Boss Up My CEO (Complete)

  • 3 months ago
Boss Up My CEO (Complete)
00:00:00Are you okay?
00:00:06You can't draw a T-Rex like this.
00:00:08You're going to be okay.
00:00:10I'm fine.
00:00:12David, you're not going to die on me today, okay?
00:00:17David, you're going to be okay.
00:00:31Home sweet home.
00:00:33God knows why my family wants me back here.
00:00:41What's going on?
00:00:43Is someone getting married?
00:00:51That's me.
00:00:53That's my name.
00:00:55Why is there a sherbet?
00:00:57Because that's your wedding photo, Miss Hilton.
00:01:08So you're telling me I have to marry Damien Brut?
00:01:12Yes, miss.
00:01:14And after the union has been finalized,
00:01:17the Brut and Hilton families
00:01:19will be entitled to split the inheritance left
00:01:22by the Duchess of Cavendish.
00:01:25The Duchess of Cavendish?
00:01:27The richest woman in the world?
00:01:33You know, that's great and all,
00:01:35but why do I have to marry that crybaby?
00:01:38I mean, he was such a whiny kid.
00:01:40Let me correct your phrasing, Miss Eleanor.
00:01:43That is the esteemed heir of the Brut family,
00:01:47Mr. Damien Brut.
00:01:54Now, if you do not cooperate,
00:01:57Mr. Hilton will, alas, cut you off.
00:02:03No, no, no, no, no. Absolutely not.
00:02:06Wealth aside, I can't just marry some guy like that.
00:02:09I need to get out of here.
00:02:13Well, I guess I have no choice then.
00:02:24Don't mess that up, Eleanor.
00:02:39So, this is the Brut Corporation.
00:02:42It's actually pretty nice.
00:02:44No one is going to expect me to be here.
00:02:48Can you drop this?
00:03:03Got it. Got it.
00:03:06Right in the back.
00:03:08What for?
00:03:10Right around the way.
00:03:13Right in the back.
00:03:15What for?
00:03:16Right around the way.
00:03:18Wedding's been postponed.
00:03:24Sophia, you're late.
00:03:27Come with me. I'm Aria.
00:03:29I'll be conducting today's interview.
00:03:36It's correct. I'm Sophia.
00:03:42Now that we're all here, let's begin.
00:03:45You have two cups.
00:03:47One is five liters, the other is three liters.
00:03:49Using only these two cups, how can you measure out exactly four liters of water?
00:03:54You have one minute.
00:04:00First you fill up the five liter,
00:04:02and then you use that to fill up the three liter.
00:04:05Toss the three.
00:04:06Use the remaining two to put in the three.
00:04:08Fill up the five.
00:04:09Pop up the three.
00:04:11You've got your four.
00:04:13Three minus two is one. Five minus one is four.
00:04:17Well earned.
00:04:18Congratulations, Sophia.
00:04:20You have successfully completed this round.
00:04:26You are chosen to move on to the next round
00:04:28to become the CEO's personal secretary.
00:04:30Wait. Personal secretary?
00:04:37If Damien catches me, my entire plan goes out the window.
00:04:40I need to get out of here.
00:04:41Whoa. Hello. No, you're fine.
00:04:45Are you new here?
00:04:47That's a nice dress.
00:04:50Look, I know a meeting room that nobody really uses around here
00:04:53if you want to have a fun little tour.
00:04:59Your name is Damien?
00:05:01This is your company?
00:05:05Yeah. Yeah, it is.
00:05:08Talk about a crybaby to creep pipeline.
00:05:11Guess it's up to me to teach him my lesson.
00:05:13Sure. Let's go.
00:05:14Yeah? Yeah, right this way.
00:05:17Ladies first.
00:05:24Quit whining.
00:05:25Weren't you the one that wanted to have some fun?
00:05:27No, please. I'm sorry.
00:05:29I promise I won't do anything ever again.
00:05:34You know, as much as a crybaby you were when we were kids,
00:05:39at least you were sincere.
00:05:41To stoop so low as to harass your female employees.
00:05:46Stop, please.
00:05:47Go to hell with you.
00:05:57Oh, my God. Are you okay?
00:06:00Do I look okay?
00:06:02Do I look okay?
00:06:03Oh, God, I'm so sorry.
00:06:04Mr. Brute, I'm going to get that mail on your desk right now.
00:06:07Actually, that's what I'm going to go to.
00:06:08I'm going to go do that right now.
00:06:10Wait, Mr. Brute?
00:06:12He's the real Damien?
00:06:13My God, I'm so sorry.
00:06:15Oh, God, it looks really bad.
00:06:18Sometimes I don't even know my own strength.
00:06:21Does it hurt?
00:06:22Any painkillers?
00:06:23No, no need. It's actually not that bad.
00:06:25Sophia, what are you doing in here?
00:06:27The second round interview is...
00:06:30Oh, apologies. I'll leave now.
00:06:33Hey, hey, hey, get back here.
00:06:35Hey, please.
00:06:38What's your name?
00:06:49Don't worry.
00:06:50My lips are sealed.
00:06:52It's not what you think.
00:06:55I guess Damien didn't recognize me?
00:07:00I'm sorry.
00:07:09You've been selected to move on to the final round of interviews.
00:07:15Don't let this get into your head.
00:07:17Mr. Brute is getting married to a healthy family's daughter tonight.
00:07:20So if you want us to do so, it won't work.
00:07:23Besides, with her status, you wouldn't get an invite to Damien.
00:07:28All right, Sophia. Mr. Brute will be your final interviewer.
00:07:34You should go now.
00:07:41Why did Damien personally interview me?
00:07:45Did he recognize me after all?
00:07:54Why does it hurt so bad?
00:07:58Oh, God.
00:08:28I'm sorry.
00:08:33I've been doing some soul-searching, and...
00:08:36I just don't think I am suitable for this position.
00:08:39Hey, you're hired.
00:08:47Damien has really changed.
00:08:49He used to be such a whiny crybaby, and now he's this...
00:08:52somewhat capable-looking CEO.
