28What makes certain couples
01:30fail and others last?
01:32What makes one
01:34person decide another
01:36is worthy of forgiveness?
01:40I keep wondering if I missed my chance with you.
01:42Is it too late?
01:46And I pray
01:48there's still hope for us to be something more.
01:56I'm sorry.
01:58I'm sorry.
02:00I'm sorry.
02:02I'm sorry.
02:04I'm sorry.
02:06I'm sorry.
02:08I'm sorry.
02:10I'm sorry.
02:12I'm sorry.
02:14I'm sorry.
02:16I'm sorry.
02:18I'm sorry.
02:20I'm sorry.
02:22I'm sorry.
02:24I'm sorry.
02:34How dare you do this to us!
02:36You again.
02:38You're a disgrace to the kitchen.
02:42Who's the real Carpet here?
02:44It's really- It's me.
02:48I convinced Maya.
02:50She said she will never do it until the end, but-
02:52No, I made the food.
02:54I am responsible for this.
02:55Of all people,
02:58how dare you do this to us?
03:02I'm sorry, Chef.
03:06Maya, you have the higher position.
03:10This is ultimately on you.
03:17Ma is not to blame for this.
03:19As you said,
03:20I'm the disgrace to this kitchen.
03:23Let me make this easy for you.
03:25I quit.
03:42Liars don't belong in the kitchen.
03:50Liars don't belong in the kitchen.
03:54This was for you.
04:22I believe in you, Maya.
04:52Now, you go and you win that competition.
05:07We'll all be here watching you.
05:10Thank you.
05:37I'm sorry.
06:07It's just...
06:24It's been overwhelming.
06:27I just got promoted and then fired within the same day.
06:35And I don't know why, but I feel so relieved.
06:40I feel relieved.
06:43You've been through a lot.
06:45I have your customers.
06:48I want to start over.
06:51I'm going to join the competition.
06:54I want to see how far I can go.
07:23I'm going to start over.
07:52I'm going to start over.
08:20Oh, hi.
08:32What were you guys cooking?
08:38Just making...
08:42What happened there?
08:43What happened to your hand?
08:44He's had that since yesterday.
08:47It was so crazy.
08:48I didn't notice.
08:49It was just an accident.
08:51Don't worry about it.
08:52It's nothing.
08:53It looks so bad.
08:54Do you have to get there?
08:55Let me see.
08:56Did you do this yourself?
08:59Is it okay if I...
09:00Yeah, go ahead.
09:01Yeah, sure.
09:02I'll do it again.
09:06We have to clean this one.
09:11By the way, where were you yesterday?
09:13You weren't at the kitchen.
09:15Like, at all?
09:17I was helping a friend with an errand.
09:19What friend?
09:20Have you met him?
09:21I feel like there's so much we don't know about you.
09:24He was just an old childhood friend, yeah.
09:27What's his name?
09:28His name?
09:32His name is...
09:40His name is Roy, yeah.
09:43I was helping out with his furniture.
09:45Like, I had to move his furniture.
09:51Is that my phone?
09:52Can you get it?
09:53Oh, my.
09:57Oh, my God.
09:58Congratulations, participant 410,
10:01Maya Laurel,
10:02for qualifying for the International Cooking Competition!
10:05I got in?
10:09Maya, congratulations!
10:10Oh, my gosh!
10:13You did it!
10:43What's the biggest problem?
10:46I haven't told her yet.
10:48I know you're serious about her.
10:51But the people in Korea,
10:53I mean, the people who trust and rely on you,
10:56does it mean nothing to you?
11:02Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can.
11:05Oh, and never avoid the camera.
11:08What they want to see the most in this situation
11:11is you walking around like that.
11:34Where's Jack?
11:36He should be here by now.
11:41Hi, Mom.
11:42Thank you.
11:43Chef Maya Laurel,
11:45you and your sous-chef will be competing in an hour.
11:49Thank you.
11:56I see you still choose to compete against my advice.
12:02I hope you abide by the rules this time.
12:04Well, Chef, she didn't really have a choice.
12:06Her aunt could have died.
12:08Is that right?
12:13Oh, Maya, I'm so sorry to hear that.
12:16It could have helped if I'd known.
12:21Regardless of what happened,
12:23I still think you have a lot of potential
12:25and I hope you do well here.
12:28Thank you.
12:37What's going on?
12:38We have a problem.
12:39Maya's knives are missing.
12:41What do you mean they're missing?
12:42No, I don't know how it happened.
12:43They said they delivered it to the station,
12:44but now they're asking her to use the spare knives instead.
12:48Knives are a chef's weapon.
12:49We don't even know what prop knives they're giving her.
12:54Oh, my.
12:55I have an extra set of knives.
