The Commish - Season 4 Episode 21 - Off Broadway Part 1

  • 3 months ago
The Commish - Season 4 Episode 21 - Off Broadway Part 1


00:48That's your
01:02Was terrific Cynthia the callbacks the next Tuesday, you'll be hearing from us. Thank you
01:16Hi, I'm Tracy Donnelly
01:21That was fine, but is there some other way that you said that was fine
01:34Think she's gonna get the part. I don't know. I you ever just know something in your gut. Oh, yeah
01:38That's where he does his best thinking
01:41The girl's terrific. Am I right? You've seen her and everything. She's done since junior high. You don't have to tell us
01:46I'm gonna tell you anyway before Tracy's through she'll make him forget about strife
01:52How'd it go
01:55I'll forget about Streisand. Come on you guys lunch is on the father
02:03Tell that moron that we start rehearsals by the 25th or he can find himself another director he doesn't pay me enough to
02:12Who are you
02:14And you don't know what Tracy's going through
02:18What artists like her go through Jennifer she's going through hell
02:24And she deserves to be treated with some respect
02:28Get Jim in front what gives you the right?
02:31She's so beautiful
02:33She has more talent in her little finger and you don't even show her the courtesy of letting her finish
03:00Trace watch your back watch your back
03:12Could I have some ketchup not that I want to insult chef this place if you don't ask for ketchup you amaze the chef
03:19Where'd everyone go
03:21Your mother Rachel went to powder their nose and your father went to call the office
03:25Some things never change
03:27How many times do you say I'll make him forget about strife and I lost count to 12. He knows you're gonna make it
03:34We all do
03:36Even if things didn't go so well today
03:44He thinks I'm the only girl New York can see
03:51Just don't want to let him down I can never happen
04:06You might see you in the panic at Belmont
04:19Lucille I'll get it
04:22Scali I got a job an actual part in a play. Hey
04:27That's terrific. So you did better than you thought yesterday
04:31No, I went out on this week ago. It's called lizards in love. It makes absolutely no sense. But who cares I'm working
04:38What'd your father say?
04:40He's already buying a tux for the Tony Awards. I'll get my pressed. I
04:45Gotta run uncle Tony. Thanks
04:48Hey, just remember I knew you went right. Bye
05:04Last place some house. Do you want it? Sure
05:11Thanks Tracy
05:14How do you know my name I
05:17Heard the other girls talking to you what sharp little ears you have
05:28Like Tracy
06:49I'm sorry. Hey, what do you want? What are you doing here? You you you left this at the restaurant. I
06:57Thought it might be important. Oh
07:01Thank you, I
07:04Think you're a wonderful singer. I
07:07Mean you must be you have a great speaking voice
07:11What's your name? Ernie Brackman call me Ernie
07:19Thanks Ernie, it's very sweet of you
07:25You must be freezing
07:29Take it you can give it back to me at the restaurant tomorrow
07:34How about tomorrow at closing time?
07:37I was thinking maybe we could
07:41About time you showed up. I got a part in a play. Didn't you get my message? I got it
07:49Mitch this is Ernie. I forgot my script. Yeah, great
07:53Mitch this is Ernie. I forgot my script. Yeah, great
08:07What's the matter with you who's the geek
08:24Give you 20 bucks to make the coffee
08:28Double it
08:30You always drive such a hard bargain
08:43Aspiring actors, please have no suspect in custody and the motive for the killing is unclear at this time
08:49Slings and arrows were flying between Capitol Hill in the White House yesterday
09:24Yesterday she she got a part in the play
09:30I've never heard of
09:33Doorbell rang just before six. All they told us was Tracy's
09:42Since then
09:44We don't we don't know what she is. They won't let us see her
09:51I'm her mother and they won't let me see her
10:05They won't forget about
10:10Forget it. I'm not putting you on the case. Come on now. The parents are sitting out there. They don't know what's what?
10:15She went out jogging at 530 this morning. She wasn't robbed. There was no sexual assault
10:22Neighbors did hear her and a boyfriend fighting last night. She kicked him out Tracy and Mitch have been going off for three years
10:27Well, he's missing now
10:30Well Tracy was my goddaughter pull whatever strings you have to strings aren't the issue. Tell me it's Connie Muldoon's case
10:37She's as good as I have but she works alone, but she's never had a partner before
10:46People think that when you go through the Academy they teach you about high-tech lasers and photo enhancing formulas
10:52But a lot of what you learn is about garbage
10:55You find a lot of TV dinners in the trash can. What does that say about a guy?
