The mustwatch moments of the CNN Presidential Debate

  • il y a 3 mois
Catch up on the biggest moments of CNN’s Presidential Debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.
00:00Now, please welcome the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden.
00:06Folks, how are you?
00:13Great to be here. Thank you.
00:17And please welcome the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump.
00:31President Trump, we will get to immigration later in this block.
00:35President Biden, I want to give you an opportunity to respond to this question about the national debt.
00:40He had the largest national debt of any president in a four-year period, number one.
00:44Number two, that $2 trillion tax cut benefited the very wealthy.
00:49What I'm going to do is fix the tax system.
00:51For example, we have a thousand trillionaires in America, I mean billionaires in America.
00:56And what's happening?
00:57They're in a situation where they, in fact, pay 8.2 percent in taxes.
01:02If they just paid 24 percent or 25 percent, either one of those numbers,
01:06they'd raise $500 million, billion dollars, I should say, in a 10-year period.
01:11We'd be able to wipe out his debt.
01:13We'd be able to help make sure that all those things we need to do, childcare, elder care,
01:18making sure that we continue to strengthen our healthcare system,
01:22making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible
01:28for what I've been able to do with the COVID, excuse me,
01:32with dealing with everything we have to do with, look, if we finally beat Medicare.
01:43Thank you, President Biden. President Trump?
01:46Well, he's right. He did beat Medicare.
01:48He beat it to death, and he's destroying Medicare
01:49because all of these people are coming in.
01:52They're putting them on Medicare. They're putting them on Social Security.
01:56They're going to destroy Social Security.
01:58This man is going to single-handedly destroy Social Security.
02:01These millions and millions of people coming in,
02:03they're trying to put them on Social Security.
02:06He will wipe out Social Security. He will wipe out Medicare.
02:10So he was right in the way he finished that sentence, and it's a shame.
02:13What's happened to our country in the last four years is not to be believed.
02:18Foreign countries, I'm friends with a lot of people.
02:21They cannot believe what happened to the United States of America.
02:24We're no longer respected. They don't like us.
02:28We give them everything they want, and they think we're stupid.
02:31They think we're very stupid people.
02:33What we're doing for other countries, and they do nothing for us.
02:36What this man has done is absolutely criminal.
02:40President Trump, staying on the topic of immigration,
02:43you've said that you're going to carry out, quote,
02:45the largest domestic deportation operation in American history, unquote.
02:49Does that mean that you will deport every undocumented immigrant in America,
02:53including those who have jobs, including those whose spouses are citizens,
02:57and including those who have lived here for decades?
02:59And if so, how will you do it?
03:01Just one second. He said we killed three people.
03:04The people we killed are al-Baghdadi and Soleimani,
03:09the two greatest terrorists, biggest terrorists anywhere in the world.
03:12And it had a huge impact on everything, not just border, on everything.
03:16He's the one that killed people with the bad water,
03:19including hundreds of thousands of people dying,
03:22and also killing our citizens when they come in.
03:25We are living right now in a rat's nest.
03:29They're killing our people in New York, in California,
03:32in every state in the Union, because we don't have borders anymore.
03:35Every state is now a border.
03:37And because of his ridiculous, insane, and very stupid policies,
03:42people are coming in and they're killing our citizens
03:45at a level that we've never seen.
03:47We call it migrant crime. I call it Biden migrant crime.
03:51They're killing our citizens at a level that we've never seen before.
03:54And you're reading it like these three incredible young girls over the last few days.
03:59One of them, I just spoke to the mother,
04:01and he just had the funeral for this girl, 12 years old.
04:05This is horrible what's taken place, what's taken place in our country.
04:09We're literally an uncivilized country now.
04:12He doesn't want it to be. He just doesn't know.
04:15He opened the borders. Nobody's ever seen anything like it.
04:18And we have to get a lot of these people out,
04:20and we have to get them out fast, because they're going to destroy our country.
04:23Just take a look at where they're living.
04:25They're living in luxury hotels in New York City and other places.
04:29Our veterans are on the street.
04:31They're dying because he doesn't care about our veterans.
04:33He doesn't like the military at all, and he doesn't care about our veterans.
04:37Nobody's been worse.
04:39I had the highest approval rating for veterans taking care of the VA.
04:43He has the worst. He's gotten rid of all the things that I approved.
04:46Choice, that I got through Congress.
