BINNING COURSE By Black Hat Pakistan | part 1

  • 4 months ago
BINNING COURSE By Black Hat Pakistan
00:00:00hi guys this is brohat as this is our binning topic binning train training
00:00:07which we will know about binning okay what is a binning guys if you are a
00:00:13carder or a spammer you do spamming or carding you know about the importance of
00:00:19bins okay when whenever whenever you you need a valid bin to card a particular
00:00:25website right the website need non VBV non VBV non VBV indicates indicates
00:00:40non-OTP okay it's will okay it's indicate indicate no 3d security
00:00:54ready okay this is a no 3d security no 3d no 3d security means is never ask you
00:01:02OTP whenever you try to log in whenever you buy a CC from uni CC or if you spam
00:01:11CC it will have so many species will get non VBV it's almost or VBV VBV I will
00:01:22tell about VBV VBV indicates indicates it's OTP right it sorts queue OTP OTP
00:01:35right the sorts queue OTP here OTP means it will known as known as 3d security
00:01:51right this is a 3d security 3d security means asking OTP OTP or any any any
00:02:00security informations which you didn't know you cannot bypass this okay don't
00:02:06think that we can bypass this many scammers will tell you you can bypass we
00:02:11have methods so don't go on them it will never bypass OTP because this is a
00:02:17highly secure VBV is a highly secure mostly VBV VBV use in India UK India UK
00:02:32and Pakistan and where where the GDP is very low where the GDP is very low
00:02:42means economy is very low they will use VBV because because they need security
00:02:49so just think that where the economy is low they use VBV they use VBV right it
00:02:59will ask you OTP so you don't need VBV right you don't need VBV we only need
00:03:09non VBV right it will never ask you OTP non VBV never ask you OTP OTP right it
00:03:23will never ask you OTP you can easily bypass it by connecting to VPN socks or
00:03:28any method if you this is not for a beginner this course for carders who can
00:03:34card you know carding very well so this course is not for beginners right if you
00:03:40are a beginner just buy for educational purpose we are showing we we not
00:03:45encourage you to do illegal activities we are providing this knowledge for only
00:03:50for educational purpose okay let's let's go okay you understand it this is a main
00:03:56concept right this is a main concept I will I will talk talk you about this
00:04:01also first first thing we need a we need credit cards for carding right we
00:04:08need rights right we need we need credit cards for carding carding right card so
00:04:20some guys buy some guys who don't know what is bin some guys buy discovery
00:04:31discover this is a card name okay okay wait I will okay let's talk this is a
00:04:39discover card right discover card is not useful right it's not useful it is also
00:04:47useful but not like other cards I will tell you I will tell you about many
00:04:53cards right right I will tell you about many cards discovery is not mostly used
00:05:04card okay we don't we don't focus on discovery right you can focus but in
00:05:10this topic in this training I will not focus on discovery and maestro m-e-s-t-r-o
00:05:18maestro this is also a credit card right we are not focusing on this cards because
00:05:24it's will depend upon you if in in in in this training I will show you each and
00:05:31every method right you can apply this method by using by this names but but
00:05:37don't take high chances on this cards okay because this cards are mostly not
00:05:46secure right because it will ask you it will have non VBV most time it have non
00:05:54VBV so I I am not recommend I will I will not providing I will not recommend
00:06:01you to do this research okay and many websites many websites like Amazon
00:06:07Netflix and many website do not do not accept this type this credit cards
00:06:14discovery and master maestro okay main let's come on useful cards okay useful
00:06:21cards what is a useful cards okay useful cards in useful cards you will get visa
00:06:28right visa MasterCard MasterCard right in MasterCard MX and next is MX these
00:06:41are very useful cards right these are very useful because where the economy is
00:06:47high in some states like USA New York and many many states like economy is
00:06:56very high they don't then don't apply 3d security they don't apply 3d security
00:07:03because they can recover they think we can recover they have a lot of money so
00:07:07they they will not apply 3d security where is a 3d see this is a they don't
00:07:15apply 3d security because they have so much money like I am I am talking like
00:07:22this is a very economy high states like USA USA and many UK USA New York Canada
00:07:31there are a lot of rich people's they can they will never keep like in 40 to
00:07:3850 percent the people's in UK USA they will never never apply 3d security on
00:07:45their credit cards because they don't need to do okay let's talk visa visa
00:07:53visa is verified by its own security like is verified by visa right right it
00:08:03is a it's having own security of visa right okay MasterCard MasterCard is
00:08:10secure the gateway is MasterCard is MasterCard I am talking about gateway
00:08:16right the gateway of visa is verified visa and the gateway of MasterCard is
00:08:24MasterCard is secure MasterCard secure the gateway this is a security gateway
00:08:30I am talking about security gateways okay in Amex Amex secured by 3d right
00:08:37Amex is secured by secured by 3d right okay see in we need to find in we need
00:08:53to find VB non VB V bins in these cards right Amex MasterCard visa right we need
00:09:02to find and other other is AVS right other is this is a this is a 3d 3d
00:09:12security no this is this is also this is a security and other security is let's
00:09:17talk about AVS AVS indicates see this is a address verification system what is a
00:09:24address verification system see address verification verification system see in
00:09:37address verification system it will not ask you OTP right it will not ask you
00:09:42OTP but but right here it's not ask you ask you OTP you OTP sorry OTP it will
00:09:57ask you zip code it's ask you ask you zip code zip code right this will ask
00:10:11you zip code because this AVS means address verification system see address
00:10:16indicate to zip code okay when when you hack or spam or buy any CC they will
00:10:25have a you must need zip code because some website is secured by this gateway
00:10:32AVS if the zip code is wrong and your CC and CCV is live and working perfectly
00:10:39and it's have a lot of money on credit card but if you type wrong zip code it
00:10:45will it will never never do your work okay it will dead your card the card