10:58He's probably single no real social life. You find time stamp receipts from the market
11:04You can tell the guy go shopping in the middle of the night
11:06So if you have a string of after-hours salts at the local supermarkets, he could be your prime suspect
11:11You can even tell by looking at people's garbage
11:17So we look in your garbage time and what do we find?
11:21We find empty boxes of marshmallow cookies hair sheen rap magazine and a dead baby
11:31What does that tell us about you that you like Snoop Doggy Dogg and you killed your child
11:36No, I didn't then. How did she get into the dumpster? She was three months old Clarence Johnson threw her in there. Oh, yeah
11:44Clarence Johnson the baby's father
11:47Now you said Clarence came busting down your door at what time?
11:50Around eight and Clarence is how old?
11:53Sixteen and he broke down your door cuz why cuz he wanted me to sign over my check
11:57When'd you get it? What the check Tanya? Um, Tuesday wrong checks weren't issued till Thursday
12:03Now you've been getting checks for two years and you didn't know that. No, it's I can't think don't think tell me the truth
12:08Look at me and tell me the truth
12:13Clarence said he was gonna take good care of her
12:17But instead he threw her away like she was trash
12:21And I'll never see my baby again
12:30That's it girl cry it out
12:34You know, my daughter's almost as old as you
12:39And I know how bad I'd feel if she came and told me something like this
12:45Because it means that she didn't respect my intelligence enough to come up with a better lie
12:51That is the sorriest one. I have heard since my ex promised to love honor and cherish
12:57No, six-year-old boy in this world is gonna want a baby to take care of by himself
13:02Clarence is sitting in the cell for something you did
13:07Didn't ask you why I'm not interested in why you lied about what's the insurance? I'm gonna lie about why I
13:16Loved my baby
13:18I never said you didn't I
13:20Only said you killed her
13:34Lawyer no parents. She didn't want him. Listen what's going on downstairs? I've been waiting three days for toxicology. Jimmy's up to his neck
13:43Detective Consuelo Muldoon Commissioner Tony Scali from Eastbridge. I was Tracy Donnelly's godfather
13:49The jogger on 89th Street. Oh, yeah. I
13:54Think I can help you. What makes you think that I
13:58Knew Tracy and her boyfriend when I went to the Academy that was considered a plus
14:03I have a stake in seeing this through. So do I
14:09Cool with you
14:16Glad to have you
14:22Let me tell you about the kind of kid Mitch Hatfield is he loved Tracy
14:26He called me up one night frantic because she was an hour late coming home from work. Maybe she was supposed to bring the pizza
14:33I just don't think he could have done it
14:37Enough to know why Mitch is the obvious suspect
14:43No one's even talked to Tracy's parents I got a open cases
14:47I'm gonna put yourself in their place. I mean they're sitting up there and no one's told him a thing
14:52Tell them we're following leads. You haven't even let them see their daughter yet
14:56Their daughter has no face. It was pounded into mush with a brick
15:02Look, I'm sorry. She's dead. You want to bleed for her? I understand. That's a luxury. I do not have
15:19Evidence of projectile vomiting due to
15:28Hey, I need toxicologies on the puffer in the kangaroo or else I can't file what I look like I'm on vacation here
15:34Nah, you're the hardest working man in post-mortem. See you betcha. This is Commissioner Scali from East Bridge. Dr. James McClure
15:43East Bridge
15:46It's nice up there, thanks, so who's ahead of me Nick DiGiorgio
15:52This is first-come first-served. I mean everyone takes a number like in a bakery. Come on. I know the drill
15:57What are you getting from the Giorgio, huh? One of his generous salamis?
16:02Okay, okay, I will give you some of my black bean soup two quarts for three done
16:12Remember the puffer and the kangaroo on my desk tomorrow morning. Yeah, don't tell the Giorgio. I want the salamis, too
16:17Hmm the kangaroo guy had a stomach slit open from here to here look like a pouch
16:30They should string him up whoever did it she's to work here, you know kid they should string him up
16:45Well, we know Mitch is not with his parents or his brother did he have any other relatives in New York
16:53We found his address book in the apartment I want you to look for listings with first names only
16:59How is that gonna help probably means they're good friends. He might run to them since he's not with his family. When can I see Tracy?
