The Commish Season 4 Episode 18 Brooklyn

  • 3 months ago
The Commish Season 4 Episode 18 Brooklyn


01:00Fine Polly, I dare you to get past me!
01:02There's the mag, there's the ball!
01:04And Chamberlain grabs it!
01:06With a half second left, he tosses up a prayer!
01:10Will this stilt score?
01:12The crowd's going crazy!
01:14Will you, Scally?
01:16Hey, when you've got it, no sense keeping it a secret.
01:18Hey, what do you expect? He's been hammered as long as I've known him.
01:22Someday, huh guys?
01:26That's us. Tony, Polly and Vinny.
01:28The Three Musketeers.
01:30Keeping the streets of Bensonhurst safe.
01:34Come on, let's go get supper.
01:40How long since we've been back?
01:42Together? Yeah.
01:44Gotta be ten years.
01:46It's gonna be great to see the old neighborhood.
01:48When I think of those days,
01:50they were nothing but great.
01:52Not all of them.
01:54Well, no, not all of them.
01:56You and me and Vinny, we sure had our moments.
02:02This man might laugh,
02:04this man might joke,
02:06this man might chew rope
02:08and smoke snowflakes,
02:10but this man don't mess around!
02:14Hey, I got lucky.
02:16Hey, you win the lottery, you get lucky.
02:18What you did took brains,
02:20not to mention another part of the anatomy.
02:22Hey, you ladies see this?
02:24You see this?
02:28Officer Vincent Raposo
02:30spearheaded a nine-month sting operation
02:32which concluded yesterday
02:34in the arrest of Bensonhurst crime figure
02:36Reggie Martel
02:38on charges of assault with a deadly weapon.
02:40They even spelled Vinny's name right.
02:44So how come Martel's picture's bigger than yours?
02:46Because his ears are bigger than mine.
02:48Hey, did Reggie give you any trouble
02:50when you were taking him in?
02:52Nah, he was a pussycat.
02:54That's not what I heard.
02:56What do you hear?
02:58Hey, Mrs. Raposo,
03:00who you gonna believe, me or everybody else?
03:02All right, the only thing I believe
03:04is I got more beer than bladder right now.
03:06Come on, Reg, let's go do the powder thing.
03:10These guys and their glory.
03:12Let's see.
03:14Doc said another inch to the left.
03:16I'm in a box.
03:20There's Harry.
03:22You know what this means.
03:24You're the first of us to make detective.
03:26Hey, that means if you give us crap,
03:28we actually gotta take it.
03:30Hey, screw that noise.
03:32You guys were with me every step of the way.
03:34Yeah, but you brought him in.
03:36When I felt that bullet go into me,
03:38I thought,
03:40here I come.
03:44It was weird, but
03:46I didn't think of Gina,
03:48my folks,
03:50my sisters.
03:54What about the three of us
03:56shooting hoops in the schoolyard?
03:58Well, we said we'd all wear the blue.
04:02Who says your dreams never happen?
04:12I love you guys.
04:22What I don't get is why this woman...
04:24What's her name?
04:26Marla Zukowski.
04:28Why's she waited so long to come forward?
04:30Ralph says she's been stoned for the last 20 years.
04:32Six months ago, she sobered up and found God.
04:34Now she wants to atone for all her sins.
04:38Hey, hey, calm minds are still there.
04:42I used to pick up an apple
04:44on the way to school, and I'd give it to Miss DeMarco.
04:46Ugly Miss DeMarco,
04:48the English teacher?
04:50Oh, please. You sucked up to her with an apple a day?
04:52It worked.
04:54I got B pluses straight across.
05:04See? Some things never change.
05:06Sure they do.
05:10We always thought the Three Musketeers
05:12would last forever.
05:18Vinny! Vinny!
05:22No, no, Vinny!
05:28Oh, no, Vinny!
05:36I got, uh...
05:38I got scrapbooks in the den.
05:40Sometimes I like to look at the old pictures.
05:42This is gonna be
05:44a giant waste of time. I can feel it.
05:46What's with you? You've been in the funk
05:48ever since we found out.