12:57From the chefs, remember?
12:59It's in your apartment.
13:01I'll go get it.
13:02You can?
13:05Give me the keys, give me the keys.
13:06Your bag, your bag.
13:10Okay, please.
13:11Thank you.
13:13Thank you.
13:14Um, we're...
13:18Hey, can I get a ride?
13:19No, no, no.
13:21No, no, no.
13:22Okay, okay.
13:23Let me borrow the cab.
13:24It's only a few blocks.
13:25This should cover the gas and a little extra.
13:28You can stay on your call.
13:32Get in there.
13:33Nice and easy.
13:36Welcome to the international cooking competition
13:39where the best of the best will compete.
13:41Only four teams from each region will be moving on to the second round.
13:46From there, they will compete for a spot for the finale
13:49and they will have the chance to get the grand prize of $35,000
13:54and become this year's grand champion.
14:04Let's go.
14:13In this round, each team will cut and prep the ingredients
14:16within the limited amount of time.
14:18The team to finish first wins.
14:21And your time starts now.
14:30Go, go, go.
14:32As you can see, this first round will test the knife skills and abilities of our chefs.
14:37Who will be able to butcher their meats and fillet their fish fastest?
14:41Only time will tell.
14:49What's wrong, Maya?
14:54This knife is so dull.
15:00You can do it. Almost done.
15:09Despite some knife issues, Chef Maya is done.
15:22And that's an official go from Chef Arif.
15:25He's given the go signal for the red team to proceed with the next prep.
15:29Chef Maya's sous chef is now prepping the chicken.
15:32Just a little bit more.
15:34Just a little bit more.
15:38Time seems to be speeding up and the other chefs seem to be catching up
15:41as they start their prep on their chicken.
15:48And in record time, the red team is done.
16:09Chef Arif just gave a thumbs down on the red team.
16:12Chef Maya's sous chef has cut herself.
16:14They need to start all over again as the chicken has been contaminated with blood.
16:20Handicapped without a partner and limited time on the clock.
16:24Chef Maya needs to continue prep on the other ingredients plus start all over again with the chicken.
16:39Chef Arif.
16:51Those knives are useless.
16:53With her partner down, she'll never make it on time.
17:33What's happening here?
17:35Like a superhero with a renewed set of powers, we see Chef Maya in super speed.
17:59All the chefs are now on overdrive.
18:02Chef Maya is already on her last prep.
18:08With mere minutes remaining, can the chefs finish on time?
18:14Last two minutes.
18:22Chef Maya seems to be speeding by and she's already plating.
18:36Time is up.
18:37Now is the moment of truth.
18:39We see Chef Arif walk over for inspection.
18:48We see the look of approval from famed Chef Arif Hadi.
18:52We have determined the team advancing in the second round.
18:56In first place, with an overwhelming score of 98 points for speed, 97 points for precision, and 98 points for presentation, is contestant number...
19:084-1-0, Chef Maya Lorez!
19:39Maya, congratulations!
19:41To us.
19:43How are you?
19:44I'm fine. It's just a minor injury.
19:46How long does it take to recover?
19:49Maybe a few days?
19:54Then, what about the second round tomorrow?
19:59They require you as sous chef.
20:01Or else you can't compete.
20:06I'm sorry.
20:31Maya, I hope you don't chop up.
20:34You're running first today.
20:36What am I supposed to do?
20:38I mean, do you think anybody at the kitchen would be available at such a short notice?
20:42Probably not.
20:44But you've worked so hard.
20:46You've come this far.
20:49I don't know.
20:52It feels like the odds are against me.
20:54They won't even let me compete without a sous chef.
21:02What about you?
21:04Do you ever wish you could have done things differently?
21:08I'll protect you. You said that.
21:14My son is a good boy.
21:19I'm sorry.
21:20My son is a good boy.
21:30I won't let you fight this alone.
21:34I will be your sous chef.
21:50I'm sorry.
21:57Come back right now.
21:59As you know, the president is in the hospital.
22:02It's all a matter of time.
22:04It's been months since you left.
22:06How can you say you'll take full responsibility without even being here?
22:10I promised Maya I'd help her in the next round.
22:13I'll finish up and go.
22:15If you don't show up,
22:17all the board members will turn to CEO Gu Hwasung.
22:19The president will be more helpless.
22:21If that happens,
22:23you won't have anything left.
22:44Maya Laurel.
22:46Enzo, you're here.
22:48You're a chef now.
22:50We haven't seen you before. You were studying engineering back then, right?
22:53I'm a coach now.
22:55I majored in culinary.
22:57As you know, even though I'm good at engineering and culinary,
23:00I'm better in the kitchen, right?
23:03We're going to have a fight later.
23:05It's funny, right?
