Hasrat Episode 56 - 28 June 2024 ARY Digital Drama

  • 3 months ago
00:00I married you off to Mustafa without my consent.
00:03Otherwise, I would never have married you off to Mustafa.
00:06When a wife is in love, she can even make a useless husband.
00:10I made a huge mistake by marrying my precious daughter to this man.
00:16I don't deserve you.
00:17You should have found someone better.
00:20I know you didn't agree to this marriage.
00:23But you did it, didn't you?
00:24You did it!
00:26He was alive for this day that my two sons would fight like this.
00:31My family taught me that only money is respected in this world.
00:35There's a huge difference between me and him now.
00:38He's not the same Mustafa I used to love.
00:44And what he is now, I don't think I'll be able to live his life.
00:51Pack your stuff and get out of my house.
00:56A few days later.
00:57Sometimes it's you, sometimes it's me.
00:59Watch Harpeer and Mangal at 8 pm on ARY Digital.
01:14If you complain about me to my dad again, I'll tell him to kick you out.
01:20Where will you go then?
01:21I have a beautiful relationship with you.
01:24You're my only brother.
01:28I don't want to lose my brother.
01:34If we stay apart, this relationship will be beautiful.
01:38If we stay together, it'll be bad.
01:41And will you marry the one I ask you to marry?
01:43Yes, yes, I will. Tell me, who is the girl?
01:59Wake up, don't you want to go to office?
02:04Wake up, Hamza is coming.
02:07I don't want to go to office, mom. Let me sleep.
02:11Hey, at least tell me the reason why you don't want to go to office.
02:17We spend money on holidays.
02:19We spend money on holidays.
02:24And Hamza will also be coming. Wake up.
02:27Hamza won't come. Don't wait for him.
02:31Why won't he come?
02:35I'm asking you, why won't he come?
02:38Mom, he's not feeling well.
02:40Let me sleep. I'll wake up myself when I have to go to office.
02:44You're hiding something from me.
02:49I'm your mother.
02:52Don't blacken my face like Fabiha.
02:59I don't have the courage and strength
03:05to be humiliated and disgraced in front of the world.
03:11For God's sake.
03:16Look at this.
03:19I'm begging you.
03:24Think about my happiness and my heart.
03:29You're always worried about your reputation.
03:33I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry.
03:36What are you doing?
03:48Hamza might be here.
03:52He's here.
03:53You said he wouldn't come.
03:57How did he come?
03:58Get up and get ready.
03:59He'll be waiting for you.
04:06I'm sorry.
04:37How are you, my son?
04:38How's your preparation for the exam?
04:42Did dad teach you?
04:46What's the matter, son?
04:49Did anyone say anything?
04:50Did dad scold you?
04:54Then why are you crying?
04:56I'm not crying.
04:58I'm just worried about you.
05:00I'm worried about you.
05:02I'm worried about you.
05:04I'm worried about you.
05:06Then what's the matter?
05:10Why are you so scared?
05:11Are you hiding something from mom?
05:15That's bad.
05:17You don't hide anything from mom.
05:18You tell me everything.
05:19Tell me.
05:21I didn't even play video games yesterday.
05:24But aunt Fabiya complained to dad.
05:27She said she didn't even prepare for the exam.
05:30Dad went to the office.
05:33He scolded me so much.
05:34He told me to get out of the house.
05:37My dear.
05:39Aunt Fabiya said that.
05:45It's okay.
05:46You don't have to be scared of aunt Fabiya.
05:48Mom is with you.
05:50And dad is also there.
05:51You just don't misbehave.
05:53Okay, son?
05:54Everything will be fine, my dear.
05:55Don't worry.
05:56Can I go with you, mom?
06:01My dear.
06:02You will go with mom very soon.
06:03I promise.
06:04I can't take you right now.
06:06You know how much dad shouts at mom's house.
06:10But mom promises that she will take her son soon.
06:17Did you check your bag?
06:18Do you have everything?
06:21But I told aunt Fabiya to give me the pencil.
06:24She didn't give me the pencil.
