晓朝夕 第17集

  • 3 months ago
00:22Phone yeah
00:24I don't want to fall in love with you
00:31Love is not just a flower for one person
00:40The flower is the spring and autumn winter with you
00:48The rest of my life is for the love of the moon
00:58Because of you, my life is like a flower
01:02Little by little, fake love falls
01:06Thousands of years of care
01:10Day and night, like a crow
01:15Because of you, my life is like a flower
01:19Little by little, fake love falls
01:23Thousands of years of care
01:27Day and night, like a crow
01:44Chinese TV Series Exclusive YouTube
01:50Zhou Shiyu and Princess Dongyu
01:52are indeed suspicious
01:55They found Long Xusu poisoned
01:57under my nose
02:01Do they have the ability to predict the future?
02:05They do have supernatural powers
02:08Supernatural powers?
02:11What are they?
02:13They are not supernatural powers
02:15Their supernatural powers
02:17are on the jade pendant on their bodies
02:32Jade pendant?
02:33If I'm not mistaken
02:37The jade pendant on Prince and Princess
02:40This jade pendant is made by Tianhe
02:44One pendant, two jades
02:46It is said that the one who owns this jade
02:49is destined to have this jade
02:51That's why it has this jade
02:53According to Tianshi
02:55Zhou Shiyu and Princess Dongyu
02:58have this jade pendant
03:00That's why they have this jade pendant
03:02That's right
03:06If this jade is their own
03:09can I use it?
03:13This jade is their own
03:15Even if you take it as your own
03:17you can't own it
03:21Although others can't own
03:23the jade pendant of the same star
03:25But if we can
03:27the one who is destined can have it
03:30Then the jade pendant
03:32can no longer be used by them
03:40Prince and Princess Dongyu
03:50Why didn't you let me go?
03:52Because you are from Dongyu
03:54How could you do such a thing?
03:56People from Dongyu are so ignorant
04:09I'm sorry
04:17I'm sorry
04:19I didn't think it through
04:22Your Highness
04:24Your family business is really good
04:29I was poisoned today
04:31It's a shame for the royal family
04:32I can't do it in person
04:34My brother asked me to comfort you
04:36I will give you an explanation in the future
04:40If you are angry
04:42you can beat or scold me here
04:44as you like
04:45As long as you can calm down
04:50I didn't care about
04:51the poisoning at all
04:53Haven't we experienced
04:54these things before?
04:57I was deceived by your daughter
05:00and misunderstood by the Princess Dowager
05:02And I was bullied
05:03by your ignorant sister
05:05It's all because
05:06I'm the princess of Dongyu
05:09As the princess of Dongyu
05:11I have to do this
05:13Have you ever thought about
05:14what kind of life
05:15the people of Dongyu
05:16live in Beishuo?
05:17Do you understand?
05:26I'm sorry
05:31You don't have to be sorry
05:35It's because the people of Beishuo
05:37look down on us Dongyu
05:39so they look down on me
05:46I can't change
05:47these things in the future
05:50In that case
05:56I won't marry you
06:07I won't marry you
06:37Ever since I ascended the throne
06:39although the war in Beishuo is over
06:41the famine continues
06:43and the national treasury is empty
06:44If we want to rebuild the national treasury
06:46do you have any good ideas?
06:51Your Majesty
06:52I think
06:53if we want to rebuild the national treasury
06:55we can start from the stock trading system
07:01Your Majesty
07:02I think
07:03the Minister can do this
07:05In the past few years
07:06our country has been heavily affected by the famine
07:08That's why our country
07:09has been empty
07:11That's ridiculous
07:14Your Majesty
07:15What stock trading system?
