Falling For My Divorce Lawyer Full Movie

  • 3 months ago
Falling For My Divorce Lawyer Full Episode Full Movie
00:00:00You work too hard.
00:00:10Why don't you put that down and let me be your doctor?
00:00:15Reminds me.
00:00:16Go see a patient in a little bit.
00:00:19Do you have to?
00:00:20Oh my god, I just had sex with you last week.
00:00:32Give it a rest already.
00:00:33But I was just trying to-
00:00:36You know, you are so fucking needy.
00:00:39I should prescribe you something like that.
00:00:41You know, most men would be happy if their wives had a sex drive.
00:00:47How many times do I have to tell you?
00:00:49I'm not a personal sperm bank.
00:00:52Your mom is breathing down my neck about getting pregnant.
00:00:55Yeah, well, tell her to fuck off.
00:00:56I don't even want kids.
00:01:19I thought that was the end.
00:01:20You are sleeping with Ashley?
00:01:21She is my best friend.
00:01:22Ding, ding, ding, ding.
00:01:23She finally figures it out.
00:01:24I'm done.
00:01:25I want a divorce.
00:01:29We both know that's not possible.
00:01:38Sweetie, when are you going to come, give up this silly lawyers gig and run your fathers
00:01:45That's not a gig mom.
00:01:47I run the biggest law firm in the country.
00:01:50For a few silly million a year,
00:01:52you're chasing pennies, sweetie.
00:01:56Yeah, well, all about the money.
00:02:09I should have let that asshole go.
00:02:17You summoned me?
00:02:27I didn't think you'd come.
00:02:29Bitch, please.
00:02:30I'm not afraid of you.
00:02:32How long have you been sleeping with my husband?
00:02:35Does it matter?
00:02:36He doesn't want you, OK?
00:02:39Get over it.
00:02:41But we were BFs.
00:02:44Ride or die, we lost school together.
00:02:46And we went to law school together.
00:02:48Yeah, you stole my spot for the scholarship.
00:02:52So now I'm taking your husband.
00:02:55Payback's a bitch, isn't it?
00:02:57Listen, bitch.
00:03:02Hey, get your hands off of her.
00:03:04How long have you been such an asshole?
00:03:06You are literally crazy.
00:03:08That voice sounds like Ashley.
00:03:11You slut.
00:03:12Get that screaming girl out of here.
00:03:14Yes, boss.
00:03:18FYI, I fucked him before coming here.
00:03:21Ma'am, let's go.
00:03:23Excuse me?
00:03:25Do you know who I am?
00:03:26I will literally sue the fuck out of you.
00:03:49Looks like a bad night.
00:03:52Not interested.
00:03:54I didn't say I was either.
00:04:06What's this, then?
00:04:08To us.
00:04:09And making bad decisions.
00:04:27Oh, I'm not going to take this.
00:04:30Last call, folks.
00:04:3210 minutes.
00:04:34It declined.
00:04:38You got another card?
00:04:43Put her drinks in.
00:04:50It's on me.
00:04:52Thank you.
00:05:04I've had a really bad day.
00:05:11Someone as beautiful as you shouldn't have any bad days.
00:05:34I want your eyes on me.
00:05:52I'm still married.
00:05:55But we're long.
00:05:58What the hell is this?
00:06:01We're long.
00:06:02What the hell is this?
00:06:03Ding, ding, ding, ding!
00:06:04She finally figures it out!
00:06:06Fuck them.
00:06:07I want this.
00:06:10It's all over.
00:06:58You know, I think I liked you better without the sheet on.
00:07:02So do you want a break?
00:07:03I, uh...
00:07:05I can't.
00:07:16Oh, my God.
00:07:17I can't believe I slept with him.
00:07:20What got into me last night?
00:07:23Still, that was the best night of my life.
00:07:27Be strong, woman!
00:07:29Get rid of Jerry officially.
00:07:31Then you can have irresistibly hot men
00:07:34who actually let you fish.
00:07:46Of course.
00:07:47I find the perfect girl, and she's married.
00:07:58Oh, God!
00:07:59Why doesn't my freaking key fit?
00:08:02I need a shower and a change out of these clothes.
00:08:22Oh, stop. It's so cold.
00:08:31They have the nerve to do it in my bed?
00:08:36You scumbag.
00:08:39Wait until the lawyer sees this.
00:08:41I'll get everything in the divorce.
00:08:50Shit, shit!
00:08:51Did you hear something?
00:08:54You bitch!
00:08:59Get back here!
00:09:04Change the fucking locks.
00:09:06How'd you break in?
00:09:07You can't in my own house.
00:09:08Oh, the fuck I can.
00:09:09You want a divorce?
00:09:10Get the fuck out of my house!
00:09:17You fucking deserve that, bitch!
00:09:27Take your stingos with you.
00:09:31I'll be here when you decide to crawl back and suck my dick.
00:09:54Is everything all right?
00:09:57I raised you.
00:09:58I know when you lie.
00:10:03Who's the girl?