00:08:56Doesn't matter.
00:08:57Another minute spent around him is another minute closer to him discovering who I really am.
00:09:01I just need to walk in and tell him I don't want the job anymore.
00:09:04Easy peasy.
00:09:07Hey, you're hired.
00:09:11Is there a problem?
00:09:12What is he playing at?
00:09:14Does he want revenge for that punch?
00:09:16All right, let's play.
00:09:20You see, I used to take boxing for self-defense.
00:09:23And I tend to overreact when I get nervous.
00:09:28Yeah, that works.
00:09:30I can use a box from my side, and you can hear everything I say.
00:09:36What about this, then?
00:09:39See, sir, I actually require a $1 million per year salary.
00:09:44I'll give you two. Start right away.
00:09:54I'm sorry.
00:10:03He's definitely trying to get back at me.
00:10:07He used to be such a wimpy kid.
00:10:10There's no way I'm going to let him win.
00:10:13This is war, Damien.
00:10:17Mr. Brute wants to see you in his lab.
00:10:20Also, did you hear?
00:10:23Mr. Brute's wedding was postponed.
00:10:25Did you have anything to do with it?
00:10:31Well, the limbs of the upper class change every day.
00:10:47Try this.
00:10:53These are perfume samples.
00:10:59I'm getting a bit of clove and damask rose underneath.
00:11:05Where did you dig her out, Damien?
00:11:08This is my new secretary, Sofía.
00:11:11Nice to meet you, Sofía.
00:11:14I'm the cash cow at the Brute Corporation, Chief Perfumizer.
00:11:18Let me introduce you to our magical world.
00:11:32What's missing here is the formation of the Brute's first entry into, you know, the perfume marketplace.
00:11:37So the Brute Corporation is building a perfume line.
00:11:40Not a bad business strategy.
00:11:42Trust me, in just a few years, it'll explode globally under the Brute Corporation.
00:11:45No wonder Damien brought you here.
00:11:47What do you mean?
00:11:48This man can't stand roses.
00:11:50You know, even though our main lineup is a floral scent,
00:11:53imagine if the media caught wind of their rose prints, Damien.
00:11:56Shut up, Isaac.
00:11:57All right, all right.
00:12:00I'm just saying.
00:12:04Take him outside now.
00:12:05He's allergic to roses.
00:12:11Damien, are you okay?
00:12:13I mean, normally when a person has allergies, do you have medicine on you or something?
00:12:16Do you have an EpiPen?
00:12:18Orange pill box?
00:12:24It's not physiological allergy.
00:12:27They said they couldn't medicate it.
00:12:31Then why are you doing floral perfumes if you can't be around flowers?
00:12:37Isaac thought it would help me with the...
00:12:44If you say anything about this to anyone,
00:12:47if I even get a giggle, you're done, you hear me?
00:12:55Yes, sir.
00:12:58Oh, I'm exhausted.
00:13:03Non-physiological allergy.
00:13:07What does that even mean?
00:13:09Mental allergy?
00:13:12Does it even exist?
00:13:15The 26-year-old Damien who took over the Rood family business four years ago
00:13:19has led the group to new heights.
00:13:22He follows in his father's footsteps who bought out the company 13 years ago.
00:13:26Damien, known for his business smarts and devilishly good looks,
00:13:30has been crowned the Rose Prince.
00:13:34So he must have been 22 when he was CEO.
00:13:39That's pretty young.
00:13:46Eleanor, you disappoint me.
00:13:49I'm doing great, Father. How are you?
00:13:52Do you even realize the impact that this has on our family?
00:13:56You're so spoiled by your mother. You need to come home.
00:14:07I mean, I'm not going to marry this guy just because you tell me to do that.
00:14:12I'm going to make my own choices, okay?
00:14:15You really need to come home. You need to listen to me.
00:14:17Goodbye, Dad.
00:14:26I miss you, Mom.
00:14:29If you were here, you'd understand me.
00:14:40I need a coffee.
00:14:41Get your own coffee? Who do you think you are?
00:14:44I think I'm your boss.
00:14:46Now, I'm going to need a nonfat latte with three shots of espresso
00:14:51and a little bit of cinnamon syrup just lightly on top.
00:14:54And I want it in a blue mug, but it has to be exactly 198.6 degrees Fahrenheit.
00:15:03No hotter, no colder, in other words.
00:15:06And I'm going to need you to go to the corner bakery about two blocks down from the office,
00:15:10the good one, not the bad one, and get five chocolate croissants, okay?
00:15:15I do not eat day or night.
00:15:18Oh, I'm sorry.
00:15:20Ms. Sophia, my personal secretary, who I pay two million dollars a year to,
00:15:25I need to review myself, or...
00:15:27It is 7.05 a.m. I'm going to need you here at 7.35...
00:15:31No, you know, I'll make it 7.34 a.m., okay?
00:15:34But I can't...
00:15:40He thinks he can give me an impossible task.
00:15:43He doesn't know what I'm capable of.
00:15:53You're on time.
00:15:54Here's your coffee.
00:15:55Triple shot espresso, nonfat milk, cinnamon on top, exactly 198 degrees.
00:16:00Is there anything else I can get for you?
00:16:07He has school today.
00:16:13I'm sorry, sir.
00:16:14Is this your illegitimate son?
00:16:16How old do you think I am?
00:16:19This is my brother.
00:16:20Hello, ma'am.
00:16:21Excuse me, ma'am?
00:16:23How old do you think I am?
00:16:25Oh, no.
00:16:26Also, I feel like walking to school today.
00:16:29Sure, kid.
00:16:30Whatever you want.
00:16:33Make sure he gets there.
00:16:38This little brat is a carbon copy of his older brother.
00:16:44I can walk the rest of the way by myself.
00:16:47But Damien told me I...
00:16:49My brother can be way too overprotective.
00:16:51I mean, you know how embarrassing it is to have someone take me to school at my age?
00:16:56I stand in solidarity with the whole overprotective parent-guardian thing.
00:17:01You're going to go straight to school, right?
