Jennie: Lady Randolph Churchill (1974) British Biographical Miniseries E#04

  • 3 months ago
#churchill #miniseries
Randolph's erratic behavior is a reflection of his illness. Jennie and Kinsky love each other with passion but Randolph needs Jennie in his final moments. She goes away with Randolph knowing that Kinsky will finish their relationship.
Lee Remick as Jennie Jerome
Ronald Pickup as Lord Randolph Churchill
Warren Clarke as Winston Churchill
Cyril Luckham as Duke of Marlborough...
00:57Minister is offering his supporters a bride
00:59This is what he says this is what he says if you vote for the second reading of the Irish home rule bill a bill
01:07Which you do not approve of in your hearts and which you disbelieve
01:12Vote for this bill
01:13I cannot any rate promise you that for the next 12 months at least you will not be sent back to your constituencies
01:27This is the noble policy of the right honourable gentlemen and the noble motives by which he appeals to Parliament
01:35Vote for anything you like you are committed to nothing
01:44What then they are committed to home rule certainly
01:53Prime minister surprises me
02:00Does he contend that by voting for the second reading of the bill members can be committed to it
02:12Mr.. Gladstone to the principle of the bill yes
02:25Jenny he's done it
02:29Will let me also
02:31Thank You Francis
02:34I'm sorry. I couldn't come earlier, but the Duchess was there, and you know how suspicious
02:39She is besides it was all really very exciting Randolph's almost certainly brought down the government again
02:44I thought he did that last year
02:46Oh, but this time Gladstone will have to go to the country and he'll be trounced utterly trounced
02:50And we'll be in with a proper majority and Randolph will be prime minister. Oh, but I
02:57Congratulate you well, so you should
02:59May not be very exciting for you Charles, but for us it is you know very
03:04I'm sorry
03:06I was being selfish. I was thinking how busy you will be
03:10Well, I expect I'll find a few hours free from official duties
03:18He looked a little I thought under the weather when I saw him in Paris
03:22He's all right. He lives on his nerves. That's all this will buck him up. No way and he only lives for politics
03:28There are other things to life you know not for him
03:34But does he provide them for you
03:39Well we're utterly broke if that's what you mean, that's not what I mean
03:48Charles I must go. I shouldn't have come at all, but I did want to see you again. Did you have a good time?
03:55My mother was a reproachful as usual. She thinks it's pure selfishness in me not to marry
04:00My father caused it a responsibility
04:03Wikinski's come for a very long line, you know father to son. I
04:07Wish you didn't go away so much. I
04:10Need you then stay. Oh, I can't I'm sorry Randolph will be waiting down
04:17Good night, darling
04:32I've got a tremendous new line for my election address Jenny the Liberals will never forgive me
04:37I'm going to attack the grand old man for being far more old than grand. Oh, is that fair? Oh, no, of course not
04:44Well, I'm going to say that he's he's only insisting on home rule now because he thinks he's going to die
04:49It's just to gratify the ambition of an old man in a hurry
04:53You're almost as wicked as he is himself
04:55Impossible he's base. He's
04:58Nefarious I am simply
05:03Well, then you better go to bed
05:06Well, I'd be in bed now, but I wanted to talk to you
05:10Really, I never know when I shall see you these days
05:13Randolph I'm not always
05:16At the house or my club
05:19Or in Paris. Yes. Well our lives just don't seem to coincide as much as they did do they?
05:27Anyway, I wanted to tell you about my campaign. Well, tell me then there isn't going to be one
05:31I shall address what my revered leader calls the uninstructed populace of my own borough and then
05:38If you don't mind, I'll I'll push off till it's all over
05:45Where to this time?
05:47Well, Tommy Trafford's invited me to Norway up some unnavigable fjord miles from the nearest post office. Just what I want
05:54Bags of salmon he says if anyone asks
06:00Even your mother
06:04You can tell her that I am preparing myself for the onerous task of governing the country
06:08Anyway, I'll be back by the time we get the full results in if Salisbury protests tell him it's doctor's orders
06:15You didn't tell me you'd been to see dr. Roos. Well, I expect you weren't here. No, I wasn't
06:21Anyways, a splendid quack recommends holidays for everything. Hmm
06:26Well, I'd better get to bed
06:33Yes, yes
06:38Yes, I just felt faint for a moment good night see you in the morning
06:54You're very late my dear
06:59We've missed you
07:01We're trying to find a suitable office for Randolph Charles. What do you think the war office? Of course?
