The Bill S25E37 Prodigal Son [Part 1]

  • 4 months ago
The Bill S25E37 Prodigal Son [Part 1]
00:00Previously on The Build
00:02You know a while back the Governor's son got done for drugs?
00:04You nicked his own son?
00:08I'm sick of being lied to by people I thought I could trust
00:10I know what it's like to have a son who hates me
00:12What can I say, I should have kept a faith
00:14After everything you've done for me, I mean I at least owe you that much
00:30And now
00:46Sierra Oscar 1, on scene at the Abilard now
00:48Any updates on location?
00:50Sierra 1, location is flat number 45 Mayfield House
00:52All received, Sierra Oscar out
00:5498's up on the first floor
00:56Sierra 1 from Sierra Oscar 1, we'll be with you in two minutes
00:58You have a seat Bob
01:04Couldn't you have gone before we left?
01:08Wait please!
01:26Sierra Oscar from 437
01:28Suspect impossible assault on the Abilard estate
01:30Last seen leaving Mayfield House
01:32Have lost eyeball over, excuse me mate
01:34Did you know that guy, have you seen him before?
01:36Sierra Oscar 595, can I have an ETA on that ambulance please
01:38Sierra 1, on scene at the Abilard
01:40Any updates on location?
01:42I've got one female with head injuries, over
01:44Received Sierra 1, LA5 already on way
01:46ETA two minutes
01:48Yeah, received
01:50OK, the ambulance is on its way
01:52Stay with me alright, keep still
01:54You alright, how's she doing?
01:56Yeah I think she's OK
01:58I'm gonna check the flat
02:02Hello, police!
02:16ETA up!
02:18Get him up!
02:22Where's this stuff?
02:34I don't want anyone else in or out of here
02:36It's what we're dealing with and how safe it is
02:38Yes ma'am
02:46Due to recent judgements, inappropriate to proceed
02:48Well if they're not going to push it
02:50I don't see why we should waste our time
02:52You got anything else?
02:54Not unless you want to go up to Griffin case again
02:56Has he offered to give us a statement?
02:58No, not since we spoke to him last
03:00Well that's a waste of time as well
03:02I'll dump it in pending
03:06Long lost, got me not to open it
03:08It's just another refusal for a request to visit
03:10Ben, I thought he was in Shadwell
03:12No no, he's moved, so they tell me
03:14He doesn't seem fit to keep me informed himself
03:16Aye, put your own son away
03:18Can't expect much else, can you?
03:20Koff, just had a call from Inspector Weston
03:22Evidently a uniformed found some kind of chemical factory
03:24In a flat down on Mayfield House
03:26On the Abilard? Is it drugs?
03:28I don't know, they've got forensics down there now
03:30OK, you and Mickey get down there
03:32Keep me informed
03:34Listen Gumbler, if you try to...
03:36I think I've got the message after three years
03:46The call out was to an assault, Patricia Fould
03:48We found her just outside the open door
03:50When me and Tony turned up, there was a guy
03:52Tall guy, slim build, mid-twenties
03:54Wearing a blue hoodie, running from the scene
03:56He's the suspect?
03:58Well there weren't any other witnesses
04:00So we can't be sure
04:02But the fact that he didn't stick around
04:04Yeah, well no one around here really wants to talk to a copper
04:06Where's the victim now?
04:08St Hugh's, Marker Cushom
04:10What's her connection with this flat?
04:12I don't know, she wasn't up to saying much
04:14This one here
04:22This is definitely more gear than the usual kitchen sink operation
04:24Both the front door and the bedroom have been full
04:26So if it is drugs, whoever broke in
04:28Might have wanted to nick them
04:30Yeah, it'd still be good to know who made them in the first place
04:32Round here? It's got to be Linton Barry, surely
04:34I don't know, yeah, dealing I'm sure
04:36But making them
04:38I think the closest Linton ever got to chemistry
04:40Was putting salt and vinegar on his chips
04:42Morning, gents
04:44Good morning, Eddie
04:46So what was going on here, and what's with this birthing pool?
04:48Well, I thought they'd make some stuff in
04:50Follow me
04:56Fairly serious operation
04:58Decent equipment
05:00Definitely more high-tech than a microwave and kitchen scale
05:02Yeah, what about the chemicals, though? What were they making?
05:04Well, PCP is what they had the recipe for
05:06Angel dust
05:08Rocket fuel, dung dust
05:10Supergross, call it what you like
05:12Doesn't make it any nicer, does it?
05:14We found it in that box over there
05:16Looks like something downloaded from the internet
05:18How many degrees would you need to understand that?
05:20Yeah, it's not exactly a Nigella recipe, is it?
05:22OK, so how much were they making?
05:24Well, I can't tell you yet
05:26Looking at the empties, I'd say a fair amount
05:28Well, the stuff's not here now
05:30So I'm going to have to have a closer look
05:32Before I can be sure
05:34OK, well, listen, sooner rather than later
05:36Because if someone's running around with half a tonne of this PCP
05:38I want to know about it before half the estate goes high
05:40OK, Mickey, Otis, speak to the neighbours
05:42I want you to get data sent to you, speak to the victim
05:44See if she can come up with anything else, all right?
05:50Patricia Ford, I'm DC Webb from Sunhill
05:52Just call me Petal
05:54OK, Petal, I'm Mickey
05:56I just wondered if you could tell me what happened at the flat, that was all
05:58Yeah, yeah, I suppose so
06:00In your own time, just tell me what you can remember
06:02I don't know, I mean
06:04It's all a bit of a blur, you know
06:06I was just
06:08Walking past the flat on my way home
06:10And I heard this crashing
06:12The door was open and I just looked in
06:14I didn't
06:16I just thought something might be wrong
06:18And then
06:20I called out and two men rushed at me
06:22From inside
06:24Definitely two men?
