What's the Secret Behind the Eternity of Ghadeer Khumm’s Message?

  • 4 months ago
Have you ever wondered why, despite all the sensitivity and opposition, and passing of more than 1400 years, Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) sermon at Ghadeer Khumm remains, an undeniable and universally accepted event for all Muslims? It's interesting to note that in terms of the number of narrations and the credibility of resources, Ghadeer Khumm’s sermon is unique amongst all the other events of the life of the Holy Prophet. Why is that? Have you ever wondered why? Surely, the Prophet's wise foresight in the event of Ghadeer was to ensure that the divine message was fully delivered to the people in the best possible way, just like the Quran, leaving no room for doubt about its occurrence for anyone. This video explores the secrets behind the eternity of Ghadeer Khumm with a completely scientific approach.


00:00What's the secret behind the eternity of Qadir Khom's message?
00:04Have you ever wondered why, despite all the sensitivity and opposition, and passing of
00:08more than 1400 years, Prophet Muhammad's peace be upon him sermon at Qadir Khom remains an
00:15undeniable and universally accepted event for all Muslims?
00:21It's interesting to note that in terms of the number of narrations and the credibility
00:25of the resources, Qadir Khom's sermon is unique amongst all the other events of the life of
00:31the Holy Prophet.
00:32Why is that?
00:33Have you ever wondered why?
00:35You might say to yourself that the interpretation of Prophet Muhammad's sermon at Qadir Khom
00:40later became a subject of division amongst the Muslims and perhaps didn't reach a conclusive
00:47Well, this reasoning can be applied to anything.
00:51For example, although Muslims agree on the literal texts of the Quran, they have differences
00:57in interpreting its verses.
00:59But these differences in interpretation don't degrade Quran's significance and divinity
01:05of its revelation.
01:07Surely, the Prophet's wise foresight in the event of Qadir Khom was to ensure that the
01:13divine message was fully delivered to the people in the best possible way, just like
01:18the Quran, leaving no room for doubt about its occurrence for anyone.
01:24Stay with us to explore the secrets behind the eternity of Qadir Khom with a completely
01:29scientific approach.
01:30I'm sure what you are about to watch hasn't crossed your mind before.
01:41The first influential factor that led to the eternity of Qadir Khom's message is the location
01:47On the morning of the 18th of Dhul Hijjah, in the 10th year of Hijri, Angel Gabriel descended
01:53upon the Prophet, entrusting him with a significant revelation, a mission that if left unfulfilled,
02:01would make all his efforts in preaching Islam over the past 23 years inconclusive.
02:07Following this revelation, while returning from the farewell pilgrimage with a large
02:12caravan of Muslims, the Prophet diverted them from the main route between Mecca and
02:17Medina, leading them to an isolated pond called Khom.
02:23This detour was about 5 to 6 kilometers long, likely taking more than an hour considering
02:28the presence of women and children in the caravan.
02:31Since this deviation was sudden and without any prior notice, the Prophet ordered messengers
02:37to inform those ahead or behind from the caravan to join the rest of Muslims at Qadir Khom.
02:44The caravan's off-route into an unfamiliar path, the selection of an isolated place for
02:49delivering a sensitive sermon, and staying overnight after delivering the sermon for
02:54taking allegiance are all crucial psychological factors that the Holy Prophet used to help
03:02build a stronger memory of the event.
03:04These factors ensured that the Prophet's sermon at Qadir Khom would be eternally ingrained
03:10in the minds of the Muslims present at that event.
03:13Certainly, if the Prophet had delivered this sensitive sermon in the usual manner at his
03:18mosque in Medina, some might have later forgotten or even denied it.
03:24However, choosing an unfamiliar location and spending the night there left no room for
03:29doubt in the minds of the Muslims, making them absolutely clear that the Prophet had
03:35intentionally brought them to Qadir Khom for a special reason related to his delivered
03:42Let me give you a simpler example.
03:45If the Friday prayer sermon were to be delivered by the Imam not at the usual Grand Mosque
03:51within the city, but rather in a remote location outside the city, wouldn't that raise questions,
03:57curiosity, and interest about the content of the sermon?