00:17:03You're not going to take any pit stops along the way?
00:17:08Have a good day.
00:17:15What an idiot.
00:17:19Does he think I'm an idiot?
00:17:32Walk, walk!
00:17:33You can't keep dashing like that!
00:17:36You know, your school looks an awful lot like an arcade.
00:17:40How much is it to go here?
00:17:42I want to go here.
00:17:43Do you follow me?
00:17:46I just really like the breakfast food options here.
00:17:50So, what is it?
00:17:51Why'd you skip school?
00:17:52Because it's boring.
00:17:53Heard that excuse before.
00:17:55What is it?
00:17:56Your grades suck or something?
00:18:01Man, I just got my IQ tested.
00:18:04Still want tutor me?
00:18:07You little brat.
00:18:11So what?
00:18:12You got a title on me to buy cake for?
00:18:16That depends.
00:18:27No kiss.
00:18:35I win again!
00:18:36How are you so good at this game?
00:18:37I told you, I'm the queen of Terminator Salvation.
00:18:39You're going to throw in the towel already?
00:18:40Let's go again.
00:18:41What are you two doing?
00:18:42What are you doing here?
00:18:43Well, Lucas decided to use his credit card, so I figured I'd stop by and see what an arcade
00:18:44looks like.
00:19:05Hey, look, you aren't at work, so cut him some slack, okay?
00:19:08Look, he did really good on the boxing machine, he got a 186.
00:19:13He's got some talent, you should get him in some classes.
00:19:15No, absolutely not.
00:19:17We don't do anything that endangers our safety, remember?
00:19:20Boxing is really good for your mental health and your focus and look, he was really good
00:19:27and he was having fun.
00:19:29Are you the one that said that you needed a boxer by your side to guarantee your safety?
00:19:34Look, I know I just hired you, but I don't know where you get off the...
00:19:53What are you, hemophobic or something?
00:19:59Hey, is that scarf disinfected because if it's not it's going to lead to a whole slew of problems
00:20:03and then we're going to have to go to the hospital and I don't really do well under...
00:20:06I think you can go to the hospital later, okay?
00:20:08But you might see that your little wound here is already healed.
00:20:16It's okay, you can open your eyes now.
00:20:23Thank you.
00:20:30Hey, Brad.
00:20:32Do you really like boxing?
00:20:34Yeah, it's like chess, but with the body.
00:20:39If I let you take lessons, do you promise to be careful?
00:20:46Yeah, yeah.
00:20:48Thanks, Damien.
00:20:49Now go to bed.
00:21:00I'm sorry.
00:21:11Exactly 198 degrees.
00:21:14We have a visitor coming later, so you may leave.
00:21:18You got it, boss.
00:21:20Look at him, acting all high and mighty.
00:21:22Treating me like a maid.
00:21:24How dare he.
00:21:30Hey, whoa, whoa.
00:21:31What did I do?
00:21:32I dropped something.
00:21:33Hold on.
00:21:34Yeah, okay.
00:21:38Good afternoon, Mr. Brute.
00:21:41We just want to keep you updated on our search for Eleanor Hilton.
00:21:46Unfortunately, we have not been able to find her yet.
00:21:52We apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused the Brute family.
00:21:58Are you all right, sir?
00:22:02I swear to God, if Butler finds out I'm here, I will make your life miserable.
00:22:07Thank you, Mr. Brute.
00:22:09Good day.
00:22:14What are you doing?
00:22:15I lost my necklace the other day, and I saw something reflecting under your table, so that was it.
00:22:32It was my mother's.
00:22:34Before she passed.
00:22:36There's a crack in it.
00:22:37Sorry, I didn't know.
00:22:39It's okay.
00:22:41You didn't know?
00:22:43Rose, you can't just barge in.
00:22:45What are you doing?
00:22:46What's going on here?
00:22:49It appears you have a guest.
00:22:50I won't be on my way.
00:22:52Oh, so you're my darling's new side piece I've been hearing about.
00:22:59I'm Rose.
00:23:05Our father is a major shareholder of the Brute Corporation.
00:23:09Darling, what do you see in her?
00:23:12She's so... ordinary.
00:23:15Excuse me?
00:23:16Listen, I'll pay you whatever you want.
00:23:19If you quit this job, right now.
00:23:22You've been watching too many soap operas.
00:23:25Wait, this might be the perfect way out of here.
00:23:28How much?
00:23:31You can add a few more zeros there.
00:23:35One more?
00:23:36Yeah, that's enough.
00:23:39Why don't you go to my lounge and grab me a pair of cufflinks?
00:23:43I'm going to need them for the jewelry exhibition tonight.
00:23:45You know, as much as I love this job, I need to factor in my marketplace price.
00:23:53I'll double it.
00:23:55How about that for market value?
00:23:57You got a deal.
00:24:08Why would he want me around?
00:24:17The Duchess of Cavendish.
00:24:26What does that mean?
00:24:28702 days?
00:24:38I have to say, I am impressed by your taste.
00:24:42Look, with what you're paying me, I have to earn my keep.
00:24:46And that rose really compliments your eyes.
00:24:49Rise, my love.
00:24:55Damien, my darling.
00:24:57I thought it over and I decided I'm not going to give up just yet.
00:25:06So what do you think of the new me?
00:25:10The heart of the sea.
00:25:11So you do have some class.
00:25:13Yeah, that's right.
00:25:15This was the last necklace made by the Duchess of Cavendish.
00:25:18It's been kept in her private museum up until today.
00:25:22A friend helped me borrow it.
00:25:23No, I've seen the heart of the sea before.
00:25:25The curator loves Cavendish.
00:25:28I wore it to make a statement, as anyone in your company should.
00:25:39What are you doing?
00:25:41This necklace is worth millions!
00:25:43This is fake.
00:25:50How would you know?
00:25:51You wouldn't even be able to afford this necklace
00:25:53even if you sold all your organs and limbs.
00:25:56Look, the sapphire is pretty close to the color,
00:26:00but it weighs much more than this.
00:26:03Besides what? Finish your sentence!