07:17Now the border of our country
07:18is in turmoil
07:19In order to show
07:20the style of Beishuo
07:22we should lead troops
07:23to destroy those small countries first
07:25and then develop the stock trading system
07:27This is the essence of governing the country
07:30That's right
07:31That's right
07:32That's right
07:33That's right
07:34That's right
07:35That's right
07:36The national treasury is empty
07:38If we start the war now
07:40I'm afraid our country will be in danger
07:42What the King of the North said makes sense
07:44He's not that kind of person now
07:46That's right
07:47Your Majesty
07:48Speaking of how to rebuild the national treasury
07:50I happen to have something to report
08:04The King of the North
08:05wants to turn the western market
08:06into a special channel for businessmen
08:10Our Beishuo
08:12is based on agriculture
08:14Our stock trading system
08:16is still limited
08:18Why should we give
08:20to other countries' businessmen
08:22a discount?
08:25It seems that this law
08:26is showing mercy to other countries
08:28For our Beishuo
08:29it's also a valuable
08:30financial income
08:33Now many other countries' businessmen
08:35have entered the market
08:36But unfortunately
08:37they can only do business in the dark
08:39In this way
08:40the government has no way
08:41to tax them
08:42But if we change the strategy
08:44so that other countries' businessmen
08:46have a chance to do business normally
08:49It will be easier to manage
08:51and we can collect more tax
08:54This will not only boost the national treasury
08:56but also show our Beishuo's
08:59Isn't it a perfect opportunity?
09:03Your Majesty
09:04I think this is a good idea
09:06The King of the North is wise
09:08and admirable
09:12Your Majesty
09:13I think
09:14increasing the tax
09:16and boosting the national treasury
09:18is not a good idea
09:20the King of the North
09:21must do this
09:22to please Princess Dongyu
09:25It's true
09:28The King of the North
09:30uses national affairs
09:32to cater to the private interests of his sons and daughters
09:39is inappropriate
09:46I am also worried about Your Majesty
09:49Boosting the national treasury
09:50and improving the national tax path
09:52for the stability of the country
09:54I hope Your Majesty can understand
09:56What the King of the North and the Prime Minister said
09:58make sense
09:59I will consider
10:01all the advantages
10:10Today, in the court
10:12the King of the North
10:13told me off in public
10:14The little emperor
10:16didn't stop him at all
10:21Since I came back from Liuzhou
10:23Zhou Shiyu
10:24is getting more and more arrogant
10:27Now, these two people
10:29have the same heart
10:30They can't kill each other
10:31They have an engagement
10:33They can't separate
10:35They can't do it hastily
10:36to avoid alarm
10:44I don't want to hear your explanation
10:46I just want
10:48a solution
10:50Since Su Nian
10:52is very familiar with the King of the North
10:54Why don't we let him continue to lurk in it
10:57and find a chance
10:58Then take the opportunity
11:00Hurry up
11:02I don't have much patience
11:14You really don't see the King of the North
11:15He comes to you every day
11:16He gives you things in the form of flowers
11:18I think
11:19he is very good to you
11:20Our princess
11:21was scared
11:22because she went to the banquet
11:23I think he is just
11:30Have some sugar
11:32This sugar
11:33was also sent by him
11:39I think
11:40there is nothing wrong with the King of the North
11:42Don't be angry, okay?
11:44After all, being angry
11:45is not good for yourself, right?
11:50That's right
11:51Others are not good to me
11:53I shouldn't blame it on him, right?
11:57If he comes in the future
11:59don't stop him
12:01Okay, princess
12:08Why haven't I seen you
12:10go to Miss Su Nian these days?
12:17It's just
12:21you are not feeling well
12:22I want to accompany you
12:26You still don't tell the truth
12:30Su Nian
12:32She doesn't see me
12:34I don't know what's going on
12:36It's hard to guess
12:37the mind of a girl from the North
12:39I really don't understand
12:41So you don't go to see her
12:44I've been there for a few days
12:45I'm sick of it
12:46She is not annoying
12:47I'm annoyed
12:48Look at your patience
12:50If I were Miss Su Nian
12:52I wouldn't see you either
12:54I think
12:56Miss Su Nian
12:58should like you
13:00If she doesn't like you
13:02just ignore her
13:03Why do you have to hide?