00:10:23That can't be right.
00:10:24What the hell?
00:10:25I'm completely broke.
00:10:30He locked me out.
00:10:32For 59, I can't even buy a Happy Meal.
00:10:44Maybe I'll get a drink at the pawn shop.
00:10:51Oh, my God.
00:10:54This is embarrassing.
00:10:59Hey, you forgot this.
00:11:01You know, when you were cheating on your husband.
00:11:05Oh, no, it's not like that.
00:11:07I can explain.
00:11:10Look, I don't know what games you're playing, but count me out.
00:11:13I don't mess with people's marriages.
00:11:15I'm not playing any games.
00:11:17So you're just playing me.
00:11:18Can you just let me explain?
00:11:20No, because I know exactly what happened.
00:11:23You're a housewife.
00:11:24Let me guess, husband works too much?
00:11:26Maybe he came home late one day, and you decided to go on a wild, erotic adventure.
00:11:30You know nothing about me.
00:11:33You know what?
00:11:34I don't have to explain myself to you.
00:11:47Oh, my God.
00:11:49You're a lawyer?
00:12:11So you want a divorce?
00:12:16Things aren't working out.
00:12:19You got to do better than that.
00:12:20I mean, marriage isn't a rental lease.
00:12:24Getting into a rut isn't a good enough excuse.
00:12:27I don't need you to mansplain my marriage to me.
00:12:31You have no idea what I've been through.
00:12:36So fuck you for assuming the worst just because we night together.
00:12:40And fuck you for not hearing me out just because I'm a housewife.
00:12:43If this is the type of lawyer you are, I'm better off without you.
00:12:51Look, I'm sorry, okay?
00:12:55That was totally unprofessional, and I'm not usually like this.
00:12:58Look, I...
00:13:00Just what?
00:13:02I just freaked out, okay?
00:13:09Because I thought you were the one.
00:13:12Look, my point is, give me another chance, okay?
00:13:15I was an asshole.
00:13:24My life is falling apart.
00:13:27My mom's in the hospital.
00:13:29My dad offed himself in bull.
00:13:32And my husband is cheating on me with my best friend,
00:13:35and that's not even what pushed me over the edge.
00:13:47Your husband beats you?
00:13:57I didn't want to tell you.
00:13:58I didn't want to tell anyone.
00:14:03I'm gonna kill him.
00:14:05No, I'm gonna fuck him so hard in court,
00:14:07I'll never be able to walk again.
00:14:15Here, write down your number.
00:14:18I can't take your case.
00:14:20It's a conflict of interest.
00:14:24It's not ethical to take on clients that you're having sex with.
00:14:32I'll let someone at my firm take it, though.
00:14:34Come back here tomorrow.
00:14:38You can, uh, pay me once you get your settlement.
00:14:51What the fuck is she doing here?
00:14:59Who is that?
00:15:01Meet Jerry, my dear husband.
00:15:05And that's the woman-
00:15:06Listen, boss.
00:15:07You should know that this woman is a nutjob,
00:15:09and her father's a thief.
00:15:11The firm is taking Jerry's case.
00:15:14Ashley's boss is a hunter?
00:15:17Oh, God.
00:15:18Should I tell him Ashley's the homewrecker?
00:15:23I just met the guy.
00:15:25He won't take my side.
00:15:27You need to get you and your trash bag out of here.
00:15:33Ashley, you need to apologize to my aunt.
00:15:37That's not possible.
00:15:39I've already, Siri.
00:15:48Now it's void.
00:15:49Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:15:50You can't do that.
00:15:51It's my firm.
00:15:52I can do whatever the hell I want.
00:15:54Listen, bud.
00:15:55She doesn't have any money, all right?
00:15:56So she can't pay you.
00:15:58Oh, she will when I'm done with you.
00:16:02Ashley, get Mr. Graves out of my sight.
00:16:07You won't win, you fucking bastard!
00:16:09Suck my cock!
00:16:26Do you need a ride?
00:16:29I have no place to go.
00:16:31I'm locked out of my house.
00:16:33Thanks to Jerry, I've got no friends.
00:16:37My mom's in the hospital.
00:16:41Um, no.
00:16:43It's okay.
00:16:46I'm staying with a friend.
00:16:52Follow her.
00:17:01I can't believe my life has come to this.
00:17:07Um, can I help you?
00:17:13Do you have a free bed I could sleep in tonight?
00:17:16Mrs. Graves, what are you doing here?
00:17:19I haven't seen you since the fundraiser.
00:17:21Oh, uh, no questions, please.
00:17:24I've had a really long day.
00:17:41You can stay here for tonight.
00:17:43Thank you.
00:17:45Um, do you have a shower I could use?
00:17:48What did you think this was?
00:17:49There are no showers here.
00:18:32That's a nice bag you got there.
00:18:34What's a fancy you doing in a place like this?
00:18:36She probably stole it.
00:18:37Yeah, she probably did.
00:18:38Isn't that a birdie?
00:18:39It's a Birkin, you idiot.
