
  • 4 months ago


00:00What's up Wolfpack fam it's your boy Kid back at it again. Hope you're doing well continuing our journey of dad's army with the crew
00:17What shenanigans what adventures they're gonna get into this week?
00:19I got to stay tuned to find out ladies and gentlemen snacks is not included damn it
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00:37You can also um help out by just liking and commenting as simple as that guys, so let's get this party started. Let's see this one
00:46Snacks not included damn it bring your own ladies and gentlemen. Let's get it another episode
00:52To turn on the 821
00:55But he comes home each evening, and he's ready with his gun
01:00So who do you think you are kidding mr. Hitler?
01:12Now to wage war successfully every commander in the field
01:16should put himself in the enemy's shoes and
01:20See the situation from that point of view and so I asked myself
01:26If I were in Adolf's shoes, what would Adolf be thinking he'd probably be wondering what you were doing with his shoes on
01:37Sir he'd probably be thinking I wonder what I've been up to
01:42That's quite right Corp. And what have we been up to since Dunkirk?
01:45Well the only way for Hitler to find out for certain is to come and have a look
01:51My air raid warden down in gardenia gardens looks like her Hitler
01:57No, no, I don't think that Hitler would come personally why not s did I
02:02Think he would probably send a wrecking party in a submarine. Oh, yes was an entirely different case
02:11Send a swift silent surface craft
02:19And we're talking about Nazis not a patch Indians
02:24French dancers, you know the ones where the gentleman throws the lady around rather. I'll grab me. I never liked them much
02:33Dancers on the bill with Nellie Wallace
02:35Yes, and he treated her with disdain and threw it towards the trombone player
02:40She was a very haughty mission had very big thighs and long black silk stockings
02:50All right
02:53Wondering from the point of it. Yeah, let's cut the manner and get back into Hitler's shoes
02:57Well now the obvious place for a wrecking party to land would be in the estuary here
03:01And I have got permission to set up an observation post in the lighthouse here
03:05I missed you interfere sir
03:07I'm afraid the lighthouse is not being used anymore and therefore it's closed and not open
03:12They used it when your convoy come through
03:14That's quite right Fraser
03:16It is used on special occasions and they're quite happy for us to set up a guard post in here
03:21From time to time now this evening corporal Jones
03:24you will with your section rendezvous at the Jolly Roger ice cream parlor here on the end of the
03:31jetty and
03:32When the tide is low, you will cross the causeway here
03:35And once you're inside the lighthouse, you'll open the sealed orders that I'm so right. Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir
03:41Just one question sir after I've opened the sealed orders, what should I do read them very carefully?
03:54Excuse me, sir. I won't be able to go along tonight because I'm delivering essential supplies
03:58I've heard of these essential supplies of yours before walk. I know this is vital. It's for the hospital for the nurses
04:04Not elastic again, is it?
04:07No, it's airpins. Oh really Walker. No, no straight up there keep falling into the operations and a surgeon's a bit of a fuss
04:14But you know what? I mean? Anyway, I'll report back here as soon as I've finished
04:17Now, you know this really won't do Walker parade is a parade
04:20You know, I might be able to bring you that bottle of whiskey you asked for. Oh, never mind that
04:24Mr. Let's get back here as soon as you can, right? Oh, and by the way
04:29Let's fix a Lewis gun 15 Bob. No questions asked. I'll bring it back when I come back later, right spend it
04:35I'll bring you back that bottle of whiskey and all right off you go buttered him up buttered him up
04:42Rough diamond, isn't it?
