БАЙДЕН ПРОТИВ ТРАМПА: КОМУ НУЖНА ВОЙНА? | #ВзглядПанченкоvideoplayback (3)

  • 4 months ago
США в серьезном внутреннем кризисе. Общество фактически разделено на две противоположные политические и социальные группы. И раскол угрожает стабильности страны и всего мира, влияя на внутренние и внешние политические решения. Напряженность между штатами и элитами растет, усиливается влияние внешних факторов, создавая вызовы для будущего США.

Но несмотря на это, обе политические партии в США ищут возможность разжигать новые мировые конфликты. Ведь война в Евразии не просто чрезвычайно экономически выгодна для Штатов, но и может стать гарантом сохранности гегемонии Соединенных Штатов. Удастся ли пока сильнейшей стране в мире отстоять свое влияние несмотря на противоречия, которые разрывают ее изнутри?

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00:00 Мой аккаунт в Х
02:22 Виновные президенты
04:24 Война - выгода Америки
05:32 Может ли что-то измениться?
06:58 Штаты разваливаются
09:05 Как все решить?

#взглядпанченко #панченко #новости #новостиукраины #украина #война #геополитика #россия #экономика #сша #третьямироваявойна #харьков #твиттер #илонмаск #провокация #Война #Путин #травля #пропаганда #war #Putin #Kharkiv #fakenews #millitaryassault #боты #ядернаявойна #эскалация #мир #хейтеры