00:18:42Who cares?
00:18:44It's about to be ours.
00:18:47Man, it sure is.
00:18:49Stay away from me.
00:18:50Help me.
00:18:56Hey, come on.
00:19:00Get her off me.
00:19:01It can't be.
00:19:02Somebody help me.
00:19:07Thank God you're here.
00:19:08These people are trying to steal my bag.
00:19:10What bag?
00:19:12This bag?
00:19:16Rough her up girls!
00:19:21What are you doing?
00:19:44Get your enchiladas!
00:19:46Get your fucking feet off my client!
00:19:47Here you go.
00:19:49Oh my God.
00:19:53I'm so sorry.
00:19:54How did this even happen?
00:19:56That social nurse she...
00:20:01Oh my goodness.
00:20:02What happened here?
00:20:03I think you know exactly what happened.
00:20:05Is this the kind of place you run here, are you trying to blindpedd a violet crime?
00:20:09Do you think you're a lawyer?
00:20:10This is a homeless shelter.
00:20:13happens mr. Ambrose what are you doing here I'm pulling my funding from this
00:20:19place immediately this place will be shut down mr. Ambrose what the hell did
00:20:26you do look your employee here a lot of people that visit attack and steal from
00:20:31my client we will be pressing charges do you not know who this man is mr. Ambrose
00:20:36and his law firm our biggest donor his his law firm wait wait you're as of now
00:20:45you're not associated with us any longer we will be pressing charges against you
00:20:50sir mr. Ambrose I am terribly sorry that this vicious woman offended you
00:20:56security wait I'm not the one who beat her up hey look I can explain you're
00:21:10safe now okay you're safe thank you come on let's get out of here
00:21:19how'd you know I was here I followed you why well I knew you weren't fine and you
00:21:30proved me right
00:21:49stay with me oh no I can't it's your decision but this is the only place I
00:22:04you're safe
00:22:25make yourself at home
00:22:35the maids come daily and if you need anything else just let me know you can
00:22:45wear these to bed thank you
00:23:04not until you're divorced good night Evie
00:23:35did you plan on seeing me naked sorry sorry I knocked but it's all right it's
00:24:02nothing you haven't seen before so what can I do for you sorry sorry no I know
00:24:09but I I just want to see you want a breakfast now that you mention it I am
00:24:17kind of hungry
00:24:25especially seeing you look so good in my clothes
00:24:33oh shit I'm supposed to be at the hospital I have to see my mom no time
00:24:40for breakfast hey doc she okay Jerry I've had your mother transferred to my
00:24:53care no I'm not gonna let her be under your watch don't bother I'm the head
00:25:00surgeon here Jerry let go of me
00:25:06you really think that hunter Ambrose can beat me in court Jerry I said let you
00:25:16took everything for me you would let me work or take the bar exam listen you
00:25:20bitch if you fucking try that again then some terrible accident may befall
00:25:36what are you doing speaking to my client without my presence what are you doing
00:25:50speaking to my client without my presence it's not a crime to talk to my
00:25:54wife hunter Lucy's my patient she's getting the best care go ahead check my
00:25:58records drop her and I'll pay you double to represent me she's a liar who can't
00:26:04step step away from my client I will slap you with a restraining order hmm
00:26:10your loss hey you're shaking did he hurt you hey I'm just mad at myself for not
00:26:21seeing what a true asshole he is what are these for your mom look I promise
00:26:34I will protect you from him okay and I don't make promises lightly Evie at you
00:26:41Evie yes mom it's me you're gonna be okay
00:26:48I'll wait outside this is hunter Ambrose you have a doctor by the name of Jerry
00:26:57Graves what are we doing here as good as you look at my clothes you're gonna
00:27:05need some of your own I don't have any money I'm buying besides you couldn't
00:27:12afford this place even on Jerry's salary look I have to take this all right go
00:27:18inside and pick something out we're not leaving until you do no you look lost
00:27:35you lost Walmart is across town I don't waste my time on the poor and
00:27:41unfashionable look I want Jerry Graves fired from the little effective
00:27:48immediately I don't care if I have to buy the whole damn hospital I want him
00:28:02where's your fitting room I said get out what are you deaf are you stupid I think
00:28:11we should go I'm not wanted here what the hell is going on hey new girl where's
00:28:19Antonio Pesci you're joking right mr. Pesci doesn't get called upon he's the
00:28:24one that does the calling is that so it is mr. Ambrose Antonio how can I serve
00:28:32you I need to get Evie here fitted she needs a whole new wardrobe of course
00:28:37this way miss Evie I am so sorry I did not know that you knew him why don't
00:28:47you go pour Evie a glass of champagne maybe offer a foot massage while you're
00:28:51fitting her for shoes yes sir
00:28:56you're cooking eyes up here you're the one not wearing any clothes it's my
00:29:15house I don't wear clothes need any help with dinner you just go get dressed
00:29:24dinner will be served soon
00:29:29thanks for cooking have you ever thought about opening up your own
00:29:33restaurant no I've only ever wanted to be well a lawyer wait really yeah I have
00:29:41my law degree I just have to take the bar exam I had no idea actually I was