00:10:52might be dead if you use wrong zip code in AVS in AVS zip code is important
00:11:04right important very important without zip code you cannot card okay it is very
00:11:11important right let's talk about we completed AVS right okay now second
00:11:23topic right and this is a I explained about a credit cards right in second
00:11:29topic I will explain you about binning how to find bins second topic how to
00:11:38find bins right bins see how to find bins first first we use a public database
00:11:50like bins okay okay let's type here we use public
00:11:59method which is which is which is provide in public database I will show
00:12:04you that that method wait at first we will write using public database public
00:12:12database means I will show you I will show you it public database public
00:12:20database like like and this two domains are same okay you can
00:12:42and okay this two websites are same and second method is second method is using
00:12:52password generator tool right right using password generating tool right by
00:13:09using password generating tool okay let's let's begin our practical okay okay
00:13:18we need to do practical right now okay let's go on my text sites let's copy
00:13:24this right copy it and paste it here and right see this is a this is a database right this
00:13:51is a database of bins right we will talk about here see here we are seeing
00:13:58master in bins in vendor level okay and region right see most most of the time
00:14:09see union pay is highly secure right right under this it will come DCI then
00:14:18discover then master then MX okay then visa then MC but but we need a visa
00:14:28because visa will highly chances to get a valid bins this is a public method
00:14:35right I will teach a private also but just focus on public method okay this is
00:14:40a public websites okay but see in level level prepaid prepaid indicates to it
00:14:48will it will take as a online payment okay online you know online payment it's
00:14:56known as a prepaid in prepaid we don't need prepaid and electron signature
00:15:02platinum we don't need this okay we don't need this to find bins okay we
00:15:08don't if you want to try you can try but but important is classic and standard
00:15:13okay this first one then see virtual virtual means see in virtual if you know
00:15:24by some guys will buy numbers and apply for virtual credit cards to buy to card
00:15:34sorry to card RDPs AWS they will take virtual cards right like I mudra and
00:15:44something there are many many things a tail a tail also provide you a virtual
00:15:51card PTM also provide you a virtual card and this this is known as a virtual card
00:15:56right so virtual card is is known as providing okay this is known as a
00:16:04I will explain you about virtual right purchasing here you can see purchasing
00:16:10purchasing is a temporary card okay what is a purchasing card means when you this
00:16:16is only for one time work right when you the example if if I will take a
00:16:22purchasing card in purchasing card I have 30 to 50 dollars right if I use 30
00:16:29to 50 dollars after using that after using that card and I will I will I will
00:16:36kill that card purchasing card I will kill I don't use again this card
00:16:40purchasing card it is only for one time okay it is only for one time okay cash
00:16:46cash is not not for us okay infinite this is a infinite you can see we don't
00:16:54need this okay we need only virtual cards and business I don't recommend I
00:16:59don't need business right now so I am recommend you to use this virtual right
00:17:04see you do if you if you don't need this you can you if it doesn't take this you
00:17:11will get lot of bins okay no you don't need to worry that okay now I need only
00:17:17virtual right but see I need only virtual but here you don't need to type
00:17:25bank name right if you know some bank names you can type but I don't know any
00:17:31banks names you can simply search on Google and type it okay but here country
00:17:36is very important right here country is very important because I already
00:17:41previously tell you where the economy is very high where the economy is very high
00:17:48you will find a lot of lot of credit cards which does not use 3d security
00:17:53right example I will use here Canada right Canada right see there are types
00:18:03mostly mostly in carding trailers trials and physical products we use credit and
00:18:12debit okay right but to card trailer and streaming sites anything you you can use
00:18:19debit right you can use it debit after just find it just type the find and find
00:18:27it so I get it a lot of credit cards right see this is a bins right this is a
00:18:34bins see but but there is a problem so there is a problem what is the problem
00:18:42means see this card will be used by lot of people's because in telegram you can
00:18:51see many guys are posting posting lot of bins by using this method but but you
00:18:57see you need to do hard work to find this to find what to find private credit
00:19:05cards right private private means I will teach you later that one also in this
00:19:10training only just focus on this but I need to know I need to tell you it's my
00:19:16responsibility to tell you each and every concept okay let's check these
00:19:20bins okay check these bins right the let's how to check bins right here is a
00:19:28bin list dot net right there is a bin list dot net so see we don't need we
00:19:40don't need oh my god yeah okay okay don't worry you can also get from here
00:19:46right I use it recently I use it this website but you can also do same work in
00:19:51this okay see see see guys see I just copy this bin right 4 3 1 5 1 6 right I
00:20:01will copy this and I will paste it here right just create this and paste it here
00:20:12bins are six digit okay I sorry to explain you see actually bins are
00:20:19indicates to bank ID bank identification number okay bank
00:20:32vacation number okay right number but but this is a bank identification number
00:20:41not but it's will contain only three six digits okay bins contain only six digit
00:20:48numbers okay okay right that's it guy this is a basic knowledge about binning
00:20:55right I will tell you about more more okay let's type the which I copied from
00:21:02let's see 4 3 1 5 5 1 6 right 4 3 1 5 1 6 just see I got it this right I got it
00:21:13this results you need to just paste it and type enter right you will get lot of
00:21:17results right see this is a visa here it's selected visa right you can also
00:21:24select MX okay but it's depend upon you you want to do hard work to find I will
00:21:29teach you how to find okay don't need to worry about it see see but but see this
00:21:36is a not valid this is a debit right but it's not valid but it's not showing