00:00The attitude of people in the world to the United States of America is completely opposite.
00:17Some believe that the United States is a paradise on earth, where everyone is given a house with a pool.
00:21Others believe that the United States is a universal evil that destroys the planet.
00:25Most of all, the policy of the United States meets resistance where they once had a huge influence.
00:31India, China, Turkey, even Russia, which in the 90s was actively friendly with the West.
00:36I do not hint at anything, think for yourself.
00:39But in fact, the truth is somewhere in the middle.
00:42And whether you like it or not, but the United States is the most powerful country on the planet today.
00:47And the events that take place there will have consequences for the whole world.
00:52Today, there is a huge political and social split in the United States.
00:56Biden against Trump, Democrats against Republicans, leftists against rightists, liberals against conservatives.
01:01And the most dangerous thing is that this split divides society equally.
01:06This can be seen in the ratings of Biden and Trump, which differ by several percent.
01:10And this split is so fundamental that consensus is not possible.
01:22Biden, the worst president in the history of the United States.
01:26Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represented extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.
01:35But if I walk left, there's a stair.
01:39And if I walk right, there's a stair.
01:42And this guy gets up.
01:44Where am I?
01:53Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly.
01:57What's your response to that, sir?
02:01Do you think the conviction will have an impact on the campaign?
02:22Both political groups increase the degree of escalation.
02:25If you believe in the independent judicial system of the United States, then close your ears.
02:30Well, or consider it a coincidence.
02:32So, on May 31, the jury recognized Trump guilty.
02:36He can get a four-year sentence.
02:38On June 11, the jury recognized Biden's son guilty.
02:43He faces 25 years in prison.
02:45And it doesn't even matter which articles.
02:47If a competent lawyer takes care of each of you, friends, then there will always be a reason.
02:52It is important that each of them was found guilty.
02:56Decisions are made one after another.
02:58As are the terms when a measure of obstruction should be elected.
03:01For Trump, this is July 11.
03:03Four days before the Republican Party should officially nominate him as a candidate for president at the National Congress.
03:10For counter Biden, within 120 days.
03:14This is October.
03:15In fact, a few weeks before his father will be elected president for a second term.
03:20The American elites are raising stakes in the game of one against another.
03:24Trump is the first president of the United States who can be imprisoned.
03:28Biden is the first such son of the president of the United States.
03:30A huge number of options are considered.
03:33From the fact that if Trump is imprisoned, then he can choose the place of his imprisonment.
03:38White House.
03:39And lead the country from there.
03:41And part of the US elite can apply the toughest sanctions against Trump and sacrifice Biden's son.
03:48But in the first case, you understand what consequences this will have for the entire image of the United States.
03:56When the US president will legally sit in prison and rule the most powerful country on the planet.
04:02At the same time, it is also difficult for the elite to sacrifice Biden's son.
04:07Because one of the main, one of the key principles of the functioning of the elite is the support of each other.
04:13And if you sacrifice someone, the whole house of cards can crumble.
04:17But nothing can be excluded.
04:19I am sure that in the near future we will have many more surprises from the United States.
04:24What do you think, what will help the American elite to unite, raise the level of well-being of the population and solve their economic and social problems?
04:32Like last time, the Great War in Eurasia.
04:36Let me remind you, after the two world wars, the United States had 51% of the world GDP and 75% of the gold reserve.
04:45All brains and all capital ran to the United States.
04:48In the First World War, even if the Entente lost, the United States would not threaten anything.
04:53In the Second World War, Japan did not want to attack the United States, but only sought to get rid of the United States in its region.
05:00Now the situation is slightly different.
05:02The only country that can cause irreparable damage to the United States is Russia.
05:07That is why the main task of the United States is to ignite the conflict as much as possible, but not to get involved.
05:14And if you start looking at the world in this logic, then everything will immediately fall into place.
05:20All arms supplies, Biden's statement that the United States will never send the military, that Ukraine will never be taken by NATO.
05:27Because the only country in NATO that can fight is the United States, and they do not need it.
05:32Can something change? It is unlikely.
05:35Friends, listen, these are not politicians' statements, they make them especially for the masses.
05:40It is necessary to understand to whom it is beneficial.
05:42The position of Biden is widely discussed, where he, on the one hand, condemns the actions of Israel and calls for peace in Gaza.
05:49On the other hand, he sends even more weapons to Israel, which does not experience a deficit.
05:54The fact is that the war in Gaza is not at all popular among the electorate of the Democratic Party and Biden,
05:59where 75% support a swift truce.
06:03Everyone is outraged by a series of coordinated arms supplies to Netanyahu.
06:07Thousands of American students are boycotted to study in universities, they demand the cessation of hostilities in Gaza.
06:12But the hostilities continue.
06:15A similar situation is the position of the Republicans on the war in Ukraine.
06:19Apparently, the Republicans urge to stop sending money to Ukraine.
06:23And the United States does not understand why the level of life of the Americans is not growing at all,
06:28and they must send hundreds of billions of dollars to the most corrupted country in Europe.
06:34And the Republicans are guided by the interests of ordinary Americans.
06:39But let's assume that Trump will simply win the elections and the authorities will have Republicans.
06:45Will they stop financing wars in Eurasia?
06:48The stronger the wars on another continent, the more money and brains there will be in the United States.
06:54I think you yourself can answer this question.
06:58To better understand the situation in the United States, I will give several numbers.
07:02The British South has measured the popularity of separatist sentiments in the United States.
07:07And Alaska turned out to be the most dissatisfied state.
07:1036% of the residents of Alaska, the largest in the United States, are ready to leave the United States.
07:17The next is Texas. There are 31%.
07:20By the way, Texas has already sabotaged Washington's policy and independently took part of the border under its control.
07:25In California and New York, 29% want to leave the United States.
07:30Moreover, the situation in California will intensify in the event of Trump's victory.
07:34No wonder Governor Gavin Newsom is already conducting direct diplomatic negotiations with China around Washington.
07:41By the way, the budget deficit in California will soon reach $ 73 billion.
07:46And it is caused, among other things, by the outflow of the population.
07:49For example, the mortality rate from overdosing on drugs in the United States,
07:53according to the estimates of the National Center for Health Statistics,
07:56in recent years, more than 100,000 people per year.
08:00And the main thing is not even the numbers, the main thing is the dynamics.
08:04It is also worth adding the mortality rate from alcohol and suicide.
08:08In the United States, about 500,000 people have killed themselves in two years.
08:11Think about this figure, half a million, without any wars.
08:14The United States leads in the list of Nobel laureates and in the number of billionaires, but the chaos is slowly growing.
08:21In 2023, more than a million cars were stolen in the United States,
08:25some of which are immediately transported across the open southern border.
08:29A congressman's car was stolen under the guise of a gun, next to the Capitol.
08:33Pirate gangs have formed in San Francisco,
08:35who come to yachts in the middle of the night and take out everything they can.
08:39Coast Guard can't handle it.
08:41And against the background of all these processes, Tucker Carlson appears,
08:45who openly declares that he still remembers a safe and developed America,
08:51which corresponded to the American dream.
09:06And dozens of millions follow him.
09:08Yes, there is order in resort cities and areas for the rich,
09:11but there are more and more problems, and in the future this will not solve anything good.
09:15How to stop it? How to solve it?
09:18Think for yourself and write in the comments.
09:21Be patient, friends.
09:22I remind you that this video, like all others, was shot with the support of subscribers of the private channel.
09:27Therefore, if you always want to be in touch with me and help us,
09:30please, the link is in the description.
09:41To be continued...