00:29:47thinking to repay you for everything you've done I could come work for you at
00:29:53the law firm as a paralegal you wouldn't have to pay me I just want to
00:29:58learn please
00:30:03but then I'd be your boss and HR nightmare because I want you so bad I
00:30:09promise I'll do my best please you can start tomorrow
00:30:23what the hell is she doing here Evie's our new paralegal mr. Ambrose I'm glad
00:30:33you're here the Whipley's are in conference room one Ashley find Evie a
00:30:38place to work while I deal with this what the hell are you up to Evie just
00:30:44show me to my office newsflash if you're sleeping with hunter while your client
00:30:50you're putting this whole law firm in jeopardy he'll lose his license you
00:30:54selfish bitch fresh coming from someone who slept with Jerry and was gonna take
00:30:59his case you can't prove shit hmm a recording of you two having sex can
00:31:06Ashley did you get Evie settled in on it
00:31:11there's no AC in here I hope you suffocate skank
00:31:37babe she's working here now hunter hired her what the fuck that's it what
00:31:45happened some asshole called the board last night got me fired from the
00:31:48hospital and slot is fucking him listen
00:31:58we're gonna burn that bitch come in hey you called is there anything I can help
00:32:09with yeah I need you to do some research on Evie what are you wearing
00:32:22this is the office are you trying to distract me are you trying to distract
00:32:31me no it's really hot in my office
00:32:39stop being such a tease am I fuck this
00:32:48oh I knew you were a slut
00:33:09not until you're divorced you have to stop teasing me like this it's you're
00:33:16just gonna have to muster up some of that famous courage of yours or speed
00:33:20up your divorce you know gathering some evidence on your husband's infidel
00:33:30could help speed up the divorce process I know she's very sympathetic to cases
00:33:35like yours oh I actually have something that might help with that I have a video
00:33:40of him perfect send it to me I'll take care of
00:33:43it later but then he'd know it's Ashley will he still help me have you started
00:33:50studying for the bar exam you know I could help you you've already done so
00:33:55much for me not nearly enough
00:34:02didn't you say not till after the divorce I didn't say that we couldn't
00:34:08just play
00:34:14you're gonna be like two hours early for work I don't want people to think you're
00:34:25favoring me and we can't kiss at work I recall that you kissed
00:34:43mom how are you today I woke up last night and Jerry was here just standing
00:34:53in the room so strange what is Jerry up to hey welcome back how's your mom I
00:35:06have something I need to tell you
00:35:13why are you just telling me now Ashley's the one Jerry's been sleeping
00:35:24with so was Ashley at the bar that night what the hell Evie why are you mad are
00:35:32you gonna drop my case drop her case Evie what's going on in that head of
00:35:37yours I didn't tell you cuz you've known Ashley longer I thought you'd take her
00:35:43side plus it's not like I'm anyone important
00:35:55Evie I'm mad because you should have told me sooner okay you are so important
00:36:02to me Ashley can't even compare to you I hope you know that
00:36:09I do now
00:36:15there's one more thing Jerry's been hanging around my mom I think he's up to
00:36:22something don't worry I'll take care of that
00:36:28you don't have a leg to stand on Jerry this contract is your only way out
00:36:38relinquish 98% of my assets are you out of your goddamn mind I'm not gonna sign
00:36:44that I figure you'd say that
00:36:56consider your options carefully Jerry you won't win this that bitch will not
00:37:03get a cent out of me you have no idea what's coming for you I got you cornered
00:37:34oh my god there's a gas leak
00:37:57now you might buy that but the judge won't not in this district and I need
00:38:02that witness testimony by tomorrow
00:38:06I have to take this
00:38:28Evie Evie Evie I have to go
00:38:59the gas leak at your office bidding was no accident someone tampered with the
00:39:05pipes got a close the building for the rest of the day to investigate further
00:39:09but you're lucky that situation could have been much worse
00:39:14thank you
00:39:17I'm gonna find out who did this to you and I will make them pay
00:39:28you found me he saved me
00:39:44I will always find you and I will always protect you
00:39:51the doctor says you need the oxygen
00:40:02called me pack your shit Ashley why Evie's taking your office why the hell
00:40:08would I give her my office cuz you're fine why wait you don't think that I had
00:40:14anything to do with the gas leak do you did you but of course not
00:40:29I know everything now get the fuck out of my face before I make you you will
00:40:37regret this hunter you think you're the only one with evidence
00:40:45you really didn't have to do this the doctor said I was fine thanks to you
00:41:12is everything okay yes everything's fine
00:41:22what is Ashley doing here well since you got me fired I can now freely
00:41:32represent Jerry take a seat
00:41:38I'm assuming hunter hasn't seen our little photo cut the crap what do you
00:41:45want it's simple you want a divorce and I am happy to give you one if you sign
