Maharaj Part 2 - Hindi Film YoutubePrimeVideo

  • 3 months ago
00:00Don't waste your time on that.
00:02Our job is to clean the country.
00:05You should focus on that.
00:06If we all work together to clean the country,
00:08who will clean the house?
00:18Let's start with the house.
00:22Kishori came.
00:26Did you call off the engagement?
00:30I told you the reason.
00:32You did the right thing,
00:34and the wrong thing too.
00:37Karsan is a part of social reform.
00:41First, make a person realize his mistake.
00:46Then, correct that mistake.
00:51And then, bring him back into the society.
00:57You showed Kishori his mistake.
01:00But you didn't give him a chance to reform.
01:04You should have started the reform.
01:16You're right, Mr. Aroji.
01:19I should have started...
02:01Karsan, don't bother me.
02:04Let me study.
02:05I have an exam tomorrow.
02:07You do your work.
02:08I'll do mine.
02:11Why did you get me stuck in studies?
02:13Study fast so that you can get married soon.
02:17I can't take it anymore.
02:19I have to study.
02:21I have to study.
02:22I have to study.
02:24I have to study.
02:25I have to study.
02:26I have to study.
02:27I have to study.
02:28I have to study.
02:29I have to study.
02:31You're so eager to be with me.
02:33Kishori, I don't have anyone other than you.
02:37Now, I have you as a friend, as a lover, as a family.
02:42If I leave, you'll lose everything.
02:45Go somewhere and show me.
02:48Don't scold me.
02:52I love you so much.
02:53I want to go somewhere.
02:56What if I lose you?
02:59What can I do?
03:01I love you.
03:08I love you so much.
03:10I want to go to you.
03:12I love you.
03:14I love you.
03:18I love you.
03:24I love you.
03:28I have to tell my daughter.
03:31I never thought I'd be out of my mind.
03:51Where is it then?
03:53I don't know.
04:01I've never seen you this fat.
04:16I was blind.
04:18To the point where I couldn't tell the difference between God and man.
04:26When I open my eyes today,
04:29I can't even look you in the eye.
04:33I couldn't give you life.
04:36I'm giving you proof of that regret after my death.
04:40Maybe you'll believe me.
04:43I was so headstrong.
04:46I couldn't be your friend.
04:49But I became the reason for the fight.
04:53I want to bring JJ's real face to the society.
04:59That will be my salvation.
05:16I'm sorry.
05:18I'm sorry.
05:20I'm sorry.
05:22I'm sorry.
05:24I'm sorry.
05:26I'm sorry.
05:28I'm sorry.
05:30I'm sorry.
05:32I'm sorry.
05:34I'm sorry.
05:36I'm sorry.
05:38I'm sorry.
05:40I'm sorry.
05:42I'm sorry.
05:43I'm sorry.
05:51Your Majesty!
05:54Your Majesty Yaludin!
05:55Kishori's death is not suicide. It's murder.
06:00You are her murderer.
06:03Why? What kind of a man are you?
06:07You killed Kishori.
06:10You killed Kishori.
06:13You killed Kishori.
06:16You killed Kishori.
06:19You killed Kishori.
06:21You killed Kishori.
06:25How would you feel if your daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law
06:28were served in another mansion?
06:37How dare you take the name of your daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law?
06:43Why do you scream when you hear their names?
06:45Don't you feel ashamed to insult others' daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law?
06:52God is a sinner, not a grandson, JJ.
06:55Whether anyone says it or not, I will say it.
06:58I will ask.
06:59And I will write against you.
07:01Today's writing is tomorrow's blood, Garsandas.
07:06Sanatan is only religion.
07:08You have no idea of the power of words.
07:10And you have no idea of the power of religion.
07:12Have you thought what will happen that day?
07:14When the devotees will know that God has left this mansion long ago.
07:18I am not God.
07:21King Yadunath.
07:24King of the Yadus.
07:26And you, Garsandas.
07:30Krishna's servant.
07:33Our deeds are written in our names.