06:28One of them was shouting in my face
06:30And he started hitting me
06:32He must have pushed me over
06:34And that's when I hit my head
06:36Did you know any of them?
06:40Hey, listen, you're doing really well, OK?
06:42When our officers arrived, there was another man there
06:44Tall, young man, slim
06:46Wore a blue hoodie
06:48Early twenties, maybe mid-twenties
06:50I don't know who that was
06:52He just found me
06:54I'm sorry, I've still got a headache
06:56It's OK, listen, you're doing really well
06:58We may need to come back and take a full statement off you soon, if that's alright
07:00I suppose
07:10Excuse me
07:14Hey, hey
07:16Hey, stop
07:28It's OK, I'm sorry
07:30Hey, stop
07:34Hey, stop
07:38Ben Meadows
07:40Listen, Mickey, whatever you think is wrong, yeah, so just forget yourself
07:42Hey, hey, hey
07:44When did you get out of Longmarsh? A few weeks ago
07:46Alright, now, come on in No, no, no, no, we need to talk, OK?
07:48Listen, Mick, I told you... Whoa!
07:50You want to talk to me here, or you want to talk to me down at Nick?
07:54That side
08:10OK, you're here to see Petal, why?
08:12Why do you think? See if she's alright
08:14But we're together
08:16So, why'd you run away from the flat this morning?
08:18Well, I thought that would be obvious, I didn't want to end up doing all this
08:20So what was you doing here anyway? Nothing, look, I wasn't...
08:22Alright, I've been to the shop to get some milk
08:24I'm on my way back to Petal's and I see something happening by the flat
08:26When I get there, she's on the floor
08:28So I call an ambulance
08:30And when your lot arrived, I legged it
08:32You ain't told Jake you've been released, have you?
08:34Why would I?
08:36Because he's your dad? Yeah, well, you can't choose your family, right?
08:38Come on, you know what he'd do as soon as he found out
08:40He'd come round trying to sort out my life
08:42And I don't need that, alright
08:44I know by now I'm not like him
08:46I don't want to be like him, he's got you for that, Nicky
08:48Oh, please, you don't know what you're talking about
08:50Yeah, I do. Look, I might not have seen him for three years
08:52But I still know what he's like
08:54You don't have to tell him, don't you?
08:58I just need some time, alright?
09:00I will talk to him, but I want to get myself sorted out first
09:02A job, a flat
09:08Benny wants to see you
09:10But I need to do that first, that's all
09:12Please, Nicky
09:28I've just tripped PNC and Cremant
09:30The last name from the Aberladen Association
09:32With PCP Production is Danny Travers-Gott
09:34Danny Travers
09:36We put him away last year
09:38Well, he was hoping to get out on appeal
09:40He was turned down last week
09:42You'll be spitting feathers about that
09:44What about Linton Barry? His recent intel suggests that Danny Travers
09:46Asked him to take care of business while he was banged up
09:48Sounds to me like Linton's in charge of Travers' operations
09:50For the foreseeable
09:52OK, well, while we're waiting for the DNA and fingerprints from the flat
09:54Let's dig up as much information as we can on Linton Barry
09:56Nicky, what have you got on the female victim?
09:58Hell, Ford
10:00Apparently she was passing, heard a noise
10:02Went in to investigate and then two men set upon her
10:04Two men?
10:06What about this guy that Leon Antonio chased at the flat?
10:08She said that he stopped to help, but he didn't want to get involved
10:12Right, so if Linton Barry's producing this PCP
10:14Presumably these two other men were trying to rip him off
10:16So we've got two lots of people, we've got the people who set the factory up
10:18And the people who tried to rob it
10:20This is weird
10:22Pell Ford, 103 Nath Woodhouse
10:24Which is her address, which checks it out
10:26Now this tenancy agreement, this is registered to the PCP flat, number 98
10:28It's also in Pell Ford's name
10:30So she wasn't just passing when she cleaned
10:32Well, according to Cremant, Pell Ford's clean
10:34But she does have a brother
10:36She's in prison doing time for burglary
10:38Where? Longmarsh
10:40Well, Pell Ford's just been discharged from St Hugh's
10:42So I say we get down there, speak to her, see what she's got to say
10:44Right, well if she's lying about her connection to the PCP flat
10:46Chances are she knows who's using it
10:48So let's find out
10:50Anything else, Mickey?
10:52No, Governor
10:56Listen, I'm going to have a word with this girl on my own
10:58If you like, save you the trip
11:00No, you're right, I want to find out what she's got to say
11:06So do you have a job, Petal?
11:08I'm a cleaner, offices and a cafe
11:10Right, that can't bring in a lot of cash
11:12It's not too bad
11:14You see, I was just wondering how you managed to keep two flats going
11:16Because you've got this one
11:18And then you've got the one five doors down, haven't you?
11:20The one that was broken into
11:22I don't know what you mean
11:24Yeah, your name's on the tenancy agreement
11:26Now, you know, we found a lot of drug making equipment in that flat
11:28No, I didn't know what was in there
11:30But you had access to it
11:32Pell, can you just tell us who's been using that flat?
11:36They just wanted me to put my name on the papers
11:38And sometimes go in and check on the bills and stuff
11:42I didn't know what they were doing in there
11:46I can't
11:48Was it Lyndon Barry?
11:50Someone who worked for him?
11:52If he found out
11:54Just tell us what really happened, please
11:56I just went up to check on the post
11:58And the door was broken open
12:02I could hear a noise inside and I didn't know what to do
12:04Then two men came out of the bedroom
12:06One of them had a crowbar in his hand
12:08Do you know who he is?