00:41:57this do you want me not to sue or take claim of any of your assets it's that
00:42:07easy if I sign this how do I know you won't use a photo against hunter oh you
00:42:18don't but I can 100% guarantee that if you don't set hunter will lose his
00:42:37stop don't sign anything I have evidence that Jerry is the one behind the gas
00:42:51back the fuck off pretty boy you don't have shit why because I didn't do
00:42:57anything but what I do have is evidence that you're fucking your slut bitch
00:43:01client so you will be losing your license your murder attempt on my
00:43:06clients will override any accusations that you throw my what are you talking
00:43:11about here
00:43:18that's Jerry cutting the gas line attempted murder clear as day
00:43:27Jerry Graves you've been attempted murder do something we have the right to
00:43:34remain silent don't worry babe I'll get you out
00:43:47hunter I don't know how I'm ever gonna repay you look we're not out of the
00:43:54woods yet okay there will be a trial and you will have to testify I know you're
00:44:01the strongest person I know and I'm in love with you what are you joking that
00:44:12wasn't quite the answer I was expecting but no I don't joke about love how do
00:44:20you feel about me I'm gonna show you instead
00:44:28what happened to no sex till after the divorce
00:44:44I'm saying mom what are you doing here mom what are you doing here you've been
00:44:59ignoring my messages and after everything I heard from Ashley I had to
00:45:03come and see how you were and you are mom this is Evie and Evie this lovely
00:45:15woman who hasn't aged a single day in the last two decades it's my beautiful
00:45:19mother you know you're I know who you are you're that embezzlers daughter it's
00:45:29been all over the news look back off okay what you think she's a good person
00:45:36really I find that hard to believe I'll come back later when she's not here to
00:45:45soar my eyes child I'm sorry about my mother no don't worry I get it I'm gonna
00:45:59what are you doing making room for you what well you're gonna need somewhere to
00:46:22hang all your clothes and put your shoes and your handbags
00:46:29and a car get around
00:46:38look I should have told my mother what you mean to me okay I should have stood
00:46:44up for you next time she disrespects you she's gonna get in here oh no I get it I
00:46:53mean who am I to define us after I'm still married plus she's your mom then I'll define
00:47:02us Evie I love you okay and I want you to be my girlfriend that is if you'll have me
00:47:10I'd like to try this on are you following me never thought I'd see you in a place where
00:47:31everything costs more than your dignity that dress is mine Oh let go you nasty
00:47:38please this is one of our finest pieces you heard her let go I would keep your
00:47:47eyes on that one I saw her put her purse
00:48:18you're right it does look better on you you bitch you bitch oh you shop here too
00:48:33hi mrs. Ambrose um I was just window shopping you really think you can just
00:48:39walk away what is going on here Oh mrs. Ambrose what a pleasant surprise you two
00:48:46know each other Oh barely Evie here is the woman involved in that big divorce case I mentioned
00:48:52what oh wait you're married and you're involved with my son oh I'm in the process of getting a
00:49:00divorce mrs. Ambrose but she's not divorced yet and he knows this yes well I guess he's
00:49:06grown enough to make his own decisions you're okay with this if you do anything to hurt my
00:49:14son you should consider leaving the country got it
00:49:36could I be pregnant
00:49:44when was my last period Oh God I had sex with Jerry a few days before the hunter I need to go
00:50:05buy a pregnancy test
00:50:23oh my god whose baby am I having
00:50:28Evie I'm home
00:50:30hi are you okay do you seem a little off no no I'm not fine I'm the exact opposite of fine
00:50:41what'd the judge say the judge is gonna give us an early trial date that's excellent news look I
00:50:49know it's gonna be hard but hey are you okay is your stomach still upset yeah it's no fever I
00:51:05wonder what's wrong look I'm gonna go make you some tea okay you focus on getting better stay
00:51:12home from work tomorrow do I tell hunter oh god what if this is Jerry's baby
00:51:18what's so important I need you to help me get Jerry off why would I ever do that
00:51:43I'm pregnant it's his and I really don't want my baby's father in jail so you're pregnant okay
00:51:53don't act so stupid does the douchebag know not yet I'll tell him what's all of the ridiculous
00:52:01charges are dropped you have no idea do you Jerry doesn't want kids all he cares about is money no
00:52:12he doesn't want kids with you okay he loves me you're delusional if hunter hadn't taken me in I
00:52:22would be homeless oh you're still so dramatic I'm gonna do everything I can to put that asshole in
00:52:31jail you'll thank me for it later I don't need saving please be hunters baby hey I'm home what's
00:52:50wrong you look upset Jerry's out on bail you don't think he'd come here do you I don't know
00:53:07but I'm not taking any chances what's going on
00:53:24I'm having the whole security system upgraded camera doors just in case
00:53:29so I saw Ashley today she's pregnant with Jerry's baby I feel sorry for whoever's having
