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00:00So friends, by watching this video, you can start earning money from YouTube.
00:07Today I will teach you how you can get thousands of unique Hindi videos for free.
00:16And by uploading these videos on YouTube, you can earn thousands or maybe lakhs of rupees.
00:23The videos with the most number of Hindi songs on YouTube get the most views.
00:32And these lakhs of views mean that you can earn thousands of rupees from each video.
00:37And the amazing thing is that you will also become the owner of these videos.
00:41And you will also have their copyright.
00:44So if you were still dreaming of earning money from YouTube,
00:48then by watching my video today, your dream can come true.
00:52Or maybe you have already made a channel on YouTube and tried to earn money, but have not succeeded yet.
00:59So don't worry, friends.
01:01In today's video, I will teach you how you can legally get hundreds of videos of Hindi songs for free.
01:10And you can make a new YouTube channel and put them in it.
01:14And you can earn a lot of money sitting.
01:17I will teach you all this in detail in today's video.
01:21So if you are a student, housewife, do a job, do business, or you are sitting idle,
01:26then just copy and paste today and start earning a lot of money from YouTube.
01:31To get all the information, stay with me in this video till the end.
01:35Hello friends, how are you all?
01:37As you know, my name is Sanjeev Kumar Jindal.
01:39I have been an HR recruitment professional for the past 39 years.
01:42And with the experience of so many years, I make videos related to part-time job, full-time job, work from home, and freelancing regularly.
01:49And one rupee is a big deal, friends.
01:51I don't let any of you spend a penny or invest anywhere.
01:54So friends, I used to get a lot of comments from you,
01:57that sir, somehow get hundreds of videos of Hindi songs for free.
02:03Which are copyright free and which you can legally put on YouTube without any fear and earn a lot of money.
02:10So in today's video, friends, I am going to fulfill this wish of yours.
02:14Today, the hundreds of videos of Hindi songs that I will get you,
02:18they become your property.
02:20That is, you become the owner of these videos.
02:23And that's why if you put these videos on YouTube, then you don't get any copyright.
02:29Now you will think, how can this happen?
02:32So friends, we keep doing the work of making the impossible possible on this Sanjeev Kumar channel.
02:39You know this very well if you are our old viewer.
02:43Everything is 100% real and practical and 100% legal.
02:47Before teaching you everything in detail, let me tell you all the steps.
02:51How will all this happen?
02:53It must be coming to your mind that where will you get these hundreds of videos of Hindi songs from?
02:59So listen to the whole process, all the confusion will be removed.
03:03So we will make these videos of Hindi songs on our mobile phones using 4 different sites running on artificial intelligence.
03:13Yes, we will make it on our mobile phones.
03:16And a video of a Hindi song will be made in just 2 minutes.
03:20And 10 videos of Hindi songs will be made in just 20 minutes.
03:23And will be made only by copying and pasting, will be made 100% free.
03:27And because you will make them, you will also be their legal owner.
03:31That means you will also have their copyright.
03:34The words of these Hindi songs, a free computer will give you in just 1 minute.
03:41And another computer will sing the words of this song in a very feminine or masculine voice.
03:48Yes, it will sing.
03:49And along with it, the music or orchestra will also be played by the computer.
03:54The song sung by this computer will sound like a real singer or even better than that.
04:00Then a third computer will press a button on this Hindi song and turn it into a video.
04:07In this way, a Hindi song with original lyrics will turn into a beautiful video in just 2 minutes.
04:15The owners of these 4 sites run by artificial intelligence have made their sites with billions of dollars of investment.
04:24And they have also put paid services in them, otherwise how will their investment return?
04:29But today, in today's video, I will teach you how to do all this 100% free on these 4 sites.
04:37I will not let you spend a penny from your pocket.
04:39So watch this video without skipping, otherwise you can get stuck in a paid section of these sites.
04:45So let's go in a completely legal way, first I will get you videos of Hindi songs.
04:50And then by making a new YouTube channel, I will teach you to earn by uploading these videos on them.
04:56So let's go, 100% free and just by copying and pasting.