04:48All of the different things I approved, they abandoned.
04:51We had by far the highest, and now it's down in less than half,
04:55because he's done all these great things that we did,
04:58and I think he did it just because I approved it, which is crazy.
05:01But he has killed so many people at our border by allowing all of these people to come in.
05:05And it's a very sad day in America.
05:07President Biden, you have the mic.
05:09Every single thing he said is a lie. Every single one.
05:12For example, veterans are a hell of a lot better off since I passed the PACT Act.
05:16One million of them now have insurance, and their families have it.
05:20Their families have it because what happened, whether it was Agent Orange or burn pits,
05:25they're all being covered now, and his group opposed that.
05:29We're also in a situation where we have great respect for veterans.
05:32My son spent a year in Iraq, living next to one of those burn pits.
05:36Came back with stage four glioblastoma.
05:39I was recently in France for D-Day, and I spoke about those heroes that died.
05:46I went to the World War I cemetery he refused to go to.
05:51He was standing with his four-star general, and he told me,
05:54he said, I don't want to go in there because they're a bunch of losers and suckers.
05:57My son was not a loser, was not a sucker. You're the sucker. You're the loser.
06:01President Trump?
06:03First of all, that was a made-up quote, suckers and losers. They made it up.
06:06It was in a third-rate magazine that's failing, like many of these magazines.
06:10He made that up. He put it in commercials. We've notified him.
06:14We had 19 people that said I didn't say it. And think of this.
06:17Who would say I'm at a cemetery or I'm talking about our veterans?
06:21Because nobody's taken better care. I'm so glad this came up, and he brought it up.
06:25There's nobody that's taken better care of our soldiers than I have.
06:29To think that I would, in front of generals and others, say suckers and losers.
06:34We have 19 people that said it was never said by me.
06:38It was made up by him, just like Russia, Russia, Russia was made up.
06:42Just like the 51 intelligence agents are made up.
06:46Just like the new thing with the 16 economists are talking. It's the same thing.
06:5051 intelligence agents said that the laptop was Russia disinformation. It wasn't.
06:56That came from his son, Hunter. It wasn't Russia disinformation.
07:00He made up the suckers and losers, so he should apologize to me right now.
07:05The war star general standing at your side, who was on your staff, who said you said it. Period.
07:10That's number one. And number two, the idea, the idea that I have to apologize to you for anything along the line.
07:17We've done more for veterans than any president has in American history.
07:22And they now are in their family.
07:24The only sacred obligation we have as a country is to care for our veterans when they come home and their families and equip them when they go to war.
07:31That's what we're doing. That's what the VA is doing now.
07:34They're doing more for veterans than ever before in our history.
07:37All right. Thank you so much.
07:39Let's move to the topic of foreign policy.
07:41I want to begin with Russia's war against Ukraine, which is now in its third year.
07:46Former President Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin says he'll only end this war if Russia keeps the Ukrainian territory it has already claimed and Ukraine abandons its bid to join NATO.
08:00Are Putin's terms acceptable to you?
08:03First of all, our veterans and our soldiers can't stand this guy.
08:08They can't stand him. They think he's the worst commander in chief, if that's what you call him, that we've ever had.
08:14They can't stand him. So let's get that straight.
08:17And they like me more than just about any of them.
08:20And that's based on every single bit of information.
08:23As far as Russia and Ukraine, if we had a real president, the president that was respected by Putin, he would have never invaded Ukraine.
08:33A lot of people are dead right now, much more than people know.
08:37You know, they talk about numbers. You can double those numbers, maybe triple those numbers.
08:40He did nothing to stop it. In fact, I think he encouraged Russia from going in.
08:44I'll tell you what happened. He was so bad with Afghanistan.
08:47It was such a horrible embarrassment, most embarrassing moment in the history of our country,
08:52that when Putin watched that and he saw the incompetence that he should have fired those generals like I fired the one that you mentioned.
08:59And so he's got no love lost, but he should have fired those generals.
09:03No general got fired for the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country, Afghanistan,
09:09where we left billions of dollars of equipment behind.
09:12We lost 13 beautiful soldiers and 38 soldiers were obliterated.
09:17And by the way, we left people behind, too. We left American citizens behind.
09:21When Putin saw that, he said, you know what? I think we're going to go in and maybe take my...
09:26This was his dream. I talked to him about it, his dream.