07:08We saw belligerent Duchess
07:11He should be here now fighting for himself
07:14It's really too bad going off the timeline. Jenny should never have allowed it. Jenny wasn't consulted
07:21What office would you like Randolph to have? Oh the Treasury, of course so we could lay our hands on some money
07:29Economy it was never your strong point my dear. I
07:34Wouldn't have thought it was exactly Randolph's either. You ought to be here, you know
07:38He will be at the end of the week. Oh good. I hope he's fit again. We've all been rather worried
07:44Lord Salisbury will start worrying when Randolph gets back
07:58Thank You gentry good night my lady good night
08:02Good night my lord
08:19Is dr. Ruth pleased with you darling after your holiday I
08:24Salisbury is making me
08:26Chancellor of the Exchequer
08:29Chancellor how marvelous and leader of the House of Commons. Oh
08:36Darling I'm glad you're pleased because it's all you're getting good night
08:52When can you found the time he's always so busy he says he is he says he's always at his club or at the house
08:58Laney he must have been lying and lying to me and all the time. I've been flirting with Charles. He's been
09:03Who can it be? How can I've been so stupid to flirt? Oh Laney for God's sake. You don't know what I've been going through
09:10He won't even speak to me
09:16Well, do look on the bright side you have got Charles Charles has nothing to do with it. Are you sure Jenny?
09:24I'm very fond of him and he's very fond of me, but
09:28We're nothing more. I swear
09:30And Randolph's always told me when he thought I was you know
09:34He's never said anything like that about Charles. He likes him. Oh, it's not bad. It's another woman. I just know it is
09:40I can't think who
09:42Of course, he does say he doesn't like fine ladies. It's just a try to shock you. He doesn't mean that
09:47Well, he told me he preferred him
09:49Rough sort of woman. Oh nonsense
09:52Anyway, what were you doing talking to him about things like that? Oh, that's all rubbish
09:55I tell you he's in love with someone now. He wouldn't fall in love with a tart. It's not what they're for
10:00Perhaps one of his men friends would know I
10:03Couldn't ask them. You know how men stick together
10:06There's always the Duchess
10:08Well, he wouldn't tell her she might know though. Oh
10:12I couldn't go to her. She'd triumph over me and lecture me. Anyway, she hates me
10:18Have you spoken to Charles about it?
10:20Well, I didn't offer myself to him as some poor humiliated woman really Lanny
10:24I thought you'd be some help. If you will try and run two men at once. Oh, don't criticize me. I want help.
10:30I think you're too proud altogether. Go away
10:33Well, if you won't talk to Charles and you won't talk to the Duchess, there's only one other person who can help you darling
10:44Go away
10:48Said go away
10:52Darling can't we even discuss it? Am I to have no peace in my own house?
11:00What's happened
11:02Jenny I
11:04Do not wish to be disturbed get out and leave me alone
11:09Get out
11:12Get out
11:20He's doing so well
11:22Everyone is so impressed
11:24Arthur says his moderation in the house has been I
11:28Simply can't understand it. Some awful woman's got all of him. I'm quite sure that's
11:33Well, what else could it be? Why would it be?
11:37You quite sure you've told me everything I mean nothing could have got to his ears
11:46I'd love to make mischief Jenny, especially if I may say so that smart heartless set you go about with
11:52Some of them would be very glad to see you humbled. I have no doubt
11:55He's another woman
11:58He's really very fond of you in his heart, I know he is he was
12:08Would you like to speak to him I
12:12Don't think he'd ever talk to me again if he knew I'd been to see you
12:14I just thought maybe you might know something which I
12:19Of course you should have come to me and I'm very glad you did I
12:25Nothing directly, of course, I won't even hint but
12:35I'm going to give you just one little piece of advice
12:39You must keep your troubles to yourself Jenny. You have such a tell-tale face
12:45You mustn't let people know there's so much wrong as the shadow of a shrimp.
12:49But I'm trying!
12:51And another thing
12:53You are clever and and young and attractive
12:58Now you must give up that set you see so much on you
13:01Well, life can't be all pleasure
13:04Racing flatting and gossiping. You must sacrifice yourself to the task of winning him back
13:11They're his friends too. Well some of them perhaps but
13:14Randolph is only a step from being Prime Minister now
13:18Neither he nor you can afford friends like that any longer
13:22Who am I supposed to see then?
