• last year
00:00:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
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00:01:35© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:02:05The park. Say, Earl, you feeling all right?
00:02:09I will be, just as soon as I make sure that grass is still green and trees are still growing.
00:02:36Come on, give it to him!
00:02:39Come on, give it to him!
00:02:42Come on, give it to him!
00:02:45Come on, give it to him!
00:02:48Come on, give it to him!
00:02:51Give it to him!
00:03:05Come on, give it to him!
00:03:11You ought to be here now.
00:03:14When he comes, you get in the bedroom and stay there till he's gone.
00:03:17Oh, I've been hearing about Roy Earl for years. He's a real big shot and I want to see him.
00:03:23Okay, okay.
00:03:30Here they are now. Wally's brought him.
00:03:32All right, scram.
00:03:35Come on.
00:03:46Come in.
00:03:48Well, what kept you?
00:03:52Ain't losing your touch, are you?
00:03:55Where's Big Mac?
00:03:57He's gone to California. I'm handling things at this end.
00:03:59Who are you?
00:04:01I'm Cranmer, Jack Cranmer.
00:04:03You're a copper, ain't you?
00:04:05Yeah, I used to be. I resigned.
00:04:07I'll bet.
00:04:08I'm okay. You don't have to worry about me.
00:04:11Since when has Big Mac been teaming up with ex-coppers?
00:04:14I told you not to worry about that.
00:04:16Now, Mac wants you to start for California right away.
00:04:18That car downstairs is yours. Here's the keys.
00:04:21Now, here's your route and some dough.
00:04:23The sooner you get out there, the better.
00:04:25What's it set up?
00:04:27I don't suppose you ever heard of Tropical Springs?
00:04:29Well, it's a resort town. It's the richest little town in the world, they call it.
00:04:32It's all the top sugar. You're gonna knock it off.
00:04:34Am I, copper?
00:04:36Now, look here, Earl.
00:04:38Mac spent a fortune springing you. You're working for him now.
00:04:41He calls a tune and you dance to it.
00:05:02Hello, there.
00:05:29Is there anything I can do for you?
00:05:31No, just looking around.
00:05:33This is the old Earl place, ain't it?
00:05:35Yeah, but none of the Earls been around here for five or six years.
00:05:40You from the bank?
00:05:42No, I used to live near here.
00:05:44Ah, that's nice country.
00:05:47Howdy, son. Any luck?
00:05:49Not much.
00:05:50The best place to catch them is that hole below the turnip place.
00:05:53There's plenty of big catfish in there, three or four pounds, maybe.
00:05:56Three, four pounds?
00:06:00Well, it used to be a long time ago anyway.
00:06:05Maybe it's fished out.
00:06:13I... I...
00:06:16You're Roy Earl, the bandit.
00:06:43Help me!
00:06:54Help me!
00:06:55Help me!
00:06:56Help me!
00:06:57Help me!
00:06:58Help me!
00:06:59Help me!
00:07:00Help me!
00:07:01Help me!
00:07:02Help me!
00:07:03Help me!
00:07:04Help me!
00:07:05Help me!
00:07:06Help me!
00:07:07Help me!
00:07:08Help me!
00:07:09Help me!
00:07:10Help me!
00:07:11Help me!
00:07:13Howdy, partner.
00:07:14What can I do for you?
00:07:15She'll take some water and about ten gallons of gas.
00:07:17Yes, sir.
00:07:19You bet.
00:07:24A hot day, ain't she?
00:07:26Ain't many cars coming through right now.
00:07:29A little early, I guess.
00:07:33You're looking at the pride of the Sierras, brother.
00:07:35Mount Whitney, the highest peak in the United States.
00:07:3914,501 feet above sea level.
00:07:42Say, I see you got a little noise license plate.
00:07:45You're a long ways from home, ain't you?
00:07:48You must excuse me.
00:07:49I... I get lonesome here.
00:07:51And when a customer shows up, well, I...
00:07:53Maybe I talk too much.
00:07:55Lonesome, eh?
00:07:56Yeah, I can see how you would get lonesome out here.
00:08:07Wow, we made it!
00:08:10I'd sure like to shake your hand, sir.
00:08:12Jackrabbit jumped in front of my car and I kind of lost my head.
00:08:15You sure saved our bacon.
00:08:17I saved my own bacon, too.
00:08:18Come far?
00:08:19Clear from Ohio.
00:08:22Well, I'm mighty proud to make your acquaintance.
00:08:23You sure can handle a car.
00:08:24Me, I'm kind of shaky at it.
00:08:26But Velma... Velma's my granddaughter.
00:08:28She's a good driver, but she gets tired
00:08:30and I won't let her drive too much.
00:08:32Uh, what's your name, sir?
00:08:36Minds good, you.
00:08:38Velma, Ma, I'd like you to meet Mr. Collins.
00:08:40How do.
00:08:41Pleased to meet you.
00:08:43Well, I guess I'll be on the way.
00:08:47Out of five.
00:08:48Going far?
00:08:49Up in the mountains for my health.
00:08:51Oh, well, I'm going to Los Angeles.
00:08:53I lost my farm back home.
00:08:55But Velma's mother married again
00:08:57and she sort of invited us out.
00:08:59Now, I don't know if...
00:09:05Well, I hope you make it.
00:10:00Hey, you.
00:10:25I'm looking for a fella named Hattery.
00:10:26He's staying up here.
00:10:27Him and another fella.
00:10:28They're all in cabin 12.
00:10:29Are you the gentleman they're expecting?
00:10:32Well, then you be in cabin number 11.
00:10:33You can leave your car here.
00:10:34I'll drain the water out of it.
00:10:35Of course, it gets awful cold up here at night.
00:10:37Get my bags.
00:10:38They're in the back.
00:10:39I'll take care of them, boss.
00:10:58Hattery here.
00:11:10There's someone to see you.
00:11:15You Royer?
00:11:17Glad to see you.
00:11:19I can't shake hands.
00:11:20I've been cleaning fish.
00:11:21Meet my pal, Babe Kozak.
00:11:24This is Marie Garson.
00:11:30Red, I want to talk to you alone.
00:11:31See you later.
00:11:33It's okay by me.
00:11:40You don't like the idea of the dame, huh?
00:11:42Even guys like you ought to know better.
00:11:44Well, Babe picked her up at a diamond dance joint in L.A.
00:11:46She's strictly okay.
00:11:47She just sort of looks after things for us.
00:11:49I'll give her some dough and send her back.
00:11:50Get her out of here tonight.
00:11:52Now, what about this job?
00:11:53Well, the tropical season has just started.
00:11:55And Mendoza, he's our inside man.
00:11:57He says that the hotel will be full up in another week.
00:12:00And there'll be plenty of rocks in the strong boxes then.
00:12:03When do I see this Mendoza?
00:12:04Oh, he'll be up the first day he gets off.
00:12:06He's in touch with Big Mac, too.
00:12:07Oh, he is, huh?
00:12:09He'll give you all the news firsthand.
00:12:10All right.
00:12:12Say, Mr. Earl, I wanted to tell you that with you in on the job,
00:12:16we feel like we're traveling in fast company.
00:12:18I sure heard a lot about you.
00:12:20You know, that one time when I was only a kid,
00:12:21I seen your picture in the paper, and I...
00:12:27You can have your Roy Earl.
00:12:28He don't look like much to me.
00:12:30He's getting gray.
00:12:32He may be a powerhouse to some people,
00:12:33but he's a blowout fuse to me.
00:12:35I'll bet he's plenty tough.
00:12:37Get out of line and you'll see.
00:12:39All right.
00:12:40I'll see.
00:12:41And let me tell you something.
00:12:43You're getting so, you walk around asking for a smack in the nose.
00:12:45And stop arguing with me all the time.
00:12:47I got some bad news for you.
00:12:48Roy says we got to send Marie back to L.A.
00:12:50Why that broken down...
00:12:52I'll tell him.
00:12:54Well, here's your chance.
00:12:56You don't want me to go back to L.A., do you, babe?
00:12:58You go and tell him.
00:12:59I don't know.
00:13:00I suppose we need that guy.
00:13:02But that's no reason he should come up here and start pushing us around.
00:13:05He's no more the boss than we are.
00:13:06He can't get away...
00:13:07Go on, keep it up.
00:13:08You're gonna win this argument.
00:13:10Leave her alone.
00:13:11You go smacking her on, I'll flatten you.
00:13:13Yeah, you and who else?
00:13:14Just me. You think it ain't enough?
00:13:15Oh, cut it out.
00:13:16You won't get nothing out of fighting, only a black eye.
00:13:18I don't care what you or anybody else says.
00:13:20Marie's not going back to L.A.
00:13:21That's what you think.
00:13:22He thinks different.
00:13:23Well, I'm not gonna be sent back to that diamond dance joint if I can help it.
00:13:27I'll go talk to him.
00:13:29With him, I don't think it'll work.
00:13:49Can I talk to you a moment, Mr. Earl?
00:13:51Sure, help yourself.
00:13:59Why do you want to send me back to L.A.?
00:14:01I like it here.
00:14:02Don't play dumb.
00:14:04I don't intend to.
00:14:06Well, I know what's going on.
00:14:08But I didn't get it from them.
00:14:11Louie Mendoza told me.
00:14:13He talks too much, and all he does is brag.
00:14:16So you see, Mr. Earl, Mendoza's the one for you to worry about.
00:14:19Not me.
00:14:25I ain't worried about you. It's them jitterbugs you got with you.
00:14:28They'll be throwing lead over you before long.
00:14:30Oh, I can handle them all right.
00:14:33Babe gets tough every once in a while, but he's afraid of red.
00:14:36And I can make red think what I want.
00:14:38You got it all figured out, ain't you?
00:14:41In a way.
00:14:44All right.
00:14:47Let things stay as they are for a few days and see how it works out.
00:14:51Oh, thanks, Mr. Earl.
00:15:39Morning. This is me, Algernon.