05:50This brings up a lot of bad stuff for me.
05:52That's all.
05:54I'm sorry.
06:08Bob says Marla's got proof
06:10that she was with Fletcher that night.
06:12After 12 years, she's gonna need proof.
06:14Well, he says her story matches up
06:16with what Fletcher's been saying all along.
06:18Fletcher's been saying that
06:20since the day we brought him in.
06:22I didn't kill a cop. I didn't kill anyone.
06:24He pushed her all over the gun.
06:26Look, I swear, I don't know how it got there.
06:28Shut up, Fletcher.
06:30Shut up!
06:32Next thing I know, I'm in the back of this car.
06:34You killed Vinny Raposo!
06:36Do it!
06:53The smell of the 74th.
06:55Some things never improve.
07:03Chronicle Suns.
07:05Maxi! Hey, how are you, huh?
07:07Same headache, man. Different decade.
07:09I know these buns anywhere.
07:11Oh, haven't you heard, Gloria?
07:13Sexual harassment's a serious crime.
07:15I'm your friend, honey.
07:17Come around more often, I'll help you build that case.
07:20Looking better than ever, Gloria.
07:22Ralphie said he'd talk to you guys.
07:24Speaking of which...
07:28See you in court.
07:32Wally, hey, how you doing, man?
07:34Good to see you.
07:36Ralphie. Hey.
07:38You guys want to talk?
07:42So, what's going on?
07:44I don't know.
07:48So, what's with this Marla Zerkowski?
07:50Well, she claims she was hired by someone to be with Fletcher the night Vinny was killed.
07:54Slipped him a Mickey and then she left.
07:56Hired by who?
07:58She doesn't know. Somebody off the street.
08:00Now, you remember when we took Fletcher and he didn't have any I.D., right?
08:03Well, Marla's got his wallet.
08:05Claims she picked it off him after she knocked him out.
08:08So that's it? His wallet? That's the new evidence?
08:10No, there's other stuff, too.
08:12Stuff she couldn't possibly get from the newspapers.
08:14Like that tattoo on his ankle right up to his bikini underwear.
08:18Where's the D.A. stand on this?
08:20He's still going over his statement.
08:22You think she's connected to Fletcher in making this up to get him off?
08:25I don't know, Tony.
08:27I mean, it's the same story he's been telling for the past 12 years, right?
08:30It didn't check out then.
08:32I'd say she's got an agenda.
08:34Where is she now?
08:35We got her tucked away in a halfway house while we're going over her story.
08:38Where as in the exact address?
08:41Hey, come on, you guys. My captain is very turf sensitive.
08:44Get out of here.
08:45No, I don't think I'm going to be able to help you on this.
08:47You don't think you're going to be...
08:49He was your partner, Ralph. Don't you want to know who killed him?
08:52Captain Greg Burdage. This is Tony Scali.
08:55Pauli Pentangeli.
08:57Nice to meet you. I assume you're here on the Raposo case.
09:00Yes, we are.
09:01Well, you made the drive for nothing.
09:03D.A.'s never going to reopen it based on the word of some junkie.
09:05Well, we'd like to talk to her.
09:07Can't let you do that.
09:09We'll keep you posted.
09:17Maybe I should ask Gloria to snoop around and get us Marla's address.
09:20No, we can't put her in that position.
09:22I don't think Gloria would object to any position.
09:24I want to go through the front door on this one. I'll make some calls downtown.
09:27Hey, Tony.
09:28Gina, hey.
09:31Someone came into the bakery and they said they saw you guys. I couldn't believe it.
09:35I'm glad to hear the grapevine's still working.
09:37It's so good to see you.
09:40Gina, don't worry.
09:43You look great.
09:45You're a liar, but thanks anyway.
09:47How's Rachel and the kids?
09:48Oh, good. Everybody's good.
09:52Reggie Martel? He should still be in jail.
09:55Hey, is this a reunion?
09:57Hey, Reggie. Connie.
10:00Scali, I see you still refuse to acknowledge the fashion revolution.
10:05I just stopped by my cousin Eddie's place. He just got in some nice suits.