06:26It's okay.
06:27You have an extra pencil.
06:29You have an extra pencil, right?
06:30Give it to brother.
06:32Read the paper properly.
06:33And do you remember what mom taught you?
06:36Let's go.
06:38Good luck.
06:56Is everything okay?
06:59We were going to the office.
07:00So, I thought of spending the day with you.
07:02So, he dropped me and left.
07:05Where is sister?
07:07I don't see her.
07:08Did she go to the office?
07:10She didn't go to the office.
07:11She is sleeping inside.
07:13She is sleeping.
07:15She must have come home late at night.
07:17What time did she come back home?
07:20She was late.
07:22Hamza's car broke down.
07:25Car broke down?
07:26The car broke down?
07:33I saw them at the restaurant last night.
07:42He told you that the car broke down.
07:51I went to the restaurant with Aram last night.
07:53So, I was surprised to see them.
07:56It was a very expensive restaurant.
08:04I am surprised.
08:05I thought you would know.
08:09Farina can't come without telling you anything.
08:19Maybe she must have asked you before going.
08:22Maybe she must have told you in the morning.
08:25I forgot.
08:30There is always a reason behind hiding things.
08:33Didn't you ask sister?
08:38What should I ask, Fabiha?
08:40Why didn't she tell you?
08:42Why did she lie to you?
08:45Leave all this.
08:46Tell me.
08:47Would you like to have tea?
08:48Should I make it for you?
08:49No, mom.
08:50I don't feel like eating anything these days.
08:51And I have already left the tea.
09:06Yes, Aram.
09:12Okay, bye.
09:15What was Aram saying?
09:18I am his mother.
09:21Mom has left.
09:22She has left her responsibility on me.
09:27And this too.
09:28Whenever I see Fabiha aunty's sandwich.
09:33Fabiha aunty should get her homework done.
09:35Fabiha aunty should put her to sleep.
09:36Fabiha, Fabiha, Fabiha.
09:40And Aram is always worried about his children.
09:44And he complains about me in front of his father.
09:53I am sure his mother teaches him.
09:54That's why he says all this.
09:57Why have you become so strict?
10:00I want to live a peaceful life with Aram.
10:05I don't want to take the responsibility of others and increase my burden.
10:14Aram only sees his children.
10:28Look, child.
10:30If you take care of that child, Aram will take care of you.
10:44I will take care of Aram.
10:46I will take care of Aram.
11:14What happened?
11:16When did you come?
11:18What are you thinking about?
11:19Is it something to worry about?
11:20What happened?
11:23I am not thinking about anything.
11:26Everything is fine.
11:28Nothing has happened.
11:29You look worried.
11:31You are lost in thoughts.
11:36What happened?
11:39No, Junaid.
11:40It's nothing like that.
11:41I was lost in my own thoughts.
11:46You will hide things from me as well.
11:51I don't know, Junaid.
11:57I left because of fear after seeing Sanaya.
12:04Today, for the first time, being a woman, I am feeling weak.
12:20What are you afraid of?
12:26That you will not change like Aram.
12:35After all, you are a man.
12:38There will be thousands of girls in your life.
12:53Have you gone mad?
12:56What are you saying today?
12:59Don't you trust me?
13:01I trust you, Junaid.
13:07Even Sanaya trusted you.
13:13What did you get by trusting that poor girl?
13:16Don't compare me with Aram, please.
13:21I am not comparing you, Junaid.
13:25I am just telling you that you are also a man.
13:32Junaid, promise me.
13:35Promise me.
13:37You will never break my trust, right?
13:42For Anaya's sake.
13:46What has happened to you?
13:49Sonia can't live without you.
13:54For Anaya's sake.
13:56For your sake.
14:06I can never think of being disloyal to you.
14:10I trust you.
14:16But it is your responsibility to protect my trust.
14:36I promise.
14:41Come, I will get something for you.
14:52All brothers and sisters live together.
14:56I can't live without you.
14:58I can't, sister.
15:03I can't live without all of you, Adi.