00:15:41Anything I can do for you this morning?
00:15:43Yeah, you can rustle me up some breakfast.
00:15:45Old lady next door got your breakfast already.
00:15:47She thought maybe I ought to see if you was sort of stirring around, yes?
00:15:51Why would you ever get the name Algernon?
00:15:54My old lady thought it up. Pimp, ain't he?
00:15:56Kind of gives me class.
00:16:00How do you like this dog?
00:16:02He's just a dog, ain't he?
00:16:04Oh, no, some mighty fine dog he is.
00:16:06Pod. Ducks. Ducks.
00:16:12Down. Down.
00:16:14Up. Up.
00:16:20Yes, sir. Mighty fine animal he is.
00:16:23Kind of proud of your dog, ain't you?
00:16:25Oh, no, see, he ain't my dog.
00:16:27He just took a liking to me and follows me around.
00:16:29Sort of gets me worried, too.
00:16:32See, Pod here used to belong to a woodcutter...
00:16:34who lived up here all the year round.
00:16:36Last winter, a snow slide come down...
00:16:38boom, on that man's house and killed him dead.
00:16:40Didn't kill Pod, though.
00:16:42So a man saw Pod sort of running around the snow lake...
00:16:44took him in.
00:16:46Bam, if that man no up and died with the pneumonia...
00:16:49great big strapping man, too.
00:16:51So Pod got to hanging around the lodger.
00:16:53And doggone if Miss Tucker didn't come up here...
00:16:56with the...
00:16:58and I hear yesterday she ain't gonna live.
00:17:01So I'm just telling you about Pod...
00:17:03in case you want him for your own dog.
00:17:09Can I come in?
00:17:14Is he breaking your heart with the story of the little mutt?
00:17:16It's the lowest truth.
00:17:18Look at him. He's a born panhandler.
00:17:20You know, everyone around here stuffs him, so it's getting...
00:17:22he won't need anything else but a New York cut.
00:17:24I guess I'll get on back to the store.
00:17:26Pod will stay here. What do you want, Pod?
00:17:32Hey. Sit down. Have a cigarette.
00:17:37Where are your boyfriends?
00:17:39Oh, they're out fishing. That's about all they do.
00:17:41They never catch anything, but they just keep right on fishing.
00:17:43Yeah, he certainly is spoiled.
00:17:45Yeah, look at him. He knows we're talking about him.
00:17:49I feel pretty good this morning.
00:17:51I felt rotten last night.
00:17:53Nothing like a good night's sleep to pep you up.
00:17:55What you ought to do is get out in the sun.
00:17:57Do you good.
00:17:59You know, I've been staring. They didn't let me get out in the sun.
00:18:01Afraid I might spoil my girlish complexion.
00:18:05Must be terrible to be in prison.
00:18:07Some of them are worse than others.
00:18:09You get a mean guard down on you, unless you got what it takes...
00:18:11you might as well climb up on tier two and jump off.
00:18:13Some of them did.
00:18:15I don't get you.
00:18:17Top of the cell block. It's a 40-foot drop and you land on concrete.
00:18:21I saw a guy take a dive once.
00:18:23He made quite a splash.
00:18:25Yeah. That must be awful.
00:18:27Yeah, well, he just didn't have what it takes.
00:18:29I was doing the book myself, but I got a break.
00:18:31How was it?
00:18:33I mean, knowing you were in for life.
00:18:35I should think you go crazy.
00:18:37Yeah. Yeah, lots of them do.
00:18:41But I was always thinking about a crash out.
00:18:43I tried it once at the prison farm where they sent me for good behavior.
00:18:45But the fix blew up and a screw put the blast on me.
00:18:49Yeah, and then the worst of it was they sent me back behind those big walls.
00:18:53I was just getting ready for another crash out when...
00:18:55My pardon came.
00:18:59Yeah, I get it.
00:19:01You always hope you can get out, huh?
00:19:03That sort of keeps you going.
00:19:09Yeah, sure, that's it.
00:19:11You got it.
00:19:13Well, I'll get you some more coffee.
00:19:15Oh, thanks for the chow.
00:19:25You see that fellow over there?
00:19:29He better watch his steps and fish on the bank,
00:19:31or that little old dog's got the hicks on him for sure.
00:19:33Uh-uh. Gonna put the evil eye on him, huh?
00:19:35Yes, the evil eye.
00:19:37That little old dog's got the evilest eye.
00:19:39His left eye just shines in the dark just like a cat's eye.
00:19:43Well, you know, if it's in the dark, how do you know which eye is which?
00:19:45Well, you know, if it's in the dark, how do you know which eye is which?
00:19:54Come on, Mendoza.
00:19:56What are we doing, playing cards or taking a nap?
00:19:58I'm sorry. For the moment, my mind was not on the game.
00:20:00That's for me. Thanks, Louie.
00:20:02Dumb luck. Just plain dumb luck.
00:20:04Maybe if you wouldn't kick so much, you'd do better.
00:20:06It's all in the cards.
00:20:08Yeah, that's right.
00:20:10Oh, this here's Louie Mendoza.
00:20:12Delighted, Mr. Earl.
00:20:14Come on, Mendoza. Let's finish out this hand.
00:20:17That's a baby.
00:20:19There's that dumb luck again. I can't beat it.
00:20:22How's it look like at the hotel, Mendoza?
00:20:24How soon do we go?
00:20:26Oh, it won't be long now.
00:20:28The racing season is starting up north,
00:20:30and all the big shots have been making reservations.
00:20:34This is the layout.
00:20:37I don't know.
00:20:39Babe and I kind of figured our best getaway was over the pass.
00:20:43Nobody ever expected us to cross the Sierras to get into L.A.
00:20:46Suppose it would blow up a storm.
00:20:48If the pass got blocked up, then what?
00:20:51Yeah, that's right.
00:20:54Oh, by the way, I dropped in to see Big Mac yesterday.
00:20:57He wants to see you.
00:20:59All right, I'll take a look at the hotel.
00:21:01I'll be right back.
00:21:06I'll be at the hotel tomorrow. I'll drive on in and see him.
00:21:09Oh, I almost forgot. Mendoza brought us a present.
00:21:11And, Roy, I guess you're the engineer.
00:21:13Big Mac gave me the machine gun.
00:21:15Know how to work it? Fred doesn't, and neither does Babe.
00:21:17That's a good one, that is.
00:21:19What's so funny?
00:21:21Does he know how to work it?
00:21:25You know, that gun reminds me of one time nine or ten years ago.
00:21:28He was getting ready to do a job back in Iowa
00:21:31when one of the guys got the shakes.
00:21:33Well, pretty soon we found out that this guy with the shakes had talked too much.
00:21:36And a bunch of coppers are waiting for us down at the bank.
00:21:39We don't say nothing.
00:21:41Lefty Jackson goes out and gets his gun.
00:21:44Comes back and sits down and holds it across his knee.
00:21:48The guy with the shakes is sitting right across the room from him.
00:21:52Pretty soon Lefty just touched the trigger a little.
00:21:55And the gun went...
00:21:57Like that.
00:21:59The rat fell out of his chair dead and we drove off and left him there.
00:22:05The gun just went...
00:22:16Well, I guess I ought to be getting back.
00:22:18I have to go on duty. They're thirsty.
00:22:20What's yours, Tom?
00:22:22You stick right to the whole job, don't you?
00:22:24Oh, sure. I stand behind the desk and act like I'm scared
00:22:27when you fellows get through, I telephone the police.
00:22:30We don't want no slip-ups, Mendoza.
00:22:34Boys and girls,
00:22:36I got the idea that our boyfriend here is no cream puff.
00:22:39How'd you like the little bedtime story about the gun that went...
00:22:43Did you get the idea?
00:22:45Do you suppose he meant it that way?
00:22:47Try talking and find out.
00:23:03Come on.
00:23:53I'll take a pack of these.
00:23:55Twenty-five cents, please.
00:24:04Yes, sir.
00:24:12I'll take a 3.16.
00:24:14A 3.16.
00:24:28I don't care how they drive.
00:24:30They've got no money and they've got no insurance. It's murder.
00:24:32Tough luck, Viper.
00:24:34If he was such an old dodo, I'd take it out of his hide.
00:24:36He wasn't driving. The girl was driving.
00:24:38I was. I was.
00:24:40What's an outfit like that doing in Tropico, anyhow?
00:24:42It's the state highway, ain't it?
00:24:44The signal was out. He had his hand out here.
00:24:46Now, you did.
00:24:48Wait a minute, now. Wait a minute. Will you let me get a word in?
00:24:50I was driving along. Why, Roy.
00:24:52Oh, friends of yours?
00:24:54Yeah. Why?
00:24:56I just wondered. I know I have no chance to collect, but I'm curious.
00:24:58I pull out from the curb and where am I getting? Look at my fender.
00:25:00It doesn't make no signal.
00:25:02You talk about collecting. You better be careful. You might have to pay off.
00:25:04Oh, a wise guy in a mist, huh?
00:25:06Oh, all right. Have it your own way.
00:25:08I'll charge the whole thing off to experience.
00:25:10What's the matter, Mr. Pfeiffer?
00:25:12I got clipped, but I'm satisfied if this guy is.
00:25:14Well, I guess if Mr. Pfeiffer's satisfied, I am.
00:25:16All right. Come on. Let's break this up.
00:25:18Come on. Back on the sidewalk.
00:25:20Hey, listen, fella.
00:25:22These people ain't got any dough.
00:25:24They're on their way to L.A. and their car's all they got.
00:25:26Oh, stop it. You're breaking my heart.
00:25:28This ain't gonna mean much to you.
00:25:30Sorry, but not a quarter.
00:25:32That's right, Mr. Pfeiffer. Solve the whole thing.
00:25:34That girl was driving the car.
00:25:38Look, she's a cripple, too.
00:25:40Come on. Let's go.
00:25:58No, I guess it was really Velma's fault.