05:18That that hey
05:21I'm now gonna take out the sealed orders and I've been taking out the sealed orders and I've got you unseal them and
05:28Everyone unseal them and I've got to read them to you and you are going to pay attention
05:34When you will be the seal doors, do you think I might be excused? No, no
05:39It's a long way down. Yeah, here we are
05:42Orders for section on watch from the lighthouse. You will commence duty at 2,000 hours
05:482,000 hours
05:53You will commence duty at
05:552,200 hours to you'll keep a strict lookout for any fifth columnist spies or saboteurs
06:02Infiltrating up the estuary what we do if we see any well, you tell me I'm your commander and then I will tell mr
06:09Manorin, he's my commander and then he will tell his commander and his commander will tell it tell somebody else
06:18Might be excused now. No, you've got it. Wait
06:21Here we are. God's will not be relieved until 800 hours
06:26He's fucked right. Well, we'll revise platoon advance to contact. Yeah
06:33Glad I caught you and you we're very busy. Mr. Hodges. What do you want? What do I want for the past two weeks?
06:38I've had serious reports on my warden on this street. You've been flashing lights from this all year on 27 separate occasions
06:44That's three more than 17 Pembroke Gardens and they turned out to be enemy aliens
06:49I can't accept that one more infringement from these premises and I'll have you up before the magistrate
06:53You have no authority over the military military. That's a laugh when I start look Manorin
06:58If you think you can strut around here like Lord Muck, well, you can't I'm in charge of this sector and I'm warning you
07:04Put that finger down and get out of my headquarters
07:07I'm going but you've had a warning. You've had your last warning now one more flash out of you
07:14And you'll have a policeman feeling your collar
07:23Corporal Jones what?
07:25Do you think mr. Godfrey's? All right has been gone an awful long time. Yes, of course. He's all right
07:30There's a lot of steps in there. It's always a lot of steps in a lighthouse. He's been gone nearly a quarter an hour already
07:36But the time he gets halfway up, he'll probably have to start down again
07:41Why don't you pop down see how he's getting on
07:49Did you lock and bar the door
07:52Rock when he come up
07:58While the horses wouldn't it drag me down there before dawn
08:03Why not? Mr. Fraser
08:06So don't I'm not telling
08:09It's because there's something that happened to my old school friend
08:12Wally Regan
08:14He was keeper of the light on the fair law rock
08:23Clifford is a telly
08:25And money at all ship has gone to its called watery grave
08:31pounding on those granite boulders
08:35One night I was just such a night is this
08:39When the wind was wailing mournfully in the Reagan
08:45Lighthouses don't have rigging this one dead
08:49Well, they started in the stairs to bring up a new wick for the law near the bottom some made him stop
08:58below in the gloom
09:00He could hear a low painful moan and a a slithering
09:09Something was moving in the dark
09:12Wally started back upstairs
09:15Twenty steps up he stopped and turned
09:19He could see nothing
09:22But the dark was darker and the moon was moaning louder and the slithering was coming nearer and nearer and nearer
09:29Wally didn't hesitate he scrambled up the stairs up and up he went higher and higher
09:37until his lungs
09:39Were gasping and his heart was thumping out of his body
09:43He didn't stop because he knew that the thing was behind him at last
09:48He reached the top and with one desperate effort. He flung himself into the lamppost and threw himself in the door
09:56holding his breath
09:59He listened
10:04There it was
10:09The thing was on the other side trying to get in
10:16trying to get in
10:21He can't get in he can't get in
10:24Please please quiet the baby and listen don't scare someone mind opening the door
10:41Oh, hello, mr. Albert didn't expect to see you here tonight since the siren hasn't gone I was going to leave a note
10:46Oh anything important? Well, it's been about a bit of a blitz on blackouts
10:51The police have been complaining to the big wigs at area hq and they've sent a note down to me
10:55Uh, we don't have much bother here being on the arbor front here fancy a cup. Don't mind if I do. Yeah
11:00Yeah, anyway, watch the blackout, won't you? Yeah, two lumps, please
11:05Mr. Jones, yeah
11:07If we do go downstairs
11:10You won't see willie's slithery thing, will we?
