1970s Almond Joy candy TV commercial - (sharing is over rated - when it is YOUR CANDY)

  • 2 days ago
1970s Almond Joy candy TV commercial - (sharing is over rated - when it is YOUR CANDY)


00:00You know, I'm never going to swing this.
00:05That little hand of hers is bound to sneak over here for some of my candy.
00:08It'd be more of a drag, though, if this was just one bar, but Almond Joy is two pieces.
00:13I know that hand's coming over any minute, and whatever happens, I still get a whole
00:18thing of chocolate, coconut and almonds to myself.
00:22Enjoy it, baby.
00:25Peter Paul Almond Joy.
00:27You can share half and still have a whole.