10:08Stuff even a cop can afford.
10:11When'd you get out, Martel?
10:12Four years ago.
10:13Vinnie nailed you for assault with a deadly. What'd you do?
10:16Good behavior.
10:18Who'd have guessed it, huh?
10:20Listen, let's not be breaking each other's chops here on old home week.
10:24Scali, listen, I never got to tell you how sorry I was about Vinnie.
10:28I never held it against the guy for busting me.
10:31He's just doing his job.
10:35You're looking good, Gina.
10:46So, uh, you gonna stand around all day or you guys wanna eat some lunch?
10:51Where else?
10:52Come on, let's go.
10:56It's the same menu. I recognize the ketchup stain. I love it.
11:02Hey, you're lucky. Three red hots, curly fries, and colas.
11:08Nothing changes, huh?
11:10So, I heard you got married.
11:12We split up. You know, it's better for both of us.
11:15So, what about you? You never remarried, huh?
11:19I got engaged a couple years after Vinnie died.
11:21A dentist from Canarsie.
11:23Oh, a dentist.
11:24I can't see you with a dentist.
11:26Neither could he.
11:28Life goes on. Still work at the bakery.
11:31Take Mont Atlantic City every Christmas. Jersey Shore in the summer.
11:34Nothing changes, huh?
11:36It's really good to see you again.
11:40I know why you're here.
11:42And I gotta be honest with you.
11:44I worked really hard the last 12 years to put Vinnie's death behind me.
11:49And now the DA's talking about opening up the case.
11:52I don't see the point.
11:54Well, I guess the point is, if Vinnie's killer's still out there...
11:58Yeah, I know, I know.
12:05Vinnie's case file.
12:07And the address of the halfway house where we put Marla.
12:10And I'd appreciate it if Burdage never found out where you got it.
12:19Hey, uh, we're looking for Marla Zukowski.
12:22She's in her room watching TV.
12:24First door on the right.
12:26Thank you.
12:39Mr. Zukowski?
12:46We need to ask you a couple of questions about Teddy Fletcher.
12:53New Jersey.
12:55New Jersey, Indiana, or Ohio.
12:57Can you tell us which state he's holding?
12:59He's holding New Jersey.
13:13You didn't think I was gonna find out about this.
13:16Who do you work for, Ralph?
13:18I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
13:21So, you know, your buddy's on report for unauthorized disclosure of department files.
13:25He had nothing to do with us finding this place.
13:27He already admitted it.
13:29Oh, and the DA's office called.
13:31They're not gonna reopen the case on Vinnie.
13:33Doesn't he think it's just a little bit suspicious?
13:36New information comes out and then the source of that information suddenly dies?
13:40She was a junkie. It happens.
13:42She was clean.
13:44There were no fresh needle marks except the one that killed her.
13:46Unless we find fingerprints or signs of a break-in,
13:49this was a suicide. End of story.
13:51Real thorough, Burdage.
13:53Hey, I don't need your judgment. You shouldn't even be here.
13:56Why don't you just accept the fact that justice has been served?
13:59Teddy Fletcher killed your friend, and he's already in jail.
14:04What do you guys want?
14:06Take a look at this Fletcher. You know her?
14:08You know I do. I've been telling everybody about her for 12 years.
14:12She's the hooker who framed me for killing Vinnie.
14:14How do we know she's not just a friend of yours trying to get you off?
14:17Because if she was, she wouldn't have let me rot in here for 12 years.
14:20I never saw her before that night.
14:22I haven't seen her since.
14:24Indulge me.
14:26Let's hear it from the very beginning.
14:28It's 12 years ago, November.
14:31I'm grabbing a six-pack at Brodsky's just before they close.
14:34I see a chick hanging out.
14:36I start to talk to her.
14:38She's pretty friendly, so I ask her up for a beer.
14:41She says she'd rather go back to her room.
14:44She says she'd rather go back to her room at the Maritime.
14:49I'm all over that.
14:51She was hot.
14:53So we're having a few drinks, relaxing.
14:56Next thing I know, the room is spinning, and I'm out like a light.