04:59So friends, now I have brought you to my laptop screen.
05:02Whatever I will tell you, all of you can do it from your mobile phone.
05:06Whether that mobile phone is new, old or of any company.
05:09So for now, I will tell you the 4 steps to follow again.
05:13In the first step, we will register for free on a site called suno.ai.
05:18After registering, in just 5 minutes, we will make a song sung by a very talented computer scientist.
05:25And that too in Hindi.
05:27And after that, in the second step, we will take the song made in Hindi to a site called Lumen5.
05:35We will make a video of it, just by clicking one button.
05:38You don't have to do anything, just copy and paste.
05:41In the third step, the video that we will make, there is a watermark in it.
05:46We will remove it.
05:47And in the fourth step, we will make a new YouTube channel and put this video there.
05:52In this way, you can make hundreds of videos and put them there.
05:56In Hindi, all are copyright free and exclusive.
06:00And this YouTube channel of yours is also monetized.
06:04Till now, if you were just dreaming, as I have been telling you, that you will become a YouTuber.
06:08So now become one, without showing your face, without saying anything.
06:11It is a very good way, keep watching.
06:13I will tell you very soon, in a straightforward way.
06:15So let's start the first step.
06:16Now in the first step, you can see a site open on your screen.
06:20Its name is suno.ai.
06:22This is a site of a new era running on Artificial Intelligence.
06:26Here, I have put the link of this site in the description box of this video.
06:29By clicking, your laptop will open on the desktop like this.
06:32It opens on your mobile phone like this.
06:34You have to run its desktop version.
06:36At the top right, where there are three dots, click.
06:39A window will open.
06:40From below, there is a third category, desktop site.
06:42Click here, this site.
06:43This site will run on your mobile phone in the same way.
06:45And it will make a wonderful song for you for free.
06:48Just like a laptop or desktop gives.
06:51So don't worry.
06:53Do everything with your mobile phone.
06:55For now, I will remove my mobile from in front of you.
06:57I will show you the rest of the work on my laptop.
06:59Now I have brought you back to the laptop.
07:01We will register here.
07:02Where it is written, make a song.
07:04Click here.
07:05And after that, on this page, where it is written create in the left hand, click here.
07:09And after that, where you see a sign of Google, click here.
07:12You will reach the section of your laptop, desktop or mobile phone.
07:16Where you will see all your Gmail IDs.
07:18Just click on whichever Gmail ID you want to register.
07:20And after that, click on continue.
07:22Your registration has been completed 100% free.
07:26There is also a paid section on this site.
07:28You don't have to take that.
07:31You only have to use the free section.
07:33Which I am going to explain to you now in this video.
07:36In this video, you get 50 credits in a day in an account created with one Gmail ID.
07:42Within 50 credits, you can get 2 or 3 songs made from here.
07:49That is, you can get about 60 songs in a month from here.
07:53If 60 is also less, then you can make 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 10th, 100th account here from different Gmail IDs.
08:01And with every Gmail ID, you can get 50 credits and make 2 songs every day.
08:07So in this case, why would anyone take paid subscription for this?
08:12You don't have to take that.
08:13So let's start making songs now.
08:15So first of all, where there is a custom mode above, click here.
08:18This will open a window in front of you.
08:20Where it is written, get started.
08:22If you click this, then in a way, you have accepted the terms and conditions.
08:25After that, this window will open.
08:27See where you can see the arrow sign.
08:29Where my mouse is.
08:30If you click here, then another small window will open in front of you.
08:34You have to accept this.
08:36Now you have to put lyrics here.
08:38What I mean to say is that if you put any lyrics or lyrics of a song here,
08:44then this software called suno.ai or site,
08:49it makes it a very good computer with music in the background, with orchestra.
08:57And that voice can be of a woman or a man.
09:01This site itself decides which person to lose those lyrics or the words of that song,
09:09whether it is a woman or a man.
09:12Now, where will the lyrics come from here?
09:14We will make this from a computer named chat gpt.
09:18Many people have learned to make songs from this suno.ai site in their YouTube videos.