09:29The difference is he never would have invaded Ukraine. Never.
09:34Just like Israel would have never been invaded.
09:37In a million years by Hamas. You know why?
09:41Because Iran was broke with me. I wouldn't let anybody do business with them.
09:45They ran out of money. They were broke. They had no money for Hamas.
09:48They had no money for anything. No money for terror.
09:51That's why you had no terror at all during my administration.
09:55This place, the whole world is blowing up under him.
09:58President Biden?
10:00I've never heard so much malarkey in my whole life.
10:02Look, the fact of the matter is that we're in a situation where...
10:05Let's take the last point first.
10:07Iran attacked American troops, caused brain damage for a number of these troops,
10:14and he did nothing about it when he was president.
10:17They attacked. He said, they're just having headaches. That's all it is.
10:21He didn't do a thing when the attack took place, number one.
10:25Number two, we got over 100,000 Americans and others out of Afghanistan during that airlift.
10:32Number three, we found ourselves in a situation where,
10:36if you take a look at what Trump did in Ukraine,
10:39this guy told Trump, do whatever you want, and do whatever you want.
10:45And that's exactly what Trump did to Putin. Encourage him, do whatever you want.
10:50And he went in. Listen to what he said when he went in.
10:53He was going to take Kiev in five days, remember?
10:55Because it's part of the old Soviet Union.
10:57That's what he wanted to reestablish. Kiev.
11:00And he, in fact, didn't do it at all. He didn't, wasn't able to get it done.
11:04And they've lost over, they've lost thousands and thousands of troops.
11:08500,000 troops.
11:10Former President Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin says he'll only end this war
11:16if Russia keeps the Ukrainian territory it has already claimed
11:20and Ukraine abandons its bid to join NATO.
11:24Are Putin's terms acceptable to you?
11:26First of all, our veterans and our soldiers can't stand this guy.
11:31They can't stand him.
11:33They think he's the worst commander-in-chief, if that's what you call him,
11:36that we've ever had. They can't stand him.
11:38So let's get that straight.
11:40And they like me more than just about any of them.
11:43And that's based on every single bit of information.
11:46As far as Russia and Ukraine, if we had a real president,
11:50the president that knew, that was respected by Putin,
11:53he would have never, he would have never invaded Ukraine.
11:57A lot of people are dead right now, much more than people know.
12:00You know, they talk about numbers.
12:02You can double those numbers, maybe triple those numbers.
12:04He did nothing to stop it.
12:06In fact, I think he encouraged Russia from going in.
12:08I'll tell you what happened.
12:10He was so bad with Afghanistan, it was such a horrible embarrassment,
12:13most embarrassing moment in the history of our country,
12:16that when Putin watched that and he saw the incompetence
12:19that he should, he should have fired those generals
12:21and not fired the one that you mentioned.
12:23And so he's got no love lost.
12:25But he should have fired those generals.
12:27No general got fired for the most embarrassing moment
12:31in the history of our country, Afghanistan,
12:33where we left billions of dollars of equipment behind.
12:36We lost 13 beautiful soldiers and 38 soldiers were obliterated.
12:40And by the way, we left people behind too.
12:42We left American citizens behind.
12:44When Putin saw that, he said, you know what?
12:47I think we're going to go in and maybe take my, this was his dream.
12:51His dream about it, his dream.
12:53The difference is he never would have invaded Ukraine.
12:56Never. Just like Israel would have never been invaded
13:00in a million years by Hamas.
13:03You know why?
13:05Because Iran was broke with me.
13:07I wouldn't let anybody do business with them.
13:09They ran out of money. They were broke.
13:11They had no money for Hamas.
13:13They had no money for anything.
13:15No money for terror.
13:17That's why you had no terror at all during my administration.
13:19In this place, the whole world is blowing up under him.
13:22President Biden?
13:24I've never heard so much malarkey in my whole life.
13:27Look, the fact of the matter is that we're in a situation
13:29where, let's take the last point first.
13:31Iran attacked American troops,
13:34caused brain damage for a number of these troops,
13:38and he did nothing about it when he was president.
13:41They attacked.
13:43He said, they're just having headaches. That's all it is.
13:45He didn't do a thing when the attack took place, number one.
13:47Number two, we got over 100,000 Americans and others
13:52out of Afghanistan during that airlift.