07:36These names are borrowed, JJ.
07:39Parents have given them to the society.
07:42Names don't make deeds.
07:44Deeds make names.
07:47Now Krishna's servant will fight in front of the mansion.
07:50For the mansion.
07:52Not with religion.
07:53He will fight with the contractors of religion.
07:55You fool.
07:58Look at the difference between the two of us.
08:01We are at such a height that no ordinary Karsan can even touch us.
08:05I will climb on the shoulders of your devotees and reach you.
08:08I promise.
08:10Now I will write.
08:13I will take your name and write about your reality on the top of the plate.
08:19I have lost the one who was dear to me.
08:24Now the whole market will rise.
08:26It will be your honor.
08:30Now even if I drown, JJ.
08:33I will drown with you.
08:40I will drown with you.
08:44I will drown with you.
08:49Krishna, you can't print this in Raas gufta.
08:52Straightly on the mansion, JJ.
08:55Raas Gufta's circulation is too high in Vaishravu.
08:58Devotees will not tolerate such allegations against the king.
09:02Why do you want to write when you have no courage to print?
09:05You've never had so many writers before, have you, Mr. Prasad?
09:08Write about Pratap.
09:10Write about me.
09:11We're not stopping you.
09:13Yes, it's important that I write.
09:15But it's more important that people read it.
09:20Maybe this is the right time to publish my new magazine.
09:25Shijrat, it's not a bad idea.
09:35I'm sorry.
09:44Never hesitate to ask questions.
09:47Bless you.
09:48Yes, ma'am.
10:16If people get hold of this magazine tomorrow,
10:20people will come to know the truth about JJ.
10:25Just a minute.
10:45Don't open it now.
10:49The fight has just begun.
10:54The day JJ gets the punishment for his actions,
10:59that will be the day Kishore will die.
11:09Take care.
11:27Manu, take care.
11:30Don't worry, Mr. Karsan.
11:32Just tell me his name.
11:35I've shot a lot of bullets.
11:39What will I do?
11:40How will I get out of here?
11:42No one will know.
11:44Let's go.
11:45Take the narrow lane ahead.
11:47Come on.
11:48Come on.
11:53Here, here.
11:54Go this way.
11:55This way.
11:56Come on.
12:01How are you doing?
12:02How are you?
12:04How are you?
12:05Come on.
12:26There won't be a single copy left in the market
12:28to distribute among people in the morning, JJ.
12:31What's going on here, Mr. Yadunal?
12:37Don't be a hypocrite,
12:39and don't be a hypocrite of the Hindu religion.
12:42The reality of Yadunath Maharaj.
12:46You can burn the newspaper,
12:48but not the truth.
12:50Before the matter goes any further,
12:52apologize to him.
12:54Otherwise, the people who are worshipping today,
12:56will be questioning you tomorrow.
13:08Mr. Okia.
13:16Today, the doors of the mansion won't open
13:19for visitors from Mangala to Shen.
13:29Send an order to every mansion in the city.
13:36Yes, sir.
13:37A devotee doesn't eat without seeing Mangala.
13:41Do you know that?
13:44I know, that's why.
13:48Now, the hunger of the devotees will force him
13:52to apologize.
13:56Once he apologizes,
14:00the doors will open.
14:06Otherwise, by then,
14:07our Shreeji Baba will be on the verge of death.
14:12And the mansion will be in chaos.
14:25Everyone, pay attention.
14:27Until Karsandas Mulchi apologizes
14:30for insulting the mansion and the community,
14:33no visitors are allowed in the mansion.
14:35No visitors?
14:36There won't be any visitors or aarti?
14:38Open the door!
14:40Open the door!
14:42Open the door!
14:44Open the door!
14:46Open the door!
14:47Open the door!
14:48Open the door!
14:49Open the door!
14:50Open the door!
14:51Open the door!
14:52Open the door!
14:53Open the door!
14:54Open the door!
14:55Open the door!
14:56Open the door!
14:57Open the door!
14:58Open the door!