12:10No, I'd never seen him before
12:12He was white
12:14Sort of short, cropped hair
12:16He had a tattoo
12:18On his arm
12:20Kind of zigzag
12:22And the other guy?
12:24He was wearing a white hoodie and a baseball cap
12:26Look, I know I shouldn't have
12:28Let them use my name for the other flat
12:30But they said if I did, it'd be good for Tommy
12:32Your brother?
12:34He's in prison
12:36OK, listen
12:38You sure you can't tell us who's been using that flat?
12:40No, I can't
12:44Hey, listen, Petal
12:46If you change your mind, OK?
12:48You read me on that number
12:54Although Petal won't tell us directly
12:56It's pretty clear that Lyndon Barry was behind this PCP flat
12:58It sounds like Lyndon got to put a name to it
13:00By saying it'd make life easier for her brother in Longmarsh
13:02Which clearly suggests there's a connection on the inside
13:04Danny Travis
13:06I've also had confirmation from Longmarsh that Danny Travis is on the same wing as Tommy Ford
13:08Well, all this supports what we thought all along
13:10That Lyndon Barry is running business for Travis while he's banged up
13:14So, who nicked this PCP?
13:16I've been running Petal's description of one of her attackers
13:18And I think I've found a match
13:20This guy, Franco Osmond
13:22Cautions for possession, conviction for robbery
13:24You name it
13:26Yeah, I've come across Franco
13:28Well, he'd have to be, wouldn't he?
13:30To rip off Lyndon Barry in the middle of the Abelard, I mean, it's his turf
13:32If anyone's mad enough to do it, it'd be Franco
13:34Well, if we can work it out
13:36How long is it going to be before Barry comes up with Franco?
13:38Not very
13:40Well, say we just let the two of them go out at Gov and then nick the last man standing
13:42We need to find this PCP
13:44Eddie reckons there's quite a lot of it
13:46OK, well, I can set up an oboe on the Abelard, see if that turns up anything useful
13:48Right, see what intelligence you can get on Barry
13:50Without alerting the whole estate
13:52Let's go
13:54Let's have a word with Franco, see what he can tell us
13:58Is this the place?
14:02Franco has ducked out of his flat this morning, like the neighbours say
14:04As this is more than likely where he'll be
14:06He's a gambling man
14:08Shall we pull in for the assault on Petal Ford?
14:12Maybe we can hold it over him
14:14Get some information on Lyndon's operation
14:18That letter that you got from Longmarsh this morning
14:20Have you ever managed to open it?
14:22Who's this?
14:24I don't know
14:26That looks like the guy that Petal described with Franco
14:28I've got a message for your mate Franco
14:30You want me?
14:32That's Lyndon
14:34Come on then
14:38Back off
14:40So what's going on here?
14:42Come with me to the station, OK?
14:44This isn't going to get too deep, is it?
14:46Because I could call my solicitor
14:48Look, I don't know what's going on with you and Franco and I don't care
14:50But if I catch you trying to settle things in the street again
14:52I'll be down on you like a ton of bricks
14:54Is that understood?
14:56Whatever you say, Governor
14:58See you
15:10There we go
15:12Three sugars
15:16You want to tell them what your name is?
15:20Franco and Zeppo, that sounds like a double act
15:24How long have you been mates with Franco for? I don't know, do I?
15:26How should I know?
15:28Well, you got any form?
15:30Some. You saw what happened. I'm handing my business, right?
15:32You want to arrest someone, go talk to Lyndon
15:34We're looking into Lyndon
15:38Any idea why you were so upset earlier?
15:42Were you at the flat in Mayfield House about half eight this morning, you and Franco?
15:44What flat?
15:46I don't know what you're talking about
15:48I was with Franco at the snooker club
15:50He was on the road till nine this morning
15:52Mark's the owner
15:54Yeah, we'll do that. Where's your boss Franco now, you know?
15:56He ain't my boss
15:58He's my mate
16:00And I think he's out of town today
16:02Fine, give me two minutes
16:04I'll get you out of here, OK?
16:12Right, I've got uniform to check Franco's flat whenever they can
16:14See if he's in
16:16Anything from the kid?
16:18Yeah, he's got a few bottles of salt this morning
16:20And we can still arrest him, question him further
16:22Well, I want to hold that back and reserve
16:24I didn't mention the PCP flat to Lyndon
16:26Because I didn't want him to think we were onto him
16:28And Zeppo liked the idea, they were interested in Lyndon
16:30Kid's in it over his head, isn't he?
16:34All right, let's leave him with that
16:36OK, listen, if you don't mind, I'm going to go and chat to a source of mine
16:38See if he's heard anything
16:40OK, whatever you get, pass it on to Stuart
16:42Hey, let's go in
16:44Cheers for coming in, yeah?
16:48Take it easy
16:54Can I have a status update, Stuart?
16:58Yeah, just saying I'm now, Gov
17:00OK, keep me posted
17:02I'll drop by later, see what you've got
17:04Yes, will do, Gov
17:06You know, with the liquor pain and a flamethrower
17:08You could really give this place the wow factor
17:10Yeah, well, it's better than standing out there in the cold
17:12And letting the whole world see us, I suppose
17:14That's debatable
17:16Lyndon Barry and his known associates
17:18So, if you see any of them, all you need to do is take a picture
17:20Write some notes on what they're doing
17:22In the meantime, I'll take a little trip around the estate
17:24See what I can see
17:26You know, if you'd rather stay here, I don't mind doing the rounds
17:28No, you're all right
17:30You keep your eyes peeled
17:46Do you want something, lad?
17:48Yes, please, darling
17:50Is that a new belt?
17:56No, Miggy
18:00Tight, darling
18:02All right
18:04I haven't seen you for a while
18:06Have you?