11:14No, of course we won't
11:17I'm gonna stay up here, aren't you? Yeah as long as possible
11:21If we go we'll go together. Oh, that'll be nice. Yeah
11:26And we can take a rifle and a candle and if we see the slithery thing
11:31We can shoot it
11:33Yeah, and we'll fix bayonets and all yeah
11:36I don't suppose slithery things like it happen any more than fuzzy wuzzies do
11:40You can't beat the old steel, you know pikey
11:44I wish uncle arthur was with us. Don't you know?
11:47No, I wish we was with him
11:53I say
11:56I'm, sorry
12:00I was just wondering if we saw spies
12:03How could we tell captain mathering? Well, I suppose we would have to use our initiative feeling that
12:09There's a telephone on the wall
12:12That's what I mean, you see we used our initiative and and that telephone on the wall
12:17Is it working?
12:19Well, I don't know. We'll we'll have to try it when we we have to try it. That's the best thing
12:23We'll try it. Yes
12:25We'll try it
12:32Hello jones butcher here
12:38He's dead dead then we're cut off keep calm we're cut off
12:42Cut off
12:44Slithery thing has wrapped itself around the wire. Of course. It has a young idiot
12:49Perhaps they haven't paid the bill
12:53My sister forgot to pay the bill once and we were cut off we
12:57We didn't know for over two weeks because very few people ring us up. You see there's a light switch here. Don't touch that
13:02We're not blacked out. Oh, well, what can she did she did just long enough to have a quick peek. Yeah
13:08All right, then. All right, then here we go
13:12The electricity's cut off keep calm keep calm it's this little thing
13:16Shut up, you're young. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute is the main switch. I'll do them. I'll do the main switch
13:27That's the
13:34No good hey look
13:54Anyway, you can read the instructions all right now
13:59A bit turn you off turn it off quick. Yeah. Yeah, i'll better turn it off, right?
14:02Well, i'm not going to turn it off. We're going to turn it off
14:06They used to have a time switch in in the phantom light with gordon arca
14:09We're trying to keep looking for switches when this thing's lighting up the whole cause here
14:14You've got dark. Come on. That's right. Fraser. That's right, right bit of action. Yes, uh pikey
14:20You go and look at the switches and fraser and I will do what we do something else
14:26I know we'll fix bayonets
14:31You're not gonna charge the damn thing are you
14:35Now look fraser i'm in command you fix bayonet, right?
14:39My sister broke a 40 watt bulb once and the accident did it made an awful
14:43Bang, you know if we break that it'll probably blow us all into the sea
14:47Now listen godfrey you give me your blanket. Come on
14:50Now we're gonna fix we're gonna fix one corner of the blanket and my bayonet and fix the other one the fraser's bayonet, right?
14:56That's right, right
14:59Go on stick it on the top there. All right, right ready. All right, lift it up right follow me
15:05Wait for the light. Here we go. Right
15:18Well, that's cleared up the bump for the time being all right good
15:22These brass heads from the war office certainly like their
15:27Red tape yes, they certainly do sir. Yes
15:30It makes it very hard for the front line fighting troops. Yes
15:32Well, this front line fighting troops going to make an early night of it if you don't mind sir
15:36Yes, why not? All right
15:41What are you doing wilson
15:44What happens that's funny, well, I don't find it very funny switch the light on just come outside here in a minute, would you say
15:51Come on look saying good. What do you make of that?