13:24Well you have your children
13:27My dear you must accept this with patience
13:32Study the domestic virtues for a change. Stay at home. Don't go out so much
13:41My heart aches for you
13:44You mustn't mind what I say. It's only for your own good and because I love you
13:49And I know that Randolph loves you too
13:53The session went quite well I think
13:56Troubled from the Irish of course but
14:00We handled them quite well
14:04As to the future Mama I really don't know
14:08The goat, the foreign office...
14:10Randolph please. You should be above those schoolboy nicknames now
14:15You forced him to go to the Lords. You should be magnanimous in victory
14:20With Lord Iddesley at the foreign office we have no foreign policy
14:24Really I don't think I shall be able to stay in the cabinet if he does
14:27My dear Lord Iddesley is old and slow and you are quick and young
14:31But he has served a very long time and you have not
14:36You must establish yourself as Chancellor before you start to take on your own colleagues
14:42I can't wait for them all to die Mama
14:44You're only 37. You must consolidate your position
14:49Position? I have no position. Not with this lot
14:56They'll never wear my budget I can tell you that now
15:01I'm cutting income tax. They'll like that but to do it
15:05I have to cut expenditure as well and the only place to do that is the war office
15:08And they're a bloodthirsty lot who want more money not less
15:14They'll never wear it
15:16Well you must fight for what you want of course but
15:19Politics is all a matter of compromise as you know perfectly well
15:26Politics is gambling Mama. The only difference is the thrill is more and the prizes are greater
15:31That is not a very statesmanlike attitude Randolph
16:06It's only one job worth having. You play for that or nothing
16:11My dear I do beg you not to attack your own colleagues
16:16People will never trust you if you're always against things and never for them
16:21I'm for things Mama
16:24The next throw of the dice will be at Deptford next week
16:28I'm putting forward a whole new plan of social reform
16:31Together with my ideas for complete alteration in foreign policy
16:35I don't know what the cabinet will think of it. At least you'll see what I'm for
16:44May I see your speech?
16:47I haven't finished it yet
16:49Deptford? I suppose Joanie will be going with you
16:54She may be
16:57How is she?
16:59She seemed rather down in the dumps when I saw her
17:02I expect she's been going through the bills
17:09It's charming
17:11You must feel better
17:13I don't. I don't know why. It's always worked before
17:16I don't understand Jenny why you're taking Randolph's defection so hard
17:20I had hoped you might think it made life altogether easier
17:25Oh did you?
17:27Anything that drives you out of his arms and into mine
17:30And I'd have hoped you wouldn't talk like that Charles
17:33Cynicism is so easy and boring and ordinary. I'd have thought better of you
17:38My dear I'm not one of your woman friends
17:40I have no woman friends
17:42Well you're beautiful. You must expect that
17:44In any case I should have thought it made life very much simpler
17:48Well you're wrong. It doesn't
17:52My dear I quite understand
17:54Your pride is dreadfully hurt because you think there's another woman
17:58Of course there is
18:00Is there?
18:02A man can love a woman for so many years
18:05Just accepting it. Not thinking about it
18:08Letting it go on from day to day
18:11And then suddenly he realizes not only that he doesn't love her anymore
18:16But that he hasn't loved her for years and he's furious
18:20He feels cheated
18:22He turns on her. He says terrible things
18:25Because he's so angry with himself
18:28That's just what you want to think. It's not like that really
18:31Randolph does still love me
18:33That's what you want to think
18:36I would say that all the evidence is against you
18:41And you're delighted of course
18:44Should I be sorry?
18:47You want too much Jenny
18:50You couldn't go on running both of us forever
18:54Why fight?
18:56Why not let Randolph go?
18:59Because he's mine
19:02And I never give up anything that's mine
19:06I've told Salisbury I can't go on
19:09They refuse to accept my cuts in the army estimates
19:12But Salisbury will never wear that
19:14It's all right. I've worked it all out
19:16If he refuses my resignation then my budget goes through
19:19And my position is stronger than ever
19:21If he accepts it the government will fall
19:34You'll smash the Tory party
19:36Well I never liked it
19:38It certainly never liked me
19:40My dear Wolf it's now or never
19:42Gladstone has neatly split the Liberals for and against Home Rule
19:46There is now a solid party of Liberal Unionists
19:49To whom I can bring an equally solid party of Tory Democrats
19:52For the first time in my life I shall have some congenial political allies
19:56If Salisbury accepts my resignation I fully expect to be back in office within a month
20:01Supported by a new centre party with all the old muffs on both sides
20:04Stuck out in the wilderness forever
20:08It's brilliant
20:10It's dazzling
20:14And what if Salisbury can do without you?
