19 Most Brutal Fighting Moments Between Savage Predators

  • 3 months ago
19 Most Brutal Fighting Moments Between Savage Predators
#wildlife #animals


00:00We've all witnessed fights between predators and prey, but sometimes massive altercations
00:08break out between two predators.
00:11It could be because of territorial disagreements, or simply over food.
00:15Have you ever seen a cheetah and leopard fight?
00:18How about a lion and tiger facing off?
00:20If you haven't, then strap in for a glorious ride.
00:23Today we will show you 19 moments when predators fought against each other.
00:28Without further delay, let's begin.
00:35Monitor Lizard vs. Snake
00:38Monitor lizards and snakes have a tense relationship, and they frequently eat each other.
00:43The venomous rattlesnake often scares away predators with its rattle, but when a monitor
00:48lizard comes after it, there's very little the rattlesnake can do to save itself.
00:52As you can see, the monitor lizard swallows the snake down and doesn't seem the least
00:56bit worried about getting bit.
00:59Pythons are strong opponents for monitor lizards.
01:01These serpents have the capacity to choke the lizard's neck and swallow it whole.
01:06It seems that the python wants to do just that here too, but its opponent is able to
01:10escape being constricted.
01:12Now the snake is in trouble, and the monitor lizard looks like it's winning this fight.
01:17A lizard attacks a gopher snake in this video.
01:20To ward off predators, the serpent makes a rattlesnake-like sound.
01:24This monitor lizard is not bothered and tries to attack it.
01:27Despite its excellent hunting abilities, the gopher snake tries to strike, but the monitor
01:31bites the snake's tail and slowly swallows it down.
01:35In this next video, the monitor lizard targets yet another python.
01:39What's interesting is that almost every time, they go for the head of the python, not the
01:45The lizards must be aware that these serpents have no venom.
01:48The lizard quickly crushes the snake's head.
01:52Jaguar vs. Caiman Caimans are close cousins of alligators.
01:56They too have a strong bite force, but are smaller.
01:59This small size sometimes makes them vulnerable to fatal attacks by jaguars.
02:04In this clip, a jaguar observes a giant caiman swimming in the lake.
02:08It dives into the water and catches the enormous caiman with its powerful jaws for a flawless
02:13The caiman is unable to retaliate.
02:15Its powerful jaws appear to be useless here.
02:18Soon, the big cat disappears with its meal.
02:21In the next video, a jaguar swims into caiman-infested water in search of food.
02:26The caiman tries to hide underwater, but the big cat spots it soon enough.
02:30The jaguar bites the prey's neck, paralyzing it and stopping it from struggling.
02:35The caiman has no chance of fighting back or fleeing.
02:38In this next video, a jaguar dives underneath a lake to catch a caiman.
02:42The first time around, the big cat fails and comes up empty-handed.
02:46But the second time's the charm.
02:47The jaguar grabs the caiman from the back and then swiftly drags it on the banks for
02:52a hearty meal.
02:53A jaguar watches a caiman swim in the waters.
02:56This jaguar aims to kill the caiman quickly using a strong bite on the neck.
03:01After the sudden jump into the waters, it takes the big cat just a few seconds to fish
03:05out its prey.
03:06Then, the predator climbs back up to safety to enjoy its fresh meal.
03:12Crocodile vs. Lion Lions and crocodiles have different styles
03:17of hunting their prey.
03:18While both are accomplished hunters, crocodiles have the upper hand in water, lions dominate
03:23on land.
03:24Two lions cross a shallow part of the river, but they do not know what's lurking just
03:28underneath the surface.
03:30As the two brothers swim to the other side, a crocodile attacks them.
03:34One of the lions disappears underneath the water's surface.
03:37This altercation ends without a tragedy as both the lions escape without serious injuries.
03:42In this next one, the crocodile is out of its elements when it attacks five lions, the
03:48crocodile and try to attack it from different angles.
03:51The croc snaps its jaw a couple of times, giving these lions a fright.
03:55But the big cats remain relentless.
03:57They force the crocodile to finally return to the water and save its hide.
04:02The lions surround the crocodile and try to attack it from different angles.