15:55Over there. Well, is that of the lighthouse? There's probably a special convoy going through
16:00Good heavens
16:02Dune's a section. You don't think it's possible sir that somebody might be meddling with something that doesn't concern them
16:08We must get down to the harbor at once wilson. All right, sir
16:13Well, that was what I call a real good cup of tea
16:15Yeah, that fellow walker from the home guard got a couple extra pounds for us go on
16:19Walker, I wouldn't have touched it if I'd known
16:22Well since the luftwaffe haven't honored us with their presence I think i'll pop off home good night, mr. Alberts
16:33Sure is bright. Mr. Alberts. Mr. Alberts
16:42I didn't know they were flashing tonight. I haven't been notified. I saw the home guard not going to go at low tide
16:48Not mannering's mob. Well, no, no, no lance corpus. Well, anyway, you know that the ruddy hooligans put that light out put that ruddy light out
17:09He's great that light out boys
17:44Look at this you've clogged the cogs
17:47Well, anyway, we don't have to go on running around like squirrels in a cage anymore
17:52Doesn't want me to look pretty all the time
17:58It's stuck right across the town it's a good job the siren hasn't gone in it
18:05Oh fucking shit brother
18:10I don't think mr. Manron's going to be very pleased with us
18:22I used to have uh
18:23Stopped going round and round sir. This is damn serious. Wilson. Yes
18:27Things lighting up the whole town we're sitting target for every jerry plane within 50 miles
18:32That full mannering isn't even in his headquarters
18:36You lot have done that you're not the old town lit up like blackpool illuminations and our jerry's arrived
18:41I'm, well aware of the situation warden. Well, what are you going to do about it? I want to be informed
18:45Let's get out there at once you can't do that, sir
18:47I mean the tide's in the cause it was under six foot of water
18:50Let me just get a boat, but you can't you'll be dashed to pieces on the rocks. We can try can't we?
18:54Come on, Wilson. All right. Get a life belt. You can't do it. Let him do it
18:59Let him be dashed to pieces serves him. Right? Well, you can't do it. I tell you there's no such word as can't
19:04If the spirit is willing there's nothing can stop us
19:07There isn't a boat
19:11That is rather an obstacle
19:14Well, we must find some other way a pound to a penny you'll try and walk on the water
19:19This is a bit of a lark in it old jones is up the creek without a paddle and no mistake
19:23We've got to put that light out somehow walk up shoot it out. What did you say?
19:26He's got a lewis gun shoot it out
19:29Can't do that. You mean you couldn't hit it
19:32I mean one of our men might get hit your men. What about the town?
19:35What about the women and children all the bombs raining down on them?
19:37The bombs are not raining down on them. No, but they will be any minute
19:40Look if you won't take a decision, I will give us that gun
19:56We see him right or black out the old county mind you the aircraft factory will have to stop production. I don't be ridiculous walker
20:03Yeah, what about having a go at that transformer around the back? Let's have a go at that
20:06Look walker if you can't be sensible just keep quiet. I think that's very sensible. Oh
20:11Lead on walker and take this gun. I can't leave it here with those people about
20:17You lift this up you see hold the blanket up nice and high and that has stopped the light going over the town, won't it?
20:24Right, that's it. There you are. That's right. Well, that's that's quite good
20:27Yeah, you know, it doesn't stop it all together, but it's a much softer light. The other was terribly hard
20:35Mr. Jones, yeah the steam coming out the middle of the blanket
20:41That's a nap that layer it's probably a bit damp, you see
20:44Yeah, well air it when my mum puts things in front of the fire to where it it steams white and that's steaming black
20:52The back is on fire don't panic
21:20Unfortunately, it seems to be locked. Hello. Oh, that's easy. You got a pin anyone got you got a hairpin
21:27Am I likely to have a hairpin well you sell them don't you walker?
21:30Yeah, what i'd have to open a new packet wouldn't I mean I stand to lose don't I here use this paper clip
21:34Yeah, right. So here we go. Oh, look. Do you mind turning the other way sort of professional etiquette?
21:38You know what?
21:41All right, I can go that's it
21:47Oh, all we need is the right switch don't seem to be many switches there's plenty of wires. Oh insulators
21:55Give me a tin hat
21:56No, no, please please. Please. Don't don't don't don't be over. Don't overdo it stand clear stand well clear
22:04Oh boy
22:10I walk away slowly as though nothing
22:15Yeah, the lights are fused well pity that one hasn't get the hurricane lamps out
22:20Mr. Jones, I think I found another switch. Well, switch it buggy boy switch it
22:33Blimey if they can't see us they'll be able to wear us
22:36I can't stand under a pill. Oh god. Blimey. It's hutch
22:43Damn it. The light's still on. Of course. It's still on it's gone out in there though, right?