00:26:06If I'm correct, the brochure for tonight
00:26:08says that the centerpiece of the auction is
00:26:12the heart of the sea designed by the Duchess of Cavendish.
00:26:16You've been duped.
00:26:23Thank you.
00:26:24If it weren't for you, I really would have embarrassed myself tonight.
00:26:29But don't let it get to your head.
00:26:31I'm not done with you yet.
00:26:38You're really something else.
00:26:40The Rose Prince needs his trusted advisors.
00:26:43I need to go to the powder room really quick. Excuse me.
00:27:00Meow, hey kitty cat!
00:27:02You can't draw attention and net that like this.
00:27:05Besides, it's not like I can count on Damien to do that.
00:27:08I said get your hands off her.
00:27:10What is it with you?
00:27:11You know, come to think of it...
00:27:16I hear a lot of complaints about you from Aria, too.
00:27:19What? What are you talking about?
00:27:23Can you hold this for me, please?
00:27:28You're fired.
00:27:47I can't believe he fought for me.
00:27:51He'll wake up tomorrow and think I'm a complete weirdo for messaging him in the middle of the night.
00:27:56Ugh, why did I do something so stupid?
00:28:02It's late. Go to sleep.
00:28:05Good night.
00:28:21Would you be careful, please? It hurts.
00:28:24Seriously, Damien?
00:28:28You need to softer around her.
00:28:30It's the only way to get Sophia to care more.
00:28:32I want her to care more. And you know what?
00:28:34Why are you giving me dating advice?
00:28:36Hey, I can be quite the ladies' man.
00:28:39How are we even related?
00:28:43Is it past your bedtime?
00:28:45I want you gone by the time I get back.
00:28:50I can't rely on my blockhead of a brother at all.
00:28:53I need to come up with something better.
00:28:55Or else I'll never get Sophia as my sister-in-law.
00:29:05Lucas, where are you? You're supposed to be here.
00:29:15What are you doing here?
00:29:17You don't seem like a very arcade type of guy.
00:29:20Lucas texted me to bring his backpack here. What are you doing?
00:29:23Lucas told me to meet him here half an hour ago.
00:29:28What? What is it?
00:29:30You're kidding me.
00:29:34Hi, Damien.
00:29:36I scored these two badges for Unlimited Arcade Tokens the other day.
00:29:39I was going to go with some friends, but something came up and I can't make it.
00:29:43So you and Sophia go. Don't let these go to waste.
00:29:46Have fun.
00:29:52Then we've been playing.
00:29:54Hey, wait, wait, wait. Come on.
00:29:56We're already here.
00:29:58Might as well have some fun.
00:30:03All right. Which one do you want to play first?
00:30:05Get a fresh meat here so you get to pick.
00:30:07Fresh meat?
00:30:08It's just a turn of phrase, okay? Don't worry about it.
00:30:11Choose your fighter.
00:30:13You know, I've never really done this stuff before, so...
00:30:16How about that one?
00:30:20Too dangerous.
00:30:24We'll do a smaller one. How about this one?
00:30:37Field run!
00:30:41What is this exactly?
00:30:43It's Dancer's Parade.
00:30:45All you have to do is step on the arrows as they come up on the screen.
00:30:49Okay? Show me what you got.
00:30:51Was that a challenge?
00:30:57Let's do this. You ready?
00:30:59Okay. Ready?
00:31:02Up. Up.
00:31:05Yeah. Just let the music flow through you.
00:31:11I used to come here a lot.
00:31:13Not anymore.
00:31:15I used to come all the time when I was a kid.
00:31:17My mom loved New Yorkie.
00:31:20I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring any of that up.
00:31:23It's okay.
00:31:25It's been a while.
00:31:27I just miss her a lot sometimes, you know?
00:31:31My dad was a pretty stuck-up guy.
00:31:35Any chance I could get away from him, I would come here.
00:31:37I'd come with my classmates and my friends.
00:31:41And now you.
00:31:47Oh, oh, oh. Okay. There's a lot of arrows.
00:31:54Come on! Ready?
00:31:56Oh, okay.
00:31:58You're going to perform a section. Ready?
00:32:00Okay. Okay.
00:32:03This is going to be fun!
00:32:05We've got to go.
00:32:10Oh, yeah!
00:32:22That was actually pretty fun.
00:32:27Not bad for a crybaby.
00:32:30The most flourishing flower brand and brood corporations have launched a collaboration project
00:32:36marking the brood corporation's first step into the perfume industry.
00:32:41Cheers, my friend, to the successful launch of the brood's perfume brand.
00:32:45Yeah, and to no one finding out yet that the rose princess is anti-rose.
00:32:50No pun intended.
00:32:52Speaking of which, what's your deal with Sophia?
00:32:56What do you mean, what's my deal? She's my secretary.
00:32:59Come on.
00:33:01What if I was Damien?
00:33:03The heart always wants what it wants.
00:33:07Damien Brood?
00:33:09Let's see how tough you are in the dark.
00:33:17You okay, buddy?
00:33:19Power outage?
00:33:21Crap. Damien is scared of everything.
00:33:24Damien is scared of everything. I have to find him.
00:33:33I'll look that way. Keep on looking. We'll find him.
00:33:38Damien, where are you?
00:33:43Damien? This is...
00:33:45He's not just scared. This is a trauma response.
00:33:51If the media catches him looking like this, Damien, who knows what kind of rumors will spread.
00:33:55Are you okay? Let's give this a shot.
00:34:11What are you doing?
00:34:13I'm trying to help.
00:34:15I don't need your help.
00:34:21This is what I get for trying to be a good person.
00:34:25He just shoves me aside and doesn't even say thank you.
00:34:39Pack your bags. We're starting tomorrow.
00:34:42You'll be staying at my place.
00:34:45Excuse me?
00:34:48Excuse me?
00:35:02So, you want me to move in to help you with your fears?
00:35:07I don't know why, but whenever you're around, I feel a bit better.
00:35:17Okay. Let's start with a consultation.
00:35:21Why are you so afraid of roses?