00:21:44prepaid right I need prepaid right see prepaid indicates it's having a low
00:21:52level of carding right if prepaid is no you can card there is a chances of bins
00:22:00to work okay let's take another bin I will explain if you're not understanding
00:22:05I will explain you again don't worry let's copy the bin and paste it here
00:22:11let's see see guys this is a I need this types of results see first of all see
00:22:20this is showing me visa right it is a debit so we selected debit right but we
00:22:28no need see I we need this types of result in prepaid we need to highlight
00:22:33no because no if if there is a prepaid it is very low chance to card product
00:22:40it's not about we cannot do that's not like we cannot do carding but but we
00:22:46don't we it is very low chances to get our premium subscriptions it will make
00:22:55low advantages of premium subscriptions so don't I will recommend you if you if
00:23:02you search bin and you get yes result don't use that bin okay don't use that
00:23:08bin because it will totally time-wasting sometimes it will get you
00:23:12hit but it will most of the time it will give you more not not good results right
00:23:18okay okay see here I just see now I what I will do means okay wait wait wait
00:23:33okay guys see here here is card getting me 16 16 length like see length the visa
00:23:46credit card have 16 digit length right see see let's go on here right see here
00:24:01we have a bin right let's copy the bin and copy it and paste it paste it here
00:24:12right paste it after pasting see we have only 6 right 1 2 3 4 5 6 right but visa
00:24:25having 16 digit number right to get this 16 digit number we will type here X X X
00:24:33X X 10 times X X X X okay you think what is this you you you know already but you
00:24:43don't know the concept this is known as a algorithm no this is known as a loan
00:24:51algorithm with them this loan algorithm it help you to generate the credit cards
00:25:01as it is okay okay whenever you you paste this okay let's copy it and go in
00:25:11NAMSO CCGEN I will show you don't worry I will I will explain you each and every
00:25:17method on bins okay NAMSO NAMSO CCGEN right
00:25:32see whenever I type here whenever I type here X it will automatically get me a
00:25:41numbers this is known as a algorithm right this these are algorithms which
00:25:47will give me output of this right it will make itself random but in in in
00:25:56next next of videos I will show you how to make extra app like okay don't need
00:26:01to worry just I need to clear your mind okay just see this is a loan algorithm
00:26:08we will it will help us a lot okay it will help us a lot okay okay next this
00:26:14is a private public method right by we get it from public websites okay this is
00:26:21a public bins Pro and this bins W bins dot py this is a public right but we
00:26:30will get some private methods okay this is how to get private methods means just
00:26:35go on right going on right this a you need to just get
00:26:57this okay just visit this website and you need a email from it okay you don't
00:27:04need to use temp mail or others you need to use only this one right and then
00:27:10then you need to go on s a y a saya pro dot us right saya pro dot us I built this
00:27:27is this is also a I will teach you how to do this okay don't worry just click
00:27:39register right here is a register just go and register okay let's copy this
00:27:48email copied then paste it here and choose any password according to you I
00:27:58will choose anything
00:28:03let's type here the captcha let's register it this website is very helpful
00:28:16guys this website is very helpful because I this website have a lot of
00:28:23features okay okay wait I just typed a captcha wrong
00:28:35MD BIP you don't need to type invitation code okay MD BIP right
00:28:49security is incorrect okay wait wait wait let's do it again don't need to
00:28:58worry let's register again let's paste it this mail which I copied from temp
00:29:07mail and let's type password
00:29:12right just register it message error email already registered okay no problem
00:29:30what I will do means I will change again email I don't know why okay
00:29:37let's I will get one other email right let's click on register right register
00:29:46type email field and password I will choose whatever
00:29:52captcha is rn rca right click on register okay registration is successful
00:30:00paste it here and type email field and password I will choose whatever
00:30:08captcha is rn rca right click on register okay registration is successful
00:30:19paste it here and type password
00:30:32right what happened see wait wait wait I just typed my password wrong I think so
00:30:39wait wait guys just wait it
00:30:49let's make another account
00:31:07okay okay just leave it it let's make another account why I don't know why it's
00:31:13showing me error right let's make another account I we have time for you
00:31:19okay what is this okay right right right just again click on random okay I got it
00:31:29new email right this is this I got it a new email go on here okay sorry sorry
00:31:37let's go on Sia Pro and type here email okay just paste a password
00:31:48and rapio right register here
00:32:07what happened let's wait and wait let's log in paste it here
00:32:23let's log in
00:32:27okay what is the problem it's occurring wait a minute I will I will do
00:32:39let's again
00:32:56let's copy this one SDMO
00:33:02paste it here
00:33:23okay I just please check your email right it's given me a code let's check
00:33:35it's refreshing
00:33:37error to get a message
00:33:39try again
00:33:43it's not working
00:33:45let's try again
00:33:51let's try again
00:33:55it's not working
00:33:57let's try again
00:33:59error to get a message
00:34:01try again
00:34:05okay don't worry about it
00:34:07because this
00:34:11this will take some time little bit time okay
00:34:17please check your email
00:34:21spam folder
00:34:23I don't know why it's taking a lot of time
00:34:45see I got it one email but it's not showing here
00:34:54so we will try again okay don't need to worry about it
00:35:00no message
00:35:02where is the incoming message
00:35:13okay here I get an email right
00:35:17the code is this one right I will copy this code and paste it here right
00:35:25and I will paste it here
00:35:27this is a code which I got it right
00:35:29this is a code which I got it on that email
00:35:32and let's complete the capture
00:35:36let's register it
00:35:47yes it's loading
00:36:02yes registration is successful right
00:36:08let's copy the email again
00:36:11copy the email again
00:36:16I just copied
00:36:20paste it here
00:36:34wait yes I typed the password wrong okay let's try again