15:00I wake up, and I'm in the back of what you later tell me is a stolen car.
15:04I have a gun in my hand, some stolen money in my pocket,
15:08and you guys are arresting me for murder.
15:10Why would anyone want to frame you?
15:12Well, I've been asking myself that question for the last 144 months.
15:17Ever do work for any of the New York families?
15:19I got busted twice for grand theft auto.
15:21I was never into the muscle stuff.
15:23If you want us to help you, Teddy, you gotta tell us the truth.
15:26I've been telling the truth for the last 12 years.
15:28Now all of a sudden, you two are my friends?
15:33You can go to hell, man.
15:35D.A.'s gonna reopen this case, and I'm gonna walk.
15:38I'm looking at a $50 million punitive damage lawsuit.
15:42Talked to your lawyer in the last hour?
15:45Marla Zukowski's dead.
15:47She O.D.'d this morning.
15:49What are you talking about?
15:51Case is closed, Teddy.
15:55You guys are lying to me.
16:01It can't be.
16:05She gave them a statement.
16:07It's in my wallet.
16:09Won't be enough.
16:10I didn't do it.
16:12I didn't kill anybody.
16:14I was set up.
16:16I didn't do it.
16:18They killed her to keep me in here.
16:20I was set up.
16:22I was set up.
16:28If, and it's a big if,
16:31Fletcher's telling the truth and Marla set him up,
16:33then whoever killed Marla killed Vinnie.
16:36The D.A. thinks that the D.A. closed the book.
16:39Good idea.
16:41I didn't know it was one.
16:43The D.A. closed it. Let's open it.
16:50Tell me about Marla Zukowski.
16:52What did she do all day?
16:54Marla watched a lot of television,
16:56game shows, talk shows,
16:59whatever was on.
17:01Did anyone ever visit her?
17:03Not that I saw.
17:05What about you?
17:07Hey, man, look.
17:09It's a bad time, okay?
17:12I mean, it makes me very freaking edgy,
17:14you know, when someone ODs in the next room.
17:17Is that a yes or a no?
17:19What was the question?
17:21Did anyone ever come to see Marla?
17:24Just that one dude last night.
17:26Someone came here last night?
17:28Why didn't you tell us this morning?
17:30Hey, I got a life.
17:32I had meditation this morning.
17:34You get a good look at him.
17:35Why am I not surprised?
17:37Tony, what are you doing?
17:39What your captain should have done.
17:40Investigate this thing.
17:41There is nothing to investigate.
17:43It was a suicide.
17:45He says he saw someone in Marla's room last night.
17:48Why didn't you tell me that?
17:50He was meditating.
17:53Take this guy down to the station.
17:55Get Mickey to do a sketch.
17:56Put it on the wire.
17:57Hey, I can't go anywhere.
17:59I got a conference call in an hour.
18:01Yeah, life's tough.
18:03Officially, you guys aren't supposed to be here.
18:05You know that.
18:06And unofficially?
18:12You got to swear this stays between us, all right?
18:15What is it?
18:16A couple of weeks before he was killed,
18:18Vinnie was worried that Gina was maybe seeing somebody.
18:22He was tearing them apart.
18:23I mean, he's worked a lot of nights.
18:25He'd phone home.
18:26She wouldn't be there.
18:27The night Vinnie was killed,
18:29I called her before I even called you guys.
18:32She wasn't at home.
18:33It's 4 o'clock in the morning, Tony.
18:35So I drove down to her house.
18:37She answers the door.
18:38She's fully dressed.
18:40So maybe she got dressed to answer the door.
18:43She didn't just get dressed.
18:44She just got in.
18:46They never told us all that till just now.
18:48I mean, I didn't think there was a point, you know?
18:50It seemed like such a random murder.
18:52Well, we never did figure out what Vinnie was doing out
18:55off-duty at 3 o'clock in the morning.
18:57He's probably out looking for Gina.
18:58Now, wait a minute.
18:59Vinnie didn't know from off-duty.
19:01He might have been working on something.
19:04We got to talk to Gina.
19:05And ask what?