00:35:24I don't really want to talk about that.
00:35:26Damien, if I'm going to move in here, you have to confront your fears.
00:35:39When I was eight, there was an incident.
00:35:44So, whenever I see roses, I just... I tense up.
00:35:53There's plenty of guest rooms. You can pick whichever you like.
00:35:59Okay. If I agree to do this, you have to agree to listen to me and do whatever I say.
00:36:06Okay. Yeah.
00:36:09I trust you.
00:36:23Will this work?
00:36:25Yes. It's called exposure therapy. Just a little bit at a time.
00:36:43Good luck, Damien.
00:36:53Lucas! Sofia!
00:37:00Who did this?
00:37:02Uh, it was my idea.
00:37:05And I did it.
00:37:08You two, stay out of my set for the rest of the day. Okay?
00:37:24I'm so fond of roses.
00:37:26You didn't know? He's a cancer.
00:37:28They're known to be cold on the outside and warm on the inside.
00:37:32Sir, these came for you.
00:37:34Also, this is my favorite brand of rose essential oil, and it's discontinued.
00:37:39And this is my last bottle, but you deserve it more than I do.
00:37:43Sir, these are the most popular brand of plush roses. No thorns and never whipped.
00:37:48Oh, God.
00:37:50Keep it together.
00:37:52It's a thousand days to go.
00:37:56For desensitization training purposes.
00:38:04Oh, this is great.
00:38:06Oh, this is...
00:38:08Oh, this is good.
00:38:13Oh, this is...
00:38:15Oh, this is good.
00:38:17Yeah, this is good.
00:38:30I believe the results speak for themselves, sir.
00:38:34I believe the results speak for themselves, sir.
00:38:37...against roses is significantly better.
00:38:40You're welcome.
00:38:42Now let's tackle your nyctophobia.
00:38:45As an all-powerful CEO, how are you still afraid of the dark?
00:38:57You know,
00:38:59this isn't so bad.
00:39:03Ah, but I can't smell what you had for dinner tonight.
00:39:06Is that, uh...
00:39:08blue cheese...
00:39:10garlic? Is that garlic bread?
00:39:12What did you have?
00:39:13Hey, it was Lucas who was eating all that food, not me.
00:39:16All right, training's over.
00:39:20Well, um, you need more practice.
00:39:28You should be in bed.
00:39:30What do you think of Sophia?
00:39:33Nothing in particular.
00:39:37It doesn't take someone with a genius IQ
00:39:39to realize how you smile more around her.
00:39:42This isn't adult stuff,
00:39:44so go to bed.
00:39:46Can you stop treating me like a kid?
00:39:48I'm serious.
00:39:50Like, what are you gonna do about Eleanor Hilton
00:39:52when they find her?
00:39:54I'll figure it out.
00:40:10Oh, hey. What are you doing up?
00:40:12I couldn't sleep.
00:40:14I was on my way to the kitchen,
00:40:16but I saw you out here.
00:40:18I don't know what to do.
00:40:21I don't want to interrupt.
00:40:23It's okay.
00:40:25What do you want to say?
00:40:32I just wanted to thank you.
00:40:35Like, for everything.
00:40:38You're welcome.
00:40:40I told you, anything is possible
00:40:42as long as I am around.
00:40:44Yeah, yeah.
00:40:47This is for you.
00:40:51Oh, my scarf.
00:40:53Thank you.
00:41:00The Duchess of Cavendish.
00:41:03I know nothing can replace your mom's necklace,
00:41:10I figured this could be something, right?
00:41:13You remembered.
00:41:16Thank you.
00:41:27I've been, uh...
00:41:29just a little tired.
00:41:31But you'll probably get to bed.
00:41:34Have a good night.
00:41:39Good night.
00:41:45Good night.
00:41:55Yeah, it's not the right time yet.
00:41:58I wasn't able to break up my engagement
00:42:00with the Hilton family,
00:42:02and I'll finally be able to tell you
00:42:04how much you mean to me.
00:42:13The rose prince himself might be Wiltine.
00:42:16Have they found the person who posted the photos?
00:42:18Seems to use multiple accounts
00:42:20with different IP addresses to post the photos.
00:42:23Keep digging.
00:42:26Sir, Mr. Clint has called for an emergency meeting.
00:42:29I'm afraid he can't make it.
00:42:31I'm afraid so, too.
00:42:33Sir, Mr. Clint has called for an emergency board meeting.
00:42:37Of course he has.
00:42:39That old sack of bones
00:42:41is always looking for a way to undermine me, huh?
00:42:43Let's go.
00:42:45Is this affair the reason why
00:42:47the engagement has been postponed?
00:42:49Stay tuned to find out.
00:42:53This latest scandal is...
00:42:57Investors have lost confidence
00:42:59in the new product rollout.
00:43:01We need a captain who can turn this ship around
00:43:03and ride it for good.
00:43:05Clint, now when you say
00:43:07we need a captain to turn this ship around,
00:43:09you don't mean you.
00:43:12Do you, Clint?
00:43:14Nice of you to join us, Damien.
00:43:16Yes, now that you mention it,
00:43:18I do mean me.
00:43:20You're not doing anything about it.
00:43:23Look, I fully understand the crisis we're in.
00:43:26I have a responsibility as being CEO of this company.
00:43:29I'm going to solve whatever's going down here
00:43:32and get Rookwood back on track.
00:43:36Will you?
00:43:38Well, hotshot,
00:43:40tell you what, let's start with this.
00:43:42Your assistant, Sophia,
00:43:44I've done a little investigation.
00:43:46Turns out her entire identity
00:43:48is a fabrication.
00:43:50You are getting conned,
00:44:00I'm junior.
00:44:02Look, I'm going to get to the bottom of it, okay?
00:44:05No, the time for talk is over.
00:44:08It's time for action.
00:44:10Do you realize what happens
00:44:12when the Hiltons arrive here?
00:44:14They're on their way now.
00:44:16If we ruin this relationship,
00:44:18we are sunk.
00:44:20And so is your new project.