22:47Who's been flashing without my authority?
22:50Who are you? I'm the keeper. They've no business to flash without my authority
22:55Can that thing be turned off from the land? Of course not. It's powered by its own generator here
22:59Listen, why don't we use a telephone? It's cut off. It's not man. You see. Well, perhaps the exchange could reconnect it
23:04That's good thinking
23:13Hello hello, hello
23:15I used to live there once, you know, but me lungs couldn't stand it. The salt used to get in them
23:20You know, I I used to cough something awful
23:38Hello, put me through to the supervisor. Will you well I can't do that. She goes off at six. There's only me here
23:45Well, then you'll have to deal with it. Now. Listen very carefully
23:49This is captain man ring speaking of the home guard. Yes
23:54captain mannering
23:56M a i n w a r i n g. Well, do you want me to write that down? No, no, no, just listen, please
24:02Yes, sir captain i'm listening i'm speaking
24:06I'm speaking to you from the jolly roger ice cream parlor
24:10That's been shut since the war. I know it has
24:14It's an arp post and i'm speaking from it
24:17Are you an air raid warden as well? Well
24:20Never mind that will you connect me to the lighthouse? I can't it's cut off. I know it's cut off. Can you reconnect me?
24:27I can't do that. You'll have to talk to the supervisor
24:30That's who I asked for in the first place
24:34Just a minute just yeah, there's a dress here takes messages for the lighthouse. Ah good. That's the ticket
24:40Give it to me. Will you wilson? Yes, put this down. Will you all right?
24:45Yes, it's the jolly roger ice cream
24:51Jolly roger. Yes. All right. I'm speaking from there. Well, can't you give them the message then?
25:00Come here give it to me crazy, man
25:03Hello frieda
25:05Who's that? That's joe. Joe walker
25:09Oh, hello, joe
25:11Whoa, yeah, listen love stick 73 into 21. Will you?
25:16Whoa, joe, what are you up to now?
25:20All right, then i'll do it for you hang on
25:23Yeah, so she's putting you through you seem very well informed
25:26Well, we used to run the brandy from france before the war in the motorboats, you know
25:30That was his bed coast guard. He used to give us a tip off when they were coming around the bay, really
25:35The fucking man
25:38Jack jones the butcher
25:41Carl jones
25:42Yeah, this is captain manning speaking. Now. Listen very carefully. Yes, sir
25:46I'm going to give you instructions as to how to turn off the light
25:50Right, you're to go down to the generator room. Right go down to the generator room, right, sir
25:56Just a minute
25:59Just a minute
26:00It's locked
26:02Do you know where the key is? Yes, sir
26:04Jones, can you hear me? I'm going I'm going to tell you where the key is. It's here. It's here
26:15You'll have to break the door down and get into the generator room break door down generator room, right, sir
26:20I'll do that. So right away sir directly, sir
26:24How does it man we're going to go down and find the generator room and then we've got to find the door of it
26:29And we're going to break that down and we're going into the generator room and we're we're going to stop it
26:35What about the slithery thing? We'll stop that and all right
26:38Come on, come on. Come on. Come on. You stay here. You stay here. Mr. Godfrey
26:44Listen I can hear him manning. Listen
26:47There's hundreds of them
26:49They're not coming here they're on the way to somewhere else
26:51Yes, but when they see this they'll change their minds, won't they?