20:18Then I'm ruined
20:22I'll take up racing
20:27Good morning my lady
20:29Good morning Gentry
20:32Thank you
20:35Thank you
21:04Quite a surprise for you
21:18It's mad
21:20He had everything to look forward to
21:23Such a waste
21:30Oh it's you
21:34There's something you must deal with
21:36If it's a bill I can't
21:40It's from an American journalist
21:43He wants to know if there's any truth in the rumour that our marriage is broken up
21:50Leave that here
21:53Little swine
21:59All right I'll see to him
22:05It's something I'd like some information on myself Randolph
22:11I'm sorry Jenny it hasn't come off
22:13I'm sorry
22:15I'd like some information on myself Randolph
22:20I'm sorry Jenny it hasn't come off
22:23What hasn't?
22:25The resignation. The government goes on without me
22:27I was sure it couldn't but well there it is
22:31I wasn't talking about your resignation
22:38I know you weren't
22:45I'm sorry
22:51You haven't been very kind to me these past few months Randolph
22:57I know I haven't
23:00Was it because you were planning this?
23:02You didn't trust me you thought I'd tell everyone
23:05Oh no it's nothing to do with that
23:07There's no connection none whatsoever
23:11Then what is it?
23:14You can tell me
23:20I don't think I can
23:25There is nothing you have ever done that you need be ashamed of with me Randolph
23:34If only that were true
23:38Tell me
23:40You'll see
23:46Dr. Roose has warned me
23:48You're ill?
23:50It's not certain
23:52He says it's only a possibility
23:57I may not have very long to live
24:01You couldn't tell me?
24:04Darling I'm the one to be ashamed
24:06Well I would have told you of course
24:09If it was certain
24:13But you're all right
24:15Roose says
24:17And the boys
24:19There's nothing wrong with any of you
24:21It's only me
24:23And it may not be true
24:25You know what doctors are they don't know what they're doing half the time
24:29Well what is it? What's wrong with you?
24:41They think I may have syphilis
24:46So now you know
24:58Why ever didn't you say?
25:02My dear dear dear Randolph
25:22When I first married
25:24When I came to England to live
25:28I thought it would be all
25:30Racing by day
25:32Parties at night
25:34Everything easy
25:37Everyone loving
25:40But I never dreamt it would be like this
25:43Or that it would all be perfect
25:45When you're young you don't know what perfection is
25:49You have to struggle for things or they're not worth having
25:53How do you know? What have you ever had to struggle for?
25:57Thank you Frances
26:01I've had to struggle for you
26:03I came very easily
26:05You did not
26:07In the end
26:09I hope you're not one of those men whose interest is really in the struggle and not in the victory Charles
26:15Men do get bored with what they've won sometimes don't they?
26:18Not when one has to spend one's entire time defending it
26:23I want constant guard my dear
26:25I wonder who against?
26:30No one has ever really quite conquered you
26:33Or ever will
26:36I know my danger
26:39You want more freedom than any man will willingly let you have
26:45Yes I suppose I do
26:54You're impossible
27:01You're impossible
27:14Playing with your soldiers Winston?
27:17Field manoeuvres Papa
27:20I see
27:22I see
27:25This is a British infantry division
27:28And this is a cavalry brigade attached
27:32Very good
27:34Very good
27:37Who's the enemy?
27:39Oh Jack I let him have all the coloured troops
27:44No artillery I see
27:46Well no
27:48Britain must win Papa
27:52Of course
27:57I think it's very impressive Winston
28:01Very impressive indeed
28:05I'm a bit short of transport that's the only trouble
28:11I expect the Chancellor of the Exchequer has insisted on a reduction in expenditure
28:20You seem keen on the military Winston
28:22I am Papa
28:24Like to go in the army yourself?
28:27Well we must see about getting you into Sanctist when you leave Eton
28:32I'm at Harrow Papa
28:35Didn't I say Harrow?
28:37No you said Eton
28:38Well whichever it is we must see about getting you into Sanctist when you leave
28:43Thank you Papa
28:47Good then
29:04Where have you been?