13:56Number three, we found ourselves in a situation where,
13:59if you take a look at what Trump did in Ukraine,
14:02this guy told Trump,
14:05do whatever you want, and do whatever you want.
14:08And that's exactly what Trump did to Putin.
14:12Encourage him, do whatever you want.
14:14And he went in. Listen to what he said when he went in.
14:16He was going to take Kiev in five days, remember?
14:19Because it's part of the old Soviet Union.
14:21That's what he wanted to reestablish.
14:23Kiev. And he, in fact, didn't do it at all.
14:26He didn't, wasn't able to get it done.
14:28And they've lost over, they've lost thousands and thousands of troops.
14:31500,000 troops.
14:33President Trump, I'm going to come back to you for one minute.
14:36I just want to go back to my original question,
14:38which is, are Putin's terms acceptable to you?
14:41Keeping the territory in Ukraine.
14:43No, they're not acceptable.
14:44But look, this is a war that never should have started.
14:47If we had a leader in this war, he led everybody along.
14:51He's given $200 billion now or more to Ukraine.
14:55He's given $200 billion.
14:57That's a lot of money.
14:59I don't think there's ever been anything like it.
15:01Every time that Zelensky comes to this country,
15:03he walks away with $60 billion.
15:05He's the greatest salesman ever.
15:07And I'm not knocking him, I'm not knocking anything.
15:09I'm only saying, the money that we're spending on this war,
15:13and we shouldn't be spending, it should have never happened.
15:17I will have that war settled between Putin and Zelensky
15:21as president-elect before I take office on January 20th.
15:25I'll have that war settled.
15:27People being killed so needlessly, so stupidly,
15:30and I will get it settled,
15:32and I'll get it settled fast before I take office.
15:35President Biden, you have a minute.
15:37The fact is that Putin is a war criminal.
15:40He's killed thousands and thousands of people.
15:43And he has made one thing clear.
15:45He wants to re-establish what was part of the Soviet Empire,
15:49not just a peace, he wants all of Ukraine.
15:52That's what he wants.
15:54And then do you think he'll stop there?
15:56Do you think he'll stop if he takes Ukraine?
15:58What do you think happens to Poland?
16:00What do you think of Belarus?
16:02What do you think happens to those NATO countries?
16:04And so if you want a war, you ought to find out what he's going to do
16:07because if in fact he does what he says and walks away.
16:11By the way, all that money we give Ukraine,
16:14the weapons we make here in the United States,
16:16we give them the weapons, not the money at this point.
16:19And our NATO allies have produced as much funding for Ukraine as we have.
16:25That's why we're strong.
16:27Former President Trump, I want to ask you about January 6th, 2021.
16:31After you rallied your supporters that day,
16:33some of them stormed the Capitol
16:34to stop the constitutionally mandated counting of electoral votes.
16:38As president, you swore an oath to, quote, preserve, protect, and defend, unquote, the Constitution.
16:44What do you say to voters who believe that you violated that oath
16:47through your actions and inaction on January 6th and worry that you'll do it again?
16:51Well, I don't think too many believe that.
16:53And let me tell you about January 6th.
16:55On January 6th, we had a great border.
16:58Nobody coming through, very few.
17:00On January 6th, we were energy independent.
17:03On January 6th, we had the lowest taxes ever.
17:06We had the lowest regulations ever.
17:08On January 6th, we were respected all over the world.
17:11All over the world, we were respected.
17:13And then he comes in, and we're now left that.
17:16We're like a bunch of stupid people.
17:18What happened to the United States' reputation under this man's leadership is horrible,
17:25including weaponization, which I'm sure at some point you'll be talking about,
17:29where he goes after his political opponent because he can't beat him fair and square.
17:33You have 80 seconds left.
17:35My question was, what do you say to those voters who believe that you violated
17:39your constitutional oath through your actions and inaction on January 6th, 2021,
17:43and worry that you'll do it again?
17:45Well, I didn't say that to anybody.
17:47I said peacefully and patriotically.
17:49And Nancy Pelosi, if you just watched the news from two days ago,
17:53on tape to her daughter, who's a documentary filmmaker, they say.
17:58But she's saying, oh, no, it's my responsibility.
18:01I was responsible for this.
18:03Because I offered her 10,000 soldiers or National Guard.
18:06And she turned them down.
18:08And the mayor of, in writing, by the way, the mayor, in writing, turned it down.