19:06Were you with another man the night Vinnie died?
19:08If Marla was killed, then Vinnie's death was not random.
19:14And you think I had something to do with it?
19:16Ralph said he called you that night and nobody answered.
19:21If you were with somebody, you need to tell us.
19:26Oh, you know how this goes, Gina.
19:29I was home that night.
19:32What about Ralph's phone call?
19:34I'm a heavy sleeper. Sue me.
19:37He said you were dressed.
19:39I don't usually answer the door naked.
19:43Okay, I was dressed.
19:46I fell asleep in front of the TV waiting for Vinnie to get home.
19:49What's the big deal?
19:51I'll be right with you.
19:54Is there anything else you'd like to know?
20:00Are you satisfied?
20:0230 years of friendship, down to two.
20:04She was defensive, Paulie.
20:05Why should she be defensive if she has nothing to hide?
20:07Oh, come on.
20:08We walked in there and basically accused her of murdering her husband.
20:11She said she didn't want the case reopened.
20:13That never made sense.
20:14Look, Tony, even if she was with somebody that night,
20:16which I find hard to believe,
20:18it still got nothing to do with Vinnie's death.
20:20Unless she was with someone who wanted Vinnie out of the way.
20:23Like who?
20:24Reggie Martel.
20:25Are you crazy?
20:27He was still out on bail appealing his case.
20:29So what?
20:30Tony, she couldn't stand the guy.
20:32That's what we thought, but attraction's a funny thing.
20:35What's so funny about it?
20:37I never talked to this before.
20:40You know the real reason I came on to you the first time?
20:43You had good taste.
20:45I wanted you to introduce me to your friend Shelly.
20:50Oh, that's just so typical.
20:52Just because she was built.
20:53Like a Barbie doll.
20:56Hey, hey.
20:57After knowing you for five minutes,
20:58I never thought about it again.
21:00You vexed me.
21:03Do I still?
21:04What do you think?
21:07Frankie, give me my regular.
21:10Gina, what's wrong?
21:12You know what tonight is?
21:15It's our anniversary.
21:17Did you guys have a fight?
21:19You gotta be there to fight.
21:21Vinnie hasn't been home before midnight for the last two months.
21:24Give the guy a break.
21:25He wants to make detective.
21:27He's just doing what he's gotta do.
21:28You know he's crazy about you.
21:30Then why doesn't he spend time with me anymore?
21:33It's our anniversary, damn it.
21:38Maybe you should call him.
21:40Gina, you all right?
21:42Hey, this is a private conversation, Martel.
21:47Maybe a dance will make you feel better.
21:51Hey, you must not have heard me.
21:52Don't be stupid.
21:53Hey, hey.
21:57I'd love to dance.
22:05Sweetheart, you don't mind me dancing with Gina.
22:08No, not at all.
22:13What the hell was that?
22:17That's better, right?
22:19I know I feel better.
22:35How about a nice port?
22:38We didn't come here to socialize, Martel.
22:41We gotta talk.
22:44Anything you say to me, you say in front of my wife.
22:47Don't you watch Oprah?
22:49Secrets destroy your marriage.
22:52Where were you the night Vinnie Raposo was killed?
22:55You come here with a question like that, you don't even bring Danish.
22:59What's the matter with you guys?
23:03You wanna share a big laugh with Connie?
23:05How about this for a punchline?
23:07I think you were with Gina the night Vinnie was killed.
23:10No kidding.
23:12Then you must think I had him killed.
23:15That's it, I'm moving to Eastbridge.
23:17This is the level of police work they do down there.
23:19Wouldn't break your heart to see Vinnie dead?
23:21Put you out of commission when he busted you.
23:24Toss these guys, Reggie.
23:26You don't need this.
23:27No, no, no, shh, come on.
23:29It's okay, babe.
23:34Guess how stupid you think I am, huh?
23:37I'm gonna be in bed with a guy's wife the night I whack him?
23:41Let me tell you something about Reggie Martel.
23:44I don't mess around on my wife.
23:46And if you think I had anything to do with Vinnie's death, you're crazy.