00:53:43that asshole's kid have you ever wanted kids Evie no come on that's it I'm taking you to the
00:53:58hospital no let's go come on okay come on Hunter I'm pregnant
00:54:14all right so the blood test confirms it congratulations you're pregnant
00:54:26look yesterday when you asked me if I ever wanted kids I thought about it and if it's with you then
00:54:36yes you can take it I have some questions for the doctor how soon is too soon to get a paternity
00:54:55test oh a couple weeks you're concerned about paternity be very careful the Ambrose family
00:55:04is very powerful prenatal vitamins take one once a day
00:55:20Evie you make me so happy if it's not his baby oh I'm gonna break his heart
00:55:34I want to tell my family let's do it tonight isn't that too soon nonsense I'll arrange everything
00:55:42oh I know this what's going on you look like you accidentally chopped your Barbie's hair up
00:55:58I'm pregnant let me guess you don't know how there is how did you know because you're my
00:56:07daughter you have to tell Hunter
00:56:11you're right mom relationships can't be built on lies here it is I can guarantee
00:56:34she'll never find the tracker mr. good
00:56:37I don't know why you keep dragging me down here it's impossible
00:56:58don't waste my time we don't let in desperate trash
00:57:05leave shoot well my boyfriend has a reservation no I don't think so can you check again it's
00:57:19Hunter Ambrose you expect me to believe that you're with Hunter Ambrose you have a problem
00:57:27with that oh my god that's Hunter Ambrose I'm so sorry I'm sure you are you can pick up your
00:57:43last paycheck tomorrow I'll let the owner know so spill it you two I have a feeling this isn't
00:57:59a casual dinner you're gonna be a grandma well that is big news darling this is for you
00:58:13oh my gosh this is so beautiful Evie how do you know that this baby's my son's
00:58:31how many men have you slept with I'm gonna need a paternity test mother stop
00:58:35look I took you to dinner out of courtesy you don't start treating Evie here like a
00:58:48decent human being then you don't have to see me again either Hunter Hunter sit down now
00:58:59just a few more days just let me enjoy for a few more days
00:59:19I gotta get up I have to go visit my mom in the hospital before work I'm afraid you're gonna have
00:59:28to tell your boss you're gonna be late turn sideways I want to see that pregnant belly of
00:59:38yours mom not even showing yet bitch got pregnant just to get my money oh she'll learn though turn
00:59:51to the side I want to see that pregnant belly of yours mom I'm not even showing yet it's
00:59:59Hunter's baby I know it is are you sure that's not just what you want to believe mom you've
01:00:06got to tell Hunter I will I'll try I promise I gotta go to work hey are you almost here I had a
01:00:25question about a client I left early hello no I'm being paranoid
01:00:40did you really think getting pregnant would get more money out of me don't play dumb I know
01:00:58everything it's not your baby I know all your names get the hell away from her what's a pussy
01:01:22like you gonna do about it are you okay he punched me bastard officer there's been an attack he's
01:01:47getting away hey the police will find him okay when they do there's no way he's getting out of
01:01:54you he punched me he could have hey you're okay okay you're both okay oh we're not okay what is
01:02:11it I have something to tell you you're gonna hate me hey I'm supposed to be the one taking
01:02:24care of you at least that's what the doctor said we need to make sure back to the ER I'm fine but
01:02:32you might not be after you hear what I have to say okay I'm listening the divorce is gonna be
01:02:45harder now I'll deal with that as soon as the police in custody he knows I'm pregnant the baby
01:02:55might be Jerry's I didn't I didn't know you guys are still sleeping together I mean with all your
01:03:04problems I thought a baby would fix our marriage I was so wrong are you mad what are you asking
01:03:15Evie if I'm mad that you jumped from his bed into mine or if I'm mad that you led me to believe this
01:03:19is my kid oh I've already asked about a paternity test I could find out soon you let me tell my
01:03:34mother I'm sorry I was I didn't know what to say I was just so scared I'd lose you
01:03:50but I guess I already have
01:04:13you're the only man I ever loved
01:04:20where do we go a little one
01:04:39don't go I'm so sorry I ruined everything no I did I should have told you
01:04:49I don't care who this baby's father is in fact I don't even want to know
01:04:56this baby's mine no matter what you don't have to say that you're right I don't have to I want
01:05:06to Evie I love you marry me marry me do you mean that
01:05:28yes I mean
01:05:31just please say yes
01:05:37a hundred times yes
01:05:59what the hell were you thinking do you want to spoil everything it's a hiccup
01:06:05a respected doctor it'll blow over are you sure about that because the law says something else
01:06:11the police are literally looking for you who's a chief me or the daughter of some crook hunter
01:06:19saw you in the parking hacking her hunter's sleeping with her he's compromised well then
01:06:24I am too I'm pregnant it's your if you're wondering get rid of it what you can't mean