00:26:00She was gawking around, looking at things,
00:26:02and smacked right into that fella's car.
00:26:04I sure surprised when he gave you that $100 to give me.
00:26:08Boy, he's probably got plenty.
00:26:10Yeah. Well, this is the second time you saved our lives, son.
00:26:12When Velma smashed into that car,
00:26:14I had 13 cents in my pocket
00:26:16and a $5 bill in my shoe.
00:26:18Of course, the women didn't know. Don't you tell them.
00:26:20Pa, you're all right.
00:26:22Oh, uh, you said you come from Chicago, didn't you, Roy?
00:26:26I came out here from Chicago, but I'm really from Brookfield, Indiana.
00:26:29Born there and went to school there.
00:26:31Little town? Yeah.
00:26:32I knew it.
00:26:33My folks had a farm.
00:26:35Victor, Ma, out there in the desert, you was our kind.
00:26:38Yes, sir. I can tell them every time.
00:26:42Say, Pa. Yeah?
00:26:45Excuse me, I suppose it's none of my business,
00:26:47but what's wrong with Velma's foot?
00:26:51It's a club foot. She was born that way.
00:26:53Can't nothing be done about it?
00:26:54Yeah, one time a doctor said she could be operated,
00:26:57but the last few years have been so broke,
00:26:59we couldn't have, we'd want it.
00:27:00We hurry with the dishes.
00:27:01We knew Pa would be talking your ear off.
00:27:03I sure can talk.
00:27:05Isn't the air grand out here?
00:27:09Look at the stars.
00:27:11I never knew there were so many in the sky.
00:27:14Back home, you couldn't see them like that.
00:27:16Well, it's always like this out in the desert.
00:27:19You see that bright blue star up there?
00:27:22Look at it sparkle.
00:27:26You see that other one?
00:27:28Where? Right there.
00:27:30I see it.
00:27:31Yeah, that's Jupiter.
00:27:35How did you know?
00:27:37Oh, a fellow I used to know.
00:27:39He taught me all about the sky.
00:27:42Where we was, we didn't have much else to do.
00:27:45Is that star always up there like that?
00:27:47Oh, no, you see different stars at different times.
00:27:49They change with the seasons.
00:27:51Now, look.
00:27:52You see that one twinkling over there?
00:27:55Well, that's Venus.
00:27:58It makes you dizzy just looking at them.
00:28:02You know, sometimes when you're out in the night
00:28:04and you look up at the stars,
00:28:06you can almost feel the motion of the Earth.
00:28:09It's like a little ball that's turning through the night
00:28:13with us hanging on to it.
00:28:15Why, that sounds like poetry, Roy.
00:28:18It's pretty.
00:28:22Well, I guess I better be starting.
00:28:24I got a long drive ahead of me.
00:28:26Had a business appointment in L.A.
00:28:28I sure enjoyed that dinner.
00:28:30Yeah, and we sure enjoyed your company.
00:28:32Now, don't you fail to look us up in Los Angeles.
00:28:34We might get lonesome, especially Velma.
00:28:37Why, Grandpa, you shouldn't say things like that.
00:28:39I'm surprised at you.
00:28:40I declare to goodness,
00:28:41the older you get, the sillier you act.
00:28:44Oh, Roy understands me.
00:28:45Me and Roy is old timers.
00:28:49Goodbye, Roy.
00:28:50Goodbye, Roy.
00:28:57Lucky girl that gets him.
00:29:26Come in.
00:29:40There'll be a swell poly for you tomorrow, Doc.
00:29:42Still a sucker for the ponies, eh?
00:29:45Hello, Roy, old timer.
00:29:47Hello, Mac.
00:29:48Oh, you're a sight for sore eyes.
00:29:50Yeah, sure, I'm glad to see you too.
00:29:53And thanks for the spring.
00:29:54I was just getting ready for another crash out.
00:29:57What's the matter, Mac?
00:29:58I don't know.
00:30:00I can't eat.
00:30:01Just ain't hungry.
00:30:03And I can't sleep.
00:30:05Doc Banton says it's my past life catching up with me.
00:30:08Doc Banton, is he out here now?
00:30:11Yeah, I was expecting him when you came in.
00:30:14He's one of those health services under a phony name.
00:30:17Help yourself to a drink.
00:30:19Well, Roy, how does it look and what do you say?
00:30:22Oh, I can't see nothing wrong with it.
00:30:24If the boys don't blow up on me, it's a cinch.
00:30:27But, Mac, it's gonna make an awful big noise in the newspapers.
00:30:30Well, that's your headache, not mine.
00:30:32The jewelry, that's all I'm interested in.
00:30:35Now, look, Roy.
00:30:37Once you get your mitts on it, keep your mitts on it.
00:30:40Deliver it right here.
00:30:42If you're hot, telephone.
00:30:45This caper means a lot to me.
00:30:47I spent a pile of dough setting it up and I'm in deep.
00:30:50So don't let me down, Roy.
00:30:52I never let nobody down, Mac, you know that.
00:30:55Oh, I know, I know.
00:30:57But I've been dealing with such a lot of screwballs lately.
00:31:00Young twerps, soda jerkies and jitterbugs.
00:31:04Why, it's a relief just to talk to a guy like you.
00:31:09All the A-1 guys are gone.
00:31:14Or in Alcatraz.
00:31:17If I only had four guys like you, Roy...
00:31:21this knockover would be a waltz.
00:31:27Times have sure changed.
00:31:30Yeah, ain't they?
00:31:32You know, Mac,
00:31:34sometimes I feel like I don't know what it's all about anymore.
00:31:40Times have sure changed.
00:31:45Hide the booze, hide the booze.
00:31:52Oh, hello, hello, Mac.
00:31:54Hello, Doc.
00:31:56Look who's here.
00:31:58Well, I'll be...
00:32:00Roy Earl, the old boy himself.
00:32:03Hello, Doc.
00:32:04Last time I saw you was when I was taking slugs out of Lefty Jackson's chest.
00:32:08Yeah, that's right.
00:32:09Oh, those were the times.
00:32:11Not many of the old bunch left.
00:32:13Oh, cut it out.
00:32:15Mac tells me you're doing all right, Doc.
00:32:19Roy, this is the land of milk and honey for the health racket.
00:32:22Every woman in California thinks she's either too fat or too thin or too something.
00:32:27Well, uh...
00:32:29same dosage, same medicine.
00:32:31Need a new prescription?
00:32:35Well, good night, Mac.
00:32:37Good night, Doc.
00:32:42He's in a bad way, old Mac.
00:32:44Bum ticker, kidneys on the blink, bad stomach.
00:32:47Like a kid's toy that's running down.
00:32:49I try to keep him from drinking, but there's no stopping old Mac.
00:32:52He'll go on doing just as he always has done.
00:32:55Well, maybe he's right.
00:32:57Say, Doc.
00:32:59There's something I wanted to ask you.
00:33:02Can anything be done about a clubfoot?
00:33:04Well, some can be operated and some can't. Why?
00:33:07Well, a good friend of mine's got a granddaughter.
00:33:09She's a mighty nice girl.
00:33:11One time a doctor told her old man that an operation could fix it.
00:33:15I was just wondering if...
00:33:17Young kid, is she?
00:33:18Oh, about 20, I guess.
00:33:20Oh, 20.
00:33:22I see.
00:33:23Well, my advice, Roy, is to forget all about her foot.
00:33:26Look, Doc, I ain't kidding.
00:33:28Well, I'll have to see her.
00:33:30Would you take a look at her? That is, if I could talk her into it?
00:33:33Sure, sure, sure. Of course, Roy.
00:33:35But you understand I can't do any operating, but I can get you someone who will.
00:33:38It'll cost you plenty, though.
00:33:40Okay, Doc. I'll give you a ring.
00:33:42Good. Do that, Roy. Do that.
00:33:44And, uh...
00:33:46I'll make you a present in my fee for old time's sake.
00:33:50Good night.
00:33:51Good night.
00:33:59I don't know. I'm acting.
00:34:00Yeah. I do.
00:34:10Now I feel better.
00:34:12That's the way it is.
00:34:14Now, if anything should happen to me,
00:34:16read this letter and you'll know what to do.
00:34:19As the Doc told you,
00:34:21if I don't lay off this stuff, it's gonna knock me off.
00:34:25But I'm gonna die anyhow.
00:34:28So are you.
00:34:29So are we all.
00:34:33Yeah, how, Roy?
00:34:43Ah, hello, Roy.
00:34:45Hello, Pa.
00:34:46Glad to see you. Glad to see you.
00:34:48Hey, this is the Doc, Mr. Parker at the New Health Institute.
00:34:50Proud to meet you, Mr. Parker.
00:34:52How do you do?
00:34:53He's kind of an expert, knows his stuff.
00:34:55Oh, yeah?
00:34:56Well, after you called up, I spoke to them all,
00:34:58and I think I got Velma on my side.
00:35:00But Ma's against it.
00:35:02You'll have to excuse things.
00:35:04Look, we're just getting straightened out.
00:35:07Roy, this is Mabel.
00:35:09How do you do?
00:35:10This is, uh, husband Carl.
00:35:12This is Mr. Parker, Mabel.
00:35:14How do you do?
00:35:15Hello, Roy.
00:35:16Hello, Velma.
00:35:18Say, I'd, uh...
00:35:20I'd like you to meet Mr. Parker.
00:35:22How do you do?
00:35:24You say Mr. Parker.
00:35:25Isn't he even a doctor?
00:35:26I am a specialist.
00:35:29Seems to me you'd be thankful
00:35:31somebody's trying to do something for that girl of yours.
00:35:33You've nothing to say about this, Carl.
00:35:35Velma's my girl, and I'm thinking if he isn't even a doctor...
00:35:38Well, he can look at her, can't he?
00:35:40That won't hurt nothing.
00:35:41I don't think Velma wants him to look at her.
00:35:43Do you, dear?
00:35:44Well, Pa wants him to.