23:50I grew up on the same street as you guys.
23:53I chose my path, you chose yours.
23:56Yeah, I wasn't too happy when Vinnie busted me,
23:58but anybody else, who knows what I might have done?
24:02But Vinnie was from the neighborhood.
24:04That means something.
24:06What about the bullet you put in his neck when he took you down?
24:09That mean something too?
24:10That was survival, that was not revenge.
24:14Nah, I didn't shed a tear when Vinnie died.
24:18But I didn't kill him.
24:21I'm gonna nail that smug son of a bitch.
24:24I don't think it's him.
24:26Who else would it be?
24:27I just don't think it's him.
24:29It's gotta be.
24:30What's with you? You've been dragging your heels the whole time.
24:33I'm just trying to keep us from making a mistake.
24:35No mistake, it's Martel.
24:37And if Gina's involved, she's gonna have to pay.
24:39Gina's not involved.
24:40We don't know that.
24:41She wasn't with Martel that night.
24:43How do you know?
24:44Because she was with me.
24:56They started out as, you know, just friends.
24:58And together they're having coffee.
25:02Gina complained that Vinnie wasn't paying any attention to her.
25:05And he was obsessed with the job.
25:08But she was so lonely.
25:10I mean, she was desperate just to talk to somebody.
25:16One weekend, Vinnie was away in Albany on a Martel case.
25:21Gina asked me to take her to a movie.
25:25Neither of us mentioned him once that night.
25:31After the movie, we came back here, had a few drinks.
25:36And then I walked her home.
25:41What can I say? I'm weak.
25:44I'm a pig.
25:47And I'm gonna burn in hell.
25:52We tried to tell ourselves it was just a booze and it would never happen again.
25:58But it did.
26:10I'm so sorry, Tony.
26:17And after Vinnie died?
26:20She needed me more than ever.
26:22And I couldn't be there for her.
26:24Not even as a friend.
26:29I felt so guilty.
26:33I used to get so down.
26:35There were times when I didn't think I was gonna make it.
26:41After Fletcher was convicted, I moved to California.
26:47This morning was the first time I've seen her since.
26:51Why didn't you ever tell me any of this?
26:54How could I?
26:56How could you not?
26:58You were in trouble.
27:01You don't get it, do you?
27:04I was afraid of what you'd think of me.
27:07I was afraid of what you'd think of me.
27:13I mean, I couldn't take it if you...
27:18Do I disown you?
27:20As my friend?
27:21I couldn't take that chance, Tony.
27:26I just couldn't.
27:36What do you say over there, huh?
27:53So instead of telling me,
27:56you kept it inside for 12 years.
27:59Let it eat at you.
28:01You're the one who doesn't get it, Paulie.
28:07You're my best friend.
28:10You always have been and you always will be.
28:13No matter what,
28:15no matter what,
28:17I'll always be there for you.
28:20Even if it's my fault Vinny got killed?
28:26What are you talking about, Paulie?
28:28Tony, he was out looking for Gina.
28:30She was in my bed.
28:32Oh, no, Paulie.
28:34Vinny's dead.
28:36Not because someone shot him.
28:38You said it yourself.
28:41The guy was always on the job.
28:43That's why Gina was lonely in the first place.
28:47Paulie, you're not responsible.
28:52I've been trying to sell myself that bill of goods since the night he died.
28:57It doesn't cut it, Tony.
29:01I wish we never came back here.
29:03Let's go back to the halfway house, see if we miss something.
29:06No. Forget it, Tony.
29:08Burdage is right. Marla's just a junkie who OD'd.
29:11And Fletcher killed Vinny.
29:26Tony, all we ended up doing was pulling a scab off an old wound.
29:30Well, at least it wasn't a total loss.
29:33I'm glad you told me.
29:46We'll be right there.
29:48Looks like Ralph found the guy that was in Marla's room before she died.
30:07Talk to me, Ralph.
30:09His name is Russ Marino.
30:11My guys saw him near a crack house in Bed-Stuy.
30:13We've been chasing him for over an hour.
30:15Where is he?
30:16On the roof.
