Quad 3333 Business Group! Lords Of Business
00:00By the looks of this GDP, world economy, hmm, in total is 105 trillion.
00:18So by the looks of this, Quad 3, I should say, is worth every single thing in the continents,
00:34nations, and all that.
00:43As the universe says, if you want it, go and get it.
00:51Put in the work, and I put in the work to make Quad 3 business group so powerful.
01:01You would have thought I'm a part of a society, nah, fuck the societies, the secret societies.
01:08I'm not a part of that shit, I'm my own, I'm a different league, all that secret society
01:15shit that's in the, hmm, I don't know what year they even manifested, that's that time
01:24period, it's a new era, a new golden age.
01:30We're done with that secret society shit, Illuminati, all that Rothschild family, we're
01:36done with every single one of them motherfuckers, skulls and bones, every single one of them
01:42fell out, masons, well they still exist, but in their temples, but they're no longer powerful
01:49Mm-mm, there's a new force, and that force, I tell you 100% truth, and they let you know
01:56yourself, put fear in every single one of them that they can't even lift a finger.
02:03So hi, hello, Quad 3 business group lives forever, and the founder too, and everyone
02:11is scared to touch them, and scared to touch the founder, including the secret society
02:17groups you may think we're associated with.
02:20So I advise all of you people to show respect, show love, because this domination, this world
02:28domination is forever.
02:32Peace and love, yessir, world domination.