13:06She may have something on her mind
13:08and hasn't figured it out yet
13:11Really, sister?
13:13You are in it
13:14Think about it
13:17Think about it
13:19Think about it
13:29After the people of Dai Bang
13:30get out of trouble
13:32I think she will really
13:33open her mind
13:38Your Highness
13:39You are here
13:40Why don't you go in?
13:41Your Highness
13:43Your Highness
13:45What's the progress today?
13:49Can someone else
13:50do this undercover mission?
13:53Give me a reason
13:55I can't do the undercover mission
13:59This mission is the simplest
14:01If you can't do it
14:03I'm afraid that
14:04no one in the whole Rou Feng Sect
14:05can do it
14:09What you just said
14:10I take it as
14:11I didn't understand
14:13But I have to advise you
14:16Don't give birth to
14:17a heart that shouldn't be born
14:19before you kill
14:34Did you really
14:35fall in love with
14:37that silly prince?
14:41Whether you admit it or not
14:43His Majesty's mission
14:44can't be refused
14:46Don't you want to
14:47take revenge for the family you lost?
14:51I want to take revenge for my family
14:52even in my dream
14:54But I don't want to hurt Xinyi
15:15I'm unfilial
15:19For so many years
15:21I haven't taken revenge for the Liu family
15:26But if I want to take revenge
15:28I need Prime Minister's help
15:33All these years
15:36Prime Minister has been
15:37helping me
15:40I'm willing to
15:41do anything he wants
15:45But if I continue to use him
15:48I really can't bear it
15:54If I don't use him
15:59How can I gain
16:00Prime Minister's trust?
16:34You have to eat
16:36I made you something to eat
16:38Eat something, princess
16:46Are you still worried about
16:47what happened to Dongyu's family?
16:54I can't think of
16:55any good ideas
16:58I'm really useless
17:04By the way
17:07Why haven't I seen the King of the North
17:10So the princess is missing
17:11the King of the North
17:13Who said I miss him?
17:16I'm just asking
17:18I heard from Lin Mu
17:20His Highness has been busy with official business recently
17:21He often goes to the palace
17:22to discuss business with His Majesty
17:24I'm sure His Highness will be able to
17:25come to see our princess
17:26after his busy schedule
17:29What official business?
17:31How can he be so busy?
17:33Is he angry with me?
17:41The West Market
17:42is a good way
17:43to win the treasury
17:46I also visited some officials
17:49They also support
17:50this regulation
17:53But because of my uncle's power
17:54I dare not make a statement
17:58The thing you want to do
17:59has always been
18:01on my mind
18:03But now
18:04uncle's power is not light
18:06I'm afraid it's hard to push
18:08I understand
18:09But there is no turning back
18:12I will do everything I can
18:14before I make a statement
18:42I'm angry
18:47Come in
19:02I thought
19:04you didn't want to see me anymore
19:16will quarrel occasionally
19:18But we all know each other
19:21There is nothing we can't get over
19:23Do you think so?
19:29If you say so
19:44Why on earth
19:47do they quarrel occasionally?
19:59The West Market
20:04What's wrong with you two?
20:06You've been sighing
20:08in the Prince Mansion these days
20:10You should be happy
20:11when you come out to play
20:12By the way
20:13I heard that there is a new
20:14kouzhi shop in Shangjian City
20:15Let's go in and have a look
20:17Kouzhi shop?
20:18Kouzhi? What kouzhi?
20:19Take me to have a look
20:20Little prince
20:22Are you going to give it to
20:23Miss Su Nian again?
20:25How many things
20:26have you taken these days?