00:35:46So does Roy.
00:35:47Who is this Roy, anyway?
00:35:49Mabel, you know all about Roy.
00:35:50If it hadn't been for him...
00:35:51Why does he go to so much trouble to help strangers?
00:35:54He must have some reason.
00:35:55Maybe he likes Velma.
00:35:57She ain't married yet, and likely not to be.
00:35:59And if you want my opinion...
00:36:01We don't want your opinion.
00:36:02Look, you got Velma all upset talking like that.
00:36:05All right, all right, all right.
00:36:07Don't you worry, honey.
00:36:08If you don't want him to look at your foot, you don't have to let him.
00:36:11Oh, but I do.
00:36:12Very well.
00:36:13If the child's made up her mind, I've nothing more to say.
00:36:15Come along, Mr. Parker.
00:36:17Come on, Ma.
00:36:18This way, Doctor.
00:36:23If this here specialist says he can operate on Velma, what then?
00:36:27Operations cost money.
00:36:29Well, I'll loan you the money.
00:36:31I get never paid back, you know that, Roy?
00:36:33I ain't worrying about that.
00:36:34Oh, I know, I know.
00:36:36Anybody with eyes on their head.
00:36:38She's pretty, ain't she?
00:36:40And just as sweet as she's pretty.
00:36:44Are you figuring on marrying Velma, Roy?
00:36:47Well, I ain't got that far in my figuring.
00:36:50Well, I don't know what's the right thing to do.
00:36:53But it seems to me, before you go putting out money,
00:36:56I ought to tell you about Velma.
00:37:00What about her?
00:37:01What about her?
00:37:04Well, she's got a fellow back home.
00:37:07His name's Pricer.
00:37:09He's about 30 years old and already divorced.
00:37:13He's doing good in the insurance business,
00:37:16but it didn't look right.
00:37:17A divorced man running around with a crippled girl.
00:37:21So Ma and me brings Velma out here to her mother.
00:37:26Now, it's my guess that Velma's still thinking about that fellow.
00:37:30Now, mind, I don't think there's anything wrong.
00:37:33I'm always telling myself there wasn't.
00:37:36It makes me feel better.
00:37:39That's about all there is to it, Roy.
00:37:42I hope you ain't sore or anything.
00:37:47No, I ain't sore at nobody.
00:37:52I guess it sounds funny and I ain't got the right words to fit it,
00:37:56but it seems as if I'd been close to Velma for a million years.
00:38:02And knowing her like I do,
00:38:04nobody ain't ever gonna tell me she's ever done a wrong thing.
00:38:08Because I know. You understand?
00:38:11She's not to know you ever told me anything.
00:38:13All right, Roy. Anything you say.
00:38:16Roy! He says it can be fixed!
00:38:18There's nothing very serious.
00:38:19We'll soon have the young lady walking as well as anybody.
00:38:21She'll be cracking. Ain't that wonderful, Ma?
00:38:24Now, honey, you just thank Roy.
00:38:26Roy's the one. He thought up the whole thing,
00:38:28and he's lending me the money.
00:38:30You, Mr. Collins? You?
00:38:33Well, I... I mean, I...
00:38:36I hope you'll excuse the way I acted,
00:38:38but I've been so worried about Velma.
00:38:40Poor child. After all, I am her mother, and...
00:38:42Mr. Parker here will take care of everything.
00:38:44You got nothing to worry about, Velma.
00:38:46Oh, Roy, you're so good.
00:38:48Pa says you're the best man that ever lived.
00:38:50And I guess Pa's right.
00:39:00Durnedest fella.
00:39:04Durnedest fella.
00:39:07It's criminal that nothing's ever been done for that girl before.
00:39:10Simple enough operation.
00:39:12Now, I got an in with the best surgeon in town.
00:39:14The whole thing'll set you back about 400 bucks, though.
00:39:17You satisfied?
00:39:18Yeah, sure I'm satisfied.
00:39:20But, Roy, I'm giving it to you straight.
00:39:22You're just sticking your neck out.
00:39:24She's not your kind, and you know it.
00:39:26And she's gonna throw an awful fit
00:39:28when she finds out what kind of a guy you really are.
00:39:30Yeah, I know.
00:39:32You may catch lead any minute.
00:39:34What you need is a...
00:39:36A fast-stepping young fella you can keep up with.
00:39:38Remember what Johnny Dillinger said about guys like you and him?
00:39:42He said you were just rushing toward death.
00:39:44Yeah, that's it.
00:39:46Just rushing toward death.
00:39:51Ruff, ruff!
00:40:01What's the matter, boy? You been hiding out?
00:40:21Is that you, Roy?
00:40:24Is Pod with you?
00:40:26Yeah, he's right here.
00:40:28Now, you had me scared.
00:40:33What are you doing in there?
00:40:35Come on in.
00:40:36Okay, I'm glad Pod's all right.
00:40:38I was afraid Babe had killed him.
00:40:42Did he do that?
00:40:44Yeah, he went crazy.
00:40:46Red tried to cool him off, but he fought like a wild cat.
00:40:49And he picked up a poker and hit Red over the head with it.
00:40:52When Red was down, he swung at me twice.
00:40:54Were those guys fighting over you?
00:40:56Red was standing up for me.
00:40:58When was this?
00:41:00About dark.
00:41:01Where are they?
00:41:03I don't know.
00:41:05I don't know.
00:41:07I don't know.
00:41:09About dark?
00:41:10Where are they?
00:41:11Well, as soon as Babe knocked Red cold, he started running for the store.
00:41:15And I heard Pod barking, and...
00:41:17Babe threw a poker at him.
00:41:19So I ran over here and locked myself in.
00:41:22And I found this under your pillow.
00:41:24Figured if Babe sneaked back, I could hold him off.
00:41:26He was like a crazy guy.
00:41:28Give me that. You stay here.
00:41:30Oh, Roy, you'll only get yourself in a jam. Please.
00:41:32Shut up and lock this door behind me.
00:41:41Give me that gun.
00:41:42Nobody's gonna push me around.
00:41:44Give it to me.
00:41:45Is he in there?
00:41:46Yeah, he's scared to come out.
00:41:48Gotta bump him off, huh?
00:41:49Well, he hit me on the head with it.
00:41:50Give it right here. I'll handle this.
00:41:53I had him look good. He was all played out.
00:41:55Now, I'm reaching for my neck.
00:41:57Well, good-night, fellas.
00:41:58Here's my pal. I guess I'll get along.
00:42:00Good-night, Son.
00:42:01And I hope tomorrow you're gonna tell your papa.
00:42:03Yeah, my boy.
00:42:05What's your name, son?
00:42:06It's Charlie.
00:42:10Good night.
00:42:11That's good.
00:42:13Good night.
00:42:17Got in trouble, huh?
00:42:20and I hope tomorrow you can attend, Father.
00:42:22Yeah, thanks.
00:42:23Good night.
00:42:24Good night.
00:42:28You stinkin' rat.
00:42:29Yeah, I know.
00:42:30I went crazy.
00:42:31Marie, she tried to blind the dame.
00:42:33Go on.
00:42:50Here he is.
00:42:51Mark him up, swing on him, hit him with this.
00:43:02I don't want to hurt him.
00:43:08Oh, Roy, don't hurt him.
00:43:09He won't act like that again.
00:43:11The car's outside.
00:43:13If I was you, I'd beat it and quick both of you.
00:43:15Oh, look, Roy, we've been caught.
00:43:17I'm giving you a chance to blow.
00:43:19If you decide to stick,
00:43:20I'll shoot the first one that don't do as I tell him.
00:43:22Okay, Roy.
00:43:23Come on.
00:43:38I'm not going back to the cabin.
00:43:40No, you better not.
00:43:42Trouble with this?
00:43:44No, you better not.
00:43:46Trouble with this?
00:43:47Start all over again.
00:43:49Look, I found a cot in the woodshed.
00:43:51I can fix it up and sleep here in the kitchen.
00:43:53All right.
00:43:55I'll have Algernon get your clothes
00:43:57and I'll send you home tomorrow.
00:44:18No, I say.
00:44:21I can't hold him.
00:44:26Take the gates away.
00:44:29I'm crashing out.
00:44:34Yeah, sure.
00:44:39I'll go back to the farm.
00:44:41Sweet Indiana farm.
00:44:45But you...
00:44:46You're holding me back.
00:44:48Don't hold me back.
00:44:50I'll crash out, I tell you.
00:44:52I'll crash out.
00:44:56You can't.
00:45:00No, you can't do it.
00:45:02The farm is the best.
00:45:05Yeah, that's the best.
00:45:07You can't take it away.
00:45:10You can't.
00:45:13Yeah, you can't.
00:45:15Take it.
00:45:19A little more coffee?
00:45:22Well, are you all packed?
00:45:24Well, Roy, I...
00:45:27I thought maybe I could...
00:45:28I'll run you over to Ballard. You can catch a bus.
00:45:32I haven't got a soul in L.A.
00:45:34Where are you from?
00:45:35San Francisco.
00:45:36Family there?
00:45:38Well, maybe I can stake you to a ticket.
00:45:44Remember what you were saying the other day about prison?
00:45:47And the way you kept from going crazy by thinking all the time about a crash out?
00:45:51Well, that's the way it's been with me.
00:45:54I've been trying to crash out ever since I can remember.
00:45:57My old man used to get drunk a couple of times a week and kick us around.
00:46:02My old lady used to stand it.
00:46:04But not me.
00:46:05I waited for my chance and I beat it.
00:46:07I crashed out just like you did.
00:46:10I got you.
00:46:11Then I came down to L.A. and got a job in a dimer dance joint.
00:46:16It was a living, but...
00:46:18Well, I got pretty sick of being poured over.
00:46:22So when Babe came along, I crashed out again.
00:46:27I thought Babe was the right guy.
00:46:30I guess I was never really hooked up with any guys that wasn't my type.