01:06:39that I have enough bitches trying to get after my money
01:06:54good morning I could get used to this well you deserve it
01:07:09what's this my grandmother
01:07:25now our engagements official stunning
01:07:31hello I'll be there in a second
01:07:42what's going on the doctor didn't say that's because I wanted to tell you the news in person
01:07:54well how are you feeling
01:07:58the meds are working I can go home I said you could go home if you don't strain yourself
01:08:04oh you sound so dramatic are you sure she's well enough to leave
01:08:09her blood clots have cleared she shouldn't have another stroke you're free to go
01:08:13what's this Oh hunter proposed last night yes he knows about the baby and he's fine with it
01:08:27hunter you proposed to my daughter without even asking my permission yes ma'am do it a
01:08:32thousand times again I love Evie more than anything well you have found a defiant one
01:08:39haven't you but mrs. Shelton do I have your permission to marry your daughter
01:08:46please of course I'm so excited I'll be fine here you two run off and have some
01:09:04well I told the office we aren't coming in so what do you want to do today hmm well
01:09:23we're not gonna need that we're having a baby girl you seem very sure of that I am and she's
01:09:35gonna have your eyes and do you have a name for this baby girl we're having I'm torn between
01:09:43either Gertrude or Ethel over my dead body
01:10:44that's no way to Christmas Hunter is on his way home he won't want you here good thing
01:10:54either of us will be here just like you there we go
01:11:10security cam back door
01:11:25don't worry baby I'm coming
01:11:28where am I home where you should be let me go
01:11:44when you begged please I'll give you your divorce I'll sign the papers I don't need
01:11:52any money no no no no no no it's gone way beyond money now you ruined my please this
01:12:03has gone too far let's just move on let's just move on there's no moving on until you and that
01:12:12fucking baby are dead you're a doctor you swore to heal not hurt people you are the cancer of my
01:12:21life now I'm gonna cut it out for good
01:12:32it'll make it look like a heart attack natural causes so nobody can tie it back to me
01:12:51This is where the necklace tracker shows she is.
01:12:56Are you sure?
01:12:57Here it is.
01:12:58I can guarantee she'll never find the tracker, Mr. Embrace.
01:13:02Let's go in.
01:13:04Whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:13:05Hold it right there.
01:13:06Hold it right there.
01:13:07You have the right to remain silent.
01:13:08Evie, are you okay?
01:13:09That bastard's dead.
01:13:10He's dead.
01:13:11He's dead.
01:13:12He's dead.
01:13:13He's dead.
01:13:14He's dead.
01:13:15He's dead.
01:13:16He's dead.
01:13:17He's dead.
01:13:18He's dead.
01:13:19He's dead.
01:13:20He's dead.
01:13:22Hunter's been brought in jail.
01:13:30She's a bit shaken up, but she'll be fine.
01:13:36Um, hey, there's an officer here.
01:13:38Do you mind if I go talk to him?
01:13:43Doc, I need a paternity test.
01:13:46Hunter says he doesn't want to know, but I need to know if I'm having that monseaby.
01:13:50What will you do if you are?
01:13:52I don't know.
01:13:58We'll pinch.
01:14:00Just do it.
01:14:05Jerry's in the jail being processed right now.
01:14:07And you should know, they're assigning extra guards to him.
01:14:10He's probably going to slime his way out of any charges.
01:14:14Did you forget?
01:14:16I'm the best lawyer in the country.
01:14:18Trust me, I'm putting him away for good.
01:14:22You just don't know Jerry, though.
01:14:25And you've never seen me in court.
01:14:35Get down to the police station now if you want your divorce.
01:14:44Look, I don't think it's a good idea for you to go in there alone with Jerry.
01:14:47He'll be handcuffed. He can't hurt me.
01:14:50I don't care. I don't like it.
01:14:52I have to do this.
01:14:58He's waiting for you.
01:15:10You called? I'm here.
01:15:13What do you want?
01:15:15Ashley insists that if I sign the divorce papers, they'll go easier on me.
01:15:22You seriously think a judge is going to excuse two murder attempts because you gave me a divorce?
01:15:30Don't complain. It's what you wanted.
01:15:34Give me the damn paper.
01:15:42It's more than you deserve.
01:15:44Ten percent. That's my final offer.
01:15:51I would have paid you to get out of this marriage, you asshole.
01:16:14You know, Jerry, orange suits you. I'm glad you're going to be wearing it permanently.
01:16:23This isn't over, slut!
01:16:32You all ready for tomorrow?
01:16:33I think so. I'm not looking forward to the actual trial, but I'll be so happy to be able to move on with my life.
01:16:40Soon enough, darling.
01:16:41Do you want to go over the notes for testifying again?
01:16:44I think I have something that's going to blow this whole case wide open.
01:16:49What are you planning?
01:16:52You'll see.
01:16:57You're perfect.
01:17:01Look, we are going to nail him tomorrow.
01:17:03I hope so.
01:17:06Do you remember last time we worked late like this?
01:17:08If I recall correctly, not much actual work got done.
01:17:39I'm here. He can't hurt you.
01:17:54Mr. Ambrose, call up your first witness.
01:17:56Call up your first witness.
01:18:07By the way, I quit.
01:18:14Whoa, whoa, whoa! No, no, no! She can't do this!
01:18:17Order! I will have order!