20:27If you keep doing this
20:28our family
20:29won't last long
20:31Let's go
20:32I want to have a look
20:33Sister, Qianqian
20:34You can have a look, too
20:35OK, let's go
20:41This kouzhi is rich in color
20:45It smells good, too
20:47You have a good taste
20:48This box of cinnabar red
20:50matches your lady's skin color best
20:52Of course
20:53My lady has fair skin and dark hair
20:55All colors are beautiful
20:56But your cinnabar red kouzhi
20:58matches my lady's skin
20:59She is more beautiful
21:00You are right
21:03You are straightforward
21:04and beautiful
21:05This box of cinnabar red
21:06matches you the best
21:09Have a look
21:10Do you like it?
21:14Let's put it on
21:17What's the difference
21:19between cinnabar red and cinnabar red?
21:20Why do I think they are the same?
21:22Young master
21:23You don't understand
21:24All the girls in the world
21:26are different
21:28Their kouzhi
21:29is different, too
21:32The girl I want to send
21:34is hot and cold
21:36Sometimes she is passionate
21:37Sometimes she is cold
21:40Come on
21:41Come here
21:42What do you think she is suitable for?
21:45According to your description
21:46She should be suitable for this
21:48Rose cinnabar red
21:50It matches your lady the best
21:52Rose cinnabar red?
21:55This one
21:56Wrap them up
22:00You are so rich
22:01This is not the way to buy kouzhi
22:03Pick the most suitable one
22:05Pick another one
22:07I want this one
22:08No rose cinnabar red
22:12Wrap them up
22:14I will wrap them up
22:16Let me have a look
22:19Why do you buy so many?
22:20I am your sister
22:21I don't care
22:25Didn't you say
22:26kouzhi is a high-end product?
22:28But why do I see
22:29a few rude people here?
22:34I don't know why they are here
22:35Who are you talking about?
22:36Who is rude?
22:38Don't be rude
22:40She is the princess of Beishuo
22:42She has just been grounded
22:44She must feel bad
22:45to be locked up
22:46Let's understand her
22:49For you
22:50cousin locked us all up
22:51in the cold palace
22:52I have told my brother
22:53Zhen Nanwang about this
22:55He will help me
22:56when he comes back
22:58Locked up in the cold palace?
23:02Princess Dongyu
23:03must be afraid
23:06Afraid that the princess
23:07will be locked up again
23:09I have something to do
23:10Excuse me
23:11Ashina Zhu
23:12What are you looking at?
23:13Get out of here
23:14Didn't you hear me?
23:16You bitch
23:20It hurts
23:21Let me go
23:22Let me go
23:25Qi Yun
23:26Why are you here?
23:27I was sold to the princess
23:29by Mr. Huang
23:31This is my new maid
23:33Let me introduce her to you
23:34Her name is Ashina Zhu
23:37What do you think?
23:38How dare you slander my sister?
23:41How much did you pay for her?
23:43I will buy her
23:44You want to buy her?
23:45I won't sell her
23:46If you don't sell her
23:47I will tell Prince of Bei
23:49that you changed her name
23:50to Princess of Bei
23:52I don't care
23:53I just don't know
23:54what Prince of Bei will do
23:55when he hears this
23:56Will he lock you up
23:57in the cold palace?
23:58Or where?
24:00I don't know
24:031,000 taels
24:04Can you afford it?
24:05If you can afford it
24:06I will sell her to you
24:071,000 taels
24:08Why don't you rob her?
24:101,000 taels
24:11I will give her here
24:12two days later
24:13I will pay her
24:14and give her money
24:151,000 taels
24:16Not a penny less
24:18Give me her slave
24:19as well
24:21I will wait for your money
24:22and take Ashina Pearl
24:25Ashina Pearl, come with me
24:26Can't you hear me?
24:29Ashina Pearl
24:47These jewelries
24:48and banknotes
24:50are not enough
24:54I'm coming
24:58I'm coming
25:06I've got them all
25:08I should be able to pay some money
25:13These are all
25:14your favorite things
25:15You can keep them
25:16It's OK, sister
25:18It's more important to save Qiyun
25:19Little Prince
25:21These things
25:22are not worth much money
25:28I shouldn't have sold them
25:32Your Highness
25:33Why don't we ask the King of North
25:34to help us?