09:24But they did not tell you the way I am telling you.
09:27Now, the words of the song here, we will get it written from chat gpt.
09:31And for that, we will give a command to chat gpt.
09:34Or we will give a prompt somewhere or give an order.
09:37You can see that on your screen right now.
09:40Now, you have to put this prompt on chat gpt and get the song out of there.
09:45If you want, you can get any category's song out of this one prompt.
09:49See, first go to chat gpt and get the words of a song written.
09:53Then we will come back to this suno.ai site.
09:56We will click one and it will make a wonderful song, which a computer will sing or will sing.
10:02And there will be a wonderful orchestra or music behind it.
10:08So, let's get the song written first from chat gpt.
10:11Then we will come back here.
10:12Now, this chat gpt site is open in front of you.
10:14I will suggest you to sign up here again.
10:17Because there are some updates in it.
10:19So, by signing up, you will also get those updates.
10:22The link of this chat gpt site is in the description of this video.
10:25By clicking, your laptop will open on your mobile in the same way.
10:28Click on sign up.
10:29Here too, you have to register through Google.
10:32You will reach that part in your mobile phone or laptop where all your gmail id will be seen.
10:38By clicking on any of them, you can register, click on continue and move forward.
10:42Your registration is done.
10:44Here you will see your name.
10:46By making that gmail id, which you have used while registering here,
10:50whatever name you had put, it does not matter.
10:53Put your date of birth, anything.
10:55And click on agree.
10:56That's it, registration is done.
10:58I did it again so that those who have not done it on chat gpt can do it.
11:02Those who have done it, they know.
11:03Now, click on ok let's go here.
11:06Now, where you can see this search bar,
11:08here you have to put that prompt or command, which is now visible on your screen.
11:14If you want, you can take a screenshot of it and keep it.
11:16And type it here.
11:18I will type it here and show you.
11:20And then I will show you that by making a few changes in this prompt,
11:24you can write the words of any category's song in any language with this chat gpt.
11:30Today I am going to write some songs in Hindi language.
11:33So let me paste this prompt here.
11:36So here you can see the prompt written.
11:39Write a fantastic song lyrics for motivational in Hindi language.
11:44Make sure the lyrics should be unique and easy to understand.
11:48So this motivational is in between the apostrophes.
11:53You can change it.
11:54You can replace it with romantic.
11:56So then chat gpt will write a unique song for you in Hindi which will be romantic.
12:03It will not be motivational.
12:04Or it will be related to any festival.
12:06Like Holi, Eid, Christmas or related to children.
12:10You just have to write instead of motivational festival or Holi or Eid or Christmas or kids.
12:16Or whatever you want.
12:17Category. That's it.
12:18And after that, we will give the command here.
12:20So this chat gpt computer is considered free.
12:23For you in Hindi language or in any other language you want.
12:26So he will write the song.
12:28He will write the lyrics of the song.
12:30Then we will take the lyrics of the song and put it on our site suno.ai.
12:36And that site will just click on a button.
12:39This song's lyrics will be played by a human computer.
12:44And there will be orchestra and music too.
12:46Just have to copy and paste.
12:48See the magic of artificial intelligence friends.
12:50In front of your eyes.
12:51And then this song of yours will be made.
12:54We will take it to another site and make a video of it.
12:57That too as soon as you click.
12:58And then we will make a new YouTube channel and put it there.
13:02Make 150-200 videos like this and put it.
13:04Maybe your destiny will open.
13:05Keep watching.
13:06Keep making.
13:07Now this song has been completed here.
13:08If you want, then this song which I have written in Hindi language.
13:12You can regenerate by clicking here.
13:14Do it 2-3 times.
13:16This chat gpt computer is considered.
13:19It learns every time when it is given a command.
13:22So if you regenerate it 2-3 times.
13:25So every time it gets a better result.
13:29What it has written.
13:31So I got it written 2-3 times like this.
13:33Now the song that has been written here.
13:35This is especially what I have given you a prompt now.
13:38Which flashed on your screen a while ago.
13:41In it, it has been given a command in this way.