00:36:44let's enter it again
00:36:46I just forget the password again
00:37:04okay I got it right
00:37:07it's taking a time
00:37:41wait guys
00:37:46so you wait wait
00:38:13okay I'm back okay
00:38:15I'm back okay
00:38:21in this just okay
00:38:23we successfully created account
00:38:25but we need to create bins right
00:38:27how we can create a bins
00:38:29go on the website
00:38:37right this is a website
00:38:40first we need to make a password
00:38:42it's a
00:38:44oh my god
00:38:46it's asking me
00:39:12okay this is a
00:39:14see I just typed something wrong okay
00:39:16but I will teach you the concept right
00:39:22and guys must see
00:39:24we need a suffix for it
00:39:26what is a suffix I will teach you okay
00:39:28what is a suffix I will teach you okay
00:39:30okay to create suffix
00:39:32we need to
00:39:34take mechanic okay
00:39:36text mechanic
00:39:40right this is a important website for us
00:39:42to create our own bin okay
00:39:44to create our own bin
00:39:48this is a
00:39:50this is a exact process of making a bin
00:39:52okay I will teach you which bin is
00:39:54I will teach you
00:39:56how to code your own bin checker right
00:39:58it will
00:40:00it will show you
00:40:02okay it will show you
00:40:04at okay
00:40:06understand I have this
00:40:10okay it's okay
00:40:12here you will see
00:40:14add prefix and suffix into line okay
00:40:16just click on it
00:40:40this is
00:40:42rocking my head
00:40:46don't worry
00:40:48I will open in firefox
00:40:50okay don't need to worry
00:40:52about it just close it
00:40:54and I will open see
00:40:56we need to type here see
00:40:58I will show you the concept
00:41:00okay see
00:41:02let's clear this
00:41:04see I have a
00:41:06six digit number right
00:41:08I have a six digit number
00:41:10which is known as a bin
00:41:14but I need
00:41:16I need lot of numbers
00:41:18to make
00:41:20to make lot of bins right
00:41:22to make a lot of bins
00:41:24I will
00:41:26I will generate some
00:41:28some numbers
00:41:30which will help you
00:41:32help me to get a private
00:41:34bins okay
00:41:36how to generate it just go on it
00:41:38in this website
00:41:42just type here password length
00:41:44is you must keep here
00:41:465 right
00:41:48but see why I
00:41:50typed 5 here because
00:41:56let's go in google
00:42:04you no need to go on google
00:42:06just take here but see
00:42:08if you want to create master
00:42:12class A
00:42:14you can get anyone
00:42:16but I explained you before
00:42:18okay let's
00:42:20filter it visa
00:42:22let's filter visa only visa
00:42:24what I am getting
00:42:26see I am getting 4
00:42:28shatting number is 4 right
00:42:30to get exact
00:42:32credit card numbers you need to
00:42:34you need to find the first
00:42:36number okay for visa
00:42:38it is 4 okay
00:42:40let's type here for visa
00:42:484 number
00:42:52right okay
00:42:54for amex
00:42:56let's see for amex
00:43:02type on amex
00:43:12what will I get
00:43:14wait wait
00:43:18here amex
00:43:20okay it's not showing
00:43:22let's select anything
00:43:24I will select here classic
00:43:26right and filter it
00:43:28what I am doing here
00:43:30I am finding the
00:43:34single number of
00:43:36any bins okay
00:43:38let's try here
00:43:40let's find here
00:43:44showing no bins of
00:43:46amex okay
00:43:48just find again
00:43:52okay don't worry
00:43:54no need to worry just type on google
00:43:56okay I need
00:43:58mastercard also
00:44:04starting bin I need a
00:44:06just type here bin
00:44:10bin list of mastercard
00:44:12right here is a bin db
00:44:14it will help you a lot okay
00:44:16in future
00:44:18it will help you a lot
00:44:20for visa it started with
00:44:225 right 4
00:44:24sorry 4 see I typed here
00:44:26for visa it's 4
00:44:36for visa we don't need this okay
00:44:38we don't need this we only need this
00:44:40okay we only need this
00:44:42for mastercard we need
00:44:445 right
00:44:46we need 5
00:44:48only one digit I am telling
00:44:50about not for whole bin I am just
00:44:52telling you the starting
00:44:54first number okay for mastercard
00:44:58the first digit is
00:45:005 right
00:45:04right first
00:45:08amex is also
00:45:10very good card okay you can find
00:45:12bin I will you can
00:45:14you can generate any types of
00:45:16I will show you that I am
00:45:18showing this method okay you can
00:45:20generate but you need a starting numbers
00:45:24you don't need 3 7 right
00:45:26you only need 3
00:45:30take 3 for
00:45:32amex we need only 3
00:45:34right sorry
00:45:36we only need
00:45:383 amex
00:45:40starting number is
00:45:423 okay
00:45:48then okay
00:45:50there is a discover I don't recommend
00:45:52you discover okay this is a good
00:45:54bins right amex visa
00:45:56mastercard this is a good bins
00:45:58okay you can search it
00:46:00and you can make yourself lot of bins okay
00:46:02I will tell you the concept okay
00:46:04let's go on
00:46:06wait a minute
00:46:08wait a minute
00:46:10okay guys sorry for that
00:46:14because I open a tab
00:46:16of prefix okay
00:46:22because you also need to
00:46:24open this link okay this link
00:46:30you need to open this link and
00:46:32just go on
00:46:34this bin list
00:46:36you don't need
00:46:38make password
00:46:40you need
00:46:42only what I said
00:46:44we need to only generate after the
00:46:46first digit number
00:46:48just type here 5 okay
00:46:50the quantity is
00:46:52I will take the quantity
00:46:54is 50
00:46:56or 100 okay I will take only
00:46:5850 right
00:47:00only 50
00:47:02I don't need lower case
00:47:04I don't need upper case
00:47:06I don't need symbols
00:47:08I don't need excludes
00:47:10okay just I need numbers
00:47:12just check it on numbers
00:47:14and make password
00:47:16right make password
00:47:18just take your time
00:47:24you can type here
00:47:28more than 100
00:47:30200 300 you can
00:47:32type anything okay but
00:47:34but but but don't worry I will
00:47:36I will teach you
00:47:38you will tell that I can find this method
00:47:40but I will teach you the extract method
00:47:42which will get you 100%
00:47:44100% private bins
00:47:46okay this is a starting okay
00:47:48but see I need to
00:47:50copy this okay
00:47:52after copying this what I want to do is
00:47:54I will go to tech mechanic
00:47:56right just paste it here
00:47:58okay paste it here
00:48:00what is a prefix and suffix
00:48:02prefix indicates
00:48:04the first value
00:48:06this indicates the first value
00:48:08this comes under prefix
00:48:10prefix is a primary value
00:48:12which comes before
00:48:14what you pasted here
00:48:16okay because if I type
00:48:18here 5 it will comes under
00:48:20master card bin okay
00:48:22if I type 4 here it will come
00:48:24under visa okay
00:48:26so oh sorry sorry
00:48:28I just created okay
00:48:30see let's go on this