30:19Dispatching teams at two. Form perimeters. Move in.
30:36There he is.
30:37Yeah, he's alone. Teams one and two, we're clear. Fire on sight.
30:40Pick him alive, Burdage.
30:41Get these two out of here.
30:42No, we gotta talk to him.
30:43Let's go.
31:07Come on.
31:12Secure it. All clear.
31:14Get him to a hospital.
31:19That man is a suspect in a cop killing. We need him alive.
31:24Dispatch the paramedics.
31:27We need an ambulance up here right away.
31:31We're going to need a medic.
31:33We're going to need a medic.
31:34We need an ambulance up here right away.
31:40We're losing him.
31:42You hear the medic? You're dying.
31:44You've got no hope of recovery.
31:46Give me a breath.
31:48There's no time for that.
31:50You've got something to say, you tell me.
31:53Did you kill Vinnie Raposo?
32:00You tell me.
32:05There were two of them.
32:07Knocked over a liquor store in Flatbush.
32:09Got a witness. Saw him get into a yellow and green van.
32:12Out-of-state plates.
32:13I'll keep an eye out.
32:15You know, you really should punch out once in a while, Vincent.
32:18Go home, make some babies.
32:20Yeah, I can count on you for a gift.
32:21Hey, I'd be thrilled.
32:26How you doing?
32:28Aren't you Vinnie Raposo?
32:30Yeah. Who are you?
32:35I made it look like a robbery.
32:39Then I drove away.
32:41So you set up Fletcher?
32:44What about Marla?
32:46Kill her too?
32:49Who hired you?
32:51It was over the phone.
32:54I never knew who she was.
32:59She's a murderer.
33:01She's a murderer.
33:03Stop moaning.
33:05What was her name?
33:07Was her name Gina?
33:09Was it Gina?
33:16He's gone.
33:33She ever talk about leaving Vinnie?
33:36She ever talk about the two of you running off together?
33:39She ever say that she wanted Vinnie out of the picture?
33:42No. Why are you asking me this stuff?
33:44Because you were the one she was sleeping with.
33:46Who else am I supposed to ask?
33:50If she had Vinnie killed, then she had Marla killed too.
33:53Oh, come on. This is too crazy.
33:55Okay, maybe she didn't know about Marla and Marino did it to protect himself.
33:59Guys, cater it.
34:00Cater it.
34:02My boys found this in old suitcase in Marino's apartment.
34:04What's on it?
34:06His insurance policy.
34:08Marino recorded all of his business transactions.
34:16What is it?
34:18I want you to do it. I want you to kill him.
34:20Who is the guy?
34:22He's a cop.
34:24A cop? You didn't tell me that before.
34:26I'm telling you now. Is that a problem?
34:28It could be.
34:30Vinnie knows him.
34:32He works out of the 74th.
34:34Give me the money, we're in business.
34:36Vinnie's got a lot of friends. They're gonna be all over this.
34:39There can't be any loose ends.
34:41Don't worry, lady.
34:43I'm gonna deliver him an airtight case.
34:45Patsy and all.
34:53Can one of you guys clean up this table?
34:55We already tried. It's as good as it gets.
34:57They think they have enough to run a match?
34:58It's possible.
35:00Try and scrub what's on there. We'll be back.
35:19If she did kill Vinnie, maybe she did it because of me.
35:23I thought you went home.
35:25Gina, we gotta talk.
35:31You told him.
35:33I had to. I'm sorry.
35:35It doesn't matter now, Gina.
35:37We need you to come with us to the precinct.
35:39The precinct? Why?
35:41We found the man who was hired to kill Vinnie.
35:43Hired? Didn't Fletcher...
35:45A man named Marino was the shooter.
35:47He told us he was hired by a woman.
35:49He's a cop.
35:50He told us he was hired by a woman.
36:05I'm the one you spoke to yesterday.
36:07Make your decision.
36:11I want you to...
36:17I want you to kill him.
36:21He's a cop.
36:23Is that a problem?
36:26Vinnie Raposo, he works out of the 74th.
36:31Vinnie's got a lot of friends.