00:44:22The last time, Sophia and I are employer and employee
00:44:25synchronized now.
00:44:27Speak of the devil.
00:44:29What are you doing here?
00:44:31Who let her in here?
00:44:32Don't you know this is a private meeting?
00:44:34Somebody remove this imposter.
00:44:37And who the hell are you?
00:44:39Allow me
00:44:41to formally introduce
00:44:43Miss Eleanor Hilton,
00:44:45the first and only daughter
00:44:48of the Hilton family
00:44:51and Mr. Damien Root's fiancée.
00:44:58Are you serious?
00:45:01What is this?
00:45:03My father tracked me down
00:45:05when he saw the photos that were leaked.
00:45:08And I just wanted to come by
00:45:10and tell you that I was leaving.
00:45:12That's all.
00:45:14So go on.
00:45:16Let go of me, Mr. Root.
00:45:20As you just said, we were just employee and employee.
00:45:24As you just said, we were just employee and employer.
00:45:27It's as simple as that.
00:45:40Now that you're back,
00:45:43you will prepare for the wedding.
00:45:45Do you understand?
00:45:51Keep a close eye on her.
00:45:57So if Sophia is Eleanor Hilton,
00:46:01then they won't be getting married soon.
00:46:05Daddy, what am I gonna do?
00:46:14Baby, you let Daddy take care of this.
00:46:22Sophia and I are employer and employee.
00:46:26It's as simple as that.
00:46:31Oh, my God, Eleanor, is that you?
00:46:35What are you doing here?
00:46:37Oh, my gosh, I haven't seen you since high school.
00:46:39Yeah. Do you mind if I...
00:46:43I mean, how have you been?
00:46:45I've been good. How are you, darling?
00:46:47I've been good. It's good to see you.
00:46:51Sophia, I need help organizing these docs.
00:47:01Jeez, God.
00:47:03Mr. Brew, we have to go.
00:47:05You have a lunch appointment.
00:47:09So I heard a rumor that you are getting engaged
00:47:12to Mr. Brew, the scaredy cat.
00:47:15Is that true?
00:47:17He's not a scaredy cat.
00:47:20Well, I mean, if you ever regret the engagement,
00:47:24you know I'll always be waiting, right?
00:47:27Thanks, Nicholas, but I have no intention of doing that.
00:47:30Oh, no, it's okay.
00:47:32How's your food?
00:47:34It's good, yeah. It's like...
00:47:37Don't you have something to try?
00:47:40You know, I just love the pasta here.
00:47:42Do you mind if we join you guys?
00:47:44I'm sure they don't.
00:47:50Thank you.
00:47:52You're welcome.
00:47:55Wine, that's very romantic.
00:47:58Sophia, or should I call you Eleanor?
00:48:01Mrs. Brew, maybe.
00:48:03You know, the whole thing was a little confusing to me.
00:48:06Mrs. Brew.
00:48:07It sounds good to me.
00:48:09Excuse me.
00:48:12Is that where I should be going, Eleanor?
00:48:14What do you want?
00:48:17Why do you keep avoiding me?
00:48:20Out of respect for my boyfriend, Damien.
00:48:25Look, we both know that we are just getting married,
00:48:30and I don't want to ruin it for you.
00:48:33I don't want to ruin it for you.
00:48:36I don't want to ruin it for you.
00:48:39We both know that we are just getting married for our parents, okay?
00:48:43There's nothing real between us,
00:48:45so if you wouldn't mind respecting my privacy, like adults.
00:49:07Remember, this is just a contractual marriage, okay?
00:49:11This pre-wedding trip is just for us.
00:49:14Yeah, you don't have to remind me.
00:49:16Oh, I forgot to mention, I brought a guest.
00:49:19What a coincidence.
00:49:20So did I.
00:49:34This is so beautiful, darling.
00:49:39I'm getting a little burned up here.
00:49:41Here, let me do it.
00:49:42Oh, thank you.
00:49:44No problem.
00:49:46It's so hard to reach my back.
00:49:48I know, it's the hardest part to get.
00:49:51Get the extra clout.
00:49:52Yeah, I appreciate it.
00:49:58I'll be back.
00:50:01Thank you so much.
00:50:02Yeah, no problem.
00:50:03You always got, you know, skin cancers.
00:50:06SPF 50.
00:50:10Oh, is that coconut?
00:50:12Let's go get a drink, Nicholas.
00:50:19We need to talk.
00:50:21Meet me at the bar, 9.30.
00:50:24What does he want?
00:50:29Nicholas, what are you doing here?
00:50:31I heard there's a dance party at the resort bar tonight.
00:50:35Sounds fun.
00:50:37I can't, I have plans at 9.30.
00:50:39Oh, come on.
00:50:40Come on, just one dance.
00:50:41If I can't, we'll go somewhere else.
00:50:43I can't, I have plans at 9.30.
00:50:45Oh, come on.
00:50:46Come on, just one dance.
00:50:47If I remember correctly, you were pretty killer at that dance arcade machine.
00:50:53Can't believe you remember that.
00:51:00This brings me back to senior prom.
00:51:03We were dance partners back then, too.
00:51:05Oh, right.
00:51:32Is something wrong?
00:51:36I'm sorry, Nicholas.
00:51:37I can't finish this dance with you.
00:51:38I gotta go.
00:51:53Just go up to her.
00:51:54Just tell her how you feel.
00:51:55Just call her names.
00:51:59Hey, Eleanor, it's Damian White.
00:52:01She knows my name is Damian White.
00:52:03Express myself.
00:52:04I'm not a robot.
00:52:07I can't.
00:52:10I can't do this.
00:52:13I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't.
00:52:16I can't.
00:52:35I'm gonna do this.
00:52:43I swear I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind.
00:52:49How dare you leave me down there waiting alone?
00:52:51I mean, what, you couldn't send me a text?
00:52:58How dare you leave me down there waiting alone?
00:53:01I mean, what, you couldn't send me a text?
00:53:03You said 9.30.
00:53:05Yeah, well, you were dancing with Nicholas, so I don't know what to tell you.
00:53:08What dance?