00:48:32type what you want to generate
00:48:34which card you want to generate
00:48:36you want to generate a bin of
00:48:38visa master card mx
00:48:40which you want to generate
00:48:42I want to generate master card
00:48:44okay just copy this
00:48:465 let's go to firefox
00:48:48and in prefix
00:48:50just type 5
00:48:52okay and add prefix and suffix
00:48:54okay and
00:48:56or suffix just click here
00:48:58okay it's given
00:49:00me the values
00:49:02okay see the result came
00:49:04so the exact
00:49:06is will done is it will add
00:49:08before what we pasted
00:49:10it add 5 okay
00:49:12this is these are our
00:49:14bins right let's see
00:49:16let's copy this
00:49:18okay I just copied it
00:49:22go to saya pro okay
00:49:24and type here slash
00:49:28right just type
00:49:30slash bin
00:49:42see I got a bin
00:49:44just paste your bin here
00:49:46just paste your bin
00:49:48here okay just go to
00:49:50submit right
00:49:52just submit it
00:49:54I will get a result
00:49:56okay see
00:49:58see I got a
00:50:00master card right and this
00:50:02is a debit which I selected okay
00:50:04which is debit
00:50:06okay debit
00:50:08but I will show
00:50:10you again wait for
00:50:12other results
00:50:18wait for other results
00:50:26wait for other results
00:50:58okay I think it's
00:51:00done right
00:51:02no it's taking a time
00:51:04just I will pause the video
00:51:06right I will pause
00:51:08the video okay guys
00:51:10it's done
00:51:12see we got a results
00:51:14right we got a results
00:51:16okay we need to
00:51:18watch one thing here okay
00:51:20what we need to watch here we got a
00:51:22debit right debit
00:51:24here credit
00:51:26here credit but
00:51:28I don't get bank name
00:51:30I didn't get bank name
00:51:32here in Italy
00:51:34the bin of Italy I got a
00:51:36bank name right this is
00:51:38a bank name okay
00:51:40I got a bank name
00:51:42okay see I got a
00:51:44bank name of United States of America
00:51:46you need to choose which
00:51:48gives you here bank name
00:51:50you need bank name
00:51:52you don't need this
00:51:54which you don't
00:51:56need to select this
00:51:58these are live but it will
00:52:00no results if you
00:52:02buy bins
00:52:04if you buy credit cc from
00:52:06these bins it will
00:52:08give you very low
00:52:10very low
00:52:12chances of
00:52:14success okay first
00:52:18see I
00:52:20this is a good okay it's giving me
00:52:22a bank and debit you need to
00:52:24you need to get
00:52:26this type of format okay this type
00:52:28of format you don't need
00:52:30this type of format
00:52:32okay and these types of format
00:52:34okay see here showing credit
00:52:36here showing not credit here
00:52:38showing United States of America
00:52:40see there are lot of
00:52:42things are missing perfect thing is
00:52:44this one okay and
00:52:46this one this one is a perfect
00:52:48because it's showing bin
00:52:50mastercard debit and
00:52:52bank name and state okay
00:52:54let's do
00:52:56let's do
00:52:58on different cards now okay
00:53:00I just done
00:53:02mastercard but I will do
00:53:04in okay
00:53:06I will
00:53:08I will do in
00:53:10this one
00:53:12which one let's see
00:53:14visa let's take visa right
00:53:16let's copy visa
00:53:20you need to generate again passwords okay
00:53:22you need to generate
00:53:24passwords again just go
00:53:26to here okay
00:53:28just go to here
00:53:32just go to home
00:53:42okay and paste it here
00:53:444 okay 5 sorry
00:53:465 and quality
00:53:48is quantity is 100
00:53:50okay now I will take 100
00:53:52and remove the
00:53:54options you need to tick
00:53:56only numbers right
00:54:00right you need to tick only
00:54:02numbers after numbers
00:54:04just click on
00:54:06make password right
00:54:08I am creating for visa now okay
00:54:10visa is very good
00:54:12visa and mastercard
00:54:14and american express you can find
00:54:16for american express but I am not
00:54:18covering in this okay
00:54:20you need to do on yourself just
00:54:22I will give you a concept okay
00:54:26you can make any types of but
00:54:30the chances will more in
00:54:32mastercard visa okay
00:54:34I just got it
00:54:36100 okay 100
00:54:38numbers okay just copy
00:54:40it and go to
00:54:42tech machines
00:54:44select it and delete it
00:54:46and add it here 4 right
00:54:48and 4 and paste it here
00:54:50which you have copied from
00:54:52generated passwords okay
00:54:54just paste it here okay
00:54:56after pasting just delete this previous
00:54:58results right after deleting
00:55:00the previous results add to
00:55:02prefix okay just click on here
00:55:04as I got it here and
00:55:06copy select this all and copy it
00:55:08after copying this
00:55:10go to
00:55:18and paste
00:55:20it here right
00:55:22and submit it right
00:55:28just submit it
00:55:34this is a
00:55:36previous results right
00:55:42but I need now
00:55:44visa see I got it a lot
00:55:46of visa okay which is
00:55:48very good see what I see
00:55:50visa is very good visa and mastercard
00:55:52is very good you will get a lot of
00:55:54results on it okay see
00:55:56I got it this right
00:56:02let's wait
00:56:04until the results is over
00:56:38okay I got it results
00:56:40now I think so I got it
00:56:42results okay visa results let's
00:56:44select anything from here
00:56:46okay US bank this is
00:56:48a perfect what I say in
00:56:50previously we need exact
00:56:52this format right let's take
00:56:54this bin okay let's take
00:56:56this bin right just
00:56:58copy it
00:57:00just copy it and
00:57:14okay let's copy it
00:57:16and paste it here
00:57:18this is a what bin
00:57:20this is a visa bin okay
00:57:24see how will you find
00:57:26this is a VBV or non VBV
00:57:28okay let's think
00:57:30how will you find this
00:57:32okay you will think that
00:57:34it will whenever I generate
00:57:36the credit card it will ask OTP
00:57:38that's it no
00:57:40you will find by gateway
00:57:42right gateway
00:57:44the payment gateway okay
00:57:46payment gateway
00:57:48okay this is a payment gateway
00:57:50right like payment gateway
00:57:52comes under
00:57:54you can find
00:57:56you can find there
00:57:58okay you can find I will teach you
00:58:00how to make your own
00:58:02own what
00:58:04own bin checker
00:58:06which will show you which one
00:58:08is non VBV and which one
00:58:10is VBV okay
00:58:12so first let's generate
00:58:16CCN from it
00:58:18okay let's copy it
00:58:20and go to NAMSO CCN
00:58:24where is a NAMSO CCN
00:58:26okay where is it
00:58:30NAMSO CCN
00:58:36and just paste it here
00:58:38right and generate
00:58:40right you will get okay
00:58:42just copy anything here
00:58:44just copy it
00:58:46just copy it
00:58:48and paste it here right
00:58:50and paste it here
00:58:54after pasting
00:58:58but I will show you