13:44That this computer has written this song in the same way.
13:47That when we put the words of this song on listen.ai.
13:51Then a proper song will be made.
13:55So look here.
13:56Chorus is written here.
13:57Outro is written here.
13:58Bridge is written here.
13:59Then chorus.
14:00Then verse.
14:01So what has been written here in this way.
14:04It has been written in this way.
14:06That when this whole song.
14:09With these words of bridge and chorus.
14:11By copying from here.
14:13It will be put on the site of listen.ai.
14:15Then a proper song will be made.
14:17There will be a chorus from behind.
14:19That is, many people are repeating something.
14:21Even then it will look real.
14:23A lot of hard work has been done in this.
14:25Friends, the prompt that I have given you.
14:27My staff has done a lot of research.
14:28It looks like a simple prompt of two lines.
14:30But if you do something different from this.
14:32Then this song will be strange.
14:33And then its output will also be strange.
14:35For now, I will copy all this.
14:37By taking it from the bottom to the top.
14:39Just have to leave this title.
14:40And after that I will take it again to listen.ai.
14:44Now look here.
14:45It is asking for lyrics from us.
14:46That is, the words of the song.
14:47We got it written from chat gpt.
14:49Now we will paste it here.
14:51It came here.
14:52Whatever things are written here.
14:53If you want, you can leave them.
14:55These are optional.
14:57And the title below it.
14:58Just give a title of the song that you are going to make here.
15:02So I gave the title.
15:04Song 1.
15:05And just click on create.
15:07So this site.
15:09Starts making a song for you for free.
15:12It takes a little time to process it.
15:15When it is done.
15:16So I will tell you how it was made.
15:18And after that.
15:19After that.
15:20We will take this song out of here for free.
15:23And after that we will put it on another site.
15:25Whose name is.
15:26Newman 5.
15:27And as soon as you click a button there.
15:29A video of this song will be made.
15:31Very good.
15:32And there will also be subtitles in it.
15:34This option is in it.
15:35And after that.
15:36We will take that video out of there.
15:38And then the process ahead.
15:39So this site.
15:40We have made two songs of the words of our song.
15:45And if you want.
16:10I will download the song that I feel is better and take it from here.
16:15Okay, let's play the first one.
16:40So this was the first song, okay, see how real it is, the lyrics that we have given or
16:59spoken by getting the chat written, this site called suno.ai is being read by a computer
17:06In this case, there is a male singer's voice, but it looks real, it does not look like a
17:11computer voice, friends, it looks real and there is also an orchestra.
17:15He read these lyrics from another person who is also a computer manav, he is here, let's
17:20run it.
17:21Now he has given it to us by earning from a woman so that you decide which song you
17:44have to take out from here.
17:46We will download the song that we have to download, we will click on the three dots
17:53in front of it and click on download, this is your download.
17:56Now we will click on the audio, it also makes a video, but we have checked that it is not
18:01good, there is no moving person in it, so we will only take out the audio from here and
18:06then the song of this audio came to us with the music.
18:10Now we will take this audio to another site and they make a very good video of this audio,
18:17the one who makes this video is not good, no one will see it on YouTube, we have done
18:22so much research.
18:23Now it is downloaded, it is downloaded and goes to the file section of your mobile or
18:28laptop and you see it in the downloads.
18:30So now we will take this song that we have downloaded to the second stage where we will
18:37put it on a free site called Lumen5 and as soon as we press a button, we will change it
18:42to a video, that is, a video will come and this song will also run together.
18:46So now this Lumen5.com site is open in front of you, its link is in the description of
18:51this video.
18:52By clicking, your laptop or mobile will open like this, you also have to open the desktop
18:57mode, if you are on a mobile, then you will sign up for free.
19:02You have to put your name in it, you have to put your Gmail ID, you have to put the
19:07password of 8 characters below, at least there should be a small letter in it, there should
19:12be a capital letter and there should be some numbers in it.
19:15And after that, by clicking on the create account, our registration is done, we will
19:19go further for free.