00:46:33I guess I was never really hooked up with any guys that wasn't wrong.
00:46:36So I had nothing to go by.
00:46:40Until I met you.
00:46:55Well, get ready.
00:47:03Come on.
00:47:04Come on.
00:47:31Go away, son. Will you go away?
00:47:34Go away.
00:47:41What's the matter?
00:47:43Oh, Roy, please don't send me back to L.A. Please don't.
00:47:47I want to stay with you. Please, Roy, don't.
00:47:50Oh, Roy.
00:47:58Listen to me.
00:48:00I'm giving it to you straight.
00:48:02I got plans, see?
00:48:04And there's no room in them for you.
00:48:07You could never mean nothing to me.
00:48:09Nothing special, that is.
00:48:12You know what I mean.
00:48:24I want to take a run down to L.A.
00:48:26I can't stand this waiting around.
00:48:28Let me go along, Roy, will you?
00:48:29I sure would like to take in a movie, will you, Roy?
00:48:30All right.
00:48:32Get your things and bring my hat.
00:48:34Okay, I won't be a second.
00:48:36We'll be back in plenty of time in case Mendoza calls.
00:48:38If he ever calls.
00:48:40I don't like the way he's stalling around.
00:48:42I just don't like it.
00:48:46Now, you guys keep your noses clean.
00:48:48Yeah, sure, Roy.
00:49:00Roy, Pod's following us.
00:49:02Go on home, Pod, go back.
00:49:04Oh, Roy, let's take him along with us.
00:49:06I got to leave him sometime.
00:49:07He might as well get used to it.
00:49:09Yeah, you got to leave him sometime,
00:49:10so let's take him now.
00:49:14All right.
00:49:22You going to take in a movie when we get to L.A.?
00:49:24I don't care.
00:49:25I just came for the ride.
00:49:27I'll be back in a minute.
00:49:28I guess I'd better take care of Pod
00:49:30then if you're going to a movie.
00:49:32Where are you going?
00:49:34See some people, friends of mine.
00:49:36What's their racket?
00:49:39They're not in any racket.
00:49:41He's a farmer from Ohio, lost his farm.
00:49:44There's him and Ma and his granddaughter.
00:49:48Granddaughter, huh?
00:49:52Name's Velma.
00:49:54Just had an operation on her foot.
00:49:55Mighty pretty girl.
00:49:58Is she?
00:50:02Yeah, decent.
00:50:06Yeah, decent.
00:50:26Hello, Pa.
00:50:27Hello, Roy.
00:50:29Where you been?
00:50:30Say, how's Velma?
00:50:31Well, you wouldn't know her.
00:50:32What, you mean she's walking around?
00:50:33No, she's still in bed,
00:50:35but the doctor says in a few more days
00:50:37she can dance or do anything
00:50:38and nobody'd ever know she was crippled.
00:50:40Oh, I say, that's great.
00:50:42Hello, boy, hello.
00:50:43Here's a cute little fella.
00:50:44Roy, it's about time.
00:50:46Hi, Ma.
00:50:47Cut that out.
00:50:49Roy's a darn nice looking fella and I'm jealous.
00:50:51Come on in and see Velma.
00:50:52She'll be glad to see you.
00:50:54Oh, Roy, you look so good.
00:50:56Mabel's husband's at work
00:50:58and Mabel's uptown gadding around,
00:51:00so you got her all to yourself today, Roy.
00:51:02Well, I hear you're all right.
00:51:05She wants to kiss you.
00:51:07Oh, Ma.
00:51:12We were wondering what happened to you, Roy.
00:51:14Well, I've been pretty busy.
00:51:16Did it hurt much when he fixed your foot?
00:51:18Oh, it didn't hurt at all.
00:51:20I didn't even know it.
00:51:25We'll never get through thanking you, Roy.
00:51:27It was wonderful of you.
00:51:30Say, uh,
00:51:32I got a big business deal coming up
00:51:34and if it goes through the way I think it ought to,
00:51:37I can quit for life.
00:51:39Oh, that's fine, Roy.
00:51:40Did you tell Pa?
00:51:42I was thinking that, uh,
00:51:43if this deal goes through the way it ought to,
00:51:45that I'd like to take a trip around the world.
00:51:47And I was just...
00:51:50Do you see what I mean, Velma?
00:51:54Yes, I see.
00:51:57Well, I was thinking that
00:51:59if you didn't want to take a trip around the world,
00:52:00what would you like to do?
00:52:02You see, Velma,
00:52:04I'd sure like to marry you.
00:52:07I ain't so old
00:52:09and I'm gonna have plenty of dough someday.
00:52:12Gee, I don't know.
00:52:14You sure have been wonderful to us, Roy.
00:52:16And Pa says there's no better man than you.
00:52:20But, Roy...
00:52:22You got somebody back home, I guess.
00:52:25Well, yes.
00:52:27In a way, I have.
00:52:28He's figuring on coming out here to marry you?
00:52:31I don't know.
00:52:33I may go back there.
00:52:35I ought to be hearing from him any day now.
00:52:37Why, you're crazy about him, Velma.
00:52:44I guess that lets me out.
00:52:46But we can still be friends, though, can't we, Roy?
00:52:50When will we see you again?
00:52:55I don't know.
00:52:57I don't know.
00:53:01But I'll be walking in a few days.
00:53:03Roy, you simply must come back to see me walk.
00:53:06Why, of course he will.
00:53:12I'll come back and see Velma walk.
00:53:23What's wrong, Pat?
00:53:24He wants me to marry him, Pa.
00:53:27And I said I wouldn't.
00:53:29I'm gonna come along.
00:53:32But I don't love Roy, Pa.
00:53:35I'm not crippled anymore, Pa.
00:53:37And from now on, I'm gonna have fun
00:53:39dressing up and going places and dancing.
00:53:42I'll dance all night long if I want to.
00:53:49I know what Roy did for me, Pa.
00:53:50I know what Roy did for me, Pa.
00:53:54But I don't love him.
00:53:57I just don't love him.
00:54:13A man phoned in a telegram for Mr. Carlin.
00:54:15Hello, Pa.
00:54:17Hard luck, though, you.
00:54:21Yeah, it's from Mendoza.
00:54:23Tonight's the night.
00:54:25Here are the three hammers.
00:54:27Shall I take the sledge, Roy?
00:54:29I don't know.
00:54:31I never cracked a safety department box before.
00:54:33I still don't see why Mendoza can't open those boxes.
00:54:35It'll be a tip-off that it was an inside job.
00:54:37The cops would pinch him and he'd sing,
00:54:39or I don't know, guys.
00:54:41Roy, what about Pod?
00:54:43Oh, yeah.
00:54:45Yeah, take him over to Algenon.
00:54:47Tell them to lock him up.
00:54:48Here, here's five bucks.
00:54:50Why not take him alone?
00:54:52Imagine taking a dog on a caper.
00:54:54That's rich, that is.
00:54:56I'd watch after him.
00:54:58You do as I tell you.
00:55:07Well, I guess that's everything.
00:55:09Now, listen.
00:55:11When we get into the hotel, don't anybody look up,
00:55:13no matter what happens.
00:55:15That's my business.
00:55:16Nobody's gonna bother you, and I mean nobody.
00:55:18Are there any questions?
00:55:20Now, Marie and I are gonna head for L.A.
00:55:22with the jewelry in a shoebox.
00:55:24You take the dough and come back up here.
00:55:26When you hear from us, bring the dough to L.A.
00:55:28All right?
00:55:30Well, I guess we're all set.
00:55:32Well, I'm glad Marie's gone.
00:55:34She's got more nerve than most guys.
00:55:36Yeah, and we'll make up her share between us.
00:55:38That's fair, ain't it?
00:55:40Fair enough, you bet.
00:55:42It's worth it to have someone to watch out for the car.
00:55:47I'll never forget a guy I knew once,
00:55:49Petty Garrison, his name was.
00:55:51Well, one day, him and another creep
00:55:53waltzes in to knock over a grocery store, see?
00:55:55And he leaves a heap outside with the engine running.
00:55:57Well, they come bouncing out a couple of jumps
00:55:59ahead of a shotgun blast, somebody snitched it.
00:56:01So they ducks down an alley
00:56:03and runs right smack into a copper.
00:56:05Brother, what a mess.
00:56:07You think of the prettiest stories to tell.
00:56:09Oh, they was just small-timers, not like us.
00:56:11We wasn't big till this one.
00:56:13I don't feel big.
00:56:14Let's take a gap and get going.
00:56:23Pod's locked in.
00:56:25You know, he knows there's something up.
00:56:27He keeps scratching at the door.
00:56:29That little mutt's just a plain nuisance.
00:56:31That's Pod, I told you he knew.
00:56:33Shut up and get in the car.
00:56:35Wish that dog would stop howling.
00:56:37Gives me the creeps.
00:56:39I told you he knew.
00:56:41Shut up and get in the car.
00:56:43Wish that dog would stop howling.
00:56:45Gives me the creeps.
00:57:09What's wrong with you?
00:57:11It's Pod, he got loose, he's following us.
00:57:13He can't follow us far at night.
00:57:15Oh, Roy, you can't.
00:57:17Who says I can't?
00:57:19What I ought to do is put a bullet through his head.
00:57:21Ain't got enough trouble without a fool dog.
00:57:28Let him in.
00:57:33Poor little fella.
00:57:35Got no home, got nobody.
00:57:36Got no home, got nobody, have you?
00:57:38After all the 14 carat saps
00:57:40starting out on a caper with a woman and a dog.
00:57:43If he spoils this job, I'll...
00:57:45Oh, you're full of talk.
00:57:47I think you're glad.
00:58:08Shut up.
00:58:10One move out of you, son,
00:58:12I'll fill your pants full of lead.
00:58:14Get over there.
00:58:15I will, sir.
00:58:16Open that up, quick.
00:58:50How's it going?
00:58:52Having a little trouble with the boxes.
00:59:07How you doing?