18:08No, I haven't
18:10Have you?
18:14All right
18:16I haven't seen you for a while
18:18Been on a diet, haven't I?
18:20Hey, listen, we found a PCP factory this morning
18:22On the Abbey Road
18:24It's a flat in Mayfield House
18:26Any idea where it belongs to?
18:28Only the obvious, Randy. It will be Lyndon
18:30Yeah, that's what we thought
18:32Trouble is, the only thing we found in there was equipment
18:34Any idea where Lyndon may have stashed the stuff?
18:36Nah, it could be any number of places
18:38Mind you, if he's sitting on a load of PCP
18:40He's bound to have a deal in place
18:42Have you ever heard of him?
18:44No, I've heard him. That's the sort of gossip that spreads
18:46I do know who wants to, though
18:48Franco Osment?
18:50No, there's a boy who's grown up too quick
18:52And he's always in here mouthing off
18:54So what do you reckon? Franco trying to take over Lyndon's operations on the Abbey Road?
18:56Or just chance in his arm?
18:58Why does Franco do anything? He's a mad git
19:00I have heard he fancies his chances
19:02Now Danny Travis ain't getting out of Longmarsh
19:04If I was you, I'd be ready for when Lyndon decides to give Franco a smack for taking liberties
19:38Anything from the Abbey?
19:40No, actually just Lyndon doing the rounds
19:42A couple of faces I didn't recognise. Any idea?
19:44I've got to run through facial recognition, see if anything comes up
19:50What's the matter?
19:52That's Ben Meadows
19:54Ben Meadows?
19:56When did he get out?
19:58He went down for dealing, right?
20:00Yeah, you can check it out on PNC
20:02So Ben Meadows is hanging out with Lyndon Barry
20:04I'll talk to the governor
20:06Hold on
20:08I'm not sure
20:10Why not?
20:12Well, because until we find out how Ben's involved with this PCP
20:14It's better to avoid complications
20:16Complications? It was Jack that sent Ben down in the first place
20:18He's not going to do anything out of order now, is he?
20:22I'm not saying he would
20:24But right now we suspect that Lyndon's sitting on a ton of PCP
20:26Ben's a known dealer. That's a very good lead
20:28If we tell Jack about it, he's going to pull him out
20:30And bang goes our chances of finding this kid
20:32This is his son that we're talking about, yeah?
20:34I know, and if it was anyone else, we wouldn't be having this conversation, would we?
20:36So I say we keep this to ourselves
20:38Put someone on Ben, see where that takes us, yes?
20:40Okay, Sarge, but if he asks
20:42No one's going to ask
20:44No one unless you tell him about it
20:48When we need to, we'll tell the gov
20:54I've got a one from 437
20:56Target Luma One is on the move
20:58He's heading west on the Avalar
21:00Should be before you in a couple of minutes
21:02Yeah, received, 437. Stay with him
21:06Target Luma One has stopped
21:08Looks like he's waiting for someone, over
21:10Yeah, confirmed, mate. We've got eyeball
21:36Vehicle approaching Target Luma One
21:38A black Audi
21:42Yankee Romeo 08
21:44X-Ray Bravo Yankee
21:46What's he doing?
21:48So how you doing?
21:50Have you got anything?
21:52Um, Governor, um
21:54Target Luma One's handing something to the driver
22:02Target Luma One walking away
22:04So who's your target?
22:06Uh, well, an officer picked him up
22:08Across the United States to talk to the Linton Gov
22:10And, um
22:12Governor, listen, there's something I need to say to you
22:14Look, um
22:16I was going to tell you earlier, but
22:24Gov, please wait
22:26Just wait for the other vehicle, at least, Governor
22:40What are you doing here?
22:44What do you think?
22:48So what were you doing just now?
22:54You had to tell him, didn't you?
23:00No comment
23:04Thank you
23:10Benjamin Meadows, I'm arresting you on suspicion
23:12Of dealing a Class A drug
23:14You don't have to say anything, but it may harm your defence
23:16If you do not mention when questioned something in your letter or line in court
23:18Anything you do say may be given in evidence
23:34Governor, listen
23:36You should have told me
23:38I know, I know
23:40So why didn't you?
23:42Ben said that he wanted to sort himself out, Governor, OK?
23:44Before he spoke to you
23:46Yeah, set himself as a dealer, more like
23:48I suppose Turner knew all about it, did he?
23:50All's he thought, Governor
23:52Yeah, I can guess what he thought
23:54I want to see you both upstairs, five minutes
24:04Right, everybody, out
24:06Apart from these two, come on, move it
24:12If you ever keep me in the dark
24:14About the progress of an ongoing investigation again
24:16You'll be off my team, is that understood?
24:18Is that understood?
24:24Let's start from the beginning, shall we?
24:28So when did he first make contact with Ben?
24:32Petal Ford, Governor, the girl at the PCP flat
24:34That's Ben's girlfriend
24:38Ben was the one who called the ambulance this morning
24:40He was also the guy that ran away from Tony and Leon
24:42Go on
24:44Ben came to see Petal in hospital, that's when I spoke to him
24:46What, just the once?
24:48Yeah, DS Turner took photos of Linton Barry and Ben
24:52Ah, yes, go for it
24:54Right, well, it's not hard to see where all this is heading, is it?
24:58See, Ben was in Longmarsh with him until recently
25:00Petal's brother, he's under threat because he's still there
25:02Linton Barry
25:04Is doing all Danny Travis' business for him on the Abelard
25:06So they're all connected
25:08Linton Barry's been making PCP
25:10And Ben's been selling it, yeah?