00:53:09Look, just get it over with. What's going on between you two?
00:53:16I just, I brought him here because...
00:53:22I don't need to explain myself to you.
00:53:24Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:53:27Are you asleep yet?
00:53:29Is Rose here?
00:53:30No, no, I don't know why she's here.
00:53:36Rose, um, what are you doing this late?
00:53:43Oh, I know this might not be the best time, but there's something I really need to get off my chest.
00:53:54There's something I really need to get off my chest.
00:53:58I like you, Damian, and I know this might not come as a surprise, but I really need an answer from you, and then maybe I can try and move on.
00:54:10Rose, you're a really sweet girl, but I'm not your guy. It's not me. I'm sorry.
00:54:22Oh, it's okay. I'm gonna go.
00:54:33You confuse me.
00:54:34Okay, what is that even supposed to mean?
00:54:36Why did she say those things at the shareholders meeting?
00:54:40What things? What are you talking about?
00:54:42How we're just employer and employee. That's as simple as that.
00:54:46Look, I said those things to protect you. Clint is not the best guy, and he will do anything to drag my name, and now yours, and I just couldn't let that...
00:55:06Do you remember that night in the garden?
00:55:13I like you.
00:55:16I really like you.
00:55:23Will you marry me?
00:55:33You never told me the story behind the scar. What happened?
00:55:39When I was eight, I was kidnapped.
00:55:47No matter how much I tried to get out and I struggled, I just kept taking the thorns into my wrists and my hands.
00:55:57Ever since then, that's why I've just been so scared of the dark and blood and roses.
00:56:08I'm so sorry, Damien.
00:56:13But I think I'm getting better. I feel like I'm not afraid anymore.
00:56:18I'm so sorry, Damien.
00:56:22But I think I'm getting better. I feel like I'm not afraid anymore.
00:56:30And that's because of you.
00:56:35I've spent my entire life living in fear, and now...
00:56:44I feel like I see a bright future.
00:56:48And I promise you, I'm not going anywhere, no matter what the future holds.
00:57:09I never thought I'd miss this office.
00:57:12Hey, I've always wanted to ask you, what does that mean?
00:57:15Another classic game.
00:57:17Yeah, it's meant to be a countdown towards my retirement.
00:57:21When Lucas comes of age, I'll hand everything over to him and retire early.
00:57:27Poor kid.
00:57:29But that's great for me.
00:57:37This is...
00:57:39I figured it was time for one of your own.
00:57:41No, no, I want the whole spiel, come on.
00:57:44Yes, really.
00:57:49Damien, you irresponsible ass!
00:57:51What are you even talking about?
00:57:52You got my Rose pregnant!
00:57:55Excuse me?
00:57:57What are you talking about? You know, I'm tired of you.
00:58:02If it wasn't you, then who was it?
00:58:09If it wasn't you, then who was it?
00:58:12Stop, stop, stop. Father, stop, please. This is all a misunderstanding.
00:58:17You're standing up for him? After all he's done to you?
00:58:21Dad, please.
00:58:23Rose, you should be resting.
00:58:26I'm okay, Nick.
00:58:30Dad, this child has nothing to do with Damien.
00:58:38You too.
00:58:41I'm sorry, Mr. Hunt.
00:58:43No, don't be sorry.
00:58:46Dad, Nicholas and I fell in love and we plan on having this child.
00:58:51Please, give us your blessing.
00:59:02I'm sorry.
00:59:06It's all right.
00:59:08And also, congratulations.
00:59:11When did this all happen?
00:59:14Since the resort trip.
00:59:16I know this is fast, but he's the only one that actually listens and understands me.
00:59:21It's the same for me.
00:59:23I guess we have you two to thank.
00:59:28I'm sorry.
00:59:30I have some bad news.
00:59:38Corporations releases substandard perfume product.
00:59:41It's all over the media.
00:59:42And whoever's behind this provided a test report from a third party company to back up their claim.
00:59:48Damien, you need to make a statement now.
00:59:53Do you want to schedule an interview with Mr. Three?
00:59:58Don't worry. Just leave the rest to us.
01:00:04Do you want to schedule an interview with Mr. Three?
01:00:08Don't worry. Just leave the rest to us.
01:00:14If we can find any discrepancies, we can use them to refute these claims.
01:00:18Look, the creation times and the modification dates of these evidence files aren't matching up at all.
01:00:23What does that mean?
01:00:27It means these files have been tampered with.
01:00:31Wait, I know this laboratory.
01:00:38Isaac, what can you tell me about the Nexus Laboratory?
01:00:47Welcome everyone. This is your evening segment of News Truth.
01:00:51Tonight's guest, Mr. Damien Brut.
01:00:55Let's get down to business, Mr. Brut.
01:00:57The burning question everyone wants answered.
01:01:00Did you release subpar perfume products?
01:01:04Beer Corporation is dedicated to providing the finest quality products to its customers.
01:01:10Our IT experts identified that sample as faulty,
01:01:14as the metadata did not add up with our server records.
01:01:18But how do you respond to the board of members planning to impeach you right now?
01:01:25No further comments.
01:01:34Eleanor, my connections at the Nexus Lab told me the lead researcher's name is Cassandra Schuller.
01:01:40Cassandra Schuller?
01:01:44Why does that name sound familiar to me?
01:01:47Thanks, Isaac.
01:01:51Can you do me a favor and look up Cassandra Schuller?
01:01:55Can you do me a favor and look up Cassandra Schuller?
01:02:02She seems to be involved in a scandal with Clint Hunt?
01:02:07Wait, she's Clint's mistress.
01:02:11That slimy bastard.
01:02:14Is he the one behind all this?
01:02:24Damien, Locus and I found something you're definitely going to want to see.
01:02:30What is it?
01:02:31Take a look at these emails between Clint Hunt and Cassandra Schuller.
01:02:37Of course it was him.
01:02:39He's holding a conference right now.
01:02:44Let's go.
01:02:52We were able to establish a clear pattern of negligence and for that reason,
01:02:58I'm prepared to state that Damien Brute is unfit to fulfill his position as CEO of this corporation.
