Neighbours 9067 27th June 2024

  • 3 months ago
Neighbours 9067 27th June 2024
00:00Previously on Neighbours
00:02You could be a mature A student
00:03Is it fabulous being a student?
00:06And Jasmine wouldn't steal from here, she knows it's Therese's business
00:09This is having a big impact on the resident's mental health
00:11So what are you gonna do?
00:13Get it to return everything hopefully
00:14What's that?
00:18Part two of our interview with Dr Gavin Berman will drop soon
00:21Oh I bet he's enjoying that after what happened at the hospital
00:23What happened?
00:33Everybody needs good neighbours
00:38With a little understanding
00:42You can find the perfect blend
00:51Should be there for one another
00:55That's when good neighbours
00:58Become good friends
01:07Oh hi Remy
01:09You can't be in here
01:11My dad forgot to return his parcel, I thought I'd return it for him
01:14Well why didn't you leave the parcel at reception?
01:15Well I thought this is the employee record room and my dad's an employee so
01:19Oh was I wrong?
01:20Silly me, my bad
01:21Um you take it, you look really busy
01:23I'll catch you later
01:29Ah perfect timing
01:38Now are we celebrating or commiserating your first day back at school?
01:42You did great, I'll see you tomorrow
01:44Yeah see ya
01:47How's your hand?
01:50I'm making the big call
01:51I think my dexterity is finally coming back
01:54Well I'm glad your hand's getting better because your jokes certainly aren't
02:05Apparently there is an issue with JJ
02:11Yeah well it was a two-hour lecture but it just flew by
02:14There's so much to consider when it comes to the different ways people learn babe
02:18Anyway um we're gonna go have a coffee now and talk about it some more
02:22Uh who's we?
02:24Oh just a few of the gang that I've been hanging out with
02:26Okay go on, hang out with your uni friends
02:30Oh don't worry I will
02:32All right love you, bye
02:46Holly said you asked her to return it?
02:49No I didn't, did she tell you she'd taken this?
02:51No and what was she doing in the records room?
02:54Looking at a file but she left before I could see whose it was
02:58No no no you come here
03:05Please explain what you were doing at the hospital
03:07and we have shared intel so I'd recommend honesty
03:13All right fine
03:18I wanted to look up Dr Bowman's file
03:20He's on his last morning with HR, did you know that?
03:22That is a huge breach of privacy
03:24Not to mention trespassing
03:26And he's using my ID, I could be in a lot of trouble
03:29Did you not hear what I just said?
03:30Did you not hear what we just said?
03:33I don't think you thought through the ramifications here
03:35Of course I have, this gives Dr Bowman a motive
03:38He needs to turn things around fast so if he discovers the mystery poison
03:42then suddenly he's the big hero and everybody loves him again
03:47It's just a lot of assumptions
03:49It doesn't excuse stealing my ID
03:51I gave it back
03:52And breaking into the records office
03:54and accessing highly sensitive workplace information
03:57Okay well excuse me for trying to get a criminal off the streets
04:06Remi I'm terribly sorry
04:08So am I
04:10Carl I'm gonna have to report this
04:13Yes I understand
04:17What were you doing?
04:18I was putting the stolen things back
04:20I didn't take them
04:23Yeah I know how that sounds but it wasn't me
04:24Right it was Jasmine and her mates
04:25that got a key made after Jane left hers in the door
04:27Wait what? Jasmine is Nell's friend Jasmine?
04:30Yeah they've been stealing from the residence
04:32Not Nell though but others in the gang
04:34You know like the um the tuba, the shoes, credit card details
04:37knocking over Susan, that was all of them
04:39But except it was you that I caught with the stolen goods and the key
04:42Yeah well that's because I made Jasmine give it to me
04:44You can ask your sister about that
04:46I did and she denies it
04:48And I can't seem to find pictures of teenagers with stolen goods online
04:52Yeah they would have deleted it
04:53Um Dex can back me up you can ask him
04:56What he saw all this?
04:57Yeah he saw me at school on my way to talk to Jasmine
05:00But did he see you talking to her?
05:02Or did she say anything to him?