17:07We have to do this first mrs. Donnelly, okay
17:20Peter is his best friend is Pete Dylan. Yeah
17:26All right, we'll send a unit to check this place. I want to see her
17:36She was
17:39She was very badly beat
17:48Ruth I want to see my daughter
17:52Listen to me
17:54Tony told me all about Tracy
17:56How much she loved you? I?
17:59Don't think that she would want
18:01You to see her the way she is
18:27What'd you do to deserve him or don't you kiss and tell what do you want Alan?
18:32I want to convict Clarence Johnson for murder
18:34But if you keep screwing around with Tanya golden, they're both gonna walk
18:37Look Tanya threw her baby in that dumpster and I can get her to confess
18:40Hey, I'm not gonna jeopardize my career advancement. So you can match wits with a 14 year old
18:44She killed her baby Clarence was seen in the vicinity of the dumpster. He's got priors for assault
18:49It's a case I can make if I don't make it in the next 48 hours. I get a release
18:53Now, what have you got on Tonya?
18:55Feeling deep in your soul plus the fact that neighbors heard her screaming that she wanted to get rid of the kid
19:00Based on that you're gonna Tanya is guilty. Okay, it's Clarence an altar boy
19:05They both should be in jail, but only one of them for murder
19:09I thought you believed in the punishment fitting the crime. I believe in clearing cases
19:14But get off the high horse. Will you this isn't about the lofty ideals of justice for you either?
19:18It's ego
19:30The jerk that's why I divorced him
19:34Well, I I just talked to the super over at Tracy's building
19:38He saw her talking to a guy outside of her apartment at midnight. He didn't get a good look at him
19:43But it wasn't Mitch Hatfield
19:48Homicide Muldoon great. We got Mitch at his friend's place
19:54She was alive when I left the apartment, I swear to God, okay. Okay. What time was that?
19:58I don't know. It was late. I went to a few bars and then I crashed at Pete's but in between you went back
20:04Waited for Tracy to go for a run. Then you beat her face in with a brick. No
20:10Mr. Scali, I didn't do it Mitch. Take it easy. Can your friend corroborate your story? He was at his girlfriend's
20:19What you fight about
20:21Neighbors heard you and Tracy at the top of your lungs. I haven't had an audition in six months. She just got this job
20:37The super said he saw some guy talking to Tracy outside the apartment. Yeah, that's right. There was a guy
20:44He followed her home from the restaurant. Oh, and you just now remembered right? Did you get his name?
20:49Bernie I think come on Mitch. You want me to help you? You gotta help me
20:54Did you get a look at him? I was drunk. He looked like a geek
21:00He had a book or something. She forgot it at the restaurant kind of book
21:06What what is it either you're a sloppy eater or that is blood how did it get there I don't know
21:13Mr. Scali take him and get his shirt to the lab. Mr. Scali, please
21:28Bernie must be the guy the super was talking about
21:31Bernie the geek. Yeah, Bernie the geek, you know, let's try Mac the night as long as we steer clear of Mitch
21:37I'm not saying steer clear. I'm saying
21:39I'm just saying with everything I know about this kid like how much he loved Tracy. Come on
21:44You want to look for Bernie the geek who could be anywhere in New York City or the Western Hemisphere?