14:59Open the door!
15:00Open the door!
15:01Open the door!
15:02Open the door!
15:03Open the door!
15:04Open the door!
15:05Open the door!
15:06Open the door!
15:07Open the door!
15:08Open the door!
15:09Open the door!
15:10Open the door!
15:11Open the door!
15:12Open the door!
15:13Open the door!
15:14Open the door!
15:15Open the door!
15:16Open the door!
15:17Open the door!
15:18Open the door!
15:19Open the door!
15:20Open the door!
15:21Open the door!
15:22Kashan Das, apologize!
15:26What will happen if I apologize?
15:30Will the doors open?
15:33If we find out that their stubbornness is working,
15:35they will keep closing the doors again and again.
15:40Will we keep knocking on the door every time?
15:46In children's language, stubbornness
15:48and in English language, blackmail is used.
15:53If you get lost on the way,
15:55if you don't see a mansion for a few days,
15:57do you die of starvation?
16:01If you eat food in the name of God,
16:04why are you letting them take advantage
16:06of something as ordinary as hunger?
16:09JJ has a problem with my writing.
16:11That's why I took copies to the market
16:13and got them picked up before that.
16:17If you have a problem with me, deal with me.
16:19Stop visiting me.
16:20What is your problem, brother?
16:23What is the meaning of keeping a gun on your shoulder?
16:29more than the mansion we need,
16:31the mansion needs us.
16:34Their factory runs on our gift and devotion.
16:39And the workers can go on strike.
16:42Not God.
16:46He has taught us
16:48that God is everywhere
16:51and he is also God.
16:54Why can't we eat food in his presence?
16:58Tell me.
17:13Don't cry.
17:14This is the first time someone has spoken sensibly.
17:43Excuse me.
17:50He can come.
17:52You will perform today's aarti.
17:56How can I do it when you are here?
17:59You are here for the aarti.
18:01That's the only condition.
18:03You can do it any way you want.
18:05God doesn't care.
18:07Some people have forgotten
18:09that we are the servants of the mansion,
18:11not the owners.
18:14Hail Lord Giri!
18:17Hail Lord Giri!
18:20Hail Lord Giri!
18:43Hail Lord Giri!
18:44Hail Lord Giri!
18:45Hail Lord Giri!
18:46Hail Lord Giri!
18:47Hail Lord Giri!
18:48Hail Lord Giri!
18:49Hail Lord Giri!
18:50Hail Lord Giri!
18:51Hail Lord Giri!
18:52Hail Lord Giri!
18:53Hail Lord Giri!
18:54Hail Lord Giri!
18:55Hail Lord Giri!
18:56Hail Lord Giri!
18:57Hail Lord Giri!
18:58Hail Lord Giri!
18:59Hail Lord Giri!
19:00Hail Lord Giri!
19:01Hail Lord Giri!
19:02Hail Lord Giri!
19:03Hail Lord Giri!
19:04Hail Lord Giri!
19:05Hail Lord Giri!
19:06Hail Lord Giri!
19:07Hail Lord Giri!
19:08Hail Lord Giri!
19:09Hail Lord Giri!
19:10Hail Lord Giri!
19:11Hail Lord Giri!
19:13Pune Observer, Tech Herald, Rastu Goftar, Mumbai Samachar.
19:18You are in all the newspapers.
19:21There are only news about Shriji Baba's visit.
19:24Now only the first issue of Satya Prakash has been reprinted.
19:28That's all we have.
19:29What do you say, Nanubhai?
19:30If the theft hadn't happened, people would have read the issue long ago.
19:36It was my bad luck.
19:39I was alone.
19:41I told him, if you want, you can...
19:43Nanubhai, please be careful.
19:48Sorapji bhai, I shouldn't have gone from that lane.
19:52They have taken everything.
19:57All the devotees have been freed from the spell in Mangala.
20:01Not in Mangala, in Aarti.
20:03Who is Aarti?
20:04She is my aunt.
20:05And she is the head of the mansion.