18:12The mayor of D.C.
18:14They turned it down.
18:16I offered 10,000 because I could see.
18:18I had virtually nothing to do.
18:20They asked me to go make a speech.
18:22I could see what was happening.
18:24Everybody was saying they're going to be there on January 6th.
18:26They're going to be there.
18:28And I said, you know what, there's a lot of people coming.
18:30You could feel it.
18:31And I said, they ought to have some National Guard or whatever.
18:34And I offered it to her.
18:36And she now admits that she turned it down.
18:39And it was the same day.
18:41She was, I don't know, he can't be very happy with her daughter
18:43because it made her into a liar.
18:45She said, I take full responsibility for January 6th.
18:49President Biden?
18:51Look, he encouraged those folks up on Capitol Hill, number one.
18:56I sat in the dining room off the Oval Office.
18:58He sat there for three hours.
19:00Three hours watching, begging, being begged by his vice president
19:05and a number of his colleagues on the Republican side as well
19:08to do something, to call for a stop, to end it.
19:11Instead, he talked about these people being patriots
19:14and great patrons of America.
19:17In fact, he says he'll now forgive them for what they've done.
19:20They've been convicted.
19:22He says he wants to commute their sentences and say no.
19:27He went to every single court in the nation.
19:30In many cases, scores of cases, including the Supreme Court.
19:34And they said, no, no, this guy is responsible for doing what was done.
19:41He did do a damn thing.
19:43And these people should be in jail.
19:45And they should be the ones who are being held accountable.
19:48And he wants to let them all out.
19:50And now he says if he loses again, such a whiner that he is,
19:53that it could be a bloodbath.
19:55Thank you, President Biden. President Trump?
19:57What they've done to some people that are so innocent,
20:00you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
20:02What you have done, how you've destroyed the lives of so many people.
20:05When they ripped down Portland, when they ripped down many other cities.
20:11You go to Minnesota, Minneapolis, what they've done there
20:14with the fires all over the city.
20:16If I didn't bring in the National Guard, that city would have been destroyed.
20:19When you look at all of the...
20:21They took over big chunks of Seattle.
20:24I was all set to bring in the National Guard.
20:26They saw them coming and they left immediately.
20:29What he said about this whole subject is so off.
20:33Peacefully patriotic.
20:35One other thing, the unselect committee,
20:38which is basically two horrible Republicans
20:41that are all gone now out of office,
20:44and Democrats, all Democrats,
20:46they destroyed and deleted all of the information they found
20:50because they found out we were right.
20:52We were right. And they deleted and destroyed all of the information.
20:55They should go to jail for that.
20:57If a Republican did that, they'd go to jail.
20:59Thank you, President Trump. President Biden, I want to give you a minute.
21:02The only person on this stage as a convicted felon
21:04is the man I'm looking at right now.
21:06And the fact of the matter is,
21:08what he's telling you is simply not true.
21:11The fact is that there was no effort on his part
21:14to stop what was going on up in Capitol Hill.
21:17And all those people, every one of those who were convicted
21:20deserves to be convicted.
21:22The idea that they didn't kill somebody
21:23just went in and broke down doors,
21:25broke the windows, occupied offices,
21:28turned over desks, turned them over statues,
21:31the idea that those people are patriots?
21:34Come on.
21:36When I asked him the first of two debates we had,
21:38the debates we had the first time around,
21:40I said, will you denounce the Proud Boys?
21:43He said, no, I'll tell them to stand by.
21:45The idea he's refusing, will you denounce these guys?
21:49Will you denounce the people we're talking about now?
21:52Will you denounce the people who attacked that Capitol?
21:55What are you going to do?
21:58I'm going to give you a minute, President Trump,
22:01for a follow-up question I have.
22:04After a jury convicted you of 34 felonies last month,
22:07you said if reelected you would, quote,
22:09have every right to go after, unquote,
22:11your political opponents.
22:13You just talked about members of the Select Committee
22:15on January 6th going to jail.
22:17Your main political opponent is standing on stage
22:19with you tonight.
22:20Tell me exactly what it means about you feeling
22:22you have every right to go after your political opponents.
22:25Well, I said my retribution is going to be success.
22:28We're going to make this country successful again
22:30because right now it's a failing nation.
22:32My retribution is going to be success.
22:34But when he talks about a convicted felon,
22:36his son is a convicted felon at a very high level.