04:06The lions are visibly uncomfortable in this situation and don't really want to engage
04:10in a fight.
04:11The male lion does try to defend itself, but the croc's threatening posture quickly makes
04:16him rethink his actions.
04:18This pride in particular has no intention of starting a fight with the crocodile.
04:22They leave it alone soon enough.
04:27Leopard vs. Hyenas Hyenas are accomplished predators, but have
04:30a habit of stealing food from others, such as leopards.
04:34This results in frequent clashes between the two.
04:37In this video, even after a successful kill, a leopard needs to protect its meal from the
04:42The leopard puts in a last-ditch effort as he moves slowly towards the food.
04:46We don't know what its plan was here, but as soon as he gets close, the hyenas chase
04:50it away.
04:51Looks like this cat's about to spend the night hungry.
04:54In the next video, a leopard makes a kill, bringing down an impala all on its own.
04:59But before the big cat can finish the job, a hyena rushes in from nowhere and tries to
05:04steal the food.
05:05As the two predators fight, the captured impala attempts to escape.
05:09Seeing all of this, the leopard panics and flees, but the hyena miraculously captures
05:14the impala again.
05:16Soon the hyena is tearing the impala's flesh apart while it is still alive and kicking.
05:20While the leopard may lose its food to a hyena, these cats aren't ready to sacrifice their
05:24children to the vicious scavengers.
05:26In this clip, a leopard is playing with its cub.
05:29After some time, the cub goes off to play on its own, while the adult leopard sits nearby.
05:35Suddenly, it notices a hyena attacking the cub.
05:38The leopard jumps into action and immediately pounces on the hyena.
05:42It bites and harasses the attacker.
05:44By the end of the clip, the hyena is nowhere to be found.
05:49King Cobra vs. Other Snakes King Cobras are unique not only because of
05:53their venom, but also because of their capacity to kill and devour other snakes.
05:58King Cobras have perfected the art of chasing down and paralyzing other snakes with their
06:03A rat snake is looking for food in the woods.
06:06A colossal king cobra is likewise on the prowl for prey.
06:10The unfortunate rat snake is completely unaware of the danger lurking nearby.
06:14The king cobra strikes the rat snake with its neurotoxic venom.
06:18The rat snake can't move or fight back after this, allowing the cobra to gulp it down whole.
06:23A baby king cobra goes out hunting for the first time in this video.
06:27Although inexperienced, it's still one of the most venomous snakes in the world.
06:31Its target today is an olive rat snake.
06:33The cobra paralyzes the smaller snake with its neurotoxin.
06:36Then, slowly and methodically, the king cobra begins swallowing the other snake.
06:43Ants vs. Praying Mantis Praying mantis are deadly creatures that use
06:47camouflage to hunt, but when faced with an army of vicious ants, these techniques do
06:52not always work for the praying mantis.
06:55Ants are swarming into a spot where a praying mantis is lying in wait.
06:58Despite being camouflaged, the army of ants attacks the mantis from all sides.
07:03The praying mantis fights back and chops off an ant from the front.
07:07More ants arrive soon and surround it on all sides.
07:09Next, the ants shred the mantis into pieces.
07:13This praying mantis walks into a colony of ants.
07:15The ants are in no mood to allow the mantis to walk scot-free.
07:19They attack it from all sides, biting it repeatedly.
07:22The mantis collapses and tries to fight back, but the odds aren't in its favor.
07:26The ants rip the mantis apart and feed on it.
07:31Jaguar vs. Jaguar Jaguars don't just fight with other animals.
07:36Sometimes, these fights happen between two of their own kind.
07:40The fight can be for territory, mates, or food.
07:43Here, one of the jaguars challenges the other to become the new leader of the pack.
07:48Seeing the threat, the leader attacks the challenger first.
07:51The other jaguar remains unfazed.
07:53After a fierce fight, the older jaguar surrenders.
07:56He realizes that the young blood is stronger, and so the challenger wins.
08:01The next video shows two jaguars walking along the river's edge together.
08:05Then, one of the cats starts to attack the other one.
08:08It pounces on the other big cat.
