zikre ilahi

  • 3 months ago
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00:00And I said that what is zikr? This is a most misunderstood subject like many other subjects
00:26just as the conception of jihad, distorted, perverted. In the same way what is zikr? Zikr,
00:35I gave you the definition in Arabic words, istihzarullahi fil qalb, keep Allah present
00:43in your heart. Istihzar, to keep Allah present in your heart, istihzarullahi fil qalb, it
00:51is zikr. And this will strengthen your defenses against shaitan as well as against your id
00:58or libido, your lower or baser self, your nafs-e-ammara. Your nafs-e-ammara is invading
01:05you, it wants to take you away, inna-nafs-a-la-ammara-kum-mistu, it wants to take you towards the shameful
01:12acts, towards munkar, towards injustice, towards getting wealth by hook or by crook, by halal
01:18or by haram. This nafs-e-ammara, you know, it has to, its duty is to bid you towards
01:23whatever is bad and whatever is shameful. Now to protect, you should have Allah in your
01:29heart. And to have Allah in your heart is zikr. So this is actually the, but why, what
01:36are the means, how to do it? We have termed the means of zikr as zikr. So this is the
01:44mistake. Zikr is something else. Zikr is to have Allah in your heart.