19:20So this Lumen5.com site allows you to make 5 videos and take them out for free on one
19:25Gmail ID in a month, that is, within 30 days.
19:28It will also have a paid version, I did not check, we do not have to take it, so why
19:33should we go there, okay.
19:35They have not given me any money in this video to tell about them, okay.
19:40So if you want to make more than 5 videos in a month, which may be required, then you
19:45can register here with 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 different Gmail IDs and take 5 videos through each
19:51registration Gmail ID.
19:52And the videos that you can take out from here, 5 per month from one Gmail ID, there
19:59is no limit to the duration of each video, it will be according to the length of your
20:05lyrics or song.
20:06The only difference is that a watermark comes at the end, then we will go to another mobile
20:11lab and remove the watermark from the video that we will make from here, okay.
20:15That has also come now, let's make a video first.
20:19After that, this page will come, we will skip it here.
20:22Now see here, your video song is going to be made, whose song we will give, this will
20:27make its video site for free, okay.
20:29It has a lot of templates, you can choose any of them, you can try different templates,
20:34so for now I have chosen one of them.
20:37Now after that, your template will come here and this site will ask you that in what format
20:44or what size do you want the video here.
20:49The video that we are going to put in YouTube here is in long format, that is, it is not
20:54in short format, which is this format, okay.
20:57Because the video that we will make and take from here will be more than 1 minute.
21:01I believe that if you put more than 1 minute long videos on YouTube, they are more beneficial.
21:07When there is monetization in them, you earn more money.
21:11In the shorts, you get a lot of money, maybe you know, okay.
21:16So this is what is automatically showing you by default, we will leave it and click on
21:20use this template.
21:22Now it is asking you that how do you want to make the video, okay.
21:26So you have to choose this one because you already have a song that has been downloaded,
21:32So we will choose this third option.
21:35After that, this window will open, which is the first option where it is written, upload
21:40We will click here and then this window will open.
21:42By clicking here, you will reach the file section of your laptop or mobile phone.
21:46The song you have downloaded from there, by getting it made from suno.ai, we will select
21:52it and click on open, it will come here.
21:56So by clicking on upload, it will be uploaded on this site called lumen5.com.
22:01So as soon as you click on upload on the button, it not only gets uploaded on this site, but
22:08this site lumen5 also starts converting the audio of your song into a video or video song.
22:20Now here you can see a process of making a video song of lumen5.
22:27You have to do a lot of settings in this, only then it will look beautiful, okay.
22:31Whatever you are seeing, these are its layers.
22:34The software running on artificial intelligence called lumen5.com has shown it to you here.
22:41Now see what setting you have to do.
22:43For that, the section you are seeing in the right hand, we will go up from here.
22:47See where it is written voiceover, we will click on the drop down button here.
22:50Now see where it is written clean up audio, it is on, we have to turn it off.
22:54We have to do this, friends, because this lumen5 is basically a European site.
23:00And the lyrics that we are putting here are in Hindi language.
23:05If we keep the option of clean up audio on here, then we have seen that the video that is made is not very beautiful.
23:13We have done all these experiments so that you do not have to do it, your time is not wasted.
23:18That's why you watch our videos, isn't it?
23:20That by researching for many days, the topics or the platforms that are brought to you,
23:26by doing all kinds of research in them, your time is not saved for many hours, but for many days and weeks.
23:32That's why you watch our videos.
23:34So that's why you have to turn off the clean up audio.
23:38And where it is written turn on captions, you have to turn it on.
23:41So here in Hindi, you can also see captions in the video.
23:46Sometimes it may happen that in these captions, which are written in Hindi,
23:50because the software of this site has read it,
23:54so sometimes there may be spelling mistakes in them, which are very minute,
23:58which any person who will listen to these songs will ignore.
24:02So don't take it too hard that there are some mistakes coming on it.
24:07Basically, anyone will want to listen.
24:09So these are just two settings.
24:11Now we will preview the video of this song, watch it and then download it.
24:16So let's click on the preview and see how it is made.
24:42Okay, so this is done.
24:43Now we will download it from here.