08:10A few slaps later, the attacked jaguar decides it's had enough and jumps into the water to
08:17Cheetah vs. Leopard Cheetahs and leopards might be close cousins,
08:22yet they are deadly enemies as they compete for the same food.
08:26Some of these fights can also be territorial in nature.
08:29A leopard stalks a cheetah and her cub in this clip.
08:33This is generally a tactic of removing future competition while they are young and defenseless.
08:37The leopard attacks the cub and injures it before the cheetah mother can come to its
08:42The baby cheetah is wounded badly and can't even get up and walk.
08:46Soon, the leopard returns to finish what it started.
08:49The cheetah mother looks on from a distance as the leopard rips up her cub.
08:53Well here's another video where a cheetah goes head to head with a leopard, but this
08:56time around, the outcome is absolutely different.
09:00Instead of the leopard dominating the fight and chasing the cheetah away, it's the other
09:03way around.
09:05While a leopard can do a lot of things, it cannot outrun the fastest land animal.
09:11Lions vs. Hyenas Lions and hyenas often clash in the wild
09:15over food.
09:16A pack of hyenas can hold its own against a couple of lions.
09:20But when a pride of lions attacks, things can go the other way.
09:24The real strength of hyenas is that they always hunt together as a pack.
09:28Sticking together has its benefits, as this video shows.
09:31A group of hyenas surround a lone lion.
09:33Obviously, the lion has separated from his pride somehow, and the hyenas are about to
09:37take advantage of the situation.
09:39They start attacking the male lion, even as the big cat fights back.
09:43Just then, another male lion appears in the nick of time.
09:47Even 20 hyenas can't hope to win against two adult male lions, and soon the pack flees.
09:53Here again, a hyena pack corners a lion.
09:55They harass the big cat in every way possible, and the lion really can't go up against all
10:00of these opponents single-handedly.
10:02But the pride isn't far away.
10:03The other lions notice the commotion nearby.
10:06Soon, the entire pride is there to help its trapped member.
10:09The hyenas disperse, realizing that the lions are here to help their comrade.
10:15Tiger vs. Sloth Bear Tigers and sloth bears face off in certain
10:20Unlike the tiger's other prey, a sloth bear isn't easy to take down.
10:25Both of these animals have sharp claws and teeth that can kill.
10:28In this clip, a group of tigers target a sloth bear.
10:32The unaware bear walks near the tiger's den.
10:34When it finally realizes its mistake, the sloth bear runs for cover, but it's too late.
10:39The tigers chase and catch up to the target soon.
10:42They knock down the sloth bear and attack together.
10:45The big cats easily dominate the bear here because of their superior numbers.
10:49Soon, the bear's body goes limp, and it dies.
10:52In this one, a sloth bear is determined to protect its cubs from a tiger attack.
10:56As the tiger ventures too close, the bear lashes out at it in defense.
11:01Then a major wrestling match breaks out between the two, and neither refuses to give up fighting.
11:06Several bites and slaps later, both parties seem to be wounded.
11:09The tiger decides to leave the sloth bear and its cub alone.
11:139. Otter vs. Caiman
11:16Caimans can pose a threat to otters that inhabit the same waters.
11:20These predators often go after other cubs.
11:23But things don't always go according to the caiman's plans.
11:26The caiman in this one is weighing to feed on some otter babies.
11:29The adult otters in the family know this.
11:32If the adults don't act, the otter cubs will likely die.
11:35So they launch a preemptive strike on the caiman,
11:38while also trying to keep the young otters far enough away from the battle.
11:42After a terrible fight, the adult otters manage to kill the caiman.
11:45But during the fight, some of the otter cubs also perish.
11:508. Mongoose vs. Snake
11:52Snakes and mongoose are natural enemies that are ready to fight each other at the drop of a hat.
11:57Mongoose are resistant to snake venom, but they aren't immune to it by any means.
12:02A mongoose decides to take on the cobra in this video.
12:05It fights on behalf of the squirrels, trying to eliminate the cobra.
12:08But the serpent strikes several times, which the mongoose barely evades.
12:12Finally, one of these strikes lands right on the mongoose's face,
12:16signaling the end of the fight.