05:04Not really um
05:05So he can vouch that you're on school grounds
05:08Well yeah yep
05:10Would Nell be able to support you?
05:12No because Nell thinks that Jasmine would never do something like this
05:15If you knew it was Jasmine why didn't you just say so?
05:18After what happened with Slade?
05:19Yeah plus I didn't want to risk everything getting thrown out
05:21And I didn't want to upset Nell either
05:24I just thought that this was the easiest way to make everyone happy
05:29You know how well I get along with the residents
05:30As if I would want to steal from them
05:32Plus I'm on a diversion program right now
05:34Exactly taking matters into your own hands was not the right way to deal with this
05:38And look I'm inclined to agree with Nell
05:39I know Jasmine
05:41I know that she wouldn't be involved in something like this
05:43You um you do have a track record
05:45She doesn't
05:46You can't think that I knocked over Susan at least then
05:49I can't rule that out
05:50Therese I'm telling you the tru-
05:54I'm telling you the truth
05:57I don't know what to think anymore JJ
05:58Except that I'm sick of always ending up here
06:05What's next?
06:07Well I'll have to inform the residents
06:09I don't know what to do
06:11Well I'll have to inform the residents
06:14And the police
06:17And JJ's job?
06:19Suspended immediately
06:21Pending further investigation
06:34Oh great then
06:36What happened to the coffee?
06:37I thought I would take my break with my lovely family
06:40Aww she still wants to hang out with us
06:43Even with all those new cool uni friends
06:52I don't have any uni friends
06:56Well then who are you meeting for coffee?
06:59No one
07:00Have my breaks alone
07:01Sit in class alone
07:03And nobody even knows my name
07:04And then I had this shoot this afternoon
07:06And everyone had to separate into groups
07:07Nobody wanted to be with me
07:09It's like choosing teams for rounders
07:12Since when do you have a problem making friends?
07:14Well I kind of missed the boat
07:16And I was juggling around my roster and
07:18Then they all made their cliques and I don't know
07:21I don't know how to break in
07:23And this is coming from the woman who
07:25Breaks into other people's houses to give them gift baskets?
07:29Yes well
07:31They just
07:33They just
07:33They just
07:34They're all so young and
07:36And smart
07:40And I'm just
07:43I'm scared if I say anything
07:45I'm gonna
07:47I'm gonna sound too
07:52Anyone at that place would be lucky to call you a friend
07:56He's right
07:57Just let them get to know you
08:05Thank you
08:10Dad and Remy wouldn't even give me the time of day
08:13Can you blame them after what happened with Liv?
08:16Yeah but this is different
08:17It's a rock solid motive
08:19That's what you said about Liv
08:20Yeah but this time all the pieces fit
08:24Dr Bowman works at the hospital
08:25He can easily access the poison
08:28And he went on Liv's podcast
08:29Why would a doctor do that other than to boost their own profile?
08:32Maybe he's spreading community awareness
08:35He's trying to save his skin because he's behind this whole thing
08:40You can't keep accusing people of crimes just to make it up to Leo
08:50You don't want to help me?
08:53I'll do it myself
09:02Come here
09:06Wow how great was that lecture this morning?
09:08My mind is officially blown
09:10Hi I'm Parker they them
09:12Oh hi I'm Wendy
09:15She her
09:15Nice this is Tom, Mika and Alex
09:17Oh hi
09:20I hope you don't mind me saying but this is to die for
09:23Thank you
09:24I sit in class and I see what you're wearing
09:26And I'm totally in awe of how you put things together
09:29Well this works out perfectly because I love compliments so thanks
09:35Um I make some jewellery um just as a little bit of a hobby
09:38And not that you need any styling advice
09:40But I think these colours would go really well with what you're wearing
09:44Oh they're gorgeous
09:46Oh thanks
09:47You sure you want to give them away?
09:48Oh I'm all about sharing the love
09:50Oh my gosh
09:51And these?
09:51No this pink is nice
09:53These ones
09:54Oh my goodness
09:55You're just so quiet in class so I thought you might want to keep to yourself
09:59Oh I didn't mean to give off that vibe
10:02No no I shouldn't have judged
10:03Here come join us
10:04Oh thanks
10:10And you're sure I can keep these?