15:08Mom goes to office in the morning.
15:11I live alone.
15:15I can't do anything on my own.
15:18I can't even watch TV.
15:21Mom says that it is my house.
15:25But I don't think that it is my house.
15:28I can't even touch my aunt's things.
15:32If anything breaks, mom will feel embarrassed.
15:37Why did our parents separate from us, sister?
15:41Because of aunt Fabi.
15:43Aunt Fabi snatched our parents from us.
15:46That's why dad lives with her.
15:49Adi, you come with me.
15:53No, uncle.
15:54You are uncle.
15:56If you come with us, we will have fun.
15:59No, I don't want to go there. Aunt Fabi is there.
16:03She scolds me a lot.
16:05I don't want to go there.
16:07Will we always stay away from each other?
16:13No one cares about us.
16:15Yes, do you know?
16:17I slept hungry one day.
16:19Dad doesn't care about me at all.
16:21He takes care of aunt Fabi.
16:24He doesn't take care of me at all.
16:26He just scolds me and is always angry.
16:29I can't say anything to him.
16:32Because he doesn't listen to me.
16:34Okay, I have a plan.
16:39I will call you at 12 o'clock on dad's number from mom's phone.
16:44Pick it up.
16:45Give it to me.
16:50What secret are you talking about?
16:53Nothing, nothing.
16:55Didn't dad come to pick it up?
16:57No, no.
16:59He will come when he gets time from his wife.
17:04And how many spoons will you feed the kids against me?
17:11Why don't you take them all at once so that my problems end too?
17:15I don't want to leave my kids because of you.
17:19I understand everything.
17:21You send your servants home every day so that Arham ruins my life.
17:25Is it such a bad time?
17:31That you are scared of kids?
17:34I am not scared.
17:36I am trying to make you understand.
17:38They are kids.
17:40They are getting trapped in your jealousy for no reason.
17:42I don't want them to become rebels.
17:45So it is better to stop teaching them.
17:49Let's go Hadi.
18:18Where did you go with Hamza yesterday?
18:21I told you.
18:24You only told me that Hamza's car broke down.
18:28You didn't tell me that you went to a five star hotel with him.
18:33How did you know that?
18:38You thought that mom doesn't know anything.
18:41I told you.
18:44You thought that mom doesn't know anything.
18:46I can come and go wherever I want.
18:49I can lie to mom.
18:51Mom is crazy.
18:53Tell me.
18:55Did you go or not?
18:57Yes mom. I went.
18:59Then why did you lie?
19:01What lie?
19:03I was with Hamza and not with anyone else.
19:06Why are you getting so hyper?
19:08Why did you hide it from mom?
19:12You should have told me.
19:14I didn't want to stop you.
19:16It's good that Fabiha told me.
19:18I was humiliated in front of her.
19:20I wouldn't have known if she hadn't told me.
19:24So that means Fabiha instigated you.
19:26She didn't instigate me.
19:28You tell me why you lied to me.
19:30What was the reason?
19:32There was no reason.
19:34I am telling you.
19:36You are after one thing for no reason.
19:38That Fabiha.
19:40I will teach her a lesson.
19:42I will teach her a lesson.
19:51Let me see.
19:53She is living in her own house.
19:55And she is after us.
19:57It's so difficult.
20:00Mom will be after me.
20:15If you really want me to be happy.
20:18If you want mom's burden to be lessened.
20:20If you want peace in mom's life.
20:23Please Hamza.
20:24Listen to me.
20:38Hadi, eat this quietly.
20:40There is no sandwich.
20:42Eat it.
20:52You have set our house on fire.
20:56Why did you tell mom that I was with Hamza yesterday?
20:59Sister, I didn't know that you have hidden it from mom.
21:03I knew that she would know.
21:05When you have decided about your life.
21:07Then take care of your family.
21:12Why do you need to talk to mom about me?
21:15Sister, I didn't say anything to mom that you are feeling so bad.
21:21You are very pure.
21:26Tell me one thing Fabiha.
21:28If you didn't see me with Hamza.