25:12Well, Governor, I'm not sure that what we actually saw was a sale
25:14I mean, Ben didn't have any cash on him
25:16And he only handed over a very small baggie of PCP
25:18Maybe it was just a sample
25:20OK, I want you to get a uniform over to Ben's bail hostel
25:22See if the gear's there
25:24Now, has Ben asked for a brief?
25:26Hasn't yet, sir, no
25:30Well, that went well
25:54Why didn't you tell me you were coming out?
25:56Why would I?
25:58That's why I didn't tell you
26:02So you didn't even want me to know how you were?
26:08Why don't you just stop asking questions you won't know the answers to?
26:10It's my job
26:18OK, I'll get it
26:20So when you said you wanted to know how I was doing
26:22What you really meant was you wanted to know what I was doing
26:24You wanted to check up on me
26:26Look, if you associate with people like Linton Barry
26:28What do you expect?
26:32I don't expect anything from you
26:34Just accept the fact that we're from different worlds
26:36Never the twain shall meet
26:40You know, you could still do anything you wanted with your life
26:44Yeah, right
26:46Maybe I'll join the police
26:48Well, that's what you wanted to do when you were a kid
26:50Spare me, OK
26:54You know the conditions of your parole?
26:58Right, well, if you tell me what you've been doing, all of it
27:00There's a chance you'll have to go straight back to Longmarsh
27:04No, you can't do that
27:08You can't charge me I wasn't carrying anything
27:10And if you can't charge me, you've got to give me bail
27:14We saw you exchange
27:18So prove it
27:22OK, so what have we got?
27:24Eddie's on his way up, Governor
27:26He said he's got some results from the PCP flat
27:28Yeah, I've been circulating this image of this guy
27:30He's the one we saw Ben handing the PCP to earlier
27:32But as yet we've got nothing on him
27:34But Kezzie's been looking at the info on the car that he was driving
27:36Well, it may not be a local
27:38I ran a PNC trace on the car index
27:40It's a cloned plate, it should be in the car in Sheffield
27:42Well, if this guy's from out of town
27:44It adds credence to him making a purchase off Linton
27:46Afternoon, gents
27:50PCP flat, man
27:52We've isolated and identified three sets of prints
27:54One belonging to Linton Barry, surprise, surprise
27:56Another to Petal Ford
27:58But the majority of the prints inside the flat
28:00Match with Ben Meadows
28:02Sorry, he's definitely linked to the PCP
28:04Well, with the information we've got now
28:06I think we can assume that Ben
28:08Was involved in setting up this deal
28:14What have you got for me, Annie?
28:16I don't know if it means much and I'm only getting third hands
28:18It's all right, it's about as close to gospel as we ever get
28:22Sounds like Linton is setting up to sell that stuff
28:24He was making that flat you found
28:26The PCP, any idea who to?
28:28No, but there is a new guy brokering a deal for Linton
28:30What new guy?
28:32No one I know, apparently he's just out of Longmarsh
28:34He was knocking around with him
28:36But what I've heard, he was tight with Travis on the inside
28:38You mean he had an in, why?
28:40Travis always checks to see what his own shadow's up to
28:42I wouldn't have thought we'd do him any harm
28:44To have someone report him back to see how Linton's running the business
28:46Yeah, I suppose not
28:50Just got back from Ben's bail hostel
28:52No sign of any PCP, place was clean
28:54OK, thanks Tony
28:56So you got anything else to go on?
28:58About this side table
29:00Mickey said you were looking for any connection with Longmarsh
29:02It's a visiting order, for Ben
29:04He went to see Danny Travis there
29:06Guv, for what it's worth, Ben
29:08Yeah, thanks Tony
29:12Went to prison liaison at Longmarsh
29:14Ben spent his last 12 months on the same wing as Danny Travis
29:16Go on
29:18Well, my source also said that there's a new guy
29:20Just out of Longmarsh, he's a broker in Linton's PCP deal
29:24It's a bit of a coincidence otherwise, isn't it Governor?
29:26When he comes out and he's instantly seen with Linton
29:28He's never met him before
29:30Unless he's had some sort of introduction
29:32Well, he went to visit Travis a week ago
29:34So why would Travis put Ben with Linton?
29:36So he can see what Linton's up to
29:38I mean, it's good to have someone's eyes on the outside
29:40So Ben's working for Linton and Travis
29:42Ben may not have had a choice
29:44Everybody has a choice, whatever the situation
29:46If Travis doesn't trust Linton
29:48Then maybe we could use that
29:50What, by talking to Travis?
29:52You know, Ben doesn't need my help
29:54You know, he's made that very clear
29:56OK, listen
29:58I'll leave it up to you, OK
30:16You should have given me some notice
30:18I could have had my brief here
30:22I thought I'd keep it off the record
30:24You must want something then
30:28So tell me about Linton
30:30He's been pushing the boat out on the Abilene
30:32Since your appeal was turned down
30:34He obviously thinks he's got a clear field
30:36I wouldn't know
30:38You can't control him from in here, can you?
30:40So he thinks he can do what he wants
30:42Is that why you've got someone on the outside
30:44Keeping an eye on him?
30:46You worry about Linton, I mean
30:48He knows where he starts
30:50So tell me about Ben
30:52Took you a while
30:54Did you have a nice welcome home party?
30:56Or isn't that the sort of thing
30:58The Meadows family would do?
31:04So what's the deal between you two?
31:06You know how it is in here
31:08Everything costs
31:10Even the quietly
31:12What does he owe you?
31:14What did you think was going to happen
31:16When you put him in here?
31:18Did you think he was going to see the error of his ways
31:20Realise where he'd gone wrong?
31:24I didn't even visit him once
31:26No wonder he didn't want to tell you
31:28When he was coming out
31:30Well then
31:34You tell me what it'll take for Ben to walk away
31:36And I'll see what I can do for you
31:40Do you really think
31:42This will make him change his mind about you?