22:39His son is convicted, going to be convicted
22:41probably numerous other times.
22:43Should have been convicted before,
22:45but his Justice Department let the statute of limitations
22:47lapse on the most important things.
22:49But he could be a convicted felon
22:51as soon as he gets out of office.
22:53Joe could be a convicted felon
22:55with all of the things that he's done.
22:57He's done horrible things.
22:59All of the death cause at the border,
23:01telling the Ukrainian people
23:03that we're going to want a billion dollars
23:05or you change the prosecutor.
23:07Otherwise you're not getting a billion dollars.
23:09If I ever said that, that's quid pro quo.
23:11That we're not going to do anything.
23:13We're not going to give you a billion dollars
23:15unless you change your prosecutor
23:17having to do with his son.
23:19You're lucky, you're lucky.
23:21I did nothing wrong.
23:23We'd have a system that was rigged and disgusting.
23:25I did nothing wrong.
23:27Thank you, President Trump.
23:29President Biden, you have said,
23:31I'm coming right to you, sir.
23:33Well, you want to respond?
23:35Go ahead, I'll give you a minute to respond.
23:37The idea that I did anything wrong
23:39relative to what you're talking about is outrageous.
23:41It's simply a lie, number one.
23:43Number two, the idea that you have a right
23:45to seek retribution against any American
23:46is wrong, is simply wrong.
23:48No president has ever spoken like that before.
23:50No president in our history has spoken like that before.
23:53Number three, the crimes that you are still charged with,
23:56and think of all the civil penalties you have.
23:58How many billions of dollars do you owe in civil penalties
24:01for molesting a woman in public,
24:04for doing a whole range of things,
24:06of having sex with a porn star
24:08while your wife was pregnant?
24:11I mean, what are you talking about?
24:14You have the morals of an alley cat.
24:17Do you have a minute, sir?
24:19I didn't have sex with a porn star, number one.
24:21Number two, that was a case that was started and moved.
24:25They moved a high-ranking official, a DOJ,
24:28into the Manhattan DA's office to start that case.
24:31That case is going to be appealed and won.
24:33We had a very terrible judge, a horrible judge, Democrat.
24:38The prosecutor were all high-ranking Democrats,
24:41appointed people, and both the civil
24:44and the criminal.
24:46He basically went after his political opponent
24:48because he thought it was going to damage me.
24:50But when the public found out about these cases,
24:52because they understand it better than he does.
24:54He has no idea what these cases are.
24:56But when they found out about these cases,
24:58you know what they did?
25:00My poll numbers went up, way up.
25:02You know that because you're reporting it.
25:04And we took in more money in the last two weeks
25:06than we've ever taken in in the history of any campaign.
25:09I don't think any campaign has ever taken.
25:11Hundreds of millions of dollars came pouring in
25:12because the public knows it's a scam
25:15and it's a guy that's after his political opponent
25:17because he can't win fair and square.
25:19Let's turn to concerns that voters have about each of you.
25:23President Biden, you would be 86 at the end of your second term.
25:28How do you address concerns about your capability
25:31to handle the toughest job in the world well into your 80s?
25:36Well, first of all, I spent half my career
25:39being criticized as being the youngest person in politics.
25:43I was the second youngest person
25:45ever elected to the United States Senate,
25:47and now I'm the oldest.
25:49This guy's three years younger and a lot less competent.
25:51I think that just look at the record.
25:53Look at what I've done.
25:55Look how I've turned around the horrible situation he left me.
25:57As I said, 50 million new jobs,
25:59800,000 manufacturing jobs,
26:01more investment in America,
26:03over millions, billions of dollars
26:05in private investment in enterprises
26:07that we are growing.
26:09By the way, we brought off a lot of people
26:11the whole idea of computer chips.
26:14We used to have 40% of the market.
26:16We invented those chips, and we lost it
26:19because he was sending people
26:21to find the cheapest jobs overseas
26:23and to bring home a product.
26:25So I went to South Korea.
26:27I convinced Samsung to invest billions of dollars
26:30here in the United States.
26:32And guess what?
26:34Those fabs they call to build these chips,
26:38those fabs pay over $100,000.
26:41You don't need a college degree for them.
26:43And there's billions, about $40 billion
26:46already being invested and being built right now
26:48in the United States creating significant jobs
26:51for Americans from all over the world.
26:54President Biden, you have 40 seconds left.