25:37He is busy these days
25:40What should we do?
25:46Let's figure it out ourselves
25:54These two
25:55Your Highness
25:56The boss of Kou Zhi Dian is here
25:58How is the business going?
26:00Your Highness
26:01The business of Kou Zhi Dian
26:02is booming
26:03All the nobles in Shangjing City
26:05want to have a box of
26:06Kou Zhi from our shop
26:08I've told you
26:09Listen to me
26:10Your Highness is wise
26:11Since you started
26:12this business
26:13our shop has been
26:14making money every day
26:16All right, all right
26:17I'm tired of hearing about making money
26:19Is there any other news?
26:22Other news is…
26:24There is one
26:26Princess of North and Princess Luo Yi
26:27came to our shop
26:28to visit Kou Zhi
26:30because of a maid
26:31named Qiyun
26:32they had a quarrel
26:34Princess Luo Yi
26:35wanted to sell this maid
26:36to Princess of North
26:37at the price of 1,000 taels
26:40Princess of North
26:441,000 taels?
26:47Gao Luoyi
26:48is better at business than me
26:52Then Princess of North
26:53will be cheated by her
26:57Your Highness
26:58Princess Dong Yu
26:59may also like Kou Zhi
27:01Why don't you take this opportunity
27:03to show her?
27:06Princess Dong Yu
27:07is very cunning
27:11I won't marry her
27:13Then are you willing to
27:14be cheated by Princess of North?
27:16Let's see how
27:18Princess Dong Yu and Princess of North look like
27:23This picture
27:24makes me angry
27:28Xun Xun
27:29Prepare a carriage
27:30to the Mansion of Prince of North
27:31Got it
27:37Your Highness
27:38These are the jewelry
27:39left by the eldest princess
27:40for you
27:41Are you really going to throw them away?
27:42When I have money
27:43I will redeem them
27:45The princess is worried about money
27:48Prince of South
27:50What are you doing here?
27:51It seems that the princess
27:52is surprised to see me
27:55Don't worry
27:56There are more surprises
28:06Look at this
28:08These are all Kou Zhi in our store
28:10There are many colors and all kinds
28:13Now this is the most popular
28:14in the whole Shangjing City
28:17Die Xuan Fang
28:18is your store?
28:21It seems that our Die Xuan Fang
28:22is really famous
28:23Even the famous
28:24Princess Dong Yu
28:25knows our store
28:27Prince is wise
28:33Are you stupid?
28:34These are all small scenes
28:36It doesn't matter
28:39You just said you were short of money
28:41You are looking for me when you are short of money?
28:44You won't give me
28:45when I am short of money
28:48I can't give you
28:49But if you borrow
28:51I can consider it
28:55Then you lend me 1,000 taels
28:57Why don't you find Zhou Shiyu?
28:59She must be richer than you
29:02I love to listen to this
29:03Hurry up and get money for Princess Dong Yu
29:05Hurry up
29:09Don't forget to thank her
29:23How can you lend it so easily
29:24to Princess Dong Yu
29:251,000 taels?
29:26You don't understand
29:29Zhou Shiyu
29:30adores Princess Dong Yu so much
29:31They are still showing affection in front of me
29:33If I take this loan
29:35and show it to Zhou Shiyu
29:36If she knows
29:38her beloved Princess Dong Yu
29:39asked me to lend money
29:40but didn't ask her
29:41Will she be very angry?
29:44It's a piece of cake
29:48Believe me and you will be happy
29:551,000 taels
30:01Let her go
30:03I didn't expect you to have 1,000 taels
30:06Qi Yun, let's go
30:11Don't you love to buy female slaves?
30:12Don't you buy these?
30:15I was in the mood
30:16and bought a few more female slaves
30:17It happens to be your Dong Yu
30:19Why don't you buy them all?
30:22You are too much
30:24This time I will give you 10 days
30:26Is that OK?
30:2810 days?