31:48It's tempting
31:54I don't think so
31:56Much as I'd like to
32:02That's the thing about kids
32:04You've got to let them go out
32:06And make their own mistakes
32:10And Ben's a big boy now
32:12He knows exactly what he's doing
32:34I told you I want my brief
32:42Yeah well this is off the record
32:44You'll get your brief when you're officially interviewed
32:46For manufacturing PCP with intent to supply
32:48Well you'd better do it now then
32:50Otherwise I've got nothing to say
32:54Is that because you found a Danny Travis?
32:58I've been to visit him
33:00Offered him a deal
33:02But you didn't buy it
33:04And that means whatever you're doing for him on the outside
33:06Is worth more than me paying him off
33:08I don't know what you're talking about
33:10Listen just say what you're going to say and then let me go
33:12It's not that simple anymore
33:14Your prints have been positively ID'd at the flat where the drugs were made
33:16So you're going to go straight back to Longmarsh
33:18Along with your pal Linton
33:20We're watching him
33:22As soon as he makes a move to sell the PCP we're going to nick it
33:24No no no you can't do that
33:26Oh yes we can
33:28Well because he'll think it was me who tipped you off
33:30It won't work
33:32Unless I'm there there won't be a deal
33:34Look what has Travis got on you?
33:36What do you owe him?
33:38And don't try and tell me it's about loyalty
33:42Oh forget it
33:44What if I tell you?
33:50If we can make out you've been acting under duress
33:54There's a slim chance you won't have to go back to Longmarsh
33:56But I mean if I tell you you'll let me out to do the deal right?
34:00What for?
34:02Why would I want to do that?
34:04Because of Petal
34:06Because Linton knows we're together
34:08And Petal's brother's still in Longmarsh
34:10If you arrest Linton now he's going to think I put you up to it
34:12Word will get back
34:14Do you know what Travis said to me when I went to see him?
34:16He said that you told him that I never visited you
34:18Do you know how many times I applied for a visit?
34:20And all I got was rejections
34:22But you put me away
34:24Because I trusted you
34:26And you let me down
34:36Can we go through this drop?
34:42They'll be in to interview you in a minute
34:46Ok so what's the story?
34:50Linton's going to make a sale tonight
34:52Everything he made in the flat
34:54He's selling to the guy I met earlier
34:56His name's Mark Sinnott
34:58So how do you fit into this?
35:00I think Travis trusted you to set up the deal
35:02He thinks Linton's been short changing
35:04In the last few months
35:06He's been getting too big for his boots
35:08So he wanted me to make sure it all goes smoothly
35:10Tell me about the deal
35:12Where and when?
35:14Car park on Stand Road
35:1610 o'clock
35:18Linton will be there in person to meet Sinnott
35:20The cash gets handed over first
35:22Then Linton will hand over the PCP
35:24To Sinnott
35:26Ok would you be willing to go through with the deal on the police surveillance?
35:28I don't have a choice do I?
35:32It's too easy
35:36Why would Ben lie?
35:38Especially if he knows we're watching him
35:40You think he's planning to make a run for it?
35:42I don't know
35:44But I know him
35:46He still thinks he can play all this to his own advantage
35:58That's what we think
36:0010 o'clock gives us plenty of time to prepare
36:02No I don't like it
36:04He can tell us where and when but we haven't actually confirmed that he's the broker
36:06We don't know how it's going to go down
36:08And I think he's going to use this as a means of escape
36:10Now Gov I don't mean to speak out of turn here
36:12But this could be our ticket to nailing Linton with the PCP and the buyer
36:14Look we follow Linton to the PCP
36:16We arrest him then we bring this senate in
36:18Alright DS Turner we're not going to make this drop
36:28Can I have a word please?
36:34I've just spoken to DC Webb, DC Walker and DS Turner
36:36I hear we've had a breakthrough on the PCP case
36:38A big enough deal to take Linton Barry off the abelard
36:40If it's as big as Ben says it is
36:42Well you don't sound too convinced
36:44He chose to cooperate didn't he?
36:48Well then would you mind telling me why we're not following up on this?
36:50Well I think there's a very strong possibility he could tip Linton off that we're on to him
36:52Do the deal elsewhere
36:54And we're left in a wild goose chase
36:56Well that's a bit hard Jack
36:58From what I understand Ben's pretty much backed into a corner
37:02My objectivity has not been swayed by what happened to Ben in the past
37:06Look I'm sorry Jack but this is a chance that I don't think we'd be passing up
37:08If it wasn't for the fact that Ben's involved
37:12Well I disagree sir
37:14Well that's noted
37:16But we will be following up on what Ben's told us
37:20Let him take us to the deal and then close the net
37:44Governor this morning put a record of superintendent
37:46Wanting an update from all of us
37:48That's alarming
37:50Ben's going to have to tell Linton he was nicked
37:52Anyway that's got to arouse suspicion
37:56Let's set up positions in Stound Road
38:04Is the governor okay?
38:06Can't be easy for him not the second time around
38:08I don't think it was easy the first time
38:14Attention all units
38:16Target Lima 1 is arriving at first rendezvous over
38:22Do you know this Ben guy then?