04:02Moreover, if it were discussed in the future about why their Imam took them to a new, remote
04:08place, wouldn't this change create a special memory which would help them remember it forever,
04:16especially if it was associated with a significant sermon?
04:21Wouldn't they remember that location as well as the sermon delivered there forever?
04:26Another important point to be noted is that the Prophet diverted the caravan's route without
04:31any prior notice and in response to those who questioned him, he only responded, O people,
04:39respond to the call of Allah and I'm his messenger.
04:43This way, he wanted the people to trust his decision and follow him, understanding the
04:49wisdom later.
04:51This kept the hypocrites who were hiding among the Muslims unaware of the Prophet's real
04:56intention and so prevented them from planning and coordinating to disrupt the sermon.
05:01If the Prophet had delivered this sermon a week earlier in Mecca during the Hajj pilgrimage,
05:07it would have faced opposition and interference from the hypocrites and the Quraysh, leading
05:13to chaos and then collapse of the great Hajj congregation.
05:17The existence of a specific Qur'anic chapter named The Hypocrites alone illustrates the
05:24danger that the hypocrisy posed to Islam and the Muslims.
05:28It's worth mentioning that the Sermon of Qadir Khum is one of the few sermons by the Prophet
05:33where most of his companions were present.
05:36These companions later played a pivotal role in the political center of Islam in Medina
05:41in deciding the succession of the Prophet.
05:45Therefore, it was the Prophet's wise planning to gather them all in a remote and unfamiliar
05:51place to deliver the revelation and take their allegiance.
05:55If these companions had been in the cities of Mecca and Medina, they might have been
06:00engaged in other activities or worship during the sermon and later used their distraction
06:06as an excuse for not paying attention to the Prophet's sermon.
06:11But in the remote desert of Qadir Khum, they had nothing to do except joining the congregation
06:17for the noon prayers and immediately after that listening to the Prophet's sermon.
06:23In addition to the location factor, the timing also played a significant role in the long-lasting
06:28impact of Qadir Khum's message.
06:31Generally, because it occurred so close prior to the Prophet's demise as the sole political
06:37and religious leader of the society, it made it more important than his other sermons during
06:43his prophethood.
06:44However, the Prophet did not just deliver this sermon without pre-praying the minds
06:49of the Muslim community.
06:51A week earlier, during his farewell hajj in Mena and Arafat, he explicitly reminded the
06:57Muslims that his time was near.
07:00Then he mentioned the hadith of Saqalayn, emphasizing that after him, they should hold
07:06on to two precious things, the Qur'an and his progeny, so as not to go astray.
07:13Perhaps after hearing this hadith, Muslims might have had many questions and concerns
07:19about the future of the Muslim Ummah after the Prophet.
07:23Finally, at Qadir Khum, the Prophet introduced and appointed Imam Ali as the complete embodiment
07:30of his progeny and his sole successor.
07:33This gap of about one week between raising the question about what will happen after
07:38the Prophet and receiving the answer of who will succeed after him made the reception
07:44and understanding of the response more effective and memorable.
07:50Another crucial point is the timing of the sermon itself.
07:53Historical accounts explicitly state that on the 18th of Dhul Hijjah, in the 10th year
07:58of Hijri, corresponding to March 16th of the year 632 in the Christian calendar, was
08:05a very hot day, which is consistent with the geographical location and desert climate of
08:11that area.
08:13Those familiar with the climate of the Arabian Peninsula know how scorching and unbearable
08:18the sunshine can be on the desert sands.
08:21Now, on such a hot and exhausting day, after performing the noon prayer, the Prophet went
08:27to the pulpit under the burning sun to deliver a sensitive and important sermon.
08:33Why would he deliver such an important sermon despite the excessive heat?
08:39Historical accounts mention that to escape the heat during the Prophet's sermon, Muslims
08:43were using half of their cloaks under their feet as something to step on, while using
08:49the other half over their heads as shades.
