Investimenti spagnoli in Italia: il Barometro rileva una forte Crescita

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - 15 miliardi di euro investiti, 71 mila posti di lavoro e un modello imprenditoriale considerato strategico dalla quasi totalità delle imprese spagnole, sono solo alcuni dei numeri emersi durante la presentazione della I edizione del “Barometro sul contesto e sulle prospettive degli investimenti spagnoli in Italia”, elaborato da Analistas Financieros Internacionales (AFI) e lanciato dalla Camera di Commercio di Spagna in Italia, dalla Camera di Commercio di Spagna e dall’Ambasciata di Spagna in Italia.

L'evento ha evidenziato come nel 2022 gli Investimenti Diretti Esteri (IDE) spagnoli in Italia siano aumentati del 62%. Secondo l'indagine, le telecomunicazioni hanno rappresentato il 34% degli investimenti spagnoli nel Paese, con un aumento di quasi 5 miliardi di euro. Altri settori privilegiati sono stati le assicurazioni (11,2%), le forniture energetiche (10,6%) e il commercio all'ingrosso (9,9%).

Il Presidente della Camera di Commercio di Spagna in Italia, Luigi Patìmo, ha sottolineato come, nonostante siano passati 70 anni dalla nascita della Camera, il suo spirito sia rimasto invariato: supportare le imprese spagnole affinché possano accelerare gli investimenti in Italia. Tanto è stato fatto ma c'è ancora troppa burocrazia.


00:0015 billion euros invested, 71,000 jobs and a strategic entrepreneurial model
00:07from almost all Spanish companies.
00:12These are just some of the figures that emerged during the presentation of the first edition
00:17of the Barometer on the context and prospects of Spanish investments in Italy,
00:21launched by the Chamber of Commerce of Spain in Italy,
00:24by the Chamber of Commerce of Spain and by the Embassy of Spain in Italy.
00:28The event highlighted how in 2022 Spanish foreign direct investments in Italy
00:34increased by 62%.
00:37According to the survey, telecommunications represented 34% of the investments,
00:43with an increase of almost 5 billion euros.
00:46Other privileged sectors were insurance, energy supplies and bulk trade.
00:54The President of the Chamber of Commerce of Spain in Italy, Luigi Patimo,
00:58underlined how despite being 70 years since the birth of the Chamber,
01:03his spirit has remained unchanged, supporting Spanish companies
01:07so that they can accelerate their investments in Italy.
01:10Much has been done, but there is still too much bureaucracy.
01:14Today we have the opportunity to face a more narrow market,
01:19with a market that favours the investments of companies in Italy,
01:24but we still have too much bureaucracy.
01:26We have to improve because Spanish capital is abundant,
01:32we are present with important banks,
01:37many of the Chamber of Commerce companies are in the top 10 of European companies.
01:42We need less bureaucracy to be able to accelerate investments.
01:47The ambassador of Spain in Italy, Miguel Fernandez Palacios,
01:51added that the barometer highlights the good relations between the two countries
01:55and their companies.
01:57We work a lot to support our companies here,
02:01but we are also working hard to support the work of Spanish and Italian companies
02:08together in third markets.
02:10This is a moment of great globalization and great intervention,
02:13it is very important.
02:15I think that Spaniards and Italians together can make great contributions in other countries.
02:19The embassy focuses a lot on this, on fostering this kind of relationship.
02:24It is important to create a uniformity of relations,
02:27said the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security,
02:30Gilberto Picchietto Frattin,
02:32who praised the initiative that reinstalls a relationship that has always existed
02:36and that is now strengthening further.
02:39A third of the Italian GDP comes from exports and imports,
02:47and therefore from investments that continue to grow.
02:51Certainly, Spain has a privileged position in the top group,
02:56with Germany, France and the American and English structure.
03:02I am convinced that the flow of our investments will continue,
03:05added Valentino Valentini, Deputy Minister of Enterprise of Made in Italy,
03:09who then underlined the strategic role of the Chamber of Commerce,
03:13because they live the industrial fabric and fund the relationship between the respective economies.
03:18The meeting today in the Spanish Chamber of Commerce here at the embassy
03:23shows how intense the relations between our two countries are,
03:26in economic terms, in investments.
03:28Spain invests more than 50 billion in Italy,
03:31Italy invests 15 billion in Spain.
03:33In terms of exchanges, we have about 60 billion in exchanges.
03:36The event, which has seen the participation of numerous institutional exponents
03:40and the entrepreneurial world,
03:42is the demonstration of the strategic importance of investments
03:46that help to improve a joint economic fabric.
03:49Italy and Spain are getting closer and closer.