21:49You'd be my guest personally. I want to know whose blood is on that shirt
22:01We still have time or do you have to go no, I'm okay
22:05I ordered the cake
22:08It's your father coming to the party he'll be there but he's not gonna bring anybody
22:12I told him it'll be inappropriate
22:14He got that puppy dog look on his face, you know, the one where you just dine and say yes to him
22:19I held firm
22:21What do you think
22:24Cool, my you should wear that to work
22:26Yeah, that'll shake him up book him for marriage
22:29Cool my you should wear that to work. Yeah, that'll shake him up book him for manslaughter and cross-checking
22:40Michael sent me flowers today with the mushy note. Mm-hmm was the L word mentioned
22:47When's the wedding? Oh julie, please
22:50You love him, don't you? It's complicated algebra is complicated
22:56Yes, I love him does he know it
23:00Mom, you have to tell him
23:02men need emotional rea
23:05Resurgence, where do you get this stuff? Ricky lake. Oh, please i'm yanking out the tv
23:16Yeah, okay. I gotta get back
23:19Mom here they are
23:22Juliana we've been through this. Oh, but it's my birthday and look they're only answer is no
23:27Well, you can afford it, excuse me, that is not the issue there's principle involved here like
23:33Like some things are just excessive. So you're imposing your principle on me. I'm your mother. It's in the manual
23:40You know, that is so
23:42Arcade archaic put him back
23:47Let's go, come on, we still got a couple of days we'll find something. Hey, what do you want for dinner tonight?
23:53I think i'm gonna spend the night at dad's
23:57If that's your trump card, honey, you better reshuffle, come on, let's go
24:07The blood on your shirt was ab negative
24:12One in 300 people have it you don't tracy did I didn't kill her then how did it get there?
24:26Was drunk
24:29We were fighting
24:32I slapped her you slapped her. I just I just lost it for a second
24:41She got a bloody nose, that's all it was I swear why didn't you tell us that before?
24:47I'm scared. I might
24:50I've never even been in a police station
24:54Well, you're about to get the grand tour
25:01Whoever beat tracy to death would have been covered with blood mitch just had that little smudge on his shirt
25:06So maybe he was wearing a jacket. He's a legitimate suspect. So live with it. All right, you're in the big city now
25:11This is not mayberry look I walked the beat in brooklyn before I became a police commissioner before you got out of junior high
25:18Thanks for the resume
25:19This guy bernie could be just as legitimate a suspect as mitch and we're trying to find him
25:24Have you run a forensics exam to check for skin samples under tracy's fingernails?
25:28We could find a match to bernie's type of skin. Stop thinking with your heart. Don't tell me i ought to be a cop
25:33Don't tell me
25:38Now I know why you can't keep a partner and I know why you're in the sticks
25:47Homicide muldoon get this traced line two
25:54What you said in the paper that whoever killed tracy is sadistic well, I am not sadistic i'm not
26:00All right. I I apologize. You're not sadistic
26:02You have no idea how i'm suffering how they made me suffer
26:06Who made you suffer?
26:08I didn't make tracy suffer. It was over in an instant
26:12Did you know her was she I was raised to be a gentleman
26:15The next time the papers want a quote i'd like you to tell them that all right. Look, why don't we just?
26:31How bad is it
26:35Chan says he didn't see anybody making a phone call, but I get 10 off on my next cleaning press
26:41Listen, it could have been a crank, you know
26:43Someone sees you quoted wants to mess with your head
26:45Or it could have been someone who wants to protect mitch hatfield his friend pete lives a couple of blocks away from here
26:51Let's go
26:55Hatfield's buddy may be trying to set up an alibi. Well, if so, he believes in going to extremes
27:00We just found a body on 91st street same mo as tracy
27:16I want this by tomorrow, right? I don't care. What is this?
27:21Nick DiGiorgio, tony scali commissioner from east. Hey, how you doing? Yeah eastbridge, huh?
27:26One of these days, you know, I love to move out of the city. Give myself a nice place
27:30Huh, you got a time of death?
27:32Yeah, fresh but an hour and a half. Mitch was sitting in jail an hour and a half ago
27:39Female caucasian approximately five six might have been pretty but it's hard to tell now
27:45Hey, how come your toxicologies are coming out ahead of mine now, huh? Oh, are they?
27:50What about a murder weapon?
27:52I figure a pipe an iron bar from the construction around the corner. Don't try to con me
27:57All right. I heard all about your black bean soup. Oh, yeah. What about your salami?
28:02Now we're gonna get personal now, huh?
28:04Looks like he tried to wipe the blood away. He did the same thing with tracy robbery. No person's right here wallet cash
28:12Was she molested listen if you ask me killing her got this guy off
28:18How's real estate in eastbridge anyway?
28:21Can you get a nice three bedroom?