00:59:09Got a few more.
00:59:11This is really something.
00:59:37Quiet, peaceful little hotel.
00:59:39Nice time of night to build a house.
00:59:41Oh, Bob.
00:59:43Get over there.
00:59:44Shut up.
00:59:45Go on, move.
00:59:46Over there, move fast.
00:59:47Bob, my rings.
00:59:48You've got to stop them.
00:59:49You've got to.
00:59:50Look, my friend, you can't do this.
00:59:51I mean, you can't just...
00:59:52Stay down.
00:59:54You won't get hurt.
00:59:56You'll get hurt.
00:59:58You'll get hurt.
01:00:00You'll get hurt.
01:00:02You'll get hurt.
01:00:04You'll get hurt.
01:00:06Hey, you.
01:00:09Yes, sir?
01:00:11Sit over there.
01:00:13Go on, go on.
01:00:14Hurry up.
01:00:36Hi, buddy.
01:00:57Hi, buddy.
01:01:06Hi, buddy.
01:01:22You've got to take me with you.
01:01:23I couldn't face the police now.
01:01:24I never thought we'd have to shoot somebody.
01:01:25He won't croak.
01:01:26I shot low.
01:01:27Go on, get in the car.
01:02:00Hey, he's taking the wrong road.
01:02:21The coppers will go to the fire now.
01:02:23Oh, Roy, those boys.
01:02:26Small timers for small jobs.
01:02:29They lost their heads.
01:02:32This one was just too big.
01:02:36Come on.
01:02:44Hey, you feeling better now?
01:02:46Still kind of wobbly.
01:02:48I keep thinking of Babe and Red.
01:02:50Ah, there's no use of worrying about them.
01:02:52If they didn't kick off, the coppers have.
01:02:54Roy, do you think they'll talk?
01:02:57If they don't, Mendoza will, but who cares?
01:02:59I'll be turning that box over to Big Mac in a couple of hours,
01:03:02and he's going to hand me a wad of dough.
01:03:03Oh, gee.
01:03:04Then we'll be all set, won't we, Roy?
01:03:07You've got quite a piece of change coming to you, too,
01:03:09and I'm going to see that you get it right away.
01:03:12Because I'll be blowing pretty soon.
01:03:14Going back east, I guess.
01:03:15I'm going with you.
01:03:17Oh, don't talk like a sap.
01:03:19If you stick around with me, you'll never be in anything but trouble.
01:03:22Look, Roy, no matter what happens, I'm sticking with you.
01:03:27Don't think you're ever going to check me so easy.
01:03:29Well, we'll see.
01:03:31Come on, let's go.
01:03:32Come on, Pod.
01:03:34But remember, if the going gets too tough,
01:03:37I'm going to have to park you for a while.
01:03:39I'm glad you said for a while.
01:03:40That makes me feel good.
01:03:42Look, if I really get in your way, you can park me.
01:03:46Is that a deal?
01:03:49It's a deal.
01:04:02I won't be long.
01:04:04Come on.
01:04:21Hello, Earl.
01:04:22What are you doing here?
01:04:24Mac sent for me.
01:04:25I flew out a couple of days ago.
01:04:26Mighty sick man Mac is.
01:04:28He collapsed last night.
01:04:29He's asleep now.
01:04:31Hey, you want to read about yourself?
01:04:34Tough about the two guys, huh?
01:04:36It was their own fault.
01:04:37Well, their troubles are over.
01:04:39Both of them, huh?
01:04:40Yeah, Mendoza broke his collarbone.
01:04:42He got knocked cold, but he'll be all right.
01:04:44The police think he was kidnapped.
01:04:45They haven't identified Babe and Redhead.
01:04:47Let's go and show the stuff to Mac.
01:04:48It might cheer him up.
01:04:50You got it in that shoebox there?
01:04:51Yeah, that sure is heavy.
01:04:53Hey, boss, wake up.
01:04:54Earl's here.
01:04:55He clipped him for a half a million.
01:04:56I sure come through for you.
01:04:58You didn't spring me for nothing.
01:04:59Wake up, Mac.
01:05:00Wake up.
01:05:01Earl's here.
01:05:05Hey, this guy's dead.
01:05:16He's what?
01:05:17He's dead.
01:05:20Yeah, cold as a mackerel.
01:05:23Kicked off in his sleep, I guess.
01:05:29Say, what are you going to do with this stuff?
01:05:31Mac told me what to do in case something like this happened.
01:05:34I guess he had a feeling he'd never make it.
01:05:36Don't be a sap, Earl.
01:05:37Mac's dead, and we're rich.
01:05:38I can get a fence to handle this stuff.
01:05:40Don't you see it?
01:05:41We're rich.
01:05:42Listen, Chisler, I'm still working for him, and so are you.
01:05:45I got my instructions, and I'm going to follow them.
01:05:47Use your head, man.
01:05:48This is a chance of a lifetime.
01:05:50You heard me.
01:05:52OK, maybe you're right.
01:06:02Pick up 7-7-1-9.
01:06:06Hello, this is Watt.
01:06:07This is Earl.
01:06:09Mac's dead.
01:06:11Yeah, he said in a letter to call you that you was to do the handling.
01:06:17He just kicked off.
01:06:20He's dead.
01:06:21He's dead.
01:06:22He's dead.
01:06:23He's dead.
01:06:24He's dead.
01:06:25He's dead.
01:06:26He's dead.
01:06:27He's dead.
01:06:28He's dead.
01:06:29He's dead.
01:06:30He's dead.
01:06:31He's dead.
01:06:32He's dead.
01:06:33He's dead.
01:06:34He's dead.
01:06:35He's dead.
01:06:36He's dead.
01:06:37He's dead.
01:06:38He's dead.
01:06:39He's dead.
01:06:40He's dead.
01:06:41He's dead.
01:06:42He's dead.
01:06:43He's dead.
01:06:44He's dead.
01:06:45He's dead.
01:06:46He's dead.
01:06:47He's dead.
01:06:48He's dead.
01:06:49He's dead.
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01:06:52He's dead.
01:06:53He's dead.
01:06:54He's dead.
01:06:55He's dead.
01:06:56He's dead.
01:06:57He's dead.
01:06:58He's dead.
01:06:59He's dead.
01:07:00He's dead.
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01:07:14He's dead.
01:07:15He's dead.
01:07:16He's dead.
01:07:17He's dead.
01:07:18He's dead.
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01:07:28He's dead.
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01:07:30He's dead.
01:07:31He's dead.
01:07:32He's dead.
01:07:33He's dead.
01:07:34He's dead.
01:07:35He's dead.
01:07:36He's dead.
01:07:37He's dead.
01:07:38He's dead.
01:07:39He's dead.
01:07:40He's dead.
01:07:41He's dead.
01:07:42He's dead.
01:07:43He's dead.
01:07:44He's dead.
01:07:45He's dead.
01:07:46He's dead.
01:07:47He's dead.
01:07:48He's dead.
01:07:49He's dead.
01:07:50He's dead.
01:07:51He's dead.
01:07:52He's dead.
01:07:53He's dead.
01:07:54He's dead.
01:07:55He's dead.
01:07:56He's dead.
01:07:57I only got about 50, 60 bucks on me.
01:07:58Oh, you didn't get your cut today.
01:08:00Well, that's all right, but I figured
01:08:01this is going to cost you about $500.
01:08:03You know, I'm taking an awful chance.
01:08:04$500 is OK with me.
01:08:06When I need help, I need it bad, and I'm willing to pay for it.
01:08:09What about little Thelma?
01:08:11Oh, I don't know, Doc.
01:08:12That was just one of them things, I guess.
01:08:14Is she walking pretty good now?
01:08:18That surgeon friend of mine did a magnificent job.
01:08:20You ought to see her.
01:08:21It'll do your heart good.
01:08:22Well, maybe I will look in for just a minute.
01:08:24I promised the old man I would anyway.
01:08:25Oh, you better be going now.
01:08:27Make a right turn here.
01:08:29What about getting rid of the stuff?
01:08:31Aren't we going to Santa Monica?
01:08:32Something I got to do first.
01:08:34It'll only take a minute.
01:08:39I promised Pa I'd come back and see her walk.
01:08:43Fine time you picked to go calling.
01:08:48Can I go in with you?
01:08:49You stay in the car.
01:08:51I'm only going in myself because I promised the old man.
01:08:54Yeah, I know.
01:08:55You said that.
01:09:10Gee, my foot gets stronger all the time, Loz.
01:09:13Don't you think I'm dancing better?
01:09:14Sure, baby.
01:09:15You're perfect.
01:09:16How about a little drink, huh?
01:09:17Oh, no, Loz.
01:09:18You want me to get dizzy again like last night?
01:09:20Gee, gee, gee, gee, gee, gee, gee, gee, gee, gee, gee.
01:09:22I'll be all right.
01:09:24Joe's a panic when he's tight.
01:09:26You said it, boy.
01:09:27Ha, ha, ha.
01:09:28Listen, I would never.
01:09:29Now look here, now look here.
01:09:31I never was one to spoil a good time.
01:09:33But enough's enough.
01:09:34That's what I say.
01:09:35I never said that.
01:09:36Oh, who's that now?
01:09:43Hello, Pa.
01:09:44Well, this is a surprise.
01:09:49Hello, Roy.
01:09:50Well, it's about time you dropped in.
01:09:51Where have you been?
01:09:53The rest of the family's out for a ride.
01:09:55They'll be sorry they missed you.
01:09:56Roy, this is Mr. Pricer.
01:09:58He's my, he's from back home.
01:10:00Oh, Roy.
01:10:02You almost told me a lot about you.
01:10:03As a matter of fact, we had a couple of drinks
01:10:04to you the other night.
01:10:05Did you?
01:10:07Oh, you haven't seen me dance yet.
01:10:09My foot's all bitter now, watch it.
01:10:14Go on, Pa.
01:10:16Go get Roy, go find him.