01:03:05So the board and I have demanded that...
01:03:07Hold it.
01:03:09I just love calling meetings.
01:03:12Look, Clint Hunt has been providing false samples to his connected Nexus Labs
01:03:17and using those negative results to drag Brute Corp through the mud.
01:03:25Is that so?
01:03:27What proof do you have?
01:03:31Let's just face it.
01:03:46Now this is defamation.
01:03:48You can't prove any of it.
01:03:52Well, we both know why you did.
01:03:55And we found conclusive evidence that you have significant debt.
01:04:00Mr. Hunt, would you care to comment on those accusations?
01:04:06take those documents, make them public or...
01:04:10you can retire early.
01:04:12Given your years of service, I won't take any legal action.
01:04:27Now, given your years of service,
01:04:31I won't take legal action.
01:04:34We'll see about that.
01:04:37Mr. Brute, in the midst of this scandal, are you still able to put your faith in your employees?
01:04:43Of course, I have full faith in all our employees.
01:04:47And we just sent a new batch of authentic samples to the lab for new test results.
01:04:54I believe those results will speak for themselves.
01:04:57Thank you.
01:05:02Should we find a scheduled date to get married?
01:05:04Of course. Maybe this time it'll actually happen.
01:05:08Oh, maybe if you don't run away first.
01:05:22How do I look?
01:05:24Gorgeous, I know.
01:05:26I mean, you look...
01:05:28absolutely stunning.
01:05:44What, Lucas, is our affection making you uncomfortable?
01:05:47I can support your coupling without having to visualize it in the third dimension.
01:05:52What? Get away from me! No!
01:06:09I still think we should have gone with roses.
01:06:12Are you trying to sabotage my wedding?
01:06:14Are you trying to sabotage my wedding?
01:06:20I'm leaving my brother to you.
01:06:22Take care of him.
01:06:26I promise.
01:06:45Oh, Lucas, did you forget?
01:06:53Damien, Eleanor's missing.
01:06:56Oh, I sure don't know where she is.
01:06:57I'm not joking, okay? I gave her her bouquet and I left it.
01:07:00And when I came back, she was gone and the bouquet was just a mess on the floor.
01:07:03Okay, don't mess with me right now.
01:07:04I don't know where she is. I'm serious.
01:07:26Oh, good morning, Sophia.
01:07:29Sophia, right?
01:07:31I should have known it was you, Clint.
01:07:34Come to think of it, you were probably the one that kidnapped Damien when he was a kid, weren't you?
01:07:39Very good.
01:07:41You know, he's pretty screwed up from that.
01:07:44Bit of a coward.
01:07:45I wouldn't expect him to come in on a white horse to save you, though.
01:07:49But in the next 24 hours, the board will install me as the CEO of the Brute Corporation, as it should be.
01:07:58You just hold tight.
01:08:00People change, Clint.
01:08:02You're the real coward.
01:08:05Speaking of change,
01:08:07you know the Brute Corporation used to be the Hunt Corporation?
01:08:12My great-grandfather started it and Damien's father, that bastard, stole it from my family.
01:08:18It should be my company!
01:08:20It would have been your company if you didn't gamble it all away.
01:08:30Can you stay right there and shut up?
01:08:35Clint, you're angry.
01:08:39Goddamn right I am.
01:08:41I hear that.
01:08:43But you and I both know that you're not a coward.
01:08:48You're not going to hurt me, and you're definitely not going to hurt her,
01:08:53because you're clearly in trouble, and I...
01:08:59I can fix that.
01:09:01Hey, slow, slow.
01:09:16That's all you got?
01:09:20Sorry, that ain't enough.
01:09:24I've always wanted to think about all this.
01:09:26You leave Rose out of this!
01:09:29You've already destroyed our lives!
01:09:31You destroyed your own life!
01:09:33Shut up!
01:09:59Are you okay?
01:10:03Oh, God.
01:10:04You're going to be okay.
01:10:05Help is on the way.
01:10:07I'm sorry I got you into any of this.
01:10:10No, don't worry, don't worry.
01:10:11Someone's coming to help us, okay?
01:10:19You're not going to die on me, are you?
01:10:21Damien, it's true.
01:10:23You are not going to die on me, okay?
01:10:25We haven't even gotten married yet.
01:10:27Please, Damien, please.
01:10:30Somebody help!
01:10:51The police have captured Glenn.
01:10:53Thank you.
01:10:58How long have you been here?
01:11:00I've lost count.
01:11:02You need to get some rest.
01:11:05What if he wakes up?
01:11:06Eleanor, even the doctors don't know if he's going to wake up.
01:11:12He's going to wake up, okay?
01:11:13He will, I know he will.
01:11:15Just trust me.
01:11:17He will.
01:11:24Damien, can you hear me?
01:11:30Nurse, someone come in here!
01:11:43Where's Damien?
01:11:44He asked me to be here.
01:11:45Here's the information for the meeting you need to attend today.
01:11:47Shouldn't you be handing these to Damien?
01:11:49Oh, can you actually buy me a bouquet for them?
01:11:52It's their one-month anniversary.
01:11:54They didn't tell you?
01:11:56They went on a trip.
01:11:59When are they getting back?
01:12:00Their return date is uncertain.
01:12:03Damien's handed down all responsibility and asked me to pass this note to you.
01:12:13Dear Lucas, by the time you see this note,
01:12:16you'll be on your way to the Maldives.
01:12:18Don't miss us too much.
01:12:20Have fun being the new CEO of the Bruton Health and Corp.
01:12:23Love, Damien and Eleanor.
01:12:30Holy shit.
01:12:31I didn't even set up.
01:12:37Do you really think you can handle all this?
01:12:39The Brut Corp and Health and Virtue?
01:12:42You worry too much.
01:12:44This is the same kid that told me his IQ score is 160 when he first met me.
01:12:49You can handle it.
01:12:51Yeah, you're right.
01:12:53In that case, you know the first thing I want to do when we get there is...
01:12:57Have a...