28:24Run this through ncic. Maybe they can link it with another open case want us to distribute flyers in the neighborhood
28:29Yeah, talk to the landlord store owners ask them if they saw anything that didn't look right. Okay, go
28:36We released your pal mitch
28:38Wonder who else he's gonna slap
28:49According to detective muldoon the murders may have been committed to satisfy a perverse sexual desire
28:55How did you arrive at that?
28:57I made it up
28:58He called before when he was upset and I want to keep him that way only this time
29:02I gotta keep him on the line long enough
29:06Think that quote cost me two tickets to a courtney love concert
29:10Tracy and christine look enough alike to resist this blue eyes auburn hair early 20s
29:15So he goes after a particular type
29:17Money wasn't his motive for sex
29:20He just stood there and pounded their faces in
29:23But he felt sorry afterwards he tried to wipe away the blood so it wouldn't look that bad
29:28No, he might have been in love with them. Maybe they blew him off
29:31So he figures if I can't have you i'll make sure nobody else will want you so he destroys their faces
29:36But he thinks of himself as a victim. He says they made him suffer. Well, if so, that means he knew them
29:42Or is it all women?
29:45Connie here they are just out of the suit
29:50Picked up a footprint in the blood
29:55Some kind of a work shoe, you know nick said there was construction going on check out that construction site on 92nd, right?
30:07Doesn't even look like a human being anymore she's evidence
30:13I heard about the kangaroo
30:15The man's name was gregory clark
30:17He was a 29 year old concert violinist with a with a wife who's six months pregnant and a son matthew age four
30:23Anything else you want to know?
30:33Stuff like this
30:37You want to make sure your kids never go outside again
30:41How many you have my son's 15 my daughter's three
30:46Julianne will be 13 tomorrow young mom. Yep. She's 13 going on 20 half the time. I don't know which one of us is the kid
30:58Yeah, well
31:00I think i'll go home and give him a hug
31:03Yeah, i'd like to do that, too
31:06But she's with her father tonight
31:09Well, i'll see you yeah good night
32:04That's your mom
32:08Is that
32:11What's the matter what's the matter you're supposed to be at your father's
32:16He had a date. He was gone by the time I called
32:19Why didn't you call me? I did
32:22It's not my fault. You didn't get the message. Everybody you work with is mental
32:26You are not supposed to be alone. Marsha is right. You need to chill mom
32:31Okay, I know how to call 911. I don't need anybody to stay with me
32:36Especially marsha. She's such a drag
32:38She doesn't like pearl jam she never been to a hockey game
32:43It's ridiculous. I'm, not a child
33:18You knew I did not want her to have those how would I know but you always have to be the hero
33:23She is playing you and you're letting her allen. Who is it, baby? Just a second
33:29I uh, allen. I don't care who you sleep with. I only care about julie. Okay
33:37Look mother teresa, I care about her too then stop trying to be her friend
33:41She needs a father and a mother who are going to set parameters and stick by them
33:45Otherwise she's going to run over both of us who gave you the right to set the parameters the judge julie lives with me
33:52only because she has to
34:04Thank you
34:06You see this all came together at about four o'clock this morning. This guy sees himself as a victim
34:11He feels betrayed by women a geeky guy. The guy mitch was talking. Hey
34:15Now he followed tracy home to return a book. Maybe we can raise a print and match it
34:20Meanwhile, i'm calling the guy a sexual perv and he still hasn't picked up the phone. Do I gotta start insulting his mother?
34:28She was supposed to start rehearsal today
34:31Her funeral's at 11
34:37How does your wife handle it
34:40You're working on cases at four o'clock in the morning
34:44Well, it's a give and take situation. I give her an explanation then I take my pillow down to the parlor
34:53Hey, are there cops in your family, is that how you ended up with the badge?