10:12Consider them yours
10:14Thank you
10:15They're really nice
10:16So beautiful
10:16You do good work
10:18How long have you been doing jewellery?
10:20Yeah Jojo definitely thought Jasmine was the thief
10:23But you didn't think she was
10:25No I told him Jasmine wouldn't do that
10:28So did you hear any rumours that she or or any of your friends were behind it?
10:33No but JJ wouldn't do it either
10:37Okay look I know you're not exactly impartial when it comes to him
10:39But I caught him red-handed
10:41JJ loves all the residents at Aruni and he's working so hard to prove himself
10:46I'm not sure the police are going to buy that
10:49And the residents definitely won't
10:52You have to believe him
10:54If I believe JJ that means Jasmine's guilty
10:57Is that what you're saying?
11:03I don't know
11:07Okay listen I'm hosting a meeting for your dad tonight at the community centre
11:11We'll talk about it when I get home
11:27I'll talk to you later
11:38Hey Jazz
11:42I have to ask you something and you have to be honest with me
11:51Yeah and every time he drinks his beer through a straw
11:54Yeah because it makes you get drunk faster
11:56I thought it was just because the guy was a bit of a weirdo
11:59No it is totally a thing
12:01Not that we've tried it except we totally have
12:05Look I love that you wear a Cospo but please tell me you are not rostered on tonight
12:10Because you're coming out with us
12:21My gut feeling is that JJ's telling us the truth
12:23But how do we trust that after everything that's happened?
12:26Exactly we can't
12:29My read could be totally off
12:32This day?
12:35Why what else has happened?
12:39I told them what we talked about
12:44Hey um thanks no but they think you're just covering up for me
12:49So what's gonna happen now?
12:51Uh well Moira and her mates will lose it and insist that I get fired and charged
12:56Won't that affect the diversionary program?
12:59Well if I don't complete it I'll end up with a criminal record so um
13:04Yeah I'm pretty much stuffed
13:06Polly's convinced it's Bowman
13:08Apparently he's on his final warning with the hospital
13:12Polly said she saw it in his file
13:16She thinks he's playing the big hero to get back in the good books
13:20That's a good strategy I guess
13:22If you're a complete psycho
13:26If Bowman got fired he wouldn't get a reference
13:28Word would spread and he wouldn't work again
13:32Do you think that Holly might be right?
13:42Therese wants to see us about JJ again
13:49Dr Bowman
13:51Hi um I'm helping out Liv Bellin on Crimesboro
13:55Have we met?
13:56You might have seen me around watching from a distance
13:58I'm a little bit of a Dr Gavin Bowman fangirl
14:02Um Liv's a little snowed under at the moment
14:04Did you have time to do a quick pre-interview before your next talk?
14:07You could have just called me
14:08Oh it's a lot better to do it in person
14:11And I also I must admit I wanted to meet the hero of the hour
14:18What do you need to know?
14:23So do you think the poisoner intended to kill the recipients?
14:27No I don't
14:28The toxin and the way it was administered
14:30meant that any victims would be in easy reach of medical help
14:34Wow amazing
14:36Um so what do you think the culprit's getting out of all this?
14:39Are they just looking for attention?
14:41Oh well if they are they're certainly getting it
14:44I heard that the poison's generally only found in hospitals
14:50Do you think the culprit might have a medical background?
14:54Doctors and nurses dedicate their lives to helping people and not hurting them
14:58Right no of course silly me
15:01But sometimes it just takes one person to go rogue
15:06Do you have any idea the level of sacrifice it takes to work in this field?
15:10Long hours on the wards always being on call
15:14The never-ending pressure of being responsible for whether a person lives or dies
15:20Not that that's considered important now
15:22Now apparently what really counts is minding your P's and Q's
15:25Never looking at anyone the wrong way
15:27Heaven forbid you pay a nurse a compliment
15:33Anyway this was just a pre-interview yes?
