Hearthstone: Murder at Castle Nathria | movie | 2022 | Official Trailer

  • 3 months ago
Sire Denathrius, the ruler of venthyr, was accused of causing an anima drought in the Shadowlands. He thought a nice gat | dG1fQTYwZnR1RXd2bEk
00:00Welcome to Revendreth, in the darkest of seasons, where ruthless eyes gawk for horrific reasons.
00:17For a hidden hand has struck me down with such ruthlessness, so deep and profound.
00:29Then he comes with his Molokian scowl, to uncover the truth of murder most foul.
00:42The anima drifts across the floor, highlighting the creatures who walked through my door.
00:49The motives are as black as night, avarice, power, revenge, and blight.
00:59We watch the hero uncover the clues that lead to the truth behind this dark ruse.
01:11Join us here, with the grim and impious, choose your path without heavenly bias.
01:19For at the end, they will burn in the fire, when it is known who slayed Denathrius the Sire.