20:07You don't understand.
20:11I am Viraj.
20:13You were at the mansion the other day, right?
20:17The city girl?
20:18She came to give her job.
20:24Do you know how to read and write?
20:26What do you mean?
20:27I have made two mistakes while standing.
20:29I am smart.
20:33What is this?
20:34Sharp, sharp.
20:35Uncle and aunt are different.
20:37I have studied till 10th grade.
20:38I have given 10th grade three times.
20:41I was a little bad.
20:42But passing or not, uncle and aunt are different.
20:45Don't talk nonsense.
20:46I am talking about work.
20:49Don't throw me out of work.
20:51I was 5.
20:53And I told him...
20:55Nanubhai, listen.
20:59You will get the job, but you won't pay me.
21:03Let's go, sir.
21:06Being in Ganga is a sign of being a reformer.
21:10Do what you say.
21:11Full of passion.
21:14Yes, passion.
21:15Uncle and aunt are different.
21:16Now understand Bhawla.
21:17Don't pay attention to mistakes.
21:20Hey, Nanu uncle.
21:22Empty the jug.
21:23Come on.
21:25If I see him, I will get a sweet look.
21:28We don't have time.
21:30It doesn't take time.
21:31It takes time.
21:34He is very strange, isn't he?
21:36Jai Jai.
21:38Open the door.
21:41We haven't seen him for two days.
21:46What if he falls down like an old man?
21:52We will open the door when he falls at our feet and apologizes.
22:00I won't.
22:02I won't.
22:03I won't.
22:05What if you don't apologize?
22:15Even his father will apologize.
22:20You live in a remote village, so you may not have reached Satyaprakash.
22:26You will be buried here very soon.
22:31We are responsible for the balance of society.
22:35If anyone spoils it, he will have to be punished.
22:42Otherwise, everyone will keep spitting on the mansion.
22:51Anyway, they keep us alive.
22:53But if there is a fear of epidemic, it is a good deed to kill the rat.
23:04Jai Jai.
23:14Touch the heart, understand more in sorrow.
23:23Be fearless.
23:35There were three types of sirs in Gujarati.
23:43And sir.
23:45Sir, sir and sir.
23:48Do it properly.
23:49This will be published.
23:52Sir, you?
23:54Sir, you?
23:57When did you come from Patal?
24:00This will be published in Satyaprakash.
24:02This will be published in Satyaprakash.
24:08I, Moolji Jigraj, am forever indebted to my son, Karsan Moolji.
24:16He has no right on my name, property or last rites.
24:23I had nothing to do with his behavior and writing.
24:27Neither will I have nor will I have.
24:32The writing is yours.
24:35I don't know why I can hear you, Yadunath Maharaj.
24:39You have already left the house.
24:42You will also leave Gnati.
24:45There is still time.
24:47Be careful.
24:50Join your hands and apologize.
24:53You will be left alone after being separated from Jhumri.
24:58What is the use of Jhumri, which takes away courage by supporting.
25:09I am yours.
25:13I will print it in my next eye from today.
25:41What are you thinking?
25:48That relationships don't work with me.
25:54Uncle and aunt.
26:00One after the other, everyone left behind.
26:05Our own people disappointed us, Viraj.
26:08We cut our own teeth.
26:11If our own people have disappointed you, then make them yours.
26:14With whom you have hope.
26:16I had heard your first speech from that day itself.
26:19I will marry you.
26:22Viraj, I...
26:24I know everything about Kishori.
26:26My family has explained a lot.
26:27Father said a few things.
26:30But I am not one to understand.
26:33You are stubborn.
26:34I don't have a choice.
26:35The first step to reach you is stubbornness.
26:38I can cook food.
26:39I can make peacock feathers on a thread.
26:41I can iron with a hot pot.
26:43I have ten huts.
26:44I am the eldest among brothers and sisters.
26:46I may not look good.
26:47But how will you get better than me the second time?
26:51No, I mean.
26:52I am ugly.
26:53But my heart is pure.