23:06We used to date, now we're going to fight.
23:09You're too much. You're my friend's brother.
23:12We didn't date back then.
23:13It's okay.
23:14You're not answering my calls anymore.
23:18I heard you have a new boyfriend.
23:20He's rich and Korean.
23:22My sister told me you already have a boyfriend.
23:24Where did you hear that?
23:25You met him here in Jakarta,
23:27and he paid all your mom's debts.
23:31He's very rich.
23:33He's the owner of LB,
23:34the big corporation.
23:37Isn't that the reason why I was able to enter this contest?
23:40Because he paid for it.
23:44Chef Arif is here.
23:46I want to take a selfie.
23:47Wait a minute.
24:07it's okay.
24:08The competition is just about to start.
24:11I just want to ask you something.
24:15About mommy's debt...
24:39you know what?
24:41You want to get ready?
24:58Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
25:00Round 2 of the competition is all about the jewels of Southeast Asia.
25:06Our chefs here are tasked with creating dishes
25:09that will best represent Southeast Asian culture.
25:15Time starts now.
25:19And the contestants are off.
25:21Each of them grabbing their ingredients
25:23and bringing them back to the chef's table.
25:26Chef Maya Lauren,
25:27who made a stunning comeback from yesterday's life skill challenge,
25:31seems to be making a comeback.
25:34The banana is the green cookie.
25:36Keep your eyes on them.
25:37Yes, chef.
25:47Am I doing all right?
25:48Yeah, keep going.
26:03Each of the contestants are creating dishes originating from Southeast Asia.
26:08Now, Chef Enzo from the white team
26:10is predicted to be the frontrunner in this race.
26:16Are you sure you're doing all right?
26:17I'm doing good.
26:18Just check the pan, please.
26:20Yes, chef.
26:51What have we here?
26:52Where is he going?
26:54Chef Maya alone once again to compete on her own.
27:22Congratulations, Chef Enzo and Chef Mei
27:25for winning today's challenge.
27:37Maya, can you please stop for one second, please?
27:42Where did you go?
27:44Why did you leave me out there on my own?
27:46I'm sorry.
27:47I'm sorry. Of course you're sorry.
27:50Stop apologizing and just tell me the truth.
27:55How about this?
27:58Did you go to the Philippines recently?
28:01Was that why you were missing the other day?
28:09I just wanted to help.
28:10You wanted to help?
28:12You lied to me.
28:14Is this whole thing a lie?
28:19And you own the LB Group.
28:22What's all of this?
28:23A publicity stunt?
28:26Who are you?
28:30Maya, please.
28:32Just please listen to me.
28:36I didn't have the courage to tell you the truth before.
28:43Why do you need courage?
28:48The truth is just the truth.
28:53You're a liar, Jack.
28:56I don't want to see you ever again.
28:59Maya, my name's not Jack.
29:04It's Hajun.
29:09And that's a god honest truth.
29:14I love you.
29:15I love you.
29:16I love you.
29:17I love you.
29:18I love you.
29:19I love you.
29:20I love you.
29:21I love you.
29:22I love you.
29:23I love you.
29:24I love you.
29:25I love you.
29:26I love you.
29:27I love you.
29:28I love you.
29:29I love you.
29:30I love you.
29:31I love you.
29:32I love you.
29:33I love you.
29:34I love you.
29:35I love you.
29:36I love you.
29:37I love you.
29:38I love you.
29:39I love you.
29:40I love you.
29:41I love you.
29:42I love you.
29:43I love you.
29:44I love you.
29:45I love you.
29:46I love you.
29:47I love you.
29:48I love you.
29:49I love you.
29:50I love you.
29:51I love you.
29:52I love you.
29:53I love you.
29:54I love you.
29:55I love you.
29:56I love you.
29:57I love you.
29:58I love you.
29:59I love you.
30:00I love you.
30:01I love you.
30:02I love you.
30:03I love you.
30:04I love you.
30:05I love you.
30:06I love you.
30:07I love you.
30:08I love you.
30:09I love you.
30:10I love you.
30:11I love you.
30:12That's Maya.
30:15I will cook in a big restaurant.
30:18My mom will eat my food.
30:22How about you? What's your dream?
30:25My dream is for my mom to be happy.
30:28You cook for your mom. Food makes people happy.
30:32But being with you showed me that I had to face the past.
30:35The past is an ingredient that makes me the person I am today.
30:39This is my story.
30:42Maya's Story
31:12Maya's Story
31:15Maya's Story
31:18Maya's Story
31:21Maya's Story
31:24Maya's Story
31:27Maya's Story
31:30Maya's Story
31:33Maya's Story
31:36Maya's Story
31:39Maya's Story
31:42Maya's Story