12:18The mongoose flees the battlefield.
12:207. Jaguar vs. Anaconda
12:23Jaguars are one of the few big cats that are effective hunters on land and in water.
12:28That's one of the reasons why a jaguar is so comfortable
12:30fighting one of the largest snakes in the world.
12:33Even though anacondas lack venom, they are still extremely dangerous.
12:37Anacondas can constrict around the neck of their enemies, killing them.
12:41This jaguar is dead set to kill and eat an anaconda.
12:43Here, the snake doesn't get the chance to fight back, as the jaguar takes it down expertly.
12:49After capturing it, the jaguar lifts the anaconda and carries it away.
12:536. Tiger vs. Lion
12:57When we talk about predators fighting predators,
12:59there's one battle that leaves people curious.
13:01What would happen if a lion fought against a tiger?
13:04If that's a question you've asked yourself, then watch this next clip.
13:08This male lion suddenly charges the tiger and attacks.
13:11The tiger doesn't hold back or run.
13:13It stands and fights back.
13:15Both the big cats stand on their hind legs and hit each other with their paws.
13:19But the tiger is much bigger in stature than the lion.
13:22After the fight, the lion tries to assert its dominance.
13:25The tiger, on the other hand, doesn't seem interested in conflict and moves away.
13:305. Scorpion vs. Tarantula
13:33Scorpions and tarantulas rely on their venom to kill prey.
13:37That's why it's interesting to see which of them comes out on top in a fierce battle.
13:41A tarantula and a scorpion are facing each other.
13:43The tarantula strikes first, but the scorpion fights back.
13:47After striking each other, the tarantula pounces upon the scorpion.
13:50The scorpion stings it, and it seems that the game is over for the tarantula.
13:554. Ants vs. Hornet
13:58Ants attack together, allowing them to take down bigger prey easily.
14:02Hornets usually prey on bees, wasps, and other creatures.
14:06But even they have a tough time going up against a colony of ants.
14:09An ant army attacks a giant hornet while it is trying to climb a tree.
14:13Giant hornets are dangerous predators in their own right.
14:16But in this clip, ants seem to have the upper hand.
14:19The ants attack the hornet and paralyze it.
14:21The hornet's attempts at escape fail miserably.
14:24More ants join in the fight to destroy the bug.
14:273. Ant vs. European Wasp
14:30European wasps are quite dangerous, often attacking when their nests are disturbed.
14:36But a single such wasp won't do against a colony of ants.
14:39In this next video, a European wasp comes face to face with aggressive ants.
14:44These ants waste almost no time in swarming the wasp from all sides.
14:48The wasp struggles but does not stand a chance against such a coordinated ant army attack.
14:53Soon, the ants methodically dismantle the wasp's carcass.
14:572. Indigo Snake Kills Python
15:00Snakes are known for killing and eating other snakes.
15:03Serpents that feed on other snakes are known as Ophiophagic snakes.
15:07An indigo snake is getting ready to fight a python.
15:09It pursues its prey and snatches its neck right away.
15:12The python tries to wrap itself around the indigo's body in an attempt to liberate itself.
15:17The indigo, on the other hand, is much more powerful.
15:20It drags the python through the soil till it's tired out, then swallows it whole.
15:251. Polar Bear vs. Walrus
15:29Polar bears are one of the strongest predators in the Northern Hemisphere.
15:33Walruses are a preferred food for these bears.
15:35They provide sufficient nutrition and calories to bears.
15:39In this thrilling clip, a polar bear decides to attack a walrus herd for a nice meal.
15:43Once these animals reach the water, the polar bear has little chance of killing them.
15:48Despite this, the polar bear attempts another attack, as the walrus herd retreats into the sea.
15:54The predator leaves one walrus and grabs another,
15:57but most of the walruses quickly move towards the sea.
16:00When predators fight, you can never say with certainty which of them will win and come out on
16:05top. Were you able to pick the winner in any of today's clips? Let us know in the comments.
16:10Don't forget to like and share the video too. If you are new to the channel, consider subscribing
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16:19Until we see you again, take care and have a great day ahead.