26:55Okay, one thing.
26:56Now you won't get anyone.
26:57And I have to marry someone crazy.
26:59And my father says that even if he finds a lamp in his hand,
27:02he can't find a crazier person than Karsan Das.
27:05Now, what more can anyone ask from God?
27:09Will you marry me?
27:12Yes, marriage, marriage.
27:13There is a difference between uncle and aunt.
27:15Okay, if I say marriage instead of marriage,
27:18will you marry me?
27:19Say yes or yes.
27:29Oh, my brother.
27:30No was not in the option.
27:32Okay, at least tell me the reason for no.
27:37Viraj, I don't want to lose my luck.
27:41And you have the strength to mislead me.
27:46Did she praise me or insult me?
27:50Okay, listen.
27:51I will wait.
27:52No, sir.
27:53It's cheap, sir.
27:54I will wait.
27:56I should do with you.
28:24I will wait.
28:25I will wait.
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32:58I will wait.
32:59I will wait.
33:00I will wait.
33:01I will wait.
33:02I will wait.
33:03I will wait.
33:04I will wait.
33:05I will wait.
33:06I will wait.
33:07I will wait.
33:08I will wait.
33:09I will wait.
33:10I will wait.
33:11I will wait.
33:12I will wait.
33:13I will wait.
33:14I will wait.
33:15I will wait.
33:17I will wait.
33:22I will wait.
33:24I will wait.
33:31What's going on?
33:32Come here.
33:40I am scared.
33:41I am scared.
33:42I am scared.
33:43If anything happens to Karsat, we'll be the first to be blamed.
33:54The one who couldn't be silenced by justice, will be silenced by justice.
34:01Send a message to Bailey that we want to meet.
34:0850,000 per month?
34:13I never thought the court would knock on my door.
34:17It's time to tread with caution, Karsan.
34:20Headmaster of the school. Salary is 60 rupees.
34:26I can't even collect 5000 rupees after selling my house, village and land.
34:32When I don't have anything to lose, why should I be scared?
34:36What will happen to me?
34:41Let it be.
34:43I'll sit there and write.
34:45The problem is that we want to go to court.
34:49And the court wants proof.
34:52Which we don't have, nor will we ever have.
34:55Who will let their wife and daughter go to the court to say that the king took advantage of them?
35:02How will we find a witness who testified in front of J.J.?
35:05Karsan Das.
35:12As soon as I heard about the king's notice,
35:15I called the people's assembly of Bhatia.
35:18Meet them, Karsan Das.
35:20They will testify against J.J.
35:35Crowd shouting.
35:44Crowd shouting.
35:52Long live the King!
35:56Get the golden pot ready, Khawas.
36:00The King's servants are coming to pay their respects.
36:12The new bride will have to go to the palace on the first night to seek blessings.
36:23Shyamlal Seth's third son is actually J.J. Karan.
36:26He is raising him as his own.
36:32Kapoor, Das, Goswami, Srinivas and many more.
36:39We will be back in a moment.
36:41You go ahead, Karsan Das.
36:53Long live the King!
36:57Long live the King!
37:01Long live the King!
37:06Here you are, Karsan Das. I was waiting for you.
37:10I didn't forget you when I came back in the evening.
37:13I'm sorry.
37:19Apologize to him.
37:22What's going on, Khawas?
37:43Pujya Yajnath Maharaj claimed 50,000 rupees in the court in front of me.
38:01I'm here to answer his notice.
38:06Stand still, my lawyer.
38:14This kid will fight the court.
38:19He hasn't even broken his sprain yet.
38:22That's why you need to be extra careful, J.J.
38:25No matter what decision you are given, you will be in the court.
38:34Otherwise, you will be in the hands of the King.
38:44No King has ever stepped into the court.
38:49Even you shouldn't. That's my request.
38:54So, what do you want me to do?
38:59Apologize to Karsan Das, withdraw the claim and accept it.
39:04What do you want me to do?
39:08Apologize to Karsan Das, withdraw the claim and accept it.