21:30Then you couldn't have kept this in your stomach.
21:36Or you felt bad seeing me with Hamza.
21:38Why would I feel jealous?
21:39I can go with anyone I want.
21:42This will be good for you Fabiha.
21:44Mind your own business.
21:48And don't interfere in my matters.
21:55Try to handle what life has given you Fabiha.
22:01And there is no need to look back at the person you have left behind.
22:09Don't you dare talk to mom about me again.
22:15Whether I roam around with Hamza or anyone else.
22:17You don't have to interfere.
22:19Do you understand?
22:39I love you.
22:41I love you too.
23:09What happened?
23:10Did you talk to the lawyer?
23:12Yes brother.
23:13I have given him all the details.
23:16We are getting the file ready.
23:17Everything will be done as soon as possible.
23:19And we will send the letter.
23:26Look, I wanted that.
23:28If you had talked to us once.
23:30Maybe he would have returned Hadi to you.
23:32You are right.
23:36If you had to return Hadi with love, you wouldn't have created such a scene.
23:41Sanaya is right.
23:47When a man's ego is destroyed, he doesn't listen to anyone.
23:55Whatever we have to do.
23:57We have to do it legally.
23:58As it is, I don't want to delay this relationship anymore.
24:06Once I get Hadi's custody.
24:09I will end this relationship too.
24:19By the way, Sanaya, have you thought about it?
24:22How will you raise the kids alone?
24:23Living with such a cruel Aram,
24:25I have understood
24:27how to live without a man.
24:35Without Aram, I can raise the kids in a better way.
24:45But living with him,
24:47I can't be more humiliated.
24:49Look, whatever you decide,
24:51we are all with you.
24:53Remember this.
24:59I will just say this,
25:01think a lot before making a decision.
25:18This life and the moments spent with it,
25:21don't come back.
25:26When a person is not afraid of losing,
25:31then he becomes very strong.
25:39Your sister is very strong.
25:44I love you.
26:15I am absolutely in my senses.
26:18I have no objection in marrying you.
26:24In fact,
26:26to be honest, the reason for bringing you here is also that
26:30I wanted to talk to you about this.
26:32I want to marry you.
26:44I want to marry you.
27:15Farheen, why are you calling me again and again?
27:19You felt so bad about what I said last night,
27:22that now my calls are also looking bad.
27:28I am sure,
27:30I am also looking bad in your eyes.
27:32Look, I have to go for a very important work right now,
27:35I will talk to you later. Bye.
27:39You didn't answer me,
27:41but you are calling me again and again.
27:42You didn't answer me,
27:44but you are calling me again and again.
27:45I want an answer to my question.
27:47What answer?
27:49The same thing I asked you last night.
27:54Farheen, look, I have already answered you.
27:58So you didn't think about me even once since last night?
28:06swear on your mother that you didn't think about me even once since last night.
28:15if you really want me to be happy,
28:18if your mother's burden is relieved,
28:20if your mother's life is at peace,
28:22please Hamza, listen to me.
28:37What did you say to Hamza?
28:43Tell me.
29:01I am asking you something.
29:03What did you say to Hamza?
29:05Nothing mom.
29:07Look, don't try to fool me.
29:10Tell me, what did he say? Why is he angry?
29:12He said nothing.
29:16You are always after one thing.
29:18I will tell you if something happens.
29:19Right now, there is nothing like that.
29:21There is something for sure.
29:23Tell me honestly,
29:25otherwise I will bring Hamza and stand in front of you.
29:27It is better if you tell me yourself.
29:28What is the matter?
29:31I don't understand
29:33why all this pressure is on me.
29:37You have never been so strict on Fabia.
29:39Now at my age,
29:41you are scared of me.
29:43Because I am well aware of your actions.
29:46Don't make the mistake of thinking I am deaf and dumb.
29:48Do you understand?
29:51Don't pay too much attention to what I say.
29:53I have gone mad because I am not married.
29:55Whether you have gone mad or not,
29:57yes, but you are definitely making your mother mad.