34:57They weren't in the family they were after my family my old man was a numbers runner. I hated cops go figure
35:09Liz it's in love. This is the place. She was supposed to be in. All right, great
35:13Maybe she brought it to work with her and that's how bernie returned it to her
35:17Drop it in there
35:34Michael let it ring if it's important, they'll call back
35:40I'm waiting for a match. I said wait a little longer
35:47We're after a guy who beat two women to death and turned their faces into burger meat
35:54Oh my god, i'm, sorry
35:57I didn't mean to do that
36:01I might as well answer it now
36:11I'm on my way
36:16You know
36:18If we really wanted to cut down an unwanted pregnancy forget about condoms, let's just issue everyone a cellular phone
36:24It's not always gonna be like that, I don't know they'll stop killing each other tomorrow
36:41You've never said that before
36:46It's not because you feel guilty
36:49No, you don't want to take it back
36:58You're the best man I know
37:04Well, i'd argue with you but you're a cop
37:24We got a match on one of the prints on places in love
37:27Ernest david bracken served a year for possession of pornographic materials with intent to sell he's on probation. Ernie not bernie
37:34304 east 99th street. Let's go
37:39Check the back police
37:47No one's here looks like you're still in the porn business. Hey
37:54All right, listen up people
37:56The murder weapons were a brick and an iron bar
37:59I doubt they're here, but you never know
38:01You're looking for a work boot with a horizontal tread. I want a unit staking out this place. Okay, come on
38:07Let's go get to work now
38:11Tracy donnelly trophy from the love affair or the murder
38:43Miss I I think you dropped these
38:49You gotta tell him I didn't do it, you know, I didn't kill chanel. I know you did why are you saying that?
38:56I never took the baby
38:58Clarence listen. I ain't talking to you no more
39:02I didn't kill her
39:04You know, I didn't
39:07I didn't kill her
39:10How am I didn't kill her
39:14Did he rape you
39:18He didn't rape me when you found out you were pregnant. It was all his fault and this is your way to get even
39:25Shut up, you got yourself into this mess. Tanya. Listen, shut up
39:30You ain't got no idea what it's about. What what's about?
39:34Killed my brother in front of our house
39:36My mama's been on staff since I was six and I am from a big house in scarsdale, right
39:43120th and first and I was 17 when I had my baby only when things got tough. I didn't throw her in no dumpster
39:56Ernie still hasn't been back to his apartment and he hasn't called you think he figured that quote in the paper was bait. I don't know
40:14Everything okay, great. It looks great
40:17You're still coming, aren't you? I'm putting on my coat then you'll see how great everything looks
40:25I'm gonna drop by ernie's on my way home. Well, we're still checking out that construction site on 92nd
40:30So far, nobody has the boots that match but he had a picture of tracy in his apartment. He had her scarf
40:35That's tangible carnie. I'm not thinking with my heart
40:40Homicide muldoon
40:45They got ernie. He's holed up in a building a block from his place go home. I'll call you
40:52You just told julie you'd be home
40:55We got the guy I gotta be I can handle the bus look it's my case and it's my responsibility i'm going
41:45Honey she was with him look I don't want to get involved in this. I just met the guy
42:10Take a statement
42:16You said you wanted to talk to him about tracy donnelly
42:20He took off running
42:24Ernest david brackman
42:34I think i'll walk back to the garage. I could use the air
42:39No, you're right I I wanted this guy but not like this yeah, well
42:48Well, if you're ever in eastbridge never happened it's outside the five boroughs
43:24In case you're interested the party was a big hit
43:28Honey, you were the star attraction. Everybody wanted to know about you
43:33Is she out catching a killer?
43:35What's it like having a mom who packs a gun? She ever shoot a guy? I told him I don't know
43:41Have you ever shot a guy?
43:43How did you get down here? You didn't answer my question. You didn't answer mine
43:48Dad took me
43:50He's waiting downstairs
43:59I'm sorry. I'm sure
44:01We had the guy cornered. I had no choice. It was a matter of deciding then you did have a choice
44:06It was a matter of deciding
44:09And you decided to catch a killer. How can I compete with killers, honey? You're not in competition
44:14Then why weren't you there? I told you the phone rings and that's it. You're gone. Nothing else matters you matter to me, right?
44:23Come on, it's the truth. You don't give a damn about me. Stop it. Oh, you'd have been there
44:27I said stop the job is more important and it always has been fine
44:32It came down to catching that guy or going to your birthday party and at that moment the job was more important
44:43Julia I hate you julie
45:08I guess I could tear up my acceptance speech for mother of the year
45:12I've been there connie. Sometimes it's just better. He's okay
45:20And at least the day wasn't a total loss we got ernie
45:27What are you doing here I thought you were going home
45:33I just saw nick the georgio in the garage
45:36Another girl was killed tonight
45:39auburn had blue eyes
45:41At the same time that ernie was lying dead on the street
