Gary Johnson es el asesino profesional más buscado de Nueva Orleans. Para sus clientes, es el sicario ideal. Pero si le pagas para que elimine a un cónyuge infiel o a un jefe maltratador, será mejor que tengas cuidado: trabaja para la policía. Cuando rompe el protocolo para ayudar a una mujer desesperada que intenta huir de un novio maltratador, se convierte en uno de sus falsos personajes, se enamora de la mujer y coquetea con convertirse él mismo en un criminal.
Crédito: AGC Studios, Barnstorm Productions, Detour Pictures, Cinetic Media, Aggregate Films, Netflix
Crédito: AGC Studios, Barnstorm Productions, Detour Pictures, Cinetic Media, Aggregate Films, Netflix
00:08No, no, no, I don't buy it what you're not a hitman you can't be I
00:18Tried looking you up nothing. It's like you don't even exist. I guess I'm just your fantasy
00:25So what's the biggest difference between the real you and your occupation
00:32The way, my name is Gary Johnson and I'm a fake hitman I
00:40Realized not everyone fantasized about the same hitman
00:45Every sting operation was a performance
00:48This is serious, I am in service business and each arrest was like a standing ovation
00:56Okay, Daniel Day
01:00I had it down to a science sounds lovely until things got well run complicated
01:18We're expecting heavy turbulence so prepare to brace for impact
01:32Remember the lady came and trying to have a husband kill that we let go know that he let go
01:37Yeah, her husband was just found dead
01:41I'm so what happened
01:51From my perspective you're getting a little sloppy. She can't hear Gary
01:57Who the hitman
02:00My name is Gary Johnson and my simple question for you is
02:04Who is your?
02:13We'll see