24:45See what is its process.
24:47We will close it from here.
24:49The preview we ran.
24:50Now we will click on publish.
24:52So the process of downloading starts from here.
24:54The only difference is that this site lets you make and download 5 videos in a month.
25:01On the 6th video, there is an issue of payment.
25:04That is, they ask for money.
25:05So in that case, you don't have to pay.
25:08Keep making accounts on this site with different Gmail IDs and keep releasing 5 videos a month.
25:15If you have 5 or 10 videos in one day during the experiment,
25:19then you will have 8-10 Gmail IDs.
25:21Make everyone's account.
25:23So if you make 10 accounts from 10 Gmail IDs, then you will have 50 videos.
25:27So don't take the paid section.
25:29Before that, where the preview came, it was written upgrade.
25:31That is paid.
25:32Don't take that.
25:33There is no need for that.
25:34You have seen it.
25:35The video has also been downloaded in your mobile or laptop file section.
25:39So from here, the video that we will take out from Lumen5,
25:43in the last frame of it, there is a watermark named Lumen5,
25:49which this site automatically puts in every video.
25:52So we will remove it by taking it to an app.
25:55Just put this video there and remove the last frame.
26:01And after that, we will take it out from there.
26:03And make a new channel on YouTube and put it there.
26:06We don't have to pay Lumen5 to remove the watermark.
26:10There is a way to remove it for free.
26:12So let's take it to the mobile and show it.
26:14So now you can see my mobile phone in front of you.
26:16Here is an app called VN Video Editor.
26:20Its download link is in the description of this video.
26:22It is free.
26:23Click and download it.
26:24In this way, you will see its icon on your mobile phone.
26:27Click and open it.
26:28Now we will bring that video here,
26:31in which we have to remove the watermark of Lumen5 at the end.
26:35That's it.
26:36We will keep allowing it.
26:37And click on plus.
26:39And click on got it.
26:40And then where it is written new project,
26:42click here and you will reach the section of your mobile phone
26:45where you will see that video.
26:47In mobile, it is generally seen in your gallery or photo section.
26:51So it is at the top.
26:53I selected it.
26:54And then click on next.
26:56So automatically, this VN Video Editing app
26:59shows your video like this in the editing area of your mobile app.
27:04It has a lot of features.
27:05But today we have not come to use it.
27:07We will just go to the end.
27:09Slide it to the right like this.
27:12So we have to slide it to the end.
27:15And after that, keep both your fingers here
27:18and press it like this.
27:21So you will see that this is called zoom in.
27:23So what will happen with this?
27:25You will see that the lumen 5,
27:27where it is inserted,
27:29it starts to be seen.
27:31So when you start to see lumen 5 in one frame,
27:34you have to stop it.
27:36Now how to remove it?
27:37The white stick that you can see vertically,
27:40you have to keep your thumb or finger on your video
27:44and move it like this.
27:46The lumen 5 that you can see,
27:48when you move it to the left,
27:51or move your video to the right,
27:53when you see lumen 5 in the editing area above,
27:56it will stop being seen.
27:57See, I am moving it to the right.
27:59See, it is moving away slowly.
28:01So as soon as it moves away,
28:03stop here.
28:05And after that, click on split.
28:07And after that, the part that we have to remove,
28:09it comes in a yellow box.
28:12Here we will click our finger once.
28:14And as soon as we click,
28:16another yellow box will open above
28:18and we will click on delete here.
28:20So that part moved away.
28:21Now here,
28:22you will see another black box
28:25with a yellow border.
28:27Here, this app called VN Video Editing
28:30has put its own watermark.
28:32Okay, we don't even need this.
28:33Now how to remove this?
28:34It is the same process.
28:35We will put our finger here once
28:37and after that we will delete this too.
28:39This is also removed.
28:40That is, both the watermarks are removed.
28:41Now we will download it from here
28:43by clicking on the download button.
28:44Now we will change the export setting a bit.
28:47We will convert it to HD.
28:48We will click on manual instead of auto.
28:50And where the resolution is above,
28:52we will increase it from 720
28:54and take it to 1080 with our finger.