26:54I mean they won't have another chance like this in the old war. All right
26:57All right, jones will put it out in a minute. You've got to shoot it out
26:59Now you can't take the risk. They'll all be down below now, sir. I think you could
27:05Well, i'm going to hold it off until the last possible minute give me the gun walker sir
27:14Look mr. Jones, i'm making a rabbit
27:18It's the biggest one you ever saw. It's it's all over Walmington
27:24They're practically over it for god's sake shoot it out
27:30Now i'm making a bird
27:32It's going right up and down the high street
27:36What a pity there's no one here to see it
27:38Has one caught in a searchlight right over it shoot your bloody fool or it'll be murder. I think you could sir. Go on
27:45Go on. All right. Here goes
27:50Oh dear what a pity I was enjoying that
27:55Blimey that was a near thing. Well
27:59You haven't heard the last of this. No, sir
28:01I can't understand why we just don't concentrate on guarding things
28:05As opposed to getting mixed up in all these absurd operations
28:09Oh nonsense
28:11By doing this we've encountered difficulties
28:14We've triumphed over them
28:16And we're better soldiers for it
28:19We've been enriched by the experience all the same. I have a feeling when that bill comes in for that electric thing
28:23We'll all be a lot poorer
28:26No, there's not a shred of evidence to connect us with it
28:38Oh fuck
28:46Not good boys
28:54Not a moment too soon
29:18What's that light out guys
29:20We got to talk about it. Oh, man that telephone operator
29:24Uh, she was funny man, but man we got to talk about it enjoyable episode
29:28It was an eeriness to this now i'm looking for slytherins and shit. Hold on a second one second guys
29:34Thank you so much. Ladies and gents
29:37Ladies and gentlemen, man
29:39This episode rocked who freaking knew that I was going to be scared a little bit
29:45On on this one man again. Fraser is such a great storyteller
29:49Uh, yeah, he would imagine him reading you some sort of a horror book, uh, you know
29:55Like a bedtime story and shit, man. You shit your pants man
29:58My boys were we're scared of the slithery things around and you have the eerie sounds in the background
30:06quite the um
30:07Quite the mood quite the tone quite the environment. It's already spooky as shit in the lighthouse before they lit that shit up. Uh
30:16It was already dark and stuff so I think that was such a perfect moment a great moment, uh
30:21I want to give uh, you know fraser
30:23Credit and stuff like that. We always praise in a lot of the characters
30:26But fraser's character is a very very good character. And yeah, he got he got the boys
30:32Uh, you know a little bit terrified on this one, man
30:36I gotta say man that look at godfrey's face. Uh when they had to wait a certain amount of hours
30:41He's like that was like the oh boy i'm fucked kind of moment there so godfrey's moment there was absolutely, uh stellar and
30:50Thoroughly enjoyed the moment between uh, pikey and jonesy where you know
30:56Pike is scared jonesy is scared as well
30:59At least that's the vibes that I was getting both of them
31:02shitting the bricks because of the story and obviously pike's talking about the slithery things and shit like that and
31:09He's like man
31:11I wish uncle arthur was here
31:14and jonesy's like
31:17I wish we was with him and shit, you know, I mean not to be in this scary spooky ass scenario
31:22So, uh, love the vibes on this one arp my man the warden man fucking brilliant performance there
31:29Put that damn light out put that damn light on panicking getting scared. Uh, but again rightfully so man because
31:37With them shining especially, uh, you know, it was in bits and pieces earlier and then eventually fully being lit. Um,
31:45You have basically given your the location. So this was a scary kind of moment there too, you know, um
31:53Where you know down to the wire kind of moment. It's almost like a ticking time bomb or some shit or or
31:58uh, you see like in the cartoons you'll have the um,
32:01I guess the grenade with the or the tnt and it's about to fizzle out
32:05So that's kind of how I was feeling in the moment there with this intensity. Uh
32:11Mannering, uh, you know trying to be brave and shit like ah, fuck it. We're gonna go let's go get the life
32:16You know the life vest whatever. Uh
32:19But yeah, you ain't got no fucking boats. How you gonna cross that shit man?