00:59:00how to perform
00:59:02how to get
00:59:04how to know
00:59:06that the website is
00:59:08these cards
00:59:10are VBV or non VBV
00:59:12right I will teach you how
00:59:26okay guys
00:59:28search here
00:59:30you need to find first
00:59:32brine tree or stripe
00:59:34payment gateway websites okay
00:59:36I know one website
00:59:38which will get brine tree
00:59:40okay I will type here
00:59:48I will show you how to find
00:59:50don't worry how to find
00:59:54wait a minute
00:59:56I got a call from my friend
01:00:06okay guys
01:00:08I came here
01:00:10this is a ether email
01:00:12this uses
01:00:14brine tree gateway
01:00:16wait I will
01:00:18create account here and I will start
01:00:20wait you also need to create
01:00:22account here so it is very easy
01:00:24and simple to create account here
01:00:26so just wait for
01:00:28wait I will
01:00:30creating account here okay guys
01:00:32I created account here so
01:00:34see after
01:00:36creating account you will see these types of
01:00:38dashboard okay you need to go
01:00:40on dollar signature okay
01:00:42there is a dollar sign
01:00:44just go there and
01:00:46type here my subscriptions
01:00:50my subscription see
01:00:52to check your bin is
01:00:54working or not you need to
01:00:56check on here right
01:00:58you need to show
01:01:00it will show you on upgrade
01:01:02where you will
01:01:04type your credit cards right
01:01:06I will check here
01:01:10I will type here
01:01:12anything okay 10 euros
01:01:16after 10 euros
01:01:20see I got it
01:01:22here something I will type
01:01:24anything street
01:01:28zip code
01:01:3280 city
01:02:00let's update it
01:02:06see in here
01:02:08I need to select
01:02:10one plan see you can find
01:02:12this on any website in any premium
01:02:14website you will find this types
01:02:16of pages which will show
01:02:18you pay with credit card or
01:02:20something but
01:02:22here important is payment gateway
01:02:24payment gateway should be
01:02:26brine tree or strip okay
01:02:28just create on credit card okay
01:02:30credit card
01:02:32and go to check out section right
01:02:36now open
01:02:38the inspect elements right
01:02:40inspect elements
01:02:44okay I got it the inspect elements
01:02:50elements go on
01:02:54right in networks
01:02:56you need to type on
01:02:58preserve locks okay
01:03:00just click on mark
01:03:02on preserve locks okay
01:03:04after preserve
01:03:06wait wait
01:03:08oh my god
01:03:16after in preserve locks okay
01:03:18okay you just
01:03:20click on preserve locks and type here
01:03:22which I copied from here
01:03:24just credit card number is this
01:03:26one which I created
01:03:28by visa okay
01:03:30just copy this one
01:03:32okay after copying this one
01:03:34just go to the
01:03:36here and paste your credit card
01:03:38and see
01:03:40after pasting the credit card
01:03:42this is our
01:03:46copy this 107
01:03:50okay right
01:03:52107 right type here
01:03:54107 1123
01:03:581123 right
01:04:00just click on pay
01:04:06okay let's see
01:04:08here wait
01:04:10okay guys
01:04:12see here
01:04:14there is
01:04:16in this field
01:04:18the credit card data is invalid
01:04:20okay the credit card data
01:04:22is invalid so
01:04:24here we need to focus on
01:04:28and lookup okay
01:04:30let's get it more okay
01:04:32see go in graph
01:04:34ql okay
01:04:38go in graph viewer
01:04:40headers okay
01:04:42let's see
01:04:46response okay go to
01:04:50there is no response okay
01:04:52there is no response
01:04:54okay we will find here other
01:04:56graph hql
01:04:58just click on other
01:05:00just go to headers okay
01:05:02okay see here is
01:05:04brain tree payment gateway
01:05:06go to preview
01:05:10see it okay
01:05:12go to response
01:05:14see in response
01:05:16what we are getting
01:05:18we are getting token right
01:05:26there is a token right
01:05:30see more okay
01:05:32token okay
01:05:34we are not finding okay
01:05:36we are not getting anything
01:05:38but see
01:05:40from graphql
01:05:42you can find tokens right
01:05:44it will
01:05:46help you a lot to make a
01:05:48checkers okay
01:05:50it will help you a lot to make a checkers
01:05:54go to lookup
01:05:56there is no response
01:06:00let's take other lookup
01:06:04go to preview
01:06:06this is a response
01:06:08go to preview right
01:06:10there is a payment method is showing me
01:06:12type credit card
01:06:16type credit card
01:06:18description is ending of okay
01:06:20go to lookup again
01:06:24see transcription id i am getting here
01:06:26go to payment method
01:06:30it's getting me bin
01:06:32last two digit and see
01:06:34what i will get okay
01:06:36go to here
01:06:38it's showing me nothing
01:06:40go to details
01:06:42i need to check this out okay
01:06:44there is a showing me bin only
01:06:46go to 3d secure info
01:06:48are you seeing
01:06:503d secure info there
01:06:52what is a 3d secure info
01:06:54let's go on 3d secure info here
01:07:003d secure info is null
01:07:02okay authentication is null
01:07:10let's go here
01:07:12i am finding again here 3d secure info
01:07:14go to here
01:07:18go to lookup
01:07:223d transcription
01:07:26wait a minute
01:07:28this is a payment method right
01:07:30this is a credit card
01:07:32we need to check the
01:07:36where is the card holder
01:07:38okay 3d
01:07:40here is showing me
01:07:42what is this
01:07:44what is this
01:07:46wait wait guys
01:07:48due to some calls
01:07:50sorry for that
01:07:52okay guys i am back
01:07:54okay sorry for that
01:07:56let's do it again
01:07:58let's clear it
01:08:00go see
01:08:02in graphql
01:08:04it will show me
01:08:06what graphql
01:08:08do means it will show you
01:08:10the exact information
01:08:14it will using braintree right
01:08:16okay it is braintree
01:08:20i am getting token right
01:08:22credit card
01:08:24visa okay this will help you
01:08:26okay i tell you again
01:08:28okay go to lookup
01:08:30what graphql
01:08:32will transfer the
01:08:36means it will transfer the credit card
01:08:38to lookup
01:08:40it will look whether it is
01:08:42vbn or non vbb
01:08:44or it is a valid credit card
01:08:46or debt credit card
01:08:48it will transfer to lookup
01:08:50we need to focus on lookup
01:08:52what the extensions we get
01:08:54okay we get a double lookup
01:08:56so there is a no preview right
01:08:58let's check out another lookup
01:09:00see in another lookup
01:09:02we are getting this information
01:09:06okay i will get some
01:09:08let go to payment method
01:09:10okay what is a
01:09:123d security indicates
01:09:14see there is a 3d security
01:09:163d security indicates
01:09:18the there is contain
01:09:20a what
01:09:22this is a non vbb
01:09:24this is a vbb or non vbb
01:09:26it is indicated okay let's check
01:09:28this is a vbb or non vbb
01:09:30okay see