30:41Why is he here?
30:43I don't know
30:44But Steward Wang said
30:45Prince Nan has been waiting here
30:47for an hour
30:51Come here
30:55Come here
30:57Is there something wrong?
31:00Tell me if there is
31:02I don't have much
31:04I just have a lot of money
31:07Why does Prince Nan want to see me?
31:13Still pretending
31:19Princess Dong Yu
31:20came to borrow money from me
31:22You can't afford it
31:25You can't afford to raise her
31:27Why do you have to
31:28keep her with you?
31:30I think
31:31you should send her to Prince Nan's Mansion
31:33We have a lot of interesting people
31:35who like to eat and play
31:37We have a lot of money
31:41If you send her here
31:42I promise I will raise her
31:43like Xiao Xiangxiang
31:44white and chubby
31:48I can take care of my own princess
31:50If Prince Nan
31:51really has a lot of money
31:53you can ask my brother
31:55to donate it to the national treasury
31:56The national treasury is a bit short recently
32:01Donating to the national treasury is not necessary
32:03Your brother can spend the money himself
32:05If you donate it to the national treasury
32:06it will be a big deal
32:08You can't even see a drop of water
32:10Since Prince Nan doesn't want to talk too much
32:12I have work to do
32:14I won't bother you
32:15Lin Mu
32:16Pay back 1,000 taels of silver
32:21I'll give you the money bag
32:29Did you see that?
32:30Zhou Shiyu made me angry again
32:32Prince is wise
32:37Tell the servants
32:38to prepare more dishes
32:40Let's celebrate
32:42Yes, Prince
32:43Let's add more dishes
32:45to Xiao Xiangxiang
32:47Add more dishes to Xiao Xiangxiang
33:21Qingyun, have you settled down?
33:23Don't worry, sister
33:24I've settled down
33:30Ten days?
33:32Where can we get
33:33so much money?
33:35Yes, Princess
33:37Last time Prince Nan lent us money
33:39but we didn't know how to repay him
33:41Are we going to borrow money from him again?
33:45We have to
33:46We have to
33:47We have to
33:48Are we going to borrow money from him again?
33:59we can rely on Prince Nan
34:01to make a fortune
34:04Do you have an idea?
34:05Come on
34:08Let's go to the cell
34:09Let's go
34:18Come on
34:24I haven't seen you for days
34:26What's the matter?
34:31Don't mention it
34:33What's the matter?
34:34Can you tell me?
34:36I may help you
34:39It's just
34:46This is for you
34:48Thank you
34:56It's the lipstick from Die Xun Fang
34:59The shopkeeper said
35:00this rose rouge suits you
35:02Do you like it?
35:08I didn't buy the wrong one
35:09My sister and Qianqian
35:10like the lipstick of this shop
35:12It's been a long time since we last met
35:15How is she?
35:17She is busy with business
35:21She is going to the West Market to sell lipstick
35:24The trade in the West Market is closed
35:26I'm afraid it's hard to sell
35:29I want to ask you
35:31to do me a favor
35:37It's up to you
35:43Why are you
35:47This is my new business partner
35:54Do you want me to
35:55make a painting
35:56on the lipstick
35:58of different colors?
36:00Now we have five colors
36:02They are
36:03cinnabar red
36:04magenta red
36:05rose rouge red
36:06cherry pearl red
36:07and aquamarine red
36:09Mr. Shixuan
36:10You just need to draw five pictures a day
36:12We only sell five copies a day
36:14The profit
36:15This time
36:16King Nan and I will split the profit
36:18Limited sales
36:20It's a good idea
36:23I need some time
36:25to think about these five paintings
36:27Don't worry
36:28Take your time
36:29When you figure it out
36:30Qianqian and I will send someone
36:31to spread the news
36:32and make a business out of it
36:33The price and reputation
36:34will be able to fight
36:39That's a good idea
36:45I called you all here today
36:47to discuss the matter of the Western Market
36:49The King of the North has drafted
36:50the Western Market Management Strategy
36:52It has detailed
36:53the implementation of the new rules
36:55Please take a look
36:56and give your opinions
37:09It's too risky
37:11If the Western Market foreign traders
37:13damage the interests of our foreign traders
37:15what should we do?