32:22So we always love his bravery jonesy. Uh never ceases to not make me laugh
32:27That guy is fucking brilliant
32:29Great character pikey with the moments spraying him a little bit too
32:33You gotta have those little cheesy funny cool in the moment, uh with this group, but they sent up
32:39I think the best group to go to that lighthouse pikey godfrey with the bat, you know always having to go
32:45Uh, can I be relieved sir? Uh, uh, you know, obviously jonesy, you know
32:50these guys going around this shit like uh, mary go around was hilarious there and then
32:57That smoke situation and pike telling about moms usually would be white this shit is you know, this shit is great
33:03You know shit is going down and shit. So I was completely
33:07Worried as hell for this group some great moments. Um
33:11the canoe line
33:13by um
33:14With frazier early on and walker saying he doesn't know any Indian shit. That was a great moment there
33:19Uh, we also like that a lot of times when walker is saying something smart that manner is like you fucking asshole
33:26Uh, you got wilson just laughing man
33:29He's always laughing and I just love that about wilson
33:33Uh, you know just those little small things that he does
33:37A lot of times where you know again walker is talking and god damn ladies and gentlemen who doesn't walker freaking no man
33:44Just put the 71 or whatever the number was 71 into the 74 slot
33:47Whatever it was in that moment that lady the the phone lady. Absolutely funny who um
33:54Can't you tell can't you just tell the people in the ice cream shop where the fucking ice cream shop so that lady, uh provided
34:02Uh a spark of joy as well. Uh, a cool spirit
34:07She's like it was so funny too because when she heard and figured it's walker and he's talking to her and his you know
34:12smooth swab
34:13uh moment
34:15She's fixing her hair up like he can fucking see her and shit like that. I thought that shit was funny
34:20But yeah, just another enjoyable episode again
34:23Uh creepy moments
34:26plenty of laughs, uh, uh a real sense of urgency, especially again, you know when uh,
34:33When wilson turned off the lights and manor is already getting pissed off and shit
34:37What are you turning off the lights for?
34:39Opens the door. He's seeing like the flashing shit obviously from the scenario with my boys and
34:44Yeah, a real sense of urgency when they realize wait that's coming from the lighthouse jonesy's there and she's like
34:49Just a recipe for a disaster these guys get themselves into a pickle on countless scenarios and i'm all for it
34:55Again, man, just a very stellar episode. Uh, we love the boys
35:00Uh on this one, man, they just get into these crazy fucking scenarios and again want to praise frazier
35:07the ar the warden, especially you know
35:11Manorans on you know, it was like one more it was you know
35:15Get your finger out of my fucking face man
35:17And it felt like you're just being scolded by your mother and father or some shit. You've done something bad
35:23You you you broke some shit
35:26You know, like I don't know. I just felt like a fucking parent just scolding his son right there
35:31And man again warning is such a great character. We've grown to really appreciate that character over the uh, the seasons and series. Um,
35:40We got some really stellar characters here
35:42So loving the journey a lot a lot of things going on there. We'll see if they uh,
35:48Well, the evidence is there, you know with the tin, you know, it's a tin hat thing that uh walker, uh,
35:53Kindly reminded, uh this guy at the you know, mannering at the end, but man the adventures are crazy
35:59Definitely think this is a fantastic episode enjoyed it from start to finish
36:03Love the journey love the characters and just continue to want to see more. It's made my friday
36:07Hopefully it's made somebody smile get a little scared. Whatever the case may be. Hopefully you just enjoyed it alongside me
36:14Thanks for accompanying me my journey
36:17Don't forget to like come subscribe, you know the drill, uh, you know shout out to the patrons as well
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36:24Uh, you know for the latest reaction whatever's coming out on the channel. You'll want to stay tuned to find out
36:29Thanks for hanging out. Thanks for accompanying my journey. We'll see you soon. Peace out. Take care. Enjoy your weekend