28:57You can see I brought it.
28:58And now we will export it.
29:00Now we will get our HD quality video
29:03from here without a watermark.
29:05Now we will take it to the next stage.
29:07We will make a YouTube channel
29:09and put this video there.
29:11This video has been downloaded
29:13in the photo or gallery section of your mobile phone.
29:15Now let's make a new YouTube channel
29:17and upload it there.
29:18Now YouTube is open in front of you
29:20on my mobile phone.
29:21To create a new channel,
29:22we will click on You.
29:23And after that where it is written
29:24Create Channel,
29:25we will click here.
29:26You can change the profile picture
29:28and name of your new YouTube channel here
29:30and it gives you its handle
29:32from its own side.
29:33So I named it Motivational Videos.
29:37And after that click on Save
29:38and Create Channel.
29:39Now to upload our video,
29:41we will click on Plus.
29:42And click on Upload Video.
29:44And the video that we have made
29:46we will click and bring it here
29:48and click on the Next button.
29:50If you want,
29:51you can click on the arrow button
29:53and put a thumbnail here.
29:54For that,
29:55your mobile number is verified here.
29:57And after that,
29:58where the arrow mark is below,
29:59here you can write the title
30:01of your motivational video.
30:02And here you will also put some hashtags.
30:05These hashtags are now visible on your screen.
30:08These are good hashtags
30:09for such motivational videos.
30:11If you are making a different kind of video,
30:14then you can put different kinds of hashtags.
30:16After that,
30:17if you want,
30:18you can write the description here.
30:19And below that,
30:20the public visibility,
30:21we will leave it as it is.
30:22And after that,
30:23we will click on Next.
30:24How to put this thumbnail,
30:26how to verify your mobile number,
30:28how to write a good title,
30:30how to write a good description,
30:32and where to find and put tags.
30:34I have made a detailed video about this,
30:36in fact,
30:37I have put two videos on YouTube.
30:38Their links are in the description of this video.
30:40By following them,
30:41you can go there in more detail.
30:45now here,
30:46where it is written,
30:47No, it's not made for kids.
30:49It is very important to select this.
30:50And after that,
30:51you will get more views.
30:53So after that,
30:54we will click on Upload Video.
30:56So that's it,
30:57your video is uploaded
30:58on your newly made YouTube channel
30:59in this way.
31:00And after that,
31:02it is written,
31:03See Video.
31:04We will click here.
31:12See Video.
31:13We will click here.
31:14See Video.
31:15See Video.
31:16See Video.
31:17See Video.
31:18See Video.
31:19See Video.
31:20See Video.
31:21See Video.
31:22See Video.
31:23See Video.
31:24See Video.
31:25See Video.
31:26See Video.
31:27See Video.
31:28See Video.
31:29See Video.
31:30See Video.
31:31See Video.
31:32See Video.
31:33See Video.
31:34See Video.
31:35See Video.
31:36See Video.
31:37See Video.
31:38See Video.
31:39See Video.
31:40See Video.
31:41See Video.
31:42See Video.
31:43See Video.
31:44See Video.
31:45See Video.
31:46See Video.
31:47See Video.
31:48See Video.
31:49See Video.
31:50See Video.
31:51See Video.
31:52See Video.
31:53See Video.
31:54See Video.
31:55See Video.
31:56See Video.
31:57See Video.
31:58See Video.
31:59See Video.
32:00See Video.
32:01See Video.
32:02See Video.
32:03See Video.
32:04See Video.
32:05See Video.
32:06See Video.
32:07See Video.
32:08See Video.
32:09See Video.
32:10See Video.
32:11See Video.
32:12See Video.
32:13See Video.
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32:15See Video.
32:16See Video.
32:17See Video.
32:18See Video.
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32:20See Video.
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32:23See Video.
32:24See Video.
32:25See Video.
32:26See Video.
32:27See Video.
32:28See Video.
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32:59See Video.
33:00See Video.
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33:05See Video.
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35:00See Video.
35:01See Video.
35:02See Video.