39:14This mansion has been exploiting the devotees for years.
39:18It does everything in secret.
39:22And I'm not afraid of anyone.
39:25We need to keep the devotees in check.
39:28Because we have to do it out of fear.
39:31Our ancestors have been doing penance for years.
39:35We can't let it go to waste.
39:40I, King Zedunath, am the head of this family.
39:46I have brought a lot of wealth to this mansion.
39:49I will go to the court.
39:52And I will teach that Das a lesson...
39:55...that no one will ever look at the mansion again.
40:10Karsan Das, we have received a message from the devotees.
40:14They won't be able to come to the court to testify.
40:18The devotees have been missing since noon.
40:21The other devotees are being threatened to cross the river.
40:23The entire community is against JJ.
40:28Everyone is scared.
40:31What can we do now?
40:33Those men were all we had.
40:35Karsan, if you like, we can file a conspiracy case against them.
40:38Once the case is filed against them...
40:41...they will have to come to the court.
40:43We are already helpless, Mr. Ernst.
40:46How much more will we make them helpless?
40:50Where are you going?
40:51To the press.
40:53People should know how much the king has fallen.
40:57To the press.
41:03You come with me.
41:34Mr. Tejpal's press was burnt because of me.
41:39My father was right.
41:42Friendship and enmity should be maintained.
41:45The people I am fighting for have become my enemies.
41:51Who am I fighting for?
41:53For Nilax.
41:56And for that woman...
41:58...who has a scream in her throat.
42:02Imagine what she must be going through.
42:05Her husband sends her to JJ.
42:10She was only 12 years old.
42:12She was 16 years old...
42:17...when her father took her to the mansion.
42:25To serve him.
42:35She was a small girl.
42:42Yet she could understand...
42:45...that what was happening was strange and dirty.
42:50She cried and screamed and ran away.
42:53She never set foot in the backyard of the mansion again.
42:59Just like me...
43:01...not all girls understand at the right time, Karsan.
43:07And those who don't have a seat...
43:09...shouldn't become a slave.
43:11It's your responsibility.
43:17People like JJ are enemies of new ideas.
43:21Even if you lose, your ideas will win.
43:26This case is just a part of the fight.
43:29Our fight is much bigger than this.
43:32Then why this disappointment?
43:44My uncle used to tell me...
43:48...that if you are disappointed, you will be disappointed too.
43:53Did you forget?
43:55Yes, I did.
43:57Karsan, Mr. Tejpal has called for you.
44:00JJ's daughter-in-law is coming home.
44:13Whatever happened to Bhatia...
44:16...I don't know.
44:18I don't know.
44:20I don't know.
44:22I don't know.
44:24Whatever happened to Bhatia...
44:27...I have heard.
44:31Even about the dress.
44:35Go to this address.
44:42You will surely find a witness.
44:46Father, you are here?
44:51I am standing at the crossroads of my family.
44:56I don't have the courage... cross the crossroads.
45:07I will leave now.
45:32Thank you.
45:49I knew it.
45:51You will find me.
45:53You are...
45:55Come in.
45:57Come quickly.
46:08I have forgotten my purse.
46:21I am Shamji Damodar.
46:23She is my sister, Leelavati.
46:27I came to pick you up that night.
46:30But you were not there when I reached.
46:32Two people came...
46:34...and dragged us inside the mansion.
46:37When I went inside, I saw... daughter-in-law standing in front of me.
46:41JJ gave me a sweet made of dates.
46:44But that night, my daughter-in-law...
46:46...poured water on her and made her vomit.
46:50And sending you here means...
46:53...that father also wants...
46:58...that we testify in front of JJ.
47:02And we will definitely do that.
47:06There are still 15 days left in the hearing.
47:09If JJ finds out, he will play a trick again.
47:13What should we do?
47:14Till the hearing...
47:16...let's hide him in Tejpal Singh's mansion.
47:22Don't worry.
47:24I will take care of your safety.
48:14Copyright © 2021 Mooji Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
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