01:10:18This is a fine party, letting a lady dance by herself.
01:10:21Come on, baby.
01:10:23Let's go.
01:10:25Oh, I declare, who's that now?
01:10:32Claude, you're back, don't you?
01:10:35Gee, I'm sorry, Roy.
01:10:37He jumped out of the car before I knew what had happened.
01:10:44Oh, hello.
01:10:45You're Velma, aren't you?
01:10:47That's right.
01:10:48I'm Marie Garson, friend of Roy's.
01:10:51I feel as though I know you.
01:10:53Roy has often told me how nice you are.
01:10:56Has he?
01:10:57Oh, say, that reminds me.
01:10:59You did a lot for Velma, Roy.
01:11:01You gotta pay her back.
01:11:02After all, it's a lot of money.
01:11:04Forget it.
01:11:05Think nothing of it.
01:11:06Oh, but I'd like you to take it, Roy.
01:11:08After all, Lon and I are going to be married very soon.
01:11:11And he can afford it easily.
01:11:13Getting married?
01:11:16Well, that's fine.
01:11:20Yeah, that's swell.
01:11:23Well, I...
01:11:24I guess I'll be on my way, Pa.
01:11:26I'm going back east.
01:11:27I just came in to say goodbye.
01:11:29Oh, well, let's have a drink together first, Roy.
01:11:32You and your little girlie and me and my little Velma.
01:11:36Get your hands off me.
01:11:39I'm sorry.
01:11:40I don't like you.
01:11:42I don't like the way you talk.
01:11:43I don't like your friends.
01:11:45I don't like to think of her being married to you.
01:11:48Come on, Roy.
01:11:49You haven't got any right to say such things.
01:11:51Lon's going to be my husband.
01:11:53And I love him.
01:11:54And you're just jealous and mean because I don't want you.
01:11:56Because I never wanted you.
01:12:01I'm sure sorry.
01:12:03Oh, it's all right.
01:12:04Maybe it's just as well it happened this way.
01:12:07Goodbye, Pa.
01:12:14Some nerve he had.
01:12:15If it wasn't for you, dear, I'd have punched him right in the nose.
01:12:20You shouldn't have come in there, Marie.
01:12:22I had to, Roy.
01:12:24You thought of her more than you did me.
01:12:26I just wanted to know why.
01:12:32You don't love her anymore, do you?
01:12:37If you weren't sure of it, you wouldn't have asked me.
01:12:46If I didn't know where they come from, I'd think that was phony.
01:12:49Poor old Mac.
01:12:52There he was, laying there dead with a half a million bucks beside him.
01:12:57Well, it's all yours, and all I want is my cut.
01:13:01You're going to have to wait a few days for that, Roy.
01:13:04What's that?
01:13:05Don't look at me like that.
01:13:06My share, you can put in your eye.
01:13:08Larry's the head man, now that Mac's gone.
01:13:11Kansas City?
01:13:12That's him. He's flying out.
01:13:14Now, you leave the stuff with me and hide out for a while.
01:13:18I can help you out a little.
01:13:20You ain't trying to pull a fast one on me, are you?
01:13:22Because I don't like fast ones.
01:13:23We'll take the stuff with you if you feel that way.
01:13:26But it'll be like carrying a bomb around.
01:13:31Give me a couple of hundred bucks and keep this.
01:13:33But if I don't get my end, you ain't going to be around long.
01:13:36You and Larry both.
01:13:38Oh, now, don't worry, Roy. You'll get it.
01:13:40Here's the 200.
01:13:47That's what I want.
01:14:04Oh, Roy.
01:14:08It's a present.
01:14:17Of course, you wouldn't put it on the wrong finger.
01:14:34Same old song.
01:14:36Nothing doing yet.
01:14:38I'm gonna run out of dough with all these long-distance calls.
01:14:41Well, you should have taken the money Velma's boyfriend offered you.
01:14:44But no, think nothing of it. That's what you said.
01:14:46I'll have to see.
01:14:47Well, I'll be off to my place.
01:14:55Bye, bye.
01:15:02Ain't nothing of it, that's what you said.
01:15:11Yeah, don't look like this thing's ever gonna cool off.
01:15:17Look, I've been thinking things over.
01:15:20I like little Pod here as much as you do, but...
01:15:23You know what Algernon said about him being bad luck?
01:15:25Oh, that's a lot of malarkey.
01:15:27Well, maybe it isn't, maybe it isn't.
01:15:29How could a poor little dog be the cause of it all?
01:15:31That's just plain dumb.
01:15:32Sometimes you get me crazy.
01:15:34You think when you say a thing, that's that.
01:15:35Nobody knows nothing but you.
01:15:37Okay, Pod's to blame for everything.
01:15:39It's all Pod's fault, have it your own way.
01:15:40I didn't say Pod was to blame,
01:15:41I only said there might be something to it.
01:15:43Oh, shut up.
01:15:44Don't tell me to shut up, you...
01:15:51Oh, honey, I'm sorry.
01:15:53It's hurting you, isn't it?
01:15:56Will you just let me change this dressing for you?
01:16:04It don't look so good, Roy.
01:16:06It's all red.
01:16:07Do you feel as if you have any fever?
01:16:09No, I don't think so.
01:16:11I don't know, maybe I have.
01:16:13Think I ought to go in and see the doc?
01:16:15Oh, no, you can't do that.
01:16:16They might get you.
01:16:18You can't trust anybody, Roy.
01:16:20After all, $10,000 is a lot of money.
01:16:24You ought to turn me in and live easy for the rest of your life.
01:16:26Roy, even in fun,
01:16:30don't ever say things like that.
01:16:46Thanks, honey.
01:17:01Morning, Mr. Collins.
01:17:17Baby, our troubles are over.
01:17:19I'm driving in tonight.
01:17:20I just talked to Art on the phone.
01:17:21He said they'll have my cut ready.
01:17:22How's that?
01:17:23Oh, gee, that's great.
01:17:24Now we can go back east where we'll be safe.
01:17:26Yeah, and just when I was beginning to think
01:17:27they were giving me the old runaround,
01:17:28it sure is easy to be wrong in this world.
01:17:30Oh, honey, you love me?
01:17:31Oh, you bet I do.
01:17:36Let him out, will you?
01:17:47Yeah, a little.
01:17:48Look, honey, I'll drive in.
01:17:50No, nothing doing.
01:17:51Suppose we get a rumble.
01:17:52Oh, we won't. They're not even looking for you yet.
01:17:54All the same, I'll drive.
01:17:55You go ahead with the parking.
01:17:56I think the car needs gas.
01:17:58All right.
01:18:04Nice little pod.
01:18:05Nice little boy.
01:18:06Shake hands?
01:18:08Nice pod.
01:18:09Oh, he's a fine boy.
01:18:11Nice little pod.
01:18:17I want to see you.
01:18:18Ah, I'm busy.
01:18:19I got a lot to do.
01:18:21A lot to do this morning.
01:18:22That's a nice little dog you got there, Mr. Collins.
01:18:24I was just trying to make up with him.
01:18:26What makes you think his name's Pod?
01:18:27Well, uh, didn't I hear you call him that yesterday?
01:18:30Maybe I'm wrong.
01:18:36Get in here.
01:18:45You know who I am, don't you?
01:18:46No, I never saw you before.
01:18:47Not before you came here, honest.
01:18:49Why are you so scared about that?
01:18:50Oh, please, Mr. Earle, please don't kill me.
01:18:52Open that door.
01:18:56Looking for that reward, huh?
01:19:01Come along and be a friend, buddy.
01:19:19Listen to this.
01:19:21Police are hot on his trail.
01:19:23And believe it or not, he's traveling with a woman
01:19:24who answers to the name of Marie
01:19:26Newspaper relax.
01:19:28What are we going to do, Roy?
01:19:30Wait a minute.
01:19:33Maria, I've got to park you for a while, like you said.
01:19:36Like who said?
01:19:37I remember we agreed that if the going got tough, I was to park you.
01:19:40You said it was a deal.
01:19:41Now look, Roy. I can't leave you now.
01:19:43I don't care what happens to me.
01:19:45Let's stick together, honey.
01:19:46Let the money go. Forget about it.
01:19:48We'll hit east. We'll make it. Then we'll be safe.
01:19:50Baby, you need dough to get back east.
01:19:52I've got maybe 30 grand coming to me, and I'm going to get it.
01:19:55Now listen.
01:19:57I've got an idea.
01:19:59I'll put you on the bus to Las Vegas. You wait there for me.
01:20:01I'll go in and get my end, and I'll come after you.
01:20:03Oh, no, look, Roy. Don't leave me. Please don't leave me. I'm scared about it.
01:20:07Do you think I want to take you in and get you shot?
01:20:09Brother, when they hang that number one tag on you, they shoot first and argue afterwards.
01:20:13I know.
01:20:15Mad dog girl. How do you like that?
01:20:19They tied me up with that Kramner killing.
01:20:21If they get me, I haven't got a chance.
01:20:23But they ain't going to get me.
01:20:25I've done all the time I'm ever going to do.
01:20:29I'll tie that guy up.
01:20:31Now listen. You go on down to the store and get a big basket with a lid on it.
01:20:35Put a part in it and take him with you.
01:20:37Okay, Roy. I'll do anything you say.
01:20:54Come on, Potty. Get in here. Come on.
01:20:58Get in.
01:21:00Now, when you get to Las Vegas, go right to the place I told you.
01:21:02Don't ask nobody no questions.
01:21:04I'll be with you tomorrow night at the latest.
01:21:06You got that?
01:21:08I just got a feeling about it, Roy.
01:21:10I'm awful sorry for the way I've acted.
01:21:12You've got nothing to be sorry about.
01:21:14Yes, I have.
01:21:15Maganet should have flown off the handle.
01:21:18I wish I had.
01:21:20Oh, I like it. I mean, that's the way married people ought to act.
01:21:23Listen, my ma and pa fought like cats and dogs going on 40 years.
