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Adobe Dimension is a 3D Mockup tool which is a part of Adobe Creative Cloud. In this course, you will learn how to work in a 3d environment, import 3d models, add in textures, render and export final outputs.

In this video lesson, we will learn about Adding and Modifying Text in Adobe Dimension.

You can access the entire Adobe Dimension Course in the following playlist:
00:00So now let's see how we can work around with text inside of Adobe Dimension.
00:10So to work around with text over here on the left hand side, you can see that text is an
00:15So if I were to go around and click right here, then it simply adds in a text over here
00:20in the 3D environment, as you can see right here, that you can go around and drag around
00:24and keep it wherever you want.
00:26So you can see that this is the text right here.
00:29And if I were to go around and then select out this text right here, then you get the
00:33text properties.
00:35As with any other objects, you can see that you can work around with scale right here
00:38just like this.
00:39And then you can work around with other options like rotation and size and so forth right
00:44here as per how you like.
00:46Over here on the bottom, you can go around and type in whatever you like.
00:50Let's say for example, you can go around and type in daily motion right here just like
00:55Or I'm going to go around and say simple tutorials right here just like this.
01:01So if I were to go around and do that, you can see that this is what I have.
01:05So now you can go around and change around the type of font that you are trying to use.
01:10Like you can go for a different type of font right here as per how you like.
01:14So let's say for example, I'm going to go for Hobo STD right here, which is more of
01:18a funky font right here.
01:20Apart from that, you can see that you can go around and then choose the different type
01:23of typefaces as well according to what is supported and you can change around the spacing
01:29right here and then the vertical spacing as well if you have vertical spacings applied.
01:34So let's press enter and there you can see you can change around the spacing in between
01:40the letters around over here as well.
01:41So drag it up and this is what you have as you can see.
01:44And this is a 3D shape as you can see right here.
01:47You can work around with the size right here and you can even work around with the depth
01:51right here and that is what you have with the text as you can see right here.
01:54So you can have more of a depth.
01:56You can enable the bevel to actually go around and smoothen out the edges as you can see
02:01right here.
02:02Just like this.
02:03And there you can go around and choose different type of bevels like you can choose a more
02:06round bevel, you can choose a convex bevel right here, you can choose a stock bevel as
02:11you can see right here, classic outline right here, round bevel and so forth.
02:16Square bevel right here and square outline.
02:19So let's just go around onto round right here and you can see that it is more like simple
02:23and you can change around the width as well just like this of the bevel right here.
02:27So you can see that that is what you have.
02:29You can make it more popped out and so forth.
02:32You can change around the angle as well of the bevel right here and then you can even
02:37go around and repeat out the bevels multiple times to create an effect like four times
02:41and eight times and so forth right here.
02:44So let's just go around, make it two times right here and then that is what you have.
02:48So that is what you have as you can see right here.
02:50So bevels are applied as you can see right here.
02:53So let's just go around over here, select the bevel and then I'm going to repeat it
02:58let's say two times right here just like this.
03:01And apart from that, you can also have a bit of space as you can see right here between
03:05the bevels as well to get that particular effect but I'm just not going to keep any
03:10space and this is what you have as you can see.
03:13So this is how you can go around and work around with text, add in elements and of course
03:17if I were to go around and add in some different type of materials right here, then you get
03:23this particular effect right here.
03:25So let me just go around over here, add in let's say darken effect right here and then
03:30this is how it actually looks right here.
03:33So this is how you can go around and work around with text and inside of Adobe Dimension.
03:39So I hope you found this video useful.
03:41So be sure to comment on what you think about it.
03:44Be sure to hit the like button and don't forget to share this out with your friends and family.
03:49And for more contents like these, do follow Simple Tutorials.