01:18:19But, your honor, there's nothing illegal about it.
01:18:21I should have you disbarred, Gibbons.
01:18:23Your honor, it is my right to call upon anyone I believe would be the best possible witness for my client's case.
01:18:29Ashley is Jerry's lawyer.
01:18:31But you heard her. She just quit.
01:18:33And she can't fucking do that!
01:18:36Despite what you may think, Mr. Graves, she's not under your control.
01:18:40It is unorthodox, but she is allowed to quit unless it violates client-lawyer confidentiality.
01:18:46I suppose she is allowed to testify against you.
01:18:49Hunter, swear your witness in.
01:18:51Thank you, judge.
01:18:52This is fucking bullshit!
01:18:53One more outburst like that and I'll hold you in contempt.
01:18:58Ms. Gibbons, is it true you are having a personal relationship with Mr. Graves?
01:19:02Yes. I'm pregnant with his baby.
01:19:04And what caused you to take such drastic action to testify against him?
01:19:08He threatened me and our baby. He needs to be stopped.
01:19:12And why did you wait until just to quit?
01:19:15Why did you wait until just to quit?
01:19:20I finally came to my senses.
01:19:22Oh, fuck you!
01:19:24Jerry! Here's your final warning.
01:19:26I have irrefutable proof that he caused the gas leak!
01:19:33I have irrefutable proof that he caused the gas leak!
01:19:36I object, your honor, on the grounds that she's a vicious liar who's just pissed she got herself pregnant!
01:19:40Your honor, I'd like to put these photos into evidence.
01:19:47I have enough to make my ruling.
01:19:50Jerry Graves, you're guilty on all charges.
01:19:54Judge, there's just one more matter at hand.
01:19:58We haven't had a judge sign the divorce papers yet.
01:20:00We were hoping you'd make it official.
01:20:03I see they're not exactly fair.
01:20:06You're right.
01:20:07And I'm going to make an adjustment based on pain and suffering.
01:20:10Evie, I'm awarding you 100% of his assets.
01:20:14It'll save you a lawsuit later.
01:20:16What? Really?
01:20:17Are you fucking kidding me? You can't do that!
01:20:20I'm the judge and I just did, asshole!
01:20:24Make sure these get processed today.
01:20:26Yes, your honor.
01:20:27This is bullshit!
01:20:29I can't believe you did that.
01:20:34Aren't you going to get in trouble if you kiss me in public like this?
01:20:37You're not my client anymore.
01:20:39Just my fiancé.
01:20:47Thanks for doing that.
01:20:48That was incredible.
01:20:51It's the least I could have done.
01:20:53I've been a total bitch to you, so...
01:20:56You have.
01:20:59But honestly, if it weren't for you, I never would have got away from Jerry.
01:21:04I know what you mean.
01:21:06He has a way of sucking you so deep into his head, it's hard to find your way out.
01:21:11Yeah, exactly.
01:21:19You two getting along? I never thought I'd see the day.
01:21:23Me neither.
01:21:24How'd you convince her to testify?
01:21:26She came to me. I'm just surprised she followed through with it.
01:21:30Come on. Let's go get these divorce papers processed.
01:21:34Yes, please.
01:21:36Miss Shelton, rumors have been flying that you're broke. How have you been affording your lawyer?
01:21:40You don't get to question my fiancé.
01:21:42Your fiancé? Hunter Ambrose is getting married?
01:21:46Take a picture.
01:22:02So where do you want to go on our honeymoon?
01:22:05I can't even think about that till after the bar exam.
01:22:08You've been studying like crazy, okay? You'll pass. You're ready.
01:22:14I hope so. I only have one more day.
01:22:33So? How'd it go?
01:22:36I passed!
01:22:37Yes! I knew you would.
01:22:41And I got an email from our doctor. He knows the sex of the baby and who the father is.
01:22:46It's a girl, right?
01:22:48You're so cocky about that.
01:22:50Open it. We'll see.
01:22:57I can't believe it. It's a girl!
01:23:06Wait. Don't you want to know who the father is?
01:23:10Okay, I don't need to know what the DNA says. Little's mine.
01:23:16Do you want to name her after my mom?
01:23:18Yeah. And I think I need to get back on her good side after proposing before asking her.
01:23:25My mom loves you.
01:23:27I know. But I think the name is perfect.
01:23:34Come on. Let's go to lunch.
01:23:46Let's go.
01:24:16I'm sorry.
01:24:17It's okay.
01:24:18It's okay.
01:24:19It's okay.
01:24:20It's okay.
01:24:21It's okay.
01:24:22It's okay.
01:24:23It's okay.
01:24:24It's okay.
01:24:25It's okay.
01:24:26It's okay.
01:24:27It's okay.
01:24:28It's okay.
01:24:29It's okay.
01:24:30It's okay.
01:24:31It's okay.
01:24:32It's okay.
01:24:33It's okay.
01:24:34It's okay.
01:24:35It's okay.
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01:24:37It's okay.
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01:25:41It's okay.
01:25:42It's okay.