29:05Playing the piano for the Primrose League
29:07You should have seen them
29:08Your mother sends you love
29:10Oh and I had lunch with HRH he sends his regards
29:12Very decent of him
29:14I thought you were off to Scotland
29:19Look here
29:21I've been talking to Winston
29:22Oh dear what's he done now?
29:24Something that I know of
29:26He was showing me his soldiers
29:28Oh you are good he's been dying to
29:30Seemed keen on the army
29:34I think you'd better go in for it don't you?
29:36Not clever enough for the bar I don't see what else he can do
29:40Well I'll write to the headmaster then
29:44Are you doing anything tonight or shall we dine together?
29:49Oh that would be very nice
29:53Off to the club now
29:55Oh Randolph
29:57Shall we take Banstead again this summer they want to know
29:59The boys love it so
30:01And with Newmarket so close it means we could all be together
30:03All right
30:05But I shan't be there much
30:09I thought I'd go and have a look round South Africa
30:11That's where things seem to be happening these days
30:13They certainly aren't here for me
30:15Oh darling
30:17You mustn't be depressed
30:19There's an awful lot of people who'd like to see you back in the government
30:21Ah no chance of that I'm afraid
30:23Once you're out of the cabinet
30:25You're not worth a bit more than any other member of parliament
30:27I knew that when I resigned
30:29But when this government's out and you leave the opposition again
30:31Souls will go on forever
30:33All those dreadful ninnies makes me sick
30:35Oh I meant to tell you
30:37Someone at Daisy Brooks was being catty about you the other night
30:39Saying how glad he was
30:41There were no fireworks in politics these days
30:43Thank God
30:45So I said when you're in pitch darkness
30:47People are glad of fireworks to show them the way
30:49That shut him up
30:55You're awfully good to me Jenny
30:57Why should I be anything else?
30:59Other women wouldn't be
31:05See you this evening
31:11Squeeze the trigger gently
31:13Don't pull
31:15It must hit the bull
31:17When you're in a tight spot
31:19You must always hit the bull
31:23Now we measure out the distance
31:33He's nice with the children
31:35Oh yes
31:37He'd make a wonderful father
31:41Well since Randolph's never here he gets plenty of practice doesn't he?
31:43What does Randolph say?
31:45He's bought some shares in a gold mine
31:47Oh I hope it's full of gold
31:49Oh so do I
31:51Our finances don't bear thinking about
31:53That you don't think about them darling
31:55Is quite obvious from your clothes
31:57Well I'm not going to show everyone I'm poor
31:59By going about in rags Leonie
32:01Of course not but must you go to worth always?
32:05Freddie how nice
32:07You said I could come with you to look round Randolph's stable
32:13Well sit down we won't be going for a minute yet
32:15Charles is teaching the boys to shoot
32:19I'll go and get ready
32:21Excuse me Freddie
32:23Yes of course
32:35One more round
32:41Would I?
32:43Don't order me about
32:45You flirt with every man that comes into this house
32:47Would you rather I flirted in the garden?
32:49If you're tired of me you only have to say so
32:51I am tired of being spied on and being told what I can and cannot do
32:53And treated like a wife yes
32:55If you'd like me not to come back to England after my royal tour with the Archduke
32:57You only have to say so
32:59There are other embassies
33:01Oh don't be so pompous and silly
33:03I haven't stayed single all these years Jenny
33:05Just to be one of your admirers
33:07I can't help it if people admire me
33:09I can't encourage them
33:11Oh you're absurd
33:13And you're faithless
33:15If you only knew how boring you are when you make scenes
33:19When I get to Vienna
33:21My father will present me
33:23With a list of suitable heiresses
33:25And beg me
33:27With tears in his eyes
33:29Oh yes real tears
33:31To gratify my mother's dying wish
33:33How very touching
33:35What will you do take a pin?
33:37Is that what you want?