01:09:34let's go on details of
01:09:36bins okay
01:09:38just you need to check it out okay
01:09:40let's okay
01:09:42let's check it out
01:09:44go to threshold secure
01:09:48the threshold secure
01:09:50see the transcription
01:09:52id is null right
01:09:54in lookup let's check
01:09:56in lookup right in lookup
01:09:58it is showing me null
01:10:00okay null means the transcription
01:10:02id is unsuccessful
01:10:04okay see
01:10:06see but but but
01:10:08but see in lookup
01:10:10the 3d
01:10:12security see
01:10:143d security
01:10:16is contain the id
01:10:18in the id
01:10:20the 3d secure
01:10:22server transcription
01:10:24id is null right
01:10:26here is null but here see the status
01:10:28status the authenticate
01:10:30attempts successful right
01:10:34here here is showing
01:10:36the go to lookup
01:10:38see let's again we do
01:10:40okay just clear this
01:10:42okay okay
01:10:44see go to payment
01:10:46method right here is a payment method
01:10:48I need to check okay you need
01:10:50to check each and everything here
01:10:52go to go to 3d
01:10:54secure info right in 3d
01:10:56secure info get
01:10:58enroll it and you will
01:11:00see the null means
01:11:02no okay null means
01:11:04no but
01:11:06you will need to notice on lookup
01:11:08here is a lookup right here
01:11:10is a lookup just
01:11:12extend it okay
01:11:14let's extend it
01:11:16and see the status
01:11:18is authentication attempt successful
01:11:20means it will
01:11:22this is not a
01:11:24this is not a vbv
01:11:26this bin is
01:11:28non vbv right this bin
01:11:30is non vbv how I get it
01:11:32that because it
01:11:34will it will show here
01:11:36failed right
01:11:38right I will show you on vbv
01:11:40right I will show you on vbv
01:11:42let's copy the request okay
01:11:44let's copy the
01:11:46copy it and paste it
01:11:50the response
01:11:54the response
01:11:58right the response of
01:12:02you need to find braintree right
01:12:04braintree sites okay it will
01:12:06you will get a lot of braintrees okay
01:12:08the response of braintree
01:12:16when the
01:12:18when the bin is
01:12:20non vbv
01:12:22it will
01:12:28this response
01:12:32this response
01:12:34what is
01:12:36the response is the status
01:12:38is this one right
01:12:40this is a authentication attempt successful
01:12:42right this is a response
01:12:44let's let's see
01:12:46what is a response of another bin
01:12:50okay this is I look at on the
01:12:54it's attempt successful right
01:12:56let's clear it out this let's clear
01:12:58let's clear
01:13:00and again we will paste
01:13:02here other
01:13:04okay another one
01:13:06let's go to
01:13:08namso ccgen
01:13:12let's type
01:13:14this cc copy it
01:13:16and paste it here right
01:13:18what we will get let's see
01:13:20okay paste it here
01:13:28we need to check on
01:13:30lookup see I got it
01:13:32a lookup right let's go on lookup
01:13:34there is a
01:13:36not value let's check this
01:13:38lookup second lookup let's see
01:13:42let's see payment
01:13:44method right payment
01:13:46method details okay
01:13:48trans this is
01:13:50a trans 3d
01:13:52secure info is there okay right
01:13:543d secure info let's
01:13:56check this is a vbv
01:13:58see this is also a non vbv
01:14:00right see this is
01:14:02also a non vbv let's check
01:14:04let's check mastercard right
01:14:06wait wait guys
01:14:08they are calling me wait wait
01:14:10sorry okay my mates I came
01:14:12back okay see let's
01:14:14let's let's
01:14:16try on mastercard okay
01:14:18okay where is my mastercard
01:14:20been right okay
01:14:22go to namso where is this is my
01:14:24okay done see
01:14:26let's go to
01:14:28mastercard this is a mastercard right
01:14:30let's copy okay it's having
01:14:32a bank okay let's copy this one
01:14:34okay let's copy
01:14:36and generate
01:14:40paste it here okay just paste it
01:14:42here and generate take one okay
01:14:44just take one
01:14:46ccn what is
01:14:48the 625 okay
01:14:50right just
01:14:52paste it here
01:14:58just paste it here what here
01:15:00625 right 06
01:15:0406 25
01:15:06and then
01:15:08what I get it
01:15:10wait a minute here I got it
01:15:1221 367
01:15:14right 367
01:15:16this is a mastercard
01:15:18right 367 let's
01:15:20see this one okay if
01:15:22it is a vbv or
01:15:24non vbv right
01:15:26just pay
01:15:34it's taking a time okay
01:15:46it's taking a lot of time
01:15:50your card data is invalid
01:15:52check it here okay go to
01:15:54lookup okay there is
01:15:56no response go to lookup again
01:15:58okay let's go here
01:16:00let's go here
01:16:02right wait
01:16:04I will make it long
01:16:06okay just see
01:16:08go to lookup right
01:16:10we are getting lookup
01:16:12go to lookup it's saying
01:16:14the 3d secure version is 0
01:16:161.0.2 right
01:16:18okay see see let's
01:16:20see this is a vbv or non
01:16:22vbv right see
01:16:24this is a bin data
01:16:26okay prepaid this is a
01:16:28prepaid no this is not a prepaid it's
01:16:30showing no
01:16:32debit no
01:16:34showing debit no let's see
01:16:36here this is a debit
01:16:38or not okay
01:16:40which I copied this is a
01:16:42see this is a credit right
01:16:44here also showing there
01:16:46here is there are showing
01:16:48this is a debit
01:16:50it's asking the value is debit
01:16:52it's responsing no
01:16:54okay we can also find
01:16:56this okay
01:16:58okay go to
01:17:003d see this is a
01:17:023d secure right go to
01:17:04here and see
01:17:06and see
01:17:08the authentication
01:17:10authentication let's go to it's a null
01:17:12okay right and I am
01:17:14getting here lookup here I am
01:17:16getting lookup
01:17:18just see the authentication
01:17:20attempt successful
01:17:22this is a non vbv right
01:17:24this is also a non vbv
01:17:26yes yes yes
01:17:28this is also a non vbv bin
01:17:30let's do let's
01:17:32do let's find the response of
01:17:34vbv okay let's find the
01:17:36response of vbv right how to
01:17:38find the response of vbv
01:17:42see this is my luck
01:17:44okay this is my luck
01:17:46whenever I showing you
01:17:48it's only showing me vbv
01:17:50right okay
01:17:52if I type here in this
01:17:54there are many many bins
01:17:56are vbv okay vbv
01:17:58but but
01:18:00some are non vbv
01:18:02but some are public okay
01:18:06let's let's create
01:18:08prepaid now okay let's
01:18:10the check the prepaid ask
01:18:12prepaid is
01:18:16prepaid is
01:18:203d protected by 3d okay
01:18:22just generate prepaid card okay
01:18:24let's generate
01:18:26here USA right
01:18:28Canada okay
01:18:30just filter it
01:18:34oh why I am not getting
01:18:36anything let's type on classic
01:18:38type on virtual
01:18:40just filter it
01:18:44there are z okay
01:18:46I got it I got it okay
01:18:48I got it
01:18:50I create
01:18:52wait wait a minute
