Embark on a magical adventure with Netflix's romantic comedy series, Miss Night and Day, directed by the renowned Lee Hyung Min. Watch the captivating 'Office Superhero' clip from Season 1, featuring a stellar cast including Choi Jin Hyuk and Lee Jung Eun. This series blends romance and mystery in a mesmerizing way. Stream Miss Night and Day now on Netflix and experience the enchantment!
Miss Night and Day Cast:
Jung Eun Ji, Choi Jin Hyuk, Lee Jung Eun, Yoon Byung Hee, Jung Young Joo and Baek Seo Hoo
Stream Miss Night and Day now on Netflix!
Miss Night and Day Cast:
Jung Eun Ji, Choi Jin Hyuk, Lee Jung Eun, Yoon Byung Hee, Jung Young Joo and Baek Seo Hoo
Stream Miss Night and Day now on Netflix!
00:00I typed it myself.
00:04All of this?
00:06Of course.
00:23This is how you're going to pay me today.
00:30I like it. I like it because you're here.
00:32I've been waiting for her for so long.
00:35I'm sorry.
00:46It's all done.
00:49He told me to do it by 12, so I did my best.