26:56Would you like to add anything?
26:58Yeah, I would.
27:00The idea that somehow we are this failing country.
27:02I've never heard a president talk like this before.
27:05We're the envy of the world.
27:07Name me a single major country president
27:10who wouldn't trade places with the United States of America
27:13for all our problems and all our opportunities.
27:16We're the most progressive country in the world
27:18in getting things done.
27:20We're the strongest country in the world.
27:22We're a country in the world who keeps our word
27:24and everybody trusts us, all of our allies,
27:26and those who he coddles up to.
27:30Kim Jong-un, he sends love letters to Putin, etc.
27:33They don't want to screw around with us.
27:36Thank you.
27:38Former President Trump, to follow up,
27:40you would be 82 at the end of your second term.
27:42What do you say to voters who have concerns
27:44about your capabilities to serve?
27:47Well, I took two tests, cognitive tests.
27:49I aced them, both of them, as you know.
27:51We made it public.
27:53He took none.
27:55I'd like to see him take one, just one, a real easy one.
27:57Like go through the first five questions.
27:58I took two cognitive tests.
28:00I took physical exams every year.
28:02And, you know, we knock on wood,
28:04wherever we may have wood,
28:06that I'm in very good health.
28:08I just won two club championships, not even senior.
28:10Two regular club championships.
28:12To do that, you have to be quite smart
28:14and you have to be able to hit the ball a long way.
28:16And I do it.
28:18He doesn't do it.
28:20He can't hit a ball 50 yards.
28:22He challenged me to a golf match.
28:24He can't hit a ball 50 yards.
28:26I think I'm in very good shape.
28:28I feel like I'm 30 years ago.
28:30Actually, I'm probably a little bit lighter,
28:32but I'm in as good a shape as I was years ago.
28:34I feel very good.
28:36I feel the same.
28:38But I took, I was willing to take a cognitive test.
28:40And you know what?
28:42If I didn't do well, I aced him.
28:44Dr. Ronny Jackson, who's a great guy,
28:46when he was White House doctor.
28:48And then I took another one, a similar one.
28:50And both, one of them said
28:52they've never seen anybody ace him.
28:54Thank you.
28:56President Biden?
28:58Well, you said 6'4", 200.
29:00Well, anyway, that's what you're...
29:02Anyway, just take a look at what he says he is,
29:04and take a look at what he is.
29:06Look, I'd be happy to have a driving contest with him.
29:08The reason I got my handicap,
29:10which when I was vice president,
29:12down to a 6.
29:14And by the way, I told you before,
29:16I'm happy to play golf with you
29:18if you carry your own bag.
29:20Think you can do it?
29:22That's the biggest lie that he's a 6 handicap of all.
29:24I was an 18-year-old.
29:26I was a 6 handicap of all.
29:28I was an 8 handicap.
29:32You know how many...
29:34I've seen you swing. I know you swing.
29:36Let's not act like children, Joe.
29:38Let's not act like children.
29:40To a specific concern
29:42that voters have about you.
29:44Will you pledge tonight
29:46that once all legal challenges
29:48have been exhausted,
29:50that you will accept the results of this election,
29:52regardless of who wins,
29:53and you will say right now
29:55that political violence in any form
29:57is unacceptable?
29:59Well, I shouldn't have to say that,
30:01but of course I believe that.
30:03It's totally unacceptable.
30:05And if you would see my statements
30:07that I made on Twitter at the time
30:09and also my statement that I made in the Rose Garden,
30:11you would say it's one of the strongest statements
30:13you've ever seen,
30:15in addition to the speech I made
30:17in front of, I believe,
30:19the largest crowd I've ever spoken to.
30:21And I will tell you,
30:23I was in the Capitol,
30:25and in many cases were ushered in by the police.
30:27And as Nancy Pelosi said,
30:29it was her responsibility, not mine.
30:31She said that loud and clear.
30:33But the answer is,
30:35if the election is fair, free,
30:37and I want that more than anybody.
30:39And I'll tell you something.
30:41I wish he was a great president
30:43because I wouldn't be here right now.
30:45I'd be at one of my many places
30:47enjoying myself.
30:49I wouldn't be under indictment
30:51because I wouldn't have been
30:53because I was his opponent.
30:55I wish he was a great president.
30:57I would rather have that.
30:59I wouldn't be here.