33:39You can do whatever you like
33:43Very well
33:45Oh Charles for heaven's sake
33:47I have no son
33:49It means nothing to me but to my parents
33:53I wish with all my heart I could have your child
33:57You know very well that while Randolph's still alive
33:59That means nothing to me I want you
34:01Not children
34:03But if I can't have you
34:05I think you're being perfectly childish
34:07But if it will make you any happier
34:09I'll just tell Freddy not to come here again
34:11He amuses me
34:13Which is more than you do at the moment
34:15But if you insist
34:17It would make me happier if I felt you'd stick to it
34:21If you don't trust me that much
34:23Perhaps you'd better take your pin
34:27Randolph was never as jealous as you are
34:29Even of you
34:31Perhaps he should have been
34:33My dear Jenny
34:35I do believe you've lost your nerve
34:37You're just like keeping several men dangling
34:39I have to think about the future
34:41Oh the future
34:45Randolph's so much worse
34:47Since he got back
34:49And we haven't a penny really
34:51Another few years
34:53I may be on the streets
34:55Well I shouldn't think
34:57It'll quite come to that darling
34:59Little house in St. John's Wood perhaps
35:01Not the streets
35:05If Charles isn't going to
35:09Oh Leonie
35:11I'm so frightened of the future all alone
35:13What do you really feel Jenny
35:15Do you still love Charles
35:19I care for Charles
35:21The way some people care for
35:23Drink or opium
35:27Well in the end
35:29They want to give those up don't they
35:31It's all been so happy
35:33These past few years
35:35Why can't it go on just as it has
35:37Why do I have to decide
35:39Jenny just how long
35:41Has Randolph got to live
35:43Nobody knows
35:45Awful even thinking
35:47Of it like that
35:49Poor Randolph
35:53Poor Jenny
35:55I thought you'd be pleased Papa
35:57Because you just
35:59Scraped into Sandhurst
36:01At the third attempt
36:03And not even into the infantry
36:07What a slovenly performance
36:11You've always been
36:13Phenomenally slovenly
36:15Hair him
36:17Scare him
36:19Happy go lucky
36:21I don't think I've had a single good report of your conduct
36:23Since you went to school
36:25After all the advantages
36:27You had
36:29All the efforts that have been made
36:31To make your life easy and agreeable
36:33This is the grand result
36:35You come up among the second
36:37And third rate
36:41Only for the cavalry
36:45Which means I may add that I shall have to
36:47Find another two hundred pounds
36:49A year for you at least
36:51I'm very sorry Papa
36:53I'll do my best honestly
36:59Where's your watch
37:01Why aren't you wearing
37:03The watch I gave you
37:07It's at the Menders
37:09Brand new watch
37:11At the Menders why
37:15I dropped it
37:17Dropped it
37:23A valuable watch
37:29You can't even be trusted
37:31With a decent watch
37:39If you don't look out
37:43You'll be nothing better
37:55A social
37:57A social
38:03One of hundreds of
38:05Public school failures
38:09Degenerate into a
38:11A shabby
38:15Futile existence
38:17And it'll be all
38:19Your own fault
38:21I take
38:23No responsibility for you
38:31Winnie you must have realised
38:33By now that
38:35Papa is very seriously ill
38:37But he's so unreasonable
38:39I was jolly pleased
38:41I got in his hall
38:43You must try and make allowances
38:45He doesn't mean to be unkind
38:47He can't help himself
38:51Well I think he's very unhappy
38:53He talks to everyone like that
38:55Even to you
38:59Now look
39:01I think you've done extremely well darling
39:03And I'm delighted really I am
39:07But the thing is
39:09Papa is rather unreasonable
39:11If you have any difficulties
39:13You'd better come to me if you see what I mean
39:15I was going to ask him for an allowance
39:17Everyone else has one
39:19But I just didn't dare
39:21Well it's a very good thing you didn't
39:23We're very hard up Winnie
39:25We have to sell the house
39:29Where will we live?
39:31Well we're going to move in with the Duchess
39:33Oh no
39:35I say things must be bad
39:37Yes you're old enough to know they are
39:39Very bad
39:41Which is one reason why Papa
39:43Is so cross all the time of course
39:45You must understand
39:47I'm going to rely on you
39:49To be sensible
39:51And helpful
39:53And try not to annoy Papa
39:55Of course
39:57His speeches haven't been
39:59Very good lately have they?
40:01I wondered why
40:03We'll get over it I expect
40:05The one place he really enjoys going
40:07Is the House of Commons
40:09There are
40:13There are
40:17Arguments that
40:19Can be
40:21Argued against
40:27Of the Government
40:33Of the Government
40:37In the first place
40:47In the first place
40:49I lay down
40:51That there is
41:01For this motion
41:05At this time of year
41:15And I have a right to speak
41:17On this subject
41:19I have a right
41:21I have a right
41:25My parliamentary memory is
41:31Extending over twenty years
41:35And is also
41:37Very active
41:39And I have a right
41:41To speak on this subject
41:45I have a right
41:51To speak on this subject
41:59Can't you persuade him to stay away?