30:02no problem.
30:03I will ask Hamza.
30:05Okay, wait.
30:07You want to know, right?
30:14I want to marry Hamza.
30:19I have started liking him
30:21and this is what I have said to him.
30:28One has ruined the honor of a mother.
30:31You have also left no stone unturned.
30:32Oh God, what should I do?
30:34Mom, what is wrong in this?
30:36You also want me to get married, right?
30:39Then why can't I find someone of my choice?
30:42Have you seen the age difference between you and Hamza?
30:45What difference does age make, mom?
30:47If Hamza was ready, would you still refuse?
30:53Mom, if you like Hamza,
30:54then what is the problem?
30:56Can't you support me a little?
30:58Oh God, what should I do with you, Farheen?
31:00Mom, please.
31:01Please agree, don't refuse.
31:03Why are you making my problems worse?
31:05Leave me.
31:06Move away.
31:07I don't know what has happened to you people.
31:10If Hamza had any objection to this relationship,
31:13he would have clearly refused me.
31:15But he hasn't done anything like that, mom.
31:18I think he is thinking about this relationship himself.
31:21Mom, if…
31:23Mom, if Hamza was ready,
31:26would you still refuse?
31:32Why do I always get dragged into this?
31:34Think about me.
31:35Just promise me,
31:36you won't refuse,
31:38I will handle everything else.
32:08Mom, please.
32:09Mom, please.
32:10Mom, please.
32:11Mom, please.
32:12Mom, please.
32:13Mom, please.
32:14Mom, please.
32:15Mom, please.
32:16Mom, please.
32:17Mom, please.
32:18Mom, please.
32:19Mom, please.
32:20Mom, please.
32:21Mom, please.
32:22Mom, please.
32:23Mom, please.
32:24Mom, please.
32:25Mom, please.
32:26Mom, please.
32:27Mom, please.
32:28Mom, please.
32:29Mom, please.
32:30Mom, please.
32:31Mom, please.
32:32Mom, please.
32:33Mom, please.
32:35So now you will find right or wrong in what I say?
32:38If I want to give you love,
32:39if I want to be your companion,
32:41if I want to be with you all my life,
32:43then what is the harm in it?
33:05So you didn't think about me even once since last night?
33:09swear on your mother that you didn't think about me even once since last night.
33:34I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
34:04I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
34:09I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
34:14I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
34:19I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
34:24I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
34:29I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
34:34I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
34:39I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
34:44I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
34:49I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
34:54I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
34:59I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
35:04I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
35:09I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
35:14I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
35:19I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
35:24I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
35:29I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
35:34I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
36:04I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
36:09I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
36:14I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
36:19I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
36:24I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
36:29I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
36:34I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
36:39I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
36:44I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
36:49I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
36:54I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
36:59I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
37:04I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
37:09I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
37:14I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
37:19I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
37:24I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
37:29I swear on my mother that I didn't think about you even once since last night.
37:34Okay, Appi. Done. Good.
38:04Okay, Appi. Done. Good.
38:34Okay, Appi. Done. Good.
39:04Abhi, what are you doing here?
39:19Dad, I can't sleep. Can I sleep with you?
39:22Yes, yes, come. Come and sleep.
39:25Abhi, come forward a little.
39:28Come. Take the pillow.
39:34Take the pillow.
40:04Take the pillow.
40:34Why won't you be mine?
40:44I got you married to Mustafa without my consent.
40:47Otherwise, I would have never got you married to Mustafa.
40:50You are a good wife, right?
40:52You should have made a good husband.
40:55I made a big mistake by marrying my precious daughter to this man.
40:59I don't deserve you.
41:01You should have found a better man.
41:04I know you didn't want to get married.
41:07But you did it.
41:09You did it.
41:11He was alive for this day that my two sons will fight like this.
41:15My family taught me that respect in this world is only for money.
41:19There is a big difference between me and him.
41:22He is not the same Mustafa I used to love.
41:26I don't think I will be able to spend the rest of my life with him.
41:34Pack your stuff and get out of my house.