36:33They're gonna be all over this.
36:35There can't be any resistance.
36:38It's not a match.
36:40You're sure?
36:42Look at the graph. It was not Gina's voice on the tape.
36:48Excuse me.
36:50Just a moment.
37:02I'm sorry we had to put you through all this.
37:05We know it wasn't you.
37:07So I'm free to leave?
37:20For the record,
37:22I loved Vinnie.
37:24I just didn't love our marriage.
37:26And if you had been there for me
37:28just once after he died,
37:30you would have known that.
37:38Look, she's been through a lot.
37:40You don't have to apologize for her.
37:43She's right.
37:47if it wasn't Gina,
37:49who's the woman who hired Marino?
37:58Sweetheart, you don't mind me dancing with Gina?
38:01No, not at all.
38:07What the hell was that?
38:09What the hell was that?
38:24She won't let him go down for something she did.
38:33What do you want now?
38:35Reggie home.
38:36He's busy.
38:37Connie, Connie, come on.
38:39Show some hospitality.
38:41Invite the boys in.
38:43Reggie Martel, you're under arrest.
38:45No kidding. For what?
38:47For the murder of Vincent Raposo and Marla Zukowski.
38:50You're pushing it, Scali.
38:52The guy you hired to kill two innocent people in cold blood
38:55just gave us his deathbed confession.
38:57I don't care if he got eight by ten glossies.
38:59I didn't kill anybody.
39:01Tell it to your lawyer. Let's go.
39:03Hey, hey, hey.
39:05Come on, now.
39:07We're at a line here, Scali.
39:09This is a damn fine job and you know it.
39:11You got a damn thing on me.
39:18Why are you doing this to him?
39:20Because he killed a cop.
39:22After 12 years, he's going to get what he deserves.
39:25And this time, he's not coming back.
39:28Reggie never killed anyone and you know it.
39:31How much do you love him, Connie?
39:39Don't worry, baby. I'll get out of this.
39:43The DA's got everything he needs.
39:45It's a done deal. Say goodbye.
39:54You can't do this to him.
39:56He didn't kill Vinny.
39:58Connie, come on. Go home now.
40:00There's nothing you can do here.
40:03I did it.
40:05I hired Russ Marino to kill Vinny.
40:10I couldn't take it anymore.
40:13You loved his wife more than you loved me.
40:19I couldn't be second best.
40:21Not with you.
40:23I loved you too much.
40:26Honey, honey.
40:28For God's sakes, I swear to the life of the kids,
40:30I never had an affair with Gina.
40:32I wanted her.
40:34I had to make her suffer.
40:36Like I suffered.
40:38She took my man.
40:41I had to take hers.
40:44I had to.
40:47Connie, baby. Baby.
41:04Martel, you can go now.
41:24Why did you come back here?
41:34When Vinny died,
41:36I just...
41:42I couldn't face you.
41:46I'm sorry.
41:50It was a long time ago, Paulie.
41:54I know I'll never get him back.
41:59But I always
42:01hoped that we could be friends again.
42:08Goodbye, Paulie.
42:47At least Vinny can be at peace now.
42:51How about you?
42:52Gonna let yourself off the hook?
43:04I fear for some things.
43:20Don't cry about it, Vinny.
43:22Let's play a game.
43:23Nine, eight...
43:25Tony, tell them I'm Oscar Robertson.
43:27Come on, Vinny.
43:28You said you were Bob Cousy.
43:29That was last game.
43:31Three, two...
43:32Fine, Paulie.
43:33I dare you to get past me.
43:41Let's get out of here.
43:46So it turns out
43:48Fletcher was telling the truth the whole time?
43:51And they released him from prison.
43:53But the lawyers are
43:55climbing all over each other for that lawsuit.
44:03You know, it's funny.
44:06You cross the river and
44:10there they all are.
44:12The old places,
44:13the people you grew up with.
44:17It's just not the same.
44:22Why does it make you so damn sad
44:23to go back home?
44:28Because it isn't home anymore.
44:33This is.
44:38Ask the right person,
44:39get the right answer.
44:51THE END
45:21THE END