38:24DCI sir
38:26I don't think he's nothing like his old man
38:28This'll be killing him
38:36Bravo 1 to Bravo 3
38:38Target Lima 1 is entering a flat in Groveland House
38:42He's just being patted down
38:44Bravo 1 to Bravo 3
38:46Target Lima 1 is entering a flat in Groveland House
38:48He's just being patted down
38:54Bravo 1 to Bravo 2
38:56Got an eyeball on the flat
38:58Target Lima 1 has just entered over
39:04Bravo 1 to Bravo 3
39:06Target Lima 1 is leaving the flat
39:08With one other IC1
39:10Wearing a grey hoodie
39:12Bravo 2
39:14Target Lima 1 has just left the flat
39:16He's heading east across the Abelard over
39:18Bravo 3 to Bravo 1
39:20Proceed to follow Target Lima 1 on foot
39:22Bravo 2 move to go mobile
39:24Yeah all received over
39:32Target Lima 1
39:34Looks like he's heading off the Abelard Estate
39:36On Barrack Lane
39:38That leads towards the Larkway Road
39:40Proceed with the car now over
40:02Bravo 1 from Bravo 2
40:04We still have no eyeball of Target Lima 1
40:06Repeat no eyeball of Target Lima 1
40:10Bravo 1
40:26Bravo 1 from Bravo 3
40:28Target Lima 1 has stopped on Larkway Road
40:30At the Industrial Estate
40:32Looks like they're waiting for someone
40:34Received Bravo 3
40:36Stay put
40:40Bravo 1
40:50Bravo 1 from Bravo 3
40:52Target Lima 1 is getting into a green BMW
40:56Echo X-Ray 5-3
40:58November Hotel Oscar
41:00They're moving off now north on Larkway Road
41:02Received Bravo 3
41:04Return to base
41:10There they are
41:12Bravo 2 to Bravo 1
41:14We have eyeball on Target Lima 1 a green BMW
41:16We have turned right onto Larkway Road
41:18And are following over
41:26He's doing a U-Turn
41:28Yeah well if I do one he's going to know we're following him
41:34Bravo 1 from Bravo 2
41:36Target Vehicle Lima 1 has done a U-Turn
41:38On Larkway Road
41:40We'll have to turn further up the road and follow
41:42To confirm Bravo 1 we have lost eyeball
41:44I repeat lost eyeball
41:46He's tipped them off
41:48We don't know that
41:50Enden's smart enough not to make it easy
41:52Bravo 2 return to position Alpha and set up
41:54All received
42:08All right get in position
42:22Well if they're coming it won't be long
42:24If they're coming
42:30That sounded like gunshots
42:32Yeah sounded like they came from south of here
42:34Bravo unit stay in position
42:36Stay in position
42:38There should be an error if they've changed location
42:40Sierra Oscar and DCI Meadows
42:42Gunshots from south of Stan Road
42:44Any reports?
42:46No where that's a coincidence Gov
42:48DCI Meadows and Sierra Oscar
42:50Gunshots reported on Wyman Road
42:52Sierra Oscar 1 and Trojan 345 on way
42:54Two minutes away Gov
42:56No you stay here Stuart and take over
42:58Stay here Mickey with me
43:06Trojan 345
43:08DCI 151
43:18Sierra Oscar from Sierra Oscar 1
43:20I'm on the scene
43:22We're safe
43:30He's gone Ma
43:33Ambulance and backup required
43:35On the waste ground at Wyman Road
43:37Over here ma'am
43:47Can you hear me?
43:51What have you got Rachel?
43:53I don't know sir I just had reports that shots were fired
43:55I arrived with the Trojan unit
43:57It's Mark Sennett it's the guy that Linton was selling to
43:59He's been shot we've got another victim around there
44:01I'm afraid he's already dead
44:03Sir we haven't checked the whole area yet
44:07Governor let me
44:15He's zipped by the guy from the bookies
44:21It's either Ben tipped Linton off
44:23Or he's been lying to us all along
44:25Right I want details of the vehicle
44:27Linton Barry and Benjamin Meadows to all NPS
44:29And make sure everybody knows that they could be armed
44:33Next time on The Build
44:35Jack be careful
44:37Be careful? We've got one dead body and a man injured
44:39I'm playing
44:41I'm playing
44:45Now Travis is involved in this isn't he?
44:47I know he is
44:59I know he is
45:29Patricia Ford
45:31I'm DC Ware from Sunhill
45:33Just call me Petal everyone else does
45:35Ok Petal I'm Mickey
45:37I just wondered if you could tell me what happened at the flat that was all
45:39Yeah yeah I suppose so
45:41In your own time just tell me what you can remember
45:43I don't know I mean
45:45It's all a bit of a blur you know
45:47I was just walking by
45:49And I saw a man
45:51And I thought
45:53I saw a man
45:55And I thought
45:57And I was just walking past the flat
45:59On my way home
46:01And I heard this crashing
46:03The door was open and I just looked in
46:05I didn't
46:07I just thought something might be wrong
46:09And then
46:11I called out and two men rushed at me
46:13From inside
46:15Definitely two men? Yeah
46:17One of them was shouting
46:19In my face
46:21And he started hitting me
46:23He must have pushed me over
46:25And that's when I hit my head
46:27Did you know any of them?