15:35Yeah of course
15:36Excuse me I have patients to attend to
15:40Oh come in
15:54Oh oh I am so sorry I didn't make it clear in the text
15:57Um it's actually good news please come and sit down take a seat
16:01Very well
16:08So Jasmine's confessed to taking the items from the residence along with her friends
16:15So she backed your story I'm so sorry I didn't believe you JJ
16:19And that goes for us too obviously
16:21Yeah no no seriously that's fine I totally get it
16:23If I didn't want to go to the police I should have come to you or Susan
16:26What does that mean for JJ's job?
16:28We consulted the residence there was a lot of anger but it was aimed at Jasmine and her friends
16:34And their parents will pay some compensation
16:36There was a lot of support for you though particularly from Harold
16:41You're very popular there
16:43So you can stay JJ
16:45Thank you and just so you know I'm going to keep doing everything that I can
16:50So that one day you'll trust me again
16:52Oh how did you get Jasmine to confess?
16:55Oh um I didn't
16:57Nell did
17:20Hey Holly
17:22Look I'm worried about you
17:24I'm really sorry if I was harsh
17:25Shut up I'm watching Roman to make sure he doesn't poison the fruit out of us
17:30Okay I take it back
17:33Mac what are you doing?
17:34I'm not sorry anymore
17:38Hey what's up?
17:40Detective Hoyland is on the case again
17:42Okay before you guys make fun of me just listen to this
17:49Now apparently what really counts is minding your P's and Q's
17:52Never looking at anyone the wrong way
17:54Heaven forbid you pay a nurse a compliment
17:57Do you hear how bitter he is?
17:59Yeah I do but that doesn't mean that he's guilty
18:03But it shows there's another side to his personality
18:05Yes but it's still not even close to being evidence
18:08Okay for the record you're being harsh again
18:10Holly I'm worried about you
18:12If you keep going on like this you're going to get in serious trouble
18:16Or I'll catch the poisoner
18:22I know we plan to have dinner so if you don't want me to go out for drinks that's totally fine
18:28I think we can manage ourselves
18:29Yeah but no I just don't want you to feel like I'm ditching you
18:33Do you want to go for drinks or not?
18:35Yes of course I do
18:38So why are you looking for an excuse?
18:43I'm just worried I'm not going to be able to keep up with them
18:46Well you're not going to be able to keep up with them
18:47I'm not going to be able to keep up with them
18:49I'm not going to be able to keep up with them
18:50I'm not going to be able to keep up with them
18:52Well you're not 100
18:53And I know what you're like when you cut loose
18:55There's no problem with your stamina
18:57Dad that's disgusting
18:58But your mother's a party animal that's what I'm saying
19:01I mean your friends would be lucky if they could keep up with you
19:05Okay well maybe I'll go for an hour or so
19:17So I owe you a huge thank you now
19:19What for?
19:20Hello for keeping JJ out of prison
19:24Yeah well I felt bad I didn't believe him in the first place when he said it was Jasmine
19:30Still it takes a lot of guts to ask your friend to do that
19:33Yeah well it wasn't cool she did it in the first place
19:36Is she mad at you?
19:37Yep but she'll get over it
19:40I'd like to buy you a drink
19:42My shout
19:51So seriously I don't know how I'm gonna repay you for that
19:55Thank you
19:57I'm just glad you're okay
20:02Can I show you my drawings?
20:11Shots and shots
20:12Hey perfect timing
20:22Let's get into it
20:24Oh okay
20:25Yeah um let's get this party started
20:47Is anyone here?
20:58Therese hi
21:00It's Dr Bowman
21:01I've just arrived at the community centre
21:05Yes yeah I'm a bit early I thought I could help set up
21:09Oh no I'm excited to be here
21:13No you do whatever you need to do I'm happy to flick on the urn and put out some plates
21:19Yeah be my pleasure
21:22Okay perfect
21:23Yeah see you in 20 or so
21:26Okay bye
22:00Coming up on Neighbours
22:02Sounds like you've got some mixed emotions
22:06Of course I I care for Vic but then he he takes every opportunity to criticise Mike
22:11Yeah I'm just looking for Holly because she's not been here before
22:14You're coming with me