42:01Oh my dear
42:03We've tried
42:05I've tried
42:07The Duchess has tried
42:09We've even tried together
42:11But he's almost impossible to talk to
42:13What did the doctors say?
42:15Oh holidays holidays
42:17What did doctors ever say?
42:19you know all his friends feel the same such a very sad end to a great career
42:26he's well Rosebery says he's dying by inches in public
42:36what can I do?
42:38I don't know
42:40couldn't you persuade him to go around the world?
42:46for a year
42:50until he dies
42:54well you'll have a lovely time I'm sure
42:58it will be absolute purgatory
43:00oh I don't know
43:03you can meet an awful lot of people going around the world you'll be able to
43:05have a flirtation in every port
43:10oh I see
43:13somebody's told you about Freddy
43:17how quick one's friends are to spread good news
43:20I gather you did a good deal more than flirt with him while I went around the world
43:27Freddy told me a lot of lies some of them about you and I believed them
43:33if you hadn't gone off and left me you promised me not to see him again
43:36well I did see him and I wish to god I hadn't
43:44after what I've been through these past few months I'm a very sober woman I promise
43:48why should I believe that?
43:51can't you tell?
43:54I thought you knew me pretty well by now
43:58I don't want you to go with Randolph
44:00I didn't want you to go with the Archduke
44:02that was a matter of duty
44:03well you don't suppose this is a matter of pleasure do you?
44:06but he's mad
44:08and you're not at all a suitable attendant for a lunatic
44:14Charles I love you so
44:19and I hope after all this horror is over
44:25I hope you'll ask me to marry you
44:30I'd marry you tomorrow if I could
44:33I thought it was obvious I'm sorry I have to say it
44:36but neither you nor anybody else would ever respect me again if I let him go alone
44:44Charles must wait
44:49I've waited and waited while you betrayed me
44:52god knows how many times and god knows how many people
44:57I'll never betray you again
44:59you expect too much of me old girl
45:02don't call me that
45:03well I'm not when I'm this young anymore are we?
45:06you can call me callous cruel anything you like but don't go
45:12oh for god's sake Jenny
45:16what's our life become?
45:21I want you
45:24you must stay
45:28oh Charles
45:32oh god if only I could
45:42we should never have come to Rangoon at all
45:47dr Keith he did so long to see Burma
45:52he did annex it you know
45:55well do you think he knows where he is?
46:00he knows he's here I'm sure
46:03he's calmer don't you think?
46:05lady Randolph I'm afraid it's the beginning of the end
46:08my professional advice is to go home at once
46:12and your personal advice?
46:14if you want him to die in England
46:18shall I give the orders?
46:19yes please thank you
46:29oh Winston
46:32Count Kinski is going to be married
46:35Countess Metternich's your gracht
46:39oh I am glad
46:42your mother will be very pleased
46:44everyone will be
46:46we can still stop it it's not too late
46:49nothing's impossible Annie
46:50darling the wedding's in two weeks
46:52but Randolph might very well be dead by then
46:56besides he doesn't love her she doesn't love him
46:59and we get on so well together and the boys adore him of course we must stop it
47:03he said you left him no choice
47:04that's nonsense I'd be faithful I'd be everything he could ever want
47:08I'd never flirt with another man again ever really
47:14you do realize don't you that Charles is the only man I could ever start life again with
47:21and he does love me
47:24I'm afraid he does
47:28God and I've lost him
47:37and it's all my own fault
48:50how are you?
48:55but all right I think
48:58glad it's all over to tell you the truth
49:02you've been splendid
49:04really splendid
49:06it all went on so long
49:10and there were other things
49:14but I did try to do my duty anyway Winnie
49:18I'm awfully sorry about Count Kinski
49:24that's very kind of you
49:26I liked him a lot
49:29he was always very kind to Jack and me
49:35well now what do we do Winnie?
49:39you and Jack are the only two people I have left
49:43we'll manage
49:47would you think it terribly wicked of me if I
49:51didn't stay in London the next few months
49:56I feel like I've been in mourning so long already
49:58what do you want to do?
50:02when you're in the dumps
50:04the best thing to do is
50:06have a party
50:08I thought I might go to Paris
50:12why not?
50:18you know Winnie I think you might turn out to be quite nice after all