01:18:54I need
01:18:56wait wait wait
01:18:58just type on visa right
01:19:00okay type on visa
01:19:02type on prepaid
01:19:04type on business or virtual okay
01:19:06just type it on virtual
01:19:08and I will select country Canada
01:19:10and filter it
01:19:16there are showing 0 bins okay
01:19:18let's do it again
01:19:20visa prepaid
01:19:22just only visa and prepaid
01:19:26I got it
01:19:285140 bins okay
01:19:30I got it
01:19:325140 bins this is a prepaid right
01:19:34let's let's do it okay
01:19:36let's copy this
01:19:38copy this and
01:19:40generate this one
01:19:42okay paste it here
01:19:46I got it this one okay
01:19:48just copy this ccn
01:19:50copy it
01:19:52go to here
01:19:54and paste it here
01:19:58let's paste it here
01:20:00let's clear the previous
01:20:02results and type on
01:20:04pay now what I will get
01:20:06let's see
01:20:14go to look up
01:20:16here is 3d secure
01:20:18payment info
01:20:223d secure
01:20:24I am getting look up
01:20:26authentication attempt
01:20:30but what
01:20:32I don't know why it's showing me
01:20:34all non VBB accounts right
01:20:36okay this is a
01:20:38good guys
01:20:40this bins are very good
01:20:46what it is showing
01:20:48authentication attempt successful
01:20:50right means it will
01:20:52non VBB right this is
01:20:54non VBB if the
01:20:56VBB it will show you a lot
01:20:58of difference okay
01:21:00let's find VBB
01:21:02actually I find
01:21:04previously I just find more
01:21:06more VBB which
01:21:08will ask OTPs right
01:21:26it's our luck
01:21:28we don't find VBB
01:21:30but in your time
01:21:32you will find VBB
01:21:34accounts but how to find the
01:21:36response okay
01:21:38how to find the response
01:21:40means you need
01:21:44you need to
01:21:46see whenever
01:21:50whenever in this
01:21:52response if you
01:21:54type a VBB bin
01:21:56you will get this types of response
01:22:00if the
01:22:02if you have
01:22:06non VBB
01:22:12you will get
01:22:16get response
01:22:20response of
01:22:24response of
01:22:26brine tree
01:22:32enroll the response is
01:22:50enroll right
01:22:52see in VBB
01:22:54in VBB you will find
01:22:56this response in brine tree
01:22:58I don't recommend you to
01:23:00type on just find the
01:23:02find the sites of non
01:23:04brine tree okay I will show you how to find that
01:23:06sites okay you don't need to worry
01:23:08just go on it
01:23:10go on it
01:23:12see in lookup you need to
01:23:14in every brine tree it will
01:23:16have a response of lookup
01:23:20lookup in lookup
01:23:22there is a 3d secure right
01:23:24in 3d secure
01:23:26just maximize this
01:23:30maximize it okay
01:23:32let's see we need to
01:23:34open this all okay
01:23:38authentication let's see
01:23:40authentication transcription is null
01:23:44the lookup see the lookup
01:23:46lookup is a response okay
01:23:48lookup is a response which
01:23:50find that you have a VBB and
01:23:52non VBB okay if your
01:23:54bin is non
01:23:56VBB here you
01:23:58will get this response
01:24:00this response lookup
01:24:04you will get this response okay
01:24:06you will get this response lookup
01:24:08enroll okay this is how
01:24:10you can check your website is
01:24:12VBB or non VBB but
01:24:14see by using this bin
01:24:16you can create many trails
01:24:18like spotify like
01:24:20like amazon prime
01:24:22like anything but I will not
01:24:24teach you in this but this is a
01:24:26basic method okay this is a basic
01:24:28thing you can find a lot of videos
01:24:30on youtube okay but
01:24:32this is a main if your coder
01:24:34you know the value of
01:24:36bins okay you can use this
01:24:38to buy cc's okay
01:24:40it will this is a non VBB
01:24:42and you need to find the country
01:24:44okay that's
01:24:46it guys that's it but
01:24:48but you can
01:24:50check right you can
01:24:52check always
01:24:54always like
01:24:56type the credit
01:24:58card and this one and
01:25:00check the and you need to maximize it
01:25:02and this is take a lot
01:25:04of time but I will teach you how to
01:25:06make this automatic
01:25:08means I will teach you how to code your
01:25:10own bin checker right okay
01:25:12this is our next topic how to
01:25:14code your bin checker right let's
01:25:16pause the video I have some work okay
01:25:18I will continue it
01:25:20hi guys
01:25:22okay see
01:25:24this is a link just see
01:25:26this and type this
01:25:28okay and type this okay
01:25:30this way this is a script okay
01:25:32this is a script which will
01:25:34help you to make
01:25:38mass bin checker which is
01:25:40which tell you
01:25:42it's VBB or not VBB
01:25:44okay I
01:25:46will show you how to do it
01:25:48okay first we need a
01:25:50zen map right because we need
01:25:52to host it locally in
01:25:54our okay in our
01:25:56in our
01:25:58system okay so I need to
01:26:00install zen map okay
01:26:02to install zen map
01:26:04okay wait
01:26:06we need to download this okay
01:26:08let's download on desktop okay
01:26:12right we downloaded
01:26:14successfully okay it's
01:26:20okay it's downloading
01:26:22guys okay you need
01:26:24to download zen
01:26:26map zen map
01:26:28okay see I
01:26:30it's downloaded successfully
01:26:32okay right
01:26:34it's okay you need
01:26:36to download zen map
01:26:38zen map will help you a lot
01:26:42this is a zen map
01:26:48guys to install this
01:26:50it's take a lot of time to download
01:26:52it okay I already
01:26:54installed it so you just click
01:26:56on which your PC
01:26:58and download it okay
01:27:00let's pause the video I will download
01:27:02and I will message okay guys
01:27:04I downloaded zen map
01:27:06just click to
01:27:08run as administrator
01:27:12run as administrator
01:27:22it will help you
01:27:24to host your website in
01:27:26local networks okay
01:27:28it will help you a lot okay
01:27:30wait wait a minute
01:28:08okay it started okay
01:28:24just type next
01:28:34wait it's preparing to install
01:28:38keep the using this app right
01:28:40let's make firefox
01:28:42no no no
01:28:44I will play
01:28:46important because
01:28:50wait I am getting a problem
01:28:54next type
01:28:56wait a minute
01:29:06because this is
01:29:08VM it's showing some problems right
01:29:10I think so
01:29:12because in my PC it never show
01:29:14this types of problems
01:29:16okay don't worry
01:29:20just type
01:29:22cancel here
01:29:28it's installing right
01:29:30let's see
01:29:32I just open two times okay
01:29:34that's why it's showing
01:29:36next the folder is not empty
01:29:38because please
01:29:40select different folders
01:29:42okay let's type
01:29:44zen map 2
01:29:46right okay
01:29:48learn more about
01:29:50what is zen map next
01:29:52setup is now ready to be
01:29:54installed okay wait
01:30:00it takes a time okay
01:30:02I will pause the video