31:01I don't mind being here.
31:03But the only reason I'm here
31:05is he's so bad as a president
31:07that I'm going to make America great again.
31:09We're going to make America great again.
31:11We're a failing nation right now.
31:13We're a seriously failing nation.
31:15And we're a failing nation because of him.
31:17His policies are so bad.
31:19His military policies are insane.
31:21They're insane.
31:23And we're going to end with him.
31:25He will drive us into World War III.
31:27And we're closer to World War III
31:29than anybody can imagine.
31:31We are very, very close to World War III.
31:33And he's driving us there.
31:35And Kim Jong-un and President Xi of China,
31:38Kim Jong-un of North Korea,
31:40all of these are Putin.
31:42They don't respect him.
31:44They don't fear him.
31:46They have nothing going with this gentleman.
31:48And he's going to drive us into World War III.
31:50You want a World War III.
31:52Let him follow and win.
31:54And let Putin say, do what you want, NATO.
31:56Just do what you want.
31:58There's a thing called Article 5.
32:00An attack on one is an attack on all.
32:02A required response.
32:04The idea, the idea.
32:06I can't think of a single major leader in the world
32:09who wouldn't trade places with the job I've done
32:11and what they've done.
32:13Because we are a powerful nation.
32:15We have wonderful people.
32:17It's because of the people, not me.
32:19It's because of the American people.
32:20We need it.
32:22And right now, we're needed.
32:24We're needed to protect the world
32:26because our own safety is at stake.
32:28And again, you want to have a war,
32:30just let Putin go ahead and take Kiev.
32:32Make sure they move on.
32:34See what happens in Poland, Hungary,
32:36and other places along that border.
32:38Then you have a war.
32:40President Trump, as I come back to you for a follow-up,
32:43the question was,
32:45will you accept the results of this election
32:47regardless of who wins?
32:49Let me finish what he said, if I might.
32:54They took a lot of land from Bush.
32:56They took a lot of land from Obama and Biden.
32:59They took no land, nothing, from Trump.
33:04He knew not to do it.
33:06He's not going to play games with me.
33:08He knew that.
33:10I got along with him very well,
33:12but he knew not to play games.
33:14He took nothing from me.
33:16But now he's going to take the whole thing
33:17that would have never started ever with me.
33:20And he's going to take Ukraine.
33:23And, you know, you asked me a question before,
33:25would you do this?
33:27He's got us in such a bad position right now
33:29with Ukraine and Russia
33:31because Ukraine's not winning that war.
33:33He said, I will never settle until such time.
33:35They're running out of people.
33:37They're running out of soldiers.
33:39They've lost so many people.
33:41It's so sad.
33:43They've lost so many people,
33:45and they've lost those gorgeous cities
33:47because of him and stupid decisions.
33:49Russia would have never attacked if I were president.
33:52President Trump, the question was,
33:54will you accept the results of the election,
33:56regardless of who wins, yes or no, please?
33:58If it's a fair and legal and good election, absolutely.
34:02I would have much rather accepted these,
34:05but the fraud and everything else was ridiculous.
34:09And if you want, we'll have a news conference on it in a week.
34:12Or we'll have another one of these in a week.
34:15But I will absolutely, there's nothing I'd rather do.
34:19It would be much easier for me to do that
34:22than I'm running again.
34:24I wasn't really going to run
34:26until I saw the horrible job he did.
34:29He's destroying our country.
34:31I would be very happy to be someplace else
34:33in a nice location someplace.
34:35And again, no indictments,
34:37no political opponent stuff
34:39because it's the only way he thinks he can win.
34:41But unfortunately, it's driven up my numbers
34:42and driven up to a very high level
34:44because the people understand it.
34:46Let's see what your numbers are when this election is over.
34:49Let's see.
34:51You're a whiner.
34:53When you lost the first time,
34:55you continued, you appealed and appealed
34:57to courts all across the country.
34:59Not one single court in America
35:01said any of your claims had any merit,
35:03state or local, none.
35:05But you continue to provoke this lie
35:08about somehow there's all this misrepresentation
35:11all this stealing.
35:13There is no evidence of that at all.
35:15And I tell you what,
35:17I doubt whether you'll accept it
35:19because you're such a whiner.
35:21The idea if you lose again,
35:23you accepting anything,
35:25you can't stand the loss.
35:27Something snapped in you when you lost the last time.
