Q3333 Business Group series
00:00Isn't it so amazing the investments that I put into everything that I've done in my life?
00:16From since a youth into my older stage.
00:24Some people would say that's crazy, it's unbelievable, but it's not.
00:31If you truly put your heart, your mind, your soul to it, anything is possible.
00:42I'm always in tune with a higher self that no one can achieve on their own.
00:51I'm talking those who don't put in work and gain other sources to uplift them to be what
00:58they truly should.
01:02Gravitate to something so higher up with no help from shady type of tactics.
01:12People never truly believe they up a god status.
01:17They always think of themselves so inferior.
01:22And I am not like society, Quad 3 business group is beyond the norm.
01:30Beyond what people view as the American dream.
01:35We're beyond that, we're too supreme.
01:39We're more than national, we're international.
01:44And none can really grasp that as intentional.
01:51And I see why so many people are so blind.
01:55They never put in the means to search and study to see what's beyond the eyes of what
02:03the masses see.
02:06That's why their classes can never always be so highly.
02:11Their future's always stuck into the viewership of those who always want to view them in a
02:21light that's not higher than them.
02:27More like if you're not following the crowd, if you're not kissing the ass of every crowd,
02:32you truly is not getting our sound of cheers and praises.
02:39And I say I'm glad I'm not sheeple.
02:43I love to be a black sheep, reap everything that I sow.
02:49I don't see no competition, other people do though.
02:53And that's why they never elevate and feel like the GOAT, greatest of all time.
03:02I see many signs when I step outdoors and whatever I wear, I see many colors similar
03:09to mine, not the same brand, just the color I view from my own eyes.
03:19The universe saying, you definitely got it, believe in yourself.