01:21:27I wouldn't give you two cents for a dame without a temper.
01:21:30Oh, Roy.
01:21:37Here she comes.
01:21:39Here. Take this.
01:21:41That's all you got, Roy. I don't need that much.
01:21:44That's all right. You keep it. I'm all right.
01:21:46You're all I got in the world.
01:21:51Come on now, baby.
01:21:57I'll see you tomorrow night.
01:21:59Come on.
01:22:16Honk, honk.
01:22:47Turning from the European news, ladies and gentlemen,
01:22:49a bulletin just handed me states that mad dog Roy Earle
01:22:52has been definitely identified as a man who slugged a tourist camp proprietor
01:22:55earlier this morning at Palmville on Route 395.
01:22:58Subject of one of the most intensive police searches in California history,
01:23:01the bandit killer and his companion, a woman named Marie,
01:23:03are believed at this moment to be headed toward Los Angeles.
01:23:16Come on.
01:23:37Can I help you, sir?
01:23:39Yeah, give me a pack of cigarettes.
01:23:41Don't give me no trouble. You won't get hurt.
01:23:43Hand over the dough and that cash register.
01:23:45I don't know. Never get myself shot up over money.
01:23:47You're right, buddy. You got sense.
01:23:49Hello, John. Give me a coat.
01:23:51Look out, Tom! It's Roy Earle!
01:24:15What is all this?
01:24:17Hold up, Henry. John thought it was Roy Earle.
01:24:19Been reading too many of them detective magazines.
01:24:21Sure look like Roy Earle's picture.
01:24:23If it's Earle, he's headed back over the pass.
01:24:25Operator, give me 420.
01:24:30Sheriff, Alden speaking.
01:24:32A fair amount of drug storage has been held up and robbed
01:24:34by a man identified as Roy Earle.
01:24:36Yeah? Looks just like him.
01:24:48Patrol car 41 waiting on Highbridge Road.
01:24:50Good. We'll have him bottled up in another hour.
01:29:33Hold on, boys. Stand there and watch yourselves. He's armed.
01:30:13Better keep undercover.
01:30:15Charlie and Spike, see if you can work over to his left.
01:30:17If he makes a move, let him have it.
01:30:19He'd never come out alive.
01:30:21We got him holding. I know this country.
01:30:23Hank and Sam, go up to the ridge.
01:30:29Hey, you! You had no chance!
01:30:31Come on down!
01:30:33We won't do no shooting!
01:30:35Come and get me, buddy! Come and get me!
01:30:37What's the matter, yellow?
01:30:39Del Scaro at the ranger station.
01:30:41Get Slim up here with his high-powered rifle and telescope sight.
01:30:48His position puts him in command of several hundred feet of territory between him and the road.
01:30:51Natural rock formations shelter him from attacks above.
01:30:54It is some five hours now since Roy Earl took to cover on the rock,
01:30:58and there's no indication on his part to surrender.
01:31:00The road up the mountain is a jam of traffic.
01:31:02Spectators are coming from all over.
01:31:04As I said before, the scene is some 60 miles from Ballard.
01:31:07I must go back the way we just came.
01:31:09Is there another bus going back soon?
01:31:11Yes, lady. There's one leasing here in about ten minutes.
01:31:14Looks like old Amy. She don't know whether she's coming or going.
01:31:19It's infernally cold up here. Maybe it's nerves.
01:31:22The rock above, where Earl is hiding, looks like a huge iceberg.
01:31:26Whenever the flares are lit, the faces of the crowd gathered around here
01:31:29look like white masks of snow.
01:31:31They look dead, all but their eyes.
01:31:33Hey, where do you think you're going?
01:31:35Officer, I'm Haley of the Bulletin.
01:31:36Let's see your police card.
01:31:41There have been more rumors flying around.
01:31:42One is that Earl's about to give himself up.
01:31:44Another, that they've sent to Marchfield near Riverside
01:31:46for a squadron of armored bombing planes to blast Earl out.
01:31:49And while all this is going on,
01:31:50the sheriff and his men hold conference after conference.
01:31:52Nerves of everyone are getting more taut.
01:31:54As a matter of fact, the crowd is getting very restless.
01:31:56Huge spotlights are trained on Earl's rocky fortress.
01:31:58Looks like they're planning something new.
01:32:00Howdy, Sheriff.
01:32:01Hello, Charlie.
01:32:03Hey, Slim.
01:32:05See that peak up there?
01:32:08Reckon you could work your way up above where that fellow's hiding?
01:32:12Ain't ever been done before.
01:32:14Straight thousand feet.
01:32:16I don't know.
01:32:18I'll take a try at it.
01:32:20Oh, yes, there's the sheriff over there
01:32:21talking with a man with a queer-looking rifle.
01:32:24Any minute now, it may be curtains for Roy Earl.
01:32:27This seems to be the coldest place in the world tonight.
01:32:29Cold and unreal.
01:32:31I was awestruck by the gruesomeness of this rendezvous with death.
01:32:34The morbidly curious onlookers standing by as if they watched a game.
01:32:37The tall pine trees clustered around like a silent jury.
01:32:41The stern-faced officers of law waiting for the kill.
01:32:43And up above, a defiant gangster from a simple farm
01:32:46on the flats of Indiana,
01:32:47about to be killed on the site of the highest mountain peak in the United States.
01:32:54What's the idea, you?
01:32:55Get back where you belong.
01:32:57Anybody else tries, that'll get run in, see?
01:33:07What are you up to, sister?
01:33:08Why don't you try to get through this line?
01:33:11What do you mean you do?
01:33:13Have you a little dog in that basket?
01:33:15A little gray, white dog?
01:33:22Good boy.
01:33:27What's the matter with her?
01:33:28Roy Earl has been traveling around with a girl called Marie.
01:33:30Sure, I know. What about it?
01:33:32Meet Marie.
01:33:34Hey! Sheriff!
01:33:54I guess Slim couldn't make it.
01:34:01Listen, you.
01:34:02For the last time, I'm telling you to call Earl.
01:34:05If you don't get wise to yourself, I'm gonna...
01:34:06Wait a minute, Lloyd.
01:34:08Look, Marie.
01:34:10It's dawn now and we can't wait any longer.
01:34:12We don't want to kill your man unless we have to.
01:34:15Why don't you tell him to come down and surrender peace of mind?
01:34:19You know, if you help us now, it'll go easier with you.
01:34:22I'm not thinking, I must yell.
01:34:24Oh, be smart.
01:34:25Just yell up to him and tell him to put his gun down.
01:34:28Otherwise, we'll get him, sure.
01:34:36All right.
01:34:44Go ahead and yell.
01:34:48No, I won't.
01:34:49What's that?
01:34:50I won't, I tell you.
01:34:51We'll get him then.
01:34:52He's gonna die anyway. He'd rather it was this way.
01:34:54Go on, get him!
01:34:55He's gonna die anyway. He'd rather it was this way.
01:34:57Go on, kill him! All of you, kill him!
01:34:59Kill him!
01:35:03Okay, lady, we're through.
01:35:09Come down, it's your last chance!
01:35:12Come and get me, there's plenty of you down there!
01:35:17I'm telling you, it's your last chance!
01:35:19That's what you say, copper!
01:35:25Come on!
01:35:55Come on!
01:35:56Come on!
01:35:57Come on!
01:35:58Come on!
01:35:59Come on!
01:36:00Come on!
01:36:01Come on!
01:36:02Come on!
01:36:03Come on!
01:36:04Come on!
01:36:05Come on!
01:36:06Come on!
01:36:07Come on!
01:36:08Come on!
01:36:09Come on!
01:36:10Come on!
01:36:11Come on!
01:36:12Come on!
01:36:13Come on!
01:36:14Come on!
01:36:15Come on!
01:36:16Come on!
01:36:17Come on!
01:36:18Come on!
01:36:19Come on!
01:36:20Come on!
01:36:21Come on!
01:36:22Come on!
01:36:23Come on!
01:36:24Come on!
01:36:25Come on!
01:36:26Come on!
01:36:27Come on!
01:36:28Come on!
01:36:29Come on!
01:36:30Come on!
01:36:31Come on!
01:36:32Come on!
01:36:33Come on!
01:36:34Come on!
01:36:35Come on!
01:36:36Come on!
01:36:37Come on!
01:36:38Come on!
01:36:39Come on!
01:36:40Come on!
01:36:41Come on!
01:36:42Come on!
01:36:43Come on!
01:36:44Come on!
01:36:45Come on!
01:36:46Come on!
01:36:47Come on!
01:36:48Come on!
01:36:49Come on!
01:36:50Come on!
01:36:51Come on!
01:36:52Come on!
01:36:53Come on!
01:36:54Come on!
01:36:55Come on!
01:36:56Come on!
01:36:57Come on!
01:36:58Come on!
01:36:59Come on!
01:37:00Come on!
01:37:01Come on!
01:37:02Come on!
01:37:03Come on!
01:37:04Come on!
01:37:05Come on!
01:37:06Come on!
01:37:07Come on!
01:37:08Come on!
01:37:09Come on!
01:37:10Come on!
01:37:11Come on!
01:37:12Come on!
01:37:13Come on!
01:37:14Come on!
01:37:15Come on!
01:37:16Come on!
01:37:17Come on!
01:37:18Come on!
01:37:19Come on!
01:37:20Come on!
01:37:21Come on!
01:37:22Come on!
01:37:23Come on!
01:37:24Come on!
01:37:25Come on!
01:37:26Come on!
01:37:27Come on!
01:37:41After her.
01:37:42After her.
01:37:43Let's go.
01:37:45I'll go look for her.
01:37:46Open the door!
01:37:47Open the door!
01:37:48Look at her!
01:37:49Let's go.
01:37:50Let's go.
01:37:51Mr, what does it mean when a man crashes out?
01:38:07Crashes out?
01:38:10It's a funny question for you to ask now, sister.
01:38:14It means he's free.