46:31Hey listen you're doing really well ok
46:33When our officers arrived there was another man there
46:35Tall young man
46:37Slim wore a blue hoodie
46:39Early 20s maybe mid 20s
46:41I don't know who that was
46:43He just found me
46:45I'm sorry I've still got a headache
46:47It's ok listen you've done really well
46:49We may need to come back and take a full statement off you soon if that's alright
46:51I suppose
46:53Excuse me
47:01Excuse me
47:07Hey stop
47:29Ben Meadows
47:31Listen Mickey
47:33Hello police
47:51Get him up
47:55Where is this stuff
48:07I don't want anyone else
48:09In or out of here
48:11Tell us what we're dealing with and how safe it is
48:13Yes ma'am
48:15Thank you
48:21Due to recent judgements
48:23Inappropriate to proceed
48:25Well if they're not going to push it I don't see why we should waste our time
48:27You got anything else
48:29Not unless you want to go up to Griffin case again
48:31Has he offered to give us a statement
48:33No not since we spoke to him last
48:35Well that's a waste of time as well
48:37I'll dump it in pending
48:45It's just another refusal for a request to visit
48:47Ben I thought he was in Shadwell
48:49No no he's moved
48:51That's what they tell me
48:53He doesn't seem fit to keep me informed himself
48:55Hey put your own son away
48:57Can't expect much else can you
48:59Just had a call from Inspector Weston
49:01Evidently a uniformed found some kind of chemical factory in a flat down on Mayfield House
49:03On the Abilard
49:05Is it drugs
49:07I don't know they've got forensics down there now
49:09Okay you and Mickey get down there
49:11Keep me informed
49:13Listen Gumbler if you
49:15Come on Mickey
49:17I think I've got the message after three years
49:27The call out was to an assault Patricia Fould
49:29We found her just outside the open door
49:31When me and Tony turned up there was a guy tall guy
49:33Slim build mid twenties
49:35Wearing a blue hoodie running from the scene
49:37He's the suspect
49:39Well there weren't any other witnesses so we can't be sure but the fact that he didn't stick around
49:41Yeah well no one around here really wants to talk to a cop
49:43Where's the victim now
49:45St Hughes, mild concussion
49:47What's her connection with this flat
49:49We don't know she wasn't up to saying much
49:51This one here
49:59This is definitely more gear than the usual kitchen sink operation
50:01Both the front door and the bedroom have been full
50:03So if it is drugs
50:05Whoever broke in might have wanted to nick them
50:07Yeah still be good to know who made them in the first place though
50:09It's got to be Linton Barry surely
50:11I don't know yeah dealing I'm sure
50:13But making them I think the closest Linton ever got to chemistry
50:15Was putting salt and vinegar on his chips
50:17Morning gents
50:19Good morning Eddie
50:21So what's going on here and what's with this berthing pool
50:23Well they mixed the stuff in, follow me
50:33Fairly serious operation
50:35Decent equipment
50:37And a microwave and kitchen scale
50:39What about the chemicals though, what were they making
50:41Well PCP is what they had the recipe for
50:43Angel dust, rocket fuel
50:45Dumb dust, super gross
50:47Call it what you like doesn't make it any nicer does it
50:49We found it in that box over there
50:51Looks like something downloaded from the internet
50:53How many degrees would you need to understand that
50:55It's not exactly a Nigella recipe is it
50:57Ok so how much were they making
50:59Well I can't tell you yet
51:01Looking at the empties I'd say a fair amount
51:03Well the stuff's not here now
51:05So I'm going to have to have a closer look
51:07Before I can be sure
51:09Ok well listen sooner rather than later
51:11Because if someone's running around with half a ton of this PCP
51:13I want to know about it before half the estate goes high
51:15Ok Mickey I need you to speak to the neighbours
51:17I want you to get down to St Hughes, speak to the victim
51:19See if she can come up with anything else alright
51:23Previously on The Bill
51:25You know a while back the Governor's son got done for drugs
51:27You mean Nick's own son
51:29Yeah, I'm sick of being lied to by people I thought I could trust
51:31I know what it's like to have a son who hates me
51:33What can I say I should have kept a faith
51:35After everything you've done for me
51:37I mean I at least owe you that much
52:03Sierra Oscar from Sierra Oscar 1
52:05On scene at the Abilard now
52:07Any updates on location
52:09Sierra 1 location is flat number 45 Mayfield House
52:11All received Sierra Oscar out
52:1398's up on the first floor
52:15Sierra 1 from Sierra Oscar 1
52:17We'll be with you in two minutes
52:19You have a seat Bob
52:23Bloody hell mate
52:25Couldn't you have gone before we left
52:29Help please
52:47Sierra Oscar from 437
52:49Suspect impossible assault on the Abilard estate
52:51Last seen leaving Mayfield House
52:53Have lost eyeball over, excuse me mate
52:55Did you know that guy, have you seen him before
52:57Sierra Oscar 595, can I have an ETA on the ambulance please
52:59My present location, I've got one female with head injuries over
53:01Received Sierra 1
53:03LA5 already on way, ETA two minutes
53:05Here received
53:07Ok ambulance is on it's way, his name will be alright
53:09Keep still
53:11I'm going to check the flat
53:15Whatever you think is wrong yeah
53:17So just forget yourself
53:19When did you get out of Longmarsh
53:21A few weeks ago
53:23No we need to talk
53:25You want to talk to me here
53:27Or you want to talk to me down at Nick
53:45Ok you're here to see Petal, why
53:47Why do you think
53:49To see if she's alright, that we're together
53:51Well if you were that concerned why did you run away from the flat this morning
53:53Well I thought that would be obvious, I didn't want to end up doing all this
53:55So what was you doing here anyway
53:57Look I wasn't
53:59I've been to the shop to get some milk
54:01I'm on my way back to Petal's and I see something happening by the flat
54:03When I get there she's on the floor so I call an ambulance
54:05And when your lot arrived I legged it
54:07You ain't told Jack you've been released have you
54:09Why would I
54:11Because he's your dad
54:13Yeah well you can't choose your family right
54:15Come on you know what he'd do as soon as he found out
54:17He'd come round trying to sort out my life and I don't need that alright
54:19Look you should know by now I'm not like him
54:21I don't want to be like him, he's got you for that Nick
54:23Oh please you don't know what you're talking about
54:25Look I might not have seen him for three years but I still know what he's like
54:27You no longer have to tell him don't you
54:33I just need some time alright
54:35I will talk to him but I want to get myself sorted out first
54:37A job, a flat
54:43Benny wants to see you
54:45But I need to do that first that's all
54:47I'm home
54:49Please Mickey