37:17Uncle, don't worry
37:18Business is prosperous
37:20It's better to be prosperous
37:21to promote the economy
37:23We can make progress
37:24only when there is competition
37:28We can't change the foundation of the country
37:30just because we want to win the national treasury
37:36Any other opinions?
37:41Your Majesty
37:42Your Majesty
37:43I think
37:44the Western Market Management Strategy
37:46of the King of the North
37:47is very comprehensive
37:49It's a way to collect tax
37:51Since the Liuzhou disaster
37:53the national treasury has not been paid
37:55We need to establish
37:56a reasonable tax collection method
38:02it's hard to manage
38:04the business of foreign traders
38:06The Western Market often has
38:07officers and traders fighting
38:09If the new rules are implemented
38:11it's hard to maintain the stability
38:14The Western Market is a place outside the law
38:16It's not appropriate to implement new rules
38:21I'd like to work with the Ministry of Revenue
38:23and the Prefect of Jingzhao
38:24to manage the management
38:25The Western Market is in such a mess
38:27We will think about
38:29the implementation of new rules
38:33The King of the North will work with the Ministry of Revenue
38:36and the Prefect of Jingzhao
38:37to maintain the stability of the Western Market
38:39I agree
38:48This lipstick is so beautiful
38:49and smells good
38:51Not only that
38:52The color, smell and color
38:54are all good
38:56The style is also very special
38:57The lipstick recommended by Sister Shunian
38:59is good
39:00but a little expensive
39:03there is a portrait of Young Master Siyuan
39:05It's worth it
39:07Qing'er is right
39:08This lipstick
39:09is a new product
39:10in the city of Shangjing
39:13The color and material
39:14and the lipstick
39:15are all exquisite
39:18this lipstick
39:19is not available
39:20in other flower shops
39:21I recommend it to you
39:22as soon as I use it
39:24In this way
39:25the girls of our Fengyue Pavilion
39:26are the first group
39:27to use this lipstick
39:28Of course
39:29When we have good things
39:30we should think about
39:31our sisters first
39:33Sister Shunian is so nice to us
39:34She always thinks about us
39:35when we have good things
39:39Can you lend me that?
39:41If you want it
39:42you can buy it yourself
39:44You are the best
39:45I don't want it
39:46Give it to me
39:50Your Highness, be careful
39:55Your Highness
39:56Where is the Princess?
39:57Your Highness
39:58The Princess has been out
39:59with Young Master Qin these days
40:00Sometimes she doesn't have time
40:01to come back for dinner
40:06Your Highness
40:07I have to go now
40:08Call us if you need anything
40:14That's great
40:15With Young Master Shiquan's painting
40:16our lipstick
40:17won't be sold out
40:18After making so much money
40:19we can save
40:20more girls of Dongyu
40:21It's not a long-term plan
40:23I want to save more people of Dongyu
40:25We have to make
40:26more money
40:28Don't be happy too soon
40:30There are not many people
40:31in the Western Market
40:32Merchants dare not
40:33make a fuss
40:34and buy more goods
40:35We are not afraid of the deep alley
40:37Our lipstick box
40:38has Young Master Shiquan's
40:39own painting
40:41A Yan
41:05YoYo English Channel YouTube
41:35YoYo English Channel YouTube
42:06I want to be with you forever
42:12Make a vow to the heaven and the earth
42:19The breeze blows through the fairy tale line
42:23Make a wish
42:26For the rest of my life
42:31I want to be with you forever
42:37Dreaming of a happy couple
42:44The breeze blows through the fairy tale line
42:48Looking back, you gently kissed me
42:52My heart is like the first sight in my dream
43:22YoYo English Channel YouTube