08:52Why didn't the Prophet keep the people longer until after the Maghrib and Isha prayers to
08:57let the weather cool down a bit before delivering his sermon?
09:01The Prophet always considered the well-being of the Muslims, especially the elderly and
09:05the weak, so his insistence on delivering the sermon under the scorching sun undoubtedly
09:12indicates its importance and necessity.
09:15Indeed, there was a great purpose behind the Prophet's decision and why it had to be fulfilled
09:21at the earliest opportunity.
09:23Another important factor is related to the quality of how the sermon was delivered.
09:28The Qadir Khum sermon was one of the most sensitive sermons of the Prophet's prophetic
09:33mission and had elements that distinguish it from the other sermons.
09:38One important aspect of this sermon was that the Prophet didn't just deliver the sermon
09:43as a one-sided speech, but rather turn it into a back-and-forth discussion.
09:49He sought confirmation from the people at various points during the sermon.
09:54These confirmations were both an acknowledgment of fully understanding of what the Prophet
09:59had said so far and also ensured that the people remained focused to the rest of his
10:06The most important of these confirmations was when the Prophet asked the people,
10:11Alast aulabikum min anfusikum, am I not of higher authority over you than yourselves?
10:17To which the people replied, yes.
10:20This phrase echoed the sixth verse of Surah Al-Ahzab, which states, the Prophet has more
10:26authority over the believers than themselves.
10:29Immediately after obtaining this affirmation from the people, he said, man kuntu mawla
10:34fa'liyum mawla, whoever I am a master to, Ali is also his master.
10:39In this crucial statement, the term mawla should be interpreted in the same sense as
10:45awla in Alast aulabikum min anfusikum, meaning in all religious and political matters.
10:52Interestingly, it's worth noting that until today, no Muslim has had any doubt or suspicion
10:59regarding the meaning of awla in Alast aulabikum min anfusikum, which means authority in all
11:06religious and political matters.
11:08Indeed, the Holy Prophet in this sensitive sermon also clarified its interpretation to
11:15ensure that it wasn't difficult or ambiguous.
11:18And no one would interpret mawla to mean merely a friend.
11:22Of course, there are many other linguistic, rational, and Quranic reasons to refute the
11:28interpretation of mawla as merely a friend, which we don't have time to discuss here.
11:34If you are interested in this topic, be sure to watch our other related videos on our website
11:40or channel.
11:41Audio-Visual Factors One of the important technical factors that
11:45contribute to the effective reception of a speech for an audience is the auditory and
11:51visual elements.
11:52Were these elements present and observed in the Qadir Khum sermon or not?
11:57Historical records indicate that upon reaching Qadir Khum, the Prophet ordered to make a
12:02pulpit equal to his height.
12:04After the noon prayer, while the Muslims were still seated in their prayer place, the Prophet,
12:10accompanied by Imam Ali, ascended on the pulpit.
12:14And during his sermon, Imam Ali's hand was raised to its full height, indicating which
12:20Ali the Prophet was referring to as his successor.
12:24Raising Imam Ali's hand to an elevation of about four meters from the ground allowed
12:29everyone, even those farther away, to see it directly and clearly.
12:35Perhaps this is why the Prophet didn't postpone delivering the sermon until after the Maghrib
12:41and Isha prayers to allow the weather cool down, as it might have been an excuse for
12:47some to later claim that they didn't see Imam Ali's hand being raised in the night's darkness.
12:54What about the auditory factor?
12:56Did everyone directly hear the Prophet's sermon from his blessed mouth, or did some people
13:02repeat the Prophet's voice for those farther away, resulting in an indirect hearing for
13:08some, giving them an excuse for not hearing the Prophet's voice directly?
13:14This is a question that we have answered for the first time in a separate video, using
13:19a completely scientific approach by precisely modeling the acoustic wave modeling at the
13:25exact location of the Prophet's pulpit in Qadir Khum, demonstrating that everyone undoubtedly
13:31heard the Prophet's sermon directly.
13:34I recommend watching this video in our channel.
13:37Event Commemoration After concluding the Qadir sermon, the Prophet
13:42took steps to turn Qadir Khum into a significant religious and divine celebration, ensuring
13:48its eternity.
13:49At the end of the Qadir sermon, the Prophet urged every present individual to convey what
13:55they had witnessed and heard to the absentees and to take actions in spreading this divine
14:01Truly, the news of this divine appointment had to spread rapidly across the Islamic territory
14:07so that everyone would hear it and become committed to it as a religious order.
14:13Immediately after the conclusion of the Qadir sermon, Angel Gabriel descended, presenting
14:18the verse of the completion of the religion to the Prophet.
14:21This verse expressed the divine satisfaction with Islam as a religion which was now being
14:27completed upon the declaration of the final decree regarding the succession of Imam Ali.
14:33The Prophet's excitement and emotion over this divine satisfaction overtook him with
14:39joy, urging the people to congratulate him on this matter.
14:44Another important aspect that contributed to the eternity of Qadir Khum's sermon was
14:49the use of the day's media.
14:52During a time when poetry and poets were powerful media tools in the Arab society, Hassan ibn
14:58Thabit, the Prophet's poet, with the permission of the Prophet, composed a poem about the
15:03event of Qadir Khum.
15:05His poem was the first in a series of poems written throughout history about Qadir Khum
15:10and had a significant impact on the dissemination and spread of Qadir Khum among the Muslim
15:17These poems also served as valuable records, confirming this historical event.
15:22All previously discussed aspects of Qadir Khum aside, but the most significant action
15:27by the Prophet after the Qadir sermon was to compel all present individuals of Qadir
15:33Khum to pledge allegiance to Imam Ali as the commander of the faithful.
15:37What an honorable and meaningful title bestowed upon Imam Ali on this day and in this place
15:43by the Holy Prophet and everyone was obligated to say it.
15:47Indeed, the stay in the desert of Qadir Khum was prolonged and the Muslims had to spend
15:52the night there to ensure that all individuals, without any exceptions, have pledged allegiance
15:58to Imam Ali and have confirmed what they had heard and seen.
16:02Interestingly, even women were not exempt from this order and had to pledge allegiance
16:08to Imam Ali as the commander of the faithful by placing their hands into a water pan behind
16:14a curtain where Imam Ali's hand was placed on the other side of the water pan.
16:19Undoubtedly, the Prophet's actions in selecting the location, the time, and the style and
16:25the quality of his sermon at Qadir Khum followed by a grand celebration of the event were extremely
16:31intelligent and impactful, leaving no room for doubt or forgetfulness among any of the
16:37Muslims present at Qadir Khum.
16:40Every psychological aspect of this matter, even its minor elements, were carefully and
16:46cleverly executed by the Prophet step by step.
16:50The result was that the Muslims heard the Prophet's sermon with their own ears, saw
16:55Imam Ali's hand raised by the Prophet with their own eyes, verbally confirmed the validations
17:02that the Prophet sought from them during his sermon, and ultimately sealed their commitment
17:09to him with their own allegiance.
17:11Although many non-Shia historians on biographies such as Ibn Hisham or Tabari, who precisely
17:17documented the life of the Holy Prophet with all the details, deliberately did not mention
17:23or record anything about the Qadir's event when they reached it, pretending that such
17:28an event never occurred.
17:30However, this event has been cited abundantly in many various narrations and hadith books
17:36accepted by all Muslim Sikhs, leaving no doubt about its occurrence.
17:42The occurrence of the Qadir Khum's event remains definitive and universally accepted by all
17:48Muslims to this day, and perhaps fewer incidents in Islamic history, both in terms of the frequency
17:56of narrations and the credibility of the resources, can compare to Qadir Khum's event.
18:03Truly, the Qadir Khum's event remains alive after 1400 long years and is still an undisputable
18:11and a guiding evidence for the believers who firmly believe from the depths of their hearts
18:18only, Ali is indeed the commander of the Faithful.
18:23I hope you enjoyed this video.
18:25If you are interested in historical topics, especially the history of the Ahlulbayt, be
18:29sure to follow our website and